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Foaming Face Cream is not Toothpaste

Chris Evans | 10:31 UK time, Tuesday, 3 August 2010

There should be a law on putting anything at all that is not toothpaste into anything at all that even vaguely resembles a toothpaste tube - just to protect the weary riser on any given day.

This morning my experience of actually brushing my teeth with my wife's face cream is the best argument yet I have ever encountered for the luxury that is the his and her sink situation. If I were one day to have my own sink, I would have around mine nothing but a guard of honour of various toothpastes as the vanguard of my bleary eyed no risk strategy.

There would be no discarded hair clips, no nail files going rusty against the porcelain, no hair bands filled with - HAIR and definitely no used waxing strips hanging forlornly over the side.


Was this an accident all, or is my wife's Ameliesque way of subliminally beating me up into a new bathroom suite - following on from her last year's genius "cup of tea in bed for a new kitchen stunt" that she pulled.

Huh ? Huh ?

What are we saying here.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Good Morning CLP & Everyone.

    Well I am truly amazed Chris!

    Surely someone of your social standing and good fortune would have many bathrooms in your homestead.

    Anyway, in my opinion it's the men who make all the mess (not to mention the aromas) in the bathrooms. Towels on the floor, socks and Y-fronts left around, scum marks left around the bath.

    Good for Tash and get that new bathroom immediately!


    MM x

  • Comment number 2.

    I've got to say, hairspray doesn't make very good deodorant either!


  • Comment number 3.

    CLP, from an earlier post this morning at silly o'clock on yesterday's blog ..... but as you're asking:-

    The only way to go is to have seperate bathrooms! Trust me, it really works. When I moved in with my FantasticRolastic I eventually took over the en suite to our bedroom - it's fab! Seperate loos (so no hopping around on the landing if he's in there and I need to go!), my toiletries in my shower room, his toiletries in his bathroom - wonderful!

    Trust me CLP .... you need to investigate this!!!

    I have to add I am a tad worried about your reference to part-used waxing strips hanging over the sink. Surely the lovely former-GOTS, now Mrs Christophe Lambie Pie, is not guilty of such hineous crimes!?!?!


    and what do men do in there for so blimmin' long!?!? x

  • Comment number 4.

    Now we have bought a new bath, just hoping Mr bp understands the clean it when you have finished it rule.

    And I find that its his hairbands I find next to the sink - and hairbrush on the tables downstairs where we eat - yuck!

  • Comment number 5.

    And the GD, will leave her hair removal stuff that comes in all shapes of containers, around the edge of the bath, alongside the shampoos.

    Its going to happen one day isn't it!


  • Comment number 6.

    Good morning everyone.

    I'm sorry Chris but I am far too OCD for that to happen to me, everything has to be in it's place i'm afraid.

    Hope you all have a good day.



  • Comment number 7.


    Come of it!

    From what was in the papers yesterday you could get a very nice new bathroom suite with your first week's wages from The One Show.

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning Chris,

    Dozy I'm with you the only thing on the shelf next to my toothbrush is the toothpaste!

    Barney, Don't you mean "off"!

    MTF, As long as it's the GD that it happens too, then she might learn a lesson ;)


  • Comment number 9.

    Ali, unfortunately, I am the one with the failing eyesight.



  • Comment number 10.

    LOL - Oh Dear MTF xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Chris - your house is mahoosive - shirley you could have a bathroom each as Deevs suggested????

    MTF - uh o! glasses on in the bathroom I think!

    Right just a quick hi and bye - am off to BFF this arvo, she is taking me to Brum to look after me for a week whilst GD is off to Spain - so mini holibobs for me - well a different sofa.....

    Off to pack
    See you tomorrow

    PS Seza - awesome!!!!!

  • Comment number 12.

    Seperate bathrooms/sinks are the way forward.

    In my last house we had ensuite and bathroom but current house has just the one bathroom. Perfectly ok most of the time apart from when the shower went `pop` in the middle of me rinsing my hair a week past Sunday. No other one to use and i HATE baths with a passion! Did have one every day til we had a new shower installed on Friday tho but thats the only time i miss my ensuite!

    Get a new bathroom Chris...or put your glasses on before cleaning your teeth!

    mSc x

    PS - MTF - start showering in your reading specs..i know you said you wanted a haircut but maybe that would be a tad TOO drastic..!

    PPS - Nearly lunchtime..persuade me it would be a very bad idea to go to the chippy please!

  • Comment number 13.

    It would be a very BIIIIIGGGGG mistake to go to the chippy............
    (and if you believe that........)

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Aye up Debs..have a lovely break..hope she`s got a comfy sofa!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 15.

    HI Chris, afraid we only have one bathroom in our house. I am tidy, keep all my bits in little baskets all upright so I can find them easily. It works for me. You are just trying to say your wife is untidy -I bet it's you not her.

  • Comment number 16.

    ooh Debs, missed you there, pity you couldn't be in Brum on Saturday but hope you have a great week

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    I think that maybe the answer Scoobs, that or paint big red crosses on anything not shampoo related.

    Debs, I hope you and the 'dears' have a lovely week with your friend.

    Dylan update, thanks to those asking.x

    First day I havent had to bath him, so a bit more relaxing for him this morning.

    He is just tucking into a quarter of a round of bread.

    He is a bit off his dried food, and I caught him last week eating the bread that I put out for the birds, so at least I know he is getting something dried to eat.

    He's settling down to daytime TV now, in the form of the washing machine.

    I hope he doesn't get hypnotised by it, his little head is going round and round in time with the drum!!

    Off to gather mulberries.


  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon all

    CLP - at least it was only face cream, could have been far worse.

    Debs - Hope your holiday sofa is good and your friend can keep the chards cooled!

    Scoobs - Ooh that's makes me want a fish butty right now!


  • Comment number 19.

    Thanks Tiggs... popping out now so will see how strong my willpower is... had a really rubbish day yesterday so its pretty low but you lot have cheered me up no end... shall report back!

    mSc x

    PS - MTF -great new re Dylan..onwards and upwards! x

  • Comment number 20.

    Andy--NOT helping! Esp as they do THE most amazing fish butties too... i DID only want chips! Aaaarrrggghhhh!!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 21.

    Scoobs - DO IT!!

    And pick me one up while you're there! I don't work anywhere near a chippie or anything for that matter and have a cheese and cucumber sandwich waiting for me in the fridge!


  • Comment number 22.

    I've just made a fish buttie for my packed lunch.

    Salmon, hollandaise sauce and cucumber.

    I guess this isn't the same sort of fish buttie!!

    Still I am looking forward to it.

    I might be the only one that never goes to the chippy.

    I dont like chips. Ok not strictly true, we did have some very long yellow ones at the Slug and Lettuce in Portsmouth, which I really enjoyed, might have been the garlic mayo!

    But as a rule, most things potato related are not at the top of my 'must have' list.

    Pizza, now then you are talking and its bogof pizza day. I might make up for my lackage of food yesterday.

    Mulberries, I was off to pick mulberries!!


  • Comment number 23.

    MTF - Glad to hear Dylan is improving!

    All this talk of chips is making me hungry but I'll just have to make do with my roll and banana (peeled from the bum end of course).



  • Comment number 24.

    Go on Scoobs - you know you want to!

    MTF - Glad Dylan is getting better and no that's not the same fish butty at all. ;). My OH is the opposite she only does fish that's been battered and from the chippie!


  • Comment number 25.

    I never do fish that is battered and from the chippy

    Fish fingers are also the food of the devil

    however hubby did me a lovely sea bass and chips last night!

  • Comment number 26.

    Baggy I can see you and me falling out....Lol xx

    Firstly choosing S Club 7 over M People and now calling Fish Fingers the food of the devil - How very dare you!!

    There is nothing tastier in this world than a fish finger buttie (come on Deevs back me up).


  • Comment number 27.


    I'm with you on the fish fingers, lovely with loads of ketchup!

  • Comment number 28.

    Ketchup - no thank you!

  • Comment number 29.

    Thanks Andy, but I prefer mine with Salad Cream!


  • Comment number 30.

    I'm here for you Ali!! Fish finger butties on white bread with lashings of tommy sauce ..... oh yes!!!

    Have you got salad cream in your cheese and cucumber sarnie? That takes some beating too .....

    Just having my lunch - corned beef and Br****on pickle on brown, although have just been to Wickerman's store and re-stocked on the white bread, and a jar of rocket fuel cawfeeee for work!


  • Comment number 31.

    Is anyone as excited as I am to see if Scoobs sccumbed to a chip buttie...No only me then!


  • Comment number 32.

    Thanks Deevs, knew I could rely on you. Completely forgot about the Salad Cream, you are right it would certainly have added to the sarnie.


  • Comment number 33.

    Ali - No I can't agree - for me salad cream is the work of the devil!

    I think we do need to know if Scoobs could resist or not.

    I've just had my Chicken arrabiata pasta from ELH which was nice, but not as nice as a fish butty would have been.


  • Comment number 34.

    Hmmmm. We're off to Edgbaston on Friday to watch a bit of cricket - cheese, cucumber and salad cream sangers may have just usurped the planned egg mayo.

    (Nic, if you're lurking - no I wasn't going to do those for you hon!)


  • Comment number 35.

    Afternoon all,

    Sorry i've not been around , just trying to catch up a bit.

    MTF, good news re Dylan, am hoping he is truly on the mend xx

    Debs, another week another sofa , hope your mate has a big fridge ;-)x

    Seza, pleased you are moving, good luck.

    Now Scoobs, be strong, and ......have an extra big portion !

    Scuzzy is my word to describe something that is minging .
    Today is turning a little shonky .


  • Comment number 36.

    testing testing - if anyone asks it was a dare!

  • Comment number 37.

    lol!!!! you gotta keep that one Baggy!!!


  • Comment number 38.

    Baggy - dragging the bottom a bit there aren't you? ;)

  • Comment number 39.

    Nothing can usurp egg mayo!

    I only go to parties if there are egg mayo sarnies.

    I dont get many invites these days! LOL.

    I had an awful shock once at a party, when someone offered me a chocolate spread sandwich only to bite into it and find out it was marmite, which I neither love nor hate, but was expecting choccy spread, which I also neither love nor hate.

    btw, I am talking kiddies parties!

    Anyone got any tips for changing purple fingers back to their original colour?


  • Comment number 40.

    Oooh Hiya MC.

    We had a spot of shonkiness here a moment ago, but it seems to have blown over.


  • Comment number 41.


    Hellllooo , sun is coming back here too, just hope it stays until later as i have a ton of washing out.

    Sorry, cant offer any antidote to the purple fingers xx

    MC Xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Back again!

    CLP your toothpaste trauma immediately made me think of AmΓ©lie... a fab feelgood film if anyone hasn't seen it!

    Re chip butties....YUM!!! Can't say I've ever had a fish finger buttie though, sounds like i'm missing out. If I did it would definitely be accompanied with ketchup, not a big fan of salad cream

    Just had a cheese and chorizo toastie for my lunch... Scoobs have you given in to temptation?


    PS loving minging and shonky!

  • Comment number 43.

    Where's that Scoobs?

    I have just followed her advice and had a shower with my reading glasses on.

    All was going well until I got out of the shower and was greeted by the scary image in the mirror. it has always been a pleasant blur before!!


    Hope she got her chips.


  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon each

    Christoff, have 1 bathroom, and two loos (essential) 1 up, 1 down! Sorry, but nothing out of place in our bathroom, a basket containing different containers each with their own bits in. MrP has been educated! And don't start me on hair, even find it difficult mentioning the word, eewww!

    MTF, try raw potato or vinegar.

    MTD, congrats and well done.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Thanks Pen, will try the potato first, I know that vinegar turns your lips blue!!

    Gotta dash to work now.

    Have fun everyone.


  • Comment number 46.

    Afternoon all

    Don't have problems with bathrooms here, two upstairs, one down and all are tidy with everything in place!

    Congratulations, MTD and Seza.

    Debs, enjoy your mini holiday break.

    MTF, glad Dylan is getting better.

    Little grandson loves fish fingers with ketchup.

    I am going to try out new hairdressers later, might have it all cut short!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Afternoon Christophe, ye of the wrinkle free and moisturised mouth and everybody.

    Missed the show this morn sorry, but don't fret, thanks to the wonder of modern science and the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ web site I'm listening now. Don't you just love technology ?

    The nearest I come to your predicament was years ago at work, diving into the first aid drawer and applying what I thought was antiseptic cream to my cut lip. The cream turned out to be haemorrhoid cream! The office echoed to the sound of raspberries from my colleagues the rest of the day.

    Trying to think of other reasons for the face cream being in the toothpaste position - Perhaps it might be the dissent shown, from the sofa, pre-pizza last night. No? Just a thought. (details on't witter)

    Wow!!! Just listening to the part in the show where, well, I can just see Tash (she of the minty face) and Mrs Jonny Saunders having a meeting re. bathroom strategy. Jonny, Jonny, Jonny!

    Just off to check bathroom consumables are in the correct positions and then back to work. Have a great day all. . .

    Tim the Taxi x

    ps. Congratulations!!! on the new jobaroonie MTD

  • Comment number 48.

    really glads Dylan is improving

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Its me!

    Have been trying to log in for the last few hours and it wouldnt let me...was it just me and my insane waffle or everyone else too?

    So, i will say this very slowly cos i know it will be hard to believe but... I.didn`t.go.to.the.chippy! I know, amazing willpower eh?! But......

    ...Its only because my sis rang as i was on my way out the door to ask me if i`d like to go to the seaside (well, Cleethorpes) with them tomorrow... and of course, its de rigeur to have fish n chips there..and donuts and icecream..

    So as much as i`d like to report how good i was, its purely that even i wouldnt fancy them twice in 2 days!

    Quiche and salad we lovely tho!

    Hi T the T! and wotcha to MC!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 50.

    wasn't just you Scoobs, was telling me I was signed in but was also asking me to sign in to get dialogue box...............

  • Comment number 51.

    Well done Scoobs

    I'd have succumbed, I could easily do fish and nerks twice in a week.

    I also had the same prob as you and Tiggs, ended up closing down and restarting :(


  • Comment number 52.

    I'm glad it wasn't just me then!

    Although we've had so many IT issues here over the past couple of days, I wasn't really surprised!

    Now I'm here, I've forgotten what I was going to say...

    ...So I'll just say "Hi everyone", and go and get my head back in gear!

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    I've had trouble getting here as well

    JG, how is the knee today?

    Off to get all my hair cut off now!

    See you all later.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hiya mSc and yes I had a Login incident and a post not posting (but copied before trying to post originally).

    Think the post not posting may have been navigating away from the page before posting.

    T the T x

  • Comment number 55.

    Ahhhh CLP, the old face cream in the mouth trick.

    I can't say I have had the pleasure of that one but the other half's hair spray as an alternative to my deodorant has happened on many bleary eyed occasions. Needless to say, a sticky situation to be in !!!

    What I want to know is why women can put things away in the bathroom once they have used them? All we men want is a clear and clean sink area so as to avoid any early morning mishaps.

    And yes, I do put the toilet seat back down as well as the lid.....

    Mr Bingo Stary twitterer has been found but as yet I cant think of anything to tweet. What does one say to my world of 3 followers ????

  • Comment number 56.

    P.S. Bingo, with regards to your blog yesterday (CLP & Top gear) see below although guy clearly has no idea on car prices.

    Mines on order too !!!!!! **** well, in my dreams anyway ****

  • Comment number 57.

    Hello Bloggers

    How are you?

    DB x

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi DB

    I'm fine thanks, surronded by boxes and not sure what to do next but fine anyway

    How are you?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 59.

    CSN, the knees not much better, although the bruising is going, it's still swollen and hurting, but haven't got time to stop at the moment!

    In the middle of an office move, and trying to de-clutter and tidy the house before my Mum, sister and two nieces arrive a week today! Eeek!!

    Bit worried about hobbling around Alton Towers next week, if I'm honest, but will take my hiking stick, and will have to pluck up courage to use the cable cars!

    Seza, hope you are OK?

    Hi DB & Mikey, and welcome!

    JG x

  • Comment number 60.

    Evening all and welcome Dizzy_Blond!

    Quiz night tonight and not my turn to drive, so may be a bit worse for wear tomorrow as I had a horrid afternoon.

    Anyone know of any good PA jobs going!?!?!



  • Comment number 61.

    Evening each

    Chris, sounds like you're getting a new bathroom sometime soon - make sure it's got hisnher washbasins.


  • Comment number 62.


    JG I'm fine thanks, just got to the point of not quite knowing what to do next!

    Soundslike you're just as busy, take care won't you

    Have been looking at weekend breaks to a certain theme park made of building bricks, think my boys deserve a treat after putting up with me and the boxes this month!

    Hi Annie, you ok?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Deevs: I have an ickle mantra - drink to success never on failure.
    Don't know if this applies to your bad day at work but it works to keep lifes status quo. . .

    TtT x

  • Comment number 64.

    Thanks TtT, I shall keep that mantra close to my chest this evening, even though I've just been informed by the Wii that my "fitness age" is 62!!!!

    Anyone wanna buy a Wii ......!?!?!!?!?!

    Having said that, my tennis is improving.

    Off to get trollied up for the pub with no gin .....

    Nite all


  • Comment number 65.

    JG: now, listen child - get to the GP with that knee.
    Seza: Hallo. That theme park was a huge hit with gorgeous daughter's 2 little boys - they'll love it. And as for the boxes!!! Good luck when you unpack and try to fit them all in the blue bin. Drove me mad when I moved.


  • Comment number 66.

    Deevs, that Wii fitness thing is evil - chuck it in the bin.

    Praps they've got a consignment of gin in just for you. Fingers crossed.


  • Comment number 67.

    Annie, I will, when I get a chance, or an appointment...

    But I'm not going to go in for scans etc next week, I'm going to enjoy my family being up here and worry about it after........

    It'll be fine, cos I can walk on it, well sort of!

    Seza, we went there on Aug BH a few years ago, an absolute nightmare, soooo busy!! So, good luck!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 68.

    JG We're thinking of going beginning of Oct of we can get a booking.

    Hopefully will be ok then

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Should be!

    Well, I know it's early, but I'm off to bed...cos I can't stand his TV choice anymore!

    Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    Night JG

    Sleep well


  • Comment number 71.

    Night JG, know exactly what you mean. I'm not really a tv person, but many's the time another's viewing habits have sent me to bed early with a book. I probably won't be far behind you once I've sent this mammoth email I promised myself I'd write today.

    Are you winning with the packing Seza?


  • Comment number 72.

    Oz I think so! Once i make my way out from under these boxes I'll be able to tell!

    Talking about TV am getting in Deep here!

    Need to pay attention so bye bye!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Am I here? I might have finally configured this poor old phone to the new Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ website!
    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    So much for an early night! Going to sleep now! Night all!
    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    JG, I don't know - are you here??

    I shouldn't be here, should be in my bed.


  • Comment number 76.

    New hairdresser has had me look and feel ten years younger!

    lol csn. xx

  • Comment number 77.

    sorry made me look

  • Comment number 78.

    Photo would be nice CSN.

    Just organising a minimeet at the Edinburgh Festival on FB. Getting excited!


  • Comment number 79.

    Hi Annie, hope your little ones are ok.

    Not sure I can get there.

    lol. csn. xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Well CSN, I'm not actually organising it - Angela is - but it would be good if anyone could get here the weekend 28 Aug. It'll be a blast.

    And don't forget folks - I have a futon!!!!


  • Comment number 81.

    Big bums Annie, its the bank holiday for us.

    I am hoping to park the Puffball up and hide away for a few days.

    Its really pretty grim out on the roads at the moment.

    As mentioned on Drivetime earlier on, Cornwall is full, and each and every one of the holiday bound folk have passed through our lovely county of Somerset, barring the few that have travelled from Devon.

    How about a full on proper Edinburgh meet??

    Its many a year since I was up there.

    We stayed at the Jonstonbourn (sp?)

    Circa 1992!!


  • Comment number 82.

    Ok , just googled it and it was the Johnstounburn!

    Whatever, it was very plush and we stayed for free, being in the same hotel group at the time.

    We did some amazing quad biking in the grounds, I must dig some pics out.


  • Comment number 83.

    Ok, some may have come through Dorset too or from other shores, but as a rule, most will have come down the M5.

    Right, Dylan duty over for tonight.

    Both of us need a few hours kippage.

    He's looking good and has stopped cowering when I go near him.

    If only they could talk eh!

    Night all.

    Back on duty in a few hours.


  • Comment number 84.

    Morning world

    Today is a bitter sweet day for me. Its my baby brothers birthday but becuase of family circumstances and fueds hes not speaking to me and I'm not prepared to speak to my mother.

    Still, I'm here, he's here and one day I hope we can be friends again!


  • Comment number 85.

    Morning All,

    I had a good 8 and a half hours sleep last night which was needed. I am trying to bank some hours before I go camping with the teenagers at the end of the month!

    Morning Baggy xx

    csn, Photos on the other side of your new hair do please xx

    Scoobs, I am very proud of you and I hope that the chip buttie tastes scrummy today in Cleethorps (what a great name that is) xx and that it stops raining for you!

    Debs, Probably too late now but enjoy your time away xx

    Seza, Hope it's all going to plan and that you will soon be able to breath a sign of relief xx

    Happy Wednesday to everyone else xx


  • Comment number 86.

    Good morning everyone from a cloudy Ayrshire.

    I know you don't do hugs Baggy, but have one anyway {{{}}}, and would you like to share that one Deevs, sounds like you need it.

    Hope everyone else has a good day.



    p.s. Wouldn't be able to do the mini Edinburgh meet as that's the weekend we are at Blair Atholl for the Horse Trials, shame!

  • Comment number 87.

    Gail - today I do hugs, much appreciated thank you

  • Comment number 88.

    Morning all.

    Today would have been my wonderful Dads birthday.

    I hope you can get to be friends with your baby Brother again Baggy.

    Hey, its a very soggy morning here in Somerset.

    The first job on my list was to water the garden, so thats a good start to the day for me.



  • Comment number 89.

    Baggy, If you are accepting hugs today then have one from me {{{BIG HUG}}} xx

  • Comment number 90.

    {{{}}} - for MTF too.



  • Comment number 91.

    Morning all from a soggy W Yorkshire.

    How good are you MTF ordering the rain to save you a job!

    Baggy - Hope you can sort things out, family things like that are v hard to deal.

    Deev's - hope today is better for you, although I would have been tempted to take up Scoob's offer.



  • Comment number 92.

    mate, could've been worse, could've been the tube of piles cream!!!!

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 93.

    Morning all!

    Reporting in from the holiday sofa! Big and squishy with a special lap top cushion! My BFF and her GM have ALL the latest things!

    Bit soggy here but hoping it dries up a bit - its bad enough mopping 2 doggies paws but I am now incharge of 4!

    Loving the fish and chip buttie talk from yesterday - so want one for lunch now - 2 chances, slim and none! LOL

    MTF - good to hear Dylan is on the move,

    everyone else - sorry brain=sieve at the moment, but loving your work!

    Right off to the downstairs loo - LUXURY!!!!!

    catch you later

  • Comment number 94.

    Happy Wednesday, Neighbours!

    We're doing all right next door without our daily dose of Mayo themed tracks, having resorted to making up our own without even the slightest chance of airplay, a mensh or glory. Today we're doing 'cover versions - good & bad' chosen by our sharee, Madchickster ... please come and play if you have time.

    MTF - us lot in S Wilts assume that all the traffic darn to Devon 'n Cornwall filters through us ..

    ... and Deevski .. BOO! Where's ya been?!

  • Comment number 95.

    PS. Am inclined to agree with Barney post#7 - is 'disingenuous' too strong a word?

  • Comment number 96.

    ..... Update .... as clearly shown - we have left PoScouldwin territory and are now in Alisoncouldwin territory. 'Citing isn't it!

    [Guess The Postcount While Simon's On Holiday Competition]

    11 RUNNERS:

    GLENN_CUNDY ........1012
    KEV WILLIAMS .......1345
    DBB59 ......... ..1545
    GAILYBEVS ........1499 [revised to 501 then rerevised to where she started from]
    DEEBEE .......... ... 1342
    MADCHICKSTER ........1066
    PAUL OF SHEFFIELD .....538 - - - - - - - - - can't win it now
    MISSP .................1100
    KATYMAC ............. 1265
    SPIKE ................12,650

  • Comment number 97.

    Ignore that CLP Bloggers! Meant for the Mayo blog. LOL

  • Comment number 98.

    New blog KatyMac!


  • Comment number 99.

    But, you can still post on here, if you want to achieve a 100.


  • Comment number 100.


    ha just for the heck of it MTF!




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