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Dr Hugh

Chris Evans | 05:06 UK time, Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Dr. Hugh is my hair man.

Herr Doctor, they might call him in zee Deutschland.

He is such a dude. A hairdresser in the sixties first, and now a proper prof of the nut. No need to worry about losing your hair for 90% of blokes - if they can be bothered to do something about it.

I last saw Hugh, four years ago. I honestly had no idea it was as long as that. I thought perhaps two at the outside.

And no problems to report, he assures me. I was worried again recently - my computer keyboard has been bespeckled with loose locks for the last couple of months, but he says the substitutes have come off the bench and it should all be fine.

Phew, Hair Doctor - here's to Hugh.





  • Comment number 1.

    Oooh a nice early one.

    Happy Birthday to the lovely Ali B.

    Morning all.


  • Comment number 2.

    Mornin Christoff my hairy friend.

    Hurrah for Dr. Jarce. Bless 'im.

    Yous can stop frettin'. Mind, you know what my Granny always said don't yous.

    Grass doesn't grow on a busy street.

    Ok off to rake me own bit a turf, wish me luck. I look like a busted sofa this mornin'. Wherever did that Bit a Stuff go that usedta stare back at me when I crawled outa the scratcher after a skinful an' a sing-song an' a tussle down at the Kickin' Donkey.

    Gorn. That's where. She's turned inta Granny Clampett.


  • Comment number 3.

    Hiya Chris: I well remember you panicking about your hair, and then discovering your treasured hair doctor. Can't believe it has been four years - incredible! You've got to try to stop worrying about yourself - you are looking great on all counts!

    AliB: Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a great day, and are thoroughly spoiled. xx

    Hi to everyone else: hope all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.


    lost: one brain - if seen please return to London as this cotton wool replacement isnt working out for me

    Happy birthday Ali xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Good morning everyone from an overcast but dry (so far) Ayrshire.

    CLP, if you lose your hair, you lose your hair, my David hasn't got any and as far as I'm aware it doesn't hurt and it hasn't put me off!

    Have a good day everyone.



    p.s. Paolo Nutini was brilliant, such energy and passion when he sings and good looking too, what more could you want on a Tuesday evening in Paisley.

  • Comment number 6.

    p.p.s. Happy Birthday Ali, have a fab day.



  • Comment number 7.

    Morning all

    Happy Birfday Ali (Parcel for you - sort of - still in my hall, must post!)

    Happy Birfday to Deevs too - sorry i late

    Gail, I'm jealous! Glad you had a good time

    Chrissie & Clodagh & MTF & Sbp & anyone else who's popped up, Morning!

    MTF, was thinking about you on Friday as my friend's Mum did a balloon ride from Bristol and wonder if she saw your pad! Something she's wanted to do all her life and now it's her last chance - now there's a thought!

    Sbp, hope you're feeling better today. If not, get the groggy feeling out of the way this week and enjoy your anniversary weekend (btw the family dilemma sounds like an excuse for 2 celebrations to me!)

    Think I have just volunteered to come to London for the day in September - been so long I'm not sure I can remember the way!

    Soz, that turned out longer than I meant. Miss catching up with you all easily.



    PS, Mr Seza says Hair? What's that? Am thinking of shaving mine off as I've grown it a bit and now fed up with picking it out of the shower!

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning CLP and early bloggers

    CLP, your hair is great, dont stress so much - its the inner you we love anyway! You know you have the right face for radio - opps you're ont telebox on friday! JOKE!!!

    Happy Birthday to AliB, I hope you have something nice planned for today

    Hiya Seza, hope you are getting through the un-packing :-)

    Right, didnt get to see what you were all up to yesterday so going to fly by and check you lot out

    back in a bit

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Gail: glad to hear that you had a great time last night - I will certainly be listening when the show is broadcast tomorrow night!

    Seza: hiya, nice to see you. I take it you have now moved into your new house? Hope everything is going well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Seza - thanks - still feeling rubbish but I guess thats life - I just keep thinking how much more I will appreciate being well when I feel better again! When are you coming to town? Can you do lunch?

  • Comment number 11.

    Morning all

    Cloudy and chilly here

    Happy Birthday Ali, hope you have a lovely day. xx

    Gail, glad you had a great night out. I really like Paolo Nutini.

    Seza, hope your enjoying your new home.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning Madness From Me To You: CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere... Coming To You From Cridling Stubbs, Yorkshire,UK...

    CLP - A was told when a waz 16, yes a can remember the exact age as the advice was so important, that wearing a 'at makes yer go bald as it starves yer 'air of being able ter breath!!!!!!!

    Since then a avoid wearing a 'at at all cost available.... And me 'ead of 'air at 37 is looking very much intact!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!


    PS Left for work 4am Friday.... still not been 'ome yet.... but am 850 quid up.... so am 'appy!!!!!!

    Mind you could earn 850 for 40 'ours as a train driver & a wouldn't ave been cut up 239 times!!!!!
    Mind you level crossings is where the problems start as yer crossing yer path with the NUTTERS on the road!!!!!!

    Bye again!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    PS Am not really 850 up.... taxman, sorry tax person (PC bit)... is gonna take their wad outta me wad!!!!!!

  • Comment number 14.

    Just having a quick cup of a tea and a scan through last night's blog:

    Annie: I do owe you an apology - I don't have your mobile number, and then realised that I did not take a note of your email home with me - I am sorry I couldn't get in touch! Pretty useless at the best of times, I'm afraid! xx

    Hope your lovely wee grandson enjoys his first day at school - very exciting for everyone! As for your other lovely wee boy, I can't understand why any teacher would make life difficult for a child, but I've been there myself and it was awful. I am sure you will be on the case!

    JG: sounds like you are having the time from H*ll getting to and from work. Hope you get a good route sorted soon.

    CG: glad to hear you had a nice holiday - welcome back. Don't know anything about the arrangements for the camp-out but no doubt some of the bloggers will know!

    Tracey1966: welcome to the blog. Well done for taking the plunge!

    Off to do some work!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Bingo, you go careful on those roads in that big truck of yours - heard your mention ont radio yesterday!

    Gail, Paulo ont radio now! I too am jealous ;-)

    Annie - just to let you know I am down to my last 8 choccies - how good have I been at pacing myself, I have decided that the "drunken raspberry" ones are the absolute best! Once again thank you so much!


  • Comment number 16.

    Mornin' all; ooo I shoulda said.

    Happy Not Birthday Deevs. Twice 21 huh. Hope yous had a blameless day sunshine.

    Now then. Am in a bit of a mad jealous rage I can't be the third member of the Flyin' Carrots. I've ALways wanted to do the aul flyin' trapeze, hurrah whoops missus. I'd be rubbish, mind.. but I'd be spectacular in the sparkly suit wit the feathery hat. Hurrah. Anyway, can't WAIT to see THAT. I hope they've got the safety-net reinforced to accommodate a flyin' 6'2" eejit wit a built-in lifebelt. Bless.

    Am off to Manchester shortly so just for good measure, can I relate my last conversation wit Renee. Get this.

    Renee: "Ere. You know that whatsit?"

    "Ok. You'll need to give me a clue."

    "That whatsit thingy. You know, Whatsername 'as one."

    "Nope. Try again."

    Renee, bit livid, "That WHATsisname doo-da thingy. You KNOW. Like whatsername's, with that dangly bit on the end."

    "Um.. handbag? Telephone? Wart?... No? Ok Renee, Name That Tune.."

    "YOU WERE LOOKIN' AT IT.. YOU KNOW.. ah, stop bein' daft. I'm tryin' to think what to get whatdyoucall'er for 'er birthday."

    Now, am I being unkind in pointing out that the GD would not appreciate a vibratin' cushion for her birthday?

    And how do yous wrap up a vibratin' whatsiname with a dangly bit any road.

    Answers in less than 6 words pease.


  • Comment number 17.

    Clodagh - a vibrating whastiname with a dangly bit? You sure Renee hasnt been checking out the ann summers catalogue by mistake?

  • Comment number 18.


    Hi Baggy,

    thanks for your posting next door yesterday, it was really appreciated.

    hope you are feeling better soon.


  • Comment number 19.

    Morning All,

    Thank you very much for the Birthday Wishes xx You are all such a great bunch of people and I consider it a privilege to know you xxx

    Nothing wild or exciting planned today! A day a work, out to lunch with my colleagues, and then out for dinner tonight with my best friend, so come bed time I shall be happy but fat!

    Chris, Cracking tunes this morning, I was having a right boogie as I fried my courgettes xx And don't worry about your hair, you're just fab.

    Lots of love

  • Comment number 20.

    Clodagh #16
    brown paper bag with a bow


  • Comment number 21.

    Ali, glad you having a good day but why on earth were you frying courgettes at Chris's hour of the morning?

    Sbp, Think I could do lunch, not coming up til 21st Sept so will message you when they fix the yoghurt pots together with the bit of string that connects us to the outside world!

    To all, yes we are now very happy in our new home. Have unpacked some boxes but still plenty to do. Problem is, I'm not getting used to them being there! Think I need to get a wriggle on and get rid of them!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Mooooooornin aaaaalllll.

    Tis sunshiney in Kent, yes it is ! I have checked and double checked and it is definitely Mr sunshine out there and he has his hat on.

    Had a quick chat with him and he said that Mr Rain was on his way though from 'up t'north'. Oh well, at least that gives me a few hours to get on the golf course.

    CLP - as for the hair issue. My friend spends hundreds of pounds on seeing a specialist once a month in London and takes these pills to help stop hair loss. I’ve told him he is a fool. Let it go man !!!! It’s all the fashion I have heard. Just look how many successful people are bald: Bruce Willis, Mr T, Dom Littlewood, Bloke of Masterchef (who eats all the puddings), Andre Aggasi. You get the idea !!!!

    But then he does have a strange egg shaped head so maybe I see his point a little.

    I'm off for a bit of sunshine before it goes. Good day to all peeps....

  • Comment number 23.

    Morning all

    Happy Birthday Ali! I hope you enjoy your day, at least you won't starve! And courgettes for brekkie?

    Plan A - route to work, was much betterer, so let's hope Plan B, route home is as good! Thanks for your kind thoughts Chrissie.

    T'is a bit grey oop north, with a bit of rain first thing, but hopefully turning brighter...

    Barney, I hope you're right, still we will have the advantage of playing at home on proper grass!

    JG x

  • Comment number 24.

    Morning all

    Happy Birthday AliB - have a lovely day, don't forget the rennie (other indigestion aids available) before you go to bed!

    bAG - wishing 5 year old a good first day at school, am sure he will be fine.

    CSN - good to hear your little ones are well and keeping you out of mischief!

    Chrissie - is your lack of memory alcohol induced by any chance, lol!!

    JG - glad you hada better journey in to work!

    From other blog - no, dentist not hot have just always liked going. Weird, moi??? Never!

    AS x

  • Comment number 25.

    You should see my hair after a normal brushing then - You'd think I had apolecia some days!

  • Comment number 26.

    MikeyMikey: delighted to hear your weather is good in the lovely part of the world that is Kent. It's dry here in Glasgow, and that's just about all I can say for it!

    AS: you know me so well! Hey, it's cost me a small fortune to lose all those brain cells!

    C xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Good Morning CLP & All Bloggers.

    I'm so pleased that you're not going bald Chris, to lose your ginger locks would be sad. But having said that bald dudes look cool too.

    My natural colour is medium brown but gave up colouring a while ago as it needed doing too often. I'm letting it go grey but pretending that it's going blonde.

    Despite rain being forecast so far it's a nice day here in Wirral.

    MM x

    PS Happy Birthday to AliB.

  • Comment number 28.

    Maddy - my natural colour is also mousy brown and again the only time it was that colour was for my wedding as I thought I should look as natural as possible (with a little help with make-up), the rest of the time I either have red or dark tints.

  • Comment number 29.

    Am I first? How very exciting on only my second post! Thanks for making me welcome. Sat here with the dreaded audit taking place....you can hear a pin drop in the office!

  • Comment number 30.

    Morning all - I keep trying to dress for the summer (sandals, a knee length skirt and a short sleeved top today - no coat) but the sky's really not cooperating with me :-(

    Very quiet on the work front, it'll pick up in a few weeks though. After I'm back from holibobs hee hee. Got a sniff of another role yesterday though, a friend who works in the greeting card business got in touch about a job working with the creative team of said card company. Now, I'm reasonably happy with where I am now, but (for those of you who don't know), making cards is what I do for a hobby and I love it. So do I pass up the chance to work with people who design cards for a living???? It's all decision making at the moment!

    Hope everyone's well - Ali, sounds like a lovely day you've got planned, even though it does involve work!

    AF xx

    ps Christophe, you look grand as you are man, stop worrying about it all or your hair really will fall out!

  • Comment number 31.

    How funny, there were no comments when I read the blog and now there's loads - not first after all, clearly have to get up a lot earlier to be that!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Indeed Tracey.

    Although I am beginning to regret it now.LOL!


  • Comment number 33.

    Morning CLP and other bloggers,

    I don't think you have anything to worry about on the hairsuite-ness front CLP, you look as if you still have a full head of ginger locks! Are these things not hereditary in any case? now in my case I have no worries in the thinning hair department, as I have inherited a thick head of curly hair from my Dad. It's taken years to get to grips with it, and also finding my lovely hairdresser Rachel. My worry is that there are rather too many grey hairs for my liking! only the other day I found a pure white hair poking out at the back, waving away at me in the mirror!! It doesn't help that my hair is naturally dark brown so the greys stick out a mile!

    So I am begining to wonder if the time is coming to start doing an all over colour on my hair rather than my usual highlights, but my hair grows so quickly it'll need re doing pretty regularly!

    Hope you're all having a good day. Am on a day off and am forcing myself to be lazy as I am feeling pretty drained after a long working week!

    Happy Birthday to AliB


  • Comment number 34.

    Morning all, well it is until Ive had my lunch!

    Christoff, it's not worth fretting about your hair, in the words of the song, que sera, sera.

    After a couple of dips, tunewise, and it is just my opinion you understand, the show this morning was cracking and right back up there. I have one criticism though, can you please not talk over the tunes, it is a tad annoying. I know you can't please all of the people all of the time, but can you try! :-)

    Not up to speed and been out of the loop lately, so hope all is well with you all.

    Happy Birthday AliB, enoy your day xx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Ello Debs, it's all madness on the roads... total madness!!!!!

    And am feeling knackered after working 3 15 'our shifts & 3 13 'our shifts.... not the best of ways ter earn a living... but way better than being in Pakistan right now!!!!!

    Ali B - Just wanted ter wish you a 'APPY BIRTHDEE IN ALL WAYS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope you 'ave a good one Alison!!!!!!


  • Comment number 36.


    Alib , wishing you a very happy birthday.

    AF , what ever makes you happy , no harm in going for an interview just to see what they do , good luck x

    Debs, I dont believe you have chocolate left over , well done you !

    My hair colour is "because i am worth it "

    T1966 Welcome.

    Sorry cant remember much , but hi to all, and hugs and stuff too.

    Am overworked today , and trying not to be grouchy.

    MC xxxxx

    Seza, plastic cups and string, blimey , we still have pigeons up norf ;-) xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Whoo hoo - just when I am down to the "last 8 Annie choclits" I get a sweetie parcel from the lovely Lin - proper old fashioned sweeties of my childhood - sherbit dips, shrimps, love hearts, "penny" chews etc

    Wow - thats going to be a sugared up me this arvo! GD is already staking her claim for the shrimps - got to get past me first!

    thanks Lin - you are fab!

  • Comment number 38.


    If you're that worried about hair loss you could always ask Brucie for some syrup advice next time you play golf with him or, failing that, do you ever bump into your breakfast show predecessor in the Radio 2 corridors?

  • Comment number 39.

    ------------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Woosh! Happy Birthday to the delightful Ali B----------->>>>>>>>>>>>I'm outta here x



  • Comment number 40.

    Afternoon all

    AF - I'm with MC, no harm in talking to them, in the end you can always say thank you but no. Also I know what you mean about the weather, although mainly short sleeved shirts for me, the knee length skirt does do much for my legs!

    Christoff - You should accept the hair which is given or taken away from you. I'm sorry Bingo but don't believe the hat thing, as I didn't wear any when I was little didn't stop mine from receding at 19!



  • Comment number 41.

    Andy - stop being so modest - you looked lovely in that rah rah skirt in Leeds



  • Comment number 42.

    Chrissie - ha ha, me too! Just think how many more pairs of shoes, handbags, clothes we could have bought if only wwe'd stuck to water, lol!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 43.

    Phew. Back from Manchester, blisters on me feet from wearin' unsuitable shoes, rusk down me front an' baby sick down me back from the gorgeous 7 month-old trainee psychopath Monty, who also did 'is best to test the tensile strength of MY hair.

    Now then Baggy. Don't talk to me.. I well remember bein' startled one morning by Renee askin' me if I'd take her shopping to Ann Summers.

    "I beg your pardon??" says I, a little unnerved.

    "Well, I need some oil and a couple of packets a whatsinames, I can get them there. I saw it on the telly."

    "...Oil? What d'you need oil for, an' whatsiname what..?" (Jayzus, thinks I, what's she bin' watchin' while I've been away; am takin' that remote control off 'er without delay..)


    "What?? Right, mother, now I'm scared," says I, me eyes like hard-boiled eggs and feelin' a bit a heartburn. "What are you on about?"

    "Ann Summers. They've got a special offer on. 3 for 2 crumpets an' Tena Ladys, an' Toilet Duck Buy 1 Get 1 Free."

    "Mum. You mean Somerfield."

    I swear. If she'd a mentioned diced rabbit I'd 'ave phoned Social Services.


  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon all

    Debs - noted, you can run ... well you can't really at the mo can you. I'll see you in York!

    Clodagh - yet another tea screen moment bout Renee's adventures. Reminds of the best tweet I've seen this week about said shop giving away free lube with every toy - you don't get that at Hamleys!

  • Comment number 45.

    Haha Andy I don't even want to THINK about that!!


  • Comment number 46.

    Afternoon each

    Sun shining now, thundery clouds have gone somewhere else.

    Chris, at least if you're hair falls out you won't turn grey.

    Happy Birthday Ali, hope you're having a lovely day.

    Chrissie, no worries, hope you had a fab holiday.

    Clodagh, love your posts, can't wait to read the book.

    Debs, you surely haven't got any choccies left - I'd have scoffed them in one! Can I have a penny chew? I loved them when I was little.

    5yr old just loved school. Was up and away far too early - and his adoring Dad has hunners of photies of him in his uniform with his too long trousers and Toy Story bag on his back. Bless him.

    Nice to see you back AF, hope you're doing ok.


  • Comment number 47.

    Clodagh: just hilarious, as always!

    Annie: thank you for understanding. xx

    AF: I did mean to say to you earlier, re: the approach from the card company. Certainly something to think about eh? Perhaps over a glass of something cold, while you are on holiday?! Sounds like the job could be right up your street.

    C xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Annie - penny chew on its way - catch!

    Andy - oh yeh, dur me and running - you'd best buy me a chards in York to help my memory!

    AF - hmmm, defo worth a chat - you never know where your next opportunity is coming from - that's always been my work moto - open a door for later if not for now hey?

    right over and out for now, GD surfaced from pit so we are going to have the "what should you do if you get the results you think you will tomorrow chat"

    On that note, good luck to all 17/18 yr old blog babies picking up results tomorrow


  • Comment number 49.

    Debs, hope the results are good tomorrow.

    AF, meant to say: your cards are just fab, definitely worth looking at and finding out more about the job.

    Right, off for a forage in the fridge.


  • Comment number 50.

    Debs: hope it will be good news for MsDebs, and as you say, all the blog babies waiting for their results.

    I am out tonight to see my friend who I have known for 30-odd years. Her son is visiting her for a week (he lives in London) and I am so fond of him, so really looking forward to seeing him. He has had MS for 20 years or so - he is incredibly brave and determined and although it is so difficult for him to walk, he will not give in. Just so inspiring, he really is.

    Hope everyone has a lovely evening.

    C xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi all

    I am really missing everybody during the day - at the moment I can't even lurk (my interweb access appears to be internal only - this will have to change as I have to complete my time sheet on line). I have just had a catch up - please excuse me if I miss anybody.

    AF - go for it, you can always turn it down if it doesn't feel right when you get there but you will always regret it if you don't try.

    Clodagh - as Andy says definitely a tea screen moment.

    debs - I'm with MC in my admiration of your restraint with regard to the choccies - good luck with keeping the other sweets....

    Get well soon Baggy.

    Happy Birthday Ali

    Hello and hugs to everybody else.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Sorry for breaking the blog :-(

  • Comment number 53.


    How did today go?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Sorry, I'm pooped! Again!

    Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 55.

    Night JG, hope the travel to work was better today.

    I'm being beaten by MTD on Scrabble. Bums.


  • Comment number 56.

    Very well thanks csn. I think I am settling in well.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Just been swatting moths! Opened the door to see if there's any stars (and yes, have a little ciggie while I'm looking) and all these bloomin' moths flew in.

    There's now little black marks all over the wall!

    Right, I'm off too. Night all.

  • Comment number 58.

    Night Annie (your turn btw)

    Off soon myself.

    Night all.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 59.


    Annie, glad little five year old had a good first day at school.

    MTD, really pleased to hear that new job is going well.

    JG, the journey sounds a nightmare, would they let you work from home one day a week.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi Chris and all,

    Just thought I'd pop on to say that even though I haven't heard more than ten minutes of any of the Breakfast shows in the last two weeks.
    Whenever I have caught it - all I have heard, are words of inspiration, encouragement and absolute positivity.
    I have never really noticed this (explicitly) before and can only assume that I am more tuned into this element of your show as that is exactly what I need at the moment.
    I just wanted to say that it is wonderful and I thank you for it.

    Nothing is particularly wrong by the way, just general work kerfuffle caused by us being busy, so I honestly am not moaning or complaining. Just an observation!
    Can't wait until I can listen to the show properly again....



  • Comment number 61.

    Oh my darling hairy ginge.... what are you worried about... your lovely ginger hair is as it should be... you’re just getting older...and as we get older, we get wiser. Wisdom doesn’t need a thatched roof!!!

    And as for the β€œhat” theory... just look at our own lovely Queen... she’s not bald...

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Or if she is, it's a bloody good wig!

    Ta ta Folks xx

  • Comment number 63.

    boom boom... good one...


  • Comment number 64.

    Night everyone

    Sleep well.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 65.

    This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain.

  • Comment number 66.

    new blog



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