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Swing Slow - Watch It Go.

Chris Evans | 10:29 UK time, Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Don't normally do this, but am off to play in a charity golf tournament today. Justin Rose's Golf Day is for a very very worthy cause and it should be a fab experience all round.

So, I'll finish the show, meet the accountant (always a knee trembler), and then I'll attempt to find the golf course in question - that's the most difficult bit. If I ever get there, I shall keep the head down, the left leg straight, and then try not to lose too many balls.

Where do they all end up by the way ???





  • Comment number 1.

    Oh Christophe, the mystery of missing balls ..... indeed, where do they go!?! I have kept a few in my handbag over the years, until the owners wanted them back!


    Have a good one. Wish I was!


  • Comment number 2.

    Good morning blogettes

    Back from a week @ Argate. Piles of work to do. Hope the golf tournament goes well ................ as you say CLP it's in a good cause.

    Deevs do I detect a note of sadness today? Wassup?

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 3.

    Good morning everyone from a showery Ayrshire.

    Good luck today CLP, hope you play well.

    Have a good day everyone.



  • Comment number 4.

    I'm ok thanks PJ, just the goalposts being shifted slightly in my 2 jobs in one building situ which is getting to me a bit, to be honest. There's flexible and then there's just plain old taking the mick .....

    Morning Dozy!


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Deev, congrats on your win by the way, that sounds fab!



  • Comment number 6.


    Sorry to hear you are being messed around. Just think how hard you've worked to get where you are. There's very little else out there are the mo. Nothing to prevent you from looking though

    Keep your chin up chuck.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 7.

    Sentiments Meant & Sent YOUR Way CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Wooow whatta coincidence... I've just finished me golf diary of when I went to Wentworth to see the top golfers of the European Tour play there & INDEED yerself CLP... And it was worth it!!!!!!!! (see me report bit later!!!)

    It's great so many people who get into a authoritative position either in showbizz or sport are able to use that position for charity!!!!!
    I was reading Ian Poulter's tweets & a see he has just been involved with 100k being given for his charity, today yerself taking part in Justin Rose's charity... and even at Wentworth I beleive a lot was raised from the whole event for charity!!!!!!

    Good luck today CLP... A saw that your team at Wentworth that included Brucie, Chris Hollins & top tour pro David Howell came in second in the pro-am - not an easy feat with all those tour pros taking part!!!!!

    A wreckon it must ave been Brucie's local knowledge that did the trick!!!!!!!

    'nnneerrr good game.... good game!!!!!!!'


  • Comment number 8.

    At last finished me diary, hope all enjoy even if yer not into golf... Part one actually features very little golf... more celebs, R2 DJ's & Ferraris!!!!

    Bingo Star’s BIG Day Out At Wentworth:

    So at least here is my report of my day out, in May, at the Europe’s premier golf championship event after The Open… The PGA Championship at Wentworth!!!
    I had planned to go for a while to this event but I couldn’t decide do I go on the practice day or a championship day?
    In the end I decided to go to the practice day… but not any practice day… no.. the pro-am event which is a kind of professional meets amateur and it also tends to attract a lot of celebrities!!!!
    I like the practice days as it’s more relaxed & the players are more likely to chat, sign autographs & have a laugh, whereas championship days… it’s all so serious & you can hear a pin drop at times!!!
    The great thing too about the pro-am day… it was free to get in!!!!
    Whereas championship days entry was around 25 pounds!

    It wasn’t the first time I had been to Wentworth but this time it was the first time I had not taken my car.
    I knew the closest station was Virginia Water and then I had to find my way from there to the course: about a 2 mile walk!!!
    After getting off the train I followed my sat-nav map on my mobile.
    The walk there is interesting.
    Wentworth is basically a housing estate… but not a council housing estate.
    No, this is the exact opposite… a housing estate for the very rich.
    Walking through the estate down the leafy well kept roads that criss-cross all over the estate are the most beautiful large houses that most of us can only dream about.
    I was looking at some of them thinking I wonder what the person who owns that does for a living.
    I mean how could you afford such an expensive house.
    Maybe handed down through generations, maybe top bankers, owners of large companies… and even top sports people or celebrities!!!
    Yes it intrigued me as to who might live at the house I walking past.
    I was having visions of Loyd Grossman on the ‘Through The Keyhole’ TV programme… and his famous catchphrase ‘I wonder who lives at this house??â€

    Wentworth golf course is made up of a few courses that wind their way around the centre area of the estate with estate roads crossing the grassy fairways.
    The course isn’t a boring square piece of land like most golf courses.
    Wentworth golf course is made up of each fairway stretching out and linking up to the next one!!!

    I had been walking for around 20 minutes and saw a lady with a dog just come out of one of the large houses.
    I decided to double check & ask her “am I on the right track to the golf championship?â€
    She replied with a strong South Africa accent “yes, keep going straight, cross the main road.. then first right and it’s at the top of the hill!!â€
    I thanked her & carried on.
    It got me thinking.. so she must live here & she is from South Africa…. interesting I thought!!!
    Maybe a lot of different nationalities live around here too!!!
    I know top golfer Ernie Els is from South Africa and has a house on the estate… Maybe I’ve just been talking to Ernie Els’s wife I amusingly thought to myself!!!!

    I followed the ladies directions & at last one of the many entrances to the golf course appeared!!!!
    As I got close to the security check point… I heard a loud noise echoing through the trees!!!
    It sounded like a very powerful car… a supercar maybe!!!
    The noise got louder… then I thought… wow that is a very distinctive sounding car… this is something serious!!!
    Then I thought… no… surely it’s not CLP in one of his Ferrari’s!!!
    I turned around and about 20mph… a bright red Ferrari Enzo appeared!!!
    It was CLP too!!!!
    He drove past me & up the hill to the main clubhouse car park.

    What a huge coincidence!!!
    I arrived at the same entrance at the same time as CLP… this is really is a huge coincidence… almost fate I thought.
    Of all the entrances we both arrive at the same one at the same time!!!!

    I decided to go to the car park for a closer look & to say hello to CLP!!!

    As I walked up the hill I could hear the roar of the Ferrari coming from the car park… even though it was being driven very slowly manoeuvring around the car park.
    I turned the corner & WOW!!!!
    There it was… the first time I have ever seen a Ferrari Enzo!!!!! (apart from 1 minute earlier!!)
    CLP reversed it back and stopped!!!
    As he got out… who is standing next to the door & the first person he sees…. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    He must have thought oh no.. And that I was stalking him but it was total coincidence we arrived at EXACTLY the same time!!!
    A mean I even planned to come to this golf event before I knew CLP was playing in it!!! Total fate we arrive by the same entrance at the same time!!!!!
    We chatted briefly & off CLP went to the clubhouse!!!

    As it was at the rear of the building & away from the busy area where most of the spectators where.. it was just me & CLP’s Enzo left there!!!!
    I stood there for 10 minutes taking photos & looking at every angle of the car: Peering through the driver’s window & the glass window over the rear engine bay… being careful/ respectful not to touch it & put a finger print on it!!!!
    I could feel the heat of the still hot engine rising up through the vents!!!

    This was amazing for me to see this car: Being a petrol head myself; having owned a Lotus Esprit supercar of my own and being a Ferrari buff too… AND Chris Evans Ferrari… but not any old Ferrari… a Ferrari Enzo too… one of the kings of the supercar world!!!!!
    I thought to myself & joked ‘well, I could go home right now & could say I’ve already had a great day out!!!’
    I thought it’s worth it coming here just to see the Enzo… I would travel all this way just to see an Enzo… forget the golf!!!!

    But I still had all the golf to come yet!!!!

    I was in cloud 9!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Well actually the back of Wentworth clubhouse to be precise!!).

    I was just about to walk off when a Bentley pulled up with a personalised plate similar to the one I’ve had for years… but not put on a car yet (long story- don’t ask!!!). It was ’V8.. then the initials!!!!
    The car stopped right next to me & facing CLP’s Enzo!!!!
    The driver looked at me with a stern smile… I recognised him…. it was Max Clifford!!!!!
    Blimey I thought first CLP & his Enzo… now Max & his Bentley!!!

    As always humorous thoughts started to run through my head.
    I thought this could be my BIG chance to get into all the newspapers & be famous for a day!!!!
    Imagine if I managed to get into CLP’s Ferrari &… errr… not steal it… borrow it for a drive… right in front of Max Clifford!!!!
    I could just see the headlines the next morning ‘Golfers & Celebrities Forced To Shout FERRARI!!!!! Not FORE!!!! As Madcap Chris Evans Blogger: Bingo Star… Takes Chris Evans’s Million Pound Ferrari For A Joy Ride Around Wentworth Golf Course!!!!!!!’

    (Only joking CLP!!!!)
    (Mind you at least it would have saved CLP having to walk all the way back to it in the car park.. If a had brought it out onto the course to him!!!!)

    My goodness I thought… I’ve not even seen any golf yet but so this day out has been brilliant!!!

    Continues with Part 2 tomorrow!!!

    Take care all blog pals!!!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris: wonderful to have you back! Hilarious to think that seeing your accountant would cause you to tremble ... if an accountant was to take a look at my financial affairs, they would need oxygen! Have a great day, and don't forget to stretch tomorrow morning!

    Hope everyone else is ok. Not a chance of catching up with the blog since last Friday, so hopefully all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 10.

    uh oh - not a great day to be an accountant today by the looks of it .........

  • Comment number 11.

    After 15 years of attempting to play the old golf game, giving up, moving on, going back, lessons, giving up, going back etc etc - it has all finally clicked into place.

    36, about to marry, golf is now working . . .


    DtM x

  • Comment number 12.

    I think your accountant would have a knee tremble looking at my acounts - not yours lol!!

    Have fun with the golf. I hope you raise loadsa wonga

    x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi everyone, just thought I'd look in while I am up to my neck in jam, literally.

    Dtm, you take back that middle aged remark immediately, LOL!! I hope all your plans are going well.

    I too have a fine collection of golfballs. We can see our local golfcourse from where we live and lots of the balls do end up on the beach.

    I dont suppose this is the golf course you are playing at today CLP? Nah!

    Oops lots of splattering sounds coming from the cauldron, best get back to it.

    Nice post Bingo.


  • Comment number 14.


    Accountants and knee tremblers are inextricably linked - at least in my experience..:O)


  • Comment number 15.




    (who really has no idea what you mean, sweet little innocent thing that I am)

  • Comment number 16.


  • Comment number 17.

    A Tuesday joke

    A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper, Enzo, has cheated
    him outof 10 million bucks. His bookkeeper is deaf. That was the reason
    he got the job in the first place. It was assumed that Enzo would hear
    nothing that he might have to testify about in court.

    When the Godfather goes to confront Enzo about his missing $10
    million, he takes along his lawyer who knows sign language.
    The Godfather tells the lawyer, "Ask him where the 10 million bucks
    is that he embezzled from me."

    The lawyer, using sign language, asks Enzo where the money is.
    Enzo signs back, "I don't know what you are talking about."
    The lawyer tells the Godfather, "He says he doesn't know what you are
    talking about."

    The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to Enzo's temple and says,
    "Ask him again!"
    The lawyer signs to Enzo, "He'll kill you if you don't tell him."
    Enzo signs back, "OK. You win! The money is in a brown briefcase,
    buried behind the shed in my cousin Bruno's backyard in Woodsville!
    The Godfather asks the lawyer, "What did he say?"
    The lawyer replies, " He says you don't have the guts to pull the trigger."

    Don't you just LOVE lawyers?

  • Comment number 18.

    LOL, I like it DTM.


  • Comment number 19.


    Love that joke! We have missed you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.


    I have decided I don't like my life being controlled by others! GM & I gave the 30th July as ideal completion date for house purchase - we are still none the wiser as to whether this will happen......!

    The sol acting for the seller of the property we are buying is refusing to be drawn into confirming a date...............arrrrgggghhhh!

    Where's the bottle of gin :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 21.

    AS: I do sympathise ... also, I'll join you in a gin! Seriously, why is everything in the world of buying/selling property so complicated? Hope it all works out.

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hope you enjoyed the golf Chris, I think this is a game I will take up when I'm retired. I like a good walk and I might as well do something useful whilst I'm walking!

    AS, Sorry it's all going a bit pear shaped, sending sympathetic hugs your way xx My best friend moved recently and they were supposed to exchange at 1:00pm on a Friday. Their house was empty, the van packed, their money in the right place, all they needed was to pick up the keys to the new house. But their buyers money hadn't gone through and the solicitor had gone to lunch!! Two and a quarter hours later they exchanged, fortunately it was a really hot day so those two hours were needed to sit and relax, but it was very frustrating for all concerned. Here's hoping a date is sorted soon.

    I know that a lot of you are experiencing rain, but it is soooooo muggy down south I am sweating!


  • Comment number 23.

    Thanks Chrissie & Ali - it is all so frustrating! We can't do or organise anything. Ali - bless your friend but glad to hear the story had a good ending!

    Chrissie - gin opened, ice & slice??

    AS x

  • Comment number 24.

    oh and sorry - I noticed we had a newbie - hiya

  • Comment number 25.

    AS: You know me just too well ... not too much ice!!


  • Comment number 26.

    AS I've got the gin but as it's you I'll share!!

    There might not be much left though, we're in the same position but for the 28th!

    If someone would just say " no, not going to happen, how about next week! at least I could plan my life!!!

    Better buy more gin I think!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 27.

    Seza - I've got half a bottle so that will do for starters! Fingers crossed for you!

    Know what you mean - just tell us no and then we can sort out another date and get on with other things....ggggrrrr!

    Chrissie - indeed too much and it waters down the gin :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 28.

    AS: yes, ice just gets in the way, doesn't it? And fruit should be kept to a minimum too!


    Have a nice evening everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon each from sunny Fife.

    Chris, hope you found the golf course and enjoyed the game. Can't understand why anyone would want to do that btw.

    AS, when my ex needed yet more money to buy designer clothes I worked at weekends for a very large housebuilding company and found out that they hold all the cards in the entry date game. Months after people should have moved in and were threatening to go to the newspapers, said builders threatened them with lawyers. They even refused to part with a teeny bit of their millions to pay for storage of furniture, alternative accommodation etc. Good luck.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hi all - sorry for my absinthe but I have a really good excuse honest. Well after braving 'south of the river' to meet Annie last Friday I needed time to recover and once I recovered it was GB's 30th celebration and then I started work this morning!!

    Suffice to say I am now shattered and can't access the blog other than from home - boohoo

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hope your first day went well Susan (if we ignore the no blog situtation) :)


  • Comment number 32.

    How did the first day go Susan?

    'Braving south of the river'?? Well, yes, it's not the most salubrious part of Newcastle, is it? And the Aletaster isn't the most comfortable of pubs either, although I think it's a real Geordie pub - very few comfy seats to discourage women!!!!!


  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Susan, was thinking of you today when I saw your fb post, but couldn't comment from work...phone's just too much like hard work!

    Anyhow, have had a bad day, and need to have a quiet night...even though we have the trauma of Eastenders to continue with...Wonderful!

    So, night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 34.

    Oh JG poor you, managed to post just before I left to catch the bus! Had an interesting day and will take me a while to get my head round stuff but I am sure I will get there.

    Annie we loved the pub as you don't get real pubs round our parts anymore.

    Right I'll have to go and iron something to try and make me look smart again tomorrow.

    Night all

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Welcome back to Planet Janet Christoff. An' if yous are worried about losin' said objects wit the straight left leg, do what the chaps do oop 'ere in Wigan; Hairy string round the ankles.

    Well now. Am just back meself from me latest Missionary Tour of County Donegal and the 2013 City of Culture, Derry, tearin' round like summat soft as usual, and then on Thursday am off to Llandudno wit Renee, so don't talk to ME about gettin' back to work for a rest. Jayzus I'll need flippin' counsellin'. Am takin' 'erself to That Posh Hotel Up The Front Where They 'Ave Proper Waiters an' Crumpets. Not necessarily together, mind.

    Takes me back to me days as a nipper when we used to round off a weekend at Aunty Lily's static caravan with Sunday Lunch at the Royal Hotel in Morecambe. Oh yes. Bread an' butter cut into triangles, silver teapots wit the handles that gave yous 3rd. degree burns, an' Use Of Cruet. Oo did we think we were it. Mind you. What wit the aforementioned Aunty Lily, whom I swear had to have bin' the inspiration for Hyacinth Bucket, and Grandma, formidable an' truculent to the end, when the waitress came to take the order, Aunty Lily would order the roast chicken all round and then announce to the unfortunate waitress, "Now, we (herself and Grandma) can only eat the white meat.."

    I remember the look on the DDF Eric's face to me dyin' day. "Thanks very much, our Lily," quoth he. "A right plateful of aul toenails I'M goin' to get."

    Happy days. An' then came the piece de resistance, my favourite, the apple pie wit the bright yellow gelatinous glob that yous could roll up in the palm of your hand an' bounce under the table that passed for custard. See, they don't make THAT these days. Try rollin' Creme Fraiche up an' launchin' it at your big sister. Nah. No good at all.

    Any road up. Best haul me huge pile a washin' in while it's dark. That new neighbour over the road looks worryingly like 'e might be a washin' line bandit to me.



  • Comment number 36.

    Failte Clodagh

    Hope no knickers were missing on the washing line.

    Does Llandudno know what's coming??


  • Comment number 37.

    Clodagh you are a lovely lovely lady LOL.

    Hi all

    I have had a lovely evening with Suzie (of the boozy ilk) - at the pub where we all met in February.... (sorry debs xxx).

    I know what you mean about proper pubs Susan - they are few and far between these days. Why does everybody send you to a Wetherspoons? (other chains are available) when all you want is an old fashioned pub......

    I am enjoying my course so far - I know at least as much (if not more) than the 2 guys on the course so I don't feel so thick..... I am averaging 7 or 8 out of 10 in the revision tests so it's not looking so bad for a 60% pass mark..... mind you I think we have done the easy part so far.....

    oooops rambling.....


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    I doubt it, Annie. Unless you count the chap in the Pound Shop, I'd say 'e'll 'ave a fair idea what's comin' if 'e clocks herself comin' in.

    Mind you. 'E's probably not outa traction yet.


  • Comment number 39.

    Clodagh, I'd not be hanging anything out there tonight if I were you!

    It'll probably be carried away with the flood water!

    Barney, have you got that ark built yet? Us lot in the North West might just need it sooner than August!

    And the reason I'm not yet asleep...the sound of the rain!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    Howya mtd! Bless you. Wha.. Suzy in the pub? Surely not..

    Oo exit stage left.................


  • Comment number 41.

    She'll read this later Clodagh ....

  • Comment number 42.

    Ooooh, rain starting here too. Hope you've got that washing in Clodagh.


  • Comment number 43.

    They've just brought out a 'osepipe ban in Liverpool a week ago.... And 'ere are pictures of Liverpool today... still with it's 'osepipe ban >>>>


    Anyone know where a can getta boat????


  • Comment number 44.

    Awww It is soooo nice here in London, I hope that rain isn't heading in this direction (well not until Thursday evening anyway......).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Don't worry, mtd, she'll not be able to read it.........

    Ow. Oo didn't see yous there, Suze; I was just sayin' yous would be tucked up in bed by now wit the wyncyette dungarees on.

    Any road. 'Ave just got the suitcase in and there 'e was on 'is doorstep; nearly 'ad a flippin' stroke.

    I mean. Am not sayin' 'e's boss eyed or anythin'; it's just that when 'e talks to yous, yous 'ave to resist the urge to check if there's somebody stood 6 feet behind yous.

    A face only 'is mother can love. Bless 'im.


  • Comment number 46.

    Ah bless Clodagh, you do make me laugh.

    Bingo, that looks awful, hope you're tucked up and dry.


  • Comment number 47.

    Bingo, we are stuck in the middle of it, but are fortunately OK, although I did think it was going to pour over the front step again for a while...*must clean out the drain*!

    Hope you and yours are OK, and safe and dry!

    Right, definately going to bed, all seems safe now...

    JG x

  • Comment number 48.

    Howya Annie!

    I know what you mean about the hosepipe ban, Bingo. Digits an' dykes spring to mind. Mind. There are some areas over in County Donegal where they're still on water rationin' from last year when they poisoned the water-supply in Galway. Chaos it was. Didn't let it get 'em down, mind; at the races they were comin' round wit the bottled water labelled "Pure Galway Spring Water...Wit No Added Sh**e."



  • Comment number 49.

    Sbeen piddling it down all day here today!


  • Comment number 50.

    Got a bit of piddlin here in Fife too MTF.

    Clodagh, will never buy Galway spring water ever again!!!


  • Comment number 51.

    BrightAnnieG - Right now I can hear it lashing against me open window... it's just rained most of yesterday... and non stop allllll last night & alllll of today!!!!!!
    Yer know that kind of rain that just never stops!!!!!!

    Must admit we really need a good bitta rain... specially for the farmers.... but not this much this quick!!!!!!

    JakeyGirl - Glad yer ok!!!!!

    Clodagh - It's madness 'opspipe ban... and the Liverpool to Leeds canal is closed ter save water!!!!!!! (lock opening!!).

    PS A notice in the clip above on the link.... Only scousers could getta boat... but not actually sit in it!!!!! LOL!!!!!

    Allllight der kiddder!!!!!! Errrrrr!!!!!


  • Comment number 52.

    Annie, given this monsoon we appear to be experiencin', I'd say yous won't need to!

    Fife Bucket Water. That's the way forward.

    Any road. Night all. Mind the piranhas don't bite.


  • Comment number 53.

    Good evening all. Back from a days training and readying for my trip to the gym. I hope you all had a good day. Hot and sunny here. Missed the show this morning. The wifi link at the hotel is a little slow.....

  • Comment number 54.


    Very hot here today.

    Bondy, hope your enjoying new job. Who is looking after the puppy?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Evening Bond

    Rain's stopped thank goodness. We had a lovely sunny day at the park with all four little boys - seemed like thoosands of kids there, all going mad on the swings and roundabouts.


  • Comment number 56.

    Dear CLP...

    "Golf is a good walk spoiled" - Mark Twain...

    ..."Even more so by the loss of your balls"... Suzie xxx

    Dear everyone...

    Just arrived home after a long walk through the city of london trying to find a tube station!!! Where are they when you need them??? A long way away - trust me...

    As for speculation on my night wear... humph... eau de vino collapso... is enough for me... to mis quote another...

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Hi Annie, just been looking after little grandson since last friday, he went home last night. I am knackered and the house is so quiet!

    Glad you had a lovely time with little ones.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi CSN and all else.

    Things have been a bit mad in the Fairy Household.

    All I can say is, no three mile hike at one o clock in the morning!!

    Mind you, I feel a bit slimmer for it.

    Blood pressure reducing too!


  • Comment number 59.

    Hi MTF, hope your ok and how did the jam making go?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Suzie - Chanel No. 5???? As in Marilyn Monroe.

    Right, I'm off. Up at stupid o'clock in the morning to get hair sorted, then take 5yr old out for the afternoon, probably to a jungle near us.


  • Comment number 61.

    Hi Suzie - glad you got home OK - I asked the cab driver if you were going in the right direction for the tube and he said yes but then when he dropped me at the hotel he said you should have come back with me with tube station around the corner.... bit late huh?

    Had a lovely time tonight - see you soon

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    PS: CSN, I'll bet your knackered. Lovely as they are, isn't it nice to hand them back?


  • Comment number 63.

    Hi Annie, Sounds like the boys had a good time despite the rain.

    Hi CSN, there's a lot to learn which is a little frustrating but it's going as well as expected. The daphster is home with my son who fortunately is home from uni....... he goes back a week after I get done with training......

    Boozy, I agree with you re the golf....... lots play it over here, I just tell them I like sports where it takes bigger balls to play.....ooo'er....LOL

    MTF, glad things are heading in the right direction for you......

  • Comment number 64.

    Yes Annie.


  • Comment number 65.

    Bond, glad it's going well. Hope your son is not like my eldest, who kept coming back during the uni holidays and living in a foosty bedroom!!!!


  • Comment number 66.

    LOL Annie. My son is pretty good. He loves the daphster even got a summer job........ he just called me with "the list"..........

  • Comment number 67.

    Must try to get some sleep - Night night all.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    And what does 'the list' entail??


  • Comment number 69.

    Goodnight, mtd

    Annie, "the list" entails clothes, food, furniture and sports equipment...... he is a lacrosse player.....

  • Comment number 70.

    Bondy, glad things are going well with the new job, it's always hard when starting something new. Bet daphster is having great fun with your son.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Night MTD, see you on Scrabble tomorrow.

    I've seen that list Bond - they've never got quite enough money, eh?


  • Comment number 72.

    Just seen the time!!!! Am definitely off now. Night all.


  • Comment number 73.

    Night everyone

    Sleep well and sweet dreams.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 74.

    goodnight CSN and Annie....

  • Comment number 75.

    Hello and goodbye to everyone.

    I cant keep up.

    I wish I could.


  • Comment number 76.

    Bondy, how old is your son??


  • Comment number 77.


  • Comment number 78.

    My GD is going to be 19 this year, so I expect that they are going through similar life changes.

    Is he here or there?

    If too many Qs just say so.xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Doh Bondy, just read post 63.

    That will teach me not to dual blog.

    Bet you cant wait to see the Daphster, but, what a relief that she is in good hands.


  • Comment number 80.

    He's here. Well, home looking after the daphster......

  • Comment number 81.

    Re 79, absolutely. Timing is everything they say........

  • Comment number 82.

    well off to the gym..... TTFN....

  • Comment number 83.

    I have had the list too Bondy!



  • Comment number 84.

    Hello CLP.

    I hope the golf went well today and that you had fun and all for such a wonderful cause.

    It really is true that golf is a gentleman's sport!

    MM x

  • Comment number 85.

    Hi Marje!

    No reply from Bingo about the fb connection yet!

    Keep on at him.


  • Comment number 86.

    Ps, Mr Mobs went off to play golf last week, for the first time in 20 years.

    When the sole fell off his shoe at hole number three, he was certainly not, in the 'League of Gentlemen' !!

    100% true.


  • Comment number 87.


    MM don't know about golf being a gentleman's game......... There's a LPGA you know......LOL



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