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Middle Of The Night/Start Of The Day

Chris Evans | 13:55 UK time, Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Sometimes there just isn't enough time - so you have to create it.

That was today.

Patient publishers had begun to scream. I was clinging on to the final draft of Book ll of my rollercoaster ride in life, reluctant to let it go.

I didn't want to finally "deal" by declaring, "There you are that's it, there's nothing more I want to change - in an attempt to put it across more dramatically, more humorously, or more succinctly."

But every time I look at the manuscript, another crease cried out for a hot steaming iron to smooth it out.

I'm not saying my day is still several hours shorter than I need it to be, but I am currently installed inside one of the lavatories of the publishing house concerned where I have snuck off to in order to write a quick blog.

Peace and love my friends, it's all about the edit and I think we're almost there!





  • Comment number 1.

    Hiya Christophe!
    Glad the book is in, can't wait to read it!
    Tiggs xxx

    below copied from previous blog....

    hi all
    Sorry for not being around, forcing myself to spend less time online bt MrTiggs has bought me a brand new shiny lappy laptop so I felt it was only right to come on and play!
    Good to see everyone playing nicely!
    Nic, hope you feel better soon

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 2.


    A Bog Blog!!

    Mange tout, mon amie, mange tout!


  • Comment number 3.

    ok Tiggs, helps if you read properly, glad your book is in the publishers building!!!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Chris, bless you, you remember us each day and I think that's fantastic - you are such a sweetheart. And, don't you just LOVE the word "lavatories"??!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Hello CLP and Everyone Else (again)

    You're right CLP, sometimes there is not enough time but when something is very important we have to make the time and put everything else on hold.

    I can imagine when writing a book that there is always something you wished you had added or deleted for a long time afterwards.

    Thank you writing the blog from the bog!

    I hope it was a posh one!

    MM x

  • Comment number 6.

    Thanks for the nudge Tiggs.

    Hi everyone, just to recap, I have just bunged some furry mushrooms, mouldy mould, how can that be?

    Looking forward to the new book Christophe, nothing has grabbed me quite like the first one so am expecting great things of you! (no pressure mind!)

    I currently have a pile of ironing that even Beez would be proud of!
    It's funny that while I was unemployed I quite enjoyed getting to the bottom of the pile....now I just add to it!

    Warm again today, just going to rig up the fan to cool me down while the iron heats me up!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 7.

    Well, I hardly ever pop in from next door, and on the odd occasion that I do, I find it's all potty talk. Gracious me!

    I hope you haven't taken the book into the cubicle, Chris, I suspect there will already be enough 'draughts' in there.

    Sorry, I'll get me coat!

  • Comment number 8.

    I'm having a cracking day. I think it's the total joy of being the filling in a Chris Evans / Liza Tarbuck sandwich. BLISS. Thank you Radio 2.

    Barmy xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Andy, I do have my knee raised a bit at my desk, but unfortunately as we're in the run up to an office move, on top of everything else, I really can't afford any time off work :(

    I am resting it in the evenings though, I promise!

    CLP, I seem to remember this isn't the first time you've blogged from the bog! Hehe!

    JG x

  • Comment number 10.

    LOL Paul.

    I hope CLP wasn't feeling too flushed in there!

    MM x

  • Comment number 11.

    A blog from the bog . .
    some harmless inconvenience from a convenience
    something serene from the latrine,
    or was-it...
    actually from the closet?
    me thinks it was a more than the normal coo from the loo,
    not just a civvie in the privy,
    t'was really the daily decree
    of Big Chief B(l)ogger, our very own CLP . . .

    DtM xx

  • Comment number 12.

    LOL DtM

    We're more interested in the bog than anything else haha!

    MM x

  • Comment number 13.

    Maybe CLP was just having a bit of an information download .....!?!

    How nice is this? Sitting on receiption at work when one of the tenants brings down some delish desserts for me and a colleague. Cue one very happy Deevs with a pot of tiramissou. All gone now, needless to say!



  • Comment number 14.

    Thanks Chris, Some of my best work and some of my best thoughts happen in the loo...
    Deevs - No pudding for you tonight then!



  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon Sentiments Of Hello With A DAMN Aych Aimed CLP's & Everyone's Way...

    Bingo Star 'ere (without an aych on the here!!!).

    CLP - Sounds most nice the way the book is finally coming together!!!!
    A don't want to poke me nose in but a 'ope very much the will abstracts of CLP & INDEED Tash's golfing life in the book!!!!!!

    Just trying ter offer some 'elpful advice!!!!!

    VERY much like David 'owell did ter CLP on the 7th 'ole at Wentworth.... And it paid off most 'ansomely!!!!!!

    Don't know what am talking about??@?

    Read me PART 4 & final part of Bingo Star Went To Wentworth.... And then yer will know what am on about!!!!!

    I'll just write it out... (speed writing... back in 1 minute!!!!).

    Bye! (for a minute).

  • Comment number 16.

    Bingo Star went to Wentworth:

    PART 4 (the final part):

    So at last I had caught up with CLP’s group!!!!
    I had missed them tee off as I didn’t realise they had teed off at the 10th hole first, not the 1st!!!
    The reason for this was as there’s so many groups playing & it takes over 4 hours a round… to accommodate & fill up the course more evenly… the organisers decided to split the teeing off times!!!

    It was all mayhem with Brucie all over the fairway shouting orders at his caddie!!!
    CLP & Chris Hollins calmly standing there waiting to take their next shots… and all this while David Howell came over to play his slightly off line ball… only to find it had struck a lady in the crowd!!!
    The Howell apologised but luckily she was fine & laughed it off!!!!

    It was interesting to see CLP play golf for the first time… he was hitting some nice shots but the new almost evil 18th green proved a nightmare for Brucie & CLP… and even David Howell I could tell wasn’t finding it a breeze!!!!

    After the 18th I decided to follow CLP & Brucie. The next hole for them was the 1st!!!!
    All four teed off… with a mighty fine drive by David Howell… and I was surprised how well both CLP & Chris swung their clubs!!!!
    To me CLP’s swing look so decent… well it was almost like he must have a wife as a professional golfer… yer know to show him a few tips!!!!
    Some nice golf was played at the 1st then to the short 2nd hole!!!!
    At the 2nd CLP stood right next to me while the others took their shots off the tee. I was going to say hello to CLP again but I thought best not as I didn’t want to interrupt his game at all!!!!!

    After the second onto the third & wow did Chris Hollins play a mega good tee shot!!!
    For a small bloke he really can hit the ball… he almost out drove David Howell!!!!
    But David Howell was hitting some brilliant shots!!!!
    I could tell he’s not a top tour pro for nothing!!!

    One thing I like about seeing the top pros play golf but that you don’t hear on tv is when the hit the ball… you can hear it go through the air!!!!
    As the ball leaves the golfclub face it & takes off… the faster it goes… the louder it makes an aggressive sounding whizzing noise as it goes past through the air!!!!
    And when the top pros especially like Tiger drive off the noise is even louder: it adds to the feeling/ spectacle of wow these guys really know how to hit a golf ball!!!!!
    These balls are travelling at upto 180mph sometimes and it’s the noise of it pushing it’s way through the air resistance!!!!

    I decided to head further up & see which groups were ahead!!!!
    I waited by the fourth green: watching the groups come through!!!
    They were less well known but still playing some great golf!!!

    I waited for CLP’s group to catch up & sure enough 20 minutes later… their balls came bouncing down onto the green… with them some 200 yards back!!!!
    Brucie has his own golf buggy & I believe he has a house nearby on the Wentworth Estate… so perfect for him!!!
    He must drive straight out of his house onto the course to play golf!!!!!
    When a say drive… I mean his buggie not his golf ball with his driver… although maybe he does!!!!

    After the fourth it was onto the next.
    It was all action… with Brucie joking to the crowd… it was like the wacky races but fun & entertaining to watch!!!!
    I don’t think they were taking things too serious… just having a good light hearted knock around the course!!!!
    Bruice on the next hole miss hit his ball & it ended up nearly in the spectators. Then his second shot he miss hit it again… so much so he just picked it up & called on CLP & the others!!!!
    Again Brucie joking to the crowd that the stress of the game will finish him off!!!!!
    CLP also had one or two bad shots as did even David Howell!!!!
    Shows how tricky the game is at times!!!!!
    But on the parr 4 7th hole… CLP hit a nice shot just on the right of the green but level with the flag!!!!
    I was standing right near the ball so got a good view of him playing his chip shot!!!!
    He came up with David Howell.
    Next thing David gave CLP some expert advice were to aim for as the green had a very tricky slop running across it!!!
    A mini golf lesson for CLP right in the heat of the action… Again all added to the fun/ spectacle of it all!!!!
    After listening CLP hit the chip exactly to where David had advised on the green & the best way to chip!!!! No easy feat & with about 50 people watching!!!
    And it was an absolute beauty of a chip: one even Tiger would be proud of!!!
    It landed perfect on the slope… then curved around the back of the flag, nearly going in the hole & stopping only a foot from the other side of the hole!!!! A beauty!!!!
    A tell yer a think a might be booking some golf lessons with David Howell!!!!!
    Even Bruice shouted now that’s one you should have on film!!!!!!

    Only four more holes to play!

    I stood near the tee & CLP noticed me there!!!!
    As he passed he banged fists with me & smiled!!!!
    A think he was still made up with the mega chip he had just played!!!!

    All four teed off again: all great shots again!!!!
    Again some mayhem was had on this fairway… then it was upto the next tee!!!

    I managed to get a great view at the tee & stand right behind all four, by the sponsors ad boards surrounding the tee!!!
    When David Howell took his practice swings… I was so close his club missed me by only a foot I’d say!!!
    That’s the one thing that is great about golf… what other sport can the spectators get so close to some of the most famous sports people in the world!!!!
    I can remember at The Open being only five feet from Tiger Woods… presently the most famous sportsperson in the world!!!!

    After David Howell teeing off it was CLP, then Chris Hollins & finally Brucie!!!!
    So it was over to the final hole of the day for them all before a group photo on their last green!!!!!
    Well it was getting late so I decided to head off back for the railway station & back home!!!!!
    Off I walked only to nearly get run over by Brucie heading off himself in his golf buggie up the path!!!!
    I jumped out the way & he waved at me & said “thanks… take care, BYE!!!â€
    I was nearly gonna shout ‘good game… good game!!!!’ but instead I waved & said “see you Brucie mate!!!â€

    I walked the two miles or so back to the clubhouse!!!!

    A quick look around the range which was still a busy hive of activity with all the top pros still tweaking their swings ready for the next day; the first of the all important championship days… when it all gets very serious!!!!
    After 30 minutes there… it was off to the station!!!!
    I passed the car park again… and CLP’s Ferrari Enzo was still there!!!!
    I was surprised as I thought he must have gone by now!!!!!
    I stood there and had another good look at it… for a minute thinking surely CLP will be back soon!!!
    I mean the car park was well over half empty by now!!!!!
    I started to think… I wonder if CLP did come back… if I asked him very nicely… maybe he would give me a ride in his Enzo… even if it was only the 20 yards to the car park: at least I could claim to fame & say ‘I’ve had a ride in a Ferrari Enzo… AND with CLP too!!!!!!!!!’
    But then I thought… No… Maybe that would be a bit cheeky!!!!
    So off I headed for the station!!!!!!

    All in all…. The whole day had been a brilliant day out…. And being a practice day… it didn’t cost a penny to get in, even though it‘s in the heart of where all the millionaire’s live…. talk about value for money!!!!!!!!
    Even if anyone isn’t into golf… I can’t recommend strongly enough a day out for anyone at one of the top golf tournaments!!! And a celebrity pro-am event make sit even more interesting/ fun!!!

    From young to old… alone to a full family day out…. it’s really is not what you would expect from watching golf on tv!!!!
    It exceeds all expectations… from just the pleasant walk around the picturesque course & it‘s surroundings…. To seeing some of the richest & most talented sports people in the world!!!!


  • Comment number 17.

    Good luck CLP, I am sure it will be alright in the end......

  • Comment number 18.

    PS Talking of sitting on the bog & writing/ thinking.... a remember being on the toilet at Sandbach services on the M6...... And thinking of one of me funniest jokes!!!!!

    Only problem... Ave forgetten what the joke was!!!!!

    If a remember i'll bang it on the bog... sorry blog!!!!


  • Comment number 19.

    Bingo, I really think you should elaborate more ;-)

  • Comment number 20.

    Well fancy. Bloggin' on the Bog, Christoff. Whatever next.

    Mind. What's all this Lavatory stuff. Yous has gone all posh, sunshine. Oop 'ere in Wigan we've nobbut just moved on from t' outdoor privy, where the drainage system was one stream a water passin' beneath the row of toilets within. Where the young DDF Eric an' 'is mates used make newspaper boats an' sit in wait for Granddad to install 'imself therein wit 'is Pigeon Fanciers' Gazette; then set light to said craft, an' set it upon the channel.

    The joy of the resoundin' crash of Granddad's skull on the rafters, followed by the chase up the ginnel by said War Hero wit the trousers round the ankles, was well worth the public floggin' wit Grandma's slipper that followed, apparently.

    And I don't know whether it was this trauma that did it; but Eric could never bring 'imself to discuss matters lavatorial. In fact, he was always greatly amused by the fact that the female of the species always seem to visit the Ladies' Cloakrooms in pairs. Therefore, if asked as to the whereabouts of Renee and Aunty Dot, he would look around briefly and say, "Erm.. They've probably gone for a Dusty Springfield."

    We all knew what 'e meant, although it's only recently it was explained 'e meant I Only Want A Wee With You.



  • Comment number 21.

    Evening each

    Peace and love to you too CLP, and good luck with the edit.

    Hope all are well - been a lovely day here in Fife, made even better by having my gorgeous little boys all day.


  • Comment number 22.

    Man From Uncle - Could you please tell me in finer detail all that elaborate means?

    As BIG adult words confuse me!!!!


  • Comment number 23.

    Haha Clodagh, a Dusty Springfield...will have to remember that one! lol

    Bingo, thanks for your Wentworth stories, I love golf, and must admit that when we went to the Open at Royal Birkdale a couple of years ago, it was the best day out I'd ever had, and that includes going to Silverstone!!

    We'll be ther at Royal Lytham St Annes in 2012...I think Kent is a bit too far for a day next year!

    And besides, we are planning to go to Le Mans next year!

    JG x (who is trying to rest her knee, honest)!

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi Annie, we've had a nice afternoon here too, it makes a change to see some sunshine doesn't it? Brightens up the day and mood no end!

    Clodagh, I had no idea what a ginnel was until I moved up here!

    Well, my plans on finding a different route have been scuppered by the Gas board digging up almost all of Leigh to replace the mains, and the road I was going to take is closed for 3 weeks from Monday! Great!!

    Guess who's going to get slapped around the head with a wet kipper tonight?

    JG x

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi all

    I need good vibes on Friday morning please - I've got an interview!!!!! -yep, already woop woop. It is for a contract job at another motor finance company doing exactly my job - they like my CV and an old colleague of mine has put in a good word for me as well!!!!

    Now I need to calm down between now and then and do my planning (I wonder if my hairdresser can fit me in on Thursday?).

    I am sure that it is the good vibes so far that has got me this far.

    Thanks everybody.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Bingo it means to go into more detail. I was being sarcastic my good man ;-)

  • Comment number 27.

    Bless you JG.

    Hence the expression for somebody rather bandy in the leg department,

    "'E couldn't stop a pig in a ginnel."


  • Comment number 28.

    And Mtd. I've started the good vibes already, hun. You'll be grand.


  • Comment number 29.

    Excellent MTD!! Good vibes heading your way for sure!! xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 30.

    JakeyGirl - FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sometimes this blog & INDEED many of the bloggers here frighten me!!!!!!

    Guess where I am off to tomorrow???

    Royal Birkdale for the first time in about 6 years!!!!!

    Yes, last time I was there it was The Women's British Golf Open... And this week it's returning... As I am!!!!!!!

    Am gonna be at Lytham 2012!!!!!!
    Maybe we should meet up there????

    Plus sounds most interesting the LeMans 2011!!!!!!!
    Always wanted to go but never got round to it!!!!!!!

    Maybe we should meet at LeMans 2011 too???

  • Comment number 31.

    Man From Uncle - Thank you elaborating for me what elaborate means!!!!!!

    PS What does sarcastic mean??

    Again tarr if yer could elaborate on sarcastic!!!!!


  • Comment number 32.

    JG, if anyone slaps you with a wet kipper my friend, just poke them in the eye.

    MTD, fingers and toes crossed for you. As Clodagh says, you'll be fine. Just remember Bob Dylan's song - Trust Yourself. Worked for me.


  • Comment number 33.

    It's a refined version of taking the mickey, Bingo. I'm going to buy you a dictionary for Christmas. I've been to Le Mans a few times for the bike racing.

  • Comment number 34.

    TMFU, I'll be going for the cars....bikes hold a small interest for me, if I catch them, but cars are for me!

    Bingo, we'll happily meet up with you, at either! Are you going to the Donnington BTCC meet? We'll be on Starkey's bridge (outside of the circuit) my favourite circuit and favourite spot!

    I always have a big smile on my face when I get to look at the cicuit from there!

    JG x

    PS Annie, it'll be me hitting him! LOL

  • Comment number 35.

    Evenin all :)

    Am just waiting for my tea to settle a bit and then I'm off out to the post box. Tis a lovely looking evening, and I'm feeling I ought to go for a walk before my planned (postponed from last night) soak in the bath. The perfect excuse / reason for the walk appeared on my fb home page today, news that a dear friend has won the battle with the driving examiner and passed her test :) I bought the perfect card quite some time ago when she told me she'd started lessons, so now it is time to post it, and since I'm out I may as well do a bit of a circuit and keep my miles up.


  • Comment number 36.

    Clodagh - have been reading this for years but only joined in yest. Am wondering when I can shoehorn into a conversation the dusty springfield line. very funny. reading your posts makes me think in a yorkshire accent again and reminds me of my then about 6 year old launching into a johnny Vegas stylee version of "the time as cuwm, to seh goodnyyght...., etc etc that they sing at the end of cbeebies. Pub singer at 6! he's got a future. my sister said to him - you sound like johnny vegas - the cute child said in the appropriate accent "well at least ah dunt look like im!" how does he know? that's what i'd like to know.

  • Comment number 37.

    Hallo ali l - just noticed that you're new on here. You can shoehorn into any conversation you like.

    I'm off to look at the blimmin' ironing pile again.


  • Comment number 38.

    Ali l, I take it you were from the UK shores at some point then?

    Enjoy your walk Oz!

    Think my tea may nearly be ready! Maybe I'll try and get Top Gear to play...

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    Annie, please can you do mine while your at it, I only have one pair of linen trousers that need ironing! PLEEEEEAASE!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    Ali yous are welcome to borrow Renee's brand new backscratcher/shoehorn she bought from Llandudno any time you like, hun. You can 'ave the fly-swatter too, if yous don't mind takin' it wit the squashed raisin an' postman's facial hair stuck to it.

    Welcome to the nuthouse, hun.


  • Comment number 41.

    thanks people - i grew up in sheffield and then moved about a bit oop north till we came to kentucksville 2 years ago. I'm teaching jack to speak proper so when i return to my roots, he'll know what everyone's on about.

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi all- and esp to Ali l - welcome abaord the good ship blog

    am home and working again - tis not fair!

    Am also watching sundays top gear as I missed it at the time as I was seeing Europe and Forgiener - catch the gig Thurs and Fri night on ITV4 - it wroked!!!!!!!!!

    Mr bp just bought me a bowl of cucumber and lettce and told me that was my dinner - I really hope he is joking!!


  • Comment number 43.

    Oh CLP... you are working hard, my friend. That is good – because it staves off boredom... however it is always important to make time for yourself, to take stock, even if it’s in the loo...

    I did that today – I was at a meeting near to Leamington Spa, when it finished, I was desperate to get back to London, as I always am. But I remembered that an old mate of mine, I hadn’t seen for years, had a shop there. So I diverted, and popped in – well, the kisses, hugs, memories and friendship that met me – made my day... still smiling...

    So... although it added another hour and a half to my journey, that I will never get back again – no regrets... nothing lost and everything gained.

    Hello to all and Ali too, nice to meet you.

    If you catch this Annie , I have been wondering, since Friday nights blog... you get a Scotsman through the letterbox... and then he goes in the cupboard? I like your style...

    Love to all

    Suzie... xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    JG, you haven't a chance of getting your ironing done by me - I'm folding stuff as we speak. I'm sure it'll be fine in the morning.

    And Top Gear was fab, definitely worth watching.


  • Comment number 45.

    JG: I intend to. Just heading out now, I deem tea to be settled enough :)

    back soon (ish, depending what circuit I opt for)


  • Comment number 46.

    Suzie - The Scotsman pops through the letterbox every morning, but the man in the cupboard is a Geordie, sorry. He wouldn't wear a kilt if you paid him. He's a grumpy old so-and-so, which is why he's in the cupboard till I need him. Although, have to say, I love him dearly.


  • Comment number 47.

    I have a huge pile of ironing if anyone is interetsed?

  • Comment number 48.

    Gradeley, Ali. Nowt worse than forgettin' where yer was dragged up, an' we don't want 'im growin' into a Big Soft Southern Jessie do we. No, 'e needs bringin' up amongst men who eat lightbulbs an' eat summat 'as as looked ovver a gate; an whose idea a foreplay is 'alf an hour a beggin'. An' where the women all 'ave small feet. So we can get reet into t' kitchen sink.

    Grand. Mind. Don't yous accuse ME a bein' from that side of t' Pennines. We Lancashire Lasses 'ave 'igh standards tha know. Took me ages rubbin' out the stamp on me passport after me trip to Leeds.


  • Comment number 49.

    I've got a couple of skirts and a shirt that need doing, have been putting them off for months... I'll get round to them one day!


  • Comment number 50.

    SB, sorry, don't do ironing. I still haven't got over the basket of ironing that leant against the wall 3ft high when my kids were young. Every bloody Saturday, after changing the beds and doing a humungous amount of washing and hoovering the house.

    Clodagh - how's the book coming along?


  • Comment number 51.

    Annie - thats okay - it will get done when I get bored or run out of work clothes :-)

  • Comment number 52.

    mr bp was joking - dinner is mash, veg and veggie sausages and came with the sausages stuck up in the mash and a yorkie pud hat on - yes theres a reason I married him!

  • Comment number 53.

    I still like your style Annie... xxx

    Night all - early night and long travels tomorrow and absolutely no ironing - have fun...

    Suzie xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    You've got a goodun there baggy.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Good luck mtd !!!!

    Hurry up with the book Chris. It HAS to be out this Crimbo otherwise my Xmas wish list is going to be empty.

    tgh xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Mtd - best of luck to you

  • Comment number 57.

    Chaps in cupboards, Suze an' Annie. Marvellous. Just 'ow I like 'em.

    And it reminds me of the bezzy mate when she was seein' that posh art dealer from the Big Smoke. Not that I can imagine why, but I don't think 'e was too impressed with us lot. 'E used to turn up in the convertible Roller, whereupon we'd all pile into the thing an' roar off to cause a bit a trouble. Anyway. One Sunday afternoon the gang was still convened at the pub, hair of the dog from the ructions of the night before, you know, and in she comes, Just For A Quick One. Much hilarity ensued, then some 4 hours later, she suddenly screeched, "Ah NOOO, Rupert!".. an' shot off. Seems she'd left 'im in bed, told 'im she was off to get the papers, locked the doors behind her.. and forgot 'im. By the time she got back, said chap was fairly incandescent wit rage. Havin' left 'is phone in the car and unable to get out, not to mention the windows were on a time-lock and the heatin' on full blast, 'e'd no idea where she was, and so when she walked into the house he boomed, "What the hell are you playing at? I couldn't even get OUT.."

    "Now calm down, sweetheart," says she. "It's just a precaution. I 'ave to lock 'em in these days."

    We never saw 'im again. Funny, that.


  • Comment number 58.

    Annie nag nag ruddy nag.....



  • Comment number 59.

    Clodagh, I feel that man's pain. Remember I was locked in the Micra!!!

  • Comment number 60.


    Mtd - Lots of good luck for Friday. Sounds like a fantastic chance for you

    Sbp, Dinner sounds yummy!!!

    JG, hope the knee's feeling better and you're taking care

    Hello to everyone else, hope you're all tickety boo!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 61.

    And I'll keep it up Clodagh. I'm the world's best nag.


  • Comment number 62.

    Anybody know of a good deal on a Micra?...


  • Comment number 63.

    You're such a besom Clodagh!!!! Very funny.


  • Comment number 64.

    Sorry watching TG now, back later!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 66.

    Back from my walk, and now have the bath running. Took the card the long way round to the postbox nearest here. Passed several runners and the odd dog walker on my circuit. Must remember if I decide to do an evening walk again to go a bit earlier or take a different route, lots of tree covered paths tonight and lots of midgy things out. Might have been wise to apply insect repellent, those blighters seem to like me!

    Baggy: prefer the sound of your real tea to the fake one, hope it was as yum as it sounded :)


  • Comment number 67.

    Ozgirl yous can 'ave the fly-swatter after Ali's done wit it if you want. Or JG might 'ave a spare kipper.


  • Comment number 68.

    Aww Clodagh, I'm sure you'll be welcome, or if not, I'll meet you in good ole Wigan town on Saturday for a late lunch!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    Oz, I find Anthisan invaluable!! Never leave home without it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    Btw Baggy. Sorry to hear you've been feeling low, hun. Big hug an' a slap to you.

    Mind. Sausage an' mash Mister bp-stylee musta put a titter round the aul laffin' tackle, I'd say. Bless 'im.

    Reminds me a my Beano party. Did a Cow Pie, a big huge cake wit thick icin' an' big fat cherries stuck on top, an' a big plate a mash wit the sausages stuck in, Desperate-Dan style. Marvellous. Stick To Your Ribs food. For proper chaps an' feisty women.

    I mean. You never saw Tarzan an' Jane wit canapes did yous.


  • Comment number 71.

    Ah tanks JG. I'll let yous know if am chucked out on me ear for gatecrashin'.

    Fancy gatecrashin' at 55. It's not big an' it's not clever is it.


  • Comment number 72.

    Clodagh, bet it's fun, though!!

    Right am off, night all. See you tomorrow.


  • Comment number 73.

    good luck on Friday mtd........ hope you all had a good Tuesday. Hot here today, even hotter tomorrow. Supposed to be in the 90s, then the storms roll in and I thing it's supposed to be 70s the rest of the week.....

  • Comment number 74.

    55? I'm afraid I've never risked going to Wigan of an evening! Can we meet in the day, and I'll plead ignorance of how to get there and Mr JG will come too?

    Actually, apart from Leeds, I really don't go far without Mr JG unless I'm driving, as I have no idea where these random places they announce on trains are....

    I wa quite brave getting to Leeds and back!

    I can find holiday places, and places I go to frequently just fine, but have a mental block about Wigan! Mainly cos I hate it's roads...but part of it is that even after 10 yrs, I CBA! Sorry :(

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    Sorry just popping in and out again as it were - now shurrup you lot in the back!

    Off to the big smoke tomorrow with work and then come Friday evening I'll be in Brum - I don't mind at all you gatecrashing there Clodagh so might see you at lunchtime on Saturday then?

    You can do it Mtd xx

    Hugs and whatsits to everyone. If I am still awake I'll try and catch up on Sunday.

    Night night

    Susan xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Have fun in the smoke Susan. See you soon.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Well I need to get some sleep now..night all, sleep tight! xx

    \JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    Clodagh: cheers for the offer of the fly swatter, I may take you up on it if I can't locate the anti bug stuff, for my next evening meander.

    Have been duly dunked and tis now time for kip. Much beauty sleep required here, although walk + bath appear to have woken me up. Maybe book'll help me nod off...

    Sweet dreams to one and all


  • Comment number 79.

    Chris - stop fretting man. This last minute panicking seems very unlike you from what little I know and have read about you.
    I can't imagine that any changes you are going to make at this stage are any more than details - although they do say that the devil is in the detail don't they?
    I know the book is going to be great and am hoping that it will be like a backstage pass to a concert that I enjoyed watching from the cheap seats the first time round.

    I also got caught out in the toilet the other day (no not that way!).
    We have this nuiscance rep that constantly turns up unannounced no matter how blunt we are with him.
    As he pulled into our car park last week - I dived into the loo and asked Kate to explain that I had nipped out with Chris (thus explaining why my van was still in the car park). Result I thought, I'll sit and read the paper while he chews Kate's ear for 10 minutes.
    So, there I sat, phone on silent catching up on the days news when I heard him say "oh ok! Can I just use the loo before I go?".
    Now I'm not saying that he didn't believe Kate, who was doing her best Porky Pig impression...."bbbbbbbbbut itttttttts out offfff ordordordorderrrrr" but I haven't seen him since.

    Ho hum!

    Hope you're all well.

    Baggy - must meet up soon, but tome is against me at the moment. Can you send me a text as I don't have your number. I haven't gained that level of security yet ;-)

    Clodagh - I also owe you a text and apologise for not having done so. Please forgive me....
    I should say though, that I have no idea what happened after I left you at the working man's club and even less idea about your new tattoos.

    Take care all



  • Comment number 80.

    bond007 - you're welcome to the storms but they just emptied out a bit in KY so there might not be much left by the time they get to NY - the minute laddo jumped in the pool the life guard blew her whistle and told them all to get out for 30 mins! all that wet washing for a 1 minute dip. Bother!

  • Comment number 81.

    JakeyGirl - Sounds good... i'd love ter go ter LeMans!!!!!! It's a deal!!!!

    As for the BTCC - A will try ter come along!!!!!!
    The weekend of the 19th of September!!!!!!

    Am planning thr week before ter go to the LeMans Series (whatta coincidence) ter see Fisichella racing in his Ferrari!!!!!!!!

    But a will VERY much try ter get ter Donnington the following week!!!!!!

    TheManFromUncle - Dictionarys... brings back memories of when a had just started secondary school!!!!!!
    A used a distionary ter look what the word.... dictionary mean't!!!!!!!

    an example of sometimes things are closer to yerself in life than yer realise!!!!!!!

    Nite all!!!!!!

    Gotta get me golf sleep.... Gonna 'it a 'undred down at the local range first thing.... then off ter watch the most talented women in the world 'it a few!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 82.

    #81 - Whatta coincidence.... 3 above me best round of golf ever!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 83.

    ali 1 LOL..... hope you're right about the storms......

  • Comment number 84.

    Good morning all.

    Chris ,It will all be fine ,you shouldn't worry so much .

    It's a lot better here today weather wise,much fresher than the last couple of days ,nice and sunny too.

    Hope you all have a super day .

    Take care ..Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 85.

    Goor Morning world

    It amazing what a great dinner, a good nights sleep and waking up to sunshine can do for you.

    I ready to face to the world today - lets hope the world is ready for me.

    Rips - number texted to you - you have made the 'not an axe murderer list'


  • Comment number 86.

    Okay - and if we want to make a list of songs that make you happy - becuase its great to share the love - what is your number one happy song

    Mine is - Mr Blue Sky ELO

    And if I can find you song, either on yoootube or Mr islopd I'll listen to it today

    Wow - I do feel good today - watch some eijit come and burst my bubble!

  • Comment number 87.

    CLP, so looking forward to your book. I took the first one into horpital last week whilst waiting for FOUR hours to see Dr Man. got some funny looks for the spontainious laughing out loud I kept doing!

    MTD - good luck for Friday - you can do it!

    Baggy, great to see you upbeat - I'm going to put my thinking cap on about the song, I've got so many that make me happy.

    Bids - nice to see you - bright and breezy here too.

    Right off to practice my best "cat from shrek" eyes to make at my consultant later to not put another cast on my leg - will report back.....

    have a good day everyone

  • Comment number 88.

    Baggy, I have so many songs that I like, but going with what came to mind first - Katrina and the Waves, walking on sunshine always brings a smile to my face.


  • Comment number 89.

    Morning peeps - lovely and sunny here in N Wales too and it really does lift the spirits when the sky is blue and the sun is out.
    Kinda explains Debs and Baggy's song choices.

    I thought I would have been on here more, seeing as I am not in work this week, but 'stuff' sort of too over and I was busier than I expected.
    Had two of the sofa seats re-stuffed yesterday - £170! but boy is it more comfy to sit on than it was before. Well worth it.
    Car in garage today - new starter motor! - another expense. Just as well I wasn't going away anywhere this week. Still they have to be done and it's far easier to organise when not in work.

    As I am stuck at home today, I plan a little light housework and some baking.

    As for my 'makes me feel happy song'? I am very fond of Summer Breeze by the Isley Bros but I also love Don't Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin, doo do do doo doo do doo de do de do, doo do de do de do, doo de do de do...

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Oops, did I say it was sunny? Just had a real downpour, out of nowhere - well out of the clouds, I know, but ....!
    Typical just as I've put some bedding in to wash.

    Oh well, cakes now I think.

    ttfn, C xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Good Morning Bids, Baggy, Debs and Crumpy.

    A lovely day here on the Wirral Penunsula.

    Songs that make me happy are Mika's Grace Kelly and We Are Golden.
    Amongst many others too many to mention.

    Hope all are well.

    MM x



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