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Sandwich Anyone?

Chris Evans | 10:02 UK time, Tuesday, 1 June 2010

It's not difficult to comprehend, it's merely a fact. The preparation and consumption of a homemade sandwich is one of the great pleasures life has to offer.

And then we get to eat it.

If I'm making a sandwich, I will also note to make a study cup of tea a few minutes beforehand, so that it will be at the right temperature to enjoy with my culinary creation.

One more sandwich before I die?

It would have to be roast ham with far too much butter on white bread - nothing else - simple and perfect.

If I had to accessorise it all, it would be with the addition of a handful of salt and vinegar crisps on the side of the plate.

Now there you are - lovely.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Corned beef an' piccalilli, Christoff.

    Get the laffin' gear round THAT, sunshine. Yummy yum yum.


  • Comment number 2.

    ..an' proper butter. None a that nasty calamine lotion stuff. Beearth.


  • Comment number 3.

    AND. Stick the crisps on the butty, Chris.


  • Comment number 4.

    oh don't talk about sandwiches - I've been trying to resist a bacon or sausage sandwich since 9am! I am trying to be healthy - the more I resist the more I would like it especially as this morning I feel like I've been hit by a truck or some other vehicle.

    To have a sandwich or not to have a sandwich that is the question....

  • Comment number 5.

    Oh thickly sliced home done honey roast ham between two slices of fab crusty white bread gets me every time - yum

    Morning CLP and Clodagh

    Susan xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning Hannah, you snuck in just as I was posting. If we are talking crisps then it has to be them hand done k***le salt and black pepper please and oh just a scraping of butter on my bread and I'm picky so only L**pa** will do!

  • Comment number 7.

    I surrendered - theres too much politics going on in our office this morning not to surrender lol - I promise lunch will be pasta salad or something healthy!

    We get the supermarket version of a certain butter product but my housemate always had l**pa** - Good choice Susan :)

  • Comment number 8.

    Egg Mayo on white with lashings of real butter. I am sure it isnt good for me but I have come to the conclusion that everyhing I like is bad for me in one way or another.

    CLP, You mentioned this morning the Cheese Rolling being more dangerous than your 1000 mile road race. Trust me, if you could see the hill these nutters run down following a whole cheese you would understand why and it isnt even smooth!

  • Comment number 9.

    Ello CLP & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star ere...

    CLP - Was listening ter yer most nice show & a 'eard yer talkin' about Sandwiches... ter be 'onest am sick & tired of sandwichesh 'aving been on the road for 13 years!!!
    And ave been ter Tebay Services many a time - also of which yer mentioned... a waz there last week in me Stobart rig!!!!

    The only sandwich a would want is a game of golf at Sandwich Golf Course when The Open is being 'eld there.... sandwiched between yersen on a pro-am event & Tiger Woods... now that would be an interesting sandwich.... AT... Sandwich!!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    morning people :)

    my ideal sarnie would be either ham or cheese n onion or toasted bacon n egg (all on white with butter/substitute) I'm not really that fussy about what food i have as long as i like it.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 11.

    Good morning one and all!

    Hope you all had a good weekend! I tried to keep up with the blog antics but my fruit flavoured phone didn't like it when the "Next" button started and my thumb hurt.

    Not much to report but just popped in to say hi.

    Thunder - I am with you on the egg mayo on white. Bit of black pepper and perfection achieved.

    Have a good day everyone

    Miss P

  • Comment number 12.

    Really soft doughy fresh white bread, butter, and crisps.

    Squash down so crisps break and stick to butter.



    T xxxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Thunderclap - I agree about the Egg mayo but it's got to be fresh - other wise it stinks everything up for the rest of the day lol

    Miss P - I agree I put a sprinkle of salt and a sprinkle of pepper while mixing in the mayo :)

  • Comment number 14.

    Also CLP a 'eard yer mention about shacking one's 'ead.... sadly ave been doing alotta 'ead shaking this morning....

    Yer know the 'Bingo Star First Day Of The Month Weather Weather Set's A President For The Month Ahead Weather Prediction'... well looks like flaming June flaming ain't gonna be flaming going by what's going on outside me window!!!

    Also ave got more bad news... am starting ter completely change me mind.. & think it looks like we are about to 'ead into the feared 'double dip recession!!!!!'
    And not a small one but a 'uge one ter follow the already 'uge one we've just 'ad!!!
    A 'ope am VERY wrong... but sadly most of the evidence is looking not good!!!
    Europe going down, China on the edge of a BIG property bubble going pop... UK mega in debt... the US in debt but the US seemed ter be pulling out of trouble... But sadly it looks like they are drifitng back into trouble!!!!
    Let's 'ope the present Europe/ China stuff is a blip... but a fear it may not be!!!!

    Tommorrow a will tell a joke ter cheer all up!!!!


  • Comment number 15.

    Bingo - I think you broke it!!!

    SST: I'm never sure about crisps in a sandwich lol. Then again my favourite crisps are D*r**os blue ones - they don't really work in a sandwich lol.

  • Comment number 16.

    PS Must admit me mother makes a most very nice 'egg with the yolk runny, 'oney flavoured smoked 'am & lettuce sandwich' between brown bread!!!

    One of favs!!!!

    And when a was younger she used ter make a MEGA 'egg 'n tomater!!!'

    'ope this 'elps!!!


    PS ALL - A might tell all this week about me VERY near incident with Eros thatta VERY nearly 'ad while waiting for me date ter turn up at Piccadilly Circus on Fridee!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    'annah J - Broke what??@? The world economy, me sandwiches... or the BLOG... all a know me mind 'as been broken for a long time!!!!


  • Comment number 18.

    Hannah - i can tell you where you've been going wrong - D*rit*s aren't crisps!!!

  • Comment number 19.

    Blimey the blog ploice are on it MEGA terdee!!!!

    Must be the beeb's top operatative on terdee!!!!!! ;)

  • Comment number 20.

    Morning Chris,

    I have two favourite sandwiches. The first is a nice toasted blue cheese, pear and walnut one.
    The second, a nice smelly eggy mash sandwich, (no mayonnaise but H***z salad cream) black pepper and in soft wholemeal bread. I agree with you about making the tea first, then it is not too hot when you sit down to eat your sarnie.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. Talk about 'flaming June', it is cold and wet here :(

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 21.


    Why are ALL Bingo's posts "awaiting moderation" don't they trust him . . .or is it just it takes them longer to decipher *gggggggggggg*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 22.

    Obviously a food orientated weekend in Radio 2 Land- Simon is talking of chips and lemon drizzle cake on his blog. What with Chris and his sandwiches and tea, we have almost got a picnic!

  • Comment number 23.

    Hello CLP and All Bloggers

    How I agree CLP, there's nothing better than a sarnie and how strange that you should mention ham. That is what I am going to make very shortly. But will it be ham and egg or ham and cheese topped with tomato?

    After the sarnie is made complete with cup of tea at the right temperature as you indeed state, one sits down to take that first tempting bite.


    Somebody's knocking on the door.

    MK xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Hello there CLP Bloggers - mind if I join you all?
    [Mayo bloggers very thin on the ground today and I'm feeling chatty]

    Sarnie-time - hell yeah! Good to see so many of you still favour the white bread wrappage. Me too.

    Ham with dijonnaise
    Cheese and onion with mayo
    Corned beef and picallilli [snap Clodagh!]

    I have simple tastes.

    KatyMac xxx

  • Comment number 25.


    I wouldn't have said that dijonnaise was a simple taste :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 26.

    Hi everyone,

    Just about to tuck into my brown chicken tikka salad roll (no coleslaw), for lunch! Yum.



  • Comment number 27.

    Welcome KatyMac.

    I used to only like white until I was forced to eat brown for health reasons. Now I love brown and don't like white.

    MK xxx

    PS Still don't like granary though!

  • Comment number 28.

    Bingo - you broke the blog lol. For some reason your comment needed moderating.
    Also, a fried egg sandwich is lovely - just running enough so that you can dip your crusts but not too runny that it explodes down your shirt lol.

    sst: if they aren't crisps what are they lol. I guess they tortilla chips or something like that.

    Madchickster: I love lemon drizzle cake!

    We have sweeties in the office today all the way from Rochester, NY - there's crystallized maple syrup, chocolate covered honey comb thingies (they are like miniture cr****ies) and peanut butter cows lol (they are cow shaped chocolates with peanut butter stuff in the middle)

  • Comment number 29.


    This blog is making me late making me sarnie.

    Off to make it now~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    MK x

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi again

    Back from a shopping trip - didn't go too mad, just bought a smart jacket, a couple of tops and a pair of shoes - now I need to get the interviews to wear them to....

    All this talk of sandwiches is making me feel hungry, so off to raid the fridge.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Would love a cheese and onion crisp sarnie, but the wobbly tooth won't let me :(

    Off to the dentist I go!

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 32.

    Hello all,

    Made me laugh when CLP was talking about the 'leg wobble' this morning.

    I remember taking my driving test, I was doing my 3-point turn when I got the wobble!! I must have managed to cover it up ok though because at the end of the test, I nearly choked when the tester told me what a smooth drive it had been!

    And, I've coincidentally done myself ham sandwiches on white bread, with butter!

    Happy days!


  • Comment number 33.


    Why do all dietists assume that you like and will eat salad, veg and fruit?

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 34.

    All this talk of sandwiches put me in a right quandary when I went to buy my lunch. Should it be brown or white, mayo or mustard, ham or eggy mayo.......ended up with cheese and tomato on white with a smidge of mayo.

    Mtd - glad the shopping went well. Am a little concerned about your bottom half though....hopefully the shoes will wow the interviewer so they won't notice the lack of skirt or trousers!!!!!LOL!!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 35.

    LOL Miss P. I already have trousers that will match - although you might have something there.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Brown bread should be banned

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 37.

    Steve some brown bread is delicious but I prefer it on it's own just with butter.

    S x

  • Comment number 38.

    Steve - I agree, especially the bird seed variety.


  • Comment number 39.

    I make my own brown bread and it is lovely - way nicer than bought brown bread which I think contains corrugated cardboard!! And I agree, Susan - just butter! (And it has to be butter, not spread).

    What should be banned are the sarnies sold in supermarkets - always slightly curling and dry and taste of nothing. Let's keep the proper sandwich shop alive!!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 40.

    Steve #33

    Because the golden rule is 'if you like it then it's bad for you but if you don't like it then it's good for you.

    Miss P

    I agree and don't trust supermarket sandwiches which are way overpriced.

    MK x

    PS Is anyone else having trouble signing in? I keep on getting 'Whoops!
    Something has gone wrong!'

  • Comment number 41.

    Afternoon gang

    Well what a morning. In a nutshell ..... x-ray at dentist, turns out I need root canal treatment . Given the state I got into over the x-ray, the dentist has agreed to refer me to hospital so I can have it done under sedation. Not sure how long I will need to wait, but to be honest, I don't care, just so long as I don't know owt about it when the time comes.

    And on to more nice things .....

    * drum roll please *

    I HAVE A JOB!!!

    Remember the one I mentioned which is in the building I am temping in? Well, I am now a Property Administrator - part-time, 8.30 am - 2pm Mon - Fri. Possibly going full time in the next few months. Money not fantabulous but it's a permanent position, with no traveling (I can walk form home!), so no petrol, no paying to park and no rush-hour stress of being stuck in traffic.

    Quiz night tonight and I'm not driving, so may have a cheeky sherbert of two to celebrate!

    Muchos Amore, indeed!



  • Comment number 42.

    And .... I always fancied having a sandwich bar. My faves include (seasonal):-

    Roast pork with stuffing and apple sauce on doorstep white bread

    Bacon and brie baguette

    Silton and B****ton pickle

    I make Nic's sarnies every morning and he's not complained yet!



  • Comment number 43.

    Reallyreallyreally Great News Cheryl xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Sarnies that are shop bought . . . .. . . .. .

    What i hate and i do mean HATE about shop bought sarnies is that they NEVER do plain ones that i like. They all seem to contain salady muck in them or the ones without that junk in are seafood ones and the like *shudder* When i do find one that i like and can eat they don't have enough butter/spread in and the filling never goes to the crust :(

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 45.

    Now I can't sign out!

  • Comment number 46.

    Talk about plain sandwiches - when we were in Glasgow, on the Saturday lunchtime after a long night with Beezand, all I wanted was a plain cheese and tomato sandwich. Asked at the hotel bar and they said 'we've got Stilton and Pear' which would have been lovely if I hadn't had at least a bottle of Merlot the night before. In the end they had to ask a manager if they could get me an ordinary sandwich - what was that all about??? Mind you they charged me the same as for the Stilton and Pear.......

    mtd ffb xxx (why do all my posts seem to turn into essays???)

  • Comment number 47.


    wooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooo :-D good news on a gloomy day indeed. So what exactly does a property administrator do only it sounds like a "made up title" I must confess to not knowing what or who your working for/doing so that would maybe helping my confusion and lack of understanding (that an the fact i'm a kinda simple guy)


    It would appear that EVERY thing i like is banned and EVERY thing i hate is the stuff i'm supposed to be eating :(

    I once went to a dietician at the hospital to help me eat better. She ended up saying that there was nothing she could do for me because i couldn't eat anything that i was supposed to :(

    I'm still trying to find a low fat low sugar low calorie diet that doesn't involve cutting out spuds bread or rice :(

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 48.

    Deevs fab news on the job - are you still going to the 2 interviews tomorrow as well? x

  • Comment number 49.

    Well done Deevs, that sounds so handy for you.

    On holiday in Keswick there was a great sandwich shop right across from our digs, we would go in and get lovely sandwiches made up for our lunch out on the hills, it was fab.



  • Comment number 50.

    Deevs good news for you - also you'll save money not having to take car and pay for parking.

    As for sandwiches, I like cheese and tomato with mayonnaise. The weather is getting better here at last after all the rain we had this morning.

  • Comment number 51.

    Deevs - well done for the job

    Sandwiches - my fav is brie and grape, no butter (havent had it for years) but a little light mayo on nutty bread - not sure what its really called - probably granay.

    I agree with the shop sandwiches - mr bp is possibly the most fussy man in the world and cant eat any sandwich shop due to the tomato issue - so when we go out we generally buy a very nice bagette and eat that dry - yep we know how to live.

    Yesterday me and him bought a new bath - the first time we have ever bought a bath - and it has a whirlpool system in it - form an orderly queue please to have a go :-)

    Hiya everyone else.

  • Comment number 52.

    Afternoon all

    Well done to that Diva! Haven't we all said that the right job for you was just around the corner, and now it is - literally!

    I'm with the plain sandwich brigade, had roast beef with a bit of english mustard and butter on white for mine today.

    We have a proper sandwich shop round the corner from where I work which you'd like Steve, first time I went in and asked for something on brown, they said we only do white!

    On the diet front, you can have spuds and rice on low fat low cal, it's the lack of butter and sauces which make them a bit boring.


  • Comment number 53.

    Deevski: That has made my day! I am so glad that you have a job even if it's just for now :) My Mum always says it's easier to get a new job when you've got one (I'm not sure why but there you go hehe)


    My lunch was chicken tomato and basil pasta salad from the supermarket - I also have liqourice twirl thingies

  • Comment number 54.


    Rice needs something to make it less dry. If you can't have butter with spuds then you have the option of oven chips or fried chips neither of which are low in fat :( Although i must confess that the missus does "wedges" that came from a diet book which are rather tasty which i have with baked beans. The trouble with spuds is that they contain carbs which breakdown into sugar which is bad for me :( so i can't have too much of them . . nor bread . . .so that leaves me with rice but what do i have with rice? *sigh* this diet lark is a bloomin nightmare

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 55.

    On a similar topic but on a tangent.

    River Cottage was banging on about the health of chickens. the battery operated value basics smart price whole chicken was 2.79kg whilst the free range organic does as it please one was 6.20odd a kg . .. to me it's a no brainer . . cheapest everytime

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 56.

    Steve - have you cut out all the easy stuff? Go from semi to skimmed milk (do it slowly and you will get used to skimmed), cut out butter from sanswiches - lettice does the same job, grill everything instead of fry and have big fat chips as they are better then little skinny ones!

    Oh - and no cake or choc :-(

  • Comment number 57.

    anyone see DIY Sos last night, it was the one with forthekids (was that his name) shelving unit!

    Hi to everyone else and many congrats Deevs!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 58.


    I didn't i was trying to keep up with me recorded progs. I'm still going through the 80's progs that was on bbc2 last month *sigh*

  • Comment number 59.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 60.

    Good afternoon blogettes

    I've been lurking and sending Deevs good vibes - cos everyone else had said all the positive things I could think of. So CONGRATULATIONS the best girl finally won in the end.

    Regards PJ

  • Comment number 61.


    We have 1% milk and use mayo for sarnies. Don't like lettuce so can't use that in them. we have a george formby so use that. Chips are not so much of a real problem (although i do LOVE them) don't have cake and choc i can do without. It's the basics that i have problems with :(

    Every diet seems to suggest that you can eat as much fruit n veg n salad as you like which is ok if you like that stuff. But as one that doesn't i find it hard to get "full up" and am constantly hungry.

    The only time i have lettuce is in a big mac and cauliflower and parsnips with a roast (but only because i have stuffing and gravy to help it go down)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 62.

    Hurrah for Deevs!!!

    Well done you - we all said the right job was out there! I reckon your guardian angel was looking over your shoulder as well (and can I borrow her on June 14th for my interview?!. Oh, I am so pleased for you!!! (Skips around room with joy)

    Bathtime with Baggy - a potential new reality show. Uncle Carl, where are you? Baggy - don't do what my Dad did and squirt in a load of bubble bath. Took us days to find him.

    And don't talk to me about chicken prices. Went into our local butcher a couple of months ago. "I'd like a chicken please". "Organic, free range or organic and free range?" "ummm, organic & free range - I've watched Hugh". "There you go Madam. Β£28 please". I was so flabberghasted that I paid up and trotted off with my chicken. Didn't know whether to eat it, frame it or auction it as the most expensive chicken ever!!

    Must go - STILL writing job descriptions!!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 63.

    Steve - sounds like you are doing the best you can.

    We have a issue with mr bp in that every diet talks about decreasing your BMI - but as Mr bp is under what he should be and nothing tells him how to increase it - and he is doing exercise and eating as much as he can!

    I find the best thing to fill me up is nuts and also a good source of protein (veggie that I am) but get the unsalted, unmessed about with ones!


  • Comment number 64.

    Steve, did you get a free ukelele with your grilling machine?

  • Comment number 65.

    Miss P - I hadnt even thought about the bubble bath issue as I dont use it - but must warn mr bp as I may lose him forever

    hmmmmmmmmmmmm ......................

  • Comment number 66.

    Not had a chance to properly catch up - not on here really!

    Just wanted to say Well Done Deevs!!!!!

    Also for my lunch today at the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ - 100% TRUE! I had ham, egg mayo, tomato on a olive and herb forcacia roll - so big that I had to pull it apart and eat with a knife and fork - ALSO 100% TRUE!!!

    Tis very glam here at the Beeb, lots of creative types - seen the studio where CLP will very soon be staring on the one show AND they have teleboxes in the offices - ALSO 100% true!

    gotta go!

  • Comment number 67.


    For 28 quid i would have expected Ramsey to have come home with me and cooked the thing as well. :(


    Maybe a dietician from the hospital would be able to help, or even someone from your GP surgery. I've found our practice very helpful but we've got a new modern one.

    steve :-D

  • Comment number 68.


    Congratulations on the job.
    Re the dentist, when I needed a lot of treatment a few years ago I asked the dentist if it would be OK for me to have a drop of brandy. He said that would be fine just so long as I didn't arrive singing and dancing. So that's what I did and it really made such a difference.


    Since my heart attack I've been given so much conflicting advice diet. I've come to the conclusion that common sense is all that's required. Eat enough good food, i.e. fruit, veg, etc. but also enjoy what you like
    because being contented is also very important.


  • Comment number 69.

    Steve - #67 - Quite!!!!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 70.

    Afternoon Everyone,

    Personally I like a tuna and cucumber sandwich on white - that would be my sandwich of choice.

    Deev, Many congrats on the job xx well done you xx

    Rosie, Happy Moving, glad it's all worked out xx

    Hugs to everyone else, I have caught up since Friday but can't remember specifics! My brain is a bit fried today been looking at accounts all day and I feel a tad dizzy!

    I had a fab weekend with my friends in Clitheroe, I only see them once a year and it was great to catch up and also to get a cup of tea in bed every morning. I waved to various people as I drove past their junctions, boy it was a long journey going as the traffic was horrible, coming back was a piece of cake - I don't think I should tell you how long it took me to drive back I might get arrested ;)

    Happy Tuesday


  • Comment number 71.

    Now listen 'ere.

    Lettuce 'as no place on a butty.

    Lettuce makes yer bread all soggy an' floppy, like eatin' a wet flannel. Then when you try to get the laffin' gear round it, all your corned beef an' pickle lands in your lap, usually right in your crutch, then yous 'ave to tie your cardy round your middle to cover the pickle stains all over your nice white linen pants.

    Same wit the tomato. Sneaky swines, them tomatoes. One bite an' the skin drags every bit a fillin' off your butty an' empties it into your lap again. Jayzus.

    What.. use a plate??? Don't be daft. 'Ow can I use a plate when am negotiatin' Hyde Park Corner or the M50 toll booth wit wet nail varnish on me toes? Not to mention I need me free hand for the mascara brush.



  • Comment number 72.

    And listen up Steve an' Thunder. Bugger the healthy butties.

    A healthy lifestyle won't necessarily make yous live longer. It'll just FEEL like it.

    Get that butter out bless yous.

    Ey Deev, hurrah! Well done.


  • Comment number 73.

    White bread
    Red Sauce (has to be the 57 variety)
    Flatten down

    Heaven in a sandwich!!!!

  • Comment number 74.

    Too right Hopeseternal.

    And a chip butty too!

    MK x

  • Comment number 75.


    They sure do give conflicting advice, the only thing they seem to be sure on is 5 a day *sigh* but i can't have 5 lots of apple or orange juice because apparently that's not good for you either.


    I agree, but when you have health "professionals" bleating on it does tend to get to you.

    The Dr gave me some pills . . the ones that help you lose an extra pound for every two ya lose (only these are industrial strength . . twice the dosage) but they only stop the fat . . if ya on a low fat diet then they don't do much :(

    I'm thinking of next time they bleat on about my weight of telling them to give me liposuction because thats the only way i can see me losing a serious amount of weight *sigh*

    anyway . . .. . just been shopping and got carbonara for tea tonight :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 76.

    Steve-I agree. When they start asking me what food I eat I feel like saying "What food do you eat" but I suppose they are trying to help.

    I might be wrong here but have you thought about getting vitamin C pills. I was given Omega 3 fish capsules to prevent another heart attack.

    Maybe pill substitutes are not as good as the real thing but it is a thought.

    MK x

  • Comment number 77.


    I have though about supplements but you can't get them on prescription (or not to my knowledge) Another major problem i've found is that the cheap food is high in fat/sugar/calories etc so it ends up being self defeating in that i can't afford low versions of stuff so can't get the weight off :(

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 78.

    Why does food have to be such a problem, it's supposed to be one of life's pleasures.

    MK x

  • Comment number 79.


    I know *shakes head* life was sooooooooo much easier when we was growing up :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 80.

    Congratulations on the job Deevs!

  • Comment number 81.


    Have been reading these pages for a long time and am now being brave and commenting for the first time.

    I would just like to say how much I enjoy Chris's show. When I can catch it before work.

    Sandwiches, we love them in my house, especially at the week-end when I make sausage and onion butties with english mustard, on fresh white bread and butter. I don't like the manufactured stuff that tastes of plastic, and sticks to the roof of your mouth. Only other sandwiches I like are chip butties with butter that melts. Really why is a butty called a butty, if it wasn't for the butter? Otherwise what would it be called?

    Butter may not be very healthy, but the other stuff can't be either, and I do believe that a little bit of what you fancy (now and again) does no harm.


  • Comment number 82.

    Hello Sheba.

    If a butty is only a butty because of the butter then one made with margarine would be named after me LOL

    Without either it must be a non butty.

    MK x

  • Comment number 83.

    Welcome Sheba

    As you have been lurking for a while, you will know that we are not a bad lot - stick around.

    I know I congratulated you on t'other side Deevs but well done.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Everyone else must be out doing exciting things??

  • Comment number 85.

    Evening each

    What a scary photo Chris - made me dizzy. Heard the chat about the cheap sandwich this morning. Would have to be not cheap brown bread with seeds for me, butter, no meat but nice cheese and teeny tomatoes.

    How's everyone?


  • Comment number 86.

    Did you break the blog MTD? Hallo Bathsheba. Haven't caught up yet, off to have a look.


  • Comment number 87.

    I'm here very briefly - seeking refuge from rubbish hotel tele - unfortunatly I left the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ - I want a job there - there is an "assistant producer on Blue Peter" who wouldnt WANT that!

    Also "assistant producer on CBeebies" - my old boss is managing a recruitment team with the coolest job titles!

    right off to catch up what is occurin

    love you all - will be off line tomoz on here and FB too - back up darn essex


  • Comment number 88.

    Hi Annie - I think I did. You mended it though.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Ooohhh, Debs, go for CBeebies, it's never off my telly when the little'uns are here. I could wave to you.

    Won't be around tomorrow till late either. Have to take old car to garage for wheel thingymywhatsit to make it safe for daughter, then spending the day with 4yr old and his new baby. Yum, can't wait.


  • Comment number 90.

    Congratulations on the good news Deev :)

    MTD: glad to hear you have matching trousers to go with today's purchases ;)

    All this talk of sarnies and diets is making me peckish and it's not that long since I had dinner :/
    My usual homemade sarnie of choice (or possibly laziness) is ham and cucumber in a brown bap, sometimes substituted with salmon paste and cucumber (if I'm out of ham) or spreadable cheese and ham (if I'm out of cucumber). Every now and then (when I'm thoroughly bored with bread) I make spreadable cheese and ham / turkey ham wraps. If I'm buying (quite rare as having sarnies everyday at work is more than enough sarnie eating for a week) I like tuna and sweetcorn or salmon and cucumber sarnies (not really fussy what they're in, the fact someone else has made it is enough for me!) or the duck wraps that bo*ts have in their meal deals (usually get a fruit smoothie and a greek yoghurt with honey to go with it, make sure I get my money's worth). I can't stand tomatoes (though like ketchup and soup - weird I know!) so it does sometimes make finding nice new sarnies hard. Also quite like egg sarnies (though not a mayonaise fan so don't do shop bought ones) but can never really justify the effort of boiling the eggs to make some just for me.


  • Comment number 91.

    Now, see, you have all got it wrong. Completely wrong.

    Best sanger is as follows:

    Thick cut crusty fresh white bread.

    A thin layer of 'knock me down with a feather, if that ain't the real thing then I'm Julian Clary' type stuff

    A good layer of love it, loathe it yeast extract

    Topped with a perfectly fitted layer of Frazzles. (couldn't think of another way to describe them, sorry!)

    Squish down and cut vertically.

    Yum diddly um!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 92.

    Is there a correct way of cutting sarnies?

    I normally cut mine vertically but sometimes just for a change I cut them across.

    On some occasions, i.e. bacon and egg or sausage, I leave them whole.

    MK x

  • Comment number 93.

    Before I go to bed (with my stomach growling because of the talk of food) - you have to cut a bacon and egg sarnie otherwise the egg yolk doesn't soak into the bread (which really should be white but we have got a taste for the 50/50 at the moment). As for spread, I can see the arguement for butter but I currently use the elh version of the I can't etc etc.

    Nite nite all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Evening all,

    Sarnies well ,Prawn salad with a tad of mayo on brown bread ,but it would have to be served with a pot of tea and followed by a cream tea .

    Think that would do .


  • Comment number 95.

    Sausages! With ketchup!
    Bacon and egg
    cheddar and onion.... toasted
    if buying......W@1tro5e make an unbelievable sweet chilli chicken wrap.
    Now that I would eat EVERY day.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 96.


    Just got home.

    One of my christmas presents from Mr CSN was to go to the O2 to see Rod Stewart in Concert. Must say he was fantastic.

    Only downside was the journey to get there should have taken an hour, but took over three hours! Missed the first two songs!

    Deevs, great news about the job, I am so pleased for you. xx

    Night to everyone.

    csn xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Morning troops!

    Thank you for all the lovely "well done" messages on here and Facecloth. I'm still smiling and can't wait to get cracking ASAP - and plugging in my bling mouse Beez bought me, and putting a lovely pic of my Fantastic Rolastic on MY desk! Yay!!!

    Sandwiches: I always cut mine in half, triangles. And the hardest thing with a bacon and egg sanger is getting the yolk evenly distributed between both halves. Sometimes nigh on impossible, depending on how the egg breaks in the frying pan.

    We came second in the quiz last night - lost a fair few points on a ridiculous True or False round - 4/10 - not good. We did however win a bottle of wine for coming 2nd, dry white, which was a bit of a result as Big Al doesn't do white wine, and Nic will occassionally do white wine so what do you know if the bottle didn't find its way straight into my handbag! Double Yay!!!!!

    Two more sleeps til Macbeth ....... triple Yay!!!



  • Comment number 98.


    Glad you enjoyed the concert CSN but shame about the journey.

    Yah and double yah Deevs

    Susan x

  • Comment number 99.

    Good morning everyone,

    Quite foggy here in Ayrshire but looks like is is going to burn off and be a lovely sunny day.

    Have a good one.



  • Comment number 100.

    Morning all

    Now that the blog is open again, time to wish our HLS a very happy birthday.

    Back at work today - a bit shaky but bearing up so far. Going for a chat with the boss in a bit to see what I am supposed to be doing - my job ceased to exist on Friday.....


    mtd ffb xxx


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