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Life Takes Longer To Write About, Than It Does To Live

Chris Evans | 14:35 UK time, Friday, 25 June 2010

I know, I'm doing it again.

I am in a room with the curtains closed, to pretend there is no sunshine, no day, no world out there to distract me from the task at hand.

There is a deadline you see, and publisher's notes are full of such wearisome issues.

Although I know they make the books so much better, I feel like a spider desperately trying to crawl out of a bath. Will this ever end?

So simple to the fresh eye are these huge chasms of continuity, countless repetition and lack of chronology, but to the word weary author they are a revelation of one's total inadequacy.

I am holding the pen, whilst it is my loyal and trusty editor who cracks the whip, so forgive me as I must return to my manuscript immediately and pretend nothing else exists - for now at least.

Goodbye world, I hope to see you soon.




P.S. I am actually off to see Bon Jovi in a bit - so don't worry I'm only being overly dramatic because I am secretly very happy.


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  • Comment number 1.

    CLP - you are doing everything you want to do and have worked hard to get there - why shouldn't you be happy - very happy myself to hear it.


  • Comment number 2.

    Keep your head down. The sooner it is done the better.

  • Comment number 3.

    Christoff Luvvy Lamby Tarte.

    Sacre bleu. Yous 'ave turned into Oscar Wilde.

    An' if I see a spider crawlin' outa MY bath that looks owt like yous in them lycra trolleys, I'll be weltin' it wit me Wigan Observer pronto.


  • Comment number 4.

    An' stop showin' off.

    I'm off to Morecambe shortly for a cuppa tea an' a 99 up the Front.

    So there.


  • Comment number 5.

    CLP - you drama queen you!

    Enjoy the Bon Jon - I know a few people who have been and all fab reports.HElloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo M-P!!!

    Helloooooooooooooooooooo Tiggs - waddya mean strange!!! oh yeh OK then! :-)

    OK excitement going off the scale for Leeds now - got a taxi booked to take me from station to bar and back again - really - at least that way I wont get run under a bus hey PiP (who literally saved my life last time!)

    BTW M-P - you will get to know me as the "accident prone one" - as my daughter puts it "if there is a group of people having a good time and there is one accident - it will be my mum" - I had the first blog meet in A&E you know!

    Gonna be a scorcher for most of us this weekend so I hope those that cannot join our merry band have a wonderful time what ever you get up to.

    AliB - on bacon butty duty again tonight? you really are a saint!

    right now where is that bag of peas - need to "elevate"....


    re-posted from last blog

  • Comment number 6.

    Why do you want a 99 up your front?

  • Comment number 7.

    CLP - you know you went through the same agonies last year and came up with a good result. Mind you I don't think the weather was as good.....

    Anyhoooo, only 1 more sleep till the blog meet in Leeds, everybody is getting v. excited - will there be a FNWC? or will everybody be saving up their energy for the SA&EWC?????

    More good news on my part, I was originally going to get my return coach leaving Leeds at 3.00pm getting in at 5.45, which would have meant missing the match. I have now changed that to 11.00 am getting in at 1.40, which means that I can see the end of the GP and the match as well!!!!!

    btw I am going to elh after work - did anybody want any b*rs of pl*nty? If so which flavours?


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Thunder yous cheeky monkey.

    Honestly. You lot. Nowt but smutty.


    Clodagh Whippy.xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Thunder - my thoughts exactly!

    MTD - good planning or at least change of plan - whoohoo see you tomorrow x

    Does Leeds really know what is about to happen to them yikes

    Susan x

  • Comment number 10.

    Oops Clodagh thought you had gone. Do I give you my apologies now esp as I might get to see you in Leeds?

    S x

  • Comment number 11.

    MTD - I have no idea what a b*rs of pl*nty is!!!

  • Comment number 12.

    ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh - if these are the things made by the gorilla company that got sold to the yanks (is that racist?) and comes in three flavours then one of each please - eral money can be sent to you via paypal to cover cost and P&P xxxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Susan yous are a marked woman. Don't turn your back, I've the trick bluebottle in me bag as I speak...


  • Comment number 14.

    Them's the ones Baggy - elh have got them on special at the moment for a squid (59p off). unfortunately I don't have a paypal account and in this weather they would probably melt in the post (if I am going to take any to Leeds I will use a suitable chill bag).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Oh dear I am afraid, very afraid!

    Please have mercy as it is my first blog meet - pwetty purlease

  • Comment number 16.

    It's OK Susan - we'll protect you (besides Clodagh's only a wee bit of a girlie really). Looking forward to meeting you.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    ..Well, just check the olives on your pizza, Susan. Ha.

    But seriously, yes I should be there, Comin' Ready Or Not....

    Mine's a large one. Missus.


  • Comment number 18.

    MTD - fair enough - now I know about them I will have to have a look next time i go shopping!

  • Comment number 19.

    Crikey - this is a lively blog!! Thanks for the greetings, especially debs. You're mad. I love it!

    Good luck with the blog meet this weekend - I am manning a bbq at a school science fair tomorrow and running a stall at a Funfest for disabled children on Sunday. Going to be fun!

    Deasant Play


  • Comment number 20.

    Malc - you staying for FNWC? Be warned though it can get a bit steamy in the hot tub.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Btw MP I heard Ken talking about you this morning on his show - not sure he gets the in jokes with names?

    Welcome to the mad house x

    Susan x

  • Comment number 22.

    Manning A BBQ huh, Malcolm.

    Does that mean yous are attemptin' the World Record for leavin' the most washin' up, crematin' sausages and settin' fire to your eyebrows whilst wearin' shorts, socks an' a smutty pinny?

    Thought so.

    Good luck my friend.


  • Comment number 23.

    Mtd I'm going to give FNWC a miss as I'm saving meself for the weekend!

  • Comment number 24.

    MP - I must admit I only just 'got' your name

    oh dear ..........

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi Chris: you really had me going there ... until I read your P.S! Just to say, I watched the latest video this afternoon - absolutely brilliant. I love you and Jonny so much!

    Hi everyone else:

    Well, the excitement is starting to mount in the run-up to Leeds! Going home to pack, get the house organised a bit, and then hopefully sit down with MrS for a wine or two. For the past week he has been playing Elton John's Captain Fantastic CD constantly, so I should be word-perfect if the bloggers are looking for a wee bit of entertainment tomorrow!

    Clodagh: I didn't know that you are planning to come to Leeds - that is brilliant!

    Susan: absolutely nothing to worry about - you are going to have such a great time. All the bloggers are just lovely.

    MP: welcome to the blog, yes, it would seem that Debs is happy to have you here!

    Hope everyone else is ok - haven't been able to catch up.

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Baggy you are probly too young. Not used so much these days although I do use Malc's cousin in me shoes, good ole foot powder!

  • Comment number 27.

    Scoobs - good to hear about grandad but fingers crossed for the 2nd op if needed.

    Yep car day (well 2 hours actually) was brilliant and a good laugh :)

    MTD - efficient planning, well done you!

    Debs - hopefully no black eyes on this meet!

    Malc - welcome! Sounds as if you have a busy weekend ahead - enjoy!

    Only 2 hours till home time then a busy weekend for me - dinner at friends tonight, hairdressers tomorrow (need the grey covering up), retail therapy and then over to Brum to see GM :)

    All those off to Leeds have a wonderful weekend and look forward oth earing all the stories and seeing as many photos as I can on FB.

    AS x

  • Comment number 28.

    Keep up, Baggy.

    An' watch out if Norma Snockers joins us.


  • Comment number 29.

    Hi Chrissie - it's just Clodagh I have to be wary of!

  • Comment number 30.

    CR - now I get norma snockers (oh err)

  • Comment number 31.

    Baggy - I had a doh moment at about the same time as you.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    #31 I meant for #24 not #30 (I got that one straight away too)

  • Comment number 33.

    OK I'm having a hard time keeping up here - it's different to 'next door'!

    What on this earth (or the next) is CFNW???

    Susan - I'm so glad somebody's listening to Ken's show, not just me listening for my own letters.


  • Comment number 34.

    Clodagh – can I have a 99 too please, with extra raspberry sauce and nuts and hundreds and thousands……………*drools*

    MTF (from the last blog) – No, not the skinny bloke oven cleaner, this is a poor henpecked soul whose wife insists that he cleans the oven. I like it because it doesn’t involve having to spray any foul smelling stuff anywhere. Sadly there is no bloke in my house to use it, so I have to do it myself.

    All the Leeds mob – have an absolutely fab time, and don’t get either too drunk or too sunburned

  • Comment number 35.

    Enough a the braggin', baggy, hohoho

    Any road up. Enough a bein' nice. Renee's just realised she needs more Warfarin an' the chemist shuts shortly so Billy Whizz 'ere 'as to do the 3-minute mile. She's done it deliberately you know. Was doin' fine till some eejit told 'er it's rat poison. Now she checks 'er electric blanket every night an' sniffs 'er tea for almonds before she drinks it.


  • Comment number 36.

    Malc - FNWC is Friday Night Wine Club - a group of us sit and chat with a libation of our choice. Recent Friday's have seen the resurrection of the virtual hot tub, shed and bench (for those who don't want to get wet).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Baggy & MTD - I must still be having a doh moment because I don't 'get' it??!! Am I being thick here?

  • Comment number 38.

    Hot tub - I am THERE.

  • Comment number 39.

    AS sometimes it helps to say people's names out lout to yourself. Well at least that is what I have found when I was a bit confused by a blog name

    Sus x

  • Comment number 40.

    Well done Sus!

    So where do we meet for this Friday night thing?

  • Comment number 41.

    Susan - have said it out loud and am still not getting it! Obviously above and beyond me!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi all,

    Just popped in to wish everybody a great time at the Leeds meet and looking forward to seeing the pics next week. Debs - hopefully no accidents!!!

    Also to Bids - have a lovely time with your daughter x

    Darce xx

    Welcome MP

  • Comment number 43.

    Malc (which for AS's benefit rhymes with Talc), FNWC starts here on this blog as soon as the first person pours a drink (usually around 5 but could be earlier depending on the mood, weather, whatever.....).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Does anyone know what Chris's surprise was today? I saw it mentioned on FB last night but didn't hear it on the show this morning.


  • Comment number 45.

    Evening All!!

    Christoff, have a wonderful time at Bon Jovi tonight - I know you will cos we did -it was brill!

    And thanks for giving up your sunny days to finish off your book. Loved the last one, it's still sitting on my bedside table cos I keep flicking back to it, especially the lists and really looking forward to the next one

    How about a special signing session just for us bloggers.....Pleeeeese!

    Hi Malcolm, anywhere you like for FNWC, mine will be here after boys gone to bed and Mr Seza left to drive his boss to Glasto! Still not sure why he's doing that. Also, not sure why Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ think everyone is interested in glasto, if I was I would go but I'm not!

    And should I worry that I got Norma Snockers - no not like that!-first time but had to say Macolm Powder 3 times??


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 46.

    I hope all of you who are Leeds-bound have a fantastic time. Looking forward to hearing your stories and seeing the photos.

    Debs, lovely to 'see' you back, you seem to have been out of circulation for too long. Hopefully your soundtrack to the blog meet will include 'I'm Still Standing'. ;)


  • Comment number 47.

    Lol Seza - i thought you were bragging there. It took a min for the penny to drop with NS, like Susan I had to say it out loud to myself. There only seems to be 2 topics at the mo - Glasto and footie. I don't mind Glasto and will probably tune into the red button if there's anyone I'd like to see. Have managed to avoid the footie so far.


  • Comment number 48.

    My problem with festival coverage is its nothing like being there and they only show a song or two - not the whole set - however, after my experience at Download, at least it will be drier!

  • Comment number 49.

    MTD - oh, right! Thanks

    Seza that's nothing have had to say MP many times and it still sounds like MP to me!

    Gaily - have managed to avoid the footie too but think that may change on Sunday as have a sneaky feeling that GM will want to watch 'the' match!

    AS x

  • Comment number 50.

    I got you Malcolm! Love it. I'm just boring PiP :-(

    Welcome to the blog.

    Leeds is going to get messy - Lady Chards of Hobbledom is coming so I've booked her an ambulance for 4.30 pm!!!!

    See you tomorrow.


  • Comment number 51.

    oh its soooo good to be back - thanks to all!

    Seza - I've GOT Norma Snockers LOL!

    And I know its early - but in onor of my early rise to get to leeds and therefore early to bed and in account of the week I've had, and its a day off for me, and nowt to do now but chillax, and I'm sure someone told me its good for a torn achilies tendon.......

    I declare FA/NWC open!

    Right wheres the fridge......

    lady chards

  • Comment number 52.

    LOL PiP - posting that whilst I was posting mine - told ya - in a taxi mate so's I dont get run over by a bus!

    Great minds and all that!


  • Comment number 53.

    can I add - my inlaws are round tonight which either means a teatotal night or I can get my ma in law to share some wine with me - what do you reckon? She only normally drinks at Christmas and thats a glass of sherry - my father in law doesnt drink at all!

  • Comment number 54.

    Sbp, give your mum in law some p*mms, she'll think it's such a lovely fruit drink - well, at least, mine did!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi everyone,

    Just popping my head round the door to wish everyone a great weekend and hope you all have a great "blog meet" in Leeds.


  • Comment number 56.

    Afternoon All,

    Chris, I can't wait for the second book and really appreciate all the time and effort that goes into it. Thank you xx The assault coarse video is great - really look forward to the videos every week. Love them! xx

    Really looking forward to Leeds, Susan you have nothing to worry about, I will never forget the welcome we got when we arrived at Liverpool! Clodagh delighted to hear you will be joining us.

    MP welcome to the blog xx

    Have a great weekend all!

    Debs - Cheers!!

    Take care
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Evening All,

    Thought I'd pop on and wish everyone a fantastic weekend in Leeds, what weather to have for it!
    Pip if you could get me some more pics of Debs in her hospital gown, I'd appreciate....I'm bored with the old ones ;)
    I recommend you choose a sturdy table when you sit down to eat and preferably as far away from a chandelier as possible. This forward planning should see that Clodagh doesn't get too seriously injured when she starts dancing on the table and belting out her version of Je ne regrette rien!
    Wish I could be there myself to pair up for our world famous rendition of Renee and Ronata....Oh Well!
    Have a blast kids x

    Can I also congratulate the fragrant Dreamer who I understand just passed her exams with top grades.
    Well done - maybe there is something in all of that mumbo jumbo you rattle on about :) x

    Christoph - keep on trucking sir - if this book is as unputdownable as the last one, you're laughing.....but then, you normally are.

    Have a great weekend everyone, I'm out for the second night on the trot with the boys, to sit in a beer garden and do what the sign says ie: drink beer in it. Woop woop

    Hugs for Alright flower and Debs the first - hope you're both doing ok....and to anyone else who needs them.

    MTF - I think you're going on holiday, if so....enjoy x

    Right, cheerio



  • Comment number 58.

    Hey Rips, how nice to see you - wot a nice post! (well part from rood ones about me in me gown - I seriously intend them to be the only ones from an A&E meet where I am on the stretcher thingy) - but watch this space, clumsy "annie" as me ma an pa called me is out and about again!

    Enjoy your beer garden, put some suncream on your bonce and nose - dont want to look like a flamingo do you!

    over and outing now
    got to keep me foot elivated an all that!
    see some of yoos tomorrow!

    loving your work

  • Comment number 59.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, hurry up, can't wait for the second book.

    Ticked off some of the to-do list today - shopping with gorgeous daughter, who left her purchases in Debebebebenhams cafe and had to go back for them later, grass cut, consultancy with IT son-in-law, now just got to find case and iron stuff to put in it.


  • Comment number 60.

    Evening all

    Just had a lovely afternoon with daughter, little boy and baby Emma.

    Bids, have a lovely time with your daughter.

    Everyone who is going to Leeds, have a great time.

    Debs, enjoy yourself and take care.

    MP, hello and welcome.

    Ali, good luck for Sunday.

    Just going to have a glass of wine in the garden.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Ok, as Debs has declared FNWC open, I'm off to the fridge.

    Rips, shame you can't get to Leeds, would have been lovely to see you old boy.

    Debs: DO NOT open that bottle of Chards till we get there, right?


  • Comment number 62.

    Rips, what a lovely message! I, for one, am looking forward to going to Leeds, it's a lovely vibrant city!!

    CSN, glad you've had a lovely day!

    MTF, if I don't "see" you, have a lovely holiday!

    Bids, I hope you are enjoying your weekend with your GD!

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.

    Aw shucks - Annie and Debs have been nice to me, something's up....

    When's the Birmingham one - I might see if I can do that one.

    Right, kids tucked up in bed reading - I'm off outski!




  • Comment number 64.

    Oh blimey, and JG.

    Right I'm quitting while I'm ahead


  • Comment number 65.

    Rips, 31st July - Brum, or 30th Oct - York...so far!

    Have a good evening!

    Right is FNWC up and running yet?

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Enjoy your beer Rips.

    JG, bar opened ages ago. Debs was here (need I say more?)

  • Comment number 67.

    Debs started it about 4.30 JG - as I've only just poured my first glass, looks like we've got some catching up to do.

    Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow (and of course seeing everybody else whether we've met or not).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Looking forward to meeting you mtd!!

    I thought I'd never get there, but all sorted now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    Right, ironing done, case located, now just have to squash everything in.


  • Comment number 70.

    JG and Annie, have a great time.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Evening all.

    Been another gorgeous day , am just loving the summer days.

    MTF, wishing you a lovely holiday, if yo get chance , i'd love a postcard please !

    JG glad you are coming out to play tomorrow.

    Lady Chards, glad to see you will be supporting the local bottle bank community in Leeds :-)

    Looking forward to a nice day in Leeds and meeting everyone . ONE MORE SLEEP !

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Well done Annie, you won't need much given the forecast!!

    See you around 2-ish! Trains permitting!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Bit quiet tonight. Is everyone away? Even the roads were quiet on my way home from the grindstone, most unusual!
    Hope those off to Leeds have a fab weekend... and everyone not off to Leeds do too. :)


  • Comment number 74.

    MC, it's taken a bit of doing, but I'll be there! Somehow!

    Thanks for the offer of a lift, but you really wouldn't want me in your car, I am officially the world's worst passenger!! I'm either feeling sick or thinking I'm going to crash!!

    Not that good on trains, but thought I might catch up with my Mum on the phone..."I'm on a train" moment expectant! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    Is this the Love blog?

    I think it may well be.

    All I can sense is warmth and joy.

    I like it, I like it a lot.

    Yes, the hollibobs start tomorrow, thanks for good wishes Rips and all those that followed. X's to all of you.

    Got lots planned, mainly things you shoukld do before you hit 50!!

    So zorbing is top of the list.

    Going to save the bungee jumping until next year, when I hope to be a bit lighter, I just dont trust the mathematics, on how far the elastic can stretch according to your weight!

    Canoeing is the one thing that I am really looking forward to, and will determine, whether or not I treat myself to one when I get home.

    What a fabby weekend for everyone, hopefully.

    Keep the love alive.


    Hey Malcolm, cool to see you here.xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Have a great hollibags MTF. Can't imagine what zorbing is but, please, don't do the bungee, it looks soooo scary.

    Oh, sorry, forgot to say hallo to Malcolm.


  • Comment number 77.


    Am crossing my fingers that the sat nav does its stuff . Will have to get up at 6 o clock to switch it on. It should be warmed up and found the UK by 9am.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 78.

    Who threw in the k?


  • Comment number 79.

    MC, I'll be up at 5 so I can avoid the daft so-and-so's heading to the Highland Show.

    We'll be asleep in our dinner!!


  • Comment number 80.


    Have a lovely holiday.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Zorbing sounds fun, but not for me, I have to be "IN CONTROL"!! LOL

    And as for throwing yourself off an perfectly sound place...........

    MC, good luck with the sat-nav, against Mr JG's will I am going on the train...I must get back when I say I will!! Rail companies permitting!

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Annie, good luck , am going to bed soon, am stressed about finding Daisy at Toys R Us .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 83.

    MC, that's why I don't go to Bolton anymore! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 84.

    Have a lovely holiday MTF - are you going to be on-line or off?

    MC - I'm sure you'll find Daisy OK - she'll be the one waving like mad at every mini that goes past her LOL...

    JG - you'll be fine on the train. Don't take this the wrong way but to stop Mr JG stressing - let us know what time your train back is and we will make sure that you get there.

    One more sleep...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 85.

    And i'll be the one sat in the car park waving at everyone and asking them if they want a lift to Leeds ,

    JG, I have the good old back up of the map on paper stuck to my windscreen . I have cut a hole out so i can see where i am going .


  • Comment number 86.

    MC: I have done the odd journey pre satnav with bulletpoint instructions attached to the sun visor... your hole idea made me giggle :)


  • Comment number 87.

    LOL MC!!! And people wonder why I'm a nervous passenger!! Mr JG had a nasty habit of steering left everytime he changed gear...

    I thought I'd sorted it with getting semi-auto's, but now he just fiddles around with stuff!! And I'm left cringing in the passenger seat! And of course the odd shout of "I'm going to die!" gets his attention!

    Which is why I would never subject any of you dear peeps who have offered me a lift to actually giving me a lift!! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.

    JG, Yes, its awful being a passenger .

    I have a lovely little kit i got off the airline. It has a pencil, a little pad of paper , a pair of socks,a tooth brush and an eye mask . Am thinking Daisy may find the eyemask useful, and she can use the pencil and paper to write a "last request" list on . Otherwise , i dont think my driving should give cause for concern.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 89.

    LOL MC, poor Daisy!! I can't even take my eyes off the road, cos then I feel sick!! I need help, methinks!

    JG x

  • Comment number 90.

    I use the toothbrush to indicate with .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 91.

    LOL @ MC!!

    Hey, who's in that hot-tub? Could do with a soak before bed-time!

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    Oh WOW I just binged zorbing - rather you than me MTF - I'd take my hat off if I had one. Mind you I wouldn't bungee jump either.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Am off to bed, have a great weekend folks.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 94.


    Phew, bit late to join in but finally found my way to FNWC.

    Took boys to Scouts then stayed for AGM (along with about 8 of the 50 odd families in the group - is it always like that

    Just got home, dosed up child with hay fever stuff, poured wine, put on a movie, read the blog and stop!

    Sounds like everyone happy and looking forward to the weekend,

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi Seza, yes, very much so!

    Glad your crisis is sorted!

    JG x

  • Comment number 96.

    Phew. Back from Morecambe. Wit Mister Whippy an' a couple a barnacles up me front.

    Now then Rips Renato. A duo? My eye an' Aunty Fanny. After last time? 'Ave never bin so embarrassed after yous forgot the words an' got your moustache caught in me zip. An' fancy not watchin' for that revolvin' fan when yous lifted me up, I thought I'd bin' attacked by the ruddy Apaches the followin' mornin'. If yous think I'm doin' Save Your Love wit YOU again you can go take a long walk off a short plank. Huh.

    Anyway best go check me itinerary. Renee an' the bed shop in the mornin', M62 to Leeds after that, hurrah, (if am not in A&E wit whiplash from said Old Trout insistin' on tryin' out the Memory Foam beds), so am greatly looking forward to seeing all yous nutters.

    I'll be the one lookin' harrassed.


  • Comment number 97.

    JG, you would feel very safe in Puffball.

    I have had to pass over the keys tonight.

    I am slightly worried, as I dont know who is going to be in control for the next 1,000 miles or so.

    Has anyone got the Glasto fest on, on the telly?

    Willie Nelson!

    He sings the most beautiful version of one of my all time fave songs.. Angels flying too close to the ground.

    The latest version is by, Beth Rowley.. check out how fabby she is.. Brizzle lass too.


  • Comment number 98.

    Good evening everyone

    Just quickly popping on to say have a great time in Leeds all who are going, MTF I think you're off on holiday aren't you? Have a good time, and relax! I hope everyone else has a great weekend as well :-)

    I'm off to bed now, I have a busy weekend and have to be out of the house far too early for a Saturday tomorrow, I'm frst aider/support vehicle for a Guide cycle ride of 22 miles tomorrow, I've certainly got an easier job than the Guides have!

    Grand prix and football on Sunday :-)

    Happy weekend

    Love and hugs to all

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Watching a movie MTF, all the boys in bed or driving to Glasto so am indulging myself!

    Seza xx

    ps saw Beth Rowley once, she's lovely!

  • Comment number 100.

    Night everyone

    Sleep well.

    lol, csn. xx


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