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Hats Off To Helmets

Chris Evans | 10:10 UK time, Thursday, 10 June 2010

Helmet - such a satisfying and solid word.

Tomorrow's show is dedicated to the helmet, the first, the millions in between and the last - whenever that day arrives.

Who will be wearing the last ever helmet and what will they be doing ?


We can't do a helmet special tomorrow, we have to do world cup stuff.

Tomorrow's show is dedicated to anyone who is having a world cup party on Saturday, or an anti world cup party - either will do and tomorrow's show is entitled: It's All About To Kick Off In South Africa - For All The Right Reasons, Of Course.

I am, I have to admit, becoming unbearably excited now.

South Africa 2010


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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP Man....

    Sometimes yer need a 'elmet... espicially in motorsport!!!!!!

    Know what am sayin'!!!!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP - I back down

    See you all in a couple of weeks when its all over.

    The purple helmets are a fantastic motorbike display comedy act - check them out sometime and be prepared to laugh loud and hard.


  • Comment number 3.

    Sometimes yer do on a bus.....

    Carried on from me #88 from the previous blog.... A will explain all >>>

    A was listening ter Jerr Vine yesterday when 'e 'ad 'is article about giving up seats on public transport!!!!!!

    It reminded me of a time when a was sittin' on a bus.... and a was getting a VERY stern look from an old bloke!!!!!
    A was feeling very uncormfortable even though the seats were comfortable!!!!!!
    In the end 'cos the old bloke kept giving me 'a look'.... a ended up giving up me seat to 'im!!!!!!!!
    'e was the driver!!!!!!!!!
    Well a did 'pologise but ave always wondered what it would be like ter be a bus driver so a couldn't 'elp sitting in the driving seat!!!!!
    Sort of one part of me career direction am considering!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 4.


    You should have stuck to your guns fella . . .go for the helmet dedication instead :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 5.

    Must admit though... a am slightly worried about becoming a bus driver... since things always go wrong for me!!!!!!

    For one... a can see when a try ter get me PCV licence.... knowing my luck they will get me application mixed up & a will end up with a PVC licence!!!!!!!!

    It's all too much for the mind!!!!!

    Am off... Just aving me brake pipe fixed at the moment... 100% TRUE!!!!!!


  • Comment number 6.

    PPPS CLP - What with all the world cup stuff.... Wondering ave yer gotta couple of Sun newspaper flags dangling from the roof of yer V10 Phantom Menace (a take it it is a V10 or V8???)(still a beautiful monster of a car!!!!) or yer V8 Enzo at the mo when yer come in ter work??????

    Seems everyone 'as!!!!!!

    Just wondering!!!!!


  • Comment number 7.

    Chris, you're just not trying hard enough! What about getting the chap in a township in South Africa who designs and manufactures football supporter type merchandise out of old Hard Hats on the show. Sky news (wash my mouth out) did a good piece on him last week. Very enterprising and well known in the host nation for his efforts and also bringing his neighbours into the process, thereby sharing the wealth.

    Now I know some people don't want to talk football on these pages, but the worst thing you can do is say that out loud, because that brings out the anti blog police in full rant.

    I'd just like to say a big hello to those that know!

    DD out

  • Comment number 8.

    By the way Johnny for crying out loud!

    CHEER UP!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    There you have it.

    The Chris Evans Blog is an officially endorsed FIFA World Cup 2010 zone.

    Football's coming home!

  • Comment number 10.

    For once I agree with you Barney - sorry WWW.

    Of course other opinions and preferences are equally valid.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    who the f is Barney

  • Comment number 12.


    Dont do that to me, we have a temp called Alice in the office - guess which song keeps running through my head!

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning each

    I`m getting more sporadic on here purely for the reason of work... MUST try harder!

    JG - sorry to hear about Finlay..poor mite! Think you will be inundated of dog sitting offers!

    Rosie..woohoo for the settee, glad u settling in!

    Mtd/MissP - onwards and upwards and best wishes for tomorrow.

    Seza..Bon Jovi?! Fabulous..have a great time! And Baggy, enjoy AC/Dc..best band ive ever seen live, and look out for my S-i-l!

    I`m totally out of sync this week, after having Tuesday off instead of my normal Wednesday i thought yesterday was Thursday and today, Friday. Confused? My body is...spesh when it realises its got to do 2 more days this week!

    Looking forward to tonight tho..the GM is home after being away for work since 4am Monday..cant wait for a hug!

    And also looking forward to Sat evening of takeaway and England and Sunday of Grand Prix... sports fans paradise weekend i reckon!

    Right..nose, grindstone, to it..

    mSc x

    PS - DD, hope you hobbling less soon!

  • Comment number 14.

    And helmets..used to have a scooter for ambling about when i was 16 (lived in the countryside with no bus routes) and my helmet was an exact match to my dads rally helmet with yellow and blue stripes... loved it!

    mSc x

    PS - I love Jonny and am not all that keen on Moira..am i in the minority here?!

  • Comment number 15.

    MTD - #90 on previous blog. I'm unlikely to be watching the football - my choice - but I absolutely agree with your sentiment. When I checked this morning I was still living in a free world!

    Bingo - you are welcome. Life's too short as we all know. Keep your chin up fella or you'll feel my boot - and believe me I can kick high

    PiPx (who is proud to be mother, partner, sister, daughter, friend, worker, and human being who accepts the world doesn't revolve around her and pays her own way and has done for the last 25 years and often wears ranty pants and in fact has a full drawer of them!!!!!)

  • Comment number 16.

    To clarify my position

    I don't mind people discussing the world cup - I would just prefer it didnt become the No 1 topic of convesation day in day out as that would get dull for the none football lovers.

    After all I could talk about music day in day out but choose not too as what I love you might hate.

    Baggy - beginning to wish she had never opened her mouth in the first place

  • Comment number 17.

    Hello again,

    Re - my previous post regarding the football, I was just saying that I for one do not like it, however I have absolutely no problem with anyone else supporting/liking/talking about it, just to clear that up as I don't want anyone thinking I was dictating to them.

    Off to finish my cheese and ham roll, forgot to ask for salad so roll is pretty dry, never mind.

    Have a good day everyone.


  • Comment number 18.

    Yo Dudes.
    Not been around for a while, but i hears mention of World Cup, and am there like a shot!

    Come On Engerland.

    Think on me folks, sitting up here, surrounded by the Celtic Race as in (Keltic, not Rangers' Oppos), cheering on Engerland, all the while listening to the neighbours cheer whenever someone scores against us.

    Racism abounds, and I hate it. I love my English Husband, I love "our" National Team and am proud to have my Three Lions on my Chest!

    Dogwithnobrain, With Three Lions Tattoo'd on her butt!

  • Comment number 19.


    If the FIFA World Cup 2010 does become the main topic of discussion on the blog, and I doubt it will as ironically nobody mentioned it before you brought the subject up, then you will merely be in the same position as the rest of us when a subject in which we have no interest dominates the posts.

  • Comment number 20.

    Ah, the great game!! Although I'm sure, as usual, this blog will go off on all sorts of tangents, I expect some discussion will go on - as Deev well knows from mentions of her beloved Arsenal though, I will have no clue what anyone's talking about. This isn't unusual for me though, so please carry on regardless hehe.

    Cold, wet and dreary Yorkshire today, and I've got a cold. Lovely baked potato and beans for lunch though, so I'm feeling a tad brighter :-)

    Hel, gi's a look hehe!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Chris: hope you enjoy all the footie! Yes, you do sound rather excited!

    JG: sorry to hear about Finlay, wee soul. x

    Rosie: you must be so excited about your new place - how lovely for you.

    DD: sounds like you are going through the wars, hope things will be better soon.

    Scoobs: lovely to hear that your gorgeous man will be home soon. Enjoy your "hug"! Years ago, MrS worked away from home all week. We would be on the phone for hours every evening, counting the minutes until he would be home. Friday evenings, he would arrive, and the first thing we did ... was have an argument! Crazy!

    PiP: love your list!

    For the record, I really do enjoy football. We are both looking forward to the World Cup, and of course we are both hoping England do well. I really mean that! We have a friend (a Glaswegian) who, shall we say, likes a flutter. Horses, football, whatever - he very seldom loses, he's just a lucky guy. He tells me that England will definitely win the tournament ... so I would get a fiver on it, pronto!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 22.


    Life is to short to worry about who likes or dislikes football!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 23.

    'lo everybody (she says creeping in quietly having declared her footie "preference" already)

    Am aiming at oil on troubled waters here not added to the fire so bear with me

    I AM sure that us bloggers are, for the most part, a reasonable lot and will take our usual meandering route through life and the blog, touching on a variety of toipcs as we do most of the time.

    It is very rare that the blog become obsessed on one topic and I'm also sure that there will be footie fans who are recording matches so might not want results declared anyway

    There IS room here for everyone!

    In that vein................

    JG, No bless, you wouldn't like the Eye would you? I've wanted to go on since it was put up and cannot believe this is my first time. Maybe some pink fizz is in order to commemorate it. Not sure that will be the most popular drink at Bon Jovi!

    And Scoobs, who knew? Your S-i-L in AC/DC? Result!! ;-)


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Oh JG, Just remembered what I meant to say to you thinking about poor Finley, for whom I have a soft spot as he is my namesake in a way!

    My friends gave up sending their pooch to the kennals and started using a service where the dog went to stay at someones house instead. Registered people who are all checked out. Not sure if you have something similar in your area but they were much happier with that

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Seza, enjoy your trip to London.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Did I just hear right on R2

    "Man Utd is a local issue"


  • Comment number 27.

    Sorry - I forgot how seriously people like football.

    WCW - I quite liked being addressed by my full name - your not my dad are you?

  • Comment number 28.

    Not according to the supporters of other (less successful) teams eh Chezza!!!!

    DD out

  • Comment number 29.

    Seza: I just love London - hope you have a wonderful time. Don't think I could go on the Eye either!

    CSN: I really hope that what I am about to say doesn't sound daft. I was thinking about Harriet's mum this morning: (I am reading a book and one of the characters is called Harriet!) and I know she is in real pain with her back. Do you think she would try acupuncture? It may help and give her some pain relief. I have a recurring back problem, and it really is a godsend to me. I hope I am not speaking out of turn, because I know your daughter's problem is in connection with the epidural. Just thought I would mention this!

    C xx

  • Comment number 30.

    #10 #19

    Ah! Now I get it. Took me a while ....

    World Cup Willy is Barney and will be enjoying the worldcupstuff.
    MisterDipper I 'know' from another place - and is looking forward to the worldcupstuff.

    I'm in their team


  • Comment number 31.

    Afternoon all

    Chris, loved your chat with John about using his field for one of your shows. I'm sure it will be great fun.

    Deevs, glad that both jobs are going well and you are enjoying them.

    JG, hope Finlay is better today.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 32.


    Baggy - the chat in Drivetime blog often revolves around music - some days more than others admittedly - but I don't arf learn a lot in there. AND it's mostly blokes - not that the gender of the poster should be relevant ... lol

  • Comment number 33.


    What position do you play?

    We could really do with someone in the midfield holding role, but with the freedom to roam forward to support the lone striker as required.

  • Comment number 34.

    #33 WC Willy - although role-holding and forward-roaming are skills I have acquired over time - punditry is my speciality ...

  • Comment number 35.

    Anyway folks,

    Can we talk about the effect of ectoplasam has on the wider world in relation to the earths atmosphere and surrounding planets and the sun.

    Many thanks

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 36.

    Steve, och, do we have to talk about that AGAIN?!


  • Comment number 37.


    Are you prof cox in disguise?

  • Comment number 38.


    I, for one, would be absolutely fascinated by your views on the subject.

    PS I think you might mean ectoplasm.

  • Comment number 39.

    SJF Steve - if I didn't know better I 'd swear you were trying to change the subject then :-D

  • Comment number 40.


    We got rid of our ectoplasm tv as we didnt want to watch the football.

    MC x

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi everyone Hope Thursday is going well for you all!

    CLP I can't believe that you're coming to Cornwall the week that I'm going to be away in Wales!!!!!!!!!!!! When you first mentioned it I got really excited and so did the kids thinking that we could come along and now we're all disappointed :-( My oldest said she doesn't want to go away now!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 42.

    MC: I like it! Hiya, how are you doing?


  • Comment number 43.

    That might be a good idea. Her GP wants her to see a consultant first to decide what treatment would be best. He thinks it's nerve damage caused by the epidural, if he is right it will take a long time to heal. Must say she's never had any back trouble before this.

    lol, csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Isn't the best known thing about ectoplasm is that you should allow the beams to cross?

    DD out

  • Comment number 45.

    MCM - sorry you'll miss it. And I missed the date.

    When exactly did CLP say they were doing the show from the field in Cornwall [next to Richard & Judy's gaff?]

  • Comment number 46.

    Hiya Chrissie,

    Good to see you too ! Its a bit dull here , and i am hoping it dosent rain as i left my washing out this morning.
    Hope you are ok too xx

    Right got to dash , the quickest hour of the day has gone again .

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    MCM, thats a shame your going to miss it.


  • Comment number 48.

    KatyMac he said the last Friday in August before the bank holiday weekend which is the 27th, I take the kids to Wales on the 26th! It's so rare that anything happens down here, normally the closest people come to Cornwall is Exeter :-(

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 49.

    SJF - *ggggggggggg* as you would say!

    Af, hope you feeling a bit brighter hon... the tatie and beans sounds lovely..just missing a bit of cheese! x

    Gail..may i suggest tomato sauce as a remedy to your dry sandwich issue..although its probably been eaten by now!

    Seza..hee hee, if the S-i-l was in AC/DC she wouldnt be the GM`s S-i-l, she`d be his wife i`m sure! His favouritist band in the world...ever! Enjoy the eye too..loved it!

    Chrissie..hi lovely. Bless you and MrS! We dont do long phone conversations so have only spoken sporadically over the last few days but have kept in touch by text. It was the 3yr anniversary of our first date yesterday and he was away for that so was a tad miffed but cant be helped..and i went out for dinner with a friend instead!

    DWNB..i echo AF..gis a look!

    MC - hows you?and agree..the sit down and relax hour is always the quickest.. esp if you combine it with a trip to M&S (other supermar..etc..etc..) this lunchtime. Why do old people only shop between 12 and 2?! There should be a law against it!

    Right.. enough procrastinating... spreadsheets to do...yawn..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 50.

    Oh bad luck MCM... can you delay your trip by a day? Worth it to get a cuddle from the lovely CLP!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 51.

    katymac- thanks for the invite to the other side - but last time I looked I felt really lost and old!

  • Comment number 52.

    CSN: yes, of course, her GP will want to see what treatment will be best. And as a rule, they don't usually agree with acupuncture - even though it can be fantastic! I really hope she will get her hospital appointment soon.

    MC: sorry to miss you again. Hope your washing will be ok!

    C xx

  • Comment number 53.

    mSc I thought about that but I'm meeting a friend on the Thursday and we're staying in a cheap hotel chain which has already been paid for and if we don't check in on the 1st night they cancel the whole booking, I just can't believe it I'm going away for 5 days in the whole summer and that's when CLP's coming!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Further to my comments about estate agents yesterday I'm currently waiting for them to get back to me........

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 55.


    I wasn't even here and felt like I was being told off ......

    Sorry Baggles my old friend, but love it or hate it, the World Cup is inevitably going to get discussed on this ere blog - just look at the content of CLP's musings today. If Our Man CLP is excited, then you can bet your lat Rolo that the next 4 weeks or so will be football all the way.

    And I for one am chuffed to Billyo as it's in my blood, y'see.

    The only thing I can suggest (and please feel free to tell me to "do one") is that if it gets a bit footbally on here for your palette, then simply change the subject to something else.


    Now, I'm not sure where this morning went but I am now doing p/t job #2 on Reception, so big smiles, wipe the crisp crumbs away and off we go .....

    Muchos Amore!


    peeees: Come On England!! (but I think SPain will win the tournament!)
    peeepeeees: Valentino: Get well soon, dude x x x x

  • Comment number 56.

    Baggy, #51

    Lost I can understand - the knowledge of music on My Mayo's blog is simply outstanding. A* every time but beware - they have a liking for ProgRock which I really wouldn't recommend to anyone. And don't mention The Tull .....

    But "old". REALLY?!?!?! Surely not. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the younger ones on there and that's saying something, given my creaky old age of 41.


  • Comment number 57.

    Scoobs, are you cooking him a special meal tonight, thats what I do when Mr CSN had been away working,


  • Comment number 58.

    Csn..hi! I would if i had any clue as to what time he will be in but he`s down in the lovely Bids/GR part of the country and we live in Gods own county...so could take 4 hours or 6 hrs or 8 hrs dependent on traffic! So, tonight is chicken stir fry when he tells me he is 10 minutes away and tommorrow will be Jamie`s fish pie with all the trimmings which is his fave.... we do spoil them dont we?!

    Loved your tale of spending the day with your grandson... gorgeous! x

    mSc x

  • Comment number 59.

    Deev..glad it still going well! And also glad its not just me who does crisp crumbs... if i manage to eat any meal without getting any of it down me/around my mouth i`m doing well!

    mSc x... who IS doing her spreadsheets..honestly! x

  • Comment number 60.

    Don't go to the Mayo blog because, if they are into Jethro Tull, they are bound to be living in the past.

  • Comment number 61.

    Afterthought ....... what's age got to do with owt anyhooo!?!? Look at blog meets and the age range - we always have a blast!

    Scoobs - the crumbs are for Ron .... as is lateron!

    x x x

  • Comment number 62.

    Thanks Scoobs,
    Yes we do spoil them, hope he doesn't get home to late tonight and I am sure he will enjoy whatever you cook for him.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Deev..he`s my fave! always have some chocolate in the fridge for him...!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 64.

    WCW - very funny

    Although the fact I understood that joke does worry me slightly!

  • Comment number 65.

    Baggy - if you got WWW joke, then you will fit in with no probs on Mr Mayos muso blog!


  • Comment number 66.


    Yes it would, but much to my shame I have a bit of a problem with Prog Rock related puns.

    The Genesis of the whole thing was that one day I was in a queue at the post office when a massive bloke started pushing and shoving, so I said "Hey that's not Nice, be Gentle Giant"

    As he turned towards me I thought "I'm going to need some ELP here", but thankfully he smiled and said "Sorry, I'm in a Rush. My Caravan is outside parked on double yellow lines and I need to collect my new Van Def Graaf Generator".

    "Be careful you don't drop it on your foot" I said.

    "It's OK" he said "It's really a Soft Machine".

    I'll get my coat, it's the scruffy Afgan smelling of Petuli oil and cider

  • Comment number 67.

    WCW - im laughing out loud now - good thing I work on my own!

  • Comment number 68.

    Afternoon one & all!

    Greeting from a damp and miserable Cambridgeshire - tis like a winter's day out there!

    For once I think I have managed to read most of the posts so feel as if this posting could ramble on and on.....! Sorry

    CSN - sounds as if a fab day was had yesterday with grandson. Hope new granddaughters and daughters are going from strength to strength.
    Miss P - kittens, lovely bundles of fun but watch the furniture! Good luck with the interviews!
    MCW - did you give 'em hell??!! Fingers crossed they call you back!
    Rosie - contrats on your new home, have you actually 'moved' in now? Well done on the furniture assembling too - way beyound me!
    Deevs - so very pleased for you on the job front - all has slotted into place nicely for you!
    Scoobs - enjoy your hug - can't have too many of them!
    Chrissie - an argument - funny! Wondered what you were actually going to say for a moment ;)
    Seza - an evening with Jon Bon Jovi, lucky you:) London Eye is fab - could see for miles and great to see London from a different perspective.
    Baggy - football, you've started something now :)

    Hi to others, as usual I am sure I have missed some out!

    Taken me ages to post this as clients / colleagues keep walking into my office, how dare??!!

    Given that one lady has just bought me a lemon cake to have with my afternoon cuppa, yummy

    AS x

  • Comment number 69.

    Can I just butt in to say that I am a Mayoblogpoppet and I can't stand Jethro Tull! And we don't only talk about music, although the original purpose of the blog was to choose songs for the show on a given theme. But over the months since it's been going we've grown into a warm, friendly community - much like this one actually, if a bit smaller. Any one is welcome to join us, no matter your age or musical preference.

    Also, I'm older than Deevs....

    Deebee X

  • Comment number 70.

    Well said Deebee. I don't like Jethro Tull either but I do like the friendly company on the Mayo blog in the same way as I do on this one. It is also a bonus if we get one of our song requests played on Drivetime- and we all have quite eclectic tastes in music.

    Also, I'm only a little bit older than Deevs...;...just a smidge!

  • Comment number 71.

    Afternoon all

    Thanks for all the enquiries about Finlay, I spoke to Mr JG at lunchtime and he's a lot brighter today. Mr JG thinks he is "trying it on" a little now with constant demands for cuddles and attention!

    Apparently he sat on Mr JG's foot while he was sitting in the garden and refused to budge! Luckily Mr JG was kind enough not to try a drop kick!!

    Busy here today, so will have to catch up properly later.

    Enjoy the rest of your afternoon!

    JG x

  • Comment number 72.

    JG - glad to hear Finlay is feeling better today!

    AS x

  • Comment number 73.

    #66 Woohoo! Please post it in there WC Willy -
    Our more prodigious progsters aren't around at present, due to inconvenient things like holidays or work - I'm talking Spike, Kev, Ken, etc. Mr P of Sheffield is holding the progtorch for now but we can soon overcome that ...


  • Comment number 74.

    Talking of helmets... does Chris ever ride a motorbike
    these days as I remember him passing his test! I think
    Chris and Johnnie should get their helmets on and do some
    sidecar racing for one of their sporting challenges!!!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    We've got Baggy over there yip yip
    - I think we should keep her :)

  • Comment number 76.

    I have entered the world of simons blog - and other then being mistaken for a man I've found it a very friendly place :-)

    And for the record I am younger then deev - and we share the same chinese sign!

  • Comment number 77.

    A.Sandy...hugs are great arent they?! Any luck with your move yet...? And if you decide you cant eat all that cake then kettle`s on over here....!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 78.

    I'll go anywhere if there's talk of Rush.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 79.

    MWA - I've been talking to your penguin on fb x

  • Comment number 80.

    Don't worry baggy, lots of people have, along with a cat, a blue bunny and several other penguins.

    Birds of a feather I guess!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 81.

    AS I've just phoned them again as I'm out to Rainbows and Brownies now and STILL can't speak to the manager!!!!!!!!! He's going to get back to me tomorrow morning-so we'll see!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Cant stop - just to say I am alive and up darn essex and do not have access to FB either

    catch up with you all at the weekend

    play nice!

  • Comment number 83.

    Chrissie S #36

    If you wouldn't mind i missed it last time round.

    Andy #37
    Is that the bloke that did the progs about the planets? cos that had me rivitted.

    WcW #38

    I did indeed mean ectoplasm :-D
    Well i'm of the thinking that due to the changing climate of the sun on the atmosphere of jupiter in the next 20billion years we could all be heading for a cataclysmic black hole the likes of which hasn't been seen since Barry White last eat a cream cake.

    KatyM #39

    you spotted my ruse there then did you :-D

    MC #40

    I prefer lcd ones myself (better picture) :-D

    DD #44

    What about if it was reversed ectoplasm? would it still work?

    McM #81

    Bowl down there tomorrow and refuse to leave until you've spoken to him/her/it i find it works . . .. but then again i would do . .. i'm 6'1" (and a little bit) and 20st . .. i just make the demands and let the missus do the real talking :-D

    anyway must dash i got a website to sort out * sigh*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 84.

    MCM - aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!What are they playing at! Agree with SJF - go and camp out at their offices! Hope the Rainbows & Brownies kept you out of mischief!

    Scoobs - they are the best (((())))). Move - all systems go our end, mortgage done, solicitor appointed now just got to sit and wait and I'm not very good at that :(

    Sorry cake all scoffed but I'll gladly partake of another cuppa!

    Talking of moves how are things going with yours Seza?

    AS x

  • Comment number 85.

    I'm very new; been lurking a while trying to figure out postings and personalities. Huge fan of Clp, have been for yonks. This seems a friendly place, can someone give me a ruff guide to anything I really should know..

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Dolly, can't really help I don't think as have not been doing this blogging larkey too long myself. All I can say is they are a friendly, funny and warm bunch of people and I'm sure you will get the hang of it.

    AS x

  • Comment number 87.

    Steve: right, discussion commences tomorrow!

    AS: yes, I was being a little risque - something that doesn't happen too often on this blog ... !

    AS/Scoobs: hugs are the best. MrS gave me such a lovely hug this morning before I got out of the car. Means more than rubies, really. xx

    Dolly: welcome! You will love it here. If I had to give you a rough guide, I would be here until 2020! Suffice to say, stick around. Try to attend FNWC tommorrow (Friday Night Wine Club) - that will tell you all you need to know!

    Hope everyone has a nice evening. I am going home to collapse in a heap, in front of Father & Son at 9pm. No idea why we started watching it, but we are too far in now to give up!

    C xx

  • Comment number 88.

    FNWC - Ahh, you see been trying to work that out got as far the FN, it all makes sense now. Oh yes, shall be there with something suitable.

  • Comment number 89.

    p.s. there's only one "m" in tomorrow!


  • Comment number 90.

    Welcome Dolly

    I think we all start as lurkers then dipped our toes in (hence my name) then before long we become fully fledged bloggers (the ffb bit of my sign off). You'll soon get the hang of it, but don't be afraid to ask we really don't bite....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hello and welcome, Dolly. We are all friendly here.

    MTD, how are you?

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 92.

    just a quick random thunk here, wonder if the guy currently playing Rafa Nadal at Queens is ever called Auntie??

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Tiggs, lol

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Just looked it up LOL Tiggs

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 95.


    And Well, Hello Dolly, Well Hello Dolly, it's so nice to see you here where you belong!

    Sorry, couldn't resist

    AS, sale is going on - slowly. As far as I know, everything that should be happening is and we keep getting things to check and sign and pass on. Like you, patience is becoming my problem!

    Hiya Debs,

    Anyone watching TV? All i can say is poor John Grisham!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Why?? He is touting his book on British TV - he should be prepared.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    MTD, for football playing goldfish? I don't think anyone is really prepared for that!

    Mind you, he did get to go in the camper van with CLP so maybe not all bad!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 98.


    Just a quick one to say thank you to all of you lovely people who sent me hugs and support when I said I was having a bit of a **** (insert word of choice) time the other day.

    I still am but there are glimmers of light, and lots of things in my life are good, so I am lucky really. Can't get on fb at the moz because we've had to disable it, a "sanction" for a certain teenager.

    Anyhoo, football shmootball, but I've said that before. I'm not going to battle against it though. I even know that England are playing on Saturday! Haway the lads!

    You Mayo bloggers seem a jolly bunch I must say. And Willy, you're on good form.

    My main comment after a quick lurk is:

    DWNB - is that TRUE?????? I mean about the tattoo?

    Now then: Gail - guilty, or not guilty? We'll soon know!

    A x

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi folks, Finlay seems ok, not his 100% sparkly self though, and there are few remains in the garden that tell me he's been eating a lot of grass!!

    Have found a couple of kennels for Mr JG to call tomorrow! And we will inspect them first...although we did with the last lot!

    So DWNB, where's that tattoo then?

    Hi Dolly and welcome :)

    JG x

  • Comment number 100.

    Hiya... just like CLP - I can't wait for the World Cup to start! It's going to be really exciting! Keeping quiet on my prediction for the winner though...

    But... Eng-er-land! Eng-er-land! Especially looking forward to the prospect of seeing Stevie G's gorgeous legs regularly and hopefully for a few weeks to come! Sorry to all football phobics - but...

    20 years ago, who'd have thought South Africa would be hosting this fantastic event? It's brilliant that they are.

    The world has moved on for the better in some ways... however, my youngest gave me an odd example of how things have changed... I found him answering the door to a "take away" dinner... not funded by me or him! But his recent ex girlfriend living in Australia!!!! What's that all about?

    Hope all are well, night night and much love from me

    Suzie xxx


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