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Do Not Touch but Do NOT Miss

Chris Evans | 06:29 UK time, Thursday, 3 June 2010

5.40 a.m. Thursday June 03. We are travelling North on the M25 on our way to Radio 2 to host The Breakfast Show.

When I say we, I mean Marky Mark and myself. Marky has been my full time driver for the last four and a half years now after taking advantage of me one night when I was a little the worse for wear. I woke up the next day and he was waiting outside for me claiming I had offered him a job just before he dropped me off in the early hours of the same morning. I was hungover enough not to be able to put up any sort of decent defence. Anyhow none of this is really relevant - I just thought I'd better explain the "we" bit of my opening sentence.

Indeed, what I really want to say is that this time of the day and the hour before is often visually the most stunning part of the day, as it is this Thursday - the sun so low and bright and almost as if it's within reach within reach - yet so few people ever get to see it.

I find that both sad and incredible.

I have a feeling the world might be a better place if more people did get to see the day just as it was being unwrapped.

Have a great one





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  • Comment number 1.

    Good Morning all

    got a train to catch. I'll be back.


  • Comment number 2.

    For me early morning has a magical quality about it. The transition from night to day, the sound of the world waking up. No matter how bad the day before was I always have that hope that today will bring better things. Problems I struggled with 12 hours previously will hopefully become clearer.


  • Comment number 3.

    Go on then, I'll have the full medal collection this morning!


  • Comment number 4.

    Morning CLP and Pip

    I was awake at 5:40 (well a bit before as I thought the alarm had gone off and I had over slept - don't you just hate that) and I agree - it was a lovely morning in the part of Bucks that I call home and as I came into London (via tube not driver - for that I am jealous Chris) the bright sunny day is reflected in peoples faces and attitudes - humans are better in the sun (not the red top)


    Who has auditors coming to visit her today - so for months of being the only accountant in the building is looking forward to a decent convesation at work!

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning CLP, Pip and Baggy (and anyone else who sneaks in whilst I type this!)

    I am more of a morning person than a later in the day person. I think it drives Nic a bit mad that I can get up and be singing and dancing in the kitchen within minutes of the alarm going off! Summer weekend mornings are the best - can't beat having that first cup of coffee of the day sitting on the patio in the sun. Bliss!

    It's lovely and sunny here this morning - let's hope it stays for a while eh.

    Last day at work for me and Himself - kind of liking the 3 day week!

    And as for my first gig - Wham! in 1983 at the Hammersmith Odeon and it was fab!



    peeeeeeeeees: CLP - more Smiths please!!!! x x x

  • Comment number 6.


    I get up at 5.45 every weekday morning, and the back of 6 at weekends, I have always been a morning person and absolutely love the early mornings, also, as we live in the country we sleep with the curtains open and it is light from about 4am here in Ayrshire so it is lovely to look out and see the sun rise.

    Hope everyone has a good day.



  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Chris,

    Couldn't agree more. I head into London most mornings slightly after you through the Chilterns and nothing makes me feel better about life than how amazing it all looks with the low sun as a backdrop.

    Let's not encourage everyone out earlier though - the quiet, peaceful nature of this time of the day is one of the reasons it's so special!

    This morning however, I'm in the office with the gliders from RAF Halton wooshing over and the local Red Kite just below them keeping an eye on everything.

    Nothing better!

    Have a top day one and all



  • Comment number 8.

    My first proper gig was - Reading festival 1999 - a bit of a baptism by fire but I loved it (well most of it - having the booze nicked from the tent or my bra strung up from my tentpole was not funny!

    Next weekend (the one after this one) I am going to Download festival(staying in a B&B) and after seeing the full line up I am really excited - 30 seconds to Mars, HIM and Skin (twice!!) are playing, and the reason we got tickets - the fabolous Aerosmith :-)


  • Comment number 9.

    Oh yes, forgot to say, first gig, Tears For Fears, Glasgow, can't remember the year but went with my BF and they were fab.


  • Comment number 10.

    Baggy - did you get in at that B&B I sent you? And I am very jealous of you seeing Skin - give my love to the amazing Nev MacDonald, Newport's finest!

    Hope you're ok today - you know where I am if you ned owt chuck!


  • Comment number 11.

    Deev - I am indeed in that B&B - how far is it from donnington as we were planning to walk it but not sure now with my dodgy knee - whats the cost of a taxi?

    And skin are going to be in the smaller tents so much more intimate then last year when they were on the main stage - I am so pleased - although when Mr bp asked me what there biggest hit was I couldnt answer - can you tell me please as I only know bits of there stuff!


  • Comment number 12.

    Morning all

    I'm not much of a morning person - I only really get going after 10 (2 or 3 coffees)

    Did anybody hear the 'It's a Knockout' idea this morning? How about a bloggers team to compete against the other 2 teams??? Anybody up for that?


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Enjoy the festival Super Beep!

    I was a bit of latecomer to live music or gigs.
    My first was either Bjork at Wembley Arena or Paul Weller at the Fleadh festival at Finsbury park, both in the early 90's.
    I sat in the blinding summer sun all day in just my shorts (I was a prettier site back then) with my then girlfriend nagging me to put a t-shirt on. I knew better and went home with sun stroke and the worst sun burn ever. I was off work for two days.....Dufus!

    My next gig is Paul Weller at the tiny Civic centre in Aylesbury on Friday night.
    He's coming to give it it's final send off, as it's being knocked down later this year, and has quite a decent mucical history.

    I was so lucky to get a ticket which had to be bought in person - I have a few beers to buy for a good friend on Friday who queued for 6 hours.



    Who is a tad excited

  • Comment number 14.

    Hahaha....Site! Sight...

  • Comment number 15.

    Shame on you Baggy ....

    Look But Don't Touch was Skin's first hit, and IMO, their best! Take Me Down To The River got into the charts but was a bit commerical. Got all their albums and seen them love 3 times, back in the day. Huzzah!!

    When I've stayed at that B&B before (for the last 12 years actually!) I've always driven to the circuit, mainly because of the volume of bikes on the road (MotoGP). However, last year we got the bus from the main road at the top from the B&B (the Derby road) into Melbourne village, then it was about an hour's walk to the circuit. I'm sure Mary will be able to advise you on taxis etc - probably best to get dropped off/picked up at Donington Park Farmhouse Hotel as it's right next to the circuit (depends on traffic management though, as they changed it every year for MotoGP).

    Envious! You will have a ball.

    How many weeks to V Festival .......!?!?!



  • Comment number 16.


    Now you know when you are really old when the first group you remember seeing were Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Titch!! Granted I was only 15/16 and it was in a nightclub (long story to do with air conditioning and ductwork).
    I also saw them and Amen Corner at the City Hall in Newcastle. My taste has improved honest!!

    Susan x

  • Comment number 17.


    Don't get Rips started on ductwork - we'll be here all day!



  • Comment number 18.

    I got up at 8:25 ish got dressed and headed for work - the council have closed off one road for road works and the gas company have closed off another which means that I got half way to work only to have to turn round come pretty much back home and then go back the other way - and somehow I was still on time (just) I missed the pips for the 9am news but I did catch the sport.

    If Benitez is paid Β£16m severance - I'd have it lol. Β£16m I worked out that if I lived on my normal sized pay check - I'd still have over Β£15m after 5 years! By which point I could be living off the interest.

  • Comment number 19.

    Deev - I know look but dont touch - its on the album I have - but didnt know it was a hit!

  • Comment number 20.

    Baggles - I believe I put it on the Moonwalk CD I did for you ......


  • Comment number 21.

    Morning all,

    My 1st gig was PEter And The Test Tube Babies in a pub in london would have been early 80's Between '84-88 I used to see a LOT of The Men They Couldn't Hang (6 times in 87 alone) I've never been to a festival . . . never been the right time (or earlier on the right bands) but i'd love to go to one.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 22.

    Morning all,
    Quite agree about early morning. Memories as a kid (yes I can still remember that long ago) going to scout camp and sitting outside the tent first thing in the morning having already collected mucshrooms from the fields for breakfast.

    First gig was I think Chickenshack who were supported by The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah band. I can now hear most on the blog saying "Who?"

    Hope all are well.

  • Comment number 23.

    They didn't call David Cassidy concerts 'gigs' but that was my first - back in 1973/4. After that it was Yes, Deep Purple and Sparks.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Chris: what a lovely blog today. Lovely wee bit about how Marky got his job! I so agree about the mornings. The older I am getting, the less sleep I seem to need, so I see a lot of early mornings - it can be beautiful, if it's not raining!

    Thunder: you are not alone my friend - Winchester Cathedral and Urban Spaceman - great songs!

    Hi everyone else, hope all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 25.

    I used to be an early morning person, I suppose i still am but i prefer to see the mornings from the "other" side now. Many MANY moons ago i used to drive down the M4 of an evening and the sunset going towards Wales (that's ME going towards Wales not the sun) was just great although it was a pain in the rear end driving into the sun. These days i hate mornings with a passion.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 26.

    Good morning all.

    Any other time of the year, I would call it 'silly o clock'.

    But, this morning was so beautiful.

    I watched the sun rise up from behind the Quantocks. In the field opposite where a couple of roe deer, blissfully grazing away.

    On the grass outside our house, the rabbits were bounding about.

    The sea was calm and a lovely shade of pink as the sun rose higher.

    The only noise was coming from the geese flying over.

    I shall return home tonight to see the sun disappearing behind the rolling Exmoor hills and thats another day done and dusted.

    Now I have to face the in between bits, which brings you back down to earth with a bang!!!

    Best get on with it.

    I hope everyone has a great Thursday.


  • Comment number 27.

    Having the sun rise up from behind your Quantocks sounds quite painful

    I will get my coat


  • Comment number 28.

    LOL Thunder!! x

  • Comment number 29.

    LOL Thunder, I guess its an experience I have got used to over the years.

    P.s, dont think you wil be needing that coat today!


  • Comment number 30.

    Morning Chris,

    It is indeed a beautiful morning, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, God is in his heaven and all is right in my world....hooray.

    Went to see SATC last night, pretty much along the same lines as the last one, but there were some laugh out loud moments and it was pure escapism and good fun.

    MTD, Meant to say that I was sorry to hear about your job and I'm sending you big hugs {{{}}} xxx

    Oh well best get on, the confused old dears of Medway will be in soon for tea and chat in the church, always an entertaining morning :)


  • Comment number 31.

    10.13 am

    To whoever invented the "Off" button on the radio ...... thank you!

    Peace at last.



  • Comment number 32.

    MTD: My Mum had a David Cassidy poster on one wall and a Donny Osmond on the other lol.

    My first gig was Phatfish at Revive@Soul Survivor - we were right at the front right in the middle and when the mosh pit started we ended up against the barrier.

    Other concerts i've been to: Dweeb, Bottlerockit, My Spoon, Blackout (Twice), there was another one in scotland but I can't remember the bands name - that was cool because I got to hang out with the band as well

  • Comment number 33.

    lostAliBaba: we got to the cinema and they were turning people away - SATC2 was full - our friends decided to go to MK and see if they could get in for the next showing - that was full too! Where did all the people come from - the cinema is rarely that busy (the only times its been that full was when HP came out)

  • Comment number 34.

    Deevs you mean you didn't enjoy Mungo Jerry? Bought that single in Germany on an exchange visit in 1970 - yikes. Honest my tastes really have changed LOL

    S x

  • Comment number 35.

    Susan-u-t: My Dad used to play In The Summertime by Mungo Jerry in the car lol. (Followed by Hotel California if I had my way lol)

  • Comment number 36.

    Sus - Mungo Jerry isn't the issue. It's the "presenter".

    UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes my ears hurt.



  • Comment number 37.

    Sadly my old man didn't like music it was very rare we got to listen the radio in the car and when we did it was normally the local london station (the commercial one) and it was rubbish esp seeing as i was a R1 fan at the time. No wonder i'm up confused and angry *gggggggggggg*

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 38.

    I thought Zoe was sitting in for Ken?

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 39.

    Steve you are correct :) I think he's recovering from Oslo

  • Comment number 40.

    Zoe's great . . a breath of fresh air i reckon . . she should have got Ross' gig instead of the idiot Norton.

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 41.

    HJ, The cinema was packed for a Wednesday night and there were only about 3 men there, who I suspect were suitably embarrassed ;)

    My first concert was Level 42 at the Hammersmith Apollo.


  • Comment number 42.

    Hannah: you will find there are one or two David Cassidy and Osmonds fans on the blog - I confess to having been just a tiny bit obsessed! My bedroom in 1972-74 consisted of two walls of Osmonds posters and photographs, some so tiny they were cut out of magazines, etc and the other two with every conceivable poster and picture of the divine Mr Cassidy. As I have said before, it was just a cruel twist of fate that kept David and I apart. The twist of fate being that he was a worldwide star and I was working as an office junior for a finance company in Glasgow! Happy days!

    C xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Morning everyone

    The sun is shining and not a cloud in sight.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 44.

    #16 Come on Susan - don't leave us hanging.

    What involved a/c and ductwork? It an only be a fascinating story....

    Trust me, I'm a ducter!

    Deev - schtum!



  • Comment number 45.

    lostalibaba: I think it's just silly that out of the 6 screens at our cinema only one was showing SATC2 and in the evening they just have two showings but then have like 4 through the day where most people over the age rating are at work!

    Chrissie-s: I don't mind - I like Donny - I have at least two of his songs on my iPod (yes I admit it lol.)

  • Comment number 46.

    Deevs - I had a sneakly suspicion that might be the case. The album is on my eye pod as deevs disco album - well I found it funny :-)

  • Comment number 47.

    Susan: there's a question in a general knowledge board game I have that is about Dave Dee, Dozy Mike and titch (or which ever varition it is lol) It's something like who was the bassist?

  • Comment number 48.

    #44 Rips I believe I have mentioned this before but my Dad was in your line of work and at that time he was part of a team re doing a chain of nightclubs in the North East so I was very lucky to get a front table even tho I was underage but was with my parents. Non story really!

  • Comment number 49.

    PS Dad also gave a lift to a couple of the Moody Blues when their taxi didn't turn up to take them to the airport.

  • Comment number 50.

    Hannah: I just knew I liked you for some reason: Donny your iPod - excellent!


  • Comment number 51.

    Ello CLP, Marky Mark & ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star ere...

    CLP - So that's 'ow ter getta job with yersen... get yer drunk!!!!
    Ok... am gonna whisk mesen off ter London with a couple of bottles of whiskey!!!!!!

    As for the early morning on the motorway... yes been there done it many a time!!!!
    It's like the calm before the storm... the motorway is moving (not the motorway unless yerv 'ad a few whiskeys the night before (and not driving obviously)) But the traffic is moving and the sun is rising with a beautiful pinky red glow... lighting up the moring dew.... yes been there done it many a time... from the M25 ter th e'ighlands of Scotland... it's one of the great things about trucking!!!!!

    In fact in me present routine/ job of working Sundee mornings a get the best of both worlds.... 5.30 Sundee morning... no traffic... such a relaxing drive ter work... then the relaxed Aled Jone Good Morning Radio Show on... then at work the roads are quiet.... and am getting Sundee rate... yes a 'igher rate for doing an easier job!!!!!!!

    Maeks a difference from the Mondee morning madness on the motorways where everything grinds to a total 'alt!!!!!
    All those dudes are in bed at 5.30 on a Sundee morning!!!!!

    But the great thing is.... come Mondee.... often a don't work it... and a am in bed while everyone else is stuck ina jam!!!!!

    My weekend starts on Mondee!!!!!


  • Comment number 52.

    Why do a keep giving me secrets away of 'ow ter noot follow the crowd & make yer life better!!!!!

    Now eveyone will be working Sundee mornings.... DAMNNNNN IT!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 53.

    Hannah - Dozy was bass x

  • Comment number 54.

    PS Ere's terdee's great new band... they were on Jools 'olland the other night.... a thought they were very good.... loved the way the guitarist was working the guitar....

  • Comment number 55.

    Me again.

    Chrissie - you and I have had words before about Mr Cassidy ;-) The cruel twist of fate stopping the marriage of the century in my case was the fact I was underage and I don't think my mum would have let me - funny the 9 or 10 years between us doesn't matter now....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Chrissie-S: Oh dear I just have the one song. I've got You've Got A Friend with Rosie O'Donnell

  • Comment number 57.

    Morning All,

    Not much of a morning person. I have to drag myself and the brood out of bed Monday to Friday but said brood have no problems with getting up on Saturday and Sunday, waking everyone else up at the same time! What is with that?

    Oh well, in a couple of years I'll have a 'Kevin and Perry' on my hands and I'll be wondering...what happened?

    Thanks for the recommendation Bingo. Just checked out Metric and I think they're a grower. Anymore rec's or is it just a once daily thing?

    Mrs S.

  • Comment number 58.

    My mum used to bunk off school to go and watch The Dave Clark Five rehearse somewhere in Tottenham.

    Random, but 100% true!

    Off to work now. Catch y'all laters.



    peeeees: Rips ..... no!

  • Comment number 59.

    mtd #55: I know! It's not fair!


  • Comment number 60.

    Morning all

    Sorry about my rude departure yesterday avo without saying goodbye. Suddenly realised I was about to miss my train and then the fruit flavoured phone wouldn't connect to tinternet.

    Wasn't it just a lovely morning?! Just makes you feel good.

    First gig - it was either Joan Armatrading or Monochrome Set. Can't remember which. I was a student in Brighton and was a regular gig goer. Since then, I have been lucky to see some of the greats - Tony Bennett, Oscar Peterson, Ray Charles, the Stones and others.

    Hands off Mr Cassidy, ladies. He was mine, all mine. And yes, he is on the ipod!!!

    Have a lovely day, all

    Miss P

  • Comment number 61.

    Hello CLP and Everybody.

    I was up early this morning, although not as early as CLP. That would be out of the question for me unless a real emergency. Put me make up on and off I went to the shops. Now awaiting home delivery, better not be late. My plan is to get down on the prom with my scooter. After a very sunny morning it's now looking a bit cloudy so it had better not rain either.

    Birds and animals have the right idea, humans are not as clever.

    I like Marky Mark's tactics, good for him.

    Hope all are well

    MK xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Miss P: get in the queue, toots!

    C xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi Everyone,

    Mornings are lovely, Chris but so are the summer evenings. Mr Mcw doesn't get home from work til fairly late, but for the past couple of weeks we've managed to enjoy some lovely late evening walks with the dog through the fields.

    MTF- out in the garden yesterday, helping my daughter with her revision, when we spotted high above a magnificent buzzard floating on the warm thermals. Absolutely incredible!

    Miss P, Chrissie, you can keep David Cassidy as long as I can have the other David...David Essex! ;^)

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 64.

    Never been much of a concert goer but have seen John Miles.....anyone remember him? and Simply Red at their height. And Thunder, yes I remember BDDDB too.

    Now mornings....I am totally in love with my bed but the older I get, the less sleep I need. I have been waking up at 4am for some months now and just lie there listening to the birds and watching the sun rise. When all is quiet again, I drop off for another couple of hours. Simples!

    Happy Thursday everybody

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 65.

    Mcw: ooohh, DE is nice too! Still gorgeous (though I don't like the dodgy beard) and he is brilliant at taking the mickey out of himself. Alright, I give in, you can have him!

    C xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ delivery now safely arrived and put away!

    Regarding gigs,etc. I wondered whether to say this, don't want to appear to be showing off, but for me it was The Cavern and I knew the Beatles due to the fact that I went out with a member of a group there. Sometimes drank with them in The Grapes pub in Matthew Street.

    Right, off to shore!

    MK xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Marjie: no way are you showing off! That must have been really terrific for you! What a "claim to fame", eh?!

    Enjoy the shore.

    Right, off for lunch - going for a walk, it is so lovely out there.

    C xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Spartan 3 - If yer want more a can give more as that's the kind of person a am... always selflessly giving ter others....

    Termorrow a will bang on the most exciitng & INDEED uplifting youtube video ave come across... the one that when am down... fills me with 'appiness!!!!!

    But in the mean time... yes ave goot more music for you & INDEED ALL!!!!!!

    Check this new band out... this tune is 'yponotic... the chorus... really, really grows... it's a mix of eighties meets indie... and the lead singer 'ere 'e 'as a MEGA voice... really distinctive... one of the main secrets of a successful band.... now if these new dudes don't 'it the big time soon.... there is something really wrong with the music industry nowadees.... ENJOY >>>>

    Ere is the Jools 'olland version if yer wanter see them in action:

    But 'ere is the way better clearer version but yer can't see them version:


  • Comment number 69.

    I love the nice mornings, it makes you feel good about everything.
    We were sat out in the garden last night, just catching the end of the day, and i found it hard to imagine that my garden had been covered with so much snow back In January, and how we had scurried around to keep warm. I just love the seasons .
    MC xx

  • Comment number 70.

    As Deevs has already said, I'm not much of a morning person until I have had my shower. I know what you mean though about summer mornings, especially early summer mornings - like the time I was up at ridiculous o'clock to drive to Durham to see a Test Match!
    I'm enjoying Marky Mark's daily comments - much better than the ex egg chaser that was on before the election!
    First gig - Saxon at Victoria Hall Hanley (in the days when I had Brian May type curly hair and my leather jacket!)



  • Comment number 71.

    marji - I am so jealous - I've said it befoer and I'll say it again - one of my regrets is that I was born too late for the beatles (I was born two weeks after JL was shot - and I was too weeks late - double blow!).

    Saying that I have seen an awful lot of bands and have been very lucky with meeting other people so I shouldnt complain too much!

  • Comment number 72.

    Christoff - I think from about four in the morning to about seven are known as the ambrosial hours. And it's nothing to do with rice pudding.

    First gig - Queen at Wembley Arena. Honestly. Can you imagine what a disappointment my concert-going life has been ever since?

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Afternoon all

    I'm not really a morning person, although I do like the brightness of this time of year, but with two under 4's you tend to see 6am whether you want to or not.

    First gig, I think was the Blues Band (Paul Jones et al) at St Georges Hall Bradford, cracking gig from memory.

    Been absent as we had the heating people come finally yesterday, and in contrast to the failed earlier visit, two nice lads are fitting it until Friday. So yesterday was a day of moving furniture so they could get in a fit pipes, radiators and a new boiler.

    I don't want to bring the bolg down as its on a very happy vibe, but got up this moring and some thieving scumbag has stolen the daughter playhouse from the front garden, no doubt looking for more valuable bits left lying about by the workmen!

    Left having to explain to 3 year old why her house wasn't there, as some not nice people had taken it! But why? she asked - how do you answer that!

    Not a happy bunny at all!


  • Comment number 74.

    Thanks for that Bingo you're a...Star, hehehe. Quite right. This is another grower. I am usually a lurker but it seems now I am getting a musical education!

    Is it sad to say that I have never been to a live 'gig'? Does Alexander Palace at the local Working Mens Club count?

    Ta ra fo' now

    Mrs S

  • Comment number 75.

    OMG Andy - you are really having a run of bad luck. ((((((hugs))))) are definitely needed.

    Unfortunately, I have no experience of children and how to explain nasty things to them, however I am sure there is a gentle way of doing it and somebody will come up with something on here as they always do.

    Take care.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Andy - that's horrible, some people are such sh*ts, they will steal anything from anyone and don't care who they hurt in the process.


  • Comment number 77.

    'Ere Bingo,

    So just going thro' other stuff by Yeasayer and came across this:-

    His voice is amazing!

    I hope the address thingy works. It did when I tried it.


    OMG...just listened to 'I remember'. WOW! Good find Bingo!

    Mrs S.

  • Comment number 78.


    Just read your comment about your little girl's house being stolen. What an absolute rat (and I really want to use a different word) the person is who would do that.

    It's so long like my daughter was 3 years old (she is 19!) but I think if this had happened I would have told her the truth: very gently, but sometimes people do really naughty things. They shouldn't, but they do, and I would replace her wee house, if possible, in another part of the garden (near the back door or whatever) and hopefully that will be ok.

    What a shame, but children really do understand everything, as you will know, if they are told gently - which is just what I am sure you have done.

    C xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Thanks for your thoughts

    Chrissie, after a fire and two previous burglaries unfortunately she knows all about bad things that happen. It was her asking why had they taken it, which is so heart breaking.

    When we replace it, it will go in the back garden but I still don't see why you should have to have everything chained or fixed in your garden just so that some (insert your own term here) can't nick it!


  • Comment number 80.


    So sorry to hear that - some people are just scum. I hope they get zero pleasure from their theft.

    I don't have children either, but having had a bad burglary experience when I was little, I remember my Mum and Dad did exactly as Chrissie suggests - explained that there are naughty people who do bad things and it can make us very unhappy. If I remember correctly, I accepted that.

    Do check your insurance - you may be able to claim for the theft, if it is worthwhile (won't impact your excess etc).

    Hugs to you and your little one

    Miss P

  • Comment number 81.


    I know, it is just the pits that we have to keep all our possessions under lock and key because some eejit wants to steal our things.

    And, yes, I know she knows all about bad things, she's been through a lot for such a wee person. It's very difficult to explain to children why things are stolen, because we don't want to frighten them, or for them to think it's going to happen again (and again) - it really would break your heart.

    C xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Afternoon all,
    just wanted to say wahat a lovely it is and what a lovely Blog Chris..


    Ps just got home a bit earlier today and now going to have a nice cuppa in the garden with the grandbobs as the've been with grandad today.


  • Comment number 83.

    Think I need to have something stronger by the look of my last post .

    Was just thinking what a nice day it's been .


  • Comment number 84.

    Bids: I have been embroiled in "dead filing" for the last two hours - horrific!

    How lovely that you had such a nice day. And it is lovely to see you here at this time of day - I always miss you in the evenings!

    Sorry I have to go now - would have loved a wee chat with you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Hello Chris and all others

    Firstly, thank you for the welcome the other day when I posted for the first time. It made me feel welcome.

    Chris, I love early morning sun rises, they are so beautiful, no matter what the weather, and always makes me realise that it is a wonderful world we live in. Also, I like Marky Marks style too and shows how you are attracted to people who take a cheeky chance!

    Regarding concerts, only ever been to a few. Enjoyed them but certainly don't like the being pushed and shoved by people trying to get closer. And the ringing in my ears the next day.

    Anyway, be back soon.


  • Comment number 86.

    Hello CLP and other blog operatives, not blogged for a couple of days, have been on a whistle stop visit down to Scouseland.

    So, to summarise...

    Fave sandwich: anything involving cheese (but NO PICKLE!!!) on brown/granary/softgrain type bread

    First gig: think it was Republica at Uni. I don't get to see gigs very often, I recently saw Crowded House at it was great.

    I'm definitely more of a daytime person than a night owl, though having said that I do love me sleep, and when I don't have to get up in the morning then I don't. It's definitely easier to get up early in the summer. During the winter I hate going to work in the dark and coming home again in the dark, there's definitely a lot to be said for SAD I think.

    Hope you're all well,


  • Comment number 87.

    Evening each

    Chris, you're so right about early mornings. I sometimes have a lie-in till 7.30 but I love catching the birds emerging from the bird box.

    Back later when I've caught up.


  • Comment number 88.


    So, at the beginning of the week you have no proper job, just a temp one. By the end of the (short) week, you have 2 jobs, in the same building and start Monday!

    Yep - my p/t 8.30 - 2 job has been topped and tailed today - I am now the official afternoon receptionist (the temp job is now a permanent one!) in the same building for a sister company and I start Monday full-time.

    Reet chuffed.

    Off down the pub when Nic gets back from seeing his little geezer man to celebrate.

    Tomorrow, we do Shakespeare!

    Have fun everyone and I look forward to catching up when I'm back on Saturday.



  • Comment number 89.

    Just watching HIGNFY - Beez would have loved it.

    What possessed John Prescott to accept the Chair?? Ian Hislop is making mincemeat of him, brave man.


  • Comment number 90.


    I think i've got the extended version on series record so i shall look forward to it :-D . . .Can't be any worse than Bruce last week or the bloke the week before :(

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 91.

    Steve - definitely worth a watch. Wasn't Bruce dire?


  • Comment number 92.

    Hello all lovely people and you too CLP

    Just popping in to catch up, I've been lurking a bit lately especially to know you are all well.

    I love the mornings, although I enjoy my sleep - the sunshine through my bedroom blinds wakes me up early these days and I so love it when I pull them up to see the sky from my window.

    Love from me.


  • Comment number 93.

    Well that sporting challenge video should get a lot of viewings from the men!!

  • Comment number 94.


    I think so .. but i don't like the "new" format where the celeb chairman brings to the show what he does outside the show :(

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 95.

    Evening everyone

    Had a very busy day with my lovely little grandchildren, great fun and lots of laughter.

    I like burning the candle both ends of the day, from very early in the morning to very late at night!

    Andy, thats awful, what scumbags to steal from a three year old child. Big hugs to your little girl. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 96.

    CLP & ALL.....

    CLP - Is this what yer mean't by capturing the beauty of the sunrise.....

    A 'ope all take a look at this az am sure yer will enjoy it >>>>>

    The emotive power of.... music & INDEED... nature.... joined.....

    (PS CLP - No point trying ter look at these links on yer Blackberry in the back of yer Phantom menace on yer way ter work being driven by Marky boy... get yersen a net connection at 'ome or mobile broadband stick... If yer can afford a 12 million quid car.... sure yer can afford ten quid a month net connection - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!)


  • Comment number 97.

    To quote a friend - I am really shouting at QT tonight!

  • Comment number 98.


    Tis ok . . it's when they start answering you that ya need to worry *gggggg*

    steve :-D

  • Comment number 99.

    lol - Steve - feels like they are!!!

    Night x

  • Comment number 100.

    Me 100?



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