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When Flip Flops Go Bad

Chris Evans | 09:59 UK time, Tuesday, 25 May 2010

My mate Marky Mark, West Ham fan and food emporium devotee was shunted up the back end yesterday, by a lady whose flip flop became stuck against her accelerator pedal.

Half a moment later and the big man gets a whack up the rear bumper.

"So how are you ?" I ask him.

"I think I may have whiplash" he says.

Now I'm no doctor, but if there's one neck in the world that might well be whiplash resistant it's his.

What do you reckon ?






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  • Comment number 1.

    Yikes! That's a neck and then some CLP ..... collar size an 18 or therebouts?

    Driving in flip flops? Pure unadulterated muppetry!


  • Comment number 2.

    LOL Ali (from previous blog!)

    We've got the England fixtures on the calendar too, and have had to book for Shakespeare in the Park on the Thursday as there's an England match on the Friday!

    Cultured week that'll be!



  • Comment number 3.

    Deevs quite agree total muppetry.

    Lovely and grey and cool here this morning - sorry but I was melting!

    Wonder when Annie's grandson arrived? Hope he isn't still keeping his poor mammy hanging on!!

    Sus x

  • Comment number 4.

    Good morning one and all!

    Many apologies for my absinthe of several weeks - it's not because I stopped loving you, but because I have been working my little socks off. I was made redundant, then asked to stay on and am based in the Guildford office until (allegedly) this Friday when I finally (possibly) leave. 4 hours commuting each day has played havoc with normal life - I think I now get up before I go to bed!! Anyhow, I haven't had a moment when I have been able to sign onto the blog - or when I have, I have been interrupted! All good though.

    Just to add to the chaos of a very long day, a dirty house and odd meals, I have taken on 2 kittens. Now 11 weeks old and very very cute (although the big cats aren't in total agreement). Pics on Facecloth.

    Annie - what news on the grandson?

    Love to all

    Miss P

    PS - driving in flip flops - just plain silly. I tried to walk down Guildford High St in flip flops yesterday. Steepest high street in England allegedly. I got to the bottom to find flip flops still at the top!!

  • Comment number 5.

    Deffo Christoff.

    The Man They Can't Hang. Hurrah!!!!


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning All,

    Miss P, I think your absinthe has been understandably excused- the kittens are gorgeous!

    I do wonder sometimes when I see women driving great big four by fours in tottering heels- scares the living daylights out of me! As for flip flops!! They belong on feet on the beach! Hope Mark's neck gets better soon.

    Ali- totally agree with your comments on the previous blog, especially after seeing the Panorama programme yesterday about our bomb disposal guys in the forces who risk their lives daily and are paid the tiniest fraction of our footballers salary. Footballers should be made to go to choir practice and learn all the words to the national anthem. The Welsh rugby players don't hold back when it comes to singing!

    Busy days today and tomorrow for me. Tomorrow I shall have been married to Mr Mcw for 26 years (on 26th!)- and I am still awaiting my long service medal!!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 7.

    I live in flip flops all year round at home (not the between toe jobbies tho!) but I get into my car and they have to come off.

    Nice seabreeze here today.

    Morning to all of you.


  • Comment number 8.

    Flipflops don't even go there. Comfort all the way for me. Lovely day here in Sussex - hope all of you are ok.

  • Comment number 9.

    You're making me feel so guilty - I confess I drive in flip flops loads of the time. Yikes. I have seen the error of my ways, fellow bloggers, and will wear appropriate footwear henceforth.

    Hang on - does this mean that I have to change out of my pyjamas and slippers when I drive up the shop on a Sunday morning? Dammit.

    Barmy x

  • Comment number 10.

    Hello CLP and All.

    Weather certainly does change!

    Flipping heck, Chris, kicked up the rear because of a flip flop.
    But we can all suffer whiplash and post traumatic stress no matter how thick skinned or thick necked, hope all is well.

    I never wear flip flops. Fashionable sandals outdoors and slippers indoors.



  • Comment number 11.

    Ey anyway don't be dissin' the flip-flops Christoff.

    When the GD and meself did Galway Races, herself in the funky wooden wedges, me in the sling-back platform 5" heels, after runnin' the gauntlet back an' forth from the bar to the paddock to the bettin' chaps, over terrain that could best be described as remeniscent of downtown Jerusalem in the early days a Christianity, holdin' on to the hats an' avoidin' jubilant eejits, the pair of us ended the day, still goin' strong but wit blisters the size a airbags.. you know am always quotin' my aul Granny, "Tight shoes show on your face"; well, we'd faces like a pair a shia-tzus chewin' wasps. Anyway, to our delight, upon leaving the melee, slightly early to escape the attention of a gang a farmers from Ballymasloe an' some dodgy chaps from the AIB bank, feet like we'd 'ad 'em in the shredder, some Angel thrust 2 pairs of flip-flops into our hands. Oh boy I remember the relief. (In fact it's one a the few things I do actually remember clearly). Ergo all was well, despite our turnin' up in our favourite restaurant lookin' like a pair a munchkins.

    I did hear tell at some stage that the police in Liverpool were recommending to club owners that they should hand out flip-flops in the early hours of Sunday morning, owin' to the alarming influx of twisted ankles in Liverpool's hard-pressed A&E. Good aul Scouse girls, hahahaha!

    Mind. You shouldn't really drive in flip-flops.

    Says the woman who once drove up the M6 to a Mediaeval Banquet wit me 3ft. wimple stickin' up through me sunroof.

    Look. It took me ages to fasten it on me head....


  • Comment number 12.

    Definitely a whiplash free zone. I hope Marky Mark told her where to put her flip flops next time.

    {{{{hugs}}}} to all who need them,


  • Comment number 13.

    Morning all

    Cool and cloudy here today.

    I love wearing flip flops but would never drive in them.

    Annie, any baby news yet? xx

    Miss P, Lovely photos of the kittens, they look so cute.

    Deevs, enjoy your pub quiz night and hope new wellies fit this time.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 14.


    I'll have you know that Scouse girls are poetry in motion at all times.

    Know wha' I'm sayin' la!


  • Comment number 15.

    Hahaha ey Marjie.. am a good aul Scouse girl meself; born in Liverpool, raised in Wigan, they don't make girls 'arder than THAT, huh, huh..??

    Bless. Mind. That's why I've a voice like a rusty bucket.


  • Comment number 16.

    Hard on the outside but soft in the middle?


  • Comment number 17.

    'ello CLP, Marky Mark & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Flippin' marvelous... bitta summer next thing a woman driving in flip flops, yer find 'er driving 'as flopped!!!

    No offence ter Marky Mark but forget Marky Mark, am more than sure 'e can 'andle 'imself, a was watching 'im at Wentworth the other dee & a think Wentworth's 'eavies looked abit frightened of 'im ter me!!!
    In fact 'e frightens me abit!!! No offence again Marky Mark... mind you 'e might be offended if a said 'e didn't frighten me!!!
    Mind you CLP frightens me abit too... got abit tongue tied when a met 'im at Wentworth!!!

    Any way, a was saying forget Marky Mark, a just wanter know 'ow is the car in question??@?
    All a can say is a 'ope it wasn't one of yer dream machines CLP & it all 'appened when Marky boy was doing 'is bit of moonlighting delivering for Pizza Express!!!


  • Comment number 18.

    You've got it, MTF. 'Ard as nails, look like Peggy Mount, lethal right 'ook, tongue that can kill a man at 50 paces; soft as a baby's bum when confronted by acts of human kindness.



  • Comment number 19.

    PS Ave driven in flip flops in 'LANZAROTE!!!!!!' many a time, and it didn't affect my driving at all!!!!

    In fact ave driven me 44tonne tanker of 'ighly flammable liquids in me slippers, not in 'LANZAROTE!!!!!!', and that too didn't affect me driving either!!!!

    Just thought yer might wanter know!

  • Comment number 20.

    Ooh flip flops when driving are never a good idea CLP! I can only walk short distances in them and most pretty sandals rip my feet to shreds after only a few paces. Hving said that I had to make an emergency purchase of some sandals over the weekend, a nice pair of gold ones, which haven't left me in agony, and I have walked a fair distance in them to break them in.

    Oh and I'm a scouse girl too and can categorically state that I can't walk in heels!! Flatties all the way for me


  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Chris: You wee minx, making fun of the size of that lovely man's neck! The very same lovely man who drives you around in all weather and all times of the day and night! Marky, we all hope you are ok. xx

    Chris, the show this morning was just a delight - poor Jonny, you really are tough with him, but he takes it really well! xx

    Hi everyone else, hope you are all ok.

    C xx

    P.S. I cannot bear to wear flip flops, certainly not the ones with the rubber thingy separating the big toe! Aaaarrgh! MTF: where do you get flip flops that are "thingy" free?

  • Comment number 22.


    Seem to remember you saying that you are originally a liver bird.
    Am I correct?


    PS Hope Bingo comes through soon!

  • Comment number 23.

    No Marjie. I was born in Derbyshire, grew up in North Wales (not far away) moved to North Devon at 18 and now a bit further upstream in Somerset.

    We used to have nights out in Liverpool as it didn't take long to get there from North Wales.

    Rotters night club seems to ring a bell.

    Its a long time ago!!


  • Comment number 24.

    Flip flops with a band that goes across Chrissie.

    Oh and from France, not seen any here.


  • Comment number 25.

    Oh MTF-knew there was some connection to Liverpool.

    My late stepfather was a vicar in Derbyshire, covered three small churches, I can't recall names now but near to Little Peover.


  • Comment number 26.


    That was Cheshire.

    Better step up me oxygen!

  • Comment number 27.

    MTF: oooh la la! I just knew my plans to wear flip flops would be foiled!

    C xx

  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon all

    Flip flops (or thongs as our aussie cousins refer to them) just wrong in my book, should be confined to the bin, along with Cr@cs, invention of the devil, imo.

    I can't wear any thing like those, not evn the slip on type, I had to buy 'proper' sandals which fasten round the ankle for the beach, but not with socks! I may be British but I do hate to see men with socks and sandals!



  • Comment number 29.

    Ooo Marjie, Little Peover? By the crin. Yous are too posh for ME.

    My Granddad used to work down the pit and was a famous War Hero; famous for breakin' the 3 minute mile down the air-raid shelter when the sirens went. Back from work, he used to stand warmin' 'is bum in front of the fire wit 'is braces danglin' down the back. Sirens go off, off 'e shot, out first wit Grandma holdin' the baby followin' close up behind wit the rest of the kids. Unhappily, half way down, she stood on 'is braces so that they twanged back an' hit 'im in the back.

    "Ooooh!!!" gasps Granddad. "You go on, Kitty, they've got me!!"

    Hero, see.

    As to the other side. Wrestlers. Oh yes. Which accounts for me right 'ook an' legs like a Jack Russell.


  • Comment number 30.

    Hi Everybody Peeps - hope Marky Mark's neck is better soon. I don't get on with flip flops either and I'm sure I've worn them for driving before now - will make mental note to get the brogues looked out for driving and the flip flops for the beach / park. I'm not keen on the flip flops with toe posts although I do have one pair that I wear occasionally (when there's not a lot of walking involved). I hunted all weekend for flip flops without toe posts - there are some available but they don't seem to have the pretty detail that some flip flops have these days.

    Just finished a very lettucey chicken salad I prepared earlier - hope I don't fall asleep on my keyboard now - don't want to miss the home bell!

    AF - (from previous blog) thank you, I'm sure it'll be okay, it's just not a very nice occasion.

    I'm not looking forward to the world cup either. I thought as Scotland weren't appearing, the gorgeous boys wouldn't be watching but big gorgeous boy informed me last night, he'll be following the goings on! Just as well I love reading isn't it? Hoping for good weather too so I can be in the garden.

    It's a bit cooler in Lincolnshire today. I put the thin quilt on the bed last night - blimmin' typical isn't it.


  • Comment number 31.


    Flip flops are a crime against shoes and should be banned forthwith.
    Wearing flip flops to drive in is just plain dumb. Mind you, they will now probably appear with a nanny state health warning saying that they shouldn't be worn whilst driving!
    MissP - Nice to see you back (Not that I have noticed much lately as I have been getting my head down, embroiled in cash flows in my maternity cover job for the last 3 weeks!)
    Happy Tuesday!


  • Comment number 32.

    Clodagh, you've got me grinning like an eejit at my desk here.

    Btw, anyone heard from Annie - has the new arrival arrived yet?


  • Comment number 33.

    Meant to say, #28 - is that Gok Wan masquerading as Andy Torverson or is it Andy 'Gok Wan' Torverson? Get you with your fashion advice for men. You should write for a men's health mag with such sound advice. ;)


  • Comment number 34.

    *Peeks round corner and whispers* I love my flip flops!

  • Comment number 35.

    Hello ,

    Confesses to buying some, but cant walk in them, Now consigned to the back of the wardrobe forever ........ amen

    MC xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Afternoon each..

    Poor Marky Mark... hope he gets a little more sympathy from other quarters! Get well soon!

    Flip flops are the devils work... love to see them but my toes were made too close together for them to be comfortable. I confess to having 1 pair that i slob on the garden in in summer but thats it...most uncomfortable things ever imho..and thats from someone who lives in heels!

    Anyway..reminds me of my fave ever joke *slips away as she knows she`s told it before on here but still....*

    Q: What do you call a French sandal seller...?

    A: Felipe Filope..


    mSc x

  • Comment number 37.

    AF - I envy you. I'd love to be able to wear flip flops but can't bear the feeling of having that wee post between my toes. I wish I could wear them as there are some really pretty ones around at the mo. My friend has some that are designed to tone up your bottom but the promise of a pert bot didn't even lure me to buy any.

    MC - the one pair I do have are at the back of the wardrobe but i suspect in yet another effort to try to get used to wearing them they may make an appearance again this summer - will I ever learn?

    Scoobs - love the joke - I haven't heard it before and I'm glad you decided to share it.


  • Comment number 38.

    Hi folks

    Poor Marky Mark...!!

    I have some flip flops for the garden, or I did have, but I haven't found them yet this year. The dog may well have buried them, as he seems to bury everything he gets that he shouldn't have!

    I prefer menorcan sandals, which are safe to drive in.

    Scoobs, love the joke!

    GB - hope the day goes OK for you, enjoy the time with your sister, even in the sad circumstances.

    Oh well, back to work...

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    I bought a pair of Menorcan sandals about 10 years ago and have never worn them! It's not that I don't like them, just that they kill me cos they are so stiff! I will persevere and soften them up and one day they WILL be worn!

    Hugs to everyone(((((((all)))))))

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 40.

    I'm with Flower, I love my flip flops :)

    Scoobs, I was just thinking of that joke when I logged on xx

    Marky Mark, I hope your neck gets better soon sending you a manly hug {}

    The sun has come out in Kent, shame I've got another 3 hours work to do. Might go and check on my swans tonight, I had a peek through my binoculars but I need a close up look (but not too close!)


  • Comment number 41.

    Ali, pics of hatchlings on my fb.

    Gotta dash.



  • Comment number 42.

    OK MTF, will have a look.


  • Comment number 43.

    Thank you JG - I'm sure I'll have a nice time with my sis once we've got Thursday past. It's great as wee gorgeous boy's class has been learning a dance in a dance workshop at school and my sister will be able to come to the performance on Friday afternoon. She lives north of the border and hasn't been to any of the boys' school plays / concerts so we're all looking forward to that.

    Rightio, nearly home time so will need to sign out and get tidied up.

    Running club tonight so doubt I'll be around later - hopefully 'see' you all tomorrow.

    Toodle-oo for noo.


  • Comment number 44.

    PS CLP & Marky Mark - Just remembered the little story yer told us CLP: About the time yer deliberately crashed yer car inter the car of an attractive woman yer fancied & wanted a date with!!!
    Perfect way ter exchange crudentials!!!!

    Just wondered do yer think this could be the case with the woman behind Marky Mark??@?


  • Comment number 45.

    Glad some of you were nice enough to be kind about my joke..thanks!

    Gaily, also meant to say i will be thinking of you Thurs.. but have a wonderful time with your sis after..x

    Really, really am doing this CBA thing again today...bad Scoobs. Only 2 more days then off to that there London to watch QI being filmed along with the GM and the gorgeous AF and PiP from this `ere blog... cant wait!

    Not sure what plans are yet but if we decide we want to do a `ladies wot lunch, with a GM` thing can anyone suggest somewhere?

    mSc x

  • Comment number 46.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 47.

    Greetings! Hope all is well in blogland!

    Flipflops - can't do things between by toes but do like Birkenstocks and yes I drive in them! Crocs - noooooooo on so many levels!

    Just been out for lunch - it feels like winter out there compared to yesterday! Why is our weather so up & down??!!

    Been to colect Euros for holidays which start midday tomorrow!! Off for a week in the sun with Gorgeous Guy and I can't wait :)

    Gail - glad Bernie is settling in well, had a rabbit many years ago who was adorable but hated rabbit food instead he ate chocolate and biscuits!! Hope Thursday goes as well as can be expected and enjoy the time with sis.

    Annie - hope all is going wwell with the impending birth

    Scoobs - have a good time watching QI and with t'other bloggers

    Deevs - fingers crossed on remuneration person saying the right figure!

    AS x

  • Comment number 48.

    Re my post 25.

    Three churches in derbyshire were near to Chapel-en-le-Frith (Bolsover or Ashover)

    Clodagh-well my grandad and my dad were Welsh (Aberystwyth). They didn't work down pit but were famous for breaking the 3 min. record down to the pub!

    Moved to Birkenhead.


  • Comment number 49.

    Flip flops - the Marmite of footwear.

  • Comment number 50.

    TMWNN - I like your thinking and I'm a no to both


  • Comment number 51.

    Hi All

    Sorry I haven't been in today - been trying to work (still feel as if I am being tested all the time).

    I have never liked flip flops myself, it's the toe post thingy (eughh), just invested in a pair of Birkenstocks though (no toe post). I have been driving in them and I think that they will be on my feet for most of the summer (might have to get some more).

    AS have a lovely holiday - where are you going?

    Scoobs - very jealous of the QI audience thing - have a lovely mini blog meet as well.

    Annie - is that baby still in there? Your daughter must be exhausted....

    (((((hugs))))) all round.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    PS My dad also used to warm his bum with his back to the fire, bless him haha.
    Did all dads used to do that?

  • Comment number 53.

    Flying back in..

    AS..have a wonderful holiday with your GG...pina coladas all round! x

    Annie...any new delivery to report..all on tenterhooks here?!

    Gonna knock off soon i think...looking forward to the supermarket..not!

    Love to all..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 54.

    MTD - love my Birkenstocks, live in them during the summer!

    Off to Rhodes for a week of sunshine and for the first time going all inclusive so Scoobs am sure I will have a pina colada or 2!

    Theman, Marmite - yuck!

    AS x

  • Comment number 55.


    Just had notification that the Italian F1 tickets have been posted out to me!

    Also heard I have a 2nd interview for the job I went for interview for last week x


  • Comment number 56.

    Obviously can't type when I am excited doh


  • Comment number 57.

    Re post #52

    Isn't it a bit tricky warming your bum if your back's not to the fire?

  • Comment number 58.


    Marmite sucks, Vegemite is the way to go.

  • Comment number 59.

    Well done, Susan, everything crossed for you xx

  • Comment number 60.


    Not for many Britain's Got Talent wannabes, i.e. contortionists!


  • Comment number 61.

    Thanks Pen x

  • Comment number 62.


    Just got home from looking after little ones while daughter went to hospital for a blood test to check her iron levels.

    Have just told her off yet again for driving in silly flip flops.

    AS, have a wonderful holiday.

    Susan, great news, will keep fingers crossed for you.

    Annie, any baby news yet. xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Thanks CSN

    Hope all your girls are doing well?

  • Comment number 64.

    Chris - I have to say, you pop up in the most unexpected places. In the waiting room at Newport County Court this afternoon there was a copy of Heat magazine featuring a large photo of you in your blue lycra skeleton bob suit. Now I understand that there were probably no pockets in that outfit to keep your lunch in but, even so, that was an odd place to put your baguette.

    Barmy xx

  • Comment number 65.

    #49 Marmite and Flip Flops - both the work of the devil!!

    I'm very much looking forward to Friday with Scoobs, Flower and the GM. Can't come soon enough.

    Keeping it brief as tunnel coming!


  • Comment number 66.

    Barmy - lovin' the picture you paint!

  • Comment number 67.

    Hahahaha Barmy.

    Now then. I wouldn't touch Heat magazine if it was printed on bog roll an' me nose wanted wipin'. However, havin' seen the skeleton bob video, I can say wit a certain amount a pride that we 'ave bigger baguettes Oop North, oh yes. Poor Christoff's barm cake 'as obviously shrunk since 'e left Warrington. Bless.


  • Comment number 68.

    ...Not that I can talk, like.. I well remember the brother-outlaw's cruel and hurtful remark when I went to a Famous Couples fancy dress as Lady Godiva in a flesh-coloured lycra catsuit an' long blondy wig. "By the crin," says he. "Last time I saw a sight like that it was danglin' outa blackbird's beak."

    Huh. As if 'e could talk, stood there lookin' a right twit as Saint George wit a galvanised bucket on 'is head, a brush-steel an' the dustbin lid an' Granddad's old nightshirt, trailin' me sister behind 'im in the dragon suit. She was none too pleased, either, when she tried to go for a wee and remembered we'd stitched 'er into it.

    The ex-hubby looked a bugger as me 'orse, mind.

    Happy days.


  • Comment number 69.

    Barmy, brilliant!!

    Clodagh, I've just roared with laughter at that, and made Mr JG shout from upstairs to "Keep the noise down!" LOL

    PiP, now we've told you before, you be careful in them there tunnels! Anything could happen!!

    Am waiting for me tea, from a Dotty pizza place, but as it's special offer day, it's taking forever! And I am really making the most of being able to eat pizza right now, cos I know when I get back from hols next week, it might be a limited time before I can eat one again!

    And there's no chance of getting one delivered next week where we're going! you don't book with wilderness cottages for nothing!

    CSN, hope all the babbies and Mum's are ok!

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    Evening all,

    Hope you've all had a good day.

    Chris ,Hope Marky Mark is OK and I know you'll look after him ,can be quite painful you know.

    Clodagh ,thank you for your reminiscing,you can make the sun shine on the dullest of days.

    As ,have a nice holibob .

    Flip flops ,yes I do have one pair that I do try and wear for about half an hour ,once a year .

    I do prefer the sandals with straps as I am prone to a bit of falling down feel safer in the proper sandals.

    Just bought a pair of Slazenger ones last week and they are so comfy went and got another pair .Will be on my feet all summer .But also have some nicer ones .


  • Comment number 71.

    Ooo JG, Mister JG sounds a bit grumpy.

    'As 'is barm cake wilted a bit as well? I should go an' check, sweetheart. Take a bottle a brown sauce an' the bicycle pump. Only don't laff if 'e's feelin' touchy, you know what they're like.



  • Comment number 72.

    JG, tuesday is pizza offer day around here too.

    I tried one a week or so ago and was pleasantly surprised after all my years of making my own and no-one elses would do....

    Ours is a turkish joint in Bridgwater.

    So all geared up for an instant treat to munch on the way home, bearing in mind its 25 miles away. Late call from a client in totally the opposite direction so no BOGOF pizzas for me.

    Just rolling my sleeves up and getting kneading.

    Dinner will be on the table at 9.30!!!

    If you get yours earlier, can you be kind to me and not mention it.LOL.xx

    Now then toppings, hmmmmmm!


  • Comment number 73.

    Clodagh love you are priceless - I love the way you have with words and phrase and you paint such a vivid picture xx bless you!!

  • Comment number 74.

    Howaya Bids! Yep, am much the same re. flip-flops as a general rule; for much the same reason as I'd never wear a thong. If I want to get sliced in half through me tender bits I'll come back in me next life as a lump a Gorgonzola.


  • Comment number 75.

    Now Clodagh please stop it - I'm gettin a stitch in me side with laffin

  • Comment number 76.

    Rather like my sister in the dragon suit, Suze, hahahahaha!!


  • Comment number 77.

    You really are an incorrigible woman haha indeed xx


  • Comment number 78.

    Hi ladies, Clodagh, thanks.

    You make me laugh and that is priceless.

    Rapidly removing the gorgonzola off the pizza, it'll keep!


  • Comment number 79.

    Clodagh conjures up such pictures eh MTF. Have you had a good day?

    Suze x

  • Comment number 80.

    Aw thanks girls. Well I reckon we all need a laugh at the moment so if that's true I'm a happy woman.


  • Comment number 81.

    MTF ,if it makes you feel any better ,I had a lovely roast chicken dinner made by Mr B and very nice to it was ,but icouldnt eat it all .

    Enjoy your Pizza's Ladies .LOL.xxx.


  • Comment number 82.

    Clodagh ,
    I do hope all these ditto's are going in your book.


  • Comment number 83.

    Yes lovely Clodagh you have been the tonic we needed methinks xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Has Gok lost the plot or what.



  • Comment number 85.

    Haha Clodagh, he's just sulking cos he's had to do a decent days work for once, after a week and a bit of gallivanting about!

    And he's off again next week! But so am I, so that's OK!

    Anyhow's thanks for the cheering up!! It's needed here, folk have an unnerving knack of ringing for stuff, just while you are tying to get straight for a week off!

    JG x

  • Comment number 86.

    Clodagh, thank you, you are just the tonic I think we all need at the mo. Haha, am also watching Gok!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Not too bad a day thanks Susan.

    After my diversion via Taunton, I got pulled into a 'census ' layby.

    The poor guy then proceeded to fire some questions at me.

    By the time he had written down all the places I had been to and where I was heading, he was beginning to sweat a bit!

    "So what is the purpose of your travel today" he enquired.

    With a dead pan face I replied that I was a Tooth fairy. I stifled my laughter as he wrote it down.

    He then let me go on my way, I couldn't help but look back in my rear view mirror at his face.

    Thats going to make interesting reading for someone, when they look back over it. LOL!


  • Comment number 88.

    MTF that was priceless - don't know how you kept a straight face though!

    Made both of us chuckle here when I read it out loud - had to as OH was wondering

    S xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Haha MTF, love it!! Made Mr JG smile too!

    JG x

  • Comment number 90.

    Still waiting for my pizza JG!


  • Comment number 91.

    Clodagh, Susan, MTF, JG and Bids - thank you VERY, VERY MUCH. You are exactly what I need at the moment.

    Amongst other things going on at the moment, my SIL has to go see a kidney specialist tomorrow. They suspect she has lupus and stage 3 kidney disease. She's only in her early 30s and was diagnosed with idiopathic intercranial hypertension last year (it mimics a brain tumour without the tumour). She's had a few operations to in the last six months to put shunts in place to drain the excess cerebral fluid into her stomach. It was only because of tests done at her last op a few weeks ago that they found the kidney problem.

    I don't know if this makes sense, but it's not her I'm so worried about. If things are as serious as she's been led to believe then it's good that she's getting medical care. My concerns at present rest with my brother who, in 'typical' (don't shoot me down!) male fashion doesn't want to talk about it and has got his head so far in the sand the only thing we can see is tomorrow's washing peeking out of the top of his jeans! He's trying to keep his mind on his work, look after their 4 year old and 14 year old, and care for her. He won't ask for help and I live an hour's drive away now so it's much harder to be on call.

    Anyway, don't want to bring the blog down. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for the smiles. Feels like I've forgotten how to this week.


  • Comment number 92.

    That is one scary neck Marky.

    Fourth grandson born tonight at 7pm. I still have the 4yr old and I'm absolutely knackered - still, we've had a lovely day. He's fast asleep on the futon with his teddy.


  • Comment number 93.

    Congratulations Granny Annie!!


  • Comment number 94.

    JG (((X))) - so glad you got to smile at the earlier antics - it's a very man thing isn't it. Don't acknowledge and it won't really be there - I have seen this happen before with family and friends. They don't seem to realise it makes it so much harder for everyone but they do have to 'come to it' in their own time.

    Not bringing the blog down either - keep smirking at the thought of MTF actually telling someone that she is the Tooth Fairy xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Congratulations Annie. Hope everyone is doing well.


  • Comment number 96.

    Annie that is wonderful but his poor Mammy must be exhausted - we need details (not the gory ones though) xxxx

    Suze x

  • Comment number 97.

    Can't join at the mo as am having a bit of a domestic with younger teen about her attitude to school and life in general. Feeling like an ugly old harpie.

    But wanted to say, Annie me lass, finally, many congratulations and lots of love. xx

    A x

  • Comment number 98.

    BG glad you popped in - please accept my request on FB x

  • Comment number 99.

    Oh congrats Annie - bet that's a relief for you all.
    Climb on the futon with the little cherub and have 40 winks, too.

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Congratulations Annie, hope Mum and new grandson both doing well!!

    I've a friend who's 6 months pregnant and was really struggling in the recent heat!

    Susan, I'm used to it!

    JG x


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