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One Thousand Miles And Counting

Chris Evans | 11:59 UK time, Friday, 30 April 2010

Off to drive the James Coburn car in Italy. It's a race called The Mille Miglia, The One Thousand miles, although when I say race, it's more of an event nowadays as overtaking has been banned and it's more about it being a precision timing discipline.

130 cars from all over the world driving for four days. Mrs. E is co-driver and is even more excited about it than I am. She's no slouch either when it comes to putting the pedal to the metal.

So I will tweet piccies whenever I can but before we depart on Tuesday, I have to work, work, work. The holidays don't start till those fasten seatbelt signs go on and I am on that aeroplane.

Have a lovely fortnight.





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  • Comment number 1.

    First again?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Happy Holidays Christoph.

    Have you taken your new beach book with you?

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello Chris

    Sounds like an excellent time to be had. Can we have some mid event blogs please as well as the tweets to keep us going? Mrs E could be the motor sport corespondent.

    Good hols



  • Comment number 4.

    Have fun Christoph and Tash. Would love to do that.
    The odd blog along the way would be good too???

    Flower - enjoy your shopping.

    Gail - bonkers !!!! but enjoy - hope the weather is good to you.

    Beez xx
    off shopping too but food stuff :(

  • Comment number 5.

    Chris - Sounds fantastic - enjoy!
    Dozy - Hope the weather's good for camping.

    I went for an interview on Thursday of last week for a 4 month contract role and heard yesterday that I got it. It's somewhat less money than my last job but it's a job. Starts on Tuesday! Just need to get Deevs sorted now!

    Happy Friday.


  • Comment number 6.

    Oh Chris enjoy and take care esp of Tash and the car x It's a lovely area of Italy and as Beez says blogs on the way would be most appreciated.
    Thought you might have roped in James M for co-driver or is he in his own car again this year? - BTW having a woman driver is a sure fire winner. Go Tash xx


  • Comment number 7.

    Oh Nic well done x It'll happen for Deevs soon I am sure.

  • Comment number 8.


    That sounds absolutely fab, have a great time.

    Nic - well done!



  • Comment number 9.

    Well done Nic. Is it one of those like the last one where they may extend the contract an extend and extend?

    Beez xx

    not here

  • Comment number 10.

    Beez - My last job was actually a proper permanent job where the redundancy date got extended month by month for 6 months whereas this one is a maternity cover but after that who knows.


  • Comment number 11.

    Have a good holiday Chris and yes blog along the way please. Well done Nic for getting a job. I am sure Deevs will soon get one.

  • Comment number 12.

    Oh good luck with the 'race' Chris sounds fab, and Italy is such a beautiful place. Enjoy yourselves and try not to break the car! Before you know it Noah will be old enough to be your co-driver!

    Ciao Lin x

  • Comment number 13.

    Have a great holiday Chris - just love Italy, even better in a super car!

    Gail - have a great time camping and hope the weather's kind to you x

    Well done Nic - celebration drink on the new patio set tonight?

    Happy Birthday to Boleyn & Helen - nice long weekend to celebrate!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Sounds fab - oh to have the car and time to do something like that!

    Dozy - good luck with the camping, fingers crossed!

    AF - happy shopping!

    Beez - can't you sneak in a couple bottle of fizz just for you in your shopping!

    Nic - congrats on the job!

    CSN - oooohhh, how exciting. Fingers crossed both move and birth go smoothly.

    Sun is still shining in Cambrdigheshire but weather forecast not looking too great for the weekend and got a busy one lined up too!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 15.

    If anybody missed Tobsterr's post before it was modified, take a look at the R2 messageboard.

    The Chris Evans uber-fans who post on here may wish to give it a wide bearth though.

    I wonder who asked for it to be removed, perhaps they would like to let us know why they did it?

  • Comment number 16.

    Good lord.

    Have just checked my emails and can't believe the number of messages on fb - thank you all so much, I am totally amazed as I have admittedly been a bit of a blog deserter of late.

    Just got a lovely bouquet at work too from boleynman, all the women were dead jealous, whey hey!

    I have to dash - songs to sing as usual - thanks again and I promise that I will catch up with you all over the weekend.

    Lots of love

    A x

  • Comment number 17.

    Oooh and messages on here too - thanks!

    A x

    PS see you're still at it with your cauldron Barney - hubble bubble...

  • Comment number 18.


    Celebration sounds like a good idea but it's raining here and not due to stop until Monday. Also, it's my first appearance as a cricket umpire tomorrow in the Staffs League and I need to keep a clear head!


  • Comment number 19.

    Ello CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - Wow, now that is some race ter take part in!!!!
    'ope yer 'ave a great time & get some accurate times on the timed runs of accuractness!!!!
    Just make sure yer don't forget noot only yer toothbrush... but also a VERY thorough insurance policy for yer Coburn baby!!!!

    There's a timed event ave always wanted ter take part it... a will bang it on the next blog in a moment..... >>>>

  • Comment number 20.

    Ok 'ere is the timed race ave always wanted ter take part in.... and now relaise what am missinbg out on!!!!

    Terdee am feeling pain all, pain & upset terdo with The London Marathon!!!!!!
    Now yer may say why when a did noot take part in it!!!
    Well all that iz the VERY reason!!!!

    Ave since found out the amount of celebs that were taking part in it.... the fact that a could ave been running/ jogging/ moving on the VERY same piece of road that all these top celebs were & even a member of the royal family aka Princess Beatrice!!!!

    A mean Richard Branson was in it.... it's always been an ambition of mine ter take over a billionaire!!!!!!
    Ok it's over take... but similar ter take over!!!!!
    A mean imagine saying.... ave done a take over of a billionaire in the city bit of London!!!!

    Then there waz Gorden Ramsey!!!!!
    Ave always wanted ter get me own back on 'im for the way 'e swears ter 'is staff!!!!!!
    A could ave tripped 'im up!!!!!!! TAKE THAT..... WHHHHAAAA!!!!!! (only joking!!)

    But then best of all.... best of all..... now a know ave often written on 'er about me favourite female celebs!!!!!!
    Ok a know a would never get a date with any, even if a was the last man on earth or INDEED a famous footballer or pop star.... but there's one woman who if a 'ad the amazing choice of being offered a date with either Nelly Furatado, Chezza Cole, Claudia Winkleman & INDEED Chrsitine Bleakley.... a would ave ter choose over all the others....... Natalie Imbruglia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yes thee very beautiful wide eyed dark 'aired babe aka The Imbruglia was taking part in The London Marathon!!!!!
    A mean imagine it... for once a could follow the every single move of a celeb for 26 miles & noot be accused of being a stalker!!!!!
    Every time she went left a could go left.... every time she turned right... a could go right!!!!!!!
    And the courts couldn't even issue me with a 100 yard exclusion order!!!!!
    BUT.... better still..... imagine.... if she was behind me!!!!!!
    A could claim ter me name that Natalie Imbruglia followed me for 26 miles across London!!!!!!
    A could tell me mates.... a couldn't stop 'er from following me... every corner a turned.... she turned!!!!!!
    The faster a ran... the faster she did!!!!!!
    If a slowed me pace.... she slowed 'er pace!!!!!!!

    MY GOODNEEESSSS..... London Marathon 2011...... no excuses..... gotta do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 21.


    Congrats on the assignment , hope you enjoy it.

    About to rain here too.

    Been at my desk since 7am and still drowning.

    Grrrrrrumpy MC xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hi All

    Have a great time CLP – not sure about GN in the mornings but will give it a go. Looking forward to seeing the One show tonight – coz I missed last week.

    Happy birthday BG and DWNB – have a good one.

    As promised the latest instalment of the travel blog.

    Part 3 Return to Shanghai.

    As I said yesterday, the return to Shanghai was overshadowed by the fact that we didn’t know when or how we were going to get out again. Once we had arrived at the hotel, our first priority was to see if the concierge had managed to get GP tickets for us. Unfortunately they were still far too expensive.

    Next we e-mailed the travel agent (being a Sunday there was no chance of getting them on the phone and they didn’t have an emergency number) and checked the vi**in website for any information.

    We then set out to explore Shanghai – ending up in the Bund area (main shopping street, known as the Champs Elysee of Shanghai). After taking a ‘sightseeing trip’ costing about 20p (this was just a small train that drove along the length of one road – no commentary or real sights to see), we made our way to the river and experienced the Bund Sightseeing Tunnel. This was a cable car contraption which went under the river with a sound and light ‘journey’ through the tunnel. It was very clever and interesting.

    On the Monday – not having heard anything from the travel agent, I phoned the local office of the airline to be told that our flight on the Tuesday morning had definitely been cancelled and the next available flight for us would be 4th May. While I was calling them, the company that we had our transfers arranged with phoned to find out when we would need the transfer to the airport – an amusing conversation took place with the OH and the agent (which was repeated when I called them back later that day) – it was along the lines of -

    Agent – ‘when do you want transfer?’
    OH/me - ‘4th May’
    Agent - ‘4th May???!!!’
    OH/me – ‘yes’
    Agent – ‘Coz of volcano!!!???’
    OH/me – ‘yes’
    Agent – ‘Noooooooooo!!!!’

    I also realised that I was running out of prescription meds. A trip to a local clinic followed and a prescription duly dispensed – it was then that we started finding our fellow strandees (14 of us in our hotel) and started pooling information.

    As I posted last week, we had not been advised of any compensation offers, so we thought that the best thing would be to find cheaper accommodation as we could be there for another 2 weeks. Everybody in our group had decided to move to the Ibis around the corner so we duly trotted round there and booked a room (we didn’t have to move until the next day).

    The following day, we went to check in to the new hotel and had a look at the room – it was extremely basic but needs must (or so we thought). When we went back to get our cases, we found out from another couple that Mr B was stumping up so we did not need to move. We then checked out of our old room at that hotel and checked back in to a club room (more of which later). Everybody else in the group decided to do the same and we then went back to the Ibis and checked out (they charged for 1 night but it was worth it).

    I have been going on a bit now and need to do some work – so I will conclude the travelogue tomorrow.

    See you all later for FNWC (if I haven’t sent you to sleep with this).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Hello Christoph Lambie Pie.

    Enjoy the Mille Miglia and all the best with your precision timing.

    I'm so pleased to know that Mrs E is with you. We all know that women drivers are superior and she will keep you controlled:)

    Don't eat too many pizzas, lasagne, whatever

    Looking forward to photos.


  • Comment number 24.

    Morning / Afternoon,

    CLP your trip sounds great! I love Italy... and Italian food. mmmm.

    Congrats on the job Nic.

    Happy Birthday BG, hope you have a lovely day

    CSN - hope all goes well

    Mtd - looking forward to the next installment!

    Happy long weekends to all, I hope you get some sun!


  • Comment number 25.


    I'm back!

    Chris - sounds fab! need a baby sitter for Noah????

    only read this blog so will catch up with yesterdays this arvo - welcome back mtd - must find installments 1 & 2

    Nic - well done - like you say, we just need to sort the Deeva out - watch out - as many of you on here will know - I did a 2 week project last August up darn essex, not only am I still there, new boss man revelled next project yesterday and said "book hotel till December"!

    whoo hoo!!!!

    Need to find out what Gail is up to - but

    Happy Burpday to DWNB and Bolly!

    MC - howya little tash buddy - reach for the chocklit dear! I am still dreaming bout your hotel choklit easter egg! Might have to go to said shop tomorrow and stock up for a mega weekend of filum watching - lets face it - it aint gonna be a sitting in the garden weekend is it!

    Right - soz if I've missed anyone, going to catch up.....


  • Comment number 26.

    Congratulations Nic.

    I'm sure Deevs will be next.


    PS Hope Bingo's posts will be through soon. I'm sure they'll be interesting to do with cars.

  • Comment number 27.


    Back from selling my soul to another recruiter. Kinda liked Walsall, compact and yet good shops. Let's see if the Agency come up with anything. Breath. Holding. Not.

    And I bought a lovely shower cap too!

    CLP, enjoy your road trip. Sounds fab - can you combine it with a gastro tour of Italy en route?


  • Comment number 28.

    Oh come on Modders.

    Bingo must be feeling so frustrated he's at work not here. Must have taken time in his break to write interesting posts as he is so into cars and racing.

    I know he needed to be modded at one time but this still going on now is what started the last couple of days disharmony.

    Give him a break please, it's so frustrating when he can't reply to blogs, by the time he can it does'nt make sense.


  • Comment number 29.

    Since when did any of Bingo's posts make sense?

  • Comment number 30.

    Ha ha.

    Your'e so predictable Barney. I just knew you'd jump in.

    I like you, you make me laugh and a lot o0f what you say is so true.

    But I have to ask "why are on CLP's blog in order to criticise him" I can only assume that you are one of those who revel in other's misfortunes.


  • Comment number 31.

    If I'd known you were looking for a shower cap Deev, I had a corker for Christmas. Goes by the name of Gok? Purple and pink satin! Never wear them meself.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 32.

    Hello, remember me? ‘tis Penny here!

    Enjoy your trip to Italy, Christoff, one of my favourite places. Good luck with the race, I remember watching James Martin when his car broke down. Gutted he was, to say the least.

    I have been lurking but impossible to comment on everything that has been going on, my memory is not that good! However, I would like to say;

    MTD, loving the travel blog, next instalment soon please.

    Dragon, many congratulations.

    Boleyngirl and DWNB, Happy Birthday to you both.

    Nic, well done on the job front, and Deevs, it WILL happen.

    CSN, looking forward to hearing your news on the little one’s arrival.

    Marjie, Bingo’s mum eh? Well that took me by surprise!

    For those I’ve missed, it is not intentional, so apologies but thinking of you all.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Pen,

    Good to see you back! Been busy with the grandchildren?

    Darce x

  • Comment number 34.


    You ask "why are on CLP's blog in order to criticise him".

    Well, as far as I aware I don't.

    I sometimes disagree with what he writes and take issue with it.

    I fail to see how this can be seen as criticism of Chris Evans, unless you believe that he is infallible and all knowing.

  • Comment number 35.

    Chris and Tash: hope you, (and the gorgeous Noah) have a wonderful holiday. As a non-driver, I don't get "it", but happy for you! Distraught is how I feel at having to face the next two weeks without the Breakfast Show - never in my life have I been in the shower at 06.40, so I am reasonably organised for Moira at 7am! Still, I will soldier on, and looking forward to the ENTIRE team's return! xx

    So much to catch up with:

    Jillygoat: sorry I missed your birthday. Glad you had a lovely day. Please come back here soon, ok?

    Seza: I will keep my fingers crossed!

    CSN: wow, what a rollercoaster you are on recently. Thinking of both your daughters: one who is on her road to recovery, and your other daughter, now in labour!

    MC: I really laughed at your BBQ story. Just a scream!

    Bolyengirl and DWNB: happy birthday to you both - hope today is special for both of you.

    Nic: excellent news, you must be pretty pleased. Only a matter of time for Cheryl, as I said earlier this week.

    mtd: loving the travel diary, keep it coming. Now, I completely missed Chris saying who is taking over the show - I am assuming Graham Norton? You know something? I think he will be brilliant!

    Hope everyone else is ok. Soooo looking forward to the weekend - I may even manage a wee FNWC before Gene tonight!

    C xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi Darce, err grandchildren? Oh yes, those little ‘darlings’ that keep descending upon us at weekends because, their words ‘at grandma’s we can get our bikes out of the shed and go out on our own’! Don’t you just love ’em?

    Had a CBA few days, don’t know why really, but Mr P is off work next week so, depending on the weather, we are hoping to get out and about and catch up on a few menial tasks.

    Hope you and the family are well and are looking forward to the long weekend. Any advancement on the house modifications?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 37.

    MC, thanks for reminding me Chrissie, the BBQ story was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing to the extent of Mr P asking me if I was alright! Very, very funny!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Pen- no advancement yet but have decided to kick start it into action again and put the cost on my credit card. I have to get it finished one way or the other, especially if have to sell. I think my son is doing a bit of tiling this afternoon, but as its Friday and Bank holiday weekend, don't suppose much will get done!

    Yes looking forward to the long weekend, a few dates and a busy day with the granddaughters on Saturday.

    Darce x

  • Comment number 39.


    Nobody's infallable.

    Sorry about missing the 'you' out of my post.

    Keep 'em coming, I find you entertaining.


  • Comment number 40.

    Penny: re: MC and the BBQ story - just so funny - this is exactly what would happen to me and MrS!

    C xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Afternoon peeps - is it October? coz I'm flippin freezing!
    Rain, mist, no sign of the sun - what's happened?

    Nic, congrats on the job. Maybe there will be something there for Deev. Now that would be cosy :o)

    Happy birthday ladies - hope you are both celebrating tonight. I am off out for my birthday meal with pals, even though my day was a week last Weds 21st.
    Could manage to get all the ladies together until tonight, so tonight it is.

    mtd - welcome home. Sorry not had a chance to say it until now. Loved the bit about the transfer booking conversation - priceless.

    To everyone else, hope to catch y'all over the weekend but
    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Crumpy - I was just about to say been really sunny here except for one small shower lunch time and the heavens have just opened !
    Enjoy your belated birthday meal.

    Hi everyone else

    Beez xx
    just taking a quick break - still drowning in work............

  • Comment number 43.

    Crumpy: have a lovely time tonight with your friends. Hope you enjoy a glass or two of wine, perhaps?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Have a good evening Crumps, and as for Nic and I working together .... nooooooooooooooo! Life at ChezNic is perfick but working together, I think not!

    It's raining again here. That'll be the bedding plants we just invested in making that happen then!


  • Comment number 45.

    Crumpy have a lovely meal this evening with your girls wot dine :)

    Worked / had a business with an ex partner - never again!!

    AS x

  • Comment number 46.

    Hey everyone
    just thinking, after catching up on all the "baff" comments - should I be arranging a blog meet there - tiss only 10 miles from me, what interest might there be???


  • Comment number 47.

    Hello Everyone

    Think you're crossed fingers are working! At least, I hope they are!

    Going house looking tonight, think we've found the perfect combination of house and location! Only problem is that they are not together so the question is ideal house in location that's not quite right or house that's not quite right in really good location?

    Answers on a postcard please!

    Has actually been ok here today, thought it was going to pour earlier but all blew over

    Have read through and hope everyone is ok and starting to wind down for the weekend

    Nearly FNWC!

    Fire up the Quattro!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 48.

    OMG! Have just seen a stor on the Daily Mail website of a gandmother in love with her grandson???!!! They are supposed to be have a baby through a surrogate mother ....................NO???!!!! Please tell me its a wind up

    AS x

  • Comment number 49.

    Seza - do you not watch Phil and Kirstie - its all about compromise -

    Mr S just has to compromise OK??? dur :-)

    - fingers still crossed and good luck tonight!

    over and out

  • Comment number 50.

    Good plan Debs but it may have to be me who compromises this time.

    Just call me a taxi!


  • Comment number 51.

    AS - Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!?!?! That's badder than bad, man! x

  • Comment number 52.

    AS, that is just soooooo wrong!


  • Comment number 53.

    Meant to have said;

    Seza, good luck with the house hunting.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi folks

    Chris, I'm very jealous, and amassuming you were on the reserve list, as you're not on the entry list? Have fun, and I will miss you...need to get more CD's for the car....!

    I am so glad to have got to the end of this week!!

    Seza, good luck with the house hunting, we compromised on the location for the house, and it saved us about £12,000, so worth bearing in mind - even though I've probably spent that in the extra petrol in the past 8 odd years!

    Nic, well done on the job!!

    Pen and Darce, good to see you!

    Sorry I've forgotten everything else... will have to look again! Oh yes, have a good evening Crumpy! Will still need to look....

    We have just spent ages deciding on an indian takeaway, only to try to ring it through and find out they are closed this week :(

    It's rained all day, but is nice now! Not looking good for the weekend though!

    Oh, and taking MiL out for a birthday meal tomorrow, but she wants to go at 4pm...What's that about? I mean it's neither lunch or dinner? Or Tea Supper or whatever...damn fool woman!

    JG x

  • Comment number 55.

    So it's Friday evening and I'm on the train home from work. I don't work flexi, but I've done over 50 hours more than my contracted hours in the last month. So why did I feel so guilty about not bringing work home that I was almost out of the door tonight before I turned back to pick up my work laptop? I last saw my GS for longer than five mins on Wednesday night. I won't see him now until Monday :-(. I listen to those around me talking on the train about their plans for the night yet I can't remember the last time I put on my heels and sparklies for a night out. It's not that I can't - I don't need a man to take me out - it's more that I can't be a****!!

    I am looking forward to the meet in Leeds. I am also enjoying living vicariously through you all too. Please keep sharing. If I can't personally enjoy the satisfaction of selling my house, having a baby, going on fabulous holidays, losing weight, experiencing fantastic things, and getting/giving a lotta loving then I'm glad you all can. I know it sounds soppy, but you all do help me get through the day and for that I thank you.



  • Comment number 56.

    JG we usually eat lunch later on a weekend so have sometimes taken to going out for an Italian meal at round 3.00pm and as it sometimes is so laid back we don't always leave until nearly 5! We treat it as a late lunch and then maybe just have a glass of vino with some savoury crackers or some such after 9

    Looking forward to FNWC later but first have to get motivated to go shopping but at least our local is usually quieter after 8 which is why I leave it so late.

    Ops sorry a bit long!

    Hope all moving along ok CSN? X

  • Comment number 57.

    Oh PiP you certainly need this weekend {{{}}}. Looking forward to meeting you in Leeds

    Sus x

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi again

    JG Why are you taking my MiL out for dinner? LOL!! That's the kind of thing she would do. We were once due at hers the day after Boxing Day. When we asked what time, she said "oh, anytime, I'll just do some bits to eat" We went to look around the shops before we went there and at 3.15pm got a phone call asking where we were as the rest of the family were sitting down ready to eat!!!!

    Compromise on house is walking distance to the school or bus, makes not much difference to the mornings but is only one late bus a week so if they stay after school for anything on any other day guess who'll have to go and get them?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Evening each

    Happy holiday Chris.


  • Comment number 60.

    Pip, hiya hun, ...... and breathe.....

    April has been a heavy month for me on the workfront too. Mr MC has had full and unrestricted access to the remote control, ok so nothing new there, whilst i have been glued to reports and projects etc etc .

    Sooooo, this weekend, I am putting it far away from my mind, and having some logging off time. I have turned off my remote access to the work server.

    This weekend we will see how to "build a bbq in your kitchen " and how to "destruct your relationship" in one day. I really should look on it as a little challenge , to enjoy some "us" time with Mr Mc . However, I predict that i will be crawling on the floor looking for dropped screws, whilst he is screaming about how the Tiwanese instructions have got lost in translation.

    Looking forward to Leeds , it has been ages since our road trip. I was in London over Easter and had fond memories of our time there.

    Get those sparklies on girl, you deserve it.

    MC xxxx

    PS , any one got the name of a good solicitor ?

  • Comment number 61.

    Hi everyone, hope you're all ok, am very jealous of you CLP and your adventure on the Mille Miglia, it sounds like so much fun! It was quite a long time before I passed my test but now I love driving and would love to do a road trip through Europe someday. Hope you and Mrs E have a great time.

    Hope everyone has a great BH weekend, no weekend off for me, am working throughout and off Tuesday and Wednesday. But have a long weekend off the starting on the 7th


  • Comment number 62.

    Hi Annie - hope you are well?

    Seza - am eventually going to make your cinnamon and nut***a cake and just wondered if I need a deep cake tine for this? Thanks in anticipation and good luck with house decisions - I'm no help as we have made some bad ones along the way!!

  • Comment number 63.

    Susan, I have used a deep dish when I made it before

    Rosie, sorry to hear you working all weekend but think you might have the better weather

    MC, Good Luck!!

    Hi Annie

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Daughter was having labour pains last night. Phones hospital, they tell her to come in. Keep her on labour ward all night and try to start things off naturally. Today things are progressing slowly so they send her home, six days overdue with labour pains because they have no beds on maternity unit and are understaffed. blah! blah! blah!

    I want to scream, so will go and read posts and pour a large glass wine.


  • Comment number 65.

    Howdedoody Susan

    Pip, I have 5 SVQ folders sitting on the floor awaiting my attention but I'm determined not to look at them till Monday - like you I've done more than my paid hours this week. They're making me feel guilty, though.

    Have a nice bottle of Rose in the fridge.

    Off to see gorgeous little granddaughter tomorrow and have a pile of ironing to do right now.


  • Comment number 66.

    CSN that is so not good esp with her first - you must be worried for her. How did the house move go? Bet you are all shattered xx

  • Comment number 67.

    CSN, just seen your post. Poor you - and daughter, of course. Good luck.
    Our latest little boy is due in 3 weeks.


  • Comment number 68.


    Glad to hear you are one step nearer , hope it all goes well.

    Susan, .....the biggest tin you can find !

    Debs, #49 , how do you manage to listen to Phil ?, i can only oggle my way through that programme . Mr Spencer could re-locate me any day of the week.

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    MC thanks - recipe says 8 inch tin but didn't say if it needed to be deep which is frustrating so now I'll have to add it to my shopping list.

    I'm not here obviously as shopping!! LOL

  • Comment number 70.

    Oh csn I was just wondering if there was any news!

    Hi Seza, I don't mind working the weekends too much, I'm lucky in the sense that I can leave work behind at the end of the day, I don't often have to do stuff on my own time.

    Oh and good luck with the viewing Seza!

    And even bigger good luck with the bbq MC!


  • Comment number 71.


    JG, old people can be a bit funny, look at me!

    Seza, how's house hunting going,still got everything crossed for you.

    MC, Thank you. Very funny post, bought tears to my eyes.


  • Comment number 72.

    Susan, it's her second pregnancy, she had a cesarean first time round and this baby is causing pain across the scar.

    House move went smoothly.


  • Comment number 73.


    Good luck with your daughter , i hope she is ok.

    I have a feeling i will have tears in my eyes tomorrow, but for all the wrong reasons !

    Mr Mc has "reserved " the tv once again, as he is watching the Avatar DVD, which apparently goes on for three hours or so. He has it on so loud too , it feels like there is sound bouncing off every inch of this room.

    I may go and sit in the other room and plan on how to open the cardboard box. At least that will be one less thing to "play" with tomorrow.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Annie, bet your getting excited. I will be so glad when this baby arrives.


  • Comment number 75.

    CSN, best wishes to your daughter and to your family. Hope everything goes well for her

    Rosie, what work do you do and how's your house buying going?


  • Comment number 76.

    MC, good luck tomorrow, let us know how you get on.


  • Comment number 77.

    I work in the tourism industry at on of teh attractions in Edinburgh, so that means lots of weekend work and being busy when everyone else is on holiday!

    House buying seems to be on track, the solicitor seems confident that everything will be signed and sealed by the negotiated date, so I'm allowing myself to start getting excited!!


  • Comment number 78.

    Seza, was hoping you were going to be right and baby would arrive during the move.

    Hope you find something soon.


  • Comment number 79.

    Rosie, that's good news, hope it all goes well.


  • Comment number 80.

    CSN ,

    Thanks, and keep us posted on your daughters progress.

    I am just off to sign a deal with Max Clifford, ........... Cheshire woman grills husband "in Error" .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Mr JG has commandeered the TV here as well, I suppose I will have to suffer Gene Genie later as well ;)

    Rosie, I don't envy you working this weekend, and MC and others I refuse to bring work home - I blame data protection;) Used to work all weekend!!

    CSN, I hope all works out ok this time!

    Am quite concerned about the state of some of our reasonably large footie clubs, what's happened to due diligence, and checking out these foreign owners? Hmmmph!!

    Anyhow, dog is happily asleep on Mr JG, and is still ignoring me....nice, bearing in mind I'm the one who feeds and walks him.....

    Right, off for a smoke before Gene Genie...

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    JG,It's a hard life isn't it!

    Rosie, ok bet that's fun sometimes!

    CSN, Did the move go ok?

    Quick question before we fire up the Quattro, did anyone watch Five Daughters this week? Sometimes the Â鶹ԼÅÄ does something really fantastic and that was it in my opinion!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 83.

    JG, Holly doesn't want to know me now Mr CSN has just arrived home.
    Better go and cook some food, hope to back later.


  • Comment number 84.

    Worked til 6 - went to post hurtled back and did a bit more work - put nosh on late - just finished in time to watch Gene genie. Will catch up later - hope all well? CSN ? any news?

    Laters guys.........
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 85.

    well just discovered 'more reasons' to have gone shopping this evening! My favourite rose on offer so instead of £8.49 per bottle it's only £3.99 so well I just had to buy 3 didn't I and I may sneak back for more later in the week (on my own)

    CSN how rotten for your daughter - hope things moves on a pace but not too painfully xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Avatar has now finished , so Mr Mc has granted me an audience ! I seem to have gone deaf in the past three hours, so i may have to resort to sign language ;-),

    MC xx

  • Comment number 87.

    MC, I can think of some signals to give, but I'd be modded!!

    Would suggest, in the sake of decency, a gurning type expression, cos it always causes confusion if there's no need for one! LOL

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.

    I'm seeing stars!!!

    x x x x x x x x x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    Oh, rotten dog, has been asleep on Mr JG all night, Mr JG goes to bed, guess who now wants me??

    Well tough luck Doggie!!


    JG x

  • Comment number 90.

    Seza, me too I expect, if I move off this sofa...LOL

  • Comment number 91.

    Night all

    Sleep well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Night Seza, and Night from me too!

    Sleep tight!

    JG x

  • Comment number 93.

    Night all too

    Sweet dreams Seza

  • Comment number 94.

    No idea what's going on in Ashes to Ashes but still loving it!

    Night night.


  • Comment number 95.

    Oh joy, now Troy is on ! only a zillion more hours to go .

    MCxx zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Comment number 96.

    Oh, and I still can't get my head around eating at 4pm, I mean should I have brekkie and/or lunch, and/or will I need something later....bloody daft if you ask me!

    JG x

  • Comment number 97.

    Definately gone now!

    Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 98.


    Just eaten, meals are getting later and later here.

    JG, just humour her, most probably set in her ways.


  • Comment number 99.

    Sorry chaps - just zonked out tonight - shouldn't have gone back to office and eaten late. Not as late as you though CSN!!!

    Trying to keep awake for Wrossie - Mr Crowe is helping :))

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi beez, I am bit hyper tonight, how was your day?



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