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Here's Something I Don't Get

Chris Evans | 10:36 UK time, Monday, 12 April 2010

How is it that whenever I get hardly any sleep the show seems so much easier to do than when I grab an early night ?

Three and a half hours is all I managed last night, after staying up to watch the golf and then setting the alarm an hour early by mistake.

Maybe it also had something to do with the fabulous weekend I had, which was off the scale and seemed more like a week than just a couple of days.

Hey ho, I don't know. Off to lose some weight now, I have the cover shoot for book two this Friday - lock all the food cupboards.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris,

    I didn't get any sleep at all last night and couldn't wait for you to come on the radio this morning! Loved the golf, what a disappointment for Westy! Good luck with the photo shoot - can't wait for the second book.

    I now have a horrible chest infection, first time I've had anything like this and it's blimmin sore! Got some anti-biotics from the Dr. so hopefully they will do their stuff and clear it up pronto!

    Hope you all had a lovely weekend in the glorious weather!

    Enjoy the mini meet tonight!

    Take care
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Doh! Hoping to be first! Now my Monday has been ruined!


  • Comment number 4.

    Hello Chris, Tiggs and MkW.

    Now that I've calmed down after missing No 1. I'm glad you had good weekend CLP and hope everyone did.

    Chris- I always find that I have lots of energy after no sleep but it catches up with me the following day so my advice is to have a catnap sometime today.

    I always have my bedside clock 15 fast, that way I'm never late unless, of course, because it's fast I thinki I have plenty of time and up being late.



  • Comment number 5.

    Amazing how a great weekend can refresh, isn't?

    Shot a beautiful wedding on Saturday - warm, blue skies...happy, happy!

    Disappointed for Westwood, but wasn't Mickleson fantastic??

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello Chris, hope you lose your weight soon. About the weighing scales - they do weigh different on the carpet as to flat floor.
    Lovely weekend, lots of walking for us on the coast. Enjoy your day all bloggers.

  • Comment number 7.

    Good morning everyone,

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Absolutely beautiful weather here all weekend and today as well, only last weekend we shovelled up the last of the snow, just shows how quickly it can change.



  • Comment number 8.

    Morning Chris and Bloggers,

    Chris, you did sound very excitable this morning, must have been the lack of sleep and all the tea you'd drunk. Great show though.

    A bit chilly in Kent today, the sun is trying to peek through. I managed to go the whole weekend without using the car, walked everywhere! I am trying to be good and bit healthier.

    Looking forward to the mini Essex meet tonight, let's hope the M25 traffic is in my favour!

    I am enjoying a nice quiet office this morning. Everyone is on holiday, so I've got my head down. Normal service resumes tomorrow.

    Have a good Monday.


  • Comment number 9.

    Greetings CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - Glad yer 'ad a nice weekend!!!!!
    Sorry ter 'ear yer 'ad little sleep!!!!!
    Glad despite aving no sleep yer feel nice!!!!!
    Sorry ter 'ear yer set yer alarm a 'our earlier than anticipated!!!!!
    Glad yer enjoyed the golf on tv!!!!!!!
    Sorry they are going ter shoot yer boook cover!!!!!!!
    Glad yer keeping up the gym visits!!!!!!!


    Chrissie/ Mwk - Loooking forward ter meeting you both in Glasgow city on the 20th if yer both can make it!!!!!!!
    Let me now, sorry know, the details either ere of on the FB!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    PS ALL - Am upset me blog was removed the other dee for laeving a commentation in french!!!!!!
    A waz told it broke the 'ouse rules.... but many others 'ad written french, replying ter CLP writing french in 'is Fridee blog title & their blogs were noot removed!!!!!!!

    All a wrote waz nice... it read in french "a 'ope your meal is most nice & tasty on the taste buds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  • Comment number 11.

    Hello Moderated Bingo.

    Awaiting latest.


  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Chris: You certainly sounded fabulous this morning, but as marjie says, it will probably catch up with you tomorrow! No worries about the photo shoot, I am sure you will look terrific!

    Mary: what a shame for you - horrible thing a chest infection. Once the medication kicks in, it will help tremendously but just rest as much as you can in the meantime. xx

    The golf was absolutely awesome on Saturday and Sunday, wasn't it? I really felt for Westwood - he came so close. But Mickelson was something else.

    The weather in Glasgow today (and the entire weekend) is just beautiful. Wish I was at home, hanging out yet more washing!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning CLP!
    I too was up at 4am so its good to know I was in good company!
    And tonight I am also going to be in good company at the mini essex meet - see you later AliB - drive safe on that M25, Seza train safe - "mind the gap"!

    DebbieC - if you're lurking - we have a seat for you booked if you can make it dear!

    right - not here!


  • Comment number 14.

    Hello Christoff,

    Don,t know how you do it on so little sleep, the golf was superb and although rooting for our boy Lee, Phil Mickleson produced one of the great last rounds ever in my opinion,under extreme pressure.

  • Comment number 15.

    Afternoon All,

    I had a fab weekend too - JAMES were fantastic (ok, so I am somewhat biased!), spent saturdsay afternoon with mini-me over on Cannock Chase, he with his cool, shades on, lying down, hands behind head saying "ah, this is the life"! (He's 7!) and sunday watching sport, including my introduction to Moto GP (Ok, may get in to it...). Then spent a night dreaming about being passed on a motorbike, so had less sleep then anticipated!

    Happy Monday!


  • Comment number 16.

    Certainly bright and breezy this morning Christoph bearing in mind that amount of sleep.
    I can get away with not much sleep but I'm like a zombie in the mornings until at least 11 o'clock.

    Should be happy now the sun has come out but have spent the morning working through treacle! Each case I touch is back where it started and I am being ignored again !! Hey ho...

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Afternoon ,

    Gorgeous day here, took a while for the sun to get going , but its nice now.

    MwK, sorry to hear you have a chest infection, hope you manange to get rid of it soon.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon bloggers and CLP!

    Well what a glorious weekend and a great start (weather-wise!) to the week. Just a shame it's back to the slog today. Had a great day in the Lakes yesterday, climbing my first official mountain and 6 hours of walking has used muscles I didn't know existed!

    Hope you're all feeling chipper and the sun brightens your day. Feel better soon Mary - chest infections are horrible, got through mine last week although I now can't breathe due to a bunged up nose. Why can't it get it's Spring and I shouldn't be getting ill now!?


  • Comment number 19.

    I am still doing my BBQ research. I promise to fore warn you all if i intend to make a purchase. Giving you plenty of time to purchase umberellas , arks and life jackets accordingly.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Just a quick word to say "Happy Birthday, sweetie" to the man I should have married ... Mr David Cassidy! He is 60 today - I just can't believe it! HOW I loved him - the pain, the aching heart, I can still feel it!

    Hope everyone is having a good day - isn't it amazing how a wee bit of sun makes life look so much better?

    C xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Afternoon all

    MC aren't those the signs of a good summer for Manchester ;)

    Had another busy weekend so not been around much, have to agree the golf was excellent and despite wanting LW to win, who couldn't think that Mickelson deserved it.

    I have almost caught up on the allotment tho, onions in and potato bed ready for planting. That's tonight's job.

    Best wishes to all those not feeling 100%. I think the sun does wonders for making you feel better.


  • Comment number 22.

    Chrissie That has made me laugh , and there was I thinking you and i were going to have to fight over Donny , and it turns out you were in love with David, who didnt know it , but now i know it . Doh !

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    'Lo again everyone

    MC, i'm thinking of buying a garden table and chairs, had we better coordinate our purchase so we only cause one ice age instead of two?

    Sorry to hear people feeling poorly today, hope you feeling better soon

    Seza x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Seza, yep, your'e right, but as my purchase involves Mr Mc getting out his wallet, Hell will freeze over before we get a BBQ .

    MC XX

  • Comment number 25.

    MC: Oh, I do love Donny now of course, but my first true love was DC. I had planned everything down to the last detail of our relationship ... how I would move to America to be with him when I was old enough - I was only 15 at the time! Happy days!

    btw, you never know - Mr MC might just buy that BBQ if we get the summer we have been promised - fingers crossed!

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Blimey Christophe, you do worry about nowt! I just checked out the piccie of your birthday and you look a right skinny geezer - don't worry about a diet, just wear a loose fitting shirt!! You'll be fine chummy.

    (Don't you just love the word 'Chummy' like on the biscuit advert where the little lad eats the cream biccie in front of his dog then says 'never mind chummy'... love it :-)

    Have a great day everyone. Sunshine is certainly lifting moods I reckon. Mind you, one thing it WON'T be lifting in my household is HEMLINES - my legs are so white I'm afraid to stand still so long in case someone from the RAF mistakes them for a landing strip!!! Now where did I shove that fake tan???

    Take care xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    C & MC.

    I intended marrying Ricky Nelson when he sang Hello MaryLou Goodbye Heart, similar sounding name to mine at the time. Showing my age now!


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Crazyhealthrep: you are not alone. There is no chance of me ever showing off my legs. Well, until like you I get the fake tan on!

    marjie: Ricky Nelson was a big hit in our house in the 60's! And didn't you just love his song Garden Party? Brilliant song!

    C xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon all.

    Chrissie knows this and I think I'm forgiven but I had a picture of the man she should gave married on my bedroom wall. I was fascinated by his twinkly eyes! I also had Nick Beggs (Kajagoogoo - you can keep Limahl) and Rupert Everett. Swoon!!!! It was 1985 so I hope you forgive me!

    I can also remember having a dream in 1980 when I was coming up 10 about marrying a Prince. It wasn't Edward and it wasn't Andrew. Yup it was Charles!!!!


  • Comment number 30.

    Afternoon bloggers/blogettes,

    Sorry to see a few of you are poorly and the remainder are planning to end what was going to be our summer lol!!

    I always find it is day after that I suffer from a lack of sleep so I am waiting to hear tomorrows show.

    Cathmel x

  • Comment number 31.

    Pip, oooooh, the twinkly eyes, the beautiful teeth, the snake-like hips .... be still my beating heart!

    I will say this, if Charles had had the good fortune to marry you, he would have had a life of laughter - you are such a scream, I am still laughing at some of the stuff we talked about in Glasgow!

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Afternoon all

    Christoff, I thoroughly enjoyed today’s show, there were no signs of any sleep deprivation, but I’m sure you must be flagging now! Btw, going back to our hug a few weeks ago, you do not need to lose any weight. I am so looking forward to your next book, is there a publication date yet?

    I would like to say a big thank you to those of you who have requested my friendship on FB, including the lovely Scoobs, who has been so prompt in sending me a list of real/bloggers names, which has been a great help. My GDs are now getting a bit suspicious of all my new ‘friends’!

    Sunny, but chilly wind darn sarf.

    Pen, who wanted to marry Dirk Bogarde (showing my age now) I simply adored him.

  • Comment number 33.

    ventured onto FB have you Pen, oooh!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 34.


    Prince Andrew for me and I think he's free isn't he.


    I too loved all Ricky Nelson songs. In fact I'm going to google him. Googled Billy J oel last night after MTF mentioning Uptown Girl.


  • Comment number 35.

    For my sins, Tiggs, and what a timewaster!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 36.

    yeah I know! have you joined CLP bloggers?

  • Comment number 37.

    errrr, no not yet, one step at a time methinks!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 38.


  • Comment number 39.

    ...who said that....

  • Comment number 40.

    Who the heck is Tim Booth Nic?

    What is it with the size of bees this year? not me - the buzzing kind is it because they are in short supply they are bigger? One buzzing outside the office at the mo the size of a sparrow - eeek

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Afternoon all

    Beez, yes the bees do seem huge this year!

    Sorry for absence, having a busy day in between sneezing and snivelling...will be on later from home.

    JG x

    PS Tim Booth - lead singer of James, and quite a character!

  • Comment number 42.

    Thanks JG but never heard of James either until Nic and Deev said they were going to see them!
    Must get out more.

    Still struggling with this work stuff and flagging..........

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Afternoon all

    B's usually the queen's are out and about look for nesting places, esp bumble bees. I noticed a few hefty ones myself over the weekend.


  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon each from sunny Fife. Grass cut, washing out.

    Chris, I had a weekend like yours - fabby - and am off on Friday for yet more Folk music, then the Outer Hebrides the week after. I love my life.

    Good luck with the weight loss. You do know photographers can elongate your photo to make you look slimmer, don't you?


  • Comment number 45.

    Hiya Annie you little gad about you.

    Andy thanks - of course! - doh! - that would be why the sparrow sized one was trying to get in to the office. If she had taken her shades off she would have seen it was occupied.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Howdedoody Beez, shouldn't you be working?

    Debs, AliB, Seza, have a great night. Remember the camera.

    Mary, hope you feel better soon.

    Bingo, DO NOT BUY THOSE WOMEN DRINK!!!! Ok? You'll never get out of Glasgow if you do.


  • Comment number 47.

    Greetings bloggers!

    The golf was fab - Mickleson a deserving winner, shame for Westwood - he will get there one day and hurrah that Tiger didn't win!

    Weekend was great - looking for a more practical car yesterday, followed by grocery shopping at ELH, tea & cake at my mum's and then to hit a few balls in the driving range - all accompanied by my GG. Life is good :)

    Mary - hope the chest infection soon clears.
    Pen - will look you up on FB
    Manchester & Seza - steady with the bbq and furniture, don't want to jinx the weather
    Beez - hope the work is slowly going down

    Ali - went to see BlindSide over Easter, a good feel good film!

    As x

  • Comment number 48.

    Thanks for the reminder Annie

    I have just picked up my camera and put it with my bag to take out tonight

    It's amazing the goodwill you can gain with a pack of light bulbs can gain you!

    Mr Seza spent ages this weekend looking for the lightblubs we need which all the shops seem to have stopped selling. I've just found them on line and ordered loads so have been waved off to the mini meet with a smile!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Annie - been slogging away all day - unlike some !!!
    Just waiting for some rubbish to update on my computer so thought I would pop on here.

    Forgot to say earlier - hope the anti-b's kick in soon Mary.

    Right - update completed - at last - back later...

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Beez, you talking about me, or chewing a brick (as Ricky Tomlinson would say)? I just loved that song.


  • Comment number 51.


    Annie #46: we will be very, very good girls with Bingo. It's just that ... well, we get so THIRSTY!

    Re: Ricky Tomlinson - I have just read his autobiography and it was excellent - he is so brutally honest about himself, that even though he has been a real cad in his time, I couldn't help liking him.

    AliB, Debs and Seza: hope you have a lovely time tonight.

    As for me, I am heading to the Physio tomorrow for a cortisone injection. I am absolutely dreading it - my knees are knocking already!

    Have a nice evening everyone.

    C xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Oh Chrissie, hope all goes well tomorrow, good luck.

    Now you've made me want to read his book. Bums, another visit to Amazon.


  • Comment number 53.

    Annie: it is my sister's book - I could borrow it back for you? But if you decide to buy it, I think you will really enjoy it - his voice just speaks to you from each page.

    And thanks for the luck - I think I'll need it!


  • Comment number 54.

    Chrissie, I've just ordered it from Amazon, and of course they have recommendations - so you've just cost me £15!!!!! I hope you're sorry.


  • Comment number 55.


    Thanks for all your lovely msgs xx It sure picks you up when you are down in the dumps!

    Ali, Seza and Debs have a lovely time tonight xx Debs have a large one for me ;o) xx

    Bingo - looking forward to seeing you on the 20th. We will behave promise!

    Chrissie - Good luck for tomorrow xx

    Have a nice evening folks!
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 56.


    Mary - hope you feel bettererer soon {{Huggles}}

    Mini Essex meet tonight - ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chrissie - hope all goes well for tomorrow.

    Anyone else who knows me ..... hello!

    So, my temp assignmnt ended today with not a lot on the horizon for the foreseeable. I've spent the day doing a handover to the new PA - kinda weird, but a day's work is a day's work after all's said and done.

    I had a call at lunchtime from the agency who got me out temping. They wanted to put me forward for a full-time position which I am very very excited about, so far that reason alone, I'm not going to mention it yet but please, please can you send positive vibes my way as if this one comes off I will be a very happy Deevs indeedy!

    Thank you!

    And yes, I can confirm that Nic does dance incredibly like Tim Booth, only moreso!

    Expect muchos blogging from the Cannock Diva tomorrow.


  • Comment number 57.

    Just catching up..

    Annie, glad you had a good time!

    Mary, hope the meds soon work, and you soon start feeling better!

    Chrissie, good luck tomorrow!

    Beez, they've been going nearly 30 years, get with it mate! lol

    Deev, god vibes heading your way, and actually, having seen James 3 time myself, I'm now very worried about Nic! Does Nic occasionally wear a dress as well?

    I actually went to James' "farewell" gig at the MEN in December 2001 - it was brilliant!! lol

    JG x

  • Comment number 58.

    Thanks Cheryl and JG xx

    Cheryl lots of positive vibes winging their way to you - good luck!

    Welcome back Annie, sounds like you had fun!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 59.

    LOL JG - the mere thought of Nic in a dress has reet made me giggle aloud!

    It was my first James gig - I did enjoy it, but prefer my rock stuff if I'm honest.

    Who needs Tim Booth when you have NicRolastic!!?!




  • Comment number 60.

    Mary - you snuck in there!

    Thank you xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Evening , is there any body there ??????

    Mary, hope you are feeling a bit better tomorrow, and Chrissie, good luck with the injection , you have been suffering from that shoulder for quite a while if i remember correctly.

    Deev, wishing you much luck for the job hunting. I really hope you get snapped up soon, and the same goes for Nic too .

    Just been for a run, but couldnt seem to get into the groove tonight, so i've given up and rewarded myself with a cream egg.

    Right, off to unload yet more washing, i am sure there are only two of us living here, but it seems like i am washing for the entire street.

    MC xx

    PS , Gas or charcoal ?? I'm plumping for gas, being the impatient type .

  • Comment number 62.

    I'm here Mc ,
    Just done a post and lost it .


  • Comment number 63.

    Gas MC - deffo -all that faffing about lighting stuff. Nah. Well done on the sort of run you mad thing you!

    Hi Bids - just did the same so saved this one!!!

    Ouch Chrissie - hope you get on OK tomorrow. I think I prefer the shoulder against the wall Mel Gibson style but with less force!! Mine has now gone again doing that. I just push it a bit further each day. I presume it is still your shoulder?

    Annie just a mention of a book and you are there!! I am still awaiting my retirement so I can plough through the ones purchased but collecting dust. Soon hopefully......

    JG - 30 years? really - now let me think what I was doing 30 yrs ago.... Oh yes - censored.......... :) but if they had a farewell gig 9 years ago - did Nic and Deev borrow the tardiss? Got a load of stuff to download later - will check them out.

    Big hugs again Mary and be gentle with Bings on the 20th. For those who haven't had "a session" with Mary and Chrissie, this is a health warning!!! Love you guys really :0)

    You'll get there Deevs. The one you really want is the one you will get. (())

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Looks like some of you lovely people want {{{Hugs }}},Good Luck vibes and general good wishes so I am sending all of them to all that need them.

    Chris ,the lack of sleep will catch you up don't worry, it takes it's toll on me a few days later .

    MC,good luck with the BBQ hunt ,make sure you have a fire extinguisher at the ready or is it that you want those gorgeous fire fighters coming round to give you some fire safety tips .LOL.

    Jg ,you no better ,looks like your'e suffering early for hayfever or is it the norm for you .??

    Hope everyone is OK ,oh!!! is there any more news on the baby front .

    Not sure who I wanted to marry in my younger days ,so many and probably a different person every week .

    Is the fairy around anywhere ,not seen her ,but I suppose she'll be flying in shortly .


  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Bids & Beez.

    Hope you are both ok.

    Mr Mc's other woman is on tv, Joanna Lumley ! amazing how he can stay awake for certain programmes ! ;-)

    MC x

  • Comment number 66.

    Bids was trying to remember the pics on my wall earlier. Elvis of course but also Tab Hunter and Frankie Avalon. I am sure there were others! Must ask my sis.

    Not seen the fairy all day. She'll be here later probably.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi beez ,
    Bitter sweet time for me thirty years ago ,but hey would do it all again to be where I am today and thats exactly where I am now .


  • Comment number 68.

    MC ,MR B likes Joanna lumley esp when she was Purdy in the Avengers.


  • Comment number 69.

    MC - I'm on New Tricks - seen it before but he's biding time to Julia Roberts reckons on later but I can't find a Gresham book/film on my listings.....

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi Bridge , not sure what she has that i havent ! LOL

    MC xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Beez, Am in a Joanna or nothing situation ! Think i will rattle the paper or snore, thats the usual evening format .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 72.

    MC - I leave that to the dog - he has a great knack of waking him up by sitting staring at him - the vibes must get through - walkies time if you please you!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Mc ,me nither ,they just dont know their luck when they do have a good women do they.
    It must be the money because we've got everything else eh!!!!.


  • Comment number 74.

    I've just watched two episodes of 24, and now last weeks Ashes to Ashes, so now know what you were all on about....

    Mr JG had tried to work out precision timings for the evening, which I've blown by as usual, needing the loo, a fag, more wine, and just generally a break...

    Would rather have a relaxed evening...

    JG x

  • Comment number 75.

    JG ,dint realize that you smoked or is it MR JG that does .

  • Comment number 76.

    Bridge , Yes , you are right there.

    Hi & bye JG, am off to bed, hope you are feeling better.

    Night folks,

    MC xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Me Bids, although not as much the last couple of days!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    No Bids - JG is with me - norty girls.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 79.


    We are also watching Joanna, she's one of Mr P's favourites too!

    Bids, message on FB. Ha ha never thought I'd be saying that.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 80.

    You no better then JG .nose still playing up .

    Night night MC.


  • Comment number 81.

    Evening all!

    What have I missed? (Apart from months of blogging)... is everything well with you all?

    Lyndyloo & Baby-man

  • Comment number 82.

    Night night MC.

    Oh Bless Pen - you get hooked you know.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 83.

    Lyndy !!!!:) xxxxxxxxxxxx

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Hiya Beez! How's it all going?

  • Comment number 85.

    Brilliant thanks Lyndy - fancy a trip down the M42/M5 Saturday - mini lunch/afternoon blog meet? Bristol. More to meet smiley baby man?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Its been a mixed old day, some good, some not so good, but thats life I suppose!

    I have never seen so many badgers today that have ended up, literally dead in the gutter. Roughly about twenty during my 200 mile trip.

    I was very pleased to see 3 little muntjac deer quite happily grazing in a field by the motorway. They must have accepted the noise of the cars and lorries passing by. In fact, if you are a passenger in a car on the motorway, keep your eyed peeled. It is surprising what you may see.

    Just as I got back to the lab, I spotted two hares, bounding around a field. They are comical to watch and their speed is pheononamol.

    I sat and watched them for a while until the light faded.

    Then on the way back down from the lab, I spotted a barn owl, in my opinion, the prettiest of all the owls, with their little heart shaped faces. He took advantage of my car headlights and flew just in front of me, all the way down the hill.

    Then I got home, to find someone had turned my freezer off!!!

    Right, time for a catch up on what you have all been up to.


  • Comment number 87.

    Beez, JG ,yes you are naughty girls ,but it's your choice and I used to smoke 15 years ago so I wont preach .

    Hello Penny,nice to see you on the Dark side too ,No really nice .

    Talking about our other halves ,who do we like now .I like William Peterson ,he is the one who used to play Gill in the NCIS series .

    I would definitely leave home for him no questions asked ,I'd be gone ,sorry my love that's sitting opposite me but a girl has to do what a girl must.


  • Comment number 88.

    #87 Bids - you never cease to amaze me!!! Will have a think.

    MTF - wow - poor badgers. Love owls too - got one in BH - beautiful.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Oooh I've promised to go to the 2nd last game of the season at Leicester... If I worked out my price per game on my season ticket this year I think it would be pretty scarey! :))

  • Comment number 90.

    Quick hello and goodnight

    Have had lovely evening with Debs and Ali, so enjoy these mini meets!

    Am stuffed now though, glad I don#t have a photo shoot this week!

    I did take a couple of pics on my recovered camera so I'll put them up soon for you to see.

    Hope we're all ok

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Cut your losses Lyndy and just hit the last game!! See the horns in my head? !!! :)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Good one Seza - look forward to the "stuffed" pics.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 93.


    I back from up down Essex and the mini meet with the delightful Seza and Debs. Like Seza I am stuffed, perhaps we shouldn't have had the pud after all ;)


  • Comment number 94.

    MTF, I lost count of the number of young dead badgers on the road in Wales, when I went down for Easter, very sad!

    Right, I hope everyone's OK...Glad you had a good time Seza!

    Night all x

    JG x

  • Comment number 95.

    Beez you are a bad bad woman.... I knew there was a reason we got on!

  • Comment number 96.

    Hi Seza ,so glad the mini meet went well and I bet you do enjoy them ,as the advert says ,it's nice to talk ,and it's even better in company of friends.

    Hello MTF ,see that you've landed .

    Penny ,thank you ,got yours .


  • Comment number 97.

    AliB - Puds? what did you have?

    Lyndy - of course !!! xx and Ali - Lyndy chooses the greatest puds but I finish them off!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Glad you're home safe Ali

    I think Debs made it back to the hotel in one piece so
    3 Rings all round!

    Sleep Well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 99.

    PS Beez. Ice cream Sundae, White Choc Creme Brulee and Glass of Chards!

    You have to guess who had which!

    x x

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi Bids, and everone else too.

    I've got to go and sort the freezer and its soggy contents out. I will throw some in the field for the foxes, the rest I'm afraid, will go in the bin!

    So, will catch up with the fun tomorrow.

    Get well wishes to the poorly bloggers.xx



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