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Happy Easter After

Chris Evans | 10:06 UK time, Tuesday, 6 April 2010

A dangerous day today: in as much as it feels like we're still on holiday, but we're not. We're very much at work, it just that it doesn't seem that way.

London looks like the seaside in the sun this morning, the banks look more like boarding houses, the cafes look like tea shops and the Marylebone Road has something of a Victorian promenade about it.

It's amazing how a bit of shut eye, blues skies and down-time can raise the spirits. . .

. . . oh oh but hang on a second, we have just hit bumper to bumper traffic on the A40.


That was the sound of me coming straight back down to earth.

Regards and the best of 'em





  • Comment number 1.

    Nice shoe, sorry show this morning CLP man!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris: yes, I would agree that you all sounded rested and quite happy this morning. Even I felt quite alive at 6.30 today. It is amazing what a few days' holiday can do for us!

    I love what you have done with the 8.05 jingle - another stroke of genius!

    C xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Gotta go... gotta load of loft insulation ter get off me back end!!!!!

    PS Gotta lotta stuff ter say.... including still wondering if a should tell all about me confession of all ave told me new girlfriend about mesen & CLP.... aka 'ow close we are!!!!!

    A will soon.... just gotta get abitta dutch courage up ter tell all!!!!!

    'ope CLP ain't mind!!!!!!


  • Comment number 4.

    PPS CLP - Ave worked the whole of the bank 'olidee... except for yesterdee... at Oulton Park & made VERY interesting observations regarding #22 on the race cars at the meeting!!!!

    A will tell all later!!!!!!

    Am excited terdee az only goot terdee ter work... then off for a week... my Easter B aych begins terneet!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 5.

    Back again just 'ad some of me load taken off.....

    PPPPS CLP - Look on the brightside of life.... a know what yer sayin' but.... at least yer able ter go along the A40.... it could be a snow covered dirt track in Mongolia and what vehicle are yer in... it could be a 40cc moped & are yer being driven aka chauffeured?????? Yer could be driving for 18 'ours in an Delhi taxi firm....
    And are yer 'eading 'ome ter the missus.... at least yerv gottta missus (and capricirn too) and the fact that yerv gotta 'ome... yer could be 'omeless.... and when yer get 'ome yer goota son... yer could ave no kids.... and when yer get 'ome yerv gotta garage full of Ferraris.... yer could ave a garage full of 'alf sorn pieces of timer from B&Q!!!!!!!!!!

    Suddenly being stuck in abitta traffic on the A40 seems beautiful ter me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning Chris,

    Hope that you and the family had a lovely break in sunny Portugal. We are all still on our Easter break here, so I wasn't up early enough to hear all the show- will catch up this afternoon whilst ironing!

    Morning All, glad to hear you 'chipper' this mornin Bingo!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 7.

    Good one Bingo - always look on the bright side of life Christoph - soon be home.

    I was working on and off over the week-end so no real break for me although I did it "in my own time" which wasn't too bad.

    DB - a bit on the breezy side for a boat trip ? Good luck - have fun.

    Chrissie - I missed the 8 o'clock change - what happened?

    Must get on - back later

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Morning Chris and everyone,

    There is no better place to be in the sun than London.
    I usually drop down through St James' park and get from one side of town to the other along the embankment.
    The sun + the Thames + the landmarks = Heaven.....well for me anyhoo!

    Thanks for the thoughts sent Max's way. He was distraught that he couldn't play and that I still had to go (as I had the tickets and was going on the pitch with the team), but was cheered up by his team winning and the fact that I bought him a Sting mascot to cheer him up.
    He wasn't so fussed about the mascot, more the fact that I had to go into the club shop and buy Wasps stuff!!
    He's back to full fitness now and all is well.

    Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter break and got to celebrate/enjoy it in whatever way they saw fit.



    Ps Come on Baggy! I know you're out there....get back on here x

  • Comment number 9.

    Glad you had a good holiday. I did also. Bingo get a life - stop going on.

  • Comment number 10.


    First of all Happy Belated Birthday Chris, I haven't blogged for a while and feel bad that I didn't wish you a Happy Day xx Also the same goes to Dear Bids xx

    Anyway I'm back now, not that I've been anywhere just not blogged.

    Hope everyone is fine and dandy on this lovely sunny day, well it is in Kent; and I also hope you had fun filled Easters, looks like it by what I've read. Thanks to Baggy for reminding us what it's all about and as Rips said above "get back on here" :)

    Happy Days

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi everyone: hope you all had a good Easter. Ours was very nice, very quiet and restful.

    Haven't had a chance to catch up, but Rips sorry to hear Max wasn't well and had to miss the game.

    Bids: hope you had a lovely birthday.

    Beez: the 8.05 jingle "Monday, Tuesday, etc" - last week Chris abbreviated it, cutting out "Friday" because they weren't there on Friday, and this morning he abbreviated it again, cutting out "Monday". Rather clever, I thought!

    Captainstella: I don't think Bingo is doing anything wrong. He's just rather chatty today!

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning Rips Cpt and Ali B

    Just remembered the pee ess I was going to put...

    Cost of stamps goes up today. Nearly ten bob for a first class !!! Crazy.

    Full of useless information me.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Thanks Chrissie - curiosity and all that !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Happy to help, Beez!


  • Comment number 15.

    CaptainStella - I'm sorry you are aving a bad dee..... ter try & cheer you up... let me tell you a Bingo Star Joke......

    Joke: A driver of a VW Polo ended up crashing their vehicle.... they ended up putting a 'ole in it!!!!!!!!!! Get it 'ole in the Polo!!!!!!
    Unfortunately after the crash.... the car waz described az no longer in..... 'mint' condition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps also!!!!!!!!


    PS B's Mum - Yes a agree always try ter looook on the brightside of life.... a do even when me life recently waz terrible... By looooooking DEEPLY at life... analysing... trying ter find out where a waz going wrong.... ter acess the negatives... realise the negative areas rather than burying me 'ead in the negatives.... ave been able ter find the positives aka looook at the positives, rid the negatives & turn things aroooound 180 degrees ter positives!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chrissie - 'ope we can still meet for a coffee/ lunch in Glasgow!!!!!!


  • Comment number 16.

    Happy Tuesday Christophe and all bloggers.

    We are all happy that you are back at work CLP otherwise our mornings would be dull and we would'nt be here on this blog.

    London looking like the seaside??? I sincerely hope not - fatties with bellies and bums hanging out eating ice creams, the smell of hot dogs and onions. Come to think of it, it sounds like New York!

    Anyway hope all had nice Easter.


  • Comment number 17.

    Bingo, got the polo joke. Have a good day. Like to meet you someday - we will get on well I think.

  • Comment number 18.

    CaptainStella - Glad me joke 'elped ter freshen up any bad taste yer may ave thought a left on the blog ;)

    Be nice te rmeet yersen somedee too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 19.

    Afternoon from a windswept grey but dry NW.

    Rips, i agree with you. I have spent many weekends in London , but this latest trip was the best by far . I was sad to leave on Sunday. I love walking along the embankment . Colombia flower market was fun on Sunday morning. Have promised myself a curry on Brick Lane next time too.
    Mr Mc was too impatient to wait for me to set the sat nav up on Thursday night , so i had to find my brothers place from memory, having only been once when we all went to the O2 at Crimbo . Now , as i generally do not know what day it is or how i got to work, how i pulled the last five miles of the journey off from memory is a mystery to me . Hidden talents hey !

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    It's very quiet on here today, well it has been all weekend. You would have thought without Chris blogging for four days we would have got over 500 but we didn't - very strange.

    Anyway let's play a game! Where's Uncle Carl when you need him?

    If you could be doing anything other than what you are doing right now - what would you do?

    I'd be on a sun lounger in a hot country with a Pimms in one hand and a trashy chick lit novel in the other, soaking up some rays.

    Your turn.


  • Comment number 21.


    I would be riding my horse Ash up some forrestry track in Scotland in the sunshine (I really need to use my imagination for that one is it's absolutely peeing it down here and blowing a gale and has been for 2 days now).



    p.s. Hope everyone had a good weekend and didn't eat too much chocolate - unlike me!

  • Comment number 22.

    Afternoon all

    I would be wandering around a Northern Italian city before sitting at an outside table with a coffee watching the people go by.

    Oh we can dream, thanks AliB xx

  • Comment number 23.

    I'd be at The Italian Village in Portmerion, Wales just sitting looking at the wonderful view with a packed lunch and a flask of tea. And feeding the birds titbits.

    It's my favourite place.


  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon All,

    Glad you feel rested and energised Chris, though my first day back is always a struggle, like today. Wading through treacle type day. Had a very busy but fab weekend, encompassing football, curry, an easter egg hunt, 2 walks, a band and a tramway museum!


  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon all

    As I am about to go into a meeting with my boss regarding objective setting - absolutely anywhere else would be preferable. However I will settle for being where I will be on Sunday - on a ship just outside Shanghai waiting for it to leave for Japan....


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Wow mtd, That sounds exciting - you kept that quiet.

    Dozy, Sorry you've got rain - I'll blow some sunshine up the country for you.

    Nic, Glad you had a good weekend.


  • Comment number 27.

    mmmm just a bit Ali, we are cruising to Japan and South Korea as well as having a few days in Shanghai - we are going to try to get tickets for the GP as well as it is on on the Sunday we get back into China...

    Sounds like London was good MC - especially the half price choccy egg when you got back (shame about the parking ticket though - I've only ever had one, when I parked for 25 minutes in a space I had only paid for 20 minutes, luckily I was on company business at the time and as it was the company's solicitor that held me up, I managed to persuade the boss that they should cover the ticket...)

    Only one more day at work before packing for hols....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Well hello one and all,

    I have to agree with Chris on today, had 4 wonderful days off with my beautiful angel MW'a, got lots of work done in the home and relaxed at times to the max, but........

    Back at work and I don't wanna be.

    Thud, now I know how Chris felt this morning, it's just not right, feeling like this lol

    Still, like I said, I managed lots of work in the home, unlike Bingo offloading from the truck, I had to put it inbetween the beams of our sloping roof, whilst choking on the glass dust and rubbing it into my eyes....but hey, it's all done now. Then it was the turn of the plasterboard that is going on top of that, blummin heavy sheets too, specially when your on your back trying to push into place and then nailing it (please dont think I am being fnar fnarish lol) to them wonky beams. Got half, well almost, of ceiling done and now got to put up scaffold to get to the top, a wobbly one at that.

    It dont finish there, got a wall to brick up and stove pipes to put into that wall, build up a hearth, demolish a kitchen and re-install new one (cant wait) and then the shower room, anyone wanna help?????

    Hence the lack of blogging on here for a while and I must let you all know, the wedding date has changed (MW'a in hurry when written, sorry if it got peeps thinking differently) but we dont know what date yet, depends when I get house done and the final costings of course,,, so dont put off buying your hat, ever, cause I ent going nowhere lol she stuck with me.

    Spose I should get back to that thudding feeling and do some work and back to lurking for a while.

    Happy days to one and all

    Errol xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 29.


    Firstly, Errol - phew! Shall keep saving my pennies for a hat in that case! Unless of course the chance of a Sha'tin feast rears its head with you lovely pair and us lovely pair.

    Secondly, Bids - belated happy birthday to you. I tried to leave you a message on Facecloth from my phone on Sunday but it started playing silly beggars and kept throwing me offline. Grrrrrr!!!!!

    Hope you all had a lovely Easter break - as beautifully preceed (sp?) by me fella above, we had a lovely one. I learnt this weekend that the things I perceived as hills in Suffolk are in fact mere mole hills - the thing I clambered up on Sunday in the Peak District was a hill - and then some! I honestly thought I was going to croak it at one point. Unfit doesn't even come close.

    And so back to work this morning and 2 rejections from last week's interviews, so feeling rather hacked off and sorry for myself at the mo. The feedback from both interviews was very positive but the one I really had my heart set on felt that I was "too big a personality" for the MD, for whom I'd be working, and who I never got the chance to meet at interview.

    I really do not know what I have to do to get a job.


    Deevs x x x

  • Comment number 30.

    Errol - phew re wedding and mega phew on all that hard work!

    Deevs at least you are getting interviews - sick of not hearing back from things I have applied for but hey ho will keep at it. Spending far too much time on here or lurking though these days.

    DeeBee hope it isn't blowing a gale where you are unless you need wind for sails?
    Hope you get to GP mtd and sound like a fun trip.

    Bingo enjoy your days off when you get there.

    Sus x

  • Comment number 31.

    Deevs, you have tried hard to get a job - hope you get lucky soon. Glad you both enjoyed Easter.

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh, t'is quiet isn't it?!?!

    I had a lovely weekend with my sister and the girls, and saw quite a bit of my Mum as well! Had a hateful journey there and back, especially yesterday, as I set off tired, and a 4 hour drive on your own is really not fun then!

    Deev, hang in there, you'll get something I'm absolutely sure of it, it's just a difficult time at the moment.

    MTD, your trip sounds fantastic!

    Rips, sorry Max couldn't take part, I bet he was realy gutted, couldn't look out for you, as no Sky Sports down in the sticks!

    Ali, my wish was to be back at my sister's!

    Will catch up a bit in a while, but Mr JG wants to catch up on 24 for a while...I would quite like to snooze until tea's ready...

    JG x

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Chris - do you remember your settle this once and for all section last week whenyou said that it was no longer the Royal Standard flying that showed the Queen was in residence but also the Union Jack. This sounded wrong and everyone I mentioned it to also said it had to be the Royal Standard. Well, this morning I just happened to turn on the TV as the Queen landed at Buck House by helicopter and Nicholas Wichell said that the Union Jack would be taken down and replaced by the Royal Standard to show that the Queen was in residence and that's exactly what happened. So, who gave you this information to settle it once and for all?!

    BTW - did you see page 7 of last week's Radio Times in The Grapevine section which suggested that you took a week off for a rethink and were replaced by the smooth Richard Allinson and returned with a noticeably more tog friendly playlist! Cheek! As any fule kno, you had a week off to get on with your book. Must send scathing email to RT before I forget! xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Bingo Star ere... back again from the back of a Tesco's in Lancs....

    Errol/ Mwa aka Mariella - Ave just read above yer spent the weekend tergether & 'ad ter get back on the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am glad yer both working things out & back tergether!!!!!!!
    Sometimes relationships/ stresses of modern life can test even the most solid couples!!!!!!!!

    Like ave written before yer both an excellent match astro wise & when a met yer both a thought yer made a such great couple!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wishing yer both the best & 'ope the wedding might be back on again soon!!!!!!!!!

    PS 'ope am noot getting the wrong end of the stick ere when MWa said the wedding waz off.... that could mean either yer fell out... or yer didn't & actually yerv simply 'ad ter postpone it ter get yer 'ouse sorted... either way good luck dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PPS Errol - A did all that doing me 'ouse up meself.... and although sometimes VERY stressful & seeming like an unbearable mountain of never ending work.... there's nothing like the feeling when it's finished & yer can sit back & enjoy & admire yer 'andy work - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps & am noot pokeing me nose inter areas a shouldn't!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    Rozzer, hurrah, yous sound like my kinda chap, any fule kno Christoff took week off to do lines, chiz.

    Any road. Christoff. If Prof. Brian Cox doesn't 'ave a mad aunty, I should like to adopt 'im.

    'E'll never go shorta sherbet whizzers, will 'ave any traces a jam instantly removed from 'is mazzard wit me spitty hanky, that hair will be tidied right up wit the aid of me best jelly-mould an' pinkin' shears, an' I'd say 'e'd look a bugger in a nice scratchy asymmetric jumper every Christmas.

    And can I start by tellin' 'im come outa that cave, playin' wit them Snotites, mucky little divil. Get one a them in your eye an' yous'll never use the telescope again. Bless 'im.

    What d'you reckon.

    Aunty Clodagh.xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hiya CLP and everyone else, I must confess to being surprised to hear you this morning (in a pleasant way of course!!). Glad to hear you had a lovely weekend, hope everyone else on the blog did too and that the return to work hasn't been too traumatic. No return to work for me today... I was in work all weekend, and it was sooo hectic! I'm counting the days until my days off on Friday and Saturday!

    Loved your description of London, I haven't been down to the capital in ages, will really have to remedy that. Two of my favourite parts of London are the Southbank and Covent Garden.

    Big hugs to you Cheryl, sounds like it's their loss! hope you find something very soon x

    Gkad to hear you and Mwa! are still good Errol, your house sounds like it's going to be fab once it's all finished.

    Hope everyone's having a good evening


  • Comment number 37.

    Evening each

    Holiday time up here too Chris. Had gorgeous little boys all day and me heid's splitting! 7yr old talked me through (for hours) the Super Mario game he is devising - took about 20 sheets of my printer paper. Ice men, sun buns etc..... No, I haven't a scooby either.

    Listening to the silence.


  • Comment number 38.

    Change of plan....we're firing up the Quattro!!

    Hi Annie!

    JG x

  • Comment number 39.

    Right, caught up and yet again got to the bottom and have forgotten what I wanted to say.

    Clodagh, your post didn't look like it needed moderated!!!! Maybe they're giving Bingo a wee rest.

    Deevs, had that t-shirt many years ago and it was horrible, but it will get better and you will get the job you deserve, promise. Just keep being positive.

    Errol, so glad everything is ok with you and MW,a.

    Off to have another look and see who I've missed.


  • Comment number 40.

    Oh yes - MTD, you kept your trip very quiet when we were in Glasgow. Hope you have a fabby time.


  • Comment number 41.

    Thanks everyone - to be honest I've only just started to be excited about it - after all I had Glasgow to look forward to before.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    What????? Japan, Shanghai, South Korea???? As opposed to Glasgow?

    You need a slap MTD.


  • Comment number 43.


    ..any fule kno, by lines I meant I Must Not Be An Eejit..??

    Go figure, hahahahaha

    Otherwise am mystified. Ah well, will keep me head down then. Mind yourselves, chaps an' chapesses.


  • Comment number 44.

    Evening all just popping in to see how you all are .
    These Holiday's are OK until you have to go back to work ,and then you have to work twice as hard to catch up ,but hey!!! hope you all had a good break.

    Deev, thanks for this wishes .Glad you enjoyed the Peak District ,beautiful isn't it .not far from my neck of the woods .
    Sorry the job front isn't going to plan ,but hang on in there my love you'll get there and Soon .xxx

    Errol,MWa that's fantastic news ,and yes the hat fund is still there ,love two both of you .

    Mtd, have a great holiday.

    MTf ,you OK Hun .????

    Take care all .


  • Comment number 45.

    Just borrowing the ranty pants - my daughter flew to Amsterdam at tea time as she is working there for the next 3 days and some rotten toe rag has stolen her iphone out of her bag either on the train from airport to station near her hotel or in station!!! I know she is in her twenties now but I just want to give her a hug to make it better. Poor thing strange place for first time and incommunicado.

    Thank you - just had to let it out

  • Comment number 46.

    Oh Susan, sorry to hear about your daughter. There's some nasty people about, eh?


  • Comment number 47.

    Clodagh - read before it was removed - what on earth???? Get a grip modders - not a thing wrong with that!!

    Sorry - not caught up yet - got ranty pants on with stuff not being done correctly for tomorrow!! Back in a bit when I have calmed down - had a drink and read all your comments.

    BTW MTD I (we) knew about your trip and there was a glimmer of excitement when we were talking about it in Glasgee!!! I do believe Wow was one of the words I used..... :)

    Beez xx

    Message on fb Deev. will be in touch - sorry loads going on here.....

  • Comment number 48.

    Beez, hope all is going as well as it can.

    Am off now. Night all.


  • Comment number 49.

    night Annie and thanks x

  • Comment number 50.

    I thought I had mentioned it Beez - I just didn't want to gloat...

    Belated happy birthday Bids. I saw your post yesterday, well done you for your cheffing but isn't it supposed to be the other way round, i.e. people spoiling you???

    Aw Sus - there are some bds out there...

    So glad to hear that the Errol/Mwa! wedding is still on (I'm afraid Mariella did give the impression that something was wrong).

    I can't remember anything wrong with Clodagh's post either. Can't she be the prof's auntie if she wants to????

    Hope I haven't missed anybody (I am no good at lists so this is memory alone........)

    Off to sleep -2.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    Oh nite nite Annie.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Aww Susan, that's so horrid! Your poor daughter!

    I hope she'll be OK!

    Well, I need to head off as well, hope everything is OK Beez?

    Night all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 53.

    Evening all!

    Susan - some people are just nasty aren't they?

    Deevs - keep going! the perfect thing is there for you somewhere!

    now then, need some suggestions please guys! Have 6 people over for a meal on Friday night (which means 8 of us altogether) and absolutely NO inspiration as to what to cook!! Any suggestions gratefully received!!

    Looking forward to tomorrow - our 20th wedding anniversary! I remember when my parents had their 25th it seemed like FOREVER - and now I've nearly got there! we don't usually do anything for it (except cards) but this year thought we ought to mark the occasion somehow so we have booked to go to a new local restaurant for lunch with kids and parents!! so I think that would be my suggestion for where I wanted to be earlier today instead of at work!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Congrats CG. Yes doesn't time fly as later this month it will be 12 years since our 20th!!!

    For a large gathering I prefer one pot sort of cooking - curry or some sort of sauce that goes with pasta but obviously all that is dependent on your guests food preferences.

    Well must go but CSN if you are lurking hope both daughters are ok? x

  • Comment number 55.

    Night night girlies - sleep tight.
    Yes we did talk about it last Friday MTD !!! No gloating involved at all we were wondering if we could fit in your suitcases!!:)

    Sus - that just makes my blood boil! I am sure daughter will be in touch somehow. Feel free to have the ranty pants back for as long as....

    CG - you need something that long cooks and can be left in your aga/rayburn/low heat in oven so it's just take out and serve. Did a goulash at week-end and apart from whacking in the red pepper for the last half hour - perfect. If you do dauphinoise spuds too - they keep well in t'oven - may need to cover in foil to stop drying out. Cold starters / antipasti/crudites - just pre-prepare and keep in fridge.

    Rozzer - stay with us you have Auntie Clodagh with you before she was modded.

    Rosie - still all OK with the flat?

    Just a quick Hi and bye to all else - doing 2 things at once as usual.

    Keep smiling all - may have chance to be polite and say morning but busy one tomorrow so play nicely.

    All sent to try us A?

    Beez xx

    pee ess CSN still thinking of you xxxx

    and MissP update on that shoulder? I can now lift hairdryer to shoulder level!!!

  • Comment number 56.

    Tee hee Sus - took me so long to type that - phone calls and all - curry - one pot and pasta a brilliant idea too for CG!!

    Beez xx

    Have a feeling the phone calls haven't stopped...

  • Comment number 57.

    thanks Beez! dauphinoise pots a good idea - and recipe in recent good food mag too. and susan - one pot idea also a good one! thanks guys!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Told you - another phone call ...

    CG - as a twist and helps to keep moist - layer leeks in the dauphinoise spuds - pre sweat before adding to layers. and the guests get yet another of their 5 a day!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 59.

    I know that I am probably the only one still up, but....

    Todays nature watch, has left me so excited, I was just oozing to share it with those of you that are interested.

    We have spent our family holidays over the last 20 years or so, trying to do something that would appeal to the the whole family, so mostly doing the French campsites, yes, probably all of them.

    We have been a lot further afield too, but always seem to end up visiting france about three times a year.

    I have got used to seeing lots of different wildlife on the continent, that just dont seem ready for the Uk climates yet.

    In the Camargue,lots of flamingoes. In the Pyrenees, many eagles and even vultures.

    In the lowlands along the western coastal region and also in the mountains of the Jura and Vosges, so many storks.

    So, the sight of a little egret can be taken for granted, somewhat.

    UNTIL, that is you get the chance to see them in this country.

    I have spotted the occasional one whilst out and about.

    For those that have no idea what I am on about, imagine a heron. The little egret looks pretty much the same but is pure white. And slightly more elegant?

    Anyway, back to where I started, before the rambling kicked in...

    I have seen one today, very close to home AND, he wasn't alone!!!

    Camera is now on charge every night and as soon as I see anything worth sharing, it will be put on the other side.


  • Comment number 60.

    Nope MTF - still here trying to delay tomorrow as long as I can and also looking at a transformed Miss P on t'other side. Glam or what?!

    Keep camera peeled - sis and neices well in to birdies and must intro you to sis on t'other side. Pic today of Robin landing on neices hand to eat and of course I have my red kites in bolt hole (and buzzards and a zillion others) they have yet to see. Am still intrigued by massive bird landed in field last year - furry legs like an eagle but huge! None of us can identify so far and gone by the time I grabbed my camera..

    Guess this twitcher needs bed !!
    Night night all...

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Hello night owls!
    My neighbour witnessed the unfortunate spectacle of a sparrowhawk capturing a shreiking blackbird at the weekend, law of the jungle and all that, but you feel so helpless don't you?

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 62.

    I have had many a 'watering can slinging moment' with our resident sparrow hawk GR!

    They go for much bigger rewards these days.

    You see, even Mother nature is getting streetwise!

    Where will it all end.


  • Comment number 63.

    Good news this morning MTF - they are not putting the extra tax on Cider... Apparently the Wurzels are going to give a press conference later.

    Morning all

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Morning All. Deep breath and here we go.
    Forecast was right for once - rain but now stopped and drying up.

    Christoph played your golden oldie Crumpy !! Well not yours but your song....

    Have a good day all - be back later.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 65.


    Beez thoughts with you if you need them {{xx}}

    MTF lovely observations as usual. My husband took a photo of an oyster catcher on his mobile yesterday as it was outside his window at work.
    Just the usual blackbirds and spuggies here this morning.

    My daughter was in contact by email last night which is how I got to know about the stolen phone and thanks for the messages - it so helped having the ranty pants.

    Sus x

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning All,

    Just popping in to give Beez a big hug for today {{{}}} Thoughts are with you and yours xxx

    Sus, Sorry to hear about your daughter. There are two places that I have witnessed pick pocketing - Amsterdam and Barcelona. It's not nice at all.

    MTF, Thanks as ever for your nature updates, they really make me smile :) I once witnessed a magpie swooping on a sparrow in my parents garden when I lived at home. I rushed downstairs and out into the garden in my underwear to scare it off, but I was too late. I am fortunate to live by a river, so get the usual river birds. But I always know when a Heron is about as the seagulls squark and swoop it; it stands its ground though.

    Oh well best get on.


  • Comment number 67.

    Morning all

    I'd hoped that the sun might break through the mist up here in Manchester, but it seems to be losing the battle at the moment! I'm also losing the battle against my hayfever this morning :(

    Hope your day goes OK Beez!

    MTD, I heard that as well, so good news MTF

    I suppose I'd better get on with some work...

    JG x

  • Comment number 68.

    Good news indeed mtd, thanks.

    Thinking of you Beez.xx

    Susan, I am guessing a spuggie is a sparrow?

    We saw oystercatchers ourselves at the weekend. The lake that we visited had fresh water oyster beds in it.

    Lots of rain here in the night, but dry now and a tad overcast.

    The birds started singing very early this morning

    I wish I had half their get up and go!


  • Comment number 69.

    Morning JG and AliB too.xx

    I hadnt thought of the tactic of running out in my underwear Ali, will keep that one in mind.:)


  • Comment number 70.

    Oops sorry MTF force of habit but you are right it is a sparrow. Glad to hear about the cider for you too xx

  • Comment number 71.

    LOL Susan, so what do you call a sparrow hawk? The mind boggles!!

    Hope your daughter can sort a phone out soon!

    Sometimes the inconvenience is worse than the actual loss. My phone was only a tenner about six years ago, but if I lost it, I would hate to have to re-enter all my contacts, numbers etc onto a new one.

    Plus she had the worse scenario of having it taken, to deal with.


  • Comment number 72.

    Actually a sparrow hawk!!

    Daughter's phone is so important for work while she is away in case of any probs with systems crashing and the like plus I suspect she will never be able to remember all her contacts from it. Also a pain in that she has only recently upgraded to the expensive iphone thingy. Not a good start for her first time in Amsterdam. I don't normally worry when she is away working but I am this time now yikes.
    Thanks for the concern MTF

  • Comment number 73.

    Right must get my act together and wander down the shops - everyone alright for choclit??

  • Comment number 74.

    Still waiting for someone to come and take all my chocolate away!


  • Comment number 75.

    MTF, I'd gladly take an egg off you, as I didn't get any this year :( Although I did get a bag of Mini Eggs, which I only have a quarter of left!


  • Comment number 76.

    Well done on still having a quarter left AliB!

    I am not a great chocolate fan, but those mini eggs are a bit moreish.

    When we were kids, it was a yearly ritual to go and see my Grandparents in Long Eaton. They would take us down to the co-op in town, where we would gleefully go up and down the only escalator that we had ever seen. Then it would be the egg choosing ceremony. I always opted for a box of weekend, which was a mix of candies, fudge and a few chocolates.

    Then off to the HUGE park to play for the afternoon.

    Happy days, oh yes indeed!

    Maybe it was the simple things?


  • Comment number 77.

    Hee Hee MTF,

    I did share them with my parents on Sunday as well, but I had a good go at them on Monday and then only had 6 yesterday! What a good girl I am.

    I've got family in Long Eaton and I think the park you are refering to is West Park - what a small world.


  • Comment number 78.




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