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Off to Ten Pin Bowling with Jonny Saunders

Chris Evans | 10:16 UK time, Wednesday, 24 March 2010

It's 5-4 in my favour after our first nine Sporting Challenges. I was two down, but have pulled back with three wins on the bounce.

Haven't really bowled before, but am looking forward to it.

First Brekkie team outing tonight - a show, then food. Dinner is booked at 10.45 ! Wowza.






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  • Comment number 1.

    Hi CLP, I enjoy 10 pin bowling, even though I am rubbish at it, dinner at 10.45, my goodness that is late, I will have been in Z land for at least 45 minutes (on a work night). Good luck.


  • Comment number 2.

    Hi CLP

    Are you me in disguise Gail? I love 10 pin bowling too and I am absolutely rubbish at it....

    Bingo - from previous blog - congrats on the new lady, hope this one's a sticker.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Repeated from old blog in case you missed it.

    Happy birthday!


  • Comment number 4.

    Chris: hope the bowling goes well - good luck to both you and the lovely Mr Saunders. I used to love 10 pin bowling - had some terrific fun office nights out at that. However, with a very dodgy back, it is now out of the question. Look after your back, Chris, you'll miss it when it goes!

    Can't wait to hear how you and team sound tomorrow morning after your outing tonight!

    C xx

    P.S. Gail, what a lovely birthday gift, being 1st today!

  • Comment number 5.

    Ello CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Yer can't go on without sleep man... it's the worst thing ter agea person... if yer want yer crow lines... ter grow... if yer want a 'eart attack... keep going without sleep!!!!!!!
    But az none of uz want the above.... get some zzzzzzzzz's asap!!!!!!!!!
    A find eat aload of lettuce (sleep inducing chemicals in them) and then bang in some ear plugs & yer will be away with the fairies!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - On the bowling... a did many a bowling in Ukraine... it's the #1 past teem there!!!!!!!
    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PPS CLP - If al of the team are going out for a meal in London terneet, will yer boss be there???? Aka the one with the beautiful dark eyes?????
    shame a couldn't pop in ter say 'ello azx a will be in london terneet mesen!!!!!! Only problem ave gotta date... which actually iz anything butta problem actually - know what am sayin'!!!!!! (better shut up before a get blog ploice arreasted again!!!!!!)

    PS ALL Talkin' of Ukraine... this iz what 'appened immediately after yesterdee's link 'appened >>>>>> ENJOY >>>>>>>


    PS 'ope all ave a fab dee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Good luck with the bowling CLP and it sounds like a great night out as well. Mega early night tomorrow I think!

    Happy Birthday Gail in case you missed it from last blog x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 7.

    PS Thanks MistletoeDipper - A 'ope she's a sticker & doesn't tunr out ter be stinker like most of me previous relationships!!!!!!!!!
    It's early dee anyway.... mind even when me relationships aren't early dee's am still in a state of confusion!!!!!!!!!!

    At least am bouncing back in all areas... even 'ad a pay rise on the 22nd - me lucky dee # - told yer it would be good & ave manged ter fight the stockmarket & get every penny a lost recently back & in fact ave powered 'igher all by being fast & agressive with the market - A NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!!!!!
    Although a came very close ter recently!!!!!!

    Bye! :)

  • Comment number 8.

    Darce: (from the previous blog) yes, I did think this morning (from my point of view)... oh dear, photographs!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    I hope the ten pin bowling goes off ok. I haven't played for a few years. Now make sure you all get sleep before tonight or we will all miss you if you dont make it in tomorrow.
    Bingo, I hope you get on with your new girlfriend. Also, I hope you are careful with your blogs and then you will not get moderated anymore.

  • Comment number 10.


    Have fun bowling. I love to go but when my 7 year old almost beat me, the interest waned somewhat - not that I am at all competitive you understand - ahem!
    You will be suffering from sleep deprivation before long - Maggie Thatcher only slept about 4 hours per night and look what happened to her!!
    Had my interview this morning - went ok, I think, though not having had one for 3 years was a bit rusty. lol.
    Off out to see Paloma Faith tonight - so also a late one for us.



  • Comment number 11.

    Chrissie - they are always the best pics!!! I hope you manage to get there on Sunday.

    Have I missed something - Bingo's new girlfriend??

    Darce x

  • Comment number 12.


    Thank you for your post about how important it is to give blood.

    Happy birthday, have a great day.


  • Comment number 13.

    Darce: on the previous blog, Bingo's post was awaiting moderation - it's there now.

  • Comment number 14.

    Bingo: I hope all goes well with your new girlfriend. All I will say to you is, you cannot be anyone other than yourself. Trust me, not ALL women want a man who treats her mean! As I have said to you before, I would never have tolerated being with any guy who thought that treating me badly was the way to go.

    Just be yourself - you are such a great guy!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Now then Christoff. Mind yourself wit that tenpin-bowlin'.

    Am reminded a that scene in MFI NY when the victim's head comes rollin' down the chute, an' the waitin' chappy sticks 'is fingers in 'its eyes. Ugh. Disgustin'. Put me right off me pickled walnuts.

    Not only that but am transported back to the Titanic struggle that was meself, mad Maggie an' the GBF Damian versus my Santy's little helpers, Zeana an' Slaine, ringers for Cheryl Cole an' Scarlett Johanssen, an' Craig the bra-sizer from Barnsley, down at the bowlin' arena in Dublin.

    What an epic. There was much abuse, ball-tamperin' an' general dorty play goin' on, I've never bin' called such filty names since the ex-hubby attempted to put that Ikea Twonk wardrobe together an' almost pulled every muscle in 'is face; Any road up, we were in the lead until one a me nails fell off, and I hurriedly glued it back wit that nail-glue that would hold a herd a chargin' rhino, before gettin' a grip a me ball an' chuckin' it with heroic force.... STRIKE.

    Trouble was it took the Dublin Fire Services half an hour to cut me out from behind the pins, that damn bracket thing that comes down to collect the pins ruined me hair an' laddered me leggings, then I 'ad to spend the next 2 hours in St. Thomas' A&E 'avin' the damn ball removed from me hand, an' Damian 'avin' a pin removed from where the sun don't shine for laffin'.

    An' all a that woulda been fine, BUT the worst thing was we were disqualified, down to my feet (along wit the rest of me) makin' illegal contact wit the pins. Bloody cheek. Am ragin' again, just thinkin' about it.

    A hollow victory, chaps. The return match is to come. Achtung.


  • Comment number 16.

    Thanks Chrissie - got it now x

    Bingo - Really hope it goes well with this lady. Having had to jump back into the dating game myself, I would say that honesty and being yourself is the most important thing that we ladies look for. Don't try to be what you're not - you get found out in the end and there are a lot of people out there who are not being honest.You have honesty and a great sense of humour on your side and are such a nice person, you will find her in the end x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 17.

    Darce. Dishonest? ME??

    How DARE yous.

    Now what's that big spike doin' growin' outa me head.... ah NOOOO



  • Comment number 18.

    Morning All,

    Happy Birthday Gail! As we have been known to share the odd joke in the past, I thought you might like this one:

    A cat died and went to Heaven. God met her at the gates and said, "You have been a good cat all these years. Anything you want is yours for the asking." The cat thought for a minute and then said, "All my life I have lived on a farm and slept on hard wooden floors. I would like a really fluffy pillow to sleep on." God said, "Say no more." Instantly the cat had a huge fluffy pillow.

    A few days later, six mice were killed in an accident and they all went to Heaven together. God met the mice at the gates with the same offer He made to the cat. The mice said, "Well, we have had to run all our lives: from cats, dogs and even people with brooms! If we could just have some little roller skates, we would not have to run again." God answered, "It is done." All the little mice had beautiful little roller skates. About a week later, God decided to check up on the cat. He found her sound asleep on her pillow. God gently awakened her and asked, "Is everything okay? How have you been doing? Are you happy?" The cat replied, "Oh it is WONDERFUL. I have never been so happy in all my life. The pillow is so fluffy, and those 'Meals on Wheels' you have been sending over are delicious!"

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 19.

    Clodagh: and I thought I had FUN at ten pin bowling! Hilarious!

    How's the book coming along?

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Absolutely hilarious Mcw.

    Cant wait to tell that one today.


    MTF, busy a baking.xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Clodagh - dishonest you - never!! Mind you I would watch out for that Rips, don't you go believing everything he tells you - think he might be spinning you a bit of a yarn!

    Good one Mcw x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 22.

    Chris! Enjoy the bowling and the night out, bit daring going out on school night though, wonder if we'll have a quiet show on Friday

    Luckily, boy1 was feeling much better today, even ate some brekkie. Was good because I had to go into London today for training.

    So, boy1 ok, ready to go, boy2 sent to friends to walk to school, i left house hour earlier than usual to get train into the big city.

    Got as far as Stratford when my phone rang, it was the girl who'd organised the training to say the trainer had been taken ill, she'd just been informed so the training was cancelled!! Stayed on train to liverpool St, saw my colleagues, we all turned round and went home again.

    Whilst i do hope the trainer gets well soon, 2 1/2 hours riding the train to and from London hasn't been my best morning.

    I did stand on the platform thinking for heaven's sake, I'm in London, I should go and do something interesting and not waste the travelling but couldn't think of anything I wanted to do on my own or any one I could hook up with - except maybe gatecrash Radio 2 and see if CLP was still there but now I see he's gone bowling with Jonny. I could have joined them I suppose!

    Olympic stadia look fantastic though - both time I saw them!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Happy Birthday Gail!
    MCW - Heard your mention on Mayo's show last night - twice!



  • Comment number 24.

    Morning, happy hump day!

    Ten pin bowling - am sooo bad at it! I am the entertainment for the others!

    Billie - you are a lucky lady ot have all that love in your life now, live for today nad enjoy it.

    CSN - thinking of you and your family at what must be a very worrying time for you all.

    Bingo - enjoy the new girlfriend! Be yourself at all times and remember to have fun!

    MCW - funny!

    Happy birthday Gail

    AS x

  • Comment number 25.

    #23 I know it's like buses, no mention for ages and then 2 come along at the same time! Hope the interview went well Nic.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 26.

    Seza, big 'grrrr' for you at your morning, what a pain. Glad to hear that boy 1 is better though.


  • Comment number 27.

    #25 Ooops sorry, just read your previous post #10. Fingers crossed then for a positive response!

  • Comment number 28.

    Thanks MTF, hope you're feeling better too?

    Bingo, so glad to hear things are moving in the right deirection for you, with your new lady friend, just take it slow, be yourself and see where it takes you, Clodaghs poem about the present being a gift could be written for you too

    MCW, liked the joke, poor little meeces!

    Anyone else want to book the lane next to Clodagh's gang for the return bowling match? We could pesraude Chris and Jonny to take the one on the other side.

    What a blog outing that would be!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 29.

    G'day All,

    Chris - good luck with the bowling Sir!
    Once again your post has struck a chord with me.
    I stayed up in Southport last night and was forced to go out drinking....ahem!
    Anyway having not eaten since lunch time it was agreed that we would eat first.
    We finally sat down in an Indian restaurant at Eleven.
    Eleven!!!!! Who eats a main meal at eleven o'clock at night.
    Ceiling fixers and plasterers from Leicester apparently.
    Didn't need breakfast though.

    Darce - how very dare you. I'm as honest as the day is long.
    I was only saying that to my good friend Jonny Depp last week in The Groucho Club.
    Besides Clodagh doesn't expect too much....which is lucky!



  • Comment number 30.

    Hey MTF, chuck us a fairy cake as you fly by!

    How is everyone on this beautiful sunny day?

    Love ten pin bowling but haven't played for years. The last time I played, I used muscles that I never knew I had and could hardly move the next day!

    Don't know how you can eat that late Christophe, would keep me awake all night with indigestion! Hope you manage to get a nap in this afternoon. Don't want you fretting again. BTW, you never did tell us what you were fretting about. C'mon, spill!

    Hope everyone is happy and healthy. Good luck to those needing it, esp CSN's daughter.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 31.

    Bingo, - Some good news at last then - chillax dude (Calm down Rips...) and enjoy!


  • Comment number 32.

    Will do Lin.

    It would have been nice to see you, but apparently, I am needed, theres a first. GD wants me to stay for the whole six hours, dont know if my attention span will last that long??

    I will do my best though!


  • Comment number 33.

    Gotta fly.


  • Comment number 34.

    Indeed it is lucky, Rips my little dung-beetle.

    As my aul Granny usedta say:-

    "She who expecteth nowt, getteth it."

    Any road now. Speakin' a dung-beetles, how marvellous the said insects are finally gettin' the acknowledgement they deserve. Fancy pullin' 6 double-decker buses on your tod. Am trilled. I mean. I always knew it an' said it; the ex-hubby was obviously a dung-beetle in a previous life. Hurrah. In 'is next one 'e's apparently on track to be a rhino. Nobody bothers them guys, an' yous certainly don't see 'em gettin' their 'eads pecked by Missus Rhino beside the water-hole when they're tryin' to watch the wildebeest 5-a-side.

    Bless 'im. Never knew 'is own strength; famously stepped up to the challenge when we were on board one a them barges for a meal, and beached on the canal-bank. Up 'e gets like Johnny Weissmullet, strides over, all manly, like, took position...an' snapped the barge-pole. Never lived it down.

    An' the GD has inherited this terrifying talent. In fact she rang me this morning, threatenin' what she'd do at me if I texted Chris to tell all about how she was the all-comers' champion at school (includin' the boys)...at the shot-putt. Oh hurrah. How delighted was I. Every opportunity was taken to take the rise out of her, and the brother-outlaw called her Crusher for years after that, she wasn't best pleased. Bless 'er.

    Anyway, best get me skates on; am meetin' herself after work in Liverpool; don't want to be late, she's a big believer in corporal punishment an' I've already got a shiner from that damn beach brolly in the wind on Ainsdale Beach.


  • Comment number 35.

    CLP, my tip for you, free of charge, vis a vis Ten Pin Bowling: if you happen to have acrylic nail extensions, DO NOT go bowling coz it bloomin' hurts!

    Have fun tonight!

    As mentioned by me Nic up above, we're off to see Paloma Faith in Brum - my first Brum gig: will the crowd be different to a London gig crowd? I'll let you know!

    For now, I'm off to find the M6 to get my interview at half three.




  • Comment number 36.

    Dear Santa

    Please can I have a Time Machine so i can go forward to next Friday so I can watch the first part of the last series of Ashes to Ashes then come back to today so I can wait and look forward to it and watch it again

    I have been a good girl

    Thanks you

    Seza x x x

  • Comment number 37.

    Good luck Deevs. X (apparently that is fingers crossed...)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Dear Sezagirl.

    I have checked with my Little Helpers, and indeed you have been a very good girl.

    Therefore I am dispatching Miss Olga Rubbish to your house without delay, with a shot-putt and a target. Simply place the target on your lawn, close your eyes and shout, "GO!". Hey Presto!! You will wake up on Friday.

    As an added bonus, you will be serenaded by a flock of tits and sparrows circlin' overhead, twitterin' away as you watch your programme.

    Behave yourself now. And don't give any cheek to young Olga. She's fully restraint-trained.

    Yours Sincerely,


  • Comment number 39.

    Dear Santa

    Thank you for the gift of Miss Olga Rubbish, I certainly feel like I have been transported back to the 1980's or possibly the 1908's

    There seem to be some very strange people around and someone keeps shouting at me, something about keeping the mother away from chips, I think!

    Seza - still being good - I promise!

  • Comment number 40.

    hi bloggersI'm new to internet and awaiting arrival of Radio 2 guide to getting online for people like me.I thought I'd give it a go myself and here I am, at last, I started this this morning. Chris, don't worry about not sleeping, your'e living on your reser4ve energy which will enable you to bowl better. Anyway' you bowl me over at all times.

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi Marjie-k

    Welcome to the blog and the internet, nice to see that the 'get connected' campaign is working.

    I don't want to overwhelm you with information straight away but if you need any pointers about what to look at or what things mean, please do not hesitate to post on here, somebody is sure to answer.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Marjie-K

    Nice to see you here

    I heard them say that the leaflet has been really popular so you might have to wait a while for it

    Stick around won't you

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Afternoon everyone and welcome to Marjie-K!

    I have got the right hump - 2 reasons:

    1) My phone interview has now been moved to 5pm today. I am therefore having to generate a bright and sparkly persona at the end of what has been a long day. I was all ready at 10am....it was moved to 1pm. I was all ready at 1pm....moved to 5pm. I am NOT ready now - I want to go home.

    2) Got home last night at 6 and turned on the radio for Mr Mayo, and what do I get? The F word. And not just the word, but long discussions about cooking and drinking F's. That was me flat on the floor with poor Mr P having to scrape off the new pebble dashing I had projectiled onto the kitchen wall. So radio turned off and evening pleasure ruined. So, just now I pop over to visit the Mayo blog (spirit of bi-partisanship etc etc) and what do I find? Yep, the F word is in the blog title and there is a promise to discuss the subject AGAIN in tonights show. Well that's me warned. Won't be going anywhere near it.

    Rant over, ranty pants off, sticks on smile and jolly persona in readiness for 5pm.

    Grumpy Miss P

    (Sorry - this was all about me but I did do birthday greetings and hugs etc earlier so forgive me!)

  • Comment number 44.

    Morning - Afternoon - Evening All.

    Hi Marjie - well done for getting here without the help of the leaflet.

    Just given myself 10 mins to catch up on goings on. Hope you have managed to get a power nap in Christoph - don't want you falling asleep in your soup tonight - messy !!!

    As you can guess - up to ears in last minute work and failing miserably as usual - Am I bovvered !!!? Nah - this time tomorrow I will be travelling through Scotland nearly at destination - Yahooo.

    Have we got any healers going to the meet? Went for one of those tests this morning where you have to put your arm over your head then the dear lady squashes you flat where you really shouldn't be squashed flat and shoves your shoulder down. Guess what - frozen shoulder - so double ouch !!

    Right - tea downed - ciggy finished - hi ho hi ho it's back to work I go.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Welcome Marjie-K. Now you have worked out how this thing works, can you let my mum know so she doesn't keep bothering me every evening?! lol.
    MissP - A 'phone interview sounds a bit impersonal! I heard that I didn't get the job I went for an interview for this morning at 8.00 a.m. - I don't have enough relevant experience, apparently - so 25 years isn't enough then?! I think what he really meant was "This guy knows more than me and would be after my job!" - well that's my take on it anyway - Good luck for 5.00 p.m. I take it The Frog chorus isn't one of your favourite songs then...?

    Off now...



  • Comment number 46.

    LOL Miss P, I was thinking of you at the weekend when I looke din the pond in my garden. Lots of...................................waterlilies!

    Good luck with the interview, just keep thinking happy thoughts!?!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Good luck Miss P with the interview. You are a cheery soul so I'm sure it will go well. I thought about you when I listened to mayonnaise last night on my way to the post box.

    Blimey Nic - what did they do? email you - phone you? That's a bit quick to say no. Any news how Deev got on?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Oh Nic - I am sorry to hear that. Their loss and I would suspect your assessment of the reason is right. As we have said to Deevs, the right job is out there waiting for you - it just hasn't found you yet.

    Mine is for a contract role and it is more often the case that interviews are on the phone. If that goes well, then a face to face interview. As the job is in Newcastle, I am quite happy not to have to schlep there for an hour's interview!

    And, bad man, you used the F word. Don't mind the song cos I know its Macca and Lynda but can't watch the video. I know - daft!

    Right - time for a ciggy, then re-read my CV so I know what I've done over the last 20 years........

    Miss P

    PS Beez - bad news on the shoulder - ouch indeed.

  • Comment number 49.

    Thanks Beez!

  • Comment number 50.

    Ello all me coming ter yer from Northampton!!!!!!

    A see me #70 commentation from yesterdee 'as been unmoderated!!!!!!

    Maybe Lady 'elen from 'ull doesn't mind what a writted!!!!!!

    PS Beezer - A wrote abit in ther aimed at yersen too!!!!!!

    Marjie K - A warm welcome ter the CLP UK Blog!!!!!!!!


    Gotta go before me trian pulls outta the station & a lose me wi-fi!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 51.

    FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A see me #50 terdee iz EXACTLY at 4.44pm EXACTLY the same teem az me #70 yesterdee!!!!!! All just by chance - THAT frightens me!!!!!!

    And 4.44 double 22 past 2!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 52.


    I do much better at ten-pin bowling with those metal bars up - it's easier when you can bounce the ball off something, just a matter of getting the correct angle, a bit like snooker, at which I also excel (not).

    My role at family bowling has been reduced to that of court jester - how far will she kick her right leg up in the air, etc. Also I do impressions of the balls themselves - mouth in an ooo shape, big eyes. Strangely they do seem to have different expressions.

    Lots of luck to all those bloggers looking for work at the moment and experiencing the frustration it entails. Will think of you at 5.00 Miss P.

    NicRolastic - at least your mum is having a go. Mine is still struggling with texting. Often she doesn't have her phone switched on for days, then when she finds messages waiting, just chatty stuff - nice weather today etc - she has to ring me to say sorry for not replying!

    Beez, I don't like the sound of that test at all, my shoulders have been giving me a bit of jip (sp? Never written that word down before, gyp? gip?) lately.

    CSN, I hope things are going ok with your daughters x

    A x

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi Beez

    I know exactly the test you mean (it's cold too!!!), poor you with the shoulder, hope it's better soon.

    Good luck with the interview Miss P.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Beez - They only interviewed 4 people for a shortlist of 2, and I was the last to be interviewed. I will let Deevs tell you about her day - she's currently stuck on the M5 trying to get back home, despite me saying whatever you do, don't get on the M5 to come back!
    Boleygirl - the reference to my mum was more about her texting me continually and despite having a computer and a computer for dummies book doesn't even bother to turn the flippin' thing on!!



  • Comment number 55.

    Nic, my mam hasn't got a computer - she is even scared of the DVD player we got for her! She also has an uncanny ability to disable a CD player in ways I'd never have imagined. She won't have it that brute force isn't always the answer.

    It's a good job she loves soaps and sudokos.

    I had no idea the M5 went all the way up there, I think of it as the Devon Road!

    A x

  • Comment number 56.

    Although thinking about it we get onto it at Evesham, so please disregard the above. Am rubbish at geography.


  • Comment number 57.

    Nic - number of times I have warned her about M5/M6 - she's heard me moan loads about it !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Hello Marjie-K.
    Welcome to the blog.
    As misstoedipper said earlier, if you have problems online dont be afraid to ask on here. We arent as scary as you probably think we are (well most of us) :-)


  • Comment number 59.

    Evening all

    Just got home from visiting daughters, both are resting and trying to keep calm. Maybe I will get evening off tonight unless phone rings.

    I wrote my earlier post because I wanted you all to know just how much your kind wishes and words of support have meant to me over the last week. Many thanks, you lovely people.

    Billie, You have a lovely family now. Big hugs. xx

    MTF, hope you are feeling better now and have a lovely time with Bids tomorrow. Did I read something about you having a new handbag?

    Andy, hope your little girl is better now.

    Rosie, hope your wisdom tooth came out easily.

    Seza, glad your little boy is on the mend and sorry to hear you had a bad morning.

    Beez, your shoulder sounds painful, take care.

    Miss p, good luck with the interview.

    Hello and welcome, Marjie-K.


  • Comment number 60.

    Sorry Bingo

    How could I forget to wish you all the best with your new girlfriend.


  • Comment number 61.

    Hiya gang, hope you're all had a good day, good luck to all those who have had interviews and are looking for jobs at the moment, hope you all find the perfect job soon.

    Well the tooth came out easily and (relatively) painlessly. The dentist was doing a coronectomy so he left the root behind becasue it was a bit too close to a nerve for comfort so there was an increased risk of doing permanent damage to the nerve. It wasn't pleasant but am glad it's over now, and thankfully I'm not too sore and swollen. Hopefully what little swelling there is will have gone down by Saturday!

    Csn hope both your daughters (and future grandchildren) are doing well. Gail had it right about giving blood if you can!

    Beez hope your shoulder is better in time for the weekend, how are you going to carry all those shopping bags in Glasgow with a gammy shoulder??

    Back in a bit


  • Comment number 62.

    I'm off out tonight, first time in ages, got early work too, prob not as early as Christoff, what time does the man start I wonder????

    I do like a spot of 10 pin bowling too, went a while back, but everyone knows how rubbish I am at it, not sure that isn't the point though. True to form for the first game scoring about 85, however, luck was definitely on my side as I started the next game with 5 strikes in a row :-)

    Calls of fix were heard all through the hall, as well as shark and so on, ended up taking more stick for that game than the first.

    Oh well off out now, speak to you all soon, good luck Chris


  • Comment number 63.

    Oh, quiet day it seems...

    Apologies for absence again....just not a good day yet again....had to rewrite a report from one of our most experienced folk as it was technically correct, but from 10 years ago, but not now!! Grrr!!!!!

    Billie, don't worry about the past, as others have said!

    Beez, hope your shoulder eases soon x

    Rosie, glad the dentist stuff went OK, be warned, I will be crying like a baby before I go on the 9th...Whinge alert!!

    Nic, stick with it, you'll get something better!!

    CSN, well, what a trauma last time, just have everything crossed for you and you and your family are never far from my thoughts! xx

    Seza, what a nightmare, glad Miss Olga came to your rescue, lodagh, you are a star!

    MTF - enjoy yourself and please don't go to sleep!

    Oh, and Bingo, be yourself lad, and if it's not right, it's not right!

    Can't think of anything else except to say "Come on you Spurs!!!" - sorry MfR ;)

    JG x

  • Comment number 64.

    Oh, and sorry Cheryl, hope your interview went well, and you got home in time to go to see the gig?!

    And welcome marjie-k, I hope you get on OK with t'interweb, ask if you have any problems, we'll all help!

    Oh and Miss P, hope the tele-interview went well? Message me on t'other side the firm name, as we have dealings up there and some are not what they think they are....

    Right, finishing tea and concentrating on footie time...Mr JG on call and out, so Spurs are allowed on the TV!

    Oh No, we're a goal down :(

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    Gail, sorry its so late in the day, but only just logged on, wishing you a very happy birthday , and hope you have had a nice day.

    CSN, sending you my best wishes too, hope its good news soon.

    Deev & NiC, good luck with the job hunting, am sure you will be snapped up so very soon.

    Best wishes and hugs etc to everyone who is up, down, inside out etc

    Have just been for a run in my new red running top, big mistake in colour choice, as it clashes terribly with my red face.

    Right off to peruse the budget and see if they have taxed my chocolate ...

    MC xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Well he came home at 8.10, and called out at 8.35, so it'll be one of those evenings then!

    Am I the only one here? Will shut this down and do something more useful then...

    JG x

  • Comment number 67.

    hello everyone

    rosie, good to hear about your tooth. now make sure put it under your pillow

    csn, still got everything crossed for your girls

    Any one heard if deevs made it home ok?

    scuse typing have got great lumpy boy collapsed on my arm!

    seza xx

  • Comment number 68.

    we here jg, although only 1 arm for now

    good look mc! ;-)


  • Comment number 69.

    Hi Seza, and JG, hope you are both ok.

    Seza, hope your son is on the mend. JG sounds like you have had a busy day. Last week i was a bit on the bored side, not much happening, this week i have been deluged from start to end, am pooped .

    Just waiting for my heart rate to come back down and then i'm off to bed.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 70.

    hi bloggers. Thank you for welcoming me to the CLP blog. After spending my day overcoming all the technology on the way to this happy place I feel happy and fulfilled but also mentally exhausted and I need a paracetamol and a lie down in a darkened room. I laughed at your ten pin bowling stories, I did some of this a few years ago at New Brighton.My advice is; do not wear slippery soled shoes and remember to let go of the ball. Good luck CLP and after eating late sleep sitting upright.

  • Comment number 71.

    mc boy is much better thanks

    was listen to doc hilary on steve wright this afternoon and he was talking about tummy bugs

    i'm amazed that they don't get more stuff at school

    of course,i'm sure they all wash their hands properly!


  • Comment number 72.

    Seza, Glad he is on the mend, just catching up and read about your dreadful journey today, how frustrating.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 73.

    BRB, just going to try to brush Finlay...I need as much luck as I can get!

    See how much I love that stooid dog, it's 1-1 in the footie....

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    JG, 2 -1 now !

    MC , xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Am off to bed shortly, must confess to not having read "the " book yet. Did manage a few pages the other night, but just not had the time lately. No excuse really , since i purchased it in September. Nite nite MC xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Ooo that's better, got my arm back now

    How you doing with that dog JG? Has he submitted yet.

    MC, was frustrating this morning, seems to sum up my week really

    Sounds like it's poring with rain out there, yucky!


  • Comment number 77.

    I must brush him more often, it's 3-1 now!! Ran the gauntlet of getting nipped (he didn't, he wouldn't nip me), only Mr JG gets nipped, he just grumbled!

    Unhappy dog though:( Might be missing Mr JG...

    MC, go careful with the running! x

    Seza, hope the boy is soon better! x

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    Hiya Guys ....

    a big thank you to everyone who sent me hugs and lovely words .xxxxxxxxxxx i regard all of you as friends and my family too ......

    i have saved all your posts xxxxxxxxxxxx

    so from me to you a huge hug to everyone ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    i just wanted to tell you about me ...

    I hope that all iswell with all of you and that the babies are ok , and anyone poorly is getting better xxxxx

    love you alll Bills xxxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Hi Billie, I'm glad you are happy! Me too, we're off to Wembley (sorry MfR and othe Fulham fans), and your team's doing ok too I think?

    JG x

  • Comment number 80.

    Ok, someone break the news to me gently....

    What has been has had the biggest price increase in the budget??


  • Comment number 81.

    You may want to sit down MTF,

    How's your cellar stocked?


  • Comment number 82.

    Hi all

    I picked up my train tickets tonight - it means that Glasgow is just that bit closer.... 'cited? me? yep!!!

    Billie - I'm not around for a few weeks but I will contact you when I get back from my holiday for a mini meet if you are up for that. I can't pretend to know what you went through but as Clodagh said, we all have our own stories and it really does help to share (as you have found out).

    One more day to work then a very early night tomorrow night so that I can get up at silly o'clock to get the train...

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    MTF I think it was an alcoholic beverage?!

  • Comment number 84.

    Hubbys just said we winning ...... and hey have a great day at wembley .xxxxxx good to see you ok xxxxx JG XXX

    Bills xxxx

  • Comment number 85.

    I did think of you MTF - especially when Simon Mayo said something about cider drinking millionaires. Never mind, the Wurzels have lodged an official complaint so all may not be lost ;-).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    you mean that no more FNWC ???????????

    CRIKEY .....D:

  • Comment number 87.

    ok MTD .. we will meet up sometime ... not got far to travel hey ;)

    Bills xxxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Calm down Billie - it is only MTF that is really affected. She might like to join the Queen of Chards or Madame Merlot instead.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    JG ...the trick in brushing the dogs hair is to butter him up with dog treats, while he chewing brush hair ....xxxxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Bille, I think the W is still ok, it's the C we need to worry about!


  • Comment number 91.


  • Comment number 92.

    Billie, I won't be going to Wembley personally, just my team! lol

    Yes, you beat City away 2-0! Well done, and thanks ofr helping us towards 4th place! XXXX

    OK, need to sort out grumpy, clingy dog, in need of a cuddle I think!

    Night all

    JG x

  • Comment number 93.

    ps and that's not C for Club!

    Mr Seza not a happy man either!

  • Comment number 94.

    C is nice ... used to love the white version ... but since i got plastered at an ann summers party and came home drunk as a skunk and my girls see me like it , i dont touch alkyhol now .... xxxx

  • Comment number 95.

    tis ok JG ... Cant stand Man Citeh .. since they poached a player off us ... so happy to help .. xxxxx

    Nite Nite JG ..XXXX

    Bills xxxx

  • Comment number 96.

    No, I have a cunning plan, it involves winning the lottery tonight and then a busy Saturday stocking the cellar before the price increase on Sunday.

    I will never drink anything else, not even pink fizzy stuff.

    In fact there really is only the one zider and I have tried them all.

    Not here for long as 4 o clock start in the morning.

    Bids is unable to get on line at the mo due to cable problems. I will take lappy with me so we may pop in and see how you all are.


  • Comment number 97.

    Hiya MTF ....

    You ok ?????????

    im feeling better ..... xxxxxx

    Bills xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    MTF looks like a trip to Cost Cutters or ELH ....LOLXXXXXX

    Bills xxxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Hiya Billie, yes so I see. Its good to share sometimes isn't it.


  • Comment number 100.

    On the other hand, maybe my new 10% discount card for ELH will counterbalance everything and life will go on as normal!!!

    Result, hurrah!!



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