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New Phone, New Finger Cramp

Chris Evans | 10:09 UK time, Wednesday, 31 March 2010

New phone today, same maker as my last. Looks almost exactly the same but the buttons are giving my severe thumb cramp - something must have changed slightly.

My goodness, I can even feel the tendon in my upper right arm stiffening like it's suffered an assault from a large hypodermic injection.

What to do ?

In other news, Jonny and I are about to freeze our bits off rowing in, or should that be on, the River Thames.

Hope to talk to you tomorrow !





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  • Comment number 1.


    Should definately be ON the river Thames!

    Good Luck!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Christoff

    I think the thumb thing must be your age, esp with the birthday tomorrow.

    Good luck with the sculling, watch it getting in and out, that's the tricky part. ;)


  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Sez

    If it's in the Thames, that will be worth watching on the video!


  • Comment number 4.

    Andy, I'm freezing just thinking about it!! Mad!

    Meant to say hello to KW & Susie & Pip

    Nice to see you, hope you're all well.

    KW How's the new job going? Are you still training or have they let you loose yet?

    Seza xx

    PS, MC I'm also battling the paper mountain so before I have a week off. Am going back in, I may be some time!

  • Comment number 5.

    Chris, send Happy Birthday wishes to Johnny.

    Thanks. MTF.xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Morning all

    CLP I think you have flipped this time, rowing in this weather???!!!! Good luck though. Happy birthday Jonny.

    Hi to everybody else.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Is it just me or....

    Is this week feeling as long as a normal one?


  • Comment number 8.

    Hopefully it'll get better tomorrow MTF - we'll realise that it's the last day of the week.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Yes, roll on tomorrow.

    Thursday is the new Friday.

    Thanks mtd.


  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Chris: with regard to your new phone, my advice is ditch it: I loathe mobile phones and long for the days when we had red phone boxes on every corner!

    Both you and Jonny take care today - I do think this is just a little crazy!

    Jonny: happy birthday - hope you have a great day - after your "bits" have recovered!

    Hi everyone else - hope all is well.

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Sorry, forgot to say Happy Birthday Jonny! x x

    I think it will really feel like the weekend is coming when we hear the Candyman tomorrow!

    Nearly there!

    hope all of you in this bad weather are ok, am thinking of you

    Seza x x

    ps border guards are a bit slack at the moment. Do you think they've started their holiday weekend early?

  • Comment number 12.

    Greetings Christoof, Jono S & ALL Blog Peeps....

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - What's the matter with yer... A??? AYE??@@@????@?
    First yer phone iz 'urting yer 'and... and then yer worried about abitta rowing on the river..... 'ope yer noot turning inter a southern softie???????
    Get yersen out on the river.... & rip it for Warrington & INDEED... the north!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Congrates on the windscreen wash.... this iz specially for you Jono S >>>>>>>
    (PS Why the 'eck does CLP noot play this MEGA... MEGA... MEGA tune on 'is show???????
    This tune.... the feel of it... a sort of delayed percussion.... the firmness of the rhythm.... it make sme wanter pick up me elevtic guitar everyteem a 'ear it... and seeing it... well.... ENJOY >>>>>>>>)


  • Comment number 13.

    PS Chrissie - Am in Glasgow for a few 'ours on the 20th April... a arrive by train from Invernees about 12.30/ 1pm-ish a think... then leave about 3.30/ 4pm-ish on the London train!!!!!!!
    Ave booked two tickets for the 4 dee trip, especially ter take someone (who a can't name) who's never been ter the 'ighlands of Scotland... A nice suprise for 'er a thought when a booked it last year.... and the London ticket/ Glasgow dive in, waz all arranged so she would 'ave a quick stop over in Glasgow for lunch.... then ter get 'er back 'ome ter London!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sadly a will be going alone... but am looooking forward to it.... and it would be great ter meet yer Chrissie in Glasgow city!!!!!!!!!!

    Sadly me new girlfriend az she's a school teacher can't get the teem off work.... and a can't cancel the tickets!!!!!!!!!

    The only other person a can think who a would really like te rcome with me on the trip iz Claudia Winkleman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 14.

    Happy birthday Johnny.

    Good luck to you both on the Thames. I think you are both barking!
    Is whoever selects the challenge trying to bump you both off?

    Happy Wednesday everyone. Keep safe all of those suffering with bad weather again. We seems to have escaped it at the moment.


  • Comment number 15.

    PPS Mariella - Just wanted ter say just caught up on the blogs.... VERY sorry ter read your bad news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    A 'ope your ok.... and a 'ope all works out well for you both!!!!!!

    Don't wanter pry, butta thought you made a nice couple..... a 'ope you both can work things out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thinking of you!!!!!!!!!!!!! XXXXX

    PPPS Chezza - Good luck with the job 'unting!!!!!!
    A know it's noot easy.... VERY dis'eartening.... but if yer don't try.. yer don't get!!!!!!!
    Keep trying Chezza and yer will get the job yer looooking for!!!!!!!
    PS The M6 Birmingham..... the A5 can be an alternative!!!!!!!! Alot of it iz dual carriageway know, sorry now!!!!!!
    Or the M6 Toll iz a good alternative.... just the DAMN toll iz noot a good situation!!!!!!!!

    Take care all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Ahhhhh me 12, 13 & 15 ave all gone inter quarantine.... what ave a done know???????? Sorry now???????

  • Comment number 17.


    Never liked rowing but good luck you mad crazy fools! What is it next week - shin kicking?
    Thumbs up.


  • Comment number 18.

    What about sumo wrestling, anyone suggested that yet?

    Book me a ringside seat now!


  • Comment number 19.


    I thought Chris said he was sculling, as they are using two oars, rowing is using just one. (pernickerty I know).

    Blimey Bigo you're keeping the mods busy this morning!


  • Comment number 20.


    There's not enough spare on either Jonny or Chris for sumo, stick wrestling more like.


  • Comment number 21.

    Bingo, I thought you might have got in before the lunchbreak. Look like you have hit elevenses.


  • Comment number 22.

    First one has now cleared the fence Bingo, just waiting on the other three! ;)

  • Comment number 23.

    Morning Big Chief CLP, et al . .

    Firstly, many happy returns to yourself and the big JS for this week - I trust you'll all celebrate in true style . .

    all well over here in Norn Irn, save for the storms, snow and suffering . . .!!



  • Comment number 24.


    Well done, you have outpedanticked me! lol


  • Comment number 25.

    Andy, I think they are well matched.

    A show of hands for anyone wanting a ringside seat for the Evans/Saunders Sumo showdown.


  • Comment number 26.

    Ello Andy & MTF - Yep there getting there.... one by one!!!!!!

    Take a looook at me link on the first one.... it's AWESOME & a 'ope it brightens everyone's dee for a while.... takes them from where they are now.... ter being in the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Does anyone remember way back on Blue Peter when John Noakes did a kind of slim line sumo which involved two blokes wearing long john type garments? Was done in a circle, maybe at a fair or summat? I am thinking it was either Up t'North or Tibet or somewhere like that ! (she says running away like the softie southerner she is)

    I can picture Chris and Jonny doing that!

    Seza x x

  • Comment number 28.


    That was cumberland wrestling, if my memory is right.

    First one to be thrown of their feet.

    Could be a goer


  • Comment number 29.

    Ha ha ha.

    Have just seen the tenpin bowling video. Such fun and great dancing Johnny!

    Love the incorporation of the Steptoe theme tune when Chris is bowling!


    Seza, have you tried googling it?

  • Comment number 30.

    Andy T

    Am seriously impressed now. Put yourself up there with Prof Brian Cox on answering the difficult questions in life

    That's the very thing! I seem to remember there were coloured pants involved but that might be a different childhood memory!


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Hello Everybody Peeps,

    Happy birthday Jonny. Chris is so accurate saying you're 14 today! You are like an excited teenager before the hormones and weird occurrences in the brain development. Btw, had to get out the car at 9.15 before you had opened your pressie. I hope it was a good one and that you like it.

    Chris - loved the mystery guest interview this morning. Once again, it had me smiling from ear to lug. Loved it. You're fab at the interviewing bit and she was a lovely interviewee.

    Like the idea of sumo wrestling and how's about Thumb Wrestling? It always ends up in full-scale war in our house.

    MTF - heard your mensh on Simon Mayo's show last night - good news on the Swallows.

    Haven't managed to catch up on the rest of yesterday's blog but just had to tell you all I did something for the first time yesterday - I ran (willingly and not just trying to dodge the raindrops - it was a proper run (well my version of a proper run, a lot of peeps would call it a jog)) in the rain last night. It was fabby but not as fabby as the lovely warm lavender bath I had when I got back home.

    Btw MC - how's your running going? I'm enjoying it more than I would have thought. I'm hopeless running on my own but I really enjoy running with the others in the club.

    Really sorry to hear about the awful weather north of the border - I hope it all clears away soon. I bet you're all fed up to the back teeth with it. I'm heading for Fife on Saturday and am hoping it won't be a repeat of our drive up at Christmas.

    Bingo - you'll have a fab time in the Highlands, pity the new girlf can't make it.

    Today's scores on the doors for pedantry, Andy 1 - Nic 0 ;) Well done, Andy. ;) Just joking Nic - I think you're a lovely guy really.

    Anyhoo, work to be done :( Back during my lunchbreak.

    Hope all's well with you lovely bloggers.


  • Comment number 32.

    Row, Row,Row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, Merrily
    Merrily, Merrily life is but a dream.

    Hello Christophe and all bloggers and happy birthday to Johnny.

    Throw the phone into the Thames CLP. Ihave an uncomplicated mobile for emergencies only.

    The horrible weather has come to us here in Wirral, no snow but very strong wind and rain, the fence looks dodgy, hope it stays up.

    Must go now, feeling hungry.


  • Comment number 33.

    Bingo: I would be delighted to meet you for lunch on the 20th - I shall endeavour to contact you on FB! Don't worry, I'll make sure you get to your London train in plenty of time!

    Gaily: well done on the running - the closest I come to running is when I break into a trot in order to catch my train!

    MC: I did see your previous posts regarding your brother having his bag stolen last week. Glad to see the passport problem was resolved - no doubt their trip to New York will be wonderful!

    Annie: thank you for your wee mention about the snow. I can't tell you how grateful I was when I looked out the window this morning and it was all gone. I really feel for those who are having a terrible time just now. The weather in Northern Ireland sounds like a nightmare.

    MTF: not too sure if I want a ringside seat at the sumo wrestling - those "outfits" are fairly revealing!

    C xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Aw Chrissie - you've got me coming over all unnecessary there with your talk of revealing outfits.......(a ringside seat in those circumstances would be verrry interesting).

    Did anybody hear the trailer for CLP on drivetime last night where he was talking about removing his socks - that sent my imagination off big time....................

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    MC - just caught up on yesterday's blog - I bet your brother and his girlf will have a great time in NY. Lucky duckies.

    Nic - 's okay - takes more than that to upset me - glad to see you're being inclusive and including me in your pernickety-ness - or as my younger gorgeous boy says perSnickety - me being as much of a pedant as you, I always correct him. Good game, good game!


  • Comment number 36.

    Mtd, that was after he had taken his slippers off. He was heading off to Disneyland on Friday, straight after the show and had turned up in his slippers.

    Hilarious banter between him and Moira!

    So, how any ringside seats are taken now you have worked out why I want to be so close LOL!!!


  • Comment number 37.

    I think 'ring side seat' may take on a different meaning, in relation to those Sumo outfits!

    Nic & GB thank you to my fellow pedants, somehow when people call me one they seem to think it's an insult!


  • Comment number 38.

    What was that all about - Chris turning up to work in his slippers? I have nearly left the house with my slippers on but have always realised just before I step over the threshold. CLP must have gazillions on his mind to not notice that. Bless him - he is gorgeous tho'.

    I turned up for work one day (PA to a one-time wealthy dude), and had to ring my boss to get him out of his bed and when he opened the door he had on a thin cotton dressing gown that was long enough but edge to edge only just covered his modesty and which was held in position with a brown leather belt (the sort you'd wear with jeans). He topped it all off with a pair of yellow Turkish slippers - the ones that turn up at the toes. Amazingly, neither one of us batted an eyelid, I went in and cracked on with some work and he disappeared off upstairs to get dressed. Oh how I miss working for him! Loads more stories but not really suitable for sharing on a public blog.


  • Comment number 39.

    Afternoon everyone ,

    Blimey , its blowing a right gale round here today.

    Nic, good luck with the reconciliations, I'm doing the P60's and P35's , scintilating afternoon ahead .

    My brothers GF was so so thrilled to be off to New York , they left this am , so all is well . Thanks for your good wishes folks.

    Galiybev, my running is at the mile and three quarters stage, hoping to hit two miles non stop by the end of April ! how are you getting on ? I prefer running alone and after dark !! I have got a nagging pain in the back of my right thigh , which has been on and off since last Autumn. The running dosent affect it, and i run every third day to allow for the DOMS to subside !

    MTF, congrats on the mention, sorry i missed it, i will listen again.

    Hope everyone is having a decent day.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Could anybody please tell me the really relaxing music in the background of the Ten-Pin bowling Sporting challenge where chris and jonny were meditating and before chris's phone went off.

  • Comment number 41.

    I just had a lovely phone call from the owners of the horse that I derugged this morning.

    Only being neighbourly, but pleased I did the right thing.

    Smiley MTF :)

  • Comment number 42.

    Alex, I wonder how many of us are going to be watching it again, I will. Not sure if I will know it but, hey ho, you never know.


  • Comment number 43.

    blimey, blizzardous conditions here on the Bristol channel!


  • Comment number 44.


    That's nice of them.

    I think you could have done with a hypen in that though,as at first glance it looks like a possible doping scandal ;)

  • Comment number 45.

    I knew I would get that remark Andy, thanks for not disappointing me ;)


  • Comment number 46.


    I just read that as drugged too ! LOL !

    ChrissIe , so glad your snow has gone, have been thinking about you Scottish ladies each time i have seen the forecast .

    MC - feeling ever so slightly CBA , but trying to get over it ;-)

  • Comment number 47.

    Happy to oblige!

  • Comment number 48.

    Its really weird, I looked at it and knew it didnt look right.

    Note to self, hyphens help!!

    Alex, I have played it back again and can only pick up a song called you are a radar detector, is this the one?


  • Comment number 49.

    If so, I have found a version on you tube by some dude called Darwin Deez!!

  • Comment number 50.

    Chrissie - Thank you. I work out of town and because I live in a fairly rural location and the bus service is rubbish I have to drive everywhere so I felt I could be doing with some form of exercise to keep the flab at bay.

    MC - I run as part of a running club which is great as i couldn't do the distances we do on my own - we do anything between 4.5 and 6 miles. Not sure how far I can run without stopping but I know it's getting further. We run to a certain point where the faster peeps run back to meet the slower peeps then we're told which direction to go in next - sometimes there's a bit of a debate so we get a bit of a breather. I ran further without stopping last night than I have ever done I think but don't know what the total mileage was. I'm thinking about taking part in a 5k run in Sheffield in a couple of weeks' time. It's only the logistics of getting there for 9am that's making me think twice.


  • Comment number 51.

    OK, so the lurking was killing me .....

    And now I'm logged in, I dunno what to say - doh!

    MTF - Deez sounds like a colaboration between me and The Beezmeister.

    Today started well, but has slowed doen somewhat and my boss is out all pm so trying to make half an hour's work last til half five. Hey ho! I took some dictation this morning for the first time in about 5 years - interesting, but the core skills were still there. Think I shall be visiting "that river sounding site" this evening tho for some Teeline refresher bookage! As I was scribing, bossman looked bewildered at my half Deevs / half hieroglyphics scrawl! Made perfick sense to me tho, which is all that counts, innit!?!?

    Right, best not push my luck as I'm in an open plan office. Will update you all as and when (if) I hear about the interviews from Mon/Tues.

    Lovin' your work dudes!



  • Comment number 52.

    Deevs, still got everything crossed that a great job comes your way very soonly. My boss has gone out today and I've done everything I can hence me being on here. Just hope the IT police in London don't cotton on. ;)


  • Comment number 53.

    I could do with some housework police to kick me off here!

    Still, got to got to work in a mo. You know what they say about all work and no play....


  • Comment number 54.

    Deevs - I'm not here either!

    Went out for a "couple of drinks" with some team mates for one of the girls who is leaving. DEAR ME!
    Lost count of the shots, glasses of wine and so DONT remember getting back to my hotel....

    But I did, AND I managed to hang me trousers up!
    so having a bit of a slow day myself today......

    Defo straight to bed for me when I get back to Bristol later.....

    see you tomorrow guys!


  • Comment number 55.

    Debs, as long as they were your trousers you hung up !!


  • Comment number 56.

    Now I could do with a night out like that.

    Roll on Portsmouth!


  • Comment number 57.

    Debs, you're scaring me now.
    MTF, unless there's a Mr Debs I'll be disappointed if they were her trousers she hung up. A bit like I was desperate for the (mystery guest) weather girl's change of hairstyle to have been a secret message to some gorgeous guy.

    GailyB - hopeless romantic

  • Comment number 58.

    LOL MTF and GailyB
    I'm afraid they were only MY trousers I hung up, but my street cred in the team has gone up miles! Aparantly I was doing tequila shots without the tequila - yup just the salt and lime!

    Bonkers - yup!


  • Comment number 59.

    Happy Birthday Johnny! Hope you're not doing the rowing in your birthday suit.

    Linda-from-Lisburn, of the tomato definition wrong-bong


  • Comment number 60.

    Afternoon all.

    Just zipped on to wish Jonny a Happy Birthday and to say you must both be stark staring bonkers rowing on the Thames !

    Blinkin' cold isn't it?

    Busy Beez xx

  • Comment number 61.

    LOL Debs - that's good going. Can't imagine how your mouth felt this morning.

    Hi Beatrice, nice to see you. Well done on getting your wrong bong read out. I've tried a couple of times but had no luck.


  • Comment number 62.

    Debs - sounds a great night out! Shame it was on school night, lol!

    MCW - liking the bird pics on fb!

    Hope all in Scotland & Ireland are surviving the weather! What is going on with it!

    Slow day in Cambridgeshire - am suffering from a severve lack of motivation today but at least no snow!

    Off to shuffle a few bits of paper around to make out I'm doing stuff!

    AS x

  • Comment number 63.

    Great excitement in the GailyB household - we're off to pick up elder gorgeous boy's ski kit after school. Only 2 more sleeps, bless him.

    Cheerio for now bloggers,


  • Comment number 64.

    Afternoon all,
    Happy Birthday Jonny, hope the screen wash was just what you expected ;)
    MTF am loving the Sumo Wrestling bit and have just seen CLP's pics on Twitter of them in their outfits today ... lycra trousers on both of them leaves very little to the imagination :)and I can happily report that they both survived!!
    Hope everyone is safe and sound in this horrid weather, although we have only got cold winds n heavy showers here at the moment.
    GM xx

  • Comment number 65.


    I thought I'd break the silence on the blog. So how is everyone? I hope those up t'North are OK, is this spring or the middle of winter eh??

    Happy Birthday Jonny xx and I am glad they both survived the Thames this afternoon, it must have been freezing.

    Debs, You make me chuckle looking forward to seeing you throwing back the Chards in a couple of weeks. If you are driving back to Bristol make sure you are not still over the limit...LOL.

    MTF, Thanks for the spring updates, your enthusiasm is infectious. I promise to listen again to Simon to hear your moment of fame.

    Oh well nearly time to go home, catch you bloggers later.


  • Comment number 66.

    Hello AliB.

    The sun is now breaking through up here in Wirral. This is the place to be to to avoid snow, this disappointed me when I was younger but now that I am a grumpy old woman I'm happy. Thinking of those elsewhere.

    I've seen photos, like the outfits and hope they enjoy that cake. They deserve it plus many drinks.


  • Comment number 67.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, glad you survived the Thames.

    Weird weather update: Blizzard conditions this morning, everything white. Now the sun's shining and the snow's disappeared! Should be ok for you Gailey on Saturday.


  • Comment number 68.

    Hi all

    Firstly, from the last blog, MTF, I know you are capable of many things, but the mental image of you putting wellies on that horse has had me chuckling all day!

    I think we've been relatively lucky with the weather here, just driving sleety rain, and blowing a gale - I hope everyone else is OK?

    Happy birthday Jonny, glad to see you have both survived the Thames - I bet you never thought you'd be going that in this weather CLP?

    Anyhow, it appears to have stopped raining, so I may pop around the block with Finlay.

    Catch you in a while!

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    OK, sorry, I admit it, I killed the Blog!

    Hailstones of massive proportions here now... it's gone very dark very quickly....

    JG x

  • Comment number 70.

    It's ok, t'blog is not dead yet

    I might be though!

    Is it still only Wednesday? How can a short week seem so long?

    Do you think Jonny and Chris survived?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi peeps, and Happy Birthday Jonny! Hope you had a great time messing about on the river and that it wasn't too freezing!

    Well the snow has gone here, we just had a day of sleet, followed by snow that didn't stick, followed by sleet again, followed by rain! Hopefully it will be a bit better tomorrow and on Friday as those are my days off, and am off to Stirling Castle on Friday. Don't fancy trudging round the esplanade in the wind and snow!

    Going back to a topic from yesterday's blog: things we've done for the first time. Well yesterday I booked train tickets online for travelling from Copenhagen to Huskvarna in Sweden for my birthday weekend! Oh and I also booked flights to Lanzarote for the second half of May. After the winter we've had I am sooo looking forward to a few days of sun, at this rate it could be the only summer I get!

    Hope the tendons are feeling better CLP and that you're getting used to the new phone. I'm currently coveting an iphone, especially after seeing some of my fellow Scottish bloggers flashing them on Saturday at the meet!

    Hope everyone has had a good day


  • Comment number 72.

    Hello ,just popping in to wish Jonny a Happy Birthday ,hope it's been a good one for you .

    Chris ,just like to say Happy Birthday to you for tomorrow and have a lovely day .

    Hope all the team have a lovely Easter .


  • Comment number 73.

    Eveninh all

    Seza from the pics on twitter they both survived and cake was supplied for Jonny!

    Weathers just wet and cold here, we now have a stream running along the garden, down the steps and out of the gate!


  • Comment number 74.

    Howaya chaps!

    If anyone is watching Coast, overlooking Carlingford Lough is exactly where yous find me right now!! What a wheeze.

    Dan the Man, if you're lurking, I'm wavin'.. coo eee! Mind. Yous'll need the binoculars from Belfast..


  • Comment number 75.

    Andy, glad to hear it, hope Jinny enjoyed his cake, wonder if Chris will get one tomorrow

    Clodagh, are you hanging on in there? Snow shoes and galoshes?

    JG, did you make it round the block with Finley?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Seza, we did, just! Not far as I could see this awful black cloud heading towards us!

    Clodagh, am watching Mastershout, but have seen the Carlingford loch one before!

    Mr JG due home shortly, and then off until Wednesday next week, and he gets 15 hours back for having Bank Holiday's on his "rest days"! Grrr!!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 77.

    PS, Glad I didn't kill the blog!

  • Comment number 78.

    Howya Seza!

    Army boots, hun.

    Hahaha, ey no, sweetheart; although it was Billy Blizzard last night and treacherous this morning, it was bright sunshine this afternoon. Go figure. Ooo looka that. Th Antrim Coast. Aah. Where that ruddy bumble bee buzzed me 99 last summer an' nearly put me in A&E. An' the GD as well in the next bed. No, it didn't buzz HER, she was in wit a hernia from laffin'.

    I still say the bumble bees are compensatin' for their decline in numbers by increasin' in size. I kid yous not. Last time I saw a specimen like that it was playin' in the Wasps front row.

    Work THAT one out Professor Cox.


  • Comment number 79.


    Just got home, back soon.

    Now where did I last see my ping pong bat?


  • Comment number 80.

    Clodagh, you're right, I saw a mahoosive one at the weekend!

    But have to say, I love Prof Brian Cox!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    Ping Pong Bats?

    Bumble Bees?

    I think we could confuse even CLP's new bezzie mate, Prof Cox!

    x x

  • Comment number 82.

    PS 1 more sleep to Hairy Bikers!

    x x

  • Comment number 83.


    Chris, What to do?!?!?! Man up for goodness sake.
    If that is some lame excuse for why you might lose at the rowing - coming in early, then you have already lost.

    Massively busy week this week (which is good) so haven't been around but I have been driving while the Breakfast Show has been on so have heard most of it each day.
    Wow! It takes me right back to the good old days. Banter between the team, loads of features and an overriding feeling of fun, joy and the feeling that anything could happpen and probably will. Witness Prof Cox!
    Who. By the way, really annoyed me! I give up coffee to improve my personal well being and all that.
    What does the world's smartest brain do on a day off?
    Sit at home and drink coffee all day!!!! Cheers Brian.....

    Chris - your drivetime show was great but the Breakfast show is brilliant!

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow young man!

    ps happy birthday Jonny

    pps happy birthday to Hells Bells for whenever that is, who said brains and beauty don't go together........probably Jonny!



  • Comment number 84.

    Rips, Hello!

    Getting close to a full house this week

    Now, I might have to go and pick boy1 up from his latest tech gig but Mr Seza might get him as he's out and could so it on his way home

    Thing is, i don't know which it's going to be so I don't know whether to have the other glass of wine or not.


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Seza, I don't envy you those trips, our neighbour used to be in and out like nobody's business, but her kids are older now, so don't do as much!

    My sister is always backwards and forwards with hers too :(

    Me, I'm going nowhere apart from to bed, very shortly...

    Mr JG just home, have hardly seen him since Saturday night!

    JG x

  • Comment number 86.

    I wouldn't mind JG, but I didn't know about this one until 4pm. Was planning a quiet night in

    x x

  • Comment number 87.

    Hail Seza!

    I was just about to say hi to the rabble seperately ;)

    Hello to everyone on here!

    Have only just caught up from the last week. I have to read it all!
    Can't read a book, but never miss a day on here.

    Barney - I must take issue with your comment on the insurance. Surely that is what insurance is for? If your house gets burgled when you are out, your possessions are unattended, if you turn your back in a pub for a minute, it is reasonable to expect that your possessions should be safe.
    In the event that they are not - you have insurance!
    I only mention this because I now suspect that you wear a Bumbag!!

    Nic and Deev - I've been staying away recently because of the criticism that I receive from Nic, but just wanted to wish you both the very best in the job hunting stakes.
    It seems that a lot of companies are awaiting the result of the election to see what direction the country will take before committing to anything. Our industry is at a standstill.....roll on May the sixth!

    M'Wol - Hope you're ok and that the wedding thing is just a postponement.
    You know where I am.

    So glad to hear about and see the photos from the Glasgow weekend. It looked like a fantastic time was had by all.
    How could it be any different with Chrissie and Mary at the helm?

    Gingembre - great to see your name pop up, as it would be to see Super Beep's.
    Have you completed the promotion? I know a lot of us would love to know....I hope so. Take care mate.

    I've had a couple of cold drinks....can anyone tell?

    Best wishes, hugs and love to everyone who could do with them/it.



  • Comment number 88.


    See you tomorrow


  • Comment number 89.

    Who needs a wii?


  • Comment number 90.

    Actually MTF I do but probably not what you were askin'

  • Comment number 91.

    Right back here now.

    Seriously, you cannot let hailstones that big go to waste!

    Is there a Ripster in the house??


  • Comment number 92.

    Susan, how is the weather with you now?

    I have heard some really awful reports today.

    That poor school group setting off for a fun day out, what a tragic outcome.


  • Comment number 93.

    Hi Rips, and no, you can't tell at all! ;)

    Sorry Seza:(

    Actually, we haven't got a Wii, should we get one? We do have a redundnt PS3 though..

    JG x

  • Comment number 94.

    We haven't really had it that bad. Just very wet and windy at times so hoping it doesn't come down from Scotland like they keep forecasting.

    Weather tends to be quite moderate around most of these parts with just a few of the extremes so we are quite lucky. Sounds bad where you are as well as some of the much more northern and even middle points in the country?

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi JG, dont suppose you have a big pair of wellies going spare? ;)

    What day are you off to the Hills?


  • Comment number 96.

    Hey if you dont wii you will be in considerable pain ... lol xxxx

  • Comment number 97.

    No Susan, we have had HUGE hailstones, and severe winds and flooding, BUT, we can get about.

    I had to shift one or two rotten trees off a couple of lanes today, but on the whole,its not that bad.


  • Comment number 98.

    its bin cold but calm today .... brrrr!!

    Bills xxxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Well, that was a quick run, they'd finished early so he was waiting for me

    MTF, Why do you need big wellies? Is it that horse again?

    JG, Why is your PS3 redundant?

    Rips, am hoping there is some hope, Mr Seza in engineering and the word "busy" has been mentined for the first tie in ages.

    Susan, agree about that tragic coach accident. What a waste.

    Wine now!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 100.

    PS Did have a moment when I pulled up at the school and there was an ambulance outside!!

    Boy1 didn't know why so think it must be for the leisure centre part of the building



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