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Birthday Anyone ?

Chris Evans | 10:16 UK time, Monday, 29 March 2010

Our boss Hells Bells from Hull, Jonny, and myself - all within four days of each other. Now what are the chances of that ? And Helen and Jonny are the same age, to boot !

Hells was gifted wine from - I'd like to say my cellar but I have to be honest and say the wooden box in the corner of my office - Johnny will be gifted windscreen wash: non vintage.

As for me, I really don't want anything. I honestly have everything I need and I'm still here, which for a while looked like very long odds.

I hope your Monday is the best it can be.

Lots of love,





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  • Comment number 1.

    Hi Chris,

    It's my husband's birthday on 1st April. He's one year younger than you!

    Happy Birthday for Thursday, and that's no joke!!!!!!
    Dhabi Girl

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning CLP and other assorted bloggers!

    Happy birthday week!

    What a FAB FAB FAB time was had in Glasgow - Thanks CLP for bringing us bloggers together!

    THANK YOU to the wonderful Mary and Chrissie for being amazing hosts to!



  • Comment number 3.

    My boss and I, and two other co-workers all share May 1st as our birthday, albeit in different years :O)

    It means we all get free birthday drinks in the pub from the boss, but it also means we can't hide, I mean work from home, on our birthday.

  • Comment number 4.

    Happy birthday Hells Bells. I am sorry, but I dont believe Johnny is the same age as Helen. He HAS to be older than 21.
    Happy birthday Johnny and CLP for later in the week

    Best wihes to all the bloggers. I am glad the Glasgow meet was a success.


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning each

    Quick pop in and out. Nice to have everything you want Chris, makes for a happy and contented life.


  • Comment number 6.

    Wow Chris, all Aries. Does this mean that you all get on or all clash, not sure. Anyway Happy 1st April birthday.

    I don't know anyone with a birthday this week but I married my ex husband on 1st April which was appropriate as it turned out.

    Mu7st go now, squirrels to feed.


  • Comment number 7.

  • Comment number 8.

    I didn't say anything, I just hit the wrong button.....

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    LOL mtd - you are as dozy as me! I am SOOOOO tired today - 2 late nights in a row and I'm rubbish!


  • Comment number 10.

    I know what you mean Debs - (whispers - how was yesterday afternoon????)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    Happy birthday week everyone.

    I am so pleased to hear the scottish meet went so well!!!! The recent meets have clashed with other things I have had on but I am hopeful of coming to one soon!!!

    I had a lovely weekend and met up with my best friend ( a monthly occurance) at Jamies Italian in Guildford - fab food and company!

    Have a great one and all.

    Cathmel x x

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning Christoph,

    Happy Birthday to Hels Bels for today.

    Can you please wrong bong Jonny. I believe he said last week that he shared his bithday with Neil Kinnock, well according to the Daily Telegraph Neil's birthday was on Sunday!!

    Glad the Glasgow meet went well and that you all had a great time.

    I did something for the first time yesterday - went to the cinema on my own!!


  • Comment number 13.

    Glad you had a good time in Disneyland in Paris. Saw the photos of Tash and Noah on Twitter - he looks like you. Have a good birthday you and Jonny. Also, have a good Easter break.

  • Comment number 14.

    Nearly forgot to mention CLP - loved the 8.05 jingle this morning, absolute classic - blanking out the 'Friday'.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Ali - good for you! I often go on my own on a Saturday afternoon if no one else wants to see the filums I want to see! Hope you enjoyed the film.


  • Comment number 16.

    Hi everyone!

    Happy birthday Hels Bells! Have a great day!

    Haven't caught up on the blog over the weekend but hope the Glasgow meet was good and did not involve A & E in any way! Still any chardonnay to be found in Glasgow??!!

    Spent this morning in rheumatology - poked, prodded, x-rayed, booked for MRI and shot full of steroids but the shoulder is still frozen. I hoped Spring would wake it up a bit - you know, get up one morning to find a daffodil sprouting - but like the Selfish Giants garden, the shoulder remains firmly in winter mode.

    My big excitement of the weekend was getting the hair chopped. Decided I was getting a bit old for long locks so now have a nice shoulder length bob. Trouble is, its gone curly so look like Orphan Annie. Am now avoiding being captured by a wicked witch and locked in a tower as the handsome prince won't be able to rely on my long tresses and will need a ladder.

    What is in those steroid shots???!!!!!!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi everyone,

    Glad you all had a great time at Disneyland, however I'm sure it wasn't as good a time as we all had in Glasgow.

    Started off at 1pm in All Bar One drinking rose wine like there was no tomorrow, then onto La Tasca for din dins and more wine - very nice, then to The famous (or should I say infamous) Horseshoe Bar for Karaoke great fun and guess what - yes more wine. The only one of our group who sang was Jovial and he was fab! Everyone was just lovely, Mary and Chrissie did so well with the organising and the Saturday went like clockwork. Sunday met up again for lunch and Jovial treated us birthday girls to a lovely bottle of champagne, thank you very much. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I had the car on the Sunday as I think I drank enough rose wine to last me a lifetime on Saturday. It really was lovely to meet everyone. Thank you all so much.



  • Comment number 18.

    Come on Miss P, photo on facebook please - sounds lovely.


    p.s. Did we scare MummyJay off after the London meet?

  • Comment number 19.

    Hello lovely people

    Been sooo busy and haven't popped in for a few days, hope all's well.

    I'm exhausted. Night out with hospital mates, night out with work (Alice in Wonderland is odd!)ending with cocktails. Day out at the West End (Blood Brothers is fantastic-see it!)

    Now back to Monday again. Is it me or are the years going quicker?!

    Birthdays, mine is next in my family...37 in May. Life begins at 40 so plenty to look forward to :o)

    Very hectic here in the world of baking...back later.


    Me x

  • Comment number 20.

    Christoph, seeing as we are clearing things up today, this always amazes me about birthdays:

    In a group of 23 randomly-selected people, there's a 50% that 2 of them will have the same birthday. To get the probability of a shared birthday up to 99% you only need 57 people.

    It's crazy, but it's true.

    Amy_E x

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi Gail! So glad you had a good time!

    Will try to get a pic on FB - I will ask the man nicely if he will take my photo!

    Not sure what happened to Mummy Jay - was thinking of her at the weekend. I did text a couple of times but no reply. MJ - if you are out there, come back!

    Amy_E - that does work! We went to a gig at Hammersmith Appollo couple of years back and there was a powercut so we were kept outside. To while away the time, we did start the "Birthday Analysis" and out of the 100 or so people surveyed, 14 had the same birthday as Mr P, 12 had the same as me, another 12 had the same as my friend. Uncanny!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 22.

    Its a drizzly Monday in this part of the world.

    Glad the Glasgow shin dig went well, and everyone was safe and sound !

    Well, the passport update.......... my brother and his GF are currently killing four hours over in Newport, awaiting new passports. Its not for sure it will happen but the odds look good so far. I am so anxious they get off on their trip. Am supposed to be having my blood pressure checked tomorrow, i may put it off as right now it must be off the scale.

    Deev, good luck on the interview and the navigational nightmare,

    Laters taters

    MC xx

  • Comment number 23.

    MC - fingers crossed for them - tell them to wave at me when they go past! Check out FB photos of Glasgow shin dig - there's one of me with a SOFT DRINK!!!!



  • Comment number 24.

    Hey up CLP - sounded to me like a fabby time was had by one and all (particularly that Jonny Sports Saunders).

    Glasgow meeters - glad it was a success with no A&E trips - well done. ;) MTD, was not surprised to see you were last woman standing - did you get any sleep over the weekend or are you peacefully zzzzing it up at your desk today?

    JG - well done on getting part 1 of your plan into action. Finley sounds like both my boys - they hated being harnessed in to anything and would do that straightbacked resistance thing when they were being strapped into their car seats / buggies. Hopefully the pair of you will make it to the seaside next time.

    LostAliBaba - well done on going to the cinema on your tod - what did you see?

    From the previous blog - DoI was blimmin' fantastic wasn't it? T & D's Bolero was amazing and I just love the Jai (?sp) Ho routine. I had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes too. Hayley and Dan were rightful winners - their Bolero was spellbinding.

    Cheryl, hope you made it through Spag junction okay and I hope the interview went well. Just think, when you get / accept the job driving through said junction will be second nature before too long.

    I've had a fanastic weekend. Elder gorgeous boy had his Duke of Edinburgh practice bronze exped which he thoroughly enjoyed. Younger gorgeous boy had a footie match yesterday and yes the trend goes on - they got beat again - 9-1. Little troopers tho', they keep their heads up and fight to the end. I got some rhubarb planted yesterday afternoon, after clearing a veritable thicket of nettles. Lolloped on loads of horse manure and we're now looking forward to scrummy crumbles and fools. Elderly gorgeous Mum had a fall yesterday so have spent a fretful few hours wondering how she is. Doctor has said it's just bruising so we're all calm again. She's already had a broken hip which resulted in a hip replacement and we didn't want her to have to go through all that again.

    Anyhoo, lunchtime is now officially over so I'd better crack on.

    Hope you're all having a grand day - yippee for four day weeks (well three day weeks for me).


  • Comment number 25.

    Amy-E and MissP.

    I am finding this Birthday Analysis fascinating. Why don't the bloggers put this to the test.

    I am 5th July.

    Kind regards


  • Comment number 26.

    Debs, I was so drunk on the Saturday night that on Sunday I played safe, took the car and was on the Irn Bru!



  • Comment number 27.


    Soft drink, questions must be asked !!!! , it must have been a set up ;-)

    Will tell them to wave, they are leaving Heathrow Wed am all being well.

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 28.

    24th March.

  • Comment number 29.

    14 April

  • Comment number 30.

    MC, Gail - LOL
    It was for Carol - I was helping out carrying back from bar!
    Me - nope carried on to the bitter end like the trooper I am - paying for it now big style! Even the waiter was calling me Lady Chardonnay! :-)


  • Comment number 31.

    Greetings CLP, Jono S & INDEED 'ells Bells Of 'ull... & INDEED ALL Blog Ops...

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP/ Jono S/ 'ells - WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!! All yer birthdee's being so close.... that iz the reason why yer all so close!!!!!
    Alotta astro compatibiltiy there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The only thing a thought 'ells waz a gemini???????
    Looks like a goot me wires crossed... a remember being in the lift with 'er.... and loooking inter 'er eyes & a waz getting gemini!!!!!!!!
    Maybe 'er moon rising iz gemini but 'er sun rising iz aries!!!???@?!!!!

    PS Yer all looookin' good for yer ages.... CLP looooks 36 ter me.... Jono S..... 29.25..... and 'ells about 27 terrrrrr 28 ter me!!!!!!!!!!!

    Talkin' of birthdee's and aries dudes... so missed yer birthdee Annie G again!!!!!!
    Been busy working 15 'ours dees all weekend..... so only just ad teem ter glance at the blog know, sorry now!!!!!!

    Annie G - Again like a say ter most blog pals..... can a just wish you a>>>>>>

    BIG BELATED 'APPY BIRTHDEE..... & 'APPY BIRTHDEE FOR NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (just so a can say next year when am late that a waz actuually early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Gotta go... gotta load of lucozade ter deliver ter GSK!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS CLP - Still wondering if a should tell all about me confession of 'ow ave been using CLP az a good chat up line lately - IT WORKS MOST WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Gailyb

    Not far off on the zzzzing side, although I had less to drink on Saturday than I did on Friday and even less on Sunday than I did on Saturday....... The hotel room was very hot though and what with the clocks going forward, the generator being filled up early each morning just outside my room (there was an exhibition in the square outside the hotel) and the roadworks that started at 8.00 am on Sunday, I didn't get a great deal of sleep - but all in all still 10.5 (had to go down a bit from 11 coz I'm soooooo tired).

    MK - 29th December

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    mmmmm you nearly had me there for a nano second.

    Dont feel bad ....., think of the work the bottle bank emptiers will have this week.
    Look on it as helping the local economy ;-)

    MC xxx who is unable to concentrate today xxxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Afternoon All,

    Sounds like Glasgow was fun...
    Not much to report or to say tbh...lol...
    August 26th...



  • Comment number 35.

    A big HURRAH for two 4 day weeks.


    29th March.

  • Comment number 36.

    17 July

    Quick someone, prove me right!!

  • Comment number 37.

    1 December

  • Comment number 38.

    MTF - today?????

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi Bingo - hope you're well.

    MTF - I was wrong thinking it's a three day week for me - I have Fridays off anyway so it's still a four day week for me and I'm on hols next week. However, taking the following Thursday off so will have a 3 day week then - yippee!!!

    I don't think I'll ever make it to a blog meet - my capacity for the intake of alcohol is just above nil :(


  • Comment number 40.

    mtd - MTF is telling porkies!
    who is keeping bottle bank employess gainfully employed!

  • Comment number 41.

    MTD - still managing 10.5, I am impressed and glad you don't have post bloggers meet blues. Will check out the photies on FB later.

  • Comment number 42.

    Debs/GailyB, - I saw The Blind Side, which considering my infacuation with SB comes as no surprise to anyone...LOL. I did feel quite liberated and will defo do it again.

    MC, Fingers crossed that they get their passports successfully.

    I am sure there are lots of things that I've read that I feel I should comment on, but I might forget something and then upset someone! Sorry!


    18 August - I have three other friends who share the same birthday!

  • Comment number 43.

    GailyB - you must defo come to a blog meet and not let the limited drinking capacity stop you - you can be in charge of the camera and remind us all how daft we were!


  • Comment number 44.

    Afternoon all

    Glad you all had a great time in Glasgow. Lots of hangovers by the sound of it.

    MK - 13 February.


  • Comment number 45.

    PS A forgoot ter say......

    BIG 'APPY BIRTHDEE GREETINGS TER 'ELLS BELLS OF 'ULL... 'UMBERSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aka CLP's BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PPS Can a just add.... a see Gazza iz in the news again terdee.... shame 'e keeps gettin' inter trouble!!!!!!!!!
    But a notice terdee.... 'e seesm ter be looookin' good for 'is age.... then it 'it me.... it'it me who 'e reminds me of..... the third brother outta Bros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS GailBevs - Ello ter yersen & thanks for askin'.... am well... presently me faculties are in the correct order... only tempoririaralily though!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    PS Am presently waiting ter unload 16,248 bottles of lucozade... one of me fav drinks... wondering should a go inter the back of me rig for a few swigs!!!!!!!
    Yesterdee a delivered 126,000 empty cans of Strongbow ter a brewery for filling up... ALSO one of me fav drinks... Am doing well lately noot ter end up drunk on the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bye.... again!!!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    Hello all

    So sorry i missed Glasgow as you sound like you had the usual wonderful gathering - at the moment though I am still trying to keep the lurgy at bay!

    10th March


  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Susan

    We missed you too... Hope you feel better soon.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    PS Amy #20 - A waz just reading yer commentation... interesting about the odds of sharing yer birthdee with someone!!!!!!!

    But what are the odds of when yer 13/ 14 yer get the train 40 miles & then cycle 12 miles from the nearest station ter go ter Oulton Park ter watch motor racing... and yer even do exercises from 14... az yer dream iz ter be a racing driver!!!!!!!!!
    Then one dee when yer about 23... yer at the GP qualifiying & yer spot noot only do yer share yer birthdee with one of only 22 GP drivers in the world.... but yer born on EXACTLY the same dee!!!!!!!

    This waz the case with me & Giancarlo Fisichella!!!!!!!!!!

    Shame 'is F1 career 'as ended now - 'e's still the Ferrari F1 test driver.... but 'e starts 'is next part of 'is racing career driving a Ferrari 430 in the LeMans Series on 11th April!!!!!!!

    And 'ow good iz that gonna be... me all teem 'ero Nigel Mansell with 'is sons are also taking part in the same series this year!!!!!!

    So me two top 'eros of motorsport will all be racing in the same race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anbd it gets better.... the series visits Silverstone on September 12th - A WILL BE THERE 199% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not racing though sadly... can't afford it!!!!!!!


    If ever a win the lottery or me shares go mega... a would defo enter the British Touring Car Championship az a privateer entry!!!!!!!!
    Anyone gotta spare 200k plus?????????

    Bye again!!!!!

  • Comment number 50.

    A can't believe the blog ploice are still aving te rmoderate me blogs!!!!!!!

    A seem ter remember a blogger who caued alotta friction on the blog last year... she didn't get az closly watched az a am know, sorry now!!!!!!!

    Ah it's all too much for me mind!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS A do like th eblog ploice... ave met some of them... and they were/ are VERY nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wonder if they are aries too???????????

  • Comment number 51.

    PS Glad all 'ad a nice teem at the Glasgow meet!!!!!!!!

    Wish a could ave been there!!!!!!!!

    Glad yer ok too Debs after the London meet mayhem!!!!!!

    PS A am in Glasgow next month for ther afternoon... the 20th!!!!!!


  • Comment number 52.

    Miss P. maybe the steroids need a bit of time to work. Are you pleased with your new haircut?

    MC, still got fingers crossed for your brother and his girlfriend. Hope they get passports.


  • Comment number 53.

    Bingo - I think the blog police are at lunch. Have you asked when your probation ends???

    Hi CSN, how are the daughters?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    Afternoon all, I am sat here in the conservatory listening to the rain hammering down ... yet again!! was hoping to get out in the garden! but that plan has failed.

    Good luck for today Deevs, hope you mastered Spag Juntion and the interview went well.

    CSN fingers crossed for your daughters, hope the 'bundles of joy' arrive safely and SOON xx

    JG was reading about Finlays adventures yesterday, we have special doggie seat belt (procured from tinternet which discreetly fits into the seat belt slot and then onto their harness, they are really good have used them since I had my soft top as my little terrorist always wanted to attack any lorries/pedestrians/other dogs!! also stops them from becoming very heavy, mobile projectiles if you have to break suddenly.

    Glad everyone survived the Glasgae Meet and had a good time and am hoping to get to a 'meet' soon.

    Have waffled on long enough so off to make a cup of tea and indulge in some cake :)
    GM xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi MTD, Resting and waiting, midwife told older daughter Saturday morning, baby is in position to arrive anytime now.

    Hi Bingo, hope your ok.


  • Comment number 56.

    Thanks GM, I agree with you, think they have both had enough of being housebound.


  • Comment number 57.

    Oh and Happy Birthday to all Birthday peeps, mine is 28th May but as it is the milestone one that fits between the big 40 and the previous age for ladies to retire I am trying to ignore it!! ;)

    There seems to be no let up in this rain so think tonights healthy meal of fresh fish n salad is being ditched for something more comforting!
    Gm xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Noooo GM, that is one to be celebrated. It is much better than 40 believe me.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    MTD I hope so and I have an inkling that my beautiful daughter and my OH are planning things!!
    GM xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Ello ALL....

    Just 'ad me 16,000 bottles of Lucozade unloaded but just 'ad an argument with the forklight nutter!!!!!!!!!!!

    Went inter ther office being ploite & of a smiling nature and a said "ave goot alouda Lucozade!!!!!"
    E looked at me and snapped "yer should ave gone onto bay 14!!!!!"
    A replied "security just told me ter come... 'ere!!!!!"
    Any way a reversed onter bay... 14!!!!!!
    Then opened me curtains & went back ter the office ter getta cuppa coffee outta the.... coffee machine!!!!!!!
    Next thing the same bloke now on a forlift truck SCCCCCCREAMS at me.... "MOVE YER TRUCK BACK..... MOVE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (well 'e didn't ad the AHHH but 'e nearly did!!!!)
    A said "ok calm down....!!!" ('e wanted me ter move it back... 18 inches just ter be a total t**r!!!!!)
    Calmly a goot me cuppa coffee and waz just about ter go back ter me truck when e SCCCRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMED!!!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>>>>>>
    "MOVE YER TRUCK....... MOVE YER TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    A just looked at 'im with a clam looook and said "calm down.... calm down.... am about ter move it.... callllm down!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Next thing 'e's next ter me SCCCCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!
    A said more firmly but polite "looook am noot ere ter be shouted at... am about ter move it!!!!!!
    Am nootta child... am noot 'ere ter be shouted at!!!!!!!"
    Next thing 'e's SCREAMING at me.... "ave goota lotta trucks ter unload!!!!"
    A said "am about ter move it.... there's no need ter ave such a bad attitude!!!!!!"
    Then E says "i'll show you 'iow a can ave an attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    So probably know, sorry now, am banned from the Lucozade factory for.... daring ter answer back for taking abuse off a NUTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A feel sorry for 'im az 'e loooks like 'e needs ter go ter the gym abit.... and 'e looooks rough.... like on the edge of a 'eart attack!!!!!!

    Roll on the railway.... where a can work with proper more intelligent proffassional people.... or showbizz!!!!!!!

    PS The coffee waz like sewer water... a threw it away!!!!!!!!! (think they should stick ter makin' Lucozade!!!!!)

    Onter me meet me next friendly British person!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 61.

    PS ALL - Ter add ter above.... ave noticed all these stressed out dudes.... a think it's me calmness that seesm ter wind them up more.... coupled with me good looooks & 'igh charisma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe they should try abitta accupunture & yoga!!!!!!! Works for me!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh & the bananas & Lucozade diet ter stay young loooooking!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 62.

    GM, you have to celebrate it. MTD is right, much better than 40.


  • Comment number 63.

    I am a very rude person. Wittering on about haircuts and shoulders and completely missing the bit I really meant to say which was:

    Happy Birthdays to Annie and MTF!!!!! I am sure you celebrated in style!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 64.

    Bingo you are a star ... cos I would have reversed said truck over him n given him something to scream about ;)

  • Comment number 65.

    good afternoon all,
    Hope you all enjoyed your weekends away all of you .

    Chris ,heard you say it was a bit cold where you were but hope you all enjoyed the weekend ,it's nice to get away isn't it .

    Birthdays ,well I think April is my worst month for birthdays and have one nearly every other day so buy all the cards in one hit ,write them and post them at the beginning of the month then no one is forgotten .

    Hope your all having a good Monday .


  • Comment number 66.

    Afternoon each

    Back from doing a couple of hours of work - that's a third of my working week.

    Bingo, thanks muchly for the birthday wishes, you daft so-and-so. Hope life is getting better for you.

    CSN: Waiting with baited breath for your baby news.

    Like Ali, I get to the bottom and forget half what I wanted to say. So, hallo to everyone, lovely to see you.


  • Comment number 67.


    Good to hear that the Glasgow meet went off well! Debs - glad no blackeyes this time and hope therewas sufficient chardonnay to go round!

    MTD - hope you had a blast too!

    Ali - never done that before but on my list of 'things to do'! Was BlindSide any good? SB won an Oscar for it??

    Debbie C - sounds like a good few days - can't beat cocktails!

    Gail - hope your mum is ok.

    Miss P - your shoulder sounds painful, hope it unfreezes itself soon!

    This almost sounds like a blog register!

    I had a great weekend - started and finished with GG at mine which was good and in between I had my niece & nephews for the day - what angels!

    AS who thinks Monday should be re-named CBA day :)

  • Comment number 68.

    'Lo everybody!

    Hope you've all had a good day

    Bingo, did you not try "Don't you know who I am?!?!" on the Loco Luco man?

    Just remembered something I meant to say ages ago. My mum is now listening to the Breakfast show but only when she's in the car as my dad can't stand music radio so does that count as another half-listener?

    Bit worried, anyone heard from Deevs recently? Hope she's not still tangled up in Spaghetti Junction!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Goldiesmum - Ello very nice ter talk to you!!!!!!!!
    'ow iz Goldie these dees & 'ow are 'is gold teeth... especially after 'e waz in The Big Brother 'ouse last year!!!!!!
    Or waz it the one before!!!!!!????@?

    The good news iz am now at the Unilever factory waiting ter load a load of soap powder.... and the staff ere ave all been very nice ter me!!!!!!!!!
    Most nice in fact!!!!!!!!!
    They are all female so maybe that's goot something terdo with it... they probably don't feel threatened by my good looooks & 'igh charisma!!!!!!

    Annie G - A pleasue ter be able ter wish such an nice & friendly blog pal a 'appy birthdee!!!!!!! Am just VERY sorry at it being a belated wish!!!!! Soz Annie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Az for life.... yes it all 'as totally turned aroooound for me!!!!!!!!!
    In fact me only complaint iz a feel bad ave noot recently bought a lottery ticket while am on a roll!!!!!!!!
    Everything iz going unbelievably good for me!!!!!!
    Take the other dee.... a waz on me way ter London... me new girlfirend waz saying 'er daughter would like ter go ter Legoland, maybe over Easter!!!!!!!
    A said ok when a see 'er in London we can discuss/ finalise the details!!!!
    Ave 'ad some vouchers for Legoland, amongst a few places, in me wallet for over 6 months... only problem it 'as expired!!!!!!
    Then at Lime Street station a bought noot one but two bananas before boarding me.... ter release the creative mental powers on me way ter London............ And what does the assitant 'and me..... LEGOLAND vouchers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Then by the teem a arrive at London.... a get off the train & whilst on the train me investments ave gone up & am 4k richer!!!!!!!
    Then in London me new grilfriend tells me all a wanter 'ear!!!!!!!! Aka all goes VERY well!!!!!!!!!!
    THen a end up in Trafalgar Square at 3am.... looooking for the coreeeect bus 'ome!!!!!!!!

    A tell yer this iz just a small bit of what keeps 'appening te rme lately!!!!!!!!!

    Am noot boasting.... don't misunderstand me.... am just sharing the very positive/ good times with all..... az a did share the very negative/ bad times with all recently on the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe at last the years of badness in me life iz behind me and at last... at last things are finally turning the corner for the better!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some of the things wrote on the blog recently.... a would never end me life.... but when life continually gets so bad.... keeps going bad.... despite me trying ter make me life good..... yer get ter a point where yer question why yer ere.... and do yer really want this 'orrible life that yer living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But maybe at last the VERY difficult period I went through... of which it's 'ard ter expalin.. but it wasn't just one thing going wrong.... it waz everything!!!!!!!!!!!
    And when yer need yer close friend the most they desert you.... it makes it almost too unbearable ter live with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But maybe recently me .... yet again bad period that a went through... and believe me ave been through so many... maybe this waz me capitualtion of the bad times.... and at last me life iz gonna turn & let me live.... let me get what a want... whatta need!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All the above iz a very good example of why yer should not end yer life if things get so bad!!!!!!!!

    A know life isn't meant ter be a breeze.... ter be easy!!!!!!!
    We all come up against serious problems in life.... but sometimes when life never gives yer a break.... yer mind does become clouded.... yer spirit broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But the strang ething iz after all ave been through.... it's mad eme stronger.... noot weaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A really do feel stronger & a better person for all ave been through!!!!!!!

    And the great thing iz.... when the good times come..... it feel all the sweeter.... yer appreciate it more for seeing 'ow bad life can be.... before it becomes good!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PEACE & LOVE TER ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 70.

    For goodness sake Bingo!!!!!!


  • Comment number 71.

    Dear Modders

    Please can Bingo be un-pre-modded now?

    I can see, and I think many others would also agree, that he is thinking carefully about what he posts so, in effect, is pre-modding himself

    If you are unhappy with what he post, you can always put him back on pre-mod

    Thank You


  • Comment number 72.

    Hi all

    Well, it's my Dad's and my brothers birthday on 1st April, so there can be coincidences in the same family, and I've just remembered it's March 29th and I haven't got them a card each yet! Doh!

    I'll have to raid my box of cards for emergencies!

    Goldie, thanks for the link, I'll get one of those I think, if our jaunts are to continue! I did make sure he could fall on the floor without dangling off the seat if I had to stop quickly, and it's only a two-seater, so he can't hit me! In my last car he learned how to stand on the window controls to get them open, but he can't do it in this car!

    Ali, I wouldn't dare go to the cinema alone, as I have a tendancy to fall asleep - how embarrassing would that be?! At least Mr JG nudges me to stop the snoring! Well actually, we've not been for ages as he reckons it's not worth the money for me to have a snooze!

    It's persisting it down here, so my plan for a walk to the more local park have been scuppered, and looks like we're going to get more of the same all week! I hope it's better on Friday, as I have a long drive to Wales on my own!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Hi Seza and Annie, yes, frustrating for us and Bingo, please modders???

    Oh, dammit, phone....

    JG x

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi JG, I was going to say you should ask MW'a about a harness but Golie beat me to it

    Seza xx

    5th Sept btw

  • Comment number 75.

    Piddling down here too JG. Was lovely and sunny in Glasgow, then we came back along the M8 into rain and it hasn't stopped since. AND - snow forecast for tomorrow and Wednesday. Think I'll stay in me jimjams.


  • Comment number 76.

    Oh there you are Bingo. Can see why the moddies needed to have a closer look at your post, but nice to see they've reinstated you. Glad everything is going well for you.


  • Comment number 77.

    Off to try out all my lovely smellies, might be some time.

    Deev: 3 things when you're home, if you don't mind.


  • Comment number 78.

    Aw bums, meant 3 rings Deevs. xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Snow started!!

    Off to my bath with smelly stuff.


  • Comment number 80.

    Lovely to see the blog's back to k
    normal. I'm going to try to pop in more often but work's very busy at present. I'm finding myself leaving home just after 7 in the morning and not getting back in until almost 8 in the evening. Can't keep up this pace for long but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

    JG - i love hearing about Findley. With your permission I'd like him to be my surrogate dog. He does keep me entertained with all his adventures.

    MC - fingers crossed for your little bro. I do hope they can get away.

    All at the Glasgow meet - you were, as usual, wonderful!

    30 December 1970!


  • Comment number 81.

    Oops. Blooming iPhones!


  • Comment number 82.

    Evening Pip.

    Oh, lovely, garden is turning white!!


  • Comment number 83.

    hi all and great to see you back PiP!
    22nd November 1967 (4th anniversary of JFK's assassination and exact same birthdate as Boris Becker)

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    Hello guys and gals,

    Just popping in as some of you may remember that we set a date for our wedding.

    Well, I'm sorry to say, its now not happening.

    Long story, I might get to tell it sometime.

    Muchos amores,

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 85.

    PS - 24th Jan which is the same as either alright flower, somerset phoenix or sparklytinsel.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 86.

    Pip, you are very welcome to have him as a surrogate dog, would you like him this weekend, as he's going to kennels?

    Or maybe MC fancies her chances with him?

    Anyroad up, he's off to kennels (which he loves) and I'm off to me sister's in Wales, and himself is off to petrol-head land at Thruxton! In my car!! Although given the forecast, he's probably welcome to it!

    I think I might need his to get to my sister's place being as it is in the wilds of the Wales!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 87.

    Awww MW,a - What's happening?

    Hope you are OK?

    JG x

  • Comment number 88.

    Hello Everybody Peeps,

    Blimmin' 'eck today has gone from the usual do-able Monday to a completely pear-shaped Monday :( I'm on extended taxi duties this evening. The kid who's Dad normally picks up from air cadets isn't going tonight, one of the other lads has hurt his back and the third lad isn't going 'cos his Mum couldn't be bothered going out to collect them at 9pm. Elder gorgeous boy didn't want to miss the D of E debrief so I'm having to venture out in the persisting precipitation with younger gorgeous boy who is all ready to pop in his bed on our return bless him. Aarrgghh!! Is it me?

    #40 Debs, I don't mind being sober and in charge of the camera, just feel like a bit of a party pooper (boring).

    MC - any word on the travellers? I hope they manage to get away. I'm assuming the surprise has been spoiled now :(


  • Comment number 89.

    #84 MW'A - really sorry to hear your news. I hope you're okay. Take care anyway. You have the same birthday as my friend from school - I've known her since we were 5 and she's so lovely. Haven't seen her for a while tho' :(


  • Comment number 90.

    You wouldn't be the only party pooper, I don't drink but it really is funny, watching the others gettting all unneccessary!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    MW, a!
    Sorry, meant to say sorry that your plans have had to be cancelled/postponed
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 92.

    Ah, bless Mariella. Hope you're ok. xxxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Three rings from me!

    MWa - you ok? Email me or ring if you need and ear.

    Back later - tea is calling!


  • Comment number 94.

    I'm 'playing' cyberquest at the mo. I have something attached to my back with lights flashing and younger gorgeous boy (ygb) keeps shooting me which is fine but the gun attached to the think on my back is sitting in my lap and keeps vibrating! Very strange sensation.

    Tiggs, you and I can keep each other company and have a giggle at the others.


  • Comment number 95.

    My thoughts exactly Gaily, need to co-ordinate diaries now!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 96.


    So you are wanting for nothing eh?

    I bet that if a nice new shiney Ferrari turned up you wouldn't send it back.

  • Comment number 97.

    Tiggs, that sounds like a plan. :)

  • Comment number 98.

    Evening all,

    Happy birthdays to all celebrating this week.

    MWa - I'm sorry your plans have changed - hope you're OK xx

    22nd June, 2 jobs ago there were 3 of us with the same birthday in the same dept. Lots of cake that day!


  • Comment number 99.

    Ello ello ello,

    MWa sorry to hear yor plans have changed , hope you are Ok.

    JG , I would have loved to have dog sat for you, i read that you were at Pennington Flash yesterday, I was at my MIL's over in Lowton , only a short drive away.

    Have just this minute heard from my brother and they are heading back to London with two new passports. Am so thrilled i just had to eat a packet of mini eggs to calm myself down. Apparently , she still dosent know where they are going, except she does know she needs a passport !

    I love surprises and i am so chuffed they are going.

    MC xxx

    PS Manchester just been knocked out of University challenge Boo hisssss

  • Comment number 100.

    Annie - I hope the white stuff shifts soonly.

    Hope you've all had a groovy Monday despite the lack of sunshine.

    Night night everybody peeps. I'm off to collect EGB.



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