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Jonny and I at the ice rink for ice hockey challenge...

Chris Evans | 10:56 UK time, Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Genuinely scared - but I have had a great life - so if today is goodbye, I have had a decent throw of the dice.

Arrived early, so nipped off for a quick coffee in nearby Dalston. Really nice coffee and a flaky hot croissant with jam. Was gonna resist the croissant, but suddenly realised it might be my last chance to have one - so I thought what the hell.

Is this what it feels like to be on Death Row, when only you know you've done nothing wrong and they deliver your final meal ?

I have nearly finished my coffee now... my croissant is already in the past tense. I want to order another one - and just sit here for ever.

Whose idea were these Sporting Challenges anyway ?


D'oh !





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  • Comment number 1.

    That's the spirit Chris, positive thinking...!

  • Comment number 2.

    Hahahaha Christoff, I've a hunch your time on Planet Earth isn't quite up yet.

    There might be a few bits missin', mind....

    Bless. And good luck, Sunshine!!


  • Comment number 3.

    ..An' wear a clean vest an' pants. Yous don't want to look scruffy on that stretcher.


  • Comment number 4.


    Just hilarious! You and Jonny will be fine ... I hope!

    Have a great time - and give as good as you get!

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 5.

    good luck the pair of you - last time I went skating i went really really fast and then my blade caught a groove and I fell flat on my face - but I lived to tell the tale


  • Comment number 6.

    Chris, maybe you need to rein back a little on this feature - try Scalextric next week, or maybe Chess?

    Of course, that's if you make it to next week... Johnnie Walker fans up and down the country are crossing their fingers as we speak :-)

  • Comment number 7.

    You are ONLY playing Ice Hockey. How difficult can it be. ha ha.

    Good luck to you both.


  • Comment number 8.

    Anyway Chris. Of COURSE it's not like bein' on Death Row.

    Well, unless the wires get crossed to your under-seat heatin', an' yous wear the colander on your head for protection wit too much hair gel.

    That might wake yous up a bit.

    Clodagh Perrepoint.x

  • Comment number 9.


    I am so looking forward to the video on Friday!!

    Thanks again for todays show. You played some belters, Donny O, Dave Edmunds, Chicory Tip.. I thought I'd gone back in time and had a Life on Mars moment.

    I wont say 'break a leg', ooops just have! Seriously, relax and have fun.


  • Comment number 10.


    Sporting Challenges idea is a good one; choosing ice hockey as one of the sports isn't. What's next? - Sliding down a mountain on a tea tray?
    Maybe Johnny will be out to exact revenge on you for all the hassle you give him...;O)


  • Comment number 11.

    Good luck but you will be ok to tell the tale tomorrow. The man upstairs will look after you all.

  • Comment number 12.

    You mad pair you.
    Don't think you should have eaten though Chris - they will have to delay giving you the anaesthetic now.

    More pain killers nurse !

    Backgammon from hospital beds next week?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Clodagh, you are tres incorrigeable! My screen nearly had a wash then!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 14.

    captainstella3 - I didn't know the controller of Radio 2 played ice hockey.

    I'll get me coat...

  • Comment number 15.

    You genuinely are worried aren't you?
    Well I wish I could say otherwise but you should be.
    My mate that plays is never without a broken finger or a black eye......strangest thing is - he loves it!

    Can I formally offer you the use of our Rugby club for your next challenge?
    You can bring Mr Carling along and I'll get our Vet's together!
    Let me know if you're up fort it.

    Lots of luck



    PS Clodagh my little turnip farmer. Re the last blog....Shy? Did you miss off the ster? x

  • Comment number 16.

    I wrote last week about how my Dad loved your show (at 87) and he still does! Yesterday he said 'he is a right cock bird that Chris Evans.

  • Comment number 17.

    Wendy - I'm liking your dad!


  • Comment number 18.

    Wendy- is that a good thing or a bad thing?

    My cockerel, Monty, thinks its Spring already, my girls are not impressed!!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 19.

    Come to think of it, he thinks that Spring is all year round!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Oops got a bit left behind on the old blog.

    In fact if Beez hadn't been good enough to update me, I would have happily stayed over there talking to myself.

    Nothing new there then :)

    Good luck Skater Boys.

    Hope you read Clodaghs tips before the mods got hold of them, hang on, maybe that is where thay have taken them!


  • Comment number 21.

    Wendy, Noooooooooooooooooo!

    Nowt wrong with that remark in my eyes.


  • Comment number 22.

    Morning all

    Good luck Christoff, and be careful we want you both back safely tomorrow, because I have to say, imo, I think you peaked today! We had, amongst others, T Rex, Depeche Mode, Cheap Trick, Michael Jackson, BublΓ©, Donny, Elvis, I could go on. You certainly know how to make an old girl very happy. Well done, great mix, fab show.

    I see the mods are having a field day!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 23.

    uncle-carl - The man upstairs is higher up than the controller. He lives where no one else can see him.

  • Comment number 24.

    Mods- please reinstate Wendy's post. I think you'll find that her Dad was using a harmless colloquial remark. I'm only a softie Southerner, but I'm sure I remember hearing Bet Lynch in Corrie saying something similar.

  • Comment number 25.


    Glad I saw your comment before it was removed...I think you may have used a word which also means something else, albeit not in the context you meant it...!



  • Comment number 26.

    Hey Nic, about time Deevs had a coffee break??


  • Comment number 27.

    Baggy - re #5, have you been converted to the xx or was that inadvertent?


  • Comment number 28.

    TF - May be free this afternoon, I think. Also wouldn't that be cawfee in Deevs-speak?



    P.S. Any sign of the M returning any time soon?

  • Comment number 29.

    Nic - the xx were specific for CLP and Johnny - one each for luck :-)

  • Comment number 30.

    LOL Nic, I so nearly spelt it like that !!

    Nope still flapping me wings.


  • Comment number 31.

    uncle carl @6 screen moment.love it

    almost back in the land of the living
    head full of gunk and chest not doing so well either.steroids again for me.
    got to go again as i was getting all efficient and diong the filing and chucking out before usband comes home on monday.i have to start now as i hate this job..like the rewards thought !!


  • Comment number 32.

    as part of my job we are issued with AMEX cards from America - I just had to call them for a collegue and their voice recognisation software didn't recognise a british accent so cue a very bad american accent from me - its a fun old job

  • Comment number 33.

    Hi everyone,

    My Dad used to play ice hockey for Paisley Pirates when he was younger, however I think I may have a slight problem with it considering I cannot let go of the side when ice skating!! (actually more like shuffling along without lifting my feet off the ice).

    Have a good day.



  • Comment number 34.

    Hi troops!

    Had a really good morning training the new me. Coming on in leaps and bounds and I am 100% confident that by the time I leave here tomorrow pm she will have well and truly cracked it. And got the hang of the job too ....!!

    So, CLP - are you going to open Thursday morning's show with Dave Clark Five's Bits & Pieces ... pick up the pieces, bits and pieces .... x x x

    Didn't hear ALL of this morning's show but the Sinatra song, just before 8am, put the biggest smile on my face ever as it kinda sums up a lorra lorra stuff for me right now - and yes, I was dancing around my room (one more sleep!) singing along with Frank!

    And please Chris, can I represent Suffolk AND Staffordshire tomorrow morning as I shall be waking up in the former and going to sleep in the latter, as well as leaving my job tomorrow to start my new life.

    Hope you're all dandy gang - see you in a bit.




  • Comment number 35.

    Deev - I can't believe how quickly the month has gone

    1 question for your replacement - have you shown them this blog or have you made up lots of work for them to do which would have been your blogging timne :-)

  • Comment number 36.

    Baggy - I only blog when there's not much to do (or need a break from the madness), which is why I've been a tad absent this last week or so. At the mo, the firm is really busy and I think sailing the ship solo will be enough for her for now!

    I shall delete all my favourites from my IE history before I depart the orange box room tomorrow .... ;-)

    And yes, the month has (thankfully) flown by.

    And huzzah - lady boss poorly today so not in the office.



  • Comment number 37.

    Lady Boss Karma Deevs?

  • Comment number 38.

    LOL! Could be .....!


  • Comment number 39.


    Chris , I am sure as I type this the challenge is over and you and Johnny are still both in one piece. You'll be fine, go out there with a PMA ;)

    I am not really a connoisseur of music, but I know what I like and what I don't like and I find myself singing along more and more in the mornings, so you must be doing something right...keep it up. (Although I am sure my neighbours would say something different).

    Deev, I shall be listening closely tomorrow to see if you get a mention - I hope so.

    Back to the grindstone!


  • Comment number 40.

    Good luck Ali, for whatever you cant tell us yet.


  • Comment number 41.

    Thanks TF xx When are you likely to be "M" again? You wings must be worn out xx

  • Comment number 42.

    So, by the time i got out of the house, already late, I had to scrape my car , which made me even later, and then I find I missed Donny.
    Chrissie, where were you when i needed you ? LOL

    MC xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Its out of my hands I'm afraid Ali.

    Must admit, yes the wings are a bit threadbare.

    Still, onward and upwards.


  • Comment number 44.

    MC, that sounds like half a tale??


  • Comment number 45.

    Has anyone else had frost?

    We have got really persistent heavy rain.


  • Comment number 46.

    Where's that Beez, she mentioned snow!


  • Comment number 47.

    Blinkin' freezy here MTF!

    Now, this has tickled me so I wanna share with you lovely blogettes ....

    I can ring my bank and tell them I have a new address, and can they please send all my statements to that new addy from hereon in. Sorted.

    However ....

    I ring ELH for another Clubcard in order that me 'n' im can have one each (the decadance!!) to be told the Account Holder (ie MrRolastic) has to call them himself, due to the Data Protection Act.

    I actually questioned how many fraudsters would be so kind as to want to earn Clubcard points for those they were planning on defrauding ....

    Over you to you Nic!


  • Comment number 48.

    Sorry MC, tail, doh!!!

    (Puppy Love)

    Time I was offf.


  • Comment number 49.

    Ahoy ahoy!

    Lincoln is a blinking long way from where I live, still, back now.

    Here's hoping Chris and Jonny are close to the end of their ordeal, which I'm sure will have been a right laugh after all that worry.

    Baggy - I know what you mean reference certain songs. The Bonnie Raitt song I can't make you love me has a profound effect on me (ooer!), and I enjoy George Michael's version just as much. But.......if Chris ever plays the Peter Andre version that SW played yesterday, I won't be responsible for my actions. I am quite often moved to tears by that song, but never more so than yesterday afternoon.

    One more thing - I've got two fitters working in Cambridge this week. They've just called me to say that they have just seen Prof Stephen Hawking.....they were going to chat to him, but chickened out.
    What I wouldn't give to have been a fly on that wall if they had!



    xxx x

  • Comment number 50.

    CCome on Cheryl, you know it makes sense................



  • Comment number 51.

    Cheryl - I was stuck behind a van all the way home last night and thought of you ....... the van belonged to a metalworking company and their name was DIVA!! I was tittering away to meself all the way from Canterbury to Deal.

    And while I've got this rare opportunity to blog, all happiness to you and Mr Lastic xxxx

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 52.


    Sadly, this country is run by, and infested with, "job's worth" twerps, who do not only not know what common sense is but probably couldn't even spell either word if asked.

    I bet this doesn't happen in Sweden!!



  • Comment number 53.

    Why do I always laugh at the word Twerp!?!?!

    Jilly - lovely to see you - and thank you. I for one, can't wait!

    Cheryl x x x x

  • Comment number 54.

    Thanks Jilly - And I for two can't wait!



  • Comment number 55.

    hi all! quick visit to catch up and then off again!

    Deev - for some reason Mr CG and I ended up with 2 different club cards (i guess when they first came out) and they just linked the two card numbers together on the same account! not sure why they can't just do that with you?!
    (just over 24 hrs to go now then!! be happy both of you!!)

    back later

    CG xx

  • Comment number 56.

    deev - I know you only practice reponsible blogging - I was just teasing you ............

  • Comment number 57.

    Don't talk to me about flippin' club cards.

    I buy my beer seperately to the main shop that the CMM does (that's the kind of 'new man' I am, saves the poor loves arms!)the problem is, it's like having a bloody tracker fitted!!!!

    Still - without my beer gut, there'd be no Merlin passes!



    Who must get on with some work before someone starts nagging!

  • Comment number 58.

    Deevs, when we were issued with ELH clubcard, many moons ago, a key fob card was sent along with the main one which Mr P keeps in his car for when he fills up with diesel.

    Best wishes to you and Nic x

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 59.


    I just went down to make a cuppa for the troops here, and on reading the last few posts am welling up.

    You're all really, truly lovely people.

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Clubcard points - when i moved in with mr bp - the little hussey I am - I got him a card on my account and a key fob which he is pretty good at using. We have turned all the points into airmiles for the last 9 years (I started without him) and now have enough that might cover a nice little break in may - let me look ..........................

  • Comment number 61.

    I'm glad that the modern way in which I treat my wife has had such a profound effect on you Deev....

    Sometimes I do the ironing for her too ;^p

    BTW - did anyone hear Ken Bruce the other day talking about the fact that 'Woman's hour' were going to be using his studio?
    He followed this up with "Oh that's good, it could do with a clean!"

    I also just caught him start to mention a certain female dj's name yesterday when he and Chris were discussing the miossing bottle of drink during the handover.

    He is very funny.


    Who may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb eh?


  • Comment number 62.

    LOL Rips - you is a one!

    When I get cases of beer from the supermarket I always worry about breaking a nail or two on the trolly ......



  • Comment number 63.

    The key fob Club Cards are ok but as it stands my key-rings outnumber my keys by about 3-1 ...... my bunch of keys resemble a jailers' bunch but there's only actually 2 keys on there ...!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 64.

    LOL Rips. I didn't hear Ken this morning, did he mention anything about not being able to find any CD's because they'd all been tidied away, or a note telling him not to leave the toilet seat up?

    I'd get me coat if I didn't still have it from this morning....

  • Comment number 65.

    Afternoon all

    I have a club card in my purse, and a key fob one on Mr JG's car keys. I always use the card though, as I have to get my debit card out anyway.

    I've not bothered putting one on my car keys, as 1) I don't drive it anywhere and 2) I don't put ELH petrol in it if I can avoid it as it doesn't like it!

    Rips, I though you got the beer cos you needed to take the van ;-)

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Uncle Carl - I've still got my coat on as well...brrr!

    You know, there are only two of here in the office whilst a big meeting is going on, and all the lights bar two have gone off. We've decided to sit really still and see if we can get the last two to go off! Typing, we think, won't matter!

    BTW, we are the two most senior members of the department, but small things....

    JG x

  • Comment number 67.

    Hello everyone, can I come in and join you?? Am an ex TOG but am currently becoming CLP'd and really enjoying the new brekky time!


  • Comment number 68.

    Carl - I think that may be the difference between Mr Bruce and us....he knows when to keep schtum! Haha..

    JG - How very dare you! The truth hurts....



  • Comment number 69.

    ps Nb stands for new blogger!!

  • Comment number 70.

    JG - try closing your eyes. The lights will go off immediately.

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Joanna,

    You do realise that your not supposed to like CLP don't you? 8^))

    Welcome aboard



  • Comment number 72.

    Cheryl dear re #62, it never seems to bother you when you use the ring pull when you open a can of beer for yourself...back to coding invoices now, I think. It's safer!



  • Comment number 73.


  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Joanna - welcome, but you don't have to give up your previous status. Remember, a TOG is for life, not just for Christmas....

    There just aren't enough coats in the world are there?

  • Comment number 75.

    Hi Joanna
    and Rips - smacked bum - you know fine well I'm a tog - not that I act my age - I know !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Hahahaha Rips I heard KB make that comment too, hilarious. I bet 'e got a dustpan an' brush where angels fear to polish don't yous. Hohoho..

    Now then Dozymac. Am likin' the sounda the Paisley Pirates. But is it safe playin' ice hockey in one a them daft 'ats, the eye patch an' wit the wooden leg? Not to mention they'd ruin the Liberty print smokin' jackets wit the blades. Achtung.

    Ere it's flippin' snowin' oop 'ere. Looka that. Comin' down like pancakes. Don't talk to ME about 'Im upstairs, 'e's 'avin' a right laff wit me. I'll be turnin' up at the curry house tonight in me wellies. And might not bother doin' me hair. It's nigh-on impossible to get the balaclava on over the velcro rollers, not to mention if I try to get it off I'll be left feelin' like I've bin attacked by the Apaches.



  • Comment number 77.

    Just to prove I'm a doddery old fool - just been looking for a survey I was asked to complete for bupa - other private wotsits available and guess what I've found in amongst the - will look at that later pile ....
    A credit card - to be fair - one I rarely use cos I don't get em and ess points but .....
    Now what can I buy?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 78.


    I should point out that I was only joking.....come back!


    Right, I'm offski, parents evening/afternoon.




  • Comment number 79.

    oooops hadn't gone far, can't seem to get the hang of trying to blog on here and do my job at the same time! How do you lot do it!! Yep, still am a TOG deep down, will admit now was one of the cynics who didnt think brekky radio would be the same without Sir Tel,but hands up......lovin' it!!

  • Comment number 80.

    Joanna, Welcome and glad you haven't been CLP'd off.



  • Comment number 81.

    Clodagh, Brilliant! LOL


  • Comment number 82.

    Welcome Joanna - enjoy your stay!

    Don't worry too much about missing Sir Tel - he's back in 10 days!!!

    Loved the message that CLP read out this morning about how long Sir Tel has been on holiday, and when will he be back!

  • Comment number 83.

    Hi everyone:

    MC #42: I KNOW!! I got out of the car just after Dave Edmunds (Girls' Talk) which takes me and MrS back about a hundred years. We even had a wee "dance" we used to do to that! Gutted to discover that one of the Gobsmackers was Puppy Love ....!

    Jonna: welcome to the blog - I am sure you will love being here. Even though I just love Chris, part of my heart will always belong to Terry!

    Clodagh: #3: loved that comment! My lovely mum always used to say to all her six children - wear clean underwear "just in case". Came in very handy when I found myself in hospital with a dislocated knee cap, and all I could think was "thank you, mammy, my knickers are clean"!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Well my blogging didn't last long - have to get to bank B4 they close. Will join everyone tomorrow all being well. Must dash - out into the snow!! Only just noticed! Oh well, stout shoes called for.........again!

    jo x

  • Comment number 85.

    It's snowing hard here as well, but not sticking - hopefully it won't, or it'll be a fun drive home!

    JG x

  • Comment number 86.

    Hello Everybody

    and Hi Joanna, nice to meet you.

    Have to admit to being in a bad mood now

    Went to a meeting this morning that dragged on for ages and ages and ages. It was an hours drive for me and I have to leave to get be home for the boys

    There was a lovely lunch laid on but I just had time to bolt down a jacket pot and run. It's alright for the full timers, I work part time for a reason, because I have other commitments!

    Then I drove home with a splitting head ache & indigestion, pulled up on the drive, put my foot out of the car into a great, steaming, stinking heap of Dog S***!!!

    Couldn't have been better placed, exactly where I had to stand to get out of the car.

    So not only did I have it all over my boot, I then had to get a bag & pick it up and clean the path!!

    GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! If I find out who let their dog do it...............


  • Comment number 87.

    Hello Joanna!

    I am exhausted. Just done a training sesh on invoicing and its right drained me good and proper. I think it's the having to think about breaking things down into manageable chunks and explaining every detail that makes for the challenge.

    Oh, and the thought that this time tomorrow I will be well and truly hyper!


  • Comment number 88.

    Nic dear, #72

    Hmph! I shall bank and remember that next time you want a beer from the fridge. Just remember tho - you're in charge of the corkscrew

    (which is why I buy screw-top wine bottles!!)

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    Well it's flippin' stickin' here, JG. Ah NO that's Karma, that is. For laffin' at CLP on 'is skates. I'll be double-axlin' right inta me vindaloo later on. Tsk.

    Seza. Ah NO. That's absolutely mingin', an' if I 'ad my way they'd be joinin' CLP dreamin' of Old Sparky once I'd finished with 'em. I can't bear that. What slobs. Find out whose dreadful mutt it was an' post it through their letterbox. ..Or maybe not. No, better to rise above it; Muck for Luck, sweetie. Ew.


  • Comment number 90.

    me again:

    Meant to say to Annie: I saw your message on the previous blog. Now, Annie, any directions to Glasgow MUST come from the lovely Mary! Honestly, I could not direct anyone, anywhere. My sense of direction is absolutely atrocious. However, mention a bar where we can meet up, and I will find my way there .... funny, that!

    C xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Oh no!! Clodagh, don't say that, cos that means it's probably sticking at home :(

    Damn white stuff!

    Oh, and Hi and welcome Joanna!

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    Afternoon all

    Just dipping in. Hope the ice hockey went OK CLP. I'm with the holding on to the side peeps when it comes to ice skating. I remember going on 6th form (I was in the 4th at the time)ice skating trips, putting on the skates, holding on to the side for about five minutes then spending the rest of the time in the bar - much more my style....(shh Beez, Chrissie and Mwk).

    No snow here, wish there was.....

    Deev - you seem in a better frame of mind today - oh yes no lady boss thats why......

    Welcome Joanna to the madhouse that is the blog.

    I was going to mention CLP's e-mail this morning (about STW's holiday) but Dorset beat me to it - I had a good giggle in the car.

    Hope everybody else is OK. Off tenpin bowling tonight - am absolutely c**p at it but I enjoy it.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi CLP and everyone,

    In January a tornado seems to have picked me up, whirled me round and dropped in in the middle of the first week in February.

    I have managed to catch up with your posts this week Chris and could really relate to your post about time.
    I hope you have managed to come through the ice hockey challenge unscathed.

    As I have not had a chance to lurk or be on FB in the last weeks I am way behind with everyone's news - so hugs for all those who need them.

    Whizzed down todays posts and see its a big day tomorrow Deev, hope you get your mention!


  • Comment number 94.

    Just had a quick look through the latest Book Club offerings while waiting for the coughee machine to splutter into life (I am seriously thinking of sending off for one of those NHS Quit Kits for it). One of the choices this month is `501 Most Notorious Crimes'...

    How can you have 501 Most Notorious Crimes? If you have 501 of anything, it's not notorious, it's commonly-known. Also, who decides which crimes are `most notorious' anyway? It might not be a mass murder, but if you worked at Woolworths, the Great Pick And Mix Robbery of 1983 might be enough to keep you awake all night even to this day (it wasn't me, I wasn't even there, alright?).

    What's next...'501 Most Notorious Numbers between 1 and 501'?

    See? Employers beware - this is what happens when you have employees with caffeine deficiency due to your having a vending machine with a 60-a-day habit. AND THERE'S NO CHUFFING MILK EITHER!

    And breathe.....

  • Comment number 95.

    UC - can i borrow the ranty pants please - okay
    I didn't want to do something tonight so I said I couldn't because of work ..............
    and now I have to work late to get something done

    I know - its my own bad karma coming back to me

  • Comment number 96.

    Hi Mtd: re: the Holiday Inn bar, my lips are sealed forever! Why, oh why do you want snow? I am absolutely sick of it, and it is FREEZING here in Glasgow! Each to their own, of course! Have fun at the bowling - we used to have great office nights out bowling, before we all developed bad backs, etc. My boss was hilarious, very "Fred Flinstone" up on his toes, really stylish!

    Hi Margot: good to see you!

    C xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Baggy - you done? I need them back.

    I just got an email from `CN* Breaking News' (other news-gathering organisations are available). The U.S. Transportation Secretary has stated that:

    Toyota owners should stop driving cars affected by the recall and take them to Toyota dealers.


  • Comment number 98.

    Carl I can add to that.

    Over on RTE Galway they've come up wit what they think is a marvellous idea. The Top 100 Disaster Songs. With footage from said disasters. I know it's wrong but it made me laff whilst starin' at a horse's bottom on the N6.

    Now then JG. Mind yourself later. The GD has just called and informed me that the M58 is like the Trans-Siberian Railway. So I'm guessin' the East-Lancs will be carnage. What is it wit me when I venture out for a curry, half a the North Pole gets dumped on me plate along wit me poppadoms.

    By the crin.

    Were's me zinc an' castor oil cream.


  • Comment number 99.

    Carl - very fast. Going to be a lot of Toyota showrooms caved in. either that or a nasty smell of burning brakes.

    Chrissie - the idea of a Flintstone tippy toe boss bowling has given me the giggles.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Clodagh - I also know it's wrong but I've been there too...when we were kids, myself my brother and sister all got a Parkfield Pathe video of the years we were born and we spent the afternoon battling to see which one of us got the most fatalities during the year of our birth. I was comfortably ahead, but then my brother had a plane crash in his....Forgive us, we were young and stupid.

    Just to clairfy, when you say `the Top 100 Disaster Songs', you mean proper disasters, not `I Wish I Could Fly' by Orville and that ilk?


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