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Happy Birthday Son.

Chris Evans | 16:27 UK time, Wednesday, 10 February 2010

So baby DJ is off the mark.

No longer 0 - he is on the path to the admission of mortality with a big 1 year old to his name.

We spent his first birthday at Bisley National Shooting Centre, where we were for the fifth Sporting Challenge. He celebrated with a present of a bacon sarnie each for mummy, his big sis Jade and his uncle Paulo from Portugal.

"Win it for me daddy !" he gurgled.

"I'll try son - I'll try," I said.

After shotgun clays, followed by the rifle range and then a dump of sideways snow - freezing cold - it was off to his Nanna's for balloons, jelly and chocolate.


The balloons and the jelly he can have, but I think for his sake, Daddy needs to check out the chocolate.

Here's to year 2 - happy Wednesday everyone.

Clp 2010 x.


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  • Comment number 1.

    numero uno? Can't be.....
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Happy Birthday Noah x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Oooooo well done Tiggs. Happy birthday to lovely Noah and your fab family Christoff, can't believe how time flies. Have a brilliant time xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Chris, sounds like you had a lovely day, let him have a little bit of chocolate on his birthday.


  • Comment number 5.

    Happy Birthday Little Man!

  • Comment number 6.

    Awww, Chris: what a lovely, lovely blog for Noah.

    We've all said it on the other blog, but it's worth repeating: HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY NOAH!!

    Hope all the family have had a wonderful day.

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Ello CLP, Tash, ALL Blog Pals & Of Course The Noah Again....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP/ Tash/ Noah - 'ope yer all ave a lovely dee celebrating Noah's first step terwards the grey 'airs!!!!!

    SMALL 'APPY 'FIRST' BIRTHDEE GREETINGS TER NOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!@!!@!!@!!@!!!!!!!@!!!!!@!
    (Athough they are 'FIRST' this iz me second 'FIRST' birthdee greetings of the dee & although they are small that doesn't mean they are BIG just for someone small (see this morns blog for more details!!!))

    While am & terdee iz a 'appy occasion a thought terdee iz a good moment ter bang me few jokes on a thought of last Sat before things went outta control on the Sun!!!!!!!!!

    Thought CLP yer might wanter tell 'em ter Noah... ok maybe 'e's to young ter understand the full meaning of the jokes... in fact a don't think a understand me jokes fully either... az probably most blog dudes probably don't either but ere goes anyway >>>>>>>

    A went inter me bank... A walked upter the counter & a said "i'd most a lot like a standing order please!!!!"
    They said "no problem just wait over there!!!!!"
    So a waited.... and waited... and waited!!!!!!
    After 10 mins a said "any chance of this damn it standing order?????"
    The bank assistant said... "yerv 'ad it.... we told yer ter stand there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    A said "very funny!!!!" "A also need a bankers draft!!!!!"
    The assistant said "no problem.... open the door & that window at the same time!!!!!!!!!"

    Soz blog pals... bad jokes!!!!!!

    But a think this one yer might like >>>>>>

    Two blokes were chatting about a third bloke who's cross eyed!!!!
    First bloke says ter the second bloke "'ow the 'eck does 'e manage ter get so many girlfriends so easily.... a mean 'e's cross eyed & noot exactly good loooking?????"
    Second bloke replies "a think it's 'cos 'e's goot a wandering eye!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  • Comment number 8.

    Yay to being 1 - Happy Birthday Noah, and a lovely bit of bloggery Chris!

    Tea now prepped - I only hope Crumpy's "it never fails" batter pudding mix works for me! After the day I've had, a flat batter pud could be the undoing of Deevs (not to mention the fact that Arsenal are playing again tonight - the agony .....!)

    Laters, maybe.

    I'm off to find a fluffy white cushion to hide behind.



  • Comment number 9.

    Chrissie, I agree with you.




  • Comment number 10.

    Noah. Chhhhhaaaarge!!!! Happy Wednesday Chris and family. Nanny cook's for dinner for us Barber's this weekend. Roll on Friday. Good shows by the way. Brilliant. BANG! did I make you jump? :-) Can't wait for the sporting challenge vid. I have a fiver on Johnny winning it this week.

  • Comment number 11.

    Deevs, sorry to hear things didn't go to well today.

    Nic, I agree with you, can't stand the woman.


  • Comment number 12.

    Happy Birthday Noah.

    Hope he enjoys the celebrations and how lovely it is that he is surrounded by so many of his family, including his big sis to help him celebrate.


  • Comment number 13.

    Bingo, nice to see you are ok, and thank you.


  • Comment number 14.

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Noah, Happy First Birthday. Sent you a card - hope you got it. Lots of love and kisses xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Happy Birthday Dear Noah. Happy Birthday to youuuu!

    Enjoy your day with the family, Chris and don't eat all Noahs chocolate.

    Hope the shooting went well- look forward to seeing the video on Friday.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 17.

    Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Noah........... Happy Birthday to yooouuuuuu!x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    PS Thanks for the smashing photo of Noah and his Nanna.

  • Comment number 19.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I have been checking in all day hoping for a blog and pic of the little fella!!!!!

    Happy birthday darling Noah x x x x x x x from one of you blog aunties cathmel x x x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    Mmmmm....Noah and his Nanna...sounds like it should be on CBeebies!

  • Comment number 21.

    Chris, what a lovely photo of Noah and his Nanna.


  • Comment number 22.

    Chris, maybe its time to think about a little brother or sister for Noah.


  • Comment number 23.

    I woke up this morning and thought to myself - there's something special about today??

    Then I remembered it was Noah's Birthday!!!!

    Happy Birthday Little Man! - hope your Dad gave you some chocolate!!

    Thanks for the photo Chris!

    Hi to everyone else!!

    I may not get to blog much anymore - but I do think about you lot every day!


  • Comment number 24.

    Woo-hoo Noah!!

    Enjoy this time, CLP; in approximtely 10 minutes, it'll be 'imself with the Gorgeous Bird on HIS knee....


  • Comment number 25.

    Oh, what a lovely blog Chris! And such a sweet photo!

    I really woud recommend getting a twitter account peeps, you can keep it protected, ie.e no-one can follow you without permission, and keep in touch with all the brilliant pics CLP puts on there! You don't have to follow anyone else, or let them follow you!

    Ask me FB if unsure...

    Right, have checked in with my Mum who was a bit under the weather yesterday, but OK now, and my step-dad, who'd been to see a consultant about his dodgy shoulder, and got nowhere it seems! Both calls in total took 25 mins, so why have I just been accused of being on the phone all night...Men!

    I wouldn't mind, put I got the tea ready at the same time...multi-tasking me!

    BTW, Welcome back Bids, I hope you're feeling better? xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 26.

    Ok; as requested...


    After 3.

    Happy birthday ickle Noah, a year old today,
    You'll have a big party, wee friends round to play.
    There'll be jelly and cake, you'll play hide an' seek,
    If you hide daddy's car keys, there'll be fun for a week..
    You can do as you please, shriek, roar and be sick,
    Rub cake in the carpet, that'll get on mum's wick.
    It's only the once that you step on the scale,
    So give it some welly, shout, roar and wail.
    You're a handsome big boy now, all robust and strong,
    You can cause major havoc, not to mention a pong.
    Stay just as adorable, gorgeous and fit,
    ..Who'd 'ave thought it, with a dad such a twit.

    Bless. Many happy returns, Big Man.

    Aunty Clodagh.xx

    ..as I said. Hardly Sylvia Plath......

    But look. Am 'avin' a go!

  • Comment number 27.

    Oh, and Deevs, when I went to the first interview for the place I'm working in now, the boss had been called to an emergency meeting, so I saw his asistant manager...I got the same impression as you!

    However, I got called back, met the boss, and got the job...9 years ago at the end of the month...and it was a genuine emergency....

    So, the moral is, wait and see!! You never know!!

    Still frustrating though!

    Good luck with the job-hunting x

    JG x

  • Comment number 28.

    Sounds like you all had a good day. Looking forward to sporting challenge on the video.

  • Comment number 29.

    Apologies for the typing, I've turned the other lamp on now! Doh!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 30.

    Any road up. Have just returned from meeting my brand-spankin' new Great-Niece, Lizzy. Another gorgeous bird. As is 'er big sis Gracie and, of course, her mum. So 4 generations of Top Birds in one room; I had to reflect upon how fortunate we all are.

    So. With that fully in mind, how's your mum, GM? Hope it's more optimistic news today, hun. And to anyone in a similar situation, or just feeling sad, can I pass on some of the warm and happy vibes I've been lucky enough to be immersed in today.

    Life is precious.


  • Comment number 31.

    ...btw. By Gorgeous Birds I was referrin' to Lizzy, Gracie an' mum.

    Me.. after battlin' through snow on the M6, wrestlin' with Renee's pie an' with baby sick down me back, I'm more like Peggy Mount, only smellier.



  • Comment number 32.

    Me again.....

    Spot on Clodagh... glad yerv banged yer peom on again!!!!!
    Still like the last line best!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

    CLP/ Tash/ Noah - Soz a goot confused before (ain't take much!!)... a mean although me greetings are small just 'cos they ain't BIG doesn't mean they ain't BIG!!!!! Even though they are small it's cos they are for a small person.... but they actually BIG!!!!!!
    Soz a think a goot that the coreect way arooound this teem!!!!!!


    PS Know, sorry now, that Noah iz one aka 1... does this mean 'e qualifies ter go on The One Show??????? Aka follow in the footsteps of 'is dad!!!!!

    Cleversupernanny - No... thank you!!!!! PS with a name like yours yer might be needed in the CLP 'ouse'old!!!!

    Chezza - Soz ter read yer job 'unting's not running smoothly!!!! Me too!!!!! Keep 'unting Chez & am sure you'll get the right job for yersen soon!!!!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Evening peeps and Penblwydd Hapus, Noah xx

    Deevs - sorry the 'interview' was pants, but take heart from JG - you might hear from them. Never say die!

    Tea will be fab I'm sure - have you made onion gravy to go with that TitH?

    MTF - glad you are now mobile again. The turquoise puffball sounds just your sort of vehicle - lol xx

    Back later - although I might get distracted by Midsomer Murders.

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Tea's almost ready, so catch you later!

    JG x (who is hoping her sister doesn't ring on her one night off from driving the kids around, eek! Not that I don't want to talk to her though....)

  • Comment number 35.

    What a lovely photo of the birthday boy and his Nanna, Christoff, thank you. As I don't tweet I am unable to see the others.

    Btw, I'm sure it wasn't there earlier!!

    Once again....


    Pen xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Evening chaps, just dropping in to say hello and to wish Noah a very Happy 1st Birthday!!

    Hope everyone has had a good day

    (still sniffing)

  • Comment number 37.


    Happy 1st Birthday Noah

    Rosie, hope you are feeling better today

    Bye for now
    MC xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Happy Birthday...

  • Comment number 39.

    Bingo, you really are such a lovely nice person.
    lots and lots of love.


  • Comment number 40.

    YES, thanks Chris, the photo of Noah and his Nanna is lovely.x


  • Comment number 41.

    CLP - thanks for the picture of CLP and his Nanna

    Happy birthday Noah xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Hello! Very irregular contributor, but loyal lurker!

    Happy Birthday Noah!

    (And I do like the ear defenders on the twitterpic!)

  • Comment number 43.

    Back a bit earlier tonight.

    I had a run today that took me past "Wavering Down."

    The former residence of the late Frankie Howerd.

    I was driving past when something suddenly dawned on me.

    Why not set up something in his memory.

    So here it is..............

    Twitter ye not!!

    Anyone want to join??

    Oooer Missus.

    MTF, member no.1


  • Comment number 44.

    Hi y'all

    Spirits raised a wee bit from earlier, and thank you for all your kind words and advice.

    Crumpy - the Yorkie Pud mix for the toad in the hole was a-maze-ing dahlink! You really ought to patent that recipe. It even prompted Nic into informing me next week is Pancake Day .......

    yeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!

    All ~I need now is for My Beloved Gunners to score a goal or three ...

    Happy Hump Day everyone



  • Comment number 45.

    MTF, member no.2


  • Comment number 46.


    Been waiting all day to say that. Can't post from work (dratted border guards), book club this afternoon, then computer surgery (by mr Seza not me) for the aged parents this evening.

    Now one more taxi run and that's me done for the night

    Aunty Clodagh, love the poem and love the haiku on the last blog, from Barney i think, very sweet.

    Thanks for the photo Chris and love the sound of Noah's birthday. just goes to show all you need to have a happy birthday is the people who love your around you, or and chocolate and balloons are good too!!

    MTF, I'll join!!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 47.

    hump day over with, no snow, damned cold :( but on a positive, mums op should be tomorrow morning, after lots of tests today, allegedly there is no sign it has spread (thankfully), surgeon is positive that all will be well but not promising anything 'til after he has been in there!! thanks for all good wishes they have kept me strong and positive all day :) and yes my house is now very, very clean lol

    Deevs any of that Toad in the hole left as suddenly feeling very hungry??

    CLP lovely pic of Noah n Nanna hope he has had a lovely day.

    Goldies Mum xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Thanks Csn.

    Thanks too Nic for advice, I've just looked back over the blog.x

    IF, there were just a couple more hours in the day, maybe....

    No, to be quite honest, I seem to get addicted to this blogging and fb malarky.

    And so, have to self regulate otherwise my family would not be looked after in the manner they have come to expect!!!

    Nice to hear from those that do twit tho.


  • Comment number 49.

    Chezza I'm glad you're feeling chirpier but I really hope the Gunners DON'T score at all!!!


  • Comment number 50.

    Hi Goldies Mum.

    More positive vibes coming your way.

    Very jealous of the clean house.

    Pays to keep busy doesn't it.


  • Comment number 51.

    Ooooh Rosie!!


  • Comment number 52.

    have to keep busy MTF, tomorrow the garden could take a bashing (thats if its not too cold) or I will be doing alot of cooking!! (what is it with women n having to keep busy when stressed??)
    Goldies Mum xx

  • Comment number 53.

    oh my word - what a really cute chip off the ol' ginger block. A year eh? How time flies. The next thing you know you'll have blinked and he'll be old enough to drive...

  • Comment number 54.

    Linda, he'll be spoilt for choice eh!!

    Looks like little Noahs hair has gone a lot lighter.


  • Comment number 55.

    MTF can you tell I'm a Liverpool supporter???


  • Comment number 56.

    Hi GM, glad to hear the news is as positive as it can be at the moment.

    MTF, and doesn't Noah look like his Daddy who looks just like his Mummy!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Goldiesmum, It sounds very positive news and thats good,I will be thinking of you and your mum tomorrow.

    lol, csn.xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Awww lovely picture of Noah and his Nanna, thanks for sharing Chris.

    Happy Birthday Noah xx

    Loved the poem Auntie Clodagh.

    Hello Keith xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Just caught up

    GM glad you got some positive news, I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Lovely pics CLP (here and on Twitter) Look forward to hearing/seeing the result of the shooting.

    Nice to see some old names here amongst the regulars (not that it's not nice to see the regulars as well...)


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Night everyone.

    Night baby boy Noah, hope your cold doesn't keep you awake all night, but if it does mummy and daddy will be in and out of room looking after you, sweetheart. xxx


  • Comment number 61.

    Just popping in to wish ickle Noah a very happy first birthday!

    love Loli x

    ...ummm think its about time he had a little play mate... te he!!!


  • Comment number 62.

    Oh well, I tried!

    I'm off..

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.

    What did you try JG?

    Did it work?

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 64.

    JG, are you ok?


  • Comment number 65.

    Mtd, as I classify myself as both old and regular, I am pleased that you are pleased to see both of me.LOL.

    Whassup JG??


  • Comment number 66.

    Evening each

    Happy Birthday Noah. And Chris, Grans are there for the chocolate!!

    Am doing a Fiddler's elbow tonight (in & oot). Hope everyone had a good day. Sorry, am off to bed, will read posts tomorrow night.

    Night all. xxxxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi Annie, nite Annie...

    What did you try JG??

    confused of the blog aka mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Annie, hope your ok?


    Hi mtd.

  • Comment number 69.

    MTF, OLd and regular? Must be the prunes love!! Puffball sounds lovely, how's she holding up to the travelling?

    Hi mtd

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 70.

    LOL, seza, we used to refer to prunes as shirtlifters back in the old hotel days!

    Puffball has had the best day out.

    A few pockets of snow and a trip past Frankie Howerds former residence.

    Stuart Little is ready to join us tomorrow.

    Who else has this much fun at work??

    Oh, nearly forgot, Puffball has a Paisley interior!


  • Comment number 71.

    MTF, hate prunes.
    puffball, sounds very nice.


  • Comment number 72.

    Have a lovely day with Stuart Little(??) I'm not even going to ask (not who he is, cute little mouse boy but why he's going out wih you)

    Am going to bed to consider best treatment of 13 yr old who thought he could chuck a jug of water over the blind in the bathroom then tell me it hadn't happened!!

    Sleep Well, Sweet Dreams

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    CSN, me too, throw in kidney beans as well.

    Both remind me of cockroaches, dont ask me why!!

    Funny old world.


  • Comment number 74.

    Seza, have I not told you of aforementioned mouses tail of woe??

    I found him by Bristol airport with a huge tyre track mark running from head to toe.

    He has been my back seat passenger now for 5 years, with CLP as my co driver.

    Looking forward to seeing 13year olds excuse to see if it is one my 16yr old has used before!!

    Good luck.


  • Comment number 75.

    MTF, I agree, I feel sick now.


  • Comment number 76.

    evening all!

    Happy Birthday Noah! hope you blew out your own candle! I remember spending weeks before my kids first birthdays trying to teach them how to blow out a candle!! lots of spitting involved (and one of the best tips i ever had - when your kids bring home cake from a party don't eat it until they get to about 6 or 7 years old cos you can guarantee every child at the party has had a go at blowing them out and spluttered all over the top of it!!).

    MTF - I think pecan nuts look like cockroaches!! (don't think kidney beans do though, myself).

    And Seza - my small boy today decided to draw with a whiteboard pen all over his friends shirt!! WHY?! I asked (sort of calmly). Dunno he replied. It's totally out of character for him to do anything like that so am hoping it's just a "moment" and due to end-of-half-term-itis (he is only 4!). But am going to tell him he has to buy a new one out of his own money!!

    kids!! *rolls eyes heavenwards and tuts loudly!*

    Hi CSN!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 77.

    CG, he's still a baby, don't be to hard on him.


  • Comment number 78.

    Yes CG, cheeky monkey!!

    Just testing the boundaries maybe??


  • Comment number 79.

    i did wonder about making him buy a new one but they aren't very expensive so i thought it might make him see the consequences of what he did? his friend's mum is fine about it but i don't want him to think he can just scribble over anything he likes for no reason!!!

    do you think i'm being a bit mean?!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Cant you make them swap shirts for a day??


  • Comment number 81.

    ha ha MTF!! like the thought!!

    but small boy's friend is bigger than he is so he'd look like a skinned rabbit in small boy's top!!

    he doesn't usually misbehave at all - even the teacher said it was so out of character she thinks he just had a "momentary lapse"!! so am not going to get too excited about him turning into a delinquent just yet!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 82.

    CG, I would let this one pass over,if he does it again then thats different,he is a little boy with a lot to learn yet.


  • Comment number 83.

    CSN - I think you're right. he has written a little letter to his friend and the teacher saying sorry, so maybe that will be enough!! I certainly don't think he'll be doing it again in a hurry!!

    (but it still doesn't stop me wondering why he did?!?!)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 84.

    CG, he's done enough to say sorry for what he did, don't worry its part of him finding his feet in life.


  • Comment number 85.

    i'm not going to dwell on it, CSN, it's just good to have another opinion sometimes so thanks for that!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 86.

    CG, we had a Peter rabbit 45 single when we were kids.

    Bright red it was.

    One of the songs on it was...

    Why do I do it, what can it be?

    There's naughtiness in everyone but twice as much in me!!

    Methinks pure mischief.

    Must dig that vinyl out and listen to it again.

    I will be 4 again, probably drawing on shirts too OR, chopping the waist length hair off my big sis' favourite dolls hair!!

    Oh yes I did.

    Still not forgiven, 44 yesrs on!!!

    P.s It might have been Benjamin Bunny.


  • Comment number 87.

    Years doh!

  • Comment number 88.

    Happy Birthday Noah xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Luv and birthday huggs Lisa xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 89.

    LOL MTF!!

    We like Peter Rabbit stories here too!! Small boy thinks they are cool! isn't it funny how classics like that are timeless?! Same as GC reading all my Malory Towers and St Clares books not to mention Famous Five! in all their unedited nonPC glory!! Hurray!!

    my mum can't understand why GD likes Jacqueline Wilson books though, all about step families, dads disappearing and that sort of thing.

    CG xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Which ever story it was, it had a Mr Mc Gregor who owned the garden that the bunnies were noshing from.

    He terrified me.

    Off to google, back in a mo.xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Just popped back to wish Noah yet again - Happy First Birthday and thank you for the pic Christoph.

    Like MTF - by the time I have checked the blog and fb in the evenings just don't have time to tweet. Full time flat out working - hopefully not for much longer! but hey - will I be able to afford all the gizmo's to enable me to peek..... ???

    Back later ...
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 92.

    then MTF i think that is Peter Rabbit because he was the naughty one who went into the garden and his sisters Flopsy Mopsy and Cottontail were goody goody and didn't go too! AND he lost his new blue jacket on the way home!!

    (I think!)

    CG xx

  • Comment number 93.

    CG, will get original and tape it for you, if you have means of playing a good old fashioned tape??

    Might take a week or two, as it belongs to my big sis and there is still the issue with the dolls hair.

    BTW, we are 48 and 52 nearly!!

    Hi Beez.



  • Comment number 94.

    oh, that would be great MTF thanks!! we do have a tape player here so not a problem!! its the blank tapes that would be difficult to find in this house! and no rush - i quite understand that there may be tricky issues to resolve!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Night CG, MTF and Beez.

    Sweet dreams everyone.


  • Comment number 96.

    i'm off too. night all!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Night yous two.


  • Comment number 98.

    Back for a mo - must get to zzz's at least one night this week before curfew!
    Night night CSN.

    Reiterate earlier comment - good to see "old" bloggers here again. Talking of - Big'un - saw you were on the panto run again - break a leg - although probably finished by now?

    Back in a bit - yet again - dog wants out - sigh...

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Big 'un..

    If the panto season has come to an end, maybe time to get your rods out and pop along to L'Anchre Bleu??

    Kettle will be on.


  • Comment number 100.

    Darn it - digital clock tells me it's 00.00 but ha ha did this earlier and saved it......

    Was e-mailing someone today who said CLP doesn't do much for his bloggers - bearing in mind the O2 stuff for the last drivetime show - pesky (VIP) regulars and e-mailers.....

    I did say we had met guys at the "do" who are now blogging whereas they were lurking and we have linked up on fb via CLP bloggers group but got me thinking........ CLP? CLP Team ?? --See light bulbs over my head - coughing and spluttering and going quite dim - but -

    I hate the megaphone moment - in particular several I have tried to listen to and had that "what did he/she say???!!! Even tried to play back and still didn't hear!

    CLP - Just a thought but how about a "quote from the blog" moment. Let's face it - material here to last a lifetime!! - e.g. one liners from Uncle Carl and Miss P and Nic on the game show titles - MTF's name for her car, obviously Clodaghs Birthday pome - a must! Right down to - "it's sunny/raining/blue sky here" (which is what I normally put when only half way down my first cup of tea)!!!.........

    Better go and get my coat ...... oops that the time - pj's - 'cept I don't have any.... you lot can just stop saying eeeeeew right now!

    Night night smiley peeps

    Beez xx
    doncha just love cut and paste xx


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