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Back From The Egg Chasing...But What A Blast

Chris Evans | 09:48 UK time, Monday, 8 February 2010

Set off for Twickers in an attempt to arrive there at 2 o'clock - so as not to do too much damage between then and the kick off at 5! But uh-oh - no traffic - so we arrived there at seven minutes to one. After we had been there for two hours, there was still over two hours to go to kick off! And what time did we leave? Quarter past nine, in order to "let the traffic die down..."

"So boys, it's been a great day," I offered nervously.

"What are you talking about ? We're going out now, and you're coming with us."

"Am I?"

I saw my home, wife and son again at some point on Sunday morning. I awoke to find two extra large ex rugby players already downstairs, sprawled on our sofas, watching the sports channel with a cup of tea and approximately eight rounds of toast - each - already on the go.

"So where are we going for lunch ?" one of them pipes up.

After a pub lunch - in the curry house later yesterday evening, perusing the menu whilst the boys were waiting back at my house for their take away "snack", (nurturing pints which looked like the size of thimbles in their spade like hands) - I began to see how this being a big bloke thing works.

I think they left this morning to go back to their respective Lilliputs, although I'm not sure and my wife doesn't seem to be answering our phone. Please God tell me they haven't eaten her as well.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Now that is a weekend!



  • Comment number 2.

    Blimey CLP - that's a weekend and a half!!

    Good show this morning - caught the first 30 minutes and it started my week well!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Chris

    Glad your sporting weekend was bettererer than mine! Being a Gooner hurts at the mo. The mojo has most definitely left the building!

    Thankfully though, it was just the sporting aspect of the weekend that didn't live up to expectation: I have finally moved and am now living a blissfully happy existence with felliow blogger, Mr NicRolastic. All I need to do now is find a job .....

    Onwards and upwards.

    With love from

    Deevs of ChezNicia


  • Comment number 4.

    Baggy, if you are out there:

    I got your message on FB but can't access from work. Drink after work one evening sounds good! Will be in touch.

    Miss P

    Deevs - glad the move went well!

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Chris ,Good weekend then .Hope you've not upset your Tash .

    Have a nice day .


  • Comment number 6.

    Miss P - I'm out there = no worries - let things calm down a bit first :-)

  • Comment number 7.


    You don't have to go looking for LOVE ,It finds It's own way .

    Bids .xxx.

  • Comment number 8.

    I will try on here as I failed on the old blog twice.

    Bingo, please close your eyes and remember really hard every single moment you enjoyed about the 02. Relive every bit of it until you feel you spirits lifting. Do this to remind yourself that good things do happen and that they will do again when you are fit enough to influence them.

    Take each problem, one at a time and solve it.


  • Comment number 9.

    Mornin' Christoff.

    By the crin. See, playin' wit the big boys will get yous into trouble.

    Reminds me of when I 'Nipped down the rugby club for a quick half' after a long workin' week, just to say hello an' celebrate my mate Geoffrey's birthday. Oh dear.

    Fast-forward to Sunday mornin', wakin' up fully dressed in me own bed, sweatin' like a sumo-wrestler an' unable to move. On account of sharin' said bed wit 3 fully-dressed rugger buggers (includin' Geoffrey), one wit a traffic cone on 'is head. Yes, that's what tickled me so much at the O2.. Upon prisin' meself outa the iron maiden, havin' almost got gangrene in me left arm due to lack of circulation, I staggered downstairs. To witness a scene like summat outa Armageddon. Rugger buggers all over the house with a distinct mist hoverin' round the ceiling. Ah NO, what was in that drink. Jayzus. Ah well, at least am home safe an' sound. Missin' a shoe, hair like a busted sofa an' a face like Lady Gaga at that award thingy, like; but safe.

    And all was well. Until later that week, when Geoffrey called me. "Ere, missus," says he. (Geoffrey is the one who looks like Gary Barlow, sounds like Johnny Vegas) "I've just 'ad a meetin' with a client I've bin' tryin' to impress for ages now. 'E says to me, Ere, were you in the Officers' Club last week? Er.. yes, says I. Hmmm. he says. I thought it was you carryin' that blonde over your shoulder with one shoe on."

    Oh dear. Testimony to the fact that when you're drunk you think you're invisible.

    And another thing, Christoff.

    Beware goin' out wit rugger-buggers durin' Happy Hour.

    You know, Happy Hour. The More You Drink, The More You Save.


  • Comment number 10.

    Hi Chris: great to hear about your fun weekend - really hilarious!
    Just loved the show this morning - how I hate to leave it at 8.30. Now, with regard to brushing your teeth, can I say we should NEVER brush our teeth vigorously! Use a medium brush, and brush all round your teeth in circular movements, slowly and gently. OK? Now you know!

    I'm sure MTF will back me up on this one!

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    PS. Christoff. If Tash 'as lost all feelin' in 'er left arm, or 'as a cone mark round 'er forehead.......



  • Comment number 12.

    Morning all,
    CLP. You are obviously being led astray.

    Hope all bloggers and lurkers are all well and I hope you are feeling a little brighter today Bingo. Dont forget you have plenty of friends here.


  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris,

    Seems like you enjoyed your busy weekend. Fraid rugby is not my thing. Son and Mr Mcw enjoyed it though.

    Have just caught up on all the weekend posts.

    Bingo- Please look after yourself. When I read your latest blogs I must admit I cried. Then I cried again when I read all the kind words and advice that was offered to you. Me, I am a soppy so and so. You are a brave lad- you have opened up to people who do care and who will not reject you. The warmth from the fellow bloggers is quite astonishing- and not surprising. There are some very good people here.

    Your comments about your mum wanting to see you settled with a family of your own- all mums want the best for their children. Your mum will want to see you happy. Please Bingo, you must make time and go and speak to your GP. Write everything down, so that you don't forget what to say when you get there.

    Keep on keeping positive- don't let the ** grind you down!

    Thinking of you,

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 14.

    Sounds like you had an awesome time!

    My weekend consisted of a wedding, a visit to my hubbies aunt (who I called Aunt too now lol) and a youth service at a local church (followed by about 20 young people squished into a living room playing Would You Rather?)

    I wanted to watch the SuperBowl but I had to get up for work this morning :(
    Think I need another weekend just to get over it.

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi all. Just wanted to add my love and hugs for Bingo. Hope you're feeling loved and supported by all the blog love, if not any better yet. And can I just add my "I'm Spartacus" bit - I'm on anti-d's as well - have been for years. Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, nothing to be ashamed of, it's totally out of our control, and needs to be treated the same way as any other physical illness. And depression and bipolar are different illnesses, so what your dad has may not be anything like how you're feeling, but that's not to say you might not benefit from a bit of help, even if only in the short term. When I started taking anti-ds, I felt like a massive cloud had been lifted, I finally felt 'normal'. I will prob be on them forever, but that's fine by me if it means that I can just live without the darkness that I kept sinking into before.

    Bingo, I'm 48 now, and have only just (in the last year) found the man who I want to spend the rest of my life with. It was worth the wait.

    You are a gorgeous, funny, sensitive man and things WILL get better for you.


    T xxxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Tins- loved that I am Spartacus comment!

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi Chris, Another quiet weekend for you then...mine/ours was somewhat more sedate. Sunday afternoon saw Deevs watching Arsenal from behind a fluffy white cushion, whilst I was doing the ironing...and then guinea fowl for tea...life in ChezNicia is gud yes!



    P.S. Have been thinking about what I can do the other way round...

  • Comment number 18.

    Hi everyone:

    Been trying to catch up with the weekend blog, and I just want to say that some of the stuff I read from yesterday was just so emotional, I really could cry.

    Bingo: you are loved so much, I hope you know that. I really can't add very much because everything that has been said is just so incredible.

    But can I say this: yesterday I spent most of the day listening to the recording of the O2 gig - I got through so much housework, because I was so "buzzed" with the excitement of that show. And it just made me smile from ear to ear when it gets to the part that Chris introduces you! The cheer you got nearly took the roof off, the biggest cheer of the night, without doubt! And the time Mary and I spent with you after the show was just fantastic, we have talked about it so much - you are a really special person, that's a fact.

    If it's at all possible for you to get to the Glasgow meet on 27th March, there is a bed for you at our place. It would be fabulous to see you.

    Hang in there Bingo, I promise you, this too shall pass. But, please, take the excellent advice offered to you by the wonderful people on this blog.

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 19.

    See, Bingo. And still the good vibes keep coming!

    AND from people who are testimony to the fact you can come through hard times, and who have found love later in life; look at Hells and Norm, for instance. There's no rule of the Universe which says you have to find your soul-mate in your early 20s, or don't bother. Hey, it even took your hero Christoff Lambie Pie 40 years and 3 attempts to get it right! All in good time, sweetheart. The best lessons in life are those learned with the benefit of hindsight. But you have to implement the lessons.

    And if you think I'm goin' to get off your case, my friend, until you take that first step, you are very much mistaken. But that's not for here; it's what facecloths are for.

    Right. Am goin' to Shrup now. Am borin' meself.

    Am goin' to see if me tit caravan has any offers put in. Well, if I can see where I'm goin' that is; it's a bit tricky wit me parka changed round back to front, the hood's in the way an' I'm gettin' fur up me nose.



  • Comment number 20.

    Nic. Don't be thinkin' of doin' anythin' wrong way round while yous are ironin', mate.

    If the phone rings, you're in bother. Keep a bucket a cold water 'andy.


  • Comment number 21.

    Morning All. Blinkin cold isn't it?

    Rugby clubs Christoph - those were the days - Oh My !!! Outa here before I say anything which may be given in evidence...........
    Any news of Tash yet?

    Bingo - big 'ugs mate (and if other fb messages were as long as mine last night you will be reading all day - sorry)!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Oh yes - forgot to say - message to Hellen bach -
    yoo hoo Hells
    All your messages were there - you need to hit the Next button after 500 posts.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Howaya Beez! Yes, am freezin' me lallys off up 'ere in Wigan as well.

    Still; we can put up wit it in February; it's if it's still like this in July I'll be a bit p***ed off.


  • Comment number 24.


    Posted on the last blog, after Rips said NEW BLOG - d'oh!

    "So much has been said over the weekend and so much good advice to you Bingo. Listing, talking, sleep, not trying to do too much and seeking help with GP. All excellent advice. You have to take the first step though."


  • Comment number 25.

    Okey dokey chaps, am off to collect me fancy sewin' machine that sews knickers, leather jackets, an' if yous are not careful, your upper lip, an' then on a covert mission to find something specific to shove under it for a special little fashionista chap...

    Let yous know later if am successful.


  • Comment number 26.

    Afternoon all

    Clodagh, it was trying to snow here in Salford this morning, keep me posted if it starts in Wigan would ya? It's freezing in this office as well!

    CLP, I hope you've found Tash by now, and your guests have left the place in a reasonable state!

    Bingo, I hope you had a good night's sleep and a safe drive down to Rugby if you went. I will ask my BiL about driving jobs at his place for you. I know they are scarce, he's been trying to move to Middlebrough, but can't find work up there.

    Right, it's F&B pizza for lunch here, arranged for the celebration of the launch, which didn't actually happen...

    Catch you later x

    JG x

  • Comment number 27.

    Good day one and all,


    This one is for you mate, keep smiling.

    A mother was working in the kitchen, listening to her five-year-old son playing with his new electric train set in the living room.

    She heard the train stop and her son saying, 'All of You bds who want off, get off now, 'cos we're in a hurry! And all of you bds who are getting on, get on now, 'cos we're going down the tracks'.

    The horrified mother went in and told her son, 'We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and stay there for TWO HOURS.

    When you come out, you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language.'

    Two hours later, the son came out of the bedroom and resumed playing with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her son say, 'All passengers who are disembarking the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for travelling with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one.'

    She hears the little boy continue,

    'For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today.'

    As the mother began to smile, the child added..........

    'For those of you who are peed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the fat controller in the kitchen.

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Quote of the day from me

    Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

    (Since Venus is normally associated with women, what does this tell you ?)

    That women are going the 'right' direction...?

    And that is coming from a man lol

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Dear Mr. Evans.

    Regular readers of your blog will have recently seen me mention our short break in London this past weekend. We visit as often as we can, however we do find the cost of hotel stays slightly prohibitive and the quality of some of the places we have to stay a little dubiuous (for example, on our previous visit, we had a ground floor room where the lavatory faced outwards onto the pavement outside, directly behind the window. A blind covered said window, but was a good inch and a half short...you probably get the picture, but if you don't just ask anyone who was passing. They're probably still getting flashbacks now).

    We were wondering therefore if you could help. As you probably know, one of the thing you can do in London is the London Duck Tour (other tours are available, however whether any of them are also bird-related, I really can't tell you). This involves travelling around the city on a DUKW vehicle used during the war to transport soldiers on both land and water and you pretty much do the same, there's a tour around the city, before driving into the Thames, seeing a few of the sights from the water and then driving out again. One of the sights pointed out to you during this trip is an apartment block on the Surrey side of the river, which the guide pointed out contained apartments owned by Sir Elton John, Chelsea Footballers, MP's...and Chris Evans.

    Now, I don't know how up-to-date this information is, but if it's true, then you wouldn't need me to tell you that if you own property in a block shared by Chelsea players AND MP's, then the value of your investment will be plummeting faster that Wile E Coyote tied to an anvil. With that in mind, have you ever considered renting your apartment out to recoup some of your losses? If so, could I have first refusal - I'm willing to pay up to twelve pounds a month, which I'm sure you'll agreee is a pretty good offer, given the quality of the neighbours (Elton excepted of course).

    I look forward to hearing from you (possibly with the characters `$%@!*' and `#' used at various points).

    Kind Regards

    Carl (Uncle).

  • Comment number 30.

    do you know - this is small fry in the grand scheme of things but I have left my favourite trainers on the tube on Fri, have emailed tfl to let them know but fear they have gone forever. I need a new pair but they will cost me at least Β£40 - I want the new sketchers that work you as you walk?

    whats that? the sound of absolutely no sympathy whatsoever?

  • Comment number 31.

    Baggy - I think they have done a runner....



  • Comment number 32.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon folks,

    Firstly , Bingo, how you feeling today? Hope you had a good nights sleep.

    Uncle Carl, great idea, can i sub let the sub let off you, can we come to some arrangement ???

    MC xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Post didnt last long before you were modded Baggy.

    I think they must monitor this blog in real-time becuase they know what we are like :-)


  • Comment number 35.

    I moderated myself becuase I managed to post my real name by mistake - opps!

  • Comment number 36.

    MC (((((hugs)))))) RIP Jazz.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    MTD thanks, x

    My little budgie died this morning, so not feeling quite with it today.

    Have bought a shed load of chocolate for my office today, so we can fight off the Monday blues . Not sure what to get for the next four days ;-).

    MC xx

  • Comment number 38.

    More chocolate of course. ;-)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Aww {{{Hugs}}} MC!

    I know how horrible it is to lose a pet, and how much Jazz meant to you!

    Definately more chocolate needed xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    There is plenty of carrot cake going if anybody wants any....



  • Comment number 41.

    Sorry to hear that mtd, just keep eating the chocolate and hopefully you'll feel a bit better soon.

    Hope Bingo is feeling a bit better today, I, for one would be delighted to spend a day showing him round if he does decide to still visit Scotland on his own. (sorry I didn't mean that to sound like I was trying to pull him, I do mean myself and my OH).

    Everyone else, have a good day.



  • Comment number 42.

    Ok, I know it was MC and not MTD, it was just to see if you were paying attention.


  • Comment number 43.

    Dozy - you are going to have to form an orderly queue. Just given Highland Lass Bingo's number (with his permission of course).

    Just watched the weather forecast - hope they are running true to form and have it all wrong. I refuse to party in "sensible" shoes. Will have to do what I did at the O2 - change in to party shoes at the door!!! That reminds me need more party shoes - internet here I come.

    Beez xx

    Big 'ugs MC Jazz is with my "ex" bird flying up a storm in heaven xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Must stop saying Just !!! grrrrr

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Sounds like a heck of a weekend Christophe - bit too busy sounding for me! I did the headless chicken routine on Saturday, then never even got out of my pj's yesterday. Tut tut, twice in one week I know!

    Hope you managed to get some sleep last night Bingo, and feel a little bit lighter today. Sending much love and hugs your way.

    MC, really sorry to hear about poor little Jazz, I hope you're bearing up ok sweetheart. Love and hugs to you too.

    Swamped with work as usualy so off now - hopefully back later.

    AF xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Dear Mr Evans,

    I will see Uncle Carl's twelve pounds, and raise my offer to the princely sum of of twenty-five. Yes, you read that correctly, twenty-five of your crisp English notes! C'mon, you know it makes sense!

    Wotcha, Carl!

    MC: I am sorry to hear about Jazz xx I have spoken in the past about my lovely wee budgie, Sparky, who used to dance and sing whenever Top of the Pops was on. I still love him, and he died when I was 12 - what a wee character he was!

    C xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Beez, that was a genuine offer, us Scottish bloggers could share Bingo and show him the delights that Scotch Land has to offer.



  • Comment number 48.

    Chrissie - I see your Β£25 and raise it to the grand some of Β£10 a night - I know - but it depends on the train links between the flat and work :-)

  • Comment number 49.

    Is gambling on the blog allowed, or do you need a licence?

  • Comment number 50.

    Afternoon (morning) all,

    Bingo, I hope you are feeling a little better today, I can't offer any words of wisdom, but I am thinking of you and really hope you're doing OK.

    MC I'm so sorry about your budgie, its heartbreaking to loose a pet. Big hugs to you.

    And a big thank you to those who recently sent me snowy hugs. We were lucky and didn't loose our power or heating like some did. We have spent a long time shoveling snow and I really really need a good massage now, my backs agony! it's a beautiful clear blue skies day here today, still very cold, but we're due yet more snow tomorrow... help!

    Hello to all, and hugs to those who need them


  • Comment number 51.

    A few questions - how big is the apartment? How many bedrooms/bathrooms? How much for a weekend let? Do you see where I'm going here London/weekend/blog meet????? (some of us, i.e. me, haven't got the hotel booked yet).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    MC - hope you're OK x

    Chrissie - how could you! You've ruined my grand plan - I was planning to sublet for Β£5 per weekend (Β£20 per month - the other eight quid was to cover internet costs for blogging purposes) and you were first on the list to receive my never-to-be-repeated offer (after MC of course).

    Make that my `never-to-be-offered offer' now you've allowed greed to get the better of you. Shame on you - and on Baggy too, no wonder your trainers ran away :-)

  • Comment number 53.

    Baggy: I see exactly where you are coming from - CLP would be a fool to ignore such an offer!

    Nic: well, we've never done this before, so we shall see what happens .. who knows, Chris might make a couple of bob out of this!

    mtd: an excellent idea, but given the fact the we tend NOT to sleep after a blog meet, the number of bedrooms in the apartment is academic!

    Hi Dragon: glad to hear things have not been too bad for you.

    C xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Dozy - I think Bingo's tour of Scotland is sorted - not sure who is the furthest south but looks like bed and board sorted from south right through to the north of whisky land and I am sure Annie will be offering her futon too !!!

    mtd get a wiggle on - it's only 3 weeks away!
    I must book train tickets !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 55.

    Afternoon blog peeps

    Man, it's cold out there!

    MC - so sorry to hear about Jazz. If it is any consolation, he went through the pearly gates with another jazz great. Thinking of you.

    Bingo - hope today is looking a tad brighter for you. Hugs to you.

    Baggy - bad news on the trainer front. You never know, they may turn up!

    Carl - if you are going into the letting business, I have a shed available which I am more than happy to sub-let so long as the current occupants don't mind. It's sort of near the river but facilities are limited. Will ask my 8-legged tenants and come back to you.

    Quiet here today - the Mayonnaise blog seems to be taking over!!

    Miss P

  • Comment number 56.

    Carl: all's fair in love and war .... and obtaining a fantastic London apartment!

    Forgive me, you are quite right - what was I thinking of - should have know better than to cheat a friend. And waste the chance that I'd been given ...

    C xx

  • Comment number 57.

    you know I'm never going to dance again ..........

    after the disappointment that was my first dance at the wedding - I would have looked better dancing with a pack of spuds!

  • Comment number 58.

    Wow - what a weekend CLP!

    Just came on to send love to Bingo - hope you managed to get some much needed sleep. Excellent advice and warmth from so many just shows how much we all think of you. Please get yourself to the doctor and get some help, it might be a long recovery but I've seen how much it can help.
    Bless you, you will get there one day, you have so much to offer.

    much love

    Darce x

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi MissP

    Thanks for the very kind offer. I have to say that I wouldn't normally consider letting a spider-infested shed, but seeing as the only other option would seem to be sharing Carol Voderman's apartment, I shal give it some serious thought :-)

  • Comment number 60.

    .... the way I danced with yooooo-u.

    Baggy: I am sure, though, that Mr Baggy did not tell you, as you approached him coming down the aisle, that you looked "smashing" which is what MrS said to me!

    C xx

  • Comment number 61.

    ...saxophone solo....

  • Comment number 62.

    Chrissie - no - instead he looked so ill I thought he was going to throw up all over me - maybe he expected to see someone else when I pulled back the veil?

  • Comment number 63.

    LOL - years ago, my Mum was living abroad when "Careless Whisper" came out. She rang me and asked me to "buy that new record - the one about dirty feet with no rhythm"!!!!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Darn it - it's snowing boo.

    Pleased to hear you managed to dig yourselves out Dragon - more forecast - poor you.

    Carl - how bout my shed at the bottom of the garden to let - just a two leg alien to evict and it's quite warm at the mo too.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 65.

    the shed - not the alien !!
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 66.

    MissP: excellent! When "Last Christmas" was in the charts, the line "well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me" - I managed to hear that as "well, it's a pity, it doesn't surprise me" - which my friend heard me signing and fell about laughing ... and took great delight in telling me the actual words!

    Baggy: nerves, simply nerves!


  • Comment number 67.

    I think CLP and the mayonaisse are having a race today - both of them posted their blog at the same time 9.48.


    SM in the lead at the moment but somebody who is also blog changing(not mentioning any names) has managed a one letter post which should not really be counted. OK so there are actually 5 characters including the signature (that will satisfy the pedant, no 'x' I noted).

    As we all know this blog will carry on through the wee hours therefore I expect CLP will be way in the lead by tomorrow.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    MTD - becuase of you I have checked out mayos blog and then was forced to make a comment - which has been modded to make sure I'm not rood!

  • Comment number 69.

    Am trying to think what the 2 legged alien could be in Beez's shed ....

    Miss P-erplexed

  • Comment number 70.

    Chrissie, my OH is kept amused by the mis-heard lyrics in my world! Must get ears cleaned!!!

    Anyone know what the real lyric in The Eurythmic's "Must be an Angel" is where I hear "Full blown and over-grown with peas"?

  • Comment number 71.

    mtd - Can't imagine to whom you are referring ;^)
    Beez - Is it a Subterranean Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔsick Alien?
    Baggy - It seems you have to post at least half a dozen times before anything appears on SM blog...look on it as a kind of initiation...



  • Comment number 72.


    I am getting rather a lot of offers on the shed-leasing front it seems, and as it's a leasee's market rather than a leaser's, I can afford to be a little more selective.

    Therefore I can only consider your offer if your shed meets all of the following criteria.

    1. It offers panoramic views of the River Thames.
    2. It adjoins other sheds with tenants of resonable stature in the celebrity world. Pop star neighbours will be acceptable, provided that they:
    a) Did not gain their fame from a TV reality show (for example Leona `Bleeding Ears' Lewis or Shane `whatsisname' Ward).
    b) Are not Robson from Robson and Jerome
    c) Are not Jerome from Robson and Jerome.
    3. It doesn't leak.

    If you could let me have your responses to these points as soon as possible, then we can go from there.

  • Comment number 73.

    Miss P, I'm thrown and overblown with bliss.

    This google is an amazing thing isn't it?

    Ta Ta Lin x

  • Comment number 74.

    I'm liking the contrast betwixt this ere Blog and Simon's musing on t'other side.

    Here, we waffle, chat, support, huggle etc etc. The Mayo crowd are still "bedding in", if you will forgive the expression, but music is definitely the dominant topic in Mayoland.

    Loving both at the mo. No competition.



  • Comment number 75.

    Thanks Lin! Bizarrely, what I hear makes more sense!!!

    Carl, looking at your criteria above, I believe my shed meets the bill:

    1. You can see the Thames if you climb on the shed roof and then up the tree behind it. Binoculars will be needed.
    2 a). It has no connection with Leona, Robson, Jerome or the other one
    2 b). Unfortunately, it has no connection with anyone else either
    3. It does not leak unless it is raining

    Will send photo's and look forward to showing round prospective tenants

    Miss P

  • Comment number 76.

    Well done Lin: I had no idea! And, yes, I love Google - what DID we do before it came along? I'll tell you what, we listened to the same record over and over, trying to get all the words! Must have taken me about a week to get all the lyrics to Rapper's Delight!

    C xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Miss P- glad you asked that, I've often wondered what she was saying - thanks Lin!

    I have officially eaten too much pizza, and need to sleep!

    Carl, on the basis on 1 and 3, I'd better count my shed out then...oh, and 2 as well sadly :(

    Beez, I suspect your shed is warmer than this office!

    No snow here, yet...

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.


    Sounds like a good weekend Chris. Thank goodness England won and my apologies to those from Wales and Scotland better luck next time! I held my breath for the last 10 minutes of the match, as soon as Brian Moore said that's sealed it for England, Wales almost got another try - no wonder I'm grey!

    I hope you have managed to touch base with Tash now and that she hasn't been eaten by your friends!

    MC, Sorry about your little bird xx Chocolate is the only answer :)

    It's been trying to snow here but has not settled, although it's freezing out there. I'm off to the bottom slapping supermarket straight after work. I need fruit and veg, but what's the betting that there has been a panic buy this afternoon!


    P.S. Hee Hee Cheryl, I wanted to comment about the score yesterday but didn't feel it was appropraite after poor Bingo's blog xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Miss P - thanks for the information. I am a little flexible on point 1 (for example, I would accept switching on EastEnders while the titles are running), so I'm happy to proceed.

    JG - seeing as you have, Robson, Jerome and the cast of next years `Strictly Come Dancing on Big Brother's Jungle Ice' living at the bottom of the garden, perhaps you should consider moving. Have you ever thought of renting a shed?

  • Comment number 80.

    Actually on the tenuous subject of Jerome, he drinks in a pub in Pembrokeshire that we often frequent whilst on holibobs.

    I must confess, to date, we've completely ignored him!

    JG x

  • Comment number 81.

    Actually, I have considered moving on account of the poor structure of said shed, it's becoming an eye-sore! Mr JG and I thought it might be easier to move than replace it!

    However, we considered the amount of stuff in the loft and garage and decided it was better to keep the blinds closed so we could no longer see the shed!

    Hopefully a large gust of wind will take it to Kansas...

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Nic - that'll be the alien concerned.

    Carl - got an overgrown water feature you can see from the shed - not quite the Thames, there's a pretty summer house next door - their roses sometimes decorate one side - wireless and wired internet connection -
    it doesn't leak and yes JG - it's warm.

    Why do I always order two of everything on the internet? have a fixation with black and navy - can never choose so go for both - 2 prs trousers, 2 tops, 2 jumpers and of course 2 pairs of shoes.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 83.

    I went through that Beez. Stopped when I arrived in work one day wearing one black shoe and one navy. Tried to tell everyone it was the new look but wasn't believed.

  • Comment number 84.

    Mind you, it was better than the day I arrived at work and realised I was still wearing my slippers.....Eeyore ones at that.

  • Comment number 85.

    Miss P - my step father once went to the Royal Show all the way from Wales on a rainy day, only to find he was in his slippers!!

    First stop was for wellies!

    I've only got as far as trying to drive before I've realised I've still got mine on...

    JG x

  • Comment number 86.

    Miss P - it's a miracle I can find even a close match with my shoes - check out my fb - somewhere there are pics of the bottom of my wardrobe.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 87.

    That sounds like a fantastic weekend, Christoff! You have a very understanding wife in Tash, that she can cope with you rolling home with rugger chaps!

  • Comment number 88.

    Right, I'm going to head home, catch up with you later!

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.

    It's snowing! We NEVER get snow normally, but twice in one year...... unheard of.

  • Comment number 90.

    Can I ask: has anyone spoken to Bingo today? Or heard from him?

    Still thinking of you, Bingo.

    C xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Just popped in before heading home - snow has stopped for now. Just had to say LOL Chrissie (Rappers delight in a week - is that all?????).

    No sight of Bingo on here yet but I will check FB when I get home - I did send him a message there as well.

    Quiz nite tonite - different format from usual as it is a one off cup game with all teams in the league participating. It's the first time that this has been run so it could be interesting......

    Catch up later.

    mtd ffb xxx

    peesss Never mind Baggy - the modders do stop eventually on the mayo blog.

  • Comment number 92.

    # 90 Chrissie - yes had a text from him when I asked if I could give Highland Lass his phone number. Asked if I was OK bless 'im. Didn't like to phone cos wasn't he doing something job related today?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 93.

    mtd: IMHO, no other rapping song has ever come close to Rapper's Delight! Enjoy your evening - hope you have been working on your general knowledge!

    Beez: thanks - just wanted to know that someone had been in touch and that he is ok. Yes, I think he did say he was working today, so I can understand that you didn't call.

    C xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Chrissie - need to check back but I think he was having to travel to Rugby?

    Right - had enough of the huffing and bad temper in this office - just cos his computer wont work. Off to make yet another cup of tea and survey the freezer for "one I made earlier". Out of clothes so will have to iron at least one item - hence the internet shopping today - run out - buy more !

    Laters smiley peeps

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Just off, but before I go - Chrissie, did you get anywhere with your PC problem? Not that I should offer to help really, seeing as you gazumped me.... :-)

  • Comment number 96.

    Hello Bingo

    I just wanted to say hello and send you much love. You have been given some fanastic advice on here so not much to add to that, but hopefully you will take from that how great a guy you are! Everyone on here who has met you seems to think you are a fantastic guy,so I hope you can take on board this along with some of the advice and some of the lovely offers that have been made. If you take anything from being on this blog - it's that people genuinely care. Take very good care and hope you feel even just a little bit brighter knowing everyone on here loves you.


  • Comment number 97.

    Evening bloggies KandKs is back

    CLP great sporting week for ya and u were making me laugh today with your belly wobbling when ya brush your teeth

    not had a chance to catch up yet as have homework to do!!!

    How is everybody? Bingo you ok hun?


  • Comment number 98.

    Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ now - no sign of Bingo on FB but Beez is right he was doing a work thingy today.

    I'm with you all the way Beez - run out buy more (I hate ironing too).

    Chrissie - it's worse than general knowledge, it's all specialist subjects - at least I've got things like pictures, Entertainment and stuff.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Evening everyone,

    Snowing here on and off all day. My phone hasn't stopped ringing. everyone seems to want a good old chit-chat.

    Bingo, Hope you've had some sleep and feel a little better today.

    MC, sorry to hear about your little budgie.

    Hi K&Ks enjoy your homework.


  • Comment number 100.

    Evening all

    Right, time to turn this off as Himself will be home soon. D'ya know what, I've actually had a good day today: have applied for a few more jobs, got some housey stuff done, chilled a bit, and dinner is ready for when Nic gets back from the gym: a pasta concoction of a tomatoey onioney garlicky sauce with guinea fowl, which I will serve with pasta.


    Having me barnet done at 9 in the morning so will check in with you when I return, minus my grey roots - huzzah!

    Bingo - if you read the blog later, I hope you're feeling betterer hon. You know you have masses of support and love on this blog x x x

    Beez - get your iron out woman!!!

    Right, have lovely evenings one and all.




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