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One Hundred and Twelve ! (Miles to Bobby George's house and back)

Chris Evans | 10:15 UK time, Wednesday, 20 January 2010

In the car, on our way to the house of the darts maestro that is Bobby George for this weeks Sporting Challenge. Last week, Jonny went one up as a result of the tennis.

Marky Mark (driver) discussing potential England team world cup selection with Jonny as I write. Now I like football, but even I'm falling asleep listening to them. Men without Sport would like rabbits without big ears - or Noddy for that matter.

In other news, the sky looks full of snow darn 'ere in the Sarf. We await to see if the heavens will open once again - all white ?

Hang on - the boys have now moved on the subject of Bullseye - the TV prog - and what all the guys to do with it are up to presently. I think I might have to get out and take the train !

CLP 2010 x.


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  • Comment number 1.

    we dont want any more snow down sarf - DD has reposted there are flakes in my home town - might be sleeping in the office tonight

  • Comment number 2.

    Crikey - not 1st am I??

    Darce x

  • Comment number 3.

    Sorry, no Darce!

    No sign of snow ooop north, thankfully!

    CLP, it could be worse, you could be made to watch endless repeats of Bulleye like I have to, just in case Mr JG's cousin is on the re-run!

    JG x

  • Comment number 4.

    Oh, and they got to the final and lost BTW - "Look what you could have won" hehe

    JG x

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Baggy - pipped at the post!!

    Chris can I be up for nomination for England tomorrow please? My builders have SAID they are going to resume work on my house tomorrow after disappearing in September!! Woohoo!!

    Thank you

    Darce x

  • Comment number 6.

    Snow arrived in Gloucestershire after 6am this morning (You may have heard about problems on Birdlip Hill on the prog this morning)
    Snow has now turned to fine rain and slow is disappearing fast in the Severn Vale. It may not be the case on the Cotswolds.

    End of weather report over here

  • Comment number 7.


    You can't beat a bit of bulley...
    Please no more snow - my rear wheel drive car has had enough of sliding down hills...
    Great music on the show again today Chris. More Kinks but please no more of that screeching banshee Leona Lewis - does she have to use all notes and use her full range in every single goddam song?! Sorry, rant over now...

    P.S. More Johnny Cash too please!!

  • Comment number 8.

    Nic - I may be wrong here but some subliminal messages are coming through. Do you like Johnny Cash by any chance???

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning All

    Raining with a bit of sleet here on Northants/Bucks boarder. Pleeeeaaassse let it not turn into snow.

    Crumpy - Big cuddles to you during this sad time. Take care and remember to take some time out for yourself.

    Baby scans - Oh, how I loved the whole experience. My mum was totally amazed at hearing GD heart beat and seeing he image on screen...memories are made of this. Hope all goes well for those involved.

    Right then, must get back to editing this here website, which is driving me insane. If I get loads done to-day I might be able to do something more exciting tomorrow (yawn!).

    Keep smiling.


  • Comment number 10.

    I heard your "wrong button" moment at the start of today's programme - and I thought it worked better than your usual start, particularly given the early hour and the gentler pace left behind by Sarah Kennedy. You're normally too manic for the first couple of minutes and my girlfriend usually asks me to turn the alarm radio off - but she didn't this morning. Why don't you do the same thing every morning??


  • Comment number 11.

    Hi Chris,

    Good luck with the darts - I quite enjoyed a game of darts in the "old days" when I used to go down the pub with my lovely brother!

    The show this morning (I had to leave it at 8.30) was just brilliant. I hope this is not over the top - but it is joyous!!

    Love, Chrissie xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Morning peeps!

    Here at last after an early lunch hour excursion into Coooooooooolchester for some shopping (nice and empty shops at 9am, packed horrible shoutey shops at lunchtime).

    Chris, didn't the amazingly wonderful Justin Hawkins want to ressurrect Bullseye?!?! I can see him now, clad in his tight white catsuit, flicking his mane in a camp manner giving away a caravan. Oh yes!

    Enjoy Cooooolchester and show Johnny Sports Monkey how it's done.

    Meal with chum last night was delish: started with funghi al forno, then linguine de la mare, topped off with tiramissou, naturally. Lots of girlie chat to catch up with - and not just mine - but a huge hug when I dropped her off at the heady time of half eight! Rock and Roll indeed!

    Lady Boss out til about 3pm which leaves me feeling, well, errrr .... Maid up!

    Muchos Amore

    x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    mtd - lost count of the number of times I have seen Walk The Line...answer your question? lol...



  • Comment number 14.


    Mr Chris Evans, most interesting discussion above: Reminds me of the time I was once being chauffuered by my driver, I paid him on mileage similar ter the distance you mention above.
    Sadly I became most annoyed when I found out he had... didled, yes didled the mileometer & was fiddling with the diddling... his mileage!

    This wouldn't happen in Sweden!

  • Comment number 15.

    Deevs, Careful with those foreign words - you might get modded!



  • Comment number 16.

    Just back to say thank you so much to the gorgeous MwA and Errol for the copy of 02 photo - lovely memories. Will pop donation in post and birthday & Xmas cards in due course!!

    Crumpy - thoughts are with you at this sad time. With all that loving support you are giving out, please take time for yourself to grieve as well xx

    Darce x

  • Comment number 17.

    lol - ok hon, just for you:-

    Stuffed mushrooms
    Long thin pasta with seafood
    A coffee flavour cakey squidgy gateux thing


    btw - bad spelling wednesday?

    x x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    okay - am I the only person who doesnt end my post with a kiss? Well fair enough, my kisses are special and not for all

    And otherwise I end up putting kisses after my name on business emails and I haven't time in my life for an office affair

  • Comment number 19.

    I know what I forgot to say yesterday - Where's MTF? Hope you are OK.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    PS - is it true that fruit has no calories? I have eaten (as well as my porridge) fresh pineapple, grapes and dried apple today and I'm still hungrey

  • Comment number 21.

    Cheryl, Didn't say I didn't understand them!
    Baggy - No, you aren't, it's a personal thing I guess.



  • Comment number 22.

    Sorry Baggy. It appears my attempts to encourage people to support you on the Moonwalk upset someone as it was modded.

    So out of here and back under a rock of his own

  • Comment number 23.

    TC - thanks anyway for the plug and if anyone wants to support me the link is on the fb CLP page - just let me know if you want it put up again (for a limited time only until the modders get me)

  • Comment number 24.


    Everything has calories in it, but the nutritional make-up is what makes them "good" or "bad". As fruit is mainly water, vitamins and natural it's "good" calories. Choccy choc choc, on the other hand, is mainly carbohydrate and fat, ergo "bad" calories.

    I keep meaning to ask you - how's the Moonwalk training coming on? I noticed the lighter mornings this morning - I used to love my power walking at 6am - a cool 5 miles before work.

    Will sponsor you when I am settled in new abode and all addresses changed over so I can do the Gift Aid thing properly.

    Cheryl xx

    peeeeeeees: Nic ..... phhhhhhhhhhht! x

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning all - again -
    Good luck with the darts Christoph slightly less energetic than last week.

    Thunder - I wondered what you were modded for. Meant to ask yesterday and it went out of my head. Hollow at the best of times - doh. Not had snow still - just rain - loads of it though.

    Baggy I am now going to look at everyones posts to see if they put a x

    MTF gone in to hiding cos she is still a poorly person but so Bridge says, when I asked, will be back. A bit of a - do not disturb - moment I think. When you are ready MTF ??

    Fingers crossed they turn up Darce!

    Mountain of work to get through here - see y'all later.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Johnny Cash always reminds me of my favourite uncle who died a few years ago. In fact on the morning he died, JW played This Thing Called Love which had me in floods as you can imagine.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Training - what training - I literally have no training plan in place, I figure 2 gym visits and a body conditioning class and swimming when I can will keep me fit and a few long walks before the big one will get me match fit.

    As I leave for work at 6:20 a pre work walk is not possible but I do get off the tube one or two stations early to stretch my legs before I am copped up all day - and when my breathing is back to normal (asthma playing up a little at the mo) I will go back to walking up the stairs (6 flights) to my office.

    To everyone - Sorry if that it the worlds most boring comment - if you sponser me I promise never to mention it again!

    PS - MfR is doing a real marathon this year :-)

  • Comment number 28.

    CLP great show this morning as normal you really seem to have taken over the breakfast slot with great esteem
    Deevs glad you had a great time with friend and meal sounds good i thought you might have been down at Bobby G`s house welcoming the boys to Deevs part of the world if for only a few more weeks !!!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Thanks for the update Beez. I thought she had rushed back a bit too quickly.

    MTF if you are lurking or Bids please pass on the message - Please look after yourself and get better soon.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Nic - advice to you, if you listen again to CLP like I do you can skip leona lewis before your ears start bleeding, keep keep bleeding

  • Comment number 31.

    Bullseye - what a top programme. My favourite bit was the "keep out of the black and into the red" bit because the prizes were so fabulous. When I watch the re-runs now it takes me straight back to our house circa 1973. We didn't have a caravan or a speedboat but we thought we were so cool having a Soda Stream. I think I used to push the button too enthusiastically or something because whatever came out of there was so carbonated it almost took your eyeballs out when you drank it.

    'Working' from home today. Yeah, right.

    Lots of love to you Crumpy.

    Oh, and a kiss for you, Baggy. x

    And thanks for the meun Cheryl - I'm now absolutely starving.

  • Comment number 32.

    Ha ha - what's a meun? Is that Swedish for menu?

  • Comment number 33.

    WM - I did text CLP asking if he wanted to meet Deevs for a coffee .....!

    Baggy, please, please do not take this as a dig BUT .... you have to train. Do not under-estimate the Moonwalk - it is a full marathon, which you are doing at night, when your body has already undergone the rigors (sp?) of a normal day and wants to go to bed.

    As you know (sorry everyone) I've done it twice now. It's a fantastic event for an amazing cause. But you really really have to train. The first time I did it, I had the "I'll be fine" attitude, did a few walks beforehand and it took me just over 10 hours. And hurt. A lot. In fact, a very very lot!!!

    The 2nd time I did it, I trained hard. I started in January (as soon as I was informed of my place) and the walk itself was in May. It's not easy - you have to be extremely motivated to go out an do a 20 mile power walk on your own - but the rewards come the finishing line on the Sunday morning are monumental. And I did it in 8 hours. And recovered quicker, despite being 2 years older!

    Also, please look into your diet - nutrition is such an important part of any fitness regime.

    And your footwear - make sure you are happy and that the training shoes you are wearing for the event are also the shoes you train in.

    Please don't take this post as a lecture, but read and receive it in the spirit in which it is written.

    And most importantly ... enjoy the Moonwalk!

    With love

    Cheryl x x x x

  • Comment number 34.

    Beez: thanks for letting us know about MTF - I did notice her absence yesterday.

    MTF: take it easy, and hope you get better soon.

    Baggy: I always put a wee kiss or two at the end of my posts - just a wee term of endearment, but I agree: kisses are precious!

    C xx

  • Comment number 35.

    LOL Baggy...
    It's not just the screeching I object to, it's the taking of a fabulous Snow Patrol song and murdering it.



    P.S. More Johnny Cash please!! (OK, I'll shut up now!)

  • Comment number 36.

    Morning all

    Christoff, good luck with the sporting challenge, hope you make it one all. No sport talk in this house, with the exception of tennis, thank goodness! Oh, and, it goes without saying, brilliant show again today.

    Darce, hope you get to represent the nation on tomorrow’s show, do you think you might stand a better chance if it was cloud cuckoo land?!? Lol

    MTF, if you’re lurking, get yourself up to full speed soon, take it easy xx

    Noooooooooooo, it is snowing darn sarf!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Cheryl, When's the dvd coming out and will it have an Aerosmith soundtrack of "Walk This Way"?



  • Comment number 38.

    Good morning!

    No snow please! Still have no heating at home and it's driving me bonkers! More so than I am already :o)

    Can't catch up on yesterdays posts as I'm restricted here at work. Hope all's well.

    Went out for a lovely meal last night with my brilliant Priory mates. Those girls are amazing, friends for life. In fact more of a family to me than my real family...too deep for here methinks.

    The meze was superb, can't wait to go back there.

    Debbie.....(just for you Baggy) X X X X X X

    ps: Thinking of you Crumpy.

  • Comment number 39.

    Debbie, hi, this very morning I bought some of your crumpets, well, not yours exactly, but you know what I mean. They are the best!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 40.


    Methinks the soundtrack would be more along the lines of Elvis's Devil In Disguise: you look like an angel, walk like an angel .... !

    Either that, or March of the Penguins.


    Deb - really good to see you back and sounding upbeat. We really have to have a catch up soon.

    Cheryl xxxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Not wanting to be controversial here but is darts a sport?

    Just going off behind the curtain to hide....

    Beany x

  • Comment number 42.

    Oooof Beany ... next you'll have the Domino team, the table skittles brigade and the scary mary cribbage league gang after you .....

    x x x

  • Comment number 43.

    Hi all

    Anybody from the Midlands coming to the London blog meet - the train fares have been reduced - see travelz00 for details

    These are the routes included in the sale (all to/from London, each way):

    Market Harborough, Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough... Β£7
    Loughborough, Leicester... Β£8
    Derby, Nottingham, East Midlands Parkway... Β£9
    Chesterfield, Sheffield... Β£10

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Morning All,
    been lurking but keeping out of trouble.
    Chris - I am living proof that if men didn't have sport they could still talk rubbish on a world class level.
    I have to say this, it's been bothering me for ages and sorry if it upsets anyone.......

    But - if MMM isn't Bingo, then I'm a Dutch man.




  • Comment number 45.

    Thanks mtd, ffb - I shall consult The Oracle and see what He says!


  • Comment number 46.

    LOL Pen - I did put SAID they were coming back!!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 47.

    Beany, I think the official test of whether it's a sport is whether you can drink a pint of stout at the same time as playing it. So that's darts, dominoes and shove ha'penny out, all running around sports in and sailing borderline, depending on the prevailing wind.


  • Comment number 48.

    Hiya Rips: welcome back. I will say this: I wish I had coined the catch-phrase "This wouldn't happen in Sweden"!

    C xx

  • Comment number 49.


    Re Bullseye

    Jim Bowen is an absolute legend. A group of us went to see him perform at a club back in the day and during the interval, as the result of some over enthusiastic audience participation he came to join us for a 'quick pint'. True to his word the first pint we bought him was rapidly despatched. He was none too tardy with the other four either. He was a little indiscrete regarding the contestants on the show; suffice to say most of them were not on there because they had just missed out on Mastermind that year. It may just be me but most of the contestants looked rather relieved about not having won a speedboat.

  • Comment number 50.

    Beany - No darts is not a sport, it's a pastime or a pub game.
    mtd - Thanks for the info.
    Who's this Rips fella...?

    Uncle Oracle


  • Comment number 51.

    Nic - I'm new on here but wanted to say that as far as Johnny Cash, Walk the Line and all that is concerned, I'm with you all the way. But can't agree about the Leona Lewis cover of Run, love it as much as the original.

    CLP - got to hear hello/goodbye for the first time today after fumbling with my radio trying to re-tune after the pre-set had un-set. Made me laugh after a very stressful journey to work. One of those days when you know you should have put petrol in the car but didn't and then got stuck in motorway traffic with the nearest petrol station on my route to work too far away. So had to turn off, head on a different motorway in the opposite direction and hope that the car made it. Note to self - it is not clever to play chicken with the petrol gauge!


  • Comment number 52.

    Sorry Rips - don't know any dutch except slag = cream. You may not understand this (given your change in nationality) but I'm pretty sure that MMM isn't Bingo (I think the post today was a bit Bingoish but there was not enought punctuation or elongated words). I do think though that MMM might be a reincarnation of one of the bloggers who pops in from time to time that attempts to rock the boat - time will tell in the style eventually (BG any clues??).

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me.

    Could, therefore, wibbly-wobbly be classified as a sport? (Head on top of hockey stick and running around it 10 times before trying to run 10 yards and down a pint as fast as possible) count?

    If not, then my years spent on hockey tours believing that not only the hockey, but the 'training' between matches would all pay off in the end?

    I might not be too good on the hockey pitch now, but i'm not bad at the other bit, well, as long as I don't have to do the spinning / running bit. In fact, perhaps I should stick with the drinking beer bit. Perhaps i'll go down the pub and throw a few arrows later.......


    Beany xx

  • Comment number 54.


    I used to play hockey for my school team, many moons ago. I was "Left Inner" and my dearly departed dad used to wind me up endlessly by saying "Left Inner the changing room".

    Bless him!

    Also encountered the worst ever possible sporting injury a 14 year old female could incur whilst playing a match of pupils vs teachers at the end of term. I still whince when I think about it, although luckily it never stumpted the growth of the affected area ...!



  • Comment number 55.

    Funnily enough, Chris' first record this morning was Rock The Boat wasn't it.....



  • Comment number 56.

    I didn't hear the first 10 mins of the shoe, sorry, show. I was in the shower.


  • Comment number 57.


    Goede namiddag en verwelkom terug

  • Comment number 58.

    Shoe? It's bad spelling Wednesdey!


  • Comment number 59.

    Barney - Living dangerously....Nic

  • Comment number 60.

    Don't speak Dutch but know some German and it's similar in some respects, so I can guess what you were saying Barney and am confident is not moderatable...


  • Comment number 61.

    Sorry hon, shoes on the brain!


  • Comment number 62.


    Got Take That on - Shine. Always make me think of you, without exception!

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 63.

    No Nic - it's Bingoitis its catching you now sorry know.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Wednesdey Nic?

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    Greetings Ter CLP & ALL Bloggies......

    Bingo Star ere..... coming to yer from Bell 'O The 'ill, shropshire......

    CLP - A used ter love watching The Bullseye with The Bowen... most nice shoe, sorry show!!!!!
    So yer darting up ter Bob's ter play darts!!!!!!!!
    All a can say CLP, if yer using the train (WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!) ter get there.... be VERY careful pal... be VERY CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Why yer may ask??????? Read on Christoof >>>>>>>>

    Soz a couldn't blog yesterdee but ave gone & goot mesen inter a BIG mess on the train again!!!!!!
    Been in a ploice cell for a dee!!!!!!
    Basically a waz travelling back from London when a 'eard an announcementation that went like this..... "passengers are reminded that luggage left unattended may be removed or destroyed without notice!!!!!"
    It 'it me all.... it 'it me... a thought ave been trying ter rid of me old suitcase for a long teem az it's an embarrassment & me wheels are 'anging off..... In fact it's so embarressing a can't take it ter me local council tip az a will be a laughing stock & am frightened of putting it in me wheelie bin in case a get fined for putting it in the incorreeect bin!!!!!!
    A thought know, sorry now, iz me BIG chance ter discreeetly get rid of it... if a just leave it over there it'll be removed without notice.... which iz just what ave been looooking for for a long teem!!!!!!
    So a left it... descreetly ter be removed without notice!!!!!!
    The only problem all..... the guard noticed it..... unattended & i'd forgoot ter take out me alarm clock... which waz ticking away inside!!!!!!
    Next thing the army bomb disposal & yet again (some may remember me train 'andle ter speak ter the driver blog a few months back at Crewe in which a goot arreasted by the ploice) the BTP aka British Transport Ploice were called ter the train at yet again Crewe!!!!!!!!
    A tried ter tell 'em noot ter worry it's mine. The sergeant asked "what's the ticking coming from inside??????"
    A said "it's mine, it's noot goot anything dangerous inside.... just me 1978 Mickey Mouse alarm clock thatta waz also trying ter DAMN IT discreeetly get rid of!!!!!!"
    A added trying ter 'diffuse' the situation "let me open it & a will show yer it's 'armless aka un-armed!!!!!"
    The serg said "are you taking the mickey outta me??@?"
    A replied "na, am really sorry butta didn't mean ter........ ALARM you!!!!!@!@!!@!@!@!!"
    Get it blog dudes.... ALARM you!!!!!! NYAAA!!!!!!@!!@!!!!!!! NNNNYYYYYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!@!!!!!!!@!!!!
    The serg.... EXPLODED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Bang 'im in the nick..... KNOWWWWW.... sorry now!!!!!!!!"

    Next thing before a knew what waz 'appening..... Am taken off the train & arreasted for wasting ploice teem & causing the whole of the train & INDEED Crewe station ter be closed down/ evacuated!!!!!!!!
    Ave know, sorry now, spent a whole dee in Crewe ploice station trying ter explain ter the ploice investigating the case about me case thatta waz only trying get rid of me case without anyone noticing!!!!!!!
    A thought it waz the most discreet way of ter get it removed!!!!!!

    Ave been given a ploice caution & the good news.... the 'case' iz know, sorry now, closed!!!!!!!

    Tatty bye!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP, any chance of playin' The Ploice & Man In A Suitcase??????? Nice tune!!!!!

  • Comment number 66.

    #65 - Tell me about it!!!!!!

  • Comment number 67.

    JG - It was a deliberate mis-spelling!



  • Comment number 68.

    Laura, I'm forever playing chicken with my gauge too. It's the one thing I absolutely hate doing, and I put it off for as long as possible! I know it's pretty stupid, cos I know I'll have to fill up eventually.

    I've not yet managed to be late enough to hear hello/goodbye yet

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    Aw Deev that song has mixed memories for me...still love it to bits.

    Did you hear Gary Barlow on with SW yesterday? Isn't he lovely? Gary that is :o)

    Be good to catch up by the way, did I see something about a London Meet?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 70.

    Afternoon all

    Can't beat a bit of Bully - just remember the cartoon Bully wandering across the screen at the end of a round. Genius prizes of a speedboat for the landlocked of the Midlands who took part! Have fun CLP!

    DebbieC - thanks for the tip of Worcestershire Sauce to spice up the beans yesterday - I have to have tomato sauce on them to give them a bit more taste normally!

    All the earlier talk of exercise is making me think I've got to go and do some this evening. Guilty conscience on the whole "keeping up with New Years Resolutions" thing.


  • Comment number 71.


    My favourite bit in Bullseye was "Come and see what you would have won". Classic.

    Even as a child it made me squirm when he said "Keep out of the black and into the red, there's nothing in this game for two in a bed". Eughhh. A bit like Brucie with his "You don't get anything for a pair.... not in THIS game".

    Baggy, being married is not much different to before to be honest. I still keep referring to "my partner" and then remembering he's "my husband". And how about this - despite all the jewellers telling me it's impossible, I seem to be allergic to my wedding ring! It makes me itch and flake if I wear it for long. And I know it didn't come from the pund shop as I was there when it was purchased. I think I'll have to get another one, but not this month as we are in the process of buying a lovely new clutch for the blue car. I

    Yo Rips.

    A x (I always do one kiss on here, it's only a platonic one on the cheek with pursed lips)

  • Comment number 72.


    Sounds like your dear Dad was very similar to mine. I always thought that he was the second Eric Morecambe! I broke my right arm when I was 7 and took an exam to go to my school, I passed and got in, my Dad told me it was only because they took pity on my broken arm.

    I am left handed.

    Beany xx

  • Comment number 73.

    baggy - I have a boyfr.....husband as I forget we are now married - I'm sure eveyone at work thinks there are two men in my life!

    And I love my wedding ring so much - shame you don't get on with yours!

  • Comment number 74.

    Afternoon all,

    mtd ffb- re#52, funnily enough I thought exactly the same thing. Something about the messages seemed familiar.

    Pretty grey and miserable in this neck of the woods ("Lovejoy" country).
    But at least we have no snow......yet.

    Ttfn, Mcw x

  • Comment number 75.

    Bingo - What a curious case...you nutcase...

    Justin Case

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi Debbie

    Look on FB for details of the London meet in Feb.

    mtd ffb xxx (purely platonic, european style kisses, third one for luck...)

  • Comment number 77.

    Oh, I nearly forgot...


    xx (I'll kiss anyone, me - but different styles for different people)

  • Comment number 78.

    Snow report for Oxford - there isn't any and what there was this morning didn't settle thank goodness.


  • Comment number 79.

    mcw - where are you? i'm just departing "Lovejoy" country!


  • Comment number 80.

    Deevs, I'm out in the sticks of north west Essex, on the way to Cambridge.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 81.

    Afternoon blogland

    JG and Laura - I abs hate hate hate going to the petrol station. I esp like it in certain countries where you go and they fill up for you, wipe your windscreen and take your cash or card and you haven't moved from the drivers seat. Usually in warm sunny countries - but here where it is usually horizontal rain and cold we have to stand and shiver while filling up and then have grubby hands!!! so any oil companies out there - us ladies would happily pay extra for the above. Well I would!

    Totally different subject - but another pet hate is going to the loo! Always seems like such a waste of time - no pun intended!

    Apart from that, life is good.


    And a special one for Baggy x

  • Comment number 82.


    Woop - made it. Into blog, I mean.
    Not so easy as BabyDriver "hit the road and I'm go-o-one ... what's my number .."

    Been playing catchup on all work I couldnae do because of snow and ice this month. Five more days in London area and 2 more in Sarf Wales should see me right.

    Was awake at 3.30 am, made a cuppa and decided to read last two days of this blog - only took 2 blimmin hours! Fell back asleep and missed CLP on the wireless.
    Note to self - MUST prioritise :)

    Nic and other Johnny Cash fans - Walk The Line. Oh yes. One of the few films I've seen more than once.

    As for Leona WhisperScreech Lewis - quite like her new one, y'know, ICU - theme song to 'Avatar' - another film I've seen more than once.

    Am now proud owner of 5 pairs of 3-D goggles - includes 2 for 'Up' 1 for 'Christmas Carol'. Do I like gimmicky cinema by any chance? :)

    Also just want to say - generally-like - have posted a bit in here since New Year [not as much as I'd've liked] and if anyone has replied or commented in any way and I HAVEN'T responded - thank you and sorry. The only reason I've not RE-responded is that I've not been here to follow up - if you get my drift. Same goes for FB CLP Bloggers page thingy which I joined and haven't been able to get back into for a few days.

    Think I may have waffled on a bit too much ...

    I wrap you all in a smile

  • Comment number 83.

    I hate putting petrol in my car so i tend to play chicken until mr bp is in the car with me as he doesn't mind doing the honours!

  • Comment number 84.

    I use that trick too Baggy! But can prove even more dangerous if already playing chicken before MrD gets in the car!

  • Comment number 85.

    Dreamer, I think sleeping is a waste of time!

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 86.

    ha ha mcw - I love sleeping!!!

  • Comment number 87.

    Now look you lot - I've got a day off today and have spent most of reading blinkin blog posts since sunday night - not read todays yet!


    So cant possibly remember/reply to anyone apart from 2 things

    Crumpy - thought Clodagh responded to your plight very eloquently so I will echo her comments and send you big love you evil twin you.

    Who is shaun the sheep and when is he on - is it the little ardm@n one??

    right - off to find out what you've been up today!



    PS CLP- I can tell you what Jim Bowen is doing right now - he's only blinking endorsing my favourite type of pie int he! check it out at holl@ndspies web site

    (still waiting for mine to arrive BTW)

  • Comment number 88.

    I don't and won't put petrol in my car. The bloke does it for me. Never, ever let it get low tho'. It's normally a Sunday morning job for him along with washing it! He gets spoilt as well...........

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Hi BabyDriver

    I have seen you on the FB bloggers page but can't friend request you.

    You do seem to get around - the country I mean (hence the name I suppose).

    Just got some work to do....


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    I also think that I am wasting far too much time chuckling reading all your comments,and that I really must go and get some work done. Although I do think that I will be back later to waste some more time!

    :) Mcw x

  • Comment number 91.

    I loathe putting petrol in my car. I used to only have to do it once every 10 days or so. Nowadays (for now) it's a Friday and Sunday past-time. The worse bit is the prices on the M6 services - daylight robbery and then some!

    MCW - you're a bit more 'over' than me - I'm leaving Sarf Suffolk and know the beautiful villages of Long Melford, Cavendish, Clare, Lavenham etc very very well.


  • Comment number 92.

    I once parked Mr JG's car on the drive with the petrol light on, and the 'puter thingy-wotsit telling me I only had 5 miles of fuel left.

    Trouble is, I completely forgot that it was him that was going out in it next - I didn't 'alf get in trouble, so I don't let it get that low anymore.

    Oh, and we're both in the car, I'm still the one who has to fill it up!

    JG x

  • Comment number 93.

    Ladies, What IS the problem with putting fuel in - it can't be that difficult surely?! (Ducks for cover...)
    Deevs dear - try Tesco, it's FAR cheaper and could very quickly add up to a litre bottle of Bombay Sapphire (Or should that be Mumbai now?)

    Nic, who has far too much caffeine for 1 day...

    xx and a cheeky extra one...x

  • Comment number 94.

    Nic, dear

    I need to find my way to Tesco first!


  • Comment number 95.

    Putting petrol in isn't difficult it's just tiresome, and definitely subordinate to more exciting things like shopping. Everyone knows that when the little light comes on you've still got hundreds of miles left in the petrol tank ....

    My favourite trick is to see just how far into the negative countdown you can go before the car croaks - I've got to -5 miles so far.


  • Comment number 96.

    Give me strength!



  • Comment number 97.

    Diesel or unleaded Nic?

  • Comment number 98.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm afraid I seem to be in the minority here, must be the OCD in me but I fill my car every Thursday when I get paid, no matter how much is in it already, and I check my tyres, oil and scooshy regularly - SAD - Me - no way!!

    Have a good day.



    p.s. Crumpy - thinking about you, take care. XX

  • Comment number 99.

    I have can quite well put petrol in, its just cold and boring!

    Mr bp's old car that has just gone to car heaven had a wife detector, everytime I sat in a little red E lit up on the dashboard! (apologies for those who don't get that joke)

  • Comment number 100.

    I tend to leave petrol (or diesel) till the last minute in my car - when it gets really close the countdown stops and all I get is a picture of a car with a petrol nozzle - i.e. the car nags me to fill it up and wont tell me how far it will go if I don't....

    mtd ffb xxx


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