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Tis the last Monday for The Togfather...

Chris Evans | 08:27 UK time, Monday, 14 December 2009

...and the last Tuesday and so on, until he finally hangs his Brekkie show headphones up on Friday. A legend says goodbye. Don't miss a minute of his shows this week - you'll never get them back again.

Enjoyed the whole TV Fest last night and especially Ryan Giggs winning SPOTY - it was worth staying up for as I had to watch it later because of that other show. . . The X Thingy.

So I predicted Gino in The Jungle, Joe in The X and Ryan Giggs in SPOTY, what were me odds there gov ?

Loads to do today and all week, and tonight is the Drive Time Christmas dinner - our last ever - so no doubt the beers may well be watered down with a few tears...and all on a Monday too.

Right where did I last have that hammer ?





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  • Comment number 1.

    Good morning sunshines,

    Chris, the odds would have been 12 x 12 x 10, unless you were predicting Sun Factor before the final twelve were announced. I have lost my calculator but I think the pay out might have been around Β£1440 for a straight Β£1 bet. I could be wrong though, tis early on a monday after all!

    Hope all is well in everyone's worlds.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 2.

    Hello Christoff,

    Got the earphones in all week , it is indeed the end of an era.

  • Comment number 3.

    it is the end of an era for the togmeister - I was passing through Harrow on the train today and saw a tanning shop and it made me think of deadly overcoat - what more can one show do?

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning all,

    Now altough my fav in x factor was Jamie - last night Joe did win my heart and I am very pleased he won. He seems to have a very kind and pure soul.

    I am listening to every moment of the togmeister this week - it feels very special doesn't it.........although I am obviously looking forward to the reign of the blogmeister in the morning I feel the need to enjoy the moment and not rush with undue haste through this last week.

    Little 'n is poorly so home today and will be back I am sure.

    Have a great day loves


  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris

    It is indeed the end of an era, but I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

    I haven't blogged for awhile but I've been lurking and congrats to all who've won tickets for 23rd party.

    I'm going back to UK for Christmas and can't wait.

    Have a good one everyone.


  • Comment number 6.

    SBP - thanks for the Christmas card from you and mr sbp - very kind. My fav legacy (too grand a word????) from the togmeister is the addition of 'rama' to establishments - I nearly chocked on my croissant the other morning when they referred to the undertaker as the embalmerama...........

  • Comment number 7.

    Good morning all.

    Just listening to Terry ,and he's just been made Lord Slot of Cardiff.
    So you can see what you'r going to be in for Can't you .

    Lovely day here on the south coast ,nice and sunny but cold.

    Have a nice day all .


  • Comment number 8.

    Hey MaW - good to "see" you! Hope all's well in your world and keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep blogging!

    Just as I thought, the drive in this morning was priddy as a picture - a Christmas card, in fact!

    Sadly tho, Deev HQ is like an ice box as we have no heating in the building over weekends. Brrrrrr ...... heater on full blast, as is iPod!

    One more thing - Chris, why do you need a hammer?

    Lotsa luv

    x x x x

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning all

    Sorry Chris - I cannot agree about SPOTY Jensen was robbed....

    Deev - todays guess for the advent calendar is a robin.....again.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Just had feedback from the christmas party - the food was rubbish - the venue too dark and too crampt and not enough choice on the frinks menu - and the head guy didn't like it

    So glad I didnt go and feel really bad now that it wasnt perfect for everyone - I guess it just shows how little I know about London life and maybe I shouldnt be here

  • Comment number 11.

    mtd - noted. if it doesn't come up today, maybe try batman tomorrow?!?


    x x x

  • Comment number 12.

    Baggy - you can knock that kinda talk on the head reet now sweetheart! give it time. time is good. trust me.

    huggles comin' your way.

    x x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris,

    Yes, this week is going to be very emotional re: Terry. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I just don't know what I am going to without him! Of course, I can't wait for you to start the Breakfast Show, but oh boy, it's going to be very tough letting Terry go! You couldn't possibly persuade him to stand in for you when you go on your holidays, could you?!

    Hi everyone else: I have been in the Land of No Computer since Friday - it's a scary place to be! So, I am completely out of the loop - hope everyone is ok, and I will try to catch up as the day progresses!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Good morning everyone,

    Hope you all had a great weekend,

    Chrissie - Happy Belated Birthday Wishes XX

    Andy & Mrs Andy - Congratulations XX

    Poor Ali being voted off SCD and well done to Joe on winning XF, he was my favourite right from the start, seems like such a lovely, humble, genuinely nice guy, oh and a great singer too!!



  • Comment number 15.

    Loads of nuts to crack!

    Keep your head down Deev x

    Morning all,

    Watched the XF final with a (slightly cynical, I s'pose) don't care attitude.
    From the point where they go to the judges houses, they are all guaranteed a certain level of fame if not notoriety!
    And having watched a a fairly impressive performance from last years chart topping winner and runners up - feel it's all fairly academic!

    Louis has to go - does he even know what he is saying.......I know people in glass houses!

    Cheryl - I reckon she's preggers!!

    Love the Christmas music that is now accompanying the great man's final week on the wireless....The count down begins to:

    Tara Terry
    Drivetime do at the o2
    Evans at breakfast - back where he truly belongs!

    Loads to look forward too.

    Love it



  • Comment number 16.


    Have had an email from Hells Bells re 23rd. Will put it on the CLP bloggers page on FB.

    x x x x

  • Comment number 17.


    Preggers???? Biologically impossible.

    OR are you referring to another Cheryl?


  • Comment number 18.

    Morning Christoph

    Ensuring all ears to the radio this week, it's going to be a weepy one. But, of course, looking forward to the New Year.

    Now, not being a gambler myself, but reckon had you put a few bob on your predictions, way back, you might very well be a millionnaire this morning, ha ha ha! However, still think Jenson should have won it, but that's life.

    No comment on XF, don't watch it!

    Enjoy your Christmas dinner.

    Morning everyone else, cold and crisp first thing, frost now gone and fairly bright.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 19.


    I have to agree with Deevs. Shut it, right now.

    Its not your problem, you tried your best. Its the moaning gits that did nothing to arrange it and then felt they had the right to complain. These sort of people wouldn't be happy in their own personal utopia.

    I've met a few myself and nothing grows quicker than a thick skin m'dear.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 20.

    #15 'Nuts to crack was re: the hammer question from Deev btw!

    Congratulations to the Toverson family

    Happy birthday Bondy - if I'm correct



  • Comment number 21.

    No you nutter....The divine Mrs. Cole!

  • Comment number 22.

    Phew! That's ok then ....!

    FB won't let me post Hells Bells reply on the wall so I'll do it as a note and tag you all!


    x x x

  • Comment number 23.

    Calendar, Mistletoe!

    That's of course if it didn't appear at the weekend, maybe Deevs you could let us know, ta muchly.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Oooh forgot about the weekend ones - was somewhat distracted ...

    Sat - stripey cane thing with a bit of holly tied to it (weird!)
    Sun - a stocking. green. not red and black ...


  • Comment number 25.

    Forgot my guess for the advent calendar - A Giraffe.


  • Comment number 26.

    Dan The Man and anyone else going to the 02 but not on FB

    Can you contact me somehow pleeeeeeeeeeeeez!

    Ta muchly

    x x x

  • Comment number 27.

    Calendar guess today - a christmas tree.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 28.

    Now I may be the dimmest of all dim wits Deev, but you have a letter which you need to share with all the bloggers.

    I know this because you have posted that fact on the blog.

    Can I introduce to my two friends Mr Copy and Mr Paste?

    Or am I missing something?

    I might be in a minute.

    Lots of love and kisses

    Your biggest fan




  • Comment number 29.


    See Faceache!


  • Comment number 30.

    I know, but for those wot isn't on Facebook!



    cowering in the corner

  • Comment number 31.

    I think that's on Dan The Man. When he pops up on here I'll put my email addy on, then get it removed.

    I am a genius! Really!


  • Comment number 32.

    Yes you are *whistles whilst gazing upwards*


  • Comment number 33.

    Morning Everyone,

    I hope you all had good weekends.

    Belated Happy Birthday to the Lovely Chrissie xxx

    Happy Birthday to Mr Bondy today xxx

    Congratulations to Andy and Mrs Andy on the bouncing Baby Boy xxx

    Chris, As has been said, it's going to be a sad week, certainly the end of an era - Poor bloke sounds worn out though, good job he's got a few months off before he starts his new show.

    Can't comment on the X Factor as I didn't watch it. But have to confess that I am glad that Team Cola are through. Although I will admit that Ali is certainly the better dancer, she doesn't entertain me as much as Chris and Ola do. And as for that couple and their show dance how dull was that! Someone said on here that we should have watched Tom and Camilla's again, I agree with that.

    The Christmas tree is up and the cards written, I am wrapping presents on a need to basis. Got a busy week ahead work wise and social wise, bring it on.

    Advert Calendar guess for today is a bell.


  • Comment number 34.

    No more trouble making honest.

    Thanks Deevster.

    Right I'm off to London - may pop in to the Ferrari store while I'm there.
    Just don't tell the CMM!



  • Comment number 35.

    It's sad that Terry is leaving and he will be missed but everything changes eventually and we get you Chris, so not too bad then!
    Deevs - Just tell us what it said will you woman! - Please?



  • Comment number 36.

    Nic - be there by 4 - names on the door - jeans are acceptable

    deev - i think that covers it?????

  • Comment number 37.


    Congratulations Mr and Mrs Andy!

    Happy Birthday Bondy!

    I too shall be listening as much as poss, but it'll have to be on the i-wotist as I start work at 8am from tomorrow........eek!

    Having a lazy morning, then off to be computer course for new job this afternoon........think it's going be one of those 'and this is the ON button' courses........oh joy!

    who's wearing a tinsley haedband on the orders of a two year old!

  • Comment number 38.


    Now ... munchage!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 39.

    Eb - when I put my decs up at home yesterday I wore my tiara all day! I bought it in Selfridges when I was with Seza and it says "DramaQueen" across the front and has pink fluff on it!

    So meeeee dahlink!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 40.


    Pen xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Good morning, Blogmeister Christoff!

    Cannae help but have a tear in the eye, listening to Sir Tel! He's always a joy in the morning, but he's in great form today! And we all know fine well there will be much laughter and many a tear at the dinner tonight! Enjoy every single minute, Chris, as you won't have these times again either! Take lots of photos, print them off asap and get them in an album to help you remember these wonderful times!

    Much to do in the Highland household - Highland Mum, having mangled her car round a stag last night, has been on the phone all morning to the insurance and garage. Catch up with you later, bloggers and blogettes!

    Huggles all round!


  • Comment number 42.

    Oh, happy birthday 007!!

    Huge congrats Andy and Mrs Andy - photos??

    My guess for the advent calander - ANGEL - they were looking after my Mum last night on the A82!

  • Comment number 43.

    HLS - Hope your mum has got over the shock.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Deev - Can I change my advent calendar guess to a Stag with a Mazda grill stuck to it's antlers.

    I know Highland Mum is ok so it's not in too bad taste.



  • Comment number 45.

    Morning all,

    Congratulations Mr.& Mrs Andy - lovely news!

    Happy Birthday Bondy and belated Happy birthday to Chrissie - hope you had a good one x

    Hi Pen - cold innit?!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 46.

    HSL - Hope your mum gets it all sorted quickly, must have been a bit of a shock to see the front of her car disappear on a pair of antlers!!


  • Comment number 47.

    oh and peesss....

    Thank you for all your cards, I will get round to writing some.....probably!!


  • Comment number 48.

    ROFL!!! That's brilliant, Dozymac!! We are now wondering if all the other deer will stop him joining in their games and if Santa will take pity on him and let him drive the sleigh!! xx

  • Comment number 49.

    eb - he left the rest of the car in a bit of a state too! Looks like a write off! But he only managed to get away with the grill!! Highland Mum's shattered but no injuries!! xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Morning, Diva, honeybun,

    sorry I'm late!!!

    will stay on for the next hour, if youre hovering around . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 51.

    HL, Glad that Highland Mummy is OK xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Morning all!

    Now I know that Silver Bells is the Charity song of choice for all R2sers, however as an alternative i.e. for those who may already have Silver Balls then perhaps this may be the answer:

    this is the story that goes with it:

    and is a friend of a friend - however I also seem to have bleary eyed memories of Starsky though a fog of numerous Guinness' whilst in Ayr.



  • Comment number 53.

    I can imagine it HSL....I worked in Jellystone for three months years ago, and one of the girls had a bump with an Elk......car did not pretty, she still drove it tho!!


  • Comment number 54.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 55.

    Thanks guys! x x x

  • Comment number 56.

    Morning All,

    Back in the office after a week off to paint the kitchen and await the arrival of a new fridge freezer - life's just one endless round of excitement....

    Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Andy,happy birthday to Bondy and Chrissie (belatedly) and commiserations to Highland Mum - glad you're OK though. At least now I have an answer when my niece asks why Rudolph's nose is so red :-)

    Oh well, better get back to (or at least start!) work....

  • Comment number 57.

    Ohh Diva the mods didn't like your email address did they!

    I think I've just seen some sleet passing my window! Is the snow on its way?


    ****Starsky for No.2****

  • Comment number 58.

    dook - i asked for it to be removed, s'okay!


  • Comment number 59.

    Thank you Ms Bowles.
    A40 closed going into London - Luca de Montezemola will have to wait for my money.

    Ho hum - anyone need anything from Costco?



  • Comment number 60.


    Well last full week of work before xmas hols - the week in which everyone else suddenly panics that they must get you to do that REALLY important thing that will take ages before the holidays.

    Bonus for us is that we are closed for two weeks so this friday is the last pay day until 8th january sooooo - 3 weeks wages in a oner!!!! :-)


  • Comment number 61.

    Good afternoon one and all,

    It will be a shame to hear the rear of the great Mr TW and the end of an era for drivetime ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but hey, it's the start of a new era, CLP in the mornings warming the cockles as we head to the office, shop, factory, school, well you get my drift, it's gonna be so cool.

    Deev, will look at FB later when at home to see what you tagged, now get on with some work you scrabble boff lol xx

    SBP-- have to agree, dont worry urself over it, not one bit !!

    Birthday wished to Bondy

    Everyone else-------Enjoy today, ur all great peeps, you deserve to enjoy

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Me again:

    Can I just say a BIG thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday - really thoughtful. xx I did have a happy day - went for a fabulous lunch with MrS and my lovely sister, and I received some lovely gifts. Very spoiled, and it slightly took the edge off turning 53. Only slightly ...

    Susan: I am so pleased to hear that your mum is ok. It was great to meet her (and you of course!) a couple of months ago. Please tell her I send my best, and this may be a good excuse for a couple of glasses of wine to calm the nerves!

    Andy: many congratulations to you and MrsA! It's lovely to hear the news of your little boy's arrival! xx

    MaW: nice to see you on the blog. Hope you are enjoying this series of G&S - isn't your friend "Gwen" just fab?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Glad you mum's okay, Highland Lass, she was very lucky, it could have been oh so much worse. x

    Hi Darce, as you say, tis a tad nippy! Better that rain tho'.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Errol, it's not that I'm a "Scrabble boff" - it's that the word I boffed you with was "sequin" - how apt!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 65.

    Baggy - Thanks for the info on 23rd. Jeans it is. Will you be wearing jeans...if so will they be baggy jeans? (Sorry...)
    Highland Lass - Sounds nasty but glad nobody hurt. I live near Cannock Chase where there are deer and you get a fair few accidents involving then.
    Cheryl - Are you allowed to use a word like boffed by the moderators?!
    Eventful morning here at work. One of the finance staff has been dismissed...upsetting people, not doing her job and..err...spending too much time on the internet..byeeee..


  • Comment number 66.

    If we were to do a Bloggers Panto - which one should it be?


  • Comment number 67.


    I think Cinderella - Cast list

    Fairy Godmother....Beez
    Ugly Sisters.......Rips/Nic or Thunder

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    lol mtd! I am indeed honoured!


  • Comment number 69.

    Oi little miss toe dipper - I resemble that remark..........sadly!


  • Comment number 70.

    BTW Bingo, where are you? Hope you're ok xx

    Pen x

  • Comment number 71.


    Thought so.... ;-)

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Hi - just popping in from mobile. Can't access from work as it's like dial up! Still haven't figured out paragraphs - any suggestions gratefully received. Did manage to figure out how to move on to next page - once I'd found out about scroll bar at bottom of page revealing the next button! Doh! PiPx

  • Comment number 73.

    Mtd - Nic Rips Thunder - What are you trying to say? ;O)



  • Comment number 74.

    Highland Mum is most touched by everyone's concern!! Thank you dear bloggers and blogettes!!

  • Comment number 75.

    Oooh talking of Dames ...

    Oh no we wasn't
    Oh yes we was

    (see what I did there...!)

    I saw Christopher Biggins in Selfridges last Saturday giving it Panto Dame Big Time!!!

    He's behind you!!!!!!!!!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 76.

    If you were a Christmas decoration, what would you be???

  • Comment number 77.


    I have some beautiful little sparkly shoes hanging on my Christmas tree .... does that answer your question?

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 78.

    Bags me the reindeer bauble!!

  • Comment number 79.

    Deevs, that's you to a tee! ;)

  • Comment number 80.

    H Lass, an oversized Fairy!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Pen - are we talking decs or dames here???

    x x x x

  • Comment number 82.

    Probably both, Hahaha!


  • Comment number 83.

    Cripes!!! When I started to catch up, it was up to #59...now I can't keep up let alone catch. Mind you I catch like a girl, so is probably left to someone else anyway.

    Chris, I have to agree with you...although, not being quite 80% (forget 100) I tend to miss the first bits of Msr Le Wogan, and only manage to catch (again, like a girl) the last half hour or so. However, I fully intend to set my clock for VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING on Friday, to make sure I hear the whole kit and kaboodle.

    ...anyhoo, I'm stoked that Joe won. Poor lovely Stacey couldn't hold a note in the end, even though she had a bit more showman(woman)ship, she did keep going off key...although it may have just been nerves, who knows, but she looked turtley fab singing with Mr Bubble, and well done!!! Ollie, well done too for getting to the final two...didn't watch IACGMOOH, and only turned over to Beebeebceeb1 for SPOTY to see who won. And didn't recognise him. Should I be shot? Most of you know of my lack of interest in football (sport mostly) so I really wouldn't recognise Ryan Giggs if he bit me on the leg. Which he is never likely to do so is all moot. Mootball. Well done Mr Giggs!!!

    Christophe, and the rest of the wonderful Drive Time Team, have a lovely time tonight, don't forget the handy andies...and speaking of which, many congratulations to Mr Mrs Toverson!!!

    SOOOOO looking forward to the 23rd (thanks for the note Chezza)

    pessess am now about to start the second leg of Christmas card writing....just need to limber up the wrist. But that's probably not for here...

    peesseeess AM a girl. Just in case any of you were wondering...

    ...which is mainly why I catch like one...

  • Comment number 84.

    Re: the tree. May I be a pixie please? In a red sequinned cowboy hat for preference.

  • Comment number 85.


    What's the key stroke thingy for a Euro sign?!??!


  • Comment number 86.

    Nic, Rips I would object to mtd ffb's casting. Dragging you down to my level is totally uncalled for!!

    Andy, Congrats to you and MrsA on the new addition.

  • Comment number 87.


    my tree is still naked so best not talk about what I would be - Nic - I have very tight jeans and not at all baggy - other then mine from this time last year which are now huge on me :-)

  • Comment number 88.

    Alt Gr 4 €€€€€€, Deevs


  • Comment number 89.

    Thanks Pen - life saver!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 90.

    €€€€€ Wow! I never knew that! Thanks Pen!

    Deeva International exporter/importer then eh! Check you out ;-)


  • Comment number 91.

    Has just taken me all my time to find Alt Gr. I'm quite liking a key that akshully has a sound attached to it. Just to call Alt Grrrrrrrrphwoooooooooar across the office. In case anyone needs to know what the stroke is for a Euro.

    Very cool.

    Cannot believe is nearly half past three. Mind you, I didn't wake up til quarter to two. (Is not good in case any of you are jealous.)

  • Comment number 92.



    ...now I've merembered...

    If we had snow here, I'd make an angel for you...

  • Comment number 93.

    What else does the Alt Gr key do? I have a feeling that if I tried something I will crash the pooter!


  • Comment number 94.

    Hazel, you could make Bondy a cake, like wot you did for me and many, many others.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Dook, you have three symbols on the key left of the 1, by pressing alt gr it will give you the third symbol, which I suspect Hazel uses to make her cakes!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Afternoon all. What a superb weekend of schmaltz on the telly. Just what you need when the days are short and cold. Went to the party dressed as Jedward and we looked superb, I have to say. There was a bus full of people stationary right next to the car when we got out, so a little showbiz wave was in order. It was too good an outfit not to wear again so I'm wondering about the works do on Friday? It's black tie but do you think they'd mind a middle aged woman in a blond spiky wig and sequinned jacket and great big shiny boots? If I have a large enough gin and tonic while I'm getting ready you never know . . .

    Huge congrats to the Toversons on little George.


  • Comment number 97.

    Hello Gang

    Am I too late for an advent guess? Today, I think it is a trumpet!! Well, why not!!

    Baggy (or should we be calling you skinny now??) Definately do not worry about their party! From what you told me it sounds like you had to book what other people said they wanted, not what you thought was best. Next year, you'll be able to do it your way from the beginning so it will be, obviously, perfect!

    Just a quick visit for now, have deprived teenage boy of post-school computering for all of 5 mins and I think he may actually explode from deprivation!!


    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    My question yesterday while sharing my opinion with the Twitterverse was what has Giggs done this year that makes him stand out from the others?

    Also how can Tom Daley be nominated for both the YSPOTY and SPOTY?

  • Comment number 99.

    Pen, I could indeed. Am not functioning on all engines today. But what's new???

    Bondy, for you, a cake. You can't see, but on the top there are loads of those irritating sparkly things that you can't eat in the shape of little 007's...



    oooh and a pome!

    A Pome entitled 'Double OH!'

    If I had a bunny rabbit
    I would call him Bond
    And of that little bunny rabbit
    I'd become so fond

    I'd let him eat some lettuce
    and I'd let him eat some cake
    So if I had a bunny rabbit
    What a fuss of him I'd make

    If I had a bunny rabbit
    I would call him Bond
    I'd let him in the garden
    But never near the pond

    I'd let him eat some carrots
    I'd let him eat some grasses
    That's why you never see my bunny rabbit
    Even reading, wearing glasses



  • Comment number 100.

    Obarama...I most defiantly would. Sometimes you just gotta!


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