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Sorry guys --- soooooooooo late with this blog.

Chris Evans | 17:15 UK time, Thursday, 10 December 2009

Been at a big do for Sir Terry all day, very happy and very sad all at the same time. He made a brilliant speech by the way, as one would imagine - it was perfectly measured, funny, sincere, poignant and powerful. I was in bits.

Looking into the Bye Bye Drivetime: Hello Breakfast party invite appeals - there will be add ons I promise: Manchester Calling, Lyndyloo, Thunderclap N, Alrightflower for defo.

Gotta go. Late for prep for the show - never been this late.






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  • Comment number 1.


    YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you so much .......... and Clodagh!?!??!

    Now drive me home big fella.

    Deevs in the red dress
    x x x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    Now blubbing - that's lovely Christoph. Just read that whilst Bubble serenading me with Hold On. My fav of the moment.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello! It is me from last year/start of this (I went to university.. hated it... came home... then couldn't find a job..) Well I'm back to say hello to everyone! I've been reading the blogs but not posted for a few months. I still only have a part time job but round here thats not too bad so hey ho.

    I'd like to say that first of all Evans the book was great and when is the next one coming out? and secondly thanks for a good few years of teatime entertainment. It's not going to be the same again!

    Oh and the drivetime gig sounds great (is it going to be on the red button?) but I fear I wont enjoy it as much as in the morning of the 23rd I have a driving test... yay...

    Merry Christmas too all!

  • Comment number 4.

    Ooh Chris, lovely for the ones you have added on and well deserved. Hope you can include me too, but will manage to meet them prior to the party if not.

    Agree with you Beez - Bubble - loving it.


  • Comment number 5.

    I would have flown in for the event....LOL.......

  • Comment number 6.

    Better late than never, Christoph, the blog that is, and what a star to include add-ons. Knew you would.

    Beez, in absolute and total agreement, just hope Santa remembers me with Bubbles album.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Margot - Penn I think Hold On was on his last album just off to check -
    and thanks for reminding me - there is a reason I am sitting on my ipod every night when I watch the tv box - the new album. Can't wait for Santa - going to download.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Welcome back TomG

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Evening each

    Chris, you're a star.

    Just finished reading the last blog posts and I have to say - this blog has been such a joy to me since I discovered it. A very low point in my life was made much better by all these lovely people. I've met people who I now feel are good friends and we've had great meet-ups. The lovely Helen, who met me at the airport in London and guided me to my hotel in Docklands where Beez and Deev met me with huge hugs, Glasgow meet with Mary, Chrissie, Gail, Susan and EGScotland, Liverpool - all those daft, smashing folk (and Bingo of course on his mobility scooter).

    I so wish I could be there on the 23rd. Could Mary or Chrissie please give big sloppy kisses to all my pals (and Chris of course if you get the chance!).

    Matt, you'll have a great time, don't be scared and enjoy Beez's hug.

    Rips: need a photie of you in your pants please.


  • Comment number 10.

    CLP - dont worry about being late - fashionalby so some times!

    Thanks for considering the pleas and adding in some lovely bloggers! And thank you for considering the other appeals too

    MWAH trice over

  • Comment number 11.

    Beez, Did I read CLP's blog above correctly?

  • Comment number 12.

    Yay to the "add ons"! Fabulous. Chris - you are a star.

    I'm in two minds about listening to Terry's last show because I just know he's going to make me sob. He is so eloquent and manages to hit exactly the right tone without being flippant or mawkish. (Mawkish - good word).

    Well, the big work thing that I've been worrying endlessly about has been and gone today. All went well and it was certainly not worth the worry. New Year's resolution - stop worrying, you fool.

    AF - fantasy Christmas presents - I'd love an evening round Liza Tarbuck's house drinking wine, having a laugh and playing all her records. Actually, there's one for the Children In Need Auction for Things That Money Can't Buy as far as I'm concerned.

    Have a good evening everyone. There's a large glass of wine with my name on it calling me ...


  • Comment number 13.

    You did Thunder me matey - woo hoo - see you on the tilty train?

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Tom - good luck for the driving test on 23rd.


  • Comment number 15.

    You happy Thunder??


  • Comment number 16.

    Ah, that's lovely Chris. Hope Sir Terry enjoyed himself - big change after so long eh.

    And thanks for the invitation to the party - very pleased to accept :-) Ooh, get me being all grown up and serious - inside I'm dancing hehe.

    Beez, have you got Bubble's album - flippin' marvellous!

    AF x

  • Comment number 17.

    Beez - whoever said "patience is a virtue" was way of course. Hee hee


  • Comment number 18.

    Oh and by the way: for ARF: Guns'nRoses Stairway to Heaven. I love Axel in his kilt and docs.


  • Comment number 19.

    Awwww, Christoff, you have the biggest heart! Congratulations to the add ons!!! Woo-hoo!

  • Comment number 20.

    ps MC is also a happy bunny :-)

  • Comment number 21.

    Ooooo - will Lyndyloo have the wee man there!? Will someone get photos for me pleeeeeaaaase!!!?

  • Comment number 22.

    Assuming my mention above is a definite invite then I dont know what to say apart from....

    ....THANK YOU CLP.....

    and all those who asked nicely on my behalf.

    The answer of course is YES PLEASE

  • Comment number 23.

    Top Man Chris - as ever.

    Top Bird Clodagh - who I can only imagine has been emailing her huge heart out since yesterday on all of your behalves.

    And Dan the Man - glad you're coming, you sound like a top chap and I look forward to meeting you.

    Terry's last show is going to be a pull over to the side of the road job without a doubt.



  • Comment number 24.

    Rips, you're right about the lovely Clodagh. I forgot to thank her for including me. Isn't she just a lovely lady?


  • Comment number 25.

    She's up there with you I reckon Annie......
    Sorry you can't make it - we are starting a new job in Glasgow in the new year though!



    Who needs to go home as I have a Rugby meeting down the pub tonight
    Note to self - Don't forget to mention Rugby at least once otherwise it's not a Rugby meeeting!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Hey are you listening to Nigey nige - he mentioned Holl@nds pies!!! you guys know how I feel about them - still got some in the freezer from me trip to liddypool via warrington!

    MC - might need you to bring me a couple o puddings!


  • Comment number 27.

    Evening all,

    I’ll try to keep it short ("....whatever.....", I hear you cry).
    Regarding the invitees’ list; IMO, CLP/Clodagh had a hard task; there was always going to be someone who felt they should have been invited, and wasn’t. Chris spreads much love and inspiration, and obviously no offence would be intended in this invitation business, so please, please don’t take offence at not being invited. I know that’s easy said when I am no longer a part of this, but there is so much good will here, and a line has to be drawn with numbers. Simples. The fact that some people may be hurt by not being invited is a manifestation of how ‘included’ they felt, and how they felt that they ‘belonged’, and the good feelings that subsequently came about. That’s a good thing, surely. The fact they’re not invited is a matter of mathematics , not marginalization.

    On any blog (and especially this friendly one), it is very easy to feel that you belong. It can make you feel great. The down side with blogs is that, having felt that sense of ‘belonging’ , something can trigger a feeling of ‘no longer belonging’. I haven’t felt this personally - the reason I ‘left’ was because (even though I’m a great believer in evolution), I wasn’t as interested when the messaging became ‘chatty’ ("thank goodness for that", I hear you cry). I’m not criticising, I’m just saying that when I blog, I prefer to blog and then blog off. I post on another blog (totally unrelated); I comment on the original blog and then I step away from the laptop and do some work. I didn't feel that 'worked' for me here more recently. Anyway, that's not interesting - the point I'm (clumsily) trying to make is that you do still belong to this great place, despite not making the invitation list.

    Huge congrats to the party-goers; you will have a blast. I lurk infrequently, but, when I do, it’s lovely to also see some of the old-timers still knocking around!! You KNOW who you are!


    ps I did TRY to keep it short

    pps really, I did

    pps C’mon urrrrzzzzzzzz – next season, top 4

    ppps I would love to put some personal messages to some of you on here but, you see, in doing so, I would ‘miss out’ someone and wouldn’t want to offend anyone by doing so (not that I’m comparing a comment from Gabs with an invite from Chris!). So, starting from a position of wanting to spread some nice messages from my grateful heart, I could run the risk of inadvertently causing offence. Coincidence that.

  • Comment number 28.

    Aww well done CLP on the add-ons, I'm sure they are all thrilled!! Probably an understatement!! lol

    I need to get on with tidying the house for the Royal visit - not the Queen, the MIL! Mr JG seems to have picked out the bestest easiest jobs to do, leaving me with the bathroom, beds, muddy pawprints and the rubbish! Nice!

    JG x

  • Comment number 29.

    Gaby, you said it all. xxxxx

    Rips: Glasgow meet in the new year? xxxxx

  • Comment number 30.

    right guys signing off for now
    going to get me STEAK PIE in the oven (ooops soz veggies) just following on from Niges thing and finish the last of the cards.

    BTW - got first BLOG card today - ta Annie!


  • Comment number 31.

    Gaby, wotcha cocker!! Was thinking about you today!

    Anyhoo, just had a conversation with Lyndyloo, and she is turtley gast and flabbered...and sends many, MANY thanks to everyone who arsted on her behalf, and is (Christophe) EXTREMELY happy to accept the invitation! WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    HLS, I doubt if she'll bring the wee'un, but there are loads of photos on her profile on FB...if you can't find her, check my friends...

    I bought my train ticket today. I also bought some Christmas cards and our Christmas decorations...yes, just a copy of the Christmas Radio Times...the coffee table is now looking wonderfully festive...

    Not hanging around this eve as there is Gavin and Stacey to watch, and a couple of things on iplayer...if I can remember what they are...

    Chris, thank you SO much for the lovely add-ons...you are such a kind man! (Lyndyloo can get emails on her bl@ckberry, so I'm happy to forward her address, or pass any information on...)


  • Comment number 32.

    Evening all,

    Thanks Chris for add-ons I'm sure MC ,AF ,Thunder and Lyndyloo are delighted.

    Hope all the plans are going to plan so to speak .The sounded Fab .

    Bids .xxx.

  • Comment number 33.

    peesess yes, thank you Annie G! x

  • Comment number 34.

    The Pie sounded fab.

  • Comment number 35.

    Hiya Guys

    Ever had one of those weeks?

    In the grand scheme of things nothing terrible has happened but just a stream of little irritants sent to try me!

    Like the washing machine going on strike when I have a mountain of washing & two boys at scout camp. Then i find out it's not working cos the plumber turned the water off (and I wasn't the one here when the plumber was!!)

    Like Sainsbury losing my on-line order & me losing my convenient delivery time & having to redo the whole thing

    Like deciding to have fish & chips because the order was too late to get dinner in the oven before tennis lesson & getting to the chip shop & finding I left my purse at home because I was paying the man coming to tell me the washing machine wasn't working because the plumber turned the water off!!!

    As I said, nothing really bad but doing my head in!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Sez...you'll be larfin abart it next week...but I do get wotcha mean...makes for an excellent blog post!

    Hope the rest of the week is better for you...

    Gorn now...

  • Comment number 37.

    Thanks Hazel

    I'm already smiling (still) Can't not this week!

    In the (delayed) order were chocolate & gin & the Radio times so I'll try & laugh about it later!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    Aww Seza, what a week eh?

    Look on the bright side - At least you didn't need a new washing machine!

    Well I think I've done as much as I'm going to on the tidying up front, still got the beds to do, but he's supposed to be helping with that and 'Enders is on!

    Is it Thirsty Thursday? I believe it might be!!

    Hi Bids and Annie x


  • Comment number 39.

    Evening JG. Now, who was talking about fish 'n chips? Think that might be mine and man in the cupboard's Christmas dinner next week. Anstruther here we come.

    Rips: When you get to Glasgow, you have to go to Anstruther. Fish 'n chips in the car, overlooking the harbour. Magic.


  • Comment number 40.

    Just a quickie ......

    CLP on Allan Carr tonight at 10pm on Ch4.

    Woooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooo!


    First Class chap!

  • Comment number 41.

    Thanks Deev, missed that. Off to check.

  • Comment number 42.

    Can I change my fantasy Christmas present please? Liza Tarbuck's record collection might have to wait. I want to go to Nashville with Bob Harris.

    By the by, before I go, my award for the best actress on British television at the moment goes to that little kid who plays Tiffany on EastEnders. How on earth do they get kids that age to act so incredibly well? I could spend the rest of my life at RADA and not even come close.

    Cheerio. x

  • Comment number 43.

    Evening all,

    CLP, that is so very very kind, and I have sooo much pleasure in accepting your invitation. A massive thank you to you, i cant wait ! xxx

    Just wanted to say a massive thanks for those that have helped secure this for me in anyway at all, i am deeply touched.

    Debs, shall i set a Guinness world record for how many pies I can fit in a mini. I'm sure flower wont mind being crushed by a Hollands pie just for you.

    MR Mc treated me to my tea tonight , a two for one in Debenhams , who said romance is dead.

    Am going to make a cuppa, and try and come down a bit.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 44.

    I'm here ,but lurking at the MO .I am trying to put a drape back up in my kitchen that I've washed without ,the thing is I'm having to kneel on top of the work tops to do it and my poor old knees are suffering even with some padding .

    Bids .xxx.

  • Comment number 45.

    without success .

  • Comment number 46.

    Bids, that kiils, I keep one of those kneeling pads in kitchen drawer for such an occasion!


  • Comment number 47.

    Bridge, haven't you got a son or daughter to help? Just look stupid. xxxx

  • Comment number 48.

    kiils = hurts a lot!


  • Comment number 49.

    Nice one MC.

    I'm looking forward to meeting you and the rest of this motley crew.

    Boss phoned me on the way on this morning and during the conversation I thought I'd slip in the request to slope off early on the 23rd. I toyed with a fib - you know, dentist or something - but before I knew it, the truth came flying out. 'Of course!', he replied, 'How on earth could you miss that?!'. Turns out he listens to the show every evening and has been a fan of CLP's for years.

    My only two dilemmas now are how to get there - I'm thinking drive all the way - and, of course, the big outfit conundrum.

    Another 10k in the gym tonight - alas that is 10k on the treadmill rather than 10k in my wallet, a quick feast of rice and beans, then a few chapters of the latest LLP novel. The Restaurant can wait till tomorrow evening when I can enjoy it with a glass or two.

    By the way, the 2010 events brochure for Le Manoir plopped through the letterbox today. We couldn't, could we.....?

    Peace + Love

    M - TAFKAMfR

  • Comment number 50.

    Oh Matt, we all so could!! Just given enough time to organise.

    Never mind about the outfit - just enjoy the whole experience on the 23rd. Beez, Deev, Mary and Chrissie will look after you. Afraid? you should be. (Only joking).


  • Comment number 51.

    Hiya Gang

    Just membered, Baggy, actually got round to using my graze voucher you gave me today. First box ordered for next Tuesday - looks yummy

    MTF your kids all ok now?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Evening everyone, have been lurking for the last few days but not had a chance to post anything. Well done to all those who made it onto CLP's guestlist, I hope you all haev a awesome night and I want to see plenty of pics on the other side!

    Spent a coupld of hours after work at the German Market and Winter Wonderland, was lovely! Went on the Big Wheel, had some mulled wine, and a delish Orkney steak beefburger with caramelised onions and cheese. Just wish the battery on my camera had died, and that the chair-o-planes weren't working! Ho hum, just means I'll have to go back again sometime...

    Hope everyone is keeping warm, it's nippy out there!


    PS TAFKAMfR: haven't you got an important birthday coming next year? There's your excuse for a wee jaunt to Le Manoir

  • Comment number 53.

    Evening all! Just got a wee window of quiet at work and thought I'd stop by! Did I miss anything!?

    Annie - are you sure you cannae go? There must be a way?? I'm sure you'll get back up ok!

  • Comment number 54.

    Oops just re read that, should have said just wish that the battery in my camera HADN'T died!

  • Comment number 55.

    Is Alan Carr repeated? I'm working til 11pm the night! :(

  • Comment number 56.

    Rosieposie - is that the wheel in our Capitol that they are talking about making a permanent fixture? Just caught a bitty on the news before I came out to work.

  • Comment number 57.


    I have indeed, but we stayed there this year and spent a mind-blowing amount of money, although it was worth every penny, and I was musing as to whether we could justify going again so soon. It is incredible there, but a pretty penny or three.


  • Comment number 58.

    Suse: Just can't do it so near Christmas Day, I so wish I could.

    Rosie: Am there on Sunday but no way am I going on that big wheel thingy. Will take camera, ok?

    Now, am going through wardrobe because have Christmas night out tomorrow with my old work. Why, why, is there nothing there that looks remotely fashionable?? And comfortable. We need Gok girls. xxxxxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Annie - you have beautiful clothes! Behave yersel'! Oooo - maybe at the next blog meet we could do that clothes swap party thingy!?

  • Comment number 60.

    MfR - hello honey! Congrats on the invite, by the way, but just popped on to say .... ofcourse you can book for 2010 .... what do you work for, after all, but to give yourself treats like that every so often! Go for it! Then tell us all about it afterwards!

  • Comment number 61.

    Suse: Good idea - clothes swap with Gok in attendance. In Aviemore?????


  • Comment number 62.

    Right, Its official, I'm stoopid. Am off for a bath.

    Back later. xxxxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Oooo - Bingo ... have you seen what brightAnnie is saying about you on my wall!?

  • Comment number 64.

    Highland Lass, just had a look on the Â鶹ԼÅÄ local website, looks like they want to build a Scottish equivalent of the London Eye down at the Leith waterfront, which will be a "different concept to the traditional ferris wheel at Christmas". Sounds interesting!

    M I see your point. If it's as amazing as you say then maybe it's better to wait a while before going back. Too much of a good thing and all that


  • Comment number 65.

    Evening all.

    Thanks Seza, both fine now ta.x

    Heavy frost here already, 16c when I left this afternnon, 4c when I got back about 7ish.

    Looking forward to the Alan Carr show.

    Do you know what, for once I cant think of anything to post, so will move aside for someone with something interesting to say.

    Early night I think, honest!


  • Comment number 66.

    Annie I really loved the wheel, especially when the guys who worl there spin the cars round!


  • Comment number 67.


    Evening matey, Highland Lass #60 said it best , thats what we work for, and as long as the bills are paid and essentials met, blow the reasoning and enjoy yourself. I have spent some serious wonga on stuff , but loved it and the memories are wonderful, you only come this way once - or so they say !

    MC x

    ps your running ability sounds like its coming along well, I have a sore leg -possibly hamstring, so waiting to give it a bit of a work out once i am on crimbo holls.

  • Comment number 68.

    Rosie, there is absolutely no way I'd get on that huge round thingy. I'll be going round the Christmas Market stalls on Sunday.


  • Comment number 69.

    The stalls are lovely Annie, lots of yummy treats to buy and some nice gift ideas too. I'm sure you'll have a fabby festive time


  • Comment number 70.

    Oh, I love Leith - could see that there!

    MTF - I have absolutely nothing of interest to say, so wheesht - I always love to see what you are saying on here!

    Sorry - got folk in office - catch nya

  • Comment number 71.

    Will you be there on Sunday Rosie? xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Yeah Suse, just imagine the views on a clear day, of the Firth of Forth, Bridges and over towards Fife!

    Right off to bed, night night all


  • Comment number 73.

    Just spent 20mins fighting my lap top cos it wasn't working, completely locked up, couldn't open or close or do anything

    Has taken me ages to realise it was not the programmes it's the little mouse pad thingy not working!

    If I use the button I can make it do stuff.


    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    My boss treated me to a curry tonight!


  • Comment number 75.

    evening peeps - just writing out the Christmas cards - those who get the ones at the top of the pile will be faced with very scruffy writing - my hand is tired!

    MC - are you travelling down by train on 23rd?
    I am on the 9.35 from Chester getting in to Euston at 11.38.
    Back home on the 13.10 the following day.

    Crumpy x

  • Comment number 76.

    ps - who else is staying over?

  • Comment number 77.

    Time to watch CLP on Alan Carr.


  • Comment number 78.

    yep and Michael McIntyre.

    C xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Hello,me again.

    Drape up and sorted ,a couple of decs up as wellgoing to a little bit each night and hope it all comes together .

    Hi Crumpy ,nice to see you ,glad the show went well and is said son of the hook now ??

    Mtf hi ,yes kneeler used and all done now .

    Matt ,yes to Le manoir ,your omly here once and can't take it with you .

    Bids .xxx.

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi bids -
    How's the knees?
    He is just about off the hook - he cleaned under the stairs so I can get at the stuff at the back now - lol

    C xx

  • Comment number 81.

    please excuse my spelling I'm tired should be going myself soon .I think it's all the excitement ,It's draining .


  • Comment number 82.

    Oooo, meant to say ... the only cards we have received so far are ALL from bloggers! Posting my first batch tonight on way home!

    Last time we were in Edinburgh for the Christmas Market was when biggest Highland Lass was11 months old ... and we took her on the wheel beside the Wallace Monument! She LOVED it - Highland Hubby did not!

  • Comment number 83.

    Bids - my spelling is to pot too! Well done on the drape!

    Gaby - you are thought of often honey!! Mwah and huggles!!

  • Comment number 84.

    Seza..after all my shouting and diagnostic work on my lappy - it's the windows updates that have messed up loads of peoples mousemat thingies!! Cheers Bill!!

    Matt, use it as a real treat IMHO!

    MTF - did you tell your boss about the broken headlamp before or after?

    Right off to bed, will watch C4 +1 or whatever...cos I can!

    JG x

  • Comment number 85.

    Crumpy ,FINE now thanks and glad its up ,tell you what though it will be a while be it has another dip .
    Galad son is now making amends and giving a helping hand .

    why is it that you start one job it alwats leads to more .

    But no more for me tonight .


  • Comment number 86.

    JG,did it right in front of him!

    Going to turn in now.

    CLP. you were great.x


  • Comment number 87.

    Highland Lass ,thanks for that ,love hearing about the christmas markets .They realy do get you in the mood for xmas don't they .

    Well folks I think thats me for tonight .

    So hope you all have agood day tomrrow and stay safe .


  • Comment number 88.

    Well done everyone. Have a fantastic time. We'll be thinking of you!


  • Comment number 89.

    Loved Chris on Alan Carr's show. I could listen to him for hours and hours.

    Trying to be sensible and go to bed but I fear I'll be shouting at Question Time as per. It's from the fabulous Wootton Bassett this week (Royal Wootton Bassett if I had my way).

    Miley Cyrus - I'm sorry, but I'd have to ground her and stop her pocket money.


  • Comment number 90.

    Hi JG Haven't had an update that i know of but will bear that in mind.

    Am going to try the classic IT approach & turn it off then see what it does when I switch it on tomorrow.

    Night all

    Sleep well

    Sarah xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Crikey, all I did was not read the blog for 2 weeks (being mad busy and then v v tired) and then I pop in here an hour ago for a quick catch-up, and look what I found!! Am so pleased for those invited on the 23rd, it'll be a fab time for all, will find an excuse to work from home so I can get 'cited without being thrown out of the office for disturbin' the others!

    Will catch up properly as soon as I can, but with a 2nd family birthday in a week on Saturday and little or no Christmas shopping done yet, it's going to be a bit busy...

    Love and hugs all round

    Ann aka AnnieOakley xxx

    PS CLP you are a star, look at what you created with this 'ere blog - yes, it's all your fault, tee hee!

  • Comment number 92.

    Oh yes, ARF - dare I ask for........

    Don't Stop Me Now.... ????

    Or is that the first song on the 23rd?

    Ann xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    Christoph you were great - of course - on Carr - keeeeep writing - want the next essipode pronto.....Impatient? moi _ Margo - am I impatient? erm .....

    With you Obama me lovely. Yelling at QT. Bring the old politicians back PA rules and he should know been there - done that - PA and Wills to run the country!!!

    Sorry - getting hot under the collar here............but I think I'm right!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Beezy - you on the Red Bull Torpedos??


  • Comment number 95.

    Annie Oakley - good to see you back and I think Don't stop Me Now has somehow become the theme blog song? Where's Odd Job when you need him!
    Oh my ! now that would be a surprising appearance at you know where!

    Off for a bit - few messages pending on t'other side.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Deev - just had Bad Things sung to me - who the heck needs Redbull!!!
    So whose outlook aint working - we are blocked apparently!!! getting others but not yours!?!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Woweee - anyone still watching QT! Go Paddy!!
    Really am off now!! perhaps..........

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 98.

    ARF: Sting: I'm an Englishman in New York!!!!

  • Comment number 99.

    mawnin dudes and dudettes of the blog

    now whats this all about hey?
    Today is the day of the week I can sneak a lie in till 8am - so how come I am in the wide awake club at 5.45 hey, hey, hey?

    right off to catch up with your posts from last night

    back in a bit

  • Comment number 100.

    Morning all. On cold train travelling to Leeds. Very dark and icy morning here. Did a lovely bit of skating coming down hill to station this morning. Only wish I'd had my ice skates on! Still haven't got a handle on mobile posting, hence no new paragraphs! PiPx


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