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We are Dublin and Belfast bound as I speak for a couple of days of book signings and interviews - still on the radio tonight though via the generosity of RTE, thanks guys.

Chris Evans | 11:55 UK time, Friday, 13 November 2009

Our two day trip will also include an appearance later this evening on the legend of all entertainment shows, a programme by the name of The Late Late Show.

The Late Late Show in Ireland is the longest running, longest-running entertainment show on telly anywhere in the world. By that I mean, it's been on the air for nearly forty years, is live and lasts for over two hours every Friday night !

It is a colossus of broadcasting and I can't wait to see how it all works.

Meantime I'm gonna grab some zeds as it's going to be a LONG couple of days for several reasons no doubt.




PS: Still looking for your sizzling suggestions to start the show...What track do you want to kick off All Request Friday with this evening?


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  • Comment number 1.

    Happy Friday all, stay dry and stay happy! x

  • Comment number 2.

    ps. should we have gone for an ARF with an Emerald Isle theme?

  • Comment number 3.


    You get your head down - you'll need your strength and wits about yous later this arvo when Clodagh makes her splash-down at your signing in Dublin!!

    You have been warned.

    Meanwhile, ARF:

    Hey Jude - The Beatles

    Again, as a huge THANK YOU to Bingo, Beezer and Jovial for the best Sunday afternoon ever!

    Mine's a pint of the black stuff ......

    x x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    Should be a cracking couple of days Christoff.

    Late late show brings back memories of watching the master Gay Byrne when it was repeated on channel 4 in the 80's. Roll the tape Roisin!

    Arf - Thin Lizzy - The boys are back in town.

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning all

    A few zeds never did anyone any harm, Christoph, well earned I'd say.

    Stair rods here, and more of the same,so they say!

    Little else to report, cat's got me tongue!

    Pen xx

    Darce, thoughts are still with you, hope you're okay, hun xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Beware being Clodagh'd

    My ongoing ARF request - Something in the air - Thunderclap Newman (one day it will get the vote maybe)

  • Comment number 7.


    I almost just choked on an Opal Fruit (or whatever they're called these days) thanks to what you just called me on Twitter!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 8.


    Hope you have a wonderful weekend - both Dublin and Belfast are terrific cities!

    Give Clodagh our love!

    Hope everyone else is ok - isn't is great that it's Friday?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Well I've survived into the afternoon, thanks for the lend of the ranty pants!! I can pass them back, have calmed down now....

    We have a lovely sunny day here, not sure where the storm is, but it's probably on it's way!

    Beez, be careful if you decide to travel, it doesn't sound good for Wales at all, Mum has been battening down the hatches since yesterday, getting everything put away or tied down, and stocking up so they don't have to go out anywhere, even for firewood!

    I've never been to Dublin or Belfast, but they are both on my list of "places I want to go" - trouble is it's a very long list that gets more added to it than crossed off!

    Anyway, better get back to the grindstone for a while....I agree Chrissie, TFI Friday!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 10.


    You really do get to go to the best places and do the best things don't you. Enjoy!
    ARF - Belfast Child?


  • Comment number 11.

    Afternoon All,

    Deevs hun your showing your age - they are called Starbursts (or were the last time I looked!) by the way WHY do companies change names of products it's infuriating and why do we ALWAYS call the product by it's orignal name, it's a Marathon, not a Snickers bar, get my drift

    Lovely and sunny here in the Scottish Borders, washing flapping in the wind, kids running riot - there on hols for two days AGAIN.

    Got to get the glad rags on, will have to do some gardening.

    Enjoy the weekend folks.


  • Comment number 12.

    I have put your book down on my Xmas list so fingers crossed.

    ARF: I want to break free - Queen

    Have a great weekend.


  • Comment number 13.

    ARF - Money for Nothing - Dire Straits - cos of the money wot you won for doing nothing (cept answering a few little questions) Thats my final answer

    1 million percent


  • Comment number 14.

    I probably shouldn't ask for an ARF after last week, but I will...

    U2 - Pride (In the name of Love)


    JG x

  • Comment number 15.

    Possibly too late...but would say surely it has to be Stevie Wonder & "Superstition" for your opening tune?


  • Comment number 16.

    Have a great time in Ireland, Christoph.

    ARF: 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 17.

    Crumbs - quiet here today isn't it? I was expecting to have to sit here for ages catching up!
    All chores done - couldn't get parked as usual so had to pay stoopid car park fee and walk to the bank. Spent a fortune in me butchers and so to work! well - in between texting (get me!!) emailing and the odd phone call!
    You been Clodagh'd yet Christoph?

    It's Raining Men -

    well why not? the storms not reached us - yet!!!

    Beezer xx

    pee ess - Rusty - looks like you may not have to learn spanish after all!!!

  • Comment number 18.

    ARFternoon all!

    ARF : Let's do it by victoria wood

    OR : Irish Rover by the Pogues??

    Altho loving the idea of the Boys are Back in Town!!

    Hope everyone has a great (and not too wet) weekend!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Man, I am struggling this afternoon.

    Just CBA. Feel like cuddling up with someone lovely and watching no-brainer fillums, eating choccy buttons under a duvet.

    * sigh *


  • Comment number 20.

    hello all

    Sparkly - ARFternoon, ha ha, very clever and funny!! But please stop mentioning 'that' song!!!! Everytime I read the words on here it's in my head for hours!!!

    Also Beez, seen elh on here few times, sure I've missed the reference but what/who is it? Obviously an unsuper market but which one?!

    Glad it's been quiet on here today cos it's helping me get on with work!!! NOT!!! Anyway ARF choice...mmm????

    ARF - Bow Wow Wow - wild in the country (that's the forecast anyway!)

    Have a great weekend everyone, off out tonight - again!! I know 2 Fridays in a row?!


  • Comment number 21.

    Deev/Suffolk - that'll be the giant variety I trust?! Have been eyeing up my frys choc cream and think it's just about to disappear, with nice cuppa..but no duvet or fillums or nice person to cuddle up to, just this bloomin laptop!!!!!


  • Comment number 22.

    Bonjour Bloggers

    How are we all today. Havent been on Blog for AGES...work have been pulling me left, right, up, down and no blogging time.

    Just popped on as its friday to wish everybody a good weekend and through my hat into the all request friday ring

    ARF - Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire

    What do you think?

  • Comment number 23.

    dreaur - ELH is Tesco x

    and yes, giant choccy buttons for sure!


  • Comment number 24.

    Dreamer - every little helps.

    Suffolk - me too ex the choccie buttons !!

    Beezer xx

    Still no storm here - anyone else?

  • Comment number 25.

    Good afternoon everyone,

    ARF - Hot House Flowers - Don't Go.

    Have a great weekend.



  • Comment number 26.

    doh - of course!!! No storm here, well not in terms of weather outside, BUT I'm getting bit 'weathered' off with this bit of work!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Ave goot so much ter wreet but am so busy terdee travelling 'ome & what ave yer butta don'twanter blog..... so i'll bang on the first bit of the blog ave writted in bits on me journey terdee & call it..... PART 1 >>>>>

    Greetings CLP & ALL Bloggie Dudes.....

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - Blarney yer busy lately... get it Blarney instead of blimey... az in The Blarney Stone... soz bad joke!!!!
    Off ter do more tv stuff & signings.... am sure it'll all go well!!!!
    A waz watching the One Show the other week when yer were on & yer were in most very goood form!!!!!!
    Talkin' of knackered.... a am terdee!!!!
    Last neets gig at the Albert 'all waz mega but a think ave over done it and a late neet and little sleep all after a busy week too and last weekend's blog meet... am running on empty at the present!!!!
    In true Bingo Star form i'll bang more details of the gig on next week... all i'll say for know, sorry now, it waz amazing!!!!!!
    Plus ave goot so much ter wreet about it and man do those events get me deep and inspire me ter wanter be up there performing.... it electrifys me soul, me 'eart....... me MIND of musical/ emotive PASSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ChrissieS - From yesterdee - #84... thanks for yer kinds words of encouragement... a take it all on board and very much appreciated!!!!!

    dreamurdream #88 - Thanks for the astro blog - interesting stuff for cap dudes!!!! A take it yer also one yersen then!!!!!!

    MsScoobycat #98 - Nice ter meet you in Liverpool but a agree shame we didn't chat for longer - next time we must!!!!!!! BIG SOZ Scooby - knew i'd miss some out, but ere ter make up for it >>>>>




    Ok PART 2 ter follow later when a get 'ome!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 28.

    All Requests Friday

    As you're in Belfast, you just have to start the show with one of Belfast-boy Duke Special's songs - how about Last Night I Nearly Died (but I Woke up Just in Time)!?

  • Comment number 29.

    Hello there Big Chief CLP,

    welcome to the Emerald Isle . . .

    Have yourselves a great time with young Ryan Tubridy tonight- I'm sure he might find you a suitable milkshake or two after the show...

    Might call in tomorrow afternoon to peer over the crowds and get a signature for your B-word - I may even pur-chase your A-B word while I'm there . . .

    Have a good one . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 30.

    Just had to say thanks Bingo and a mighty fine warm welcome to you too m'dear!!!

    Wishing you all the best of weekends and plenty of the black stuff Chris!

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 31.

    ARF; Weather with you, Crowded House cos we don't want it here do we?

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 32.

    The king of a small African nation had an elegant golden throne in his large grass hut. When an old friend came to visit from another nation, he was worried that the man would discover he was a king and treat him differently. He searched frantically for a place to hide the throne, but to no avail. Finally, he decided to have it wedged up in the ceiling of his hut. When his friend arrived, he went to the hut's opening to greet him. Just then the ceiling started to give way, and the golden throne fell on the king, killing him.

    The moral of this story is......

    People who live in grass houses should not stow thrones!

  • Comment number 33.

    My ARF was
    A good heart is hard to find - feargal Sharkey but there have been some good suggestions on here....

    Hi to Jillygoat & slim Jim glad to 'see' you.

    Have a cracking weekend all
    (& Clodagh...go for it!!)

    x x

  • Comment number 34.

    and thank you Bingo
    x x

  • Comment number 35.

    Afernoon CLP and all bloggers,

    Hope you have a fab time over there in Ireland, have been to Dublin once and really liked it, have only ever sat on the runway of Belfast airport.

    Was supposed to be having a visit from my Goddaughter and her Daddy today but alas she was sick in the night and so was a very tired and grumpy little girl this morning, so we've postponed. Last I heard she had been asleep for 3 hours and counting!

    ARF: Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis


  • Comment number 36.

    Afternoon each!

    Well a week ago we was gearing up for Pool and now its all over...and its a week later..cant quite believe how quick this week has gone!

    Bingo..my lovely, thank you for the welcome! And cant wait to hear bout last night in more detail...on tv next Thurs for those interested!


    Deevs.. me and GM end up under duvet on sofa most nights (STOP it!) and always have a supply of chocolate to hand..thats how i maintain my svelte like figure... `looks around nonchalantly to see who`s just choked on their tea`...hee hee..

    #28 Gill4071...Duke Special! Have been championing him for a few years now and that is probably my FAVE of his..can have it on repeat for ages and not get bored..as well as Wake Up Scarlett... brilliant!

    Yoohoo to everyone else too...that fab say we call Saturday tomorrow (even tho i`m back to working it..such is life!)

    mSc x

    PS- ARF - Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance..great song!

  • Comment number 37.

    ARF - Las Vegas in the Hills of Donegal by Goats Don't Shave

    Okay most of you will never have heard of them! It's on a compilation cd of Scottish/Irish groups I have (can't find it or remember the name just now of course!) and is great fun - very lively and I believe very popular all over the Emerald Isle!

  • Comment number 38.

    Jakeygirl - that is bad even for a wild and wet friday afternoon. ;)

    Roll on 5.05pm and see whose ARF it is!

  • Comment number 39.

    And the cd title I was struggling for is Heartlands. Pretty old now but lots of great stuff on it!

  • Comment number 40.

    Hello Hello Hello

    How's life in the Blog Land today?

    Deevs, Choccie Buttons?! Yes please!!

    Bingo, come close back dwon to earth yet? Heard Shirly Bassey & Dizzy Rascal (???) on the radio this morning A-MAZ-ING!!

    Beez, has been raining all day here, hope you have a good weekend

    And everyone else, hope you all tip top & spiffing

    Seza xXx

    ps any one heard if Chris got Clodagh'd?

  • Comment number 41.

    PS - wonder if Chris has been Clodagh`d yet?!

    PPS-no rain here..beginning to think i`m in the Twilight Zone as its `always` raining here!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 42.

    mSc - Have you moved to Forks? Do you know Edward Cullan?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Seza..sorry hon..had written that and then posted it and stupid computer locked.. looks like you beat me to asking! And HAS he?! We need photographic evidence if so!

    mSc x

    PS - off soon so have wunnerful weekends one and all..x

  • Comment number 44.

    Seza..wish i did! With Cathmel on that one...soooo young but so would!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 45.

    Oh sooooo soooo would! Thing is, as he's a vampire only looks young so t'is okay really.

    Mind you. think we'll have to share with Debs as well

    Have been a very kind mummy & volunteered ro take boy2 & friend to see New Moon! Aren't I good!! ;-)

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 46.

    Selfless Seza...Selfless!

    Right guys...offski..be good!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 47.

    I'm always good Scoobs!


  • Comment number 48.

    Did someone mention MY Edward!!!!!

    2 weeks to go! whoo hoo!

    have a great night all - off being mums taxi in a sec - then tea and I will be settling mesel in with me know sorry new HD cloud plus box!!!!

    PS - anyone know how to fix it that you dont have to put your pin in EVERY time you change an HD channel - most annoying - only had it an hour!


  • Comment number 49.

    Hello everyone how are you?
    Hello everyone how are you?
    Hello everyone how are you?
    How are you today?
    (To the tune of Skip to my Lou).

    Can't skip to my loo at the moment because there's a man in there boxing off the cistern.

    I've never been to Dublin or Belfast I'm ashamed to say; I've only been to Ireland once, for the day believe it or not - a "business trip" to Cork , which was lovely, in my shady pre-teaching days. I've never seen such a small aeroplane. Anyway, Boleynman is a quarter Irish and still has family over there so we keep meaning to go. I remember my girls crying with laughter when they heard that one of his cousins is called Porrig.
    (Apologies to any Porrigs who may be lurking).

    Anyhow, I hope Chris meets up with Clodagh, I'd love to see that picture.

    Happy Friday all,

    A x

  • Comment number 50.

    Been on phone for ever this afternoon and have to report it is now chucking it down big time !!!!!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Well done Michmel! Makes me want to grab the hoover!

    A x

  • Comment number 52.

    Thanks Chris. M xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Well done Michmel!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 54.

    Debs - I think in parental settings you can remove the PIN thingy.

    Well done michmel! and so apt for a Friday afternoon


  • Comment number 55.

    Well Beez if you want a weather update, here it is...

    Have just come back from St Audries petrol station where it looks like they are going to lose their canopy tonight.

    My shed has been vacated of wabbits as I dont think it will be there in the morning.

    I have just come back from local town in BIG car and had a struggle to keep it on my side of the road.

    A power cut looks imminent as the lights keep going.

    Mind you its still warm, I just came out of ELH and it was warmer out than in !!

    Its pretty scary here, and I dont scare easily I can reassure you.

    Pizza anyone??


  • Comment number 56.

    MY SHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 57.

    Oh no MTF Where's your shed gone?

    Did you tie the bunnies down?

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 58.

    Bugrit - theres a shed just flown over me garden!!!!



  • Comment number 59.

    No low flying bunnies tho'.

    They are safely tucked up indoors.

    MY GARDEN TABLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 60.

    Oh poor you MTF, I can report torrential rain here but not too windy (yet)!

    Traffic so bad tonight, I was driving so slowly my windscreen wipers kept stopping - how bloody helpful is that???

    Beez, have you postponed your trip? Think you should, Pembrokeshire's had it bad already according to Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Website for Wales!

    Oh, and I am sorry about the previous post, was feeling a little bored, and then got rushed off my feet before I could apologise...tickled me though, but small things...

    JG x

  • Comment number 61.

    MR MOBS!!!!!


  • Comment number 62.

    I wish Mr JG would get blown away in the wind, as long as he left his netbook behind! FNWC is going to be a lonely and cold experience if I have to sit out here!

    Have you had any Fizz yet MTF?

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.

    Same here JG, Mr Mobs is a bit like a boomerang !! LOL, I am joking.

    No JG on the fizz, actually going to stay off the coke, but a tin of scrumpy jack is waiting to be opened once my hands are pizza dough free, going in right now.

    DOH !!


  • Comment number 64.

    I'm off to order a curry, have had enough this week, and need someone to deliver me some food!

    Catch you later!

    JG x

  • Comment number 65.

    Hands Doh free now!

    Would love a curry instead!

    Swap JG?


  • Comment number 66.

    Has everyone else blown away ?

    Bought a very naughty piece of rib of beef on the bone today, 5.2kg!

    It was in the window and said 'Buy me, you know you want to!'

    Do I need to set any extra places at the table on Sunday??


  • Comment number 67.

    Not on your life MTF!! Have ordered my favourite, from my fave place - the one's ages ago that I rang back to say how much I'd enjoyed it!

    Mr JG now calling, he wants to clear some of our recorded stuff = Nascar from whenever...back after 4 hours of racing!

    JG x

    Ohh...Just found out...Talledega!! Woohoo!!

    Definately later!!

  • Comment number 68.

    What ??


  • Comment number 69.

    Evening all,
    Just popping in briefly to ask where you all will be tonight as I have the grandchildren here and will have to be taking them home later .

    While some of you were getting ready for the Pool,those of us left at home were all boogieing around at Bolyngirls and had a great time I hasten to add .

    Don't think she'll want us again so ,Will you be in The Dog AND Duck,The Swan or The Nags Head.???????

    Bingo ,Many thanks for the lovely welcome .xxx.

    Also welcome all newbies .

    And lastly ,Mtf what are you doing here early ,be careful with the fizz.

    Hope to see you later where ever .

    Bids .xxx.

  • Comment number 70.

    So, a lone fairy on a FNWC, no-one to talk to !

    Bids, any worms left?


  • Comment number 71.

    Blining blimey what the...

    Where did you spring from Bids.



  • Comment number 72.

    That was sposed to be blinking!


  • Comment number 73.

    MTF, have been enjoying your "Window on the Weather" - very Wincey Willis, with a spot of "Wizard of Oz" thrown in.

    Lots of Ws there.

    Off for scram.

    A x

  • Comment number 74.


    I'm only back off up to Liddipool!!

    With Mr Deevs!!!!!

    For Valentines Weekend!!!!!!!!!!1

    Staying in THE posh Beatles themes hotel near Mathew Street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    GET IN!!!!


    peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees: evenin' all! x

  • Comment number 75.

    love love me do!

  • Comment number 76.

    wow Deevs, fantabulous!

    MTF, set an extra place for me on Sunday, I'll only need a small slice, one yorkie and one spud, light eater nowadays!

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 77.


    Taxi part 1 done, just waiting to see if Mr Seza going to volunteer for part 2.

    Deevs, back to liverpool so soon? Is that allowed? Have you got to go back to apologise?

    MTF I'll have place please. Yummy!!

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 78.

    Seza, I fell in love with the place. Truly, madly, deeply! Felt so at home and safe and want to show Mr Deev what made me smile so much (and cry an ickle bit too!)


  • Comment number 79.

    Any news of Clodagh?


  • Comment number 80.


    Hope you both have a lovely time. Am sure it will be very special for you. Just watch out for the mohitos!!


  • Comment number 81.

    I intend to spend the afternoon of Valentine's Day in The Cavern supping cold beers and singing at the top of my ickle lungs!


  • Comment number 82.


    MY WORD.......It's Windy!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I had the journey from hell home.....the Tamar bridge was closed to anything bigger then a mini and lanes closed.....so the main road through the city was one BBBIIIIGGGGGGGGG car park! Icky icky icky!

    And Michmels ARF was played just as I got to the back of the queue!!!!

    And there's no alcolfol OR choc in the house.......but I aint going out there for nothing...uh na!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 83.

    Welcome to the West country Ebs.x

    Heard about the Tamar bridge off good ole Sal traffic.

    They dont very often close that bridge.

    It hasn't peaked yet.


  • Comment number 84.

    MTF - The out laws are supposed to be coming down tomorrow, and I'm not sure that would be a good idea, what do you think??


  • Comment number 85.

    Ahoy ahoy!

    The weekend is upon us - take away devoured - beer being consumed and the feeling of being confined to the house as the wind whistles down the chimney and roars around the rest of it....is delightful.

    Just watching a recorded Shooting Stars before flicking back for HIGNFY.
    What makes Vic and Bob saying the banal things that they do sooooo funny?

    Hope you are all in an as equally hibernating frame of mind as me.



  • Comment number 86.

    Evening each

    So jealous of you Chris - in Ireland, the land of lovely friendly people.

    MTF: You got Bridge problems too?

    Back later when I've caught up with you lot. Anyone else in FNWC? Have only had a little glass of merrrrrlot as I overdid it last night!


  • Comment number 87.

    Ebs, best advise them to stay put, honestly, way too dodgy.

    Rips seriously, is there anything funnier than the team that make up the 'Shooting Stars?'

    Anne what was your cocktail again last night?

    As for probs with Bridge, nope, we have a mutual admiration for one another. She knows I love her to bits, shhhh!


  • Comment number 88.

    MTF: Entirely too much vino collapso - G&Ts, red wine with chinese takeaway, followed by Benedictine!!!!! I blame shopaholic friend.

    AND: drove her round Fife today, calling in at craft shops and garden centres. She's a gold medallist in shopping!!


  • Comment number 89.


    Off to be taxi driver again.

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 90.

    Just brilliant MTF - I shall be joining both you and Beez tomorrow (don't panic ladies!) and heading to our local butchers for a Sunday joint.

    If ever a weekend made for a Sunday roast!

    Hi Annie and all others....

    Where's young Matt of Rudgewikshire?



  • Comment number 91.

    Someoe chuck the word 'was' in my last post for me

  • Comment number 92.


    don't say i never give you owt!

    matt's over on FB.


  • Comment number 93.

    Evening Rips

    You in FNWC by any chance? xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    twist and shout!

  • Comment number 95.

    And hallo Deev, lovely girl. xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Anne we went to the home of Benedictene in Normandy a few years ago.

    Think it was Fecamp with an accent over the e!

    What a fabulous place, we bought a bottle from there and got it in a beautiful collectors tin.

    Going to give you the facts now as they are written on the tin...

    The secret of BENEDICTINE lies in the choice and harmony of its 27 plants and spices .
    The quality of these ingredients gathered from the five continents , the traditional process by which it is made , and the ageing in oak barrels make BENEDICTINE unique , original and authentic .

    The idea of the art exhibition "BENETICTINE , l'image en mouvement" is to confront the old posters of past masters with those of young contemporary creators , and to show that as a long tradition can be used as a springboard for current art.

    Pour it over a little ice and BENEDICTINE will reveal the exoticism of its flavours . but the unique taste of BENEDICTINE can also be used in cocktails and long drinks , with tonic and fruit juices.

    Lets just equate from that, that I have a very pretty tin.

    Cointreau anyone??


  • Comment number 97.

    Annie - is the Cath a Popelic?



  • Comment number 98.

    MTF: That's exactly where I bought my bottle of Benedictine - Fecamp - spooky, eh? And did you buy a crepe when you were there? Yummy.

    Was in Normandy 6 years ago, the Benedictine Monastery was awesome.

    Rips: that'll be a yes then?


  • Comment number 99.

    howdie Annie! luverly lady.

    Text from Clodagh - she went to book signing and got her CLP huggle!!


    x x xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Good for Clodagh. Hope there'll be a photie on Facecloth. xxx


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