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Top Gear boys at the house to make a film about the California Spyder

Chris Evans | 10:21 UK time, Monday, 30 November 2009

Probably the worst day on record to make a film about the coolest drop top ever produced. Standing water everywhere.

James May and I look more like we're off fishing than about to drive Enzo's finest.

Photo pending.

18 shows and counting. . . Till the big move.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Get yourselves up to the Midlands then Christoph - wall to wall blue sky here.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Hi CLP you have been missed. Hope your pilots went well.
    Await the photo with bated breath.
    x x

  • Comment number 3.

    I'm jealous Beez it's cold and grey here. Think it may be raining (what a change) as well

  • Comment number 4.

    morning Christophe
    Pic on twitter looks 'interesting'
    Morning Beez and Jules

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning (again!) Chief

    Yes, how did the pilots go? And what else? You must have so much to tell us CLP .... and only 18 more shows til we share toast and cawfee.

    Am I right to be getting 'cited about 23rd December?!?! Am I?? Am I???

    Coz i am!!!

    Muchos Amore

    x x x x

  • Comment number 6.

    Jules - tis lovely here but was a tad nippy walking to the office ! ;-)

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Morning Chris,

    For once it's not raining in Glasgow - horay! You both look freezing in your pic on twitter - if you were nearer you could have some of my spicy carrot soup!

    Way too much for me to catch up on - hope you are all well.

    Hazel Love - sending you a very "Happy Birthday" hug xx Have a great Birthday. xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Ooh by the way it's December tomorrow, can we say the C word from then? canwe canwe canwe??

  • Comment number 9.

    Welcome back Christophe. LOVED Top Gear last night and your lap was hilarious! So glad I'd realised that you were going to be on and didn't miss it. So there's another film on the way then eh? Can't wait. xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Wahey just realised got 3 clear days next week and leaving them that way!!! mmmm what to do what to do
    D x x

  • Comment number 11.

    Daffy - Christmas Shopping. My list to Santa is getting longer by the day!


  • Comment number 12.

    Morning all, Filthy weather here today, much like your lap last night, WET! Thought you did a brill job in those conditions though, looked fun. Saw you on Paul O'Grady last week, looks like you had a blast there too. Dame Shirl is a game ol' bird too ain't she! Looking forward to the Enzo trials now.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 13.

    Am thinking more road trip with camera bags in tow Deevs
    D x x

  • Comment number 14.

    Morning Chris,

    Welcome Back - I've missed you.

    Caught you on TG last night, happened to be flicking the switches and there you were. Also 40D you with Paul O'Grady that looked like a right laugh. The only thing I didn't hear was you on SW, so I might have to listen again to that this afternoon.


  • Comment number 15.

    where would you go Daffy?

  • Comment number 16.

    Morning all

    Short and sweet Christoph! Enjoyed your TG appearance and well done on the wet lap! Oh and loved you on Paul O'Grady, with the delightful Dame Shirley. What a fab show.

    Would appreciate a bit of blue darn sarf, which at the moment looks decidedly unlikely.

    One more thing...............


    Pen xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Dunno tiggy..... perhaps a mini adventure depends if taking camping stuff though
    D x x

  • Comment number 18.

    Daffy, there's a wonderful Christmas Market in London's Hyde Park at the mo - if you like your photography I should imagine it looks stunning after dark.

    Going there this weekend to suss it out and spend some shiny coinage!

    In fact, London after dark looks stunning in most places.


  • Comment number 19.



  • Comment number 20.


    Brief but informative.
    Information on pilots required please.
    Weather here is sunny, near tropical - no honestly it is ;-)

    Happy Birthday Hazel - how many, or am I best not asking...?

    Jules - no, still to early!

    Cheryl - is some decent players on your Santa list?


  • Comment number 21.

    U wont be joining me for the camping bit then Deevs although not sure where can camp in ol london town... could possibly pop down sunday to absorb the atmosphere and lights :)
    D x x

  • Comment number 22.

    NIc, we have decent players. Trouble is, they have a habit of getting injured. Or suspended. Altho after yesterday's effort, suspending the lot of 'em might just be the answer. From a joist.

    Daffy, camping in December is really hardcore, altho it has to be said, bits of ole London Town are indeed very camp.

    My camping days are over, I feel. Weekends away are now in lovely hotels with fluffy robes, not nights under canvas getting bitten by the local bug population.

    I am still really in the mood for a hot sausage roll tho.


    peeeeeeeeeees: excellent pome Pen! x

  • Comment number 23.

    Morning All,

    Well done on Top Gear Chris, is it as much fun as it looks??

    Deev.....Did you have to mention Sausage Rolls, hungry now!!

    Happy Birthday Hazel! XX

    I'm back 'ere at this strange temp job....got a phonecall Fri that they wanted me back?????



  • Comment number 24.

    Greetings Ter CLP Pal & Every Bloggie Pal...........

    Bingo Star ere........

    CLP - FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Noot about fellow cap dude James May at yer 'ouse although a can see that might make anyone freak out ('ope 'e didn't arrive via 'is caravan air ship!!@!!@!!! LOL!!!!!!! At tell yer Top Gear gets crazier, funnier & better by each shoe, sorry show!!!!)
    No FREAK OUT on me predicting yer lap time so accurately!!!
    See me blog commentation # 1430 from yesterdee & # 51 on this link from a few weeks back :


    A predicted a time of 1min 48sec & goot a feeling yer would just beat Billie Piper's time of 1min 48.3secs and what did yer do it in.... 1min 48.1secs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    All a can say ter all, well a say a swear on me mother's life too much on the blog even though she says she ain't mind me saying that as long az a am being truthful.... Instead i'll say 'a 100% swear on me own life' that a don't know CLP personally & 'ave noot goot inside information, like some blog dudes 'inted yesterdee and CLP might think waz a at Top Gear.... 100% a swear a wasn't, ave never been ter the show & don't know exactly where it's filmed!!!!!!
    A could claim ter be a bit physic az ave predicted many other things on the blog, maybe a am abit and don't 100% know 'ow ter use it..... all a will say iz on CLP's lap time.... a thought 'ard in me 'ead and sort of see a kind of tunnel & 1min 48 popped in.... a kept getting 1min 48 every time a thought about it!!!!!!!
    A bit like a knew CLP & Tash were gonna ave a boy!!!!! (some might remember a strongly predicted this.... the only problem me writing this on the blog a sound like a nutter.... so i'll shut up know, sorry now!!!!
    But all a can say is me latest predication ter come very accurate & it's on the blog for all ter see!!!!!

    Actually a won't shut up just yet LOL!!!..... Rather than claiming ter be physic a think it's more a sign of 'ow a weight things up very carefully and can predict things in a very level 'eaded way!!!!!!!
    Unlike politicians!!!!!!!!! LOL again!!!!!
    Actually noot LOL.... damn idiots running/ ruining our country!!!!!!!

    Back ter... The MIND.... In fact wreet know, sorry now, am getting in me mind....... errrrrr..... errrrrrr yes a see Christmas dee 2009 will be on the 25th of December, errrrr 2009!!!!!!!!! WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!
    A getta strong feeling this prediction will come true!!!!! 100% TRUE!!!!!
    (PS I'll bang something else that will make me sound like a NUTTER but 100% TRUE & a find interesting on the blgo termozza about astrology & me mind!!!!!!!)

    PS CLP - Talkin' of yer lap, the Top Gear one, noot the toppa yer legs when yer sitting down at 'ome on the sofa with the girl & the sofa & now James May too... and a camera crew, that wazza really, really BRILLIANT lap considering it waz very wet CLP dude!!!!@!!@!!!!!!!
    In the dry that would ave been very respectable but in the wet..... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!@@@@!!@!!!!@!
    Me thinks CLP 'as goot a driving talent!!!!!!!!
    All a can say iz don't get over confident az a result in yer Ferrari's on the road in the wet az they WILL bite you if yer do!!!!!
    Look at the Stig in the mega wild Lancia replica.... yer even beat 'is time just... ok 'e did ave two spins in the lap, but that's me EXACT point... A powerful car with wide performance tyres aquaplane terribly in the rain... whereas a car with skinny tyres like the Reasonably Priced Car cuts through the puddles & rain better and ultimately grips better!!!!!!!! Is more controlable!!!!!
    Which puddles me, sorry puzzles me, ter why do F1 tyres that are very wide grip so well in the wet??????
    Well a think a lot iz down ter alotta the downforce pushing the car 'ard inter the track.... but also a think apart from aving MEGA grooves in the tread, am talkin' the 'eavy wets ere, but also they are of a special soft rubber compound only designed ter last 40 laps or so, whereas a road 'igh performance tyre, like on yer newer Ferraris, is made of a much 'arder rubber compound ter last thousands of miles.... 'ence a lot less grip in the wet!!!!!!!
    So be careful on the road CLP man!!!!!!!
    Yer could always buy yersen a Reasonably Priced Car complete with BIG bore cherry bomb exhaust and use that ter get ter R2 in the wet!!!!!!
    Sorry am a beginning ter become a bit of a BIG bore mesen???????? Ok, i'll shut up!!!!!!

    PPS CLP, James May crashing 'is caravan airship.... Talkin' of Capricorn's who keep crashing... Tiger Woods.... crashing 'is car inter a tree, then a fire 'ydrant!!!!!!
    Am glad 'e's ok & noot badly injured butta tell yer..... brings a new meaning ter Tiger driving inter a tree..... then a water 'azard!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 25.

    DAMN IT Chezza, yerv nicked me #22!!!!!!!!!!!! NNYYYYAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Morning all - not had the best of last weeks, we had a fire at home which wrecked the kitchen and front room, so we are living in a hotel. Not much fun with a three year old and baby due in 2 weeks!

    Then some nice people broke into our fire damamged house at weekend and nicked TV, which was fire damaged and PC which was not.

    Hopefully we can get back to our house for the new baby and christmas (sorry bout the C word)


  • Comment number 27.

    Aw Andy.....not good!

    Hope the damage isn't too bad and you're all back in a newly painted house soon XX


  • Comment number 28.

    Ter Any Toverson - Really sorry ter read about the bad time yer 'aving at the moment!!!!!!!!!
    Must admit there iz some real low life out there, like parasites, fancy breaking inter someone's fire damaged property and stealing!!!!!!!!!!

    My thoughts are with yer Andy and a wish you all the best!!!!!!!!

    Looking on the brightside, as much as times may be 'ard now, am sure things are gonna pick up for you & next year should be a good one for you, espaciaaly with a new baby coming!!!!!!!

    PS Tell uz all about the baby on the blog when 'e/ she arrives...... BIG CONGRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 29.

    Hi All,

    Just passing by - loved the performance last night Chris, I think wreckless covers it fairly well.....Cracking time for a wet track!
    Nice to see Clarkson in awe of your car collection, I also enjoyed your reasons for having so many on Paul O'Grady's show......although to be honest, why should you have to justify it?

    Bingo - Are you sure you weren't camped outside the track with a stopwatch and binoculars last Wednesday?
    Spot on though - well done.

    Andy - Love and best wishes to you and your family.
    Hope everything goes well and you, the family and the new arrival are all safely returned to the house before Christmas.
    Thankfully no-one was hurt - I suspect that may change if you bump into the low life s%$mbag who took your tv mind!

    Hope everyone else is full of the joys of..........well whatever really!




  • Comment number 30.

    Andy, thoughts are with you and your family xx

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Oh Andy - big hugs mate and as for that low life nicking your computer and tv - I'll twitch my nose so that something not nice happens to them.
    Hope you are back in time for the C word - you are forgiven, you can mention it - but No-one else!!!

    Keep us advised on the new ones arrival.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 32.


    Huge huggles to you and yours hon.

    x x x x

    methinks we may see La Love soon ..... x

  • Comment number 33.

    Thank you to all for your kind thoughts and Bingo of course you are right. In the end its stuff we can replace.

    I'll let you all know about the new arrival, when anything happens.

  • Comment number 34.

    et voila!

    Je suis ici.

    ...and I have no idea why I've gorn all Fronsay...

    Anyhoo, dammit Christophe, missed TG last eve, but I think is on again later in the week, so I'll just have to pretend I didn't read Bingo's post, and be all surprised when JC reads out your lap time...also, I'd just like to say (in my opinion, which I'm well aware may not be the opinion of others) that the best place for spiders is down the drain. So if it's raining chez nous (again!!! woss goin on) I'd just leave them to it.

    On a previous page I've already offered my views upon your Paul O'Grady appearance...thoroughly enjoyed it...and the wonderful Dame...there really is nothing like her is there?!

    I have just finished opening my birthday cards after a lovely long lie-in, now I have an appointment with the sofa, and most defiantly an early night ce soir (I think I need help) having had a reasonably debauched weekend. Well, I can't start lettin m'fans down now, can I...and have just found out that there are another couple of friends coming over this eve. Oh dear. Its also the first time that the fridge has been so well stocke in weeks. Particularly if you are a dipsomaniac who also likes act1mel.

    Penny, thanks for the Pome! And everyone else, thank you for my birthday wishes, and you know who you are...thank you for my lovely cards...I've bin larfin art lard at most of them!

    I'm not prepared to say how old I am. I think I've reached the stage where I can choose not to merember. Suffice to say, I can recall wot I did during the war, but I have to check my cardi to see what I had for breakfast...

    Christophe, if you can find it in your heart to give me just the tiniest mention on your show...and if you can squeeze in the Mighty Quinn...I think I may spontaneously combust or similar...

    Coffee with Christophe or Eggs on with Evans

    ps Andy, here's hoping everything gets sorted out for you really soon x

  • Comment number 35.

    Peeass check out Google front page for St Andrews Day!

  • Comment number 36.

    Hello, afternoon,

    What a gorgeous day it is (at the moment) , Blue skies and sun .
    Got to rush home tonight to dig me thermals out. coz theres frost on its way.

    Hazel, happy birthday young thing x

    Andy, hope you get sorted soon, keep us posted on progress.

    I am nursing a poorly foot today, coz i tripped down the stairs in the night . Thought i would be brave, so wearing high heels and trying not to limp. Think I may just have to have some chocolate sooooooon.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 37.

    'azel Love - Am glad ave caught up with you at last... just wished yer birthdee greetings on Fb but also wanted ter do so ere.... coming at yer from all angles!!!!!!
    So BIG 'APPY BIRTHDEE greetings to yersen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!@!!!@!!

    Rips - Thanks for yer commentation butta 'ope yer noot accusing me of acting like a peeeeping tom or INDEED a trainspotter!!!!!!!!

    Mind you yer commetations of binoculars & spot on remind me of a visit ter me dermatoligistist!!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA 2U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that includes U!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Just noticed me C.I.N. Albert 'all gig blogs that were moderated ave been reinstated!!!!!!!!
    All a can say iz BIG thanks ter whoever at the beeb decided ter reinstate them az a waz in a BIG state after a goot moderated!!!!!!!!!
    Still don't know why a goot moderated?????
    Can only think it waz 'cos the beeb wanted ter show the show az being on the Thur before the Fridee the 20th!!!!!!!!!!!
    But it's no BIG secret that it wasn't az there were 4.5k at the gig and we all know stuff gets filmed in advance for tv!!!!!!!!

    'ope this doesn't get moderated for touching on the same thing!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 38.

    Mc, that's soooooooooooooo brave. Have you got your slippers in your handbag tho? Gwon - you can tell us .....


  • Comment number 39.

    Pity poor Rips - I am possibly suffering from Gastritis.
    Had a slightly hairy moment when the doc thought that my admitted alcohol intake was seven days a week - she relaxed (a little) when I explained that it was just weekends and that it was Chris Evan's bloggers fault.

    So, the words were - cut down!

    Where does that leave me?



    Who is in some discomfort.......Oops, 'scuse me.

  • Comment number 40.

    Hiya Deev,

    LOL, i must remember to wear my specs in the night, or put light on. Or learn how many stairs we have - have only lived there 14 years, so still getting used to the place !
    MC xx

  • Comment number 41.

    Awwww Ripstickle, poor auld you. Under normal circumstances I've give you a hearty old get well chuck hug, but think I'll just keep me distance if you don't mind ......


    Hope you feel better soon lovely.


  • Comment number 42.

    Sorry got tied up... reading the comments think we all need the comfy sofa for one reason or other..... all aboard :)
    D x x

  • Comment number 43.

    Happy birthday Hazel xx

    LJ x

  • Comment number 44.

    thanks - coming to sit on the sofa meeself - still feel like i have a huge weight on my chest (insert appropiate joke here - those that have met me)

    would love to take one breathe without it hurting

    vertual hugs for all those who also need one - not real ones as I need my air ;-)

  • Comment number 45.

    and big burthday wishes to HL xxxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Oh gawd.

    Daffy, please do not mention "tied up" when I'm flicking thru the Take That Smash Hits special .....

    I need a lie down now.


  • Comment number 47.

    I said it one day last week also but Deevs, you're incorrigible!

    Andy - hope everything is sorted in time for new bubba and the silly season, thoughts are with you honey
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Me Tiggs? Surely not .....?

  • Comment number 49.

    yeah whatever Deevs!!!
    Lights up yet?
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 50.

    btw Deevs, back snuggled on sofa with a lovely warm Mr Tiggs to snuggle with, bliss!

  • Comment number 51.


    Happy Birthday Hazel Love you lovely person you.. xx

    Andy_T..sorry to hear you are not having fun.. fingers crossed everything gets sorted soon for you and your family..x

    Everyone else...BOO! There..that surprised you didnt it!

    Got to fly..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 52.

    PS..Deevs..does your sausage roll requirement need meat and pastry or should i be thinking of a different kind...?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 53.

    Tiggs, got rather tied up meself at lunchtime, so no lights yet. All afternoon to go tho .....


  • Comment number 54.

    All time high... day just gets better n better...
    Comfy time with good friends is the way forward
    D x x

  • Comment number 55.

    time for Love Actually, back soon lovely peeps!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    just recieved a very rooooooood but funny text from my mum - too roooooode for the blog unfortuately! Do i post it so people can catch it before its gets moderated?

  • Comment number 57.

    Baggy - it was brilliant! Stick on on FB xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Well thank Evans you're back Christoph - you have been missed!

    As ever, apologies for long absence but time has whizzed by at a rate of knots lately! My mum had a bad stroke three weeks ago and at the moment I'm dashing between Kent and Brighton twice a week.

    Anyhoo, I wanted to say hi to everyone and also to wish La Love a stoopendus boithday - I've sent you a text lovey as I completely forgot to put card in t'post - doh!

    Andy - hope you and yours will soon be home.

    jillygoat x

  • Comment number 59.

    Hello Everybody!!

    Baggy, hope you mum's txt didn't make you laugh too much. Sounds like you need all your breathe for your breathing at the moment!

    Deevs Did you get tied up in your Fairy lights?

    Rips, hope you feeling better soon.

    Happy Birthday hazel

    And hello to everyone else

    Am now sat sitting on my comfy sofa with a snuggly boy who says is he is big except when he needs cuddles!! Sounds good to me!

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Must say am getting bit jealous of all this snuggly sofa surfing thats going on....
    Although if its doing you all good then its all good ;)
    D x x

  • Comment number 61.


    The fairy lights are now draped around the PC Monitor, tin hat at the ready for the morning .....

    I got tied up with online shopping, altho didn't actually spend anything! Why are PS3 games so spensive?!?! Mr Deevs wants 2 for Christmas but looking at the price of them, that'll be his budget done and dusted with just enuff change for a sherbert fountain.

    Dear, dear Daffy one - green so doesn't suit you.

    Deevs, feeling festive n happy
    x x x x

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi everyone:

    Totally forgot all about TG last night - will catch up later!

    Bingo: it has to be said, a lot of your predictions do come true ... spooky!

    Trying to catch up with the blog since the weekend - it has taken quite some time! Good to see most people are in a happy place ... but:

    Andy: just an awful time for you - hope everything gets resolved and fixed up soon. Thanks to the powers-that-be that you and your loved ones are ok. As for the low-life, well words fail me. I am constantly gob-smacked at man's inhumanity to man. xx

    Rips: hope you get better soon. Re: the alcohol intake - surely it is better to spread the units over seven days, rather than just at the weekend? Well, that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it!

    Baggy: sorry to hear of your woes. My sister suffers dreadfully from asthma and it really is no joke when you can't breathe properly. Take care, hope you are better soon.

    JG: I did notice you saying that you are having the day off on the 18th Dec to listen to STW's last show .... but then said you are only joking! Well, I have to confess that I am also having the 18th Dec off -but I must confess IT IS to listen to Terry's last show, and Chris's last Drivetime! Yep, I know, it's a tad freaky, but I have to do it!

    Debs: 1440: what a laugh! MrS does say to me "come quick, someone on the blog has just poured a glass of wine/started making dinner/just come back from ELH"!! But he means it in a good way, and he knows how much I love the blog and all who sail in her!

    Last, but certainly not least, lots and lots of love to the DIVINE Ms Hazel Love! Hazel, I hope you are having a lovely, lovely day. After what you have been through lately, you deserve a day of love and happiness and I am sure you will getting all of that in spades. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Whew, a long one - sorry!


  • Comment number 63.

    am not green.............. and red (from the cold) ;|)
    D x x

  • Comment number 64.

    green and red - very festive!


  • Comment number 65.

    Blinkin' 'eck - just poked my nose out of the office - it's freezin' out there - think it's time I ditched the flip flops to walk to the office in..... blue I am Daffyduck - not a festive colour normally - although the C lights in this here town are blue - And turned on - bah humbug. grrrrrrr

    Does the cold air help or hinder Baggy cos it's freezing already?

    Rips poorly boy but I agree with Chrissie - spread the alcofrill consumption over the week. Big hug poppet.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 66.

    the Monday meeting beckons ...... hopefully back in time for CLP - it's blimmin' cold down in the meeting room (tea room!)

    Miss meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


  • Comment number 67.

    Beez, as Bingo would say - whatta coincidence. My LEDs on my monitor are blue, and I'm turned on.



    in a meeting ... really ..... x

  • Comment number 68.

    U know if we are all different colours maybe we should source some funky hot water bottles to send to each other so we is all warm... saying that I have thawed out nicely :)
    D x x

  • Comment number 69.

    Lo, lost my voice so I won't say much, just...


    LOVELY HAZEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You say banayna,
    I say banana,
    You say pertayter,
    I say pertarter,
    You say tomayta,
    I say tomata,
    You say bazle (ie instead of basil)
    Happy birthday Hazel!

    Throwing meself right at yer, lots of love xxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    PS Chezza, do you have the advent calander ready? I hope you've made a nice display, some spicy pot pourri and an orange with cloves maybe.

    A x

  • Comment number 71.


    Yes, the advent calendar for the bloggers is blu-takked nicely to my office wall!

    Daffy - can i be purple please.

    x x x

  • Comment number 72.

    Or holly, rosebuds and lavendar a la Rowan Atkinson in Love Actually?

    Tiggs xx
    part 1 of 4 part xmas movie fest done and dusted!

  • Comment number 73.

    In fact, the bloggers advent calendar is nicely positioned reet next to the signed piccie of Mr CLP he did for me a CiN ..... ahhhhhhhh!


  • Comment number 74.

    beez - cold air hinders im afraid - and walking in the wind this morning between the big buildings took my breathe away so much my lips were an attractive shade of blue as well as my breathing sounding like a steam train.

    So going from the cold (bad) to warm air central heating (bad) is going to be intresting tonight - boooo

  • Comment number 75.

    Baggy, take it easy honeybunch x x x

  • Comment number 76.

    not looking forward to footie tonight grim times, might need bottle to keep me warm :)
    and not necessarily of the hot water variety lol
    D x

  • Comment number 77.

    is it inside footie or outside footie Daffy? i'll send you some warmth as i'm tucking into roast chicken and pasta, with a glass of Pinot in me PJs.

    going to start the crimmy shopping for Mr Deevs straight from work so won't be home til 7ish. not in the mood really, but its got to be done innit!?!

    then evening snuggled up with an obscene amount of mail order catalogues looking for quirky gifts for office buds, as you do.

    x x x

  • Comment number 78.

    outside 7 side deevs and yeah all the warmth would be appreciated :) and aww baggy hugs hun
    D x x

  • Comment number 79.

    pfffft. blow that for a game of soldiers! good luck.


  • Comment number 80.

    Blimey - it's forecast to be minus 4 tonight - watch bits don't drop off Daffy !

    Big hugs Baggy and take it steady.

    Deev - it is still November ! sigh...........

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 81.


  • Comment number 82.

    Chez, get them all a fart whistle, you can't go wrong with those.
    A x

  • Comment number 83.

    How do the bloggers get tickets for Bye Bye Drivetime?

    Really hope to be there.

    x x x

  • Comment number 84.

    me too Deevs!!! Will glue ears to radio (figuratively) tomorrow!

  • Comment number 85.

    Boley - i was thinking of bath ducks. there's quite a range out there!


  • Comment number 86.

    but himself did tell us all personally (at signings and other meetings) that he wanted us all there......

  • Comment number 87.

    Tigs, I'm so glad you added "figuratively", that would have been a very extreme thing to do, and surely chaining yourself to Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ centre would be more of a public plea for tickets!

    A x

  • Comment number 88.

    Afternoon all .

    Had a lovely mini meet lunch with Girlracer ,really nice to see her .

    Andy Toverson, so sorry to here about your troubles and so pleased that you are all safe ,I hope you get back into your home in time for the new arrival ,and I jolly well hope that the lowlife that stole from you get their Just deserves .

    Baggy ,hope that you're feeling better soon .It's all this damp weather that's not good for you eh!!.

    Bids .xxx.
    Rips,sorry to hear that you still have you're tummy ache ,take care .

    MC,has the chocolate fix worked it's way down to the foot yet .

    I think you are all in need of {{{HUGS}}} ad you too Tiggs .Oh!!and there is one more person I'm sending a {{{HUG }}}to today and that is to my little fairy friend ,she knows WHY .

  • Comment number 89.


    Was just out of the kitchen eating me tea. Did i miss something about the Drive time Bash? What's happening? What have I got to do? Heeellllpppp

    Andy T really sorry to hear what happened to you. Can't imagine what it is like trying to sort it all out . Thoughts are with you.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    Bolyngirl ,lol at the fart wistles ,didn't now they did such things .please tell where do you get them from ?? I'm sure my grandsons will have fun with them .might be tempted mesen .hahaha .

    Bids .xxx.

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi all

    Made it home eventually - had a senior moment and drive straight past ELH! Had to go round a block, and turn right into it....nightmare, was there ages!

    Andy - sorry to hear about all your bad luck, I hope the catch the thieving little b***ers, and you get a chance to be back home for the new baby and Christmas xx

    Talking of the C-word, think everyone round here must have spent the weekend putting up lights etc, looks like National Lampoon's C-word around here!

    Rips, try taking more water with it!! No seriously, get yourself right for all the upcoming festivities!

    Bingo, thanks for your expanation on tyres v power - I have a similar problem, although I don't have an F1 car or a Ferrari - it's actually Mr JG who makes me switch, cos he had a nasty experience in mine in bad weather once.

    BG - now you've got me thinking, as I have no idea what to buy Mr JG! lol

    OK, dog to sort out and feed - back in a while!

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    Hi Bridge - 99p at Hawkins Bazaar! Glad to be of service - enjoy!

    A x

    JG - does he like beer? I got Boleynman a "10 pints in 20 days" kit from the same place for his birthday - he made it with his dad yesterday. It's in this really dinky plastic barrel which looks like something from Doctor Who, and here's the bonus - it's red, green and gold so it looks like a Christmas decoration!

    Acually I think the beer's the bonus.

    A x

  • Comment number 93.

    I meant akshully. And btw Bridge, they have a website with their entire catalogue online, but I'm warning you, you will be tempted...

    A x

  • Comment number 94.

    Also, I got my Christmas tree head-bopper there, it's fab. I have to have a new silly head-bopper each year for Christmas Day - it's expected.

    A x

  • Comment number 95.

    BG - have just read mine through...D- for the typing!

    He does like beer, but whether he'd be patient enough to wait for it is another matter! He's actually asked for the Cannonball set of filums on DVD...weird!

    JG x

  • Comment number 96.

    JG, now that is weird! Rock on Tommeh!

    Right, better go and sort out tea. University Challenge followed by the Jungle - from the sublime to the potty. Love it.

    A x

  • Comment number 97.

    hahahahahahahahaha - sorry - I'll be back when I've stopped laughing (and coughing) Oh My !!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Photo? Or is the cam still drying out? A better driving performance than Tiger though. He's still drying out as well.

  • Comment number 99.

    Howaya and Tally-Ho chaps!! Just back from Ireland via HMS Hotpoint, perfect timin' with DT to jolly me back along the A55, hurrah! Never mind your cuttin' corners, Christoff, yous an' James May shoulda seen ME negotiatin' all them speed limits, roundabouts, tunnels an' roadworks amidst lorries, motorbikes and one silly bugger tryin' to cross over the dual carriageway by the light a the full moon.

    Still. At least I wasn't snoggin' at 90mph, hurrah for Sally Traffic. Top Bird. Have officially got a girl-crush on her now, I want to be her when I grow up. Mind you I did me own fair share a snoggin' in highly dubious vehicles in me day, oh yes. In fact I was gettin' flash-backs there of the ex-hubby and meself back in the early 70s, in 'is Morris Marina, indulgin' in a bit a slap an' tickle. Now, see; I shoulda really seen the writin' on the wall there an' then. The said ex-hubby, a big aul daft rugger-bugger farmer, ran 'is hand up me leg.. and plucked all me tights.

    I mean. I wasn't pleased. Ergo after that it was use the Nulon or forget the slap-an'-tickle. Oh yes.

    Any road. Where was I. Oh yes. As I was hurtlin' along there, CLP said he had an announcement. Ooo, thinks I. I wonder what this is... and disappeared into the Conway tunnel. Bzzzzzcrrrkkkbzzzzzz.... out the other end.. ah NO, missed it.

    Anybody enlighten me? It wasn't the DT party, was it??? And if so, is that the Universe tryin' to tell me summat?

    Ah no. Right, off to make a decent cuppa and catch up.


  • Comment number 100.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    Christophe saw you on TG last night, v entertaining, loved it when you said "Hi" to the family as you drove past!!!
    Once again, thanks for a great day at R2 on CiN day, well and truly made up and grinned like a good 'un for days.

    Been a busy bee whilst off work, MrsW had her bday so we ate drank lots, loads of decorating done (wallpapering today), tree went up today also albeit against my will but 3 kids and a wife win everytime in here, would've been ex-wife's bday yest so took her some flowers, more wallpapering tomorrow, then get ready to go back to work on Friday - boohiss
    Oh and gonna try to design a kitchen online inabit, should be a laugh????

    Happy birthday Hazel

    bonnet de douche


    ps, wasn't going to mention Spurs getting 9 lastweek but couldn't resist x


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