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Spent the night at our good friend Richard and Rebecca Bacon's house last night.

Chris Evans | 10:01 UK time, Tuesday, 27 October 2009

He presented his 5 Live show from there. Swish London pad, swell national radio show.

Met Alain de Botton. Personal hero of mine and real life philosopher. He didn't disappoint, he was clever, engaging, funny, charming - everything one would want from a modern day man of thinking and prose.

Via this outside broadcast, Richard was saying hello to his new home and goodbye to his night time show, as he takes over afternoons in the new year on 5 Live when Simon Mayo moves over to The Mother Ship.

So a late one - and on a Monday - but worth being tired for, like a slow roast shoulder of lamb is worth the calories.

News just in - new host of Saturday Kitchen this week and next - endeavouring to find out who. Think it's Lawrence from Roast, hope so - v. nice man.

Big car auction preview this eve. Will take photies and put them on my personal Twitter account @achrisevans




  • Comment number 1.

    Morning Lambie Pies!

    So, your cheeky Monday night out wasw a tad later than our mini blog meet then!

    Is James Martin leaving SatKit? What about Marcus Wareing to take over - he's luverly and very under-rated, I feel.

    Laters big man!

    x x

  • Comment number 2.

    Wont be able to do too many late nights soon Christoph - and you have enough cars - don't go there !!

    As I said on previous blog!!

    Laters smiley peeps

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning all

    I think it is Matt Tebbutt from Market Kitchen.

    Peace + love


  • Comment number 4.

    Morning all

    Christoph, what's a late night or two between friends?

    Spent the odd hour of three in my yoof at car auctions, mainly Blackbushe, with Mr P,looking for a bargain. Get car home and he was lost in his own little world, tinkering here and there, it was his main hobby then. Nowadays age has taken over, and a company car to boot, and we pootle off to the garage and buy a shiny new or nearly new car, just for me, because we can!!

    For those of us who don't do twitter, can we please still have the odd photee on blog?

    Where's the sun that was promised, not here yet, but still warm!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 5.

    'of' three??? you know what I mean!


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning Bloggers,

    Pen, It's a smashing day in Kent and I'm off to the seaside shortly (well Sheerness!) Not that I will probably see the sea, got to do some interviews for a project we helped set up down there. Still it's an afternoon out of the office and I get a free lunch.

    Glad the mini blog meet went well last night, I shall definitely be there next time - when is the next time??

    Chris, Are you just looking this evening, or purchasing? Enjoy


  • Comment number 7.


    not having a great day today
    1) The money I was expecting to be in the bank isn't there yet so now it looks like the wages cannot be paid and I asked for the money last week!

    2) I have had to tell my assistant off becuase shes not doing things the way i need them done and I ended up looking foolish yesterday as I had no idea what was going on - and she keeps making stupid mistakes!

    3) Might feet got soaked on the way to work adn now I'm still sat here with wet cold feet

    4) the concert I thought i might be going to is now not going to happen - and all other plans are a bit airy fairy so I guess nothings going to happen at all

    Sorry - will take ranty/ misery pants off now and sit here and stew!

    bp x

  • Comment number 8.


    You have enough cars already. Share some out would you!


    1)Give 'em a rocket
    2)Sack her
    3)New shoes opportunity
    4)There are plenty of others too


  • Comment number 9.

    nic - so sorry mate - hers me ranting about silly stuff and you lose your job this week - now i feel a little shaun the sheepish

    **siddles out the door**

  • Comment number 10.

    Greetings Christoof & ALL Bloggie Peeps....

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP - Sounds like a most interesting evening with The Bacon & pals.... And Alain de Botton in particular!!!!!
    The only problem CLP... yerv goot me wondering what waz/ iz on 'is mind!!!!
    Talkin' of bumping inter fellow european dudes at gatherings of people... a once saw the famous wine maker Benedict Vine aka inventor of Benedictine atta wine makers conference!!!!
    Apparently 'e waz saying that ter prefect a good wine it's all in the way yer prefect yer grapes.... although it's top secret the way 'e perfects them ter get perfect wine!!!!!
    A said iz it true there's 27 different types of grape that go inter yer wine.... 'e would noot tell.... all 'e would say iz 'ow did a know this???.... a replied.... A 'eard it on the grapevine!!!!!
    3% TRUE!!!!!

    Talking of Alain de Botton and studyings of everydee life... something, amongst many, ave notcied about 'uman psychology.... goot me inter a mess at the weekend.......
    Az a mentioned yesterdee..... a didn't ave a very good weekend after a goot mesen inter an incident!!!!
    Yes an incident!!!!
    Basically ave yer ever noticed, ter those who drive out there on the roads, all the weird behaviour on the roads????
    One thing ave noticed when yer pull up ter traffic lights: Yer arrive yer stop behind the white line, why iz it the car that comes along side yer always 'as ter stop next ter yer..... but a little forward.... a little ahead of yer???
    Is it some kind of superiority thing from the next driver to yer?????
    Do they ave ter assert some kind of authority that they are more important than you, that their presence on the road iz more important than yours..... by parking... slightly ahead of you.... even though you arrived there first and 'ence you are ahead of them on the road!!!!
    But if yer loook at them they NEVER make eye contact with you!!!!
    Ave just noticed this blog friends... about 70% if noot more, the driver of the car next ter yer 'as ter assert some kind of pre'istoric animal instinct of authority that they are superior by parking.... 11 DAMN IT inches ahead of yer!!!!
    So this time a noticed in the corner of me eye... the car next ter me 'ad asserted their.... 11 inches.... so being in a 'urry... a decided for once.... NO.... NO!!!!!
    This time a am gonna park ahead of you and INDEED be ahead of you after the lights go green!!!!!
    So a eased me car a few inches ahead of the car next ter me!!!!
    A noticed the car next ter did the same!!!!
    'OW VERY DARE YOU.... a thought!!!!
    So a eased forward again.... this time just over the white line!!!
    The car next ter me again.... moved slightly ahead of me!!!!
    So a moved me whole car a damn 10 feet ahead!!!!
    Again the car next ter me pulled slightly a head!!!
    So a stuck me damn car wreet inter the centre of the junction!!!!!!
    It's at that point a 'eard a siren.... yes a siren... and am noot talkin' a 'ighly attractive women aka seductive temptress type siren!!!!!
    A loooked ter me right.... the car next ter me turned out ter be a ploice car and the copper in the passenger seat waz pointing at me trying ter get me attention!!!!
    A ended up being pulled over for going through a red light.... and az a result ave know, sorry now goot the 3 P's.... Ploice Prosecution Pending!!!!!!

    It's all too much for me!!!!!

    GOURANGA TER ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Hi Chris,

    Missed the 5 Live show - but will listen again tonight. Thankfully I did not have a "late one" last night - I was in bed really early and took a certain Mr Evans with me - ooo-err!

    Bingo: brilliant story. For this reason, and many many others, this is why I don't drive. The roads are full of nutters, but to be fair to you, no way could you have anticipated that the car next to you, playing silly b*ggers, would be the Old Bill! I think they were a tad naughty, in my opinion!

    AliB: glad to hear it's nice in my beloved Kent. It is the utter pits here in Glasgow! Sorry if I have missed this, but how did you and your friend get on at the tattoo place last week? Anything to report?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Baggy - You carry on, it's not a problem. Not in the least bit affronted. Situation somewhat "fluid" at the moment, so cautiously optimistic...

    Bingo - What are you like...!!!!!!


  • Comment number 13.

    * THUD *

    That was me falling off chair after reading post #8 ......

    A man proffering a shoe-purchasing opportunity !?!?!?!

    Where have you been all my life?!?!


  • Comment number 14.

    actually - I need a shoe box as I'm trying to do the Christmas child appeal this year and don't have one - all the shoes I ahve bought this year either didn't come with boxes or the box is so nice i'm keeping my wedding shoes in it ;-)

    If anyone has one and can get it to me for mid Nov (please dont send as thats just silly) I would be happy


  • Comment number 15.


    I'm doing that too - one boy one and one girl one. If you go ask in a shoe shop I'm sure they will give you a box or two - always worked for me in the past.


  • Comment number 16.

    PS Forgoot ter say me story above.... 8% TRUE!!!!!!!!

    Although the observations about nutters on the road 100% TRUE!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 17.

    Deev - me too but I went round the shoe shops on sat and came back with nothing - they break them down now and don't give them out

  • Comment number 18.

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - had a thought

    Next tues its the turning on of the C* lights in oxford street and I'm taking the afternoon off to go shopping and too see them being turned on - I could try and get a box then!

    IS anyone else going to see the lights being turned on?

  • Comment number 19.

    Bingo, it's not just you they do it to. From my experience, more often than not, it's a flippin great 'tank' trying to intimidate me!

    Chrissie, you have a point re not driving. But it gives me that bit of independence. I often wonder if I had never worked at a school of motoring in the very early days of my working life, whether I would have had the bottle! And of course the lessons were free!!

    Baggy, rant away, it'll make you feel better!

    Nic, Hope something turns up soon on the job front

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Good to meet you briefly; the late night seemed to have made its mark getting out of the Marriott car park. Will swap my Saab conv for the Disco! - save you going to the car auctions or even my Dad has a few pristine classics in Zimbabwe (low mileage on account of the fuel!) and going there at Xmas for his 70th!

    Will keep rocking!

  • Comment number 21.

    Cheryl - Don't mind giving shoe advice as long as it's not me paying for them. On the subject, I have a rather wonderul pair of blue boots I bought in Amsterdam a few years back, which the other half is not that keen on - a) because they are blue and b) as they put me up over 6 feet and she only checks in at 5 feet!
    Bingo - Unless I am mistaken, Chris uses the phrase "and all 100% true" in his book - have you copyrighted this phrase?


  • Comment number 22.


    Take Nic's advice .... buy nooo shoooooz et voila! Dry toastie toes and a box for one of your Christmas gifts ....



  • Comment number 23.

    Nic - #21 CLP nicked it from our Bingo!

  • Comment number 24.

    Penny: I did drive years ago - gave up when driving home with my daughter who was 18 months old (or so) at the time. I was on the motorway - works ahead - and I slowed down slightly to read the road signs properly. Suddenly, an enormous articulated lorry was just about to roll over the top of my Metro! He was travelling far too fast, just blasted the horn and we only survived by the skin of our teeth, because I had to take off like a rocket! Got home, parked the car and swore I would never drive again - and I never have. HUGE mistake, but it's way, way too late now!


  • Comment number 25.

    Chrissie, I totally understand, very scary. I don't particularly enjoy driving anymore but it is just sooooooo handy and it gets me from a to b. If we're out as a couple Mr P tends to always drive.

    Nic, When I read that in THE book, I immediately thought of Bingo!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 26.

    ChrissieS - A don't blame yer for noot driving!!!!
    Yer getting me going off on one ere.......
    If am 'onest az much az a love driving, it's one of the best things in life from crusing in a BIG aychGV ter driving a sports car down a quiet country road... But nowadees a don't find it enjoyable whatever am driving, from me truck, ter me little diesel ter a fast supercar!!!!
    Just too many cars & idiots on the roads sadly!!!!
    A think the problem iz the test is too easy & no re-testing/ education!!!
    The ploice just focus on speed and noot education.... speed in itself is noot the cause of accidents just used in the wrong place!!!!
    Plus cars seem ter bring out the most vile of peoples personalities.... petrol 'eads excepted!!!!!!!!
    If a could getta job on the railway and never 'ave ter drive ever again on the roads i'd be 'appy!!!!!!

    Any way don't wanter bring me blog 'umour down with negative 'appenings!!!!!
    At least a can see 'umour outta all the misery on the roads!!!!!

    All a can say ter all.... a see it from me truck everydee.... So many miserable bad tempered inpolite drivers!!!!
    Everyone needs ter chill on the roads and appreciate whatta luxurious lifestyle we live in this country and a wonderful invention a car iz and 'ow lucky we are ter own one!!!!!!!
    There's people 'ungry in poor countries, who would love just a good meal let alone ter own a car!!!!
    But most people can't seem ter see that, they just go around in an agressive, selfish 'urry!!!!!!!!
    A could go on inter a BIG Bingo piece of philosphy of life and driving but am gonna stop know, sorry now!!!!!!!

    Nic/ Chezza - We all pick up things from each other... a notice CLP 'as putta photo in 'is boook of 'im atta zebra crossing in a car asking the question ter two babes 'do you think a loook like Micheal Caine?' another thing ave often writted!!!!!
    Mind you though... a do think 'e looks like MC!!!!!!! 100% TRUE!!!!!
    So maybe 'e's 'ad it said to 'im by others too!!!!!

    PS Alotta my 'umour 'az been subconsciously put inter me by the likes of Wrightie (Mr Angry & Sid The Manager - loved those characters), plus Kenny Everitt, Russ Abbot, Tommy Cooper, Freddie Starr, Laurel & 'ardy.... all BIG 'eros of mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again... 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So maybe a subconciously nick ideas from others without realsing it!!!!!
    Like the problem with me ayches!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 27.

    Penny - Ave never metta tank on the roads... although ave met a few nutters driving aychGV tankers.... even when a wazza tanker driver in the past!!!!!

    Ahhhh get me onter the damn railways!!!!!!!

    Mind you.... level crossings!!!!!!! Am gonna become a 'ermit.... in Angola!!!!!!

    Is there a country Angola??????

    Maybe top geography dude Jono S might know!!!!!


  • Comment number 28.

    Must admit, finding reading CLP's boook very enjoyable and interesting.... love 'is reference on the back page..... priceless!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And stalking Timmy Mallett!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Penny: of course, it drives (see what I did there?!) MrS crazy that everywhere we go, he does the driving. But, then, as I say to him in my defence, when was the last time he washed any of my underwear? Oooh, better not go there!

    Bingo: I definitely want to hear more of your philosophy on life when we meet up in Liverpool!

    C xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi all

    I must admit I love driving, but do get annoyed when people think they have a given right to pull out of junctions causing everyone else to slam on the brakes!

    One of my fave things is heading out for a day in the car, with no particular plan in mind, just finding some good driving roads - normally heading to the Lakes, Snowdonia or the Yorkshire Dales.

    I can't stand being a passenger though!

    JG x

  • Comment number 31.

    Rush hour driving is getting more and more like the wacky races these days.

    Mr Mc such a drama king when he is a passenger in my car. Almost yanks the handbrake on and does these dramatic "bury head in hands" and adopts an "emergency landing" position, which is not too easy in the mini .
    I try and reassure him that i have at least one of my contact lenses in .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 32.

    PS ALL - I'll tell all termozza about the time a goot inter a VERY BIG mess on the moroteway!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 33.


    please check your FB messages re Liverpool meet.



  • Comment number 34.

    Chezza - Am checking it know, sorry now!!!!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    It's sleepy time again....better let sleeping blogs lie....

  • Comment number 36.

    Let's be honest - it was just too much, me mentioning my underwear - wasn't it?!

    This must be the quietest the blog has ever been on a midweek afternoon!

    C xx

  • Comment number 37.

    LOL Chrissie - just popped on here for a break thinking it would take me ages to catch up from this morning - erm !!!!

    Must all be busy little bees like me !!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 38.

    i'm busy!


  • Comment number 39.

    I've been stuck in meetings all afternoon!

    Going to head home shortly in the dark :(

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.

    I'm busy too, but I hate to see a neglected blog!

    Coochie Coo, Blog .... see you soon!

    C xx

  • Comment number 41.


    Lady Boss gone home so an hour before hometime to turn the mooozic up and wind down a wee bit!


  • Comment number 42.

    Hi all
    Quiet in here today innit?!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Very quiet....

    Quiz night again already tonight. Just me and Big Al tonight to defend our title!


  • Comment number 44.


    Write down some of the questions and we can have a blog quiz tomorrow!


  • Comment number 45.

    oooh yeah, I'm up for a quiz!

  • Comment number 46.

    Yes it is quiet here today .

    Hi all ,it normally takes me a couple of hours to catch up on the blog when I get home ,but only one hour tonight .

    Bingo totally agree with you on that one re idiots on the road .I only go one junction on my way to work and thats enough .I leave home quite happy but by the time I get to work I'm raging at the idiots .

    Baggy, hope you have a better day tomorrow .xx

    Nice to see that you girls had a good night last evening .

    I bet your all getting excited about Liverpool.not been there since I left the north to come south .

    Right off now ,see you later folks ..

    Bridge xxxx.

  • Comment number 47.

    Has anyone seen a fairy flying around ????seems to be missing .hehehe .xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Afternoon peeps - hope y'all are well.
    I find it really frustrating that I can't blog in the day due to work restrictions, and in the evenings, I find that often I am too pooped to log on! How wimpy is that?

    On a completely unrelated topic to todays chat, are there any songs that when they are played on the radio make you change stations until it's finished?

    I currently have two - the new one from Bon Jovi, which to me sounds like a parody of an American rock group with what sounds like mock rasping vocals and the latest dirge from Leona Lewis! I'm sure her voice is good but the songs are just so flippin depressing! She's a young girl ... why isn't she singing something upbeat and joyful??

    Ooh, should I have been wearing the ranty pants, for that?

    Back later, ttfn
    Crumpy xx :o)

  • Comment number 49.

    Had a nightmare! Sean's dropped my laptop, and it won't boot :( I could throttle him!
    JG x

  • Comment number 50.

    batter him with the laptop ... it might drum the message home!

    Only joking :o)

    C xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Don't tempt me Crumpy!

    Have taken his notebook off him now, and he can get it sorted out, but to be honest, I think it's dead, as there's no light for the hard drive. Luckily all my photo's are backed up, and also on FB, and I don't store any documents on it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 52.

    Hi All

    JG OOps!! Mr Seza spilt hot choc into the side of his lap top, not sure if that killed it or the fact he then ripped it apart to try & dry it out without really knowing what he's doing. He did find a company who can retrieve all the data from the hard drive though. Can find out who if you need it.

    Quiz Time!! Yeah. Am actually on the team that won a quiz across the whole county

    Waiting for boys to go out & stop annoying me!!

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 53.

    Awww, just been speaking to my niece who's 13 tomorrow!!

    Beez, be warned, my sister is heading to Drayton Manor tomorrow, try to stay off the roads until she's safely passed your place!!

    JG x (still sulking)

  • Comment number 54.

    Evening, Just popping on quickly before I jump in the bath and then watch Flash Forward from last night - anyone else watching that?

    Had a lovely afternoon in Sheerness (if that's possible) the weather was georgeous as I drove over the Sheppy Bridge. For those that don't know Sheerness really is the back of beyond. I went to interview some candidates for an administrative post at a place called The Hope Street Centre. It's a community project that has been built around a church, a 1.3 million pound project, all the vision of a 73 year old lady (she's wonderful). There is a coffe shop there and the people who serve have learning disabilities. It gives them a wage and a purpose in life - wonderful stuff. If you ever find yourself there, please visit, you can't miss it.

    Chrissie #11 - We both looked through the books and have a rough idea of what we want but the lady suggested that we also look on websites. Which we are doing at the moment. Then we'll go back with a design and set a date. Exciting stuff.

    Have a lovely evening


  • Comment number 55.

    I've been watching Flash Forward! Very spooky but confused!! Really need to concentrate!

    Shame you couldn't come last night but we are definately going to do it again. We were thinking of finding somewhere Chelmsford way. Is that good for you?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Don't think Chelmsford is good for me any time!! LOL

    I am now in mourning for my laptop, and trying to work with something the size of a postage stamp :((

    So, where is everyone???????

    JG x

  • Comment number 57.

    I'm here.

    Don't know where everyone else is.

    Is it hide & seek?

    Are you behind the sofa?

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 58.

    I'm here JG, just.

    Hope everyone is well.


  • Comment number 59.

    Hi Annie

    I'm fine thanks, how's you?

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 60.

    Evening Seza

    Sorting out my spare room/office, faffing on here and FB, ordering my dinner for Liverpool. And trying to compress pictures to email. How difficult is that? Haven't a scooby what I'm doing.


  • Comment number 61.

    Should be ironing or sorting out kitchen or putting away clothes or........................

    But I've just watched Holby & now I'm watching Gok and doing NOTHING.

    How lazy is that??


  • Comment number 62.

    hello, it's me again.
    Have sky+'d Gok and have just been watching the James May thing on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ making a lifesized 'airfix' Spitfire. Great tv!

    Next week he is making a garden out of plasticine!

    Think he also builds a lifesize house out of Lego!

    Seza, both me and son Adam are loving Flashforward, but yeah you really have to concentrate.

    Crumpy x

  • Comment number 63.

    have recorded James May so boys can watch it.

    have seen the Lego house but not the plasticine one.

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 64.

    Watching last weeks Life on reptiles and squirming!

  • Comment number 65.

    JG Retiles thing was Eeuww!! Especially the lizards tongues!!


  • Comment number 66.

    Hi team!

    I was going to come on here and moan about how terrible a day I've had, and it truly has been one of the worst......but.

    First of all I read all of the above posts - then I spoke to the kids - then I went through my photo's on FB.

    So....still fed up, but actually have no real reason to moan...tomorrow is gonna be a much better day (it has to be) and hopefully so are yours if things are rubbish at the moment.

    Ali - what you are doing sounds great, and if you need anything by way of kitchen ot toilet vent, let me know?

    Alright Flower - Hope you are x



  • Comment number 67.

    Evening All,

    Just popping in quickly before bed to say Hi.....


    That's all really, nowt going on.....bar trying to keep an almost two year old happy and safe (he wanted to play with a heavy hammer) and then ignoring the 30mins of hysterics!
    Sometimes I wonder if I'm gonna make it to his third birthday without going COMPLETELY mental.........


  • Comment number 68.

    Hi Eb,

    Hope you're all settling in well. How are you coping with living together, I know you were nervous about it!
    Could you chuck a baked bean to the nipper, leave him with the hammer and let me know how he got on.....? Could do with a new apprentice!

    Parting thought - As Oscar Wilde once said - "Me got nuffin to declare but me jeanius!"

    Deev and Baggy - shush!



  • Comment number 69.

    Hi chaps - been on fb so sorry for abysinthe. Few folks need cheering.

    Ali - sounds brill and if ever in that neck of woods will visit for sure.

    Rips - told you many a time - you are a very lucky guy!!!

    Right - had a smashing message from MTF - she has been to the beach next to my bolt holt apparently 23c - very warm at best of times there - really spooky sometimes. Miles away from where she is staying but in her words "a lot more divine". Sat on bench overlooking bay and has asked me to say HI to all bloggers. Even the red kites put in an appearance for them. There are loads there for any twitchers out there!!!! Didn't realise what huge birds they were until one tried to pick up doggy when he was a puppy!!!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    I obviously meant to type baked bean tin!

    The results of a baked bean meeting a hammer are what we do at the christmas party!

    Rips the Tin smith


  • Comment number 71.

    Rips - I have had one of those engage brain days too! But the picture of bashing a baked bean did make me smile!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 72.

    So angry! Just posted and it failed again! Hate being directed downstairs!

  • Comment number 73.

    Yep - unintentionally funny, that's moi!

    I am seriously going to move my office to a hotel bar.
    Since I popped down earlier I have sat and concentrated on matters Ducting, Rugby and stuff and got through the lot in record time.
    I truly believe that the fantastic guy behind the bar who insists that I have a never ending glass of beer is largely responsible for this massive work rate increase.

    I wish!!!



  • Comment number 74.

    Steady now JG

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 75.

    ha ha ha - !!! Rips - if you've done all that you deserve to be in the bar with an ever full glass! I delegated and Mr B did a stack of regul rugula legulat - sorry just can't bring myself to say regulat*** stuff at this time of tonight! Would love a take on what the f and the s and the a stand for in most folks minds and I am not talking food here!!!

    You are going to miss out big time on the meet next week - you and the cmm should make the effort! will msg you inabit!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 76.

    Heavens - where did the last 40 mins go! Reet old chatterbox me!!!
    Above should of course have read t'night - not tonight! doh! - the night - the night - 100 lines!

    Night nite smiley peeps

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 77.


    T'other gone to work, boy is flying his wooden Harold the helicopter round the dinning table and I'm attemping to wake up!!!

    Rips - When do you want to take him on....he's pretty handy with a screwdriver as well, was trying to undo the cupboard doors at the weekend!!

    We seem to be getting on pretty well......he's fitted in quite well!
    It may change when I'm working, but so far all is rosy chez moi!

    But the boy just won't go to bed for him......he tries bless him but after a bit I always get 'Love....he's laghing at me again.....' so I have to go up and do the stern mummy look!!!!

    Must go get dressed and think of things for me and the boy to do....
    More tea first.....


  • Comment number 78.

    Morning All,

    The quizmaster changed the format of the quiz to try and stop us winning - but we still won - hah! Just me and Big Al this week too. Unwittingly he played right in to our hands as he introduced 2 music rounds - on which we scored full marks, as it's our specialist subject.
    A sample of some of the questions I can remember;

    Q1: Manchester is on which river?
    Q2: What is the name of William Blake's famous poem?
    Q3: What is the main ingredient of quiche?
    Q4: Who wrote Shirley Valentine (Clue - this was a round on Willie's - stop sniggering at the back)
    Q5: True or False - Charlie Chaplin won a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest?

    Good luck!


  • Comment number 79.


    Bit dull this morning but still very mild, so perhaps I didn't need my four layers afterall!

    Rips, Thanks for the offer re kitchens and toilets I will bear that in mind xxx

    For those that do watch FlashForward, it's worth looking on the abc.com website and hitting the discuss button. There are so many theories out there and some people obviously need to get a life with the things that they spot on the programme. BUT word of warning, don't look at the site from Thursday night to Monday night as they are a week ahead and it might give the game away.

    Had an email from my Hong Kong friend today and she has made me even more excited for my visit. Evidentially I have exclusive use of a swimming pool and a terrace with sun lounger direct from my bedroom. How the other half live eh? So I shall purchase Chris's book and take it with me. 9 more sleeps xx

    Oh well - ever onwards and upwards.


  • Comment number 80.


    It's back. Like The Terminator. It won't leave me be and as a consequence I've had about 5 hours sleepage.



    Other than that, all fine and dandy here in Deev World today.

    Nic - I know the answers to 2, 3, 4 and 5 but know nowt about the place called Manc. Other than it has 2 footie teams and gave us Oasis.

    The answer to Q5 always makes me larf!

    Having a bit of a Depeche Mode morning here. Somedays it just has to be done.

    And for those on FB - check out auld Ripples in action. Mr Hi Viz 2009 ...... !!

    Off to do something, altho not sure what. Or how.

    Back later. Promise, not threat.

    x x x x

  • Comment number 81.


    Well done on the win last night! I am quite hopeless at quiz's (sp?) but usually very handy if any Osmonds or David Cassidy questions arise!

    AliB: sounds like you are going to have a fantastic time in Hong Kong - enjoy it all!

    Cheryl: I do sympathise - having the cold is just so miserable. My boss has been ill the last couple of days, and I do feel for him. However, if I catch that cold from him, I will not be best pleased!

    C xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning all :) Warm isn't it? 4 layers Ali ? No you will melt.

    I'm with you Chrissie on the quiz front - useless, although I do know more than one answer Nic. That will be a first for me!

    Get rid of the darn cold Deev - can't have you snuffling round us next week and keep well away from boss Chrissie same applies to you.

    Right - better zip off and see if there is any post for the last time in a few days I expect.

    Beezer xx

    Ebb - WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 83.

    And right on cue -

  • Comment number 84.

    Hello Lambie Pie,

    Not posted a comment for a while, busy with realbuzz stuff. But my perfect Saturday Kitchen host would have to be Ronan Rivron - see what you can do CLP.


    Promise not to ask again, but did I give you the LP name?



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