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Ok, that was officially the weirdest and definitely quickest two weeks I have EVER had off.

Chris Evans | 09:48 UK time, Monday, 19 October 2009

What a non-stop whirlwind of dates, deadlines and where to be's and when to be's. Just beginning to recall what we got up to starts to fill me with a mild panic:

The book tour - London to Glasgow and, Leeds, Southport, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol and Cardiff in between.
The Jonathan Ross Show, London.
Saturday Kitchen, London.
The Ryder Cup Launch, Cardiff.
Quick break with the clan, Portugal.
The Cheltenham Literature Festival, er - Cheltenham.
And then last night back home for an early night, before back on the road again now on the way into town.

But did I love it ? Of course I did. Every second was a blast.

Drive Time has taken on an air of nostalgia already as this really is the home straight before we bid it farewell. A show that has been so good to me, responsible for getting my career back on track, not to mention my life.

Let's polish it for all it's worth between now and Christmas - and yes there is still talk of a special send off for the old girl.




P.S. I'm loving my the Twitter - my personal account: @achrisevans


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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP

    You is a busy boy indeed!

    The good news is I have about 50 pages of Piers Morgan left, and YOU are next!! Hurrah!!!

    Now about this special Christmas send off ..... ?!?!?! Hope to see you and the team before Christmas.

    Loving your Tweets too!


  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris

    What a whirlwind of a fortnight!

    Great to have you back though and looking forward to listening to you tonight on Drivetime.

    Happy Monday everyone

    Beany x

  • Comment number 3.

    Welcome back Chris!

    It's always a strange world when you're away but it was great to have the blogs during your book tour. I'm soooo looking forward to your move to breakfast time and yet will be sad to see Tel go and also have no idea how I'll take to the new stylee drive-time.

    I've not quite got the twitter thing and don't think it will be something I take to at this point in my life when things are about to take on a whole new direction but you seem to be making lots of the bloggers happy with your tweeting so more power to your elbow squire!

    Another weekend gone and I managed to get through another footy match, just a shame it was a 0-0.

    Booboo & El-Bumpo

  • Comment number 4.


    Phew Chris, I'm worn out just reading about your past fortnight. Glad you had a blast though - welcome back and I can't wait for 5:05pm xx

    I had a brilliant day yesterday at Chessington World of Adventures (other theme parks are available). The weather was beautiful, a lovely autumnal day, sun was shining but a nip in the air. Went on loads of rides, which I usually hate but plucked up the courage and laughed and screamed my way through the day! A great day with some great friends ;)

    Sorry to those that are feeling poorly and I hope you get better soon xx

    Boss is coming in in a minute, so I had to rush out and buy a cake as it was his birthday on Saturday and I completely forgot...whoops!


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Christoff,

    good to hear you back to the 9 to 5 . . .
    your twitter is very good - youre obviously enjoying the new medium . . .

    (Definition of a Happy Medium

    - Mystic Meg with a bottle of wine . . .)

    Any chance youre heading to these shores soon for a signing opp??

    Anyways, enjoy your Happy Monday,


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning All,

    Good to have you back Chris - and what a busy bee you have been!! I always find the more you enjoy life....the quicker it goes by!!
    And when I'm toddler free for the morning with a long list of jobs of course!!!!

    I'm trying to ignore the last few boxes of general 'stuff'......hoping they will just find their own places in time! And waiting arrival of a fourth bookcase.......

    Hugs to those that are feeling poorly, or just need a hug {{{{{{{[hug}}}}}}}}

    Two weeks to the boy's second birthday, and the first guests (really need to get on top of the spare room!)

  • Comment number 7.

    Hi chris, it's lovely, that you had a fantastic two weeks. Looking forward to the show tonight. Morning everyone. Hope you haven't forgotten me, I was very busy last week. Love to you all. csn. X

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris, it was nice to meet you in Cardiff. The book is an interesting read, and thank you for signing one for our auction in November.

    I hope you liked "All you need is love"

    No doubt will bump into you on twitter from time to time. It's a bit infectious, especially on days in the office working on the computer.

    Hellen x

  • Comment number 9.

    Morning All - a lovely sunny one again - hope it lasts (not according to the weather forecast - boo)

    Such a whirlwind tour Christoph - but you looked like you enjoyed it when I saw you in Birmingham. Chatting to the folk in the queue they commented on what a happy chappy you were.

    Big hugs to the poorly and over busy bloggers ((((()))))

    Beezer xx

    Not long now Lyndy !!!

  • Comment number 10.

    HI CLP

    So glad to see you back and that you ahd a great time - I am stalking you on twitter - thanks for all the sharing - esp the piccies.

    Too busy to stop and chat but will collect my hugs - now if someone could grab me some lunch I would be greatful ;-)

  • Comment number 11.


    Welcome back and sounds like you had a great time. I'm really loving the book - easy to read, enlightening and entertaining. Looking forward to being cheered up at 5.05. I need to be - I shall be unemployed on October 31st :(


  • Comment number 12.

    nic - thats not great news - however I seem to remember you are a fellow bean counter and if I can get a new job this year then so can you - best of luck and check out www.gaapweb.co.uk for all the jobs in your area!

  • Comment number 13.

    Hey CLP,

    I love your twitter too - it is great to hear from you even when I can't hear you on the radio!! I have enjoyed the drivetime ride with you too. In fact it brought me more firmly into Radio 2. I am also a TOG - in fact Hellenbach told me as I was a devotee to both of you I was a Blog TOG. I am actually quite looking forward to having you in the morning - oops I mean having you on in the morning.

    Thanks for all the holiday advice over the weekend. I will wait until the money is in my hands and then look for a bargin but am feeling much more conifdent about booking a holiday as a single parent.

    Have a great day everyone - catch you later.


    BTW - if anyone wants to link with me on twitter including CLP it is @thecatmel

  • Comment number 14.

    Nic - sorry to hear that (((((((((((hug)))))))))))))))

  • Comment number 15.

    Now then, how's everyone? Am having enough trouble keeping up with the twitterings on here, never mind elsewhere! What have I missed?

    CLP, you've been getting about a bit eh? Glad to see you managed a sneaky jaunt to Portugal in amongst all that!

    AliB, where I work, if it's your birthday, you buy the cakes. Is it different with you??

    Nic, hope you find your feet quickly!

    AF xx

    ps bought my first lot of tangerines yesterday - I do the little oranges around this time of year. They're a bit tart, and I've got orange fingernails now - well I have to pick off all the white bits. Yes, all of them!! It does take a good long while to eat them though...

  • Comment number 16.

    Sentimentations Of Yo Yer CLP & INDEED ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Yes that waz the weirdeeeest two weeks ave ever 'ad off..... and ave noot even been off!!!!!!!@!@!@!@!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Soz all am too busy ter blog terdee az am too busy at work ter even be allowed ter breath!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All a can say iz a 'ope all 'ad a nice weekend...... butta didn't!!!!!!
    Na, it's all ter do with me clip 'ook on me trousers breaking.... full details ter follow termozza if a get the chance ter breath.... or termozza!!!!!!

    All a will say there waz only a paperclip between me & me assets being revealed ter the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Noot guten!!!!!!


  • Comment number 17.

    Hi Chris,
    It was great to meet you in Bristol with my baby girl Maria. I was on a high for the rest of the day! We got a fab photo with you, which I shall treasure. Can't wait to start the book. I just have to finish a reading group book first.
    Marie x

  • Comment number 18.

    has the beeb gone mad? what was wrong with the original - when a egg is cracked thats it - omlette time ;-)

  • Comment number 19.


    sorry to hear your news. hopefully something will turn up toute suite for you hon.

    take care.

    x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    SBP - unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Comment number 21.

    SBP- I shall be sticking with the original version for what it's worth.

    Nic- hope you find an alternative soon.

    Beez- eeek! I know!!!

  • Comment number 22.


    CLP good to see you back,

    Deev, hope you are on the mend today.

    Nic, good luck, hope you get fixed up , some one somewhere needs their beans counting

    AF, Tangerines, scrummy, have been spritzing my desk with juicy oranges , I am so impatient, they take so long to get into .

    Sun shining here today, .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 23.

    SBP - huh???? Why I ask, Why??

    Nic - sorry to hear the news - good luck in the search for a new one x

    Anyone fancy a piece of fruitcake......it's my mum's (the best in other words!)

  • Comment number 24.

    Ebbwbeth - I would love some fruit cake - pretty please

  • Comment number 25.

    AF, You don't know my boss! He's like the Queen never has any money on him and a very tight @rse! He did appreciate the cake though.
    And I have to pick all the white bits off tangerines, satsumas, oranges etc as well!

    Nic - sorry to hear about your news, fingers crossed for you xx

    Down in the church office this afternoon and the patchwork group have arrived - what a group of raucous (sp) ladies, they make me chuckle!


  • Comment number 26.

    Cathmel - cake on the table for you, help yourself.....it's good.....(not just saying that, t'other prefers my mum's his his...)

    Listening to JV talk about bedtime stories........most important part of the day to me and the boy - even if it is ALWAYS the same two books!


  • Comment number 27.

    Ah Christophe, I've missed you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Between you and the comedy channels is all that's been keeping me going lately. Well, apart from the love of a good man, and the love and support from all my friends all here, near and far. Glad you had a great time at all your things (shame you didn't get to do one in Brighton though eh)...and CHRISTMAS AIN'T FAR AWAY!!!

    Anyhoo, I'm back doing minimal part time hours (again) and I'll try to pop by when I can, and trying to build up my strength for the Pool...

    ...and with regard to twitter, I can never remember what I signed on as, and I think all the permutations (get me) of my name has been used by now, so I shall have to have a re-think.

    time to get me noddy holder out

  • Comment number 28.

    Morning / afternoon all,

    Sounds like a mad 2 weeks Chris, will be good to have you back on the radio.

    I also have to pick ALL the white bits of oranges too.

    Nic, sorry to hear that, hope you get sorted soon.

    V happy bunny, booked flights home for Christmas yesterday! Hurrah!! And I will even be home for the 23rd... just got to work on himself for a day out in London....!

    Not so happy bunny, himself came home with a cold (manflu) on friday, now I have that ominous scratchy throat and tickle in the ears.... grrr.

    Happy Monday to all of you


  • Comment number 29.

    Nic, Hope you find something soon. X

    Ebbwbeth, Fruitcake sounds lovely. X

    Where is everyone today?

    Weather wet and cold here, and dog wants a walk.

  • Comment number 30.

    Can I borrow the ranty pants please.........

    It going to take 4-6 months for me and the boy to get registered with a dentist.........4 to 6 months! And I had to ring 4 different numbers to be told that...

    And breathe..

    Thank you for the ranty pants

  • Comment number 31.

    Hi Chris:

    Welcome back - can't wait to hear a wee bit of drivetime tonight - I only ever get to hear the last half hour - bums! What a fantastic two weeks you have had - would probably kill a lesser mortal!

    Nic #11: sorry to hear the news about your job - fingers crossed, there will be something out there for you. x

    Baggy #18: I agree about Humpty Dumpty! Of course, when reciting it to a child, it's all to do with the tone of the voice, and it's a jaunty wee ditty .... I said, ditty! However, I must confess that I did change some of the details when I was reading my daughter Hansel & Gretal - I really did think that was a step too far!

    Hazel #21: wonderful to see you back on the blog! Hope you are feeling better. And, yes, whatever happens get your strength back for Liverpool - I think you are going to need it!

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Hello again smiley peeps.

    Busy Beez again today. I'm with you AF - certainly no time for twittering - don't go on fb in daytime for same reason, although I do send a load of e-mails!

    Nic - hope something turns up for you very soon. You could always consider being a self employed bean counter? although praps not - working for yourself is a pain!

    MC I've had sun and blue sky all morning - been lovely but in the last half an hour - black clouds are hurtling up from down the road - dare say they will be with you in time !!

    Take it steady HL - don't want you overdoing it before you get to Pool.

    Howdy to all else and cuddles for the sniffly persons (())

    Gonna take my ranty pants back and have two rants ........

    Why do the builders next door but one have to cut up so many concrete blocks when the wind is in the direction of my car !!
    AND went to h/base - other diy stores etc yesterday and they have sectioned off the part when they put the "C" stuff - it was all there!! waiting to be put together - trees - lights the lot !!! It's the middle of October for goodness sake.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon each!

    Mad,mad Saturday and Monday here..but with a well deserved `do sod all` day on Sunday i feel almost human!

    Hope those who are feeling poorly feel a tad more human soon..horrible feeling under the weather..

    Loved the postings on FNWC..so much so that i found the synth brittania prog repeated and have set cloudplus to record it.. cue GM and me singing loudly, and badly, at the top of our voices..we will prewarn you dont worry!

    Nic..sorry to hear your news..here`s to finding something else very soon..

    Hope everyone else is keeping well and babies/teeth/kids etc all behaving themselves!

    Catch u all later..

    mSc x

    PS -Roll on 5.05!

  • Comment number 34.

    Yo, Ello......

    Bingo Star ere again,

    Gotta quick Bingo Star Joke >>>>>>>>

    A waz walking past a 'otel when a saw a sign.... yes a sign!!!!
    It read 'vacancies'.... so a went in!!!!!
    A said "ave come about the job!!!!"
    They said "we 'ave noot goot any jobs!!!!"
    A replied "well yerv goot a sign 'anging outside that very clearly says vacancies!!!!!"
    A just goot a blank looook and no reply!!!!!
    It's then thatta realised it's the staff thatta vacant..... but noot their positions!!!!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    Bingo, you are officially a nutter!!

    Nice to have you back Christophe. Been listening to a talking book whilst you've been away though so can you just leave a little gap at some point in tonight's show so I can catch up with the storyline??

    Take care everyone. xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Ebbwbeth, My daughter had same problem as you. She phoned lots of dentists,and not one would take her on for four to six months. Disgusting.Hope you find one soon. Daughter had to go private as needed treatment straight away and was in lot of pain.
    Csn. x

  • Comment number 37.

    Welcome home, Christoff!! How on earth do you cope with all that tooing and froing!? Did Tash and Noah enjoy having you on hols? It's hard going back to work after a break, much as you enjoy your job! But, bills must be paid and, in your case, folks must be entertained!!

    Our baby Highland Lass took her first steps yesterday, at just over 12 months old, and where was I?? Yup, at work in the rehab - talk about gutted!! There was I helping poor souls so intoxicated they couldn't walk and my baby is at home trying hard to walk herself!! Our babies grow up too fast! I'm all for this not starting in education until the age of 6! Works for the Scandinavian countries!

    Anyhoo - looking forward to having you back at the wheel of Drive Time for the *sniff* last leg!!


    Susan xox

  • Comment number 38.

    Thanks for all your words re my job (or lack of). It's appreciated.
    I have considered being a self-employed bean counter but fear getting my own accounts wrong - how embarrassing would that be?!


  • Comment number 39.

    Nic - I know how you feel - I do tax returns for me and him and pray every year that i get them right ;-)

  • Comment number 40.

    First up, I ought to apologize for my little tantrum on Friday.

    Some days, you just shouldn't stick your head above the parapet, and Friday was one of those for me.

    Needless to say, I karma got the better of me, and I was a little crook - that is to say I wasn't well, not that I turned into the Artful Dodger - on Saturday. Better yesterday, then just as I was about to step out the front door this morning I caught the traffic news telling me that just about every step of my journey had descended into vehicular chaos, so off with tie, into t-shirt and jogggers, and I have worked at home today. Acually, that isn't entirely true, I don't usually wear a tie, but if I said 'off with the shirt' you'd have suddenly painted an altogether different picture of where my day was heading.

    Sorry to hear about the job Nic, but as Baggy says, folk will always want their beans counted, so we always do OK in the end. Best of luck.

    Looking forward to the return of our wandering hero, albeit for the final leg of this journey that we have all come to know and love as Drivetime.

    And, looking forward to the announcement tomorrow. US Rock? 'afoot'? Hmm, something to do with the supergroup I saw back in the summer? I hope so....

    Peace + love


    PS Soap on a rope.

  • Comment number 41.

    MfR..as long as it has nothing to do with the group that your goodself, Deevs and myself are waiting to see then i`ll be happy!

    HLS...well done to baby HL! Sure she`ll show you how she does it in the next few days!

    Beez...workmen..hmph. GOt home on Saturday (the Weekend for goodness sake) and couldnt physically get on my drive. Broken something further down the street that apparently took 5 vans to fix..parked outside my house, on the opposite side of the road to my house and varicose other places...couldnt get on drive forwards or backwards. Having had a long,busy day at work i was not amused and went to tell them...needless to say i`m now prob referred to as `that miserable cow at no. xx!`

    HL.. heyho! Take it steady and rest up whe you need it...take care.

    Yoohoo everyone else again!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 42.

    and breathe - I'm coming up for air and things are actually getting done - its amazing how productive you can be when you need to be ;-)

  • Comment number 43.

    ooer...Just sent my first tweet!

  • Comment number 44.

    Congratulations to Foxy

  • Comment number 45.

    what's your id on twitter Thunder?
    And why are we congratulating Foxy? Am away from my radio!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Foxy has just announced she is expecting her 3rd!

    Id is the same as my blog name :-)

  • Comment number 47.

    bless her!
    Just about to become a follower then
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 48.

    can't find you on twitter, I'm mrstiggy67
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Following Tiggs!

  • Comment number 50.

    and I now following you!
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 51.

    me too!
    Crumpy (still a novice tweeter)

  • Comment number 52.

    Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.

    Have this little quote from Mr Wilde as my FB tag for this eve...thought I would share it with you :) Anyone feel their ears burning? ouch.


  • Comment number 53.

    hey Nic (#11) also check out www.jobs.ac.uk quite a few jobs coming up in Higher Ed just now - come work with me - you can carry my suitcase ;)

  • Comment number 54.

    Nic good luck in your job search

  • Comment number 55.

    Evening all,
    Well thats Monday done and dusted.

    EJR , can i carry your suitcase please , and Nic can have my bean counting job. Then we are all sorted , simple hey !

    Nic #38 , i like your reasoning ! Loss and Loss accounts , !

    MC xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Evenin all

    Been meaning to say - Thanks Rob - Brilliant!!! only just checked e-mails (busy week-end!) I'd carry your suitcase - but you know how it is !!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 57.


    In the middle of my tantrum weekend and today's posts I have just realised that you are gearing up for Green Day too!

    When and where are you going?


  • Comment number 58.

    Evening folks.


    Aching like an achey thing but insanely happy!

    Back in a bit.


  • Comment number 59.

    tranny's back on University Challenge!

  • Comment number 60.

    Bless you Deevs

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 61.


    you won't be saying that when you see our scrabble game on t'other side!

    sowwy chum .....


  • Comment number 62.


    Well that's me cosied up in my jim jams after my aquafit class tonight, slab of homemade chocco cake consumed as a reward and looking forward to a day off tomorrow! By the way Beez the curry I had last night for tea was in no way homemade, for once I cheated!!!

    Rob what exactly do you do? I take it that your easy job is nothing to do with a certain orange coloured airline...

    Nic hope you find another job very soon

    Well I've dipped a toe into twitter tonight, will maybe go a bit deeper...


  • Comment number 63.

    Deevs now what have you done to me !!!! Booo!!!

    Rosie - just sometimes you have to don't you? I once went to take away for curry sauce cos I just couldn't be faffed and I cooked all else - twas smashing! Often wonder tho' why I didn't just pick up a curry meal! Engage brain moment methinks!!! Doh !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Welcome back Christoff!!

    I've me duster out as we speak, as long as Hurricane Hilda on the Irish Sea doesn't claim me tomorrow I'll be buffin' up the DT knobs like a good 'un along with everyone else. Hurrah!

    And since I'm more of a Twit than a Twitter, I'll be recruitin' the GD to act as supervisor lest I hack into the White House. Jayzus.

    Now then. Time for one last fast-spin in that shower, then it's the Irish Apprentice on TV3. Where's them divin' boots.


  • Comment number 65.

    Beez I felt no guilt whatsoever! I really like cooking and preparing nice meals for myself but last night there was no way I was even going anywhere near any pots or pans!


  • Comment number 66.

    Hiya Guys....

    heyy hows everyone today!!!!

    im feeling a little bit sniffly like!!!!!
    Bills xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Hi All

    Feeling really blue tonight

    No real reason.

    Not poorly like Deevs - hope you feel better soon lovey, more Lemsips I think

    No job problems like Nic - good luck with the search, sounds like you getting lots of good advice here

    Just feeling down & quiet.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Evening each

    Chris, sounds like you had a mad 2 weeks. You also made a lot of loyal bloggers very happy during your book tour. Are we still on for 23 December? Hell's teeth - cutting it fine for all us Scottish bloggers!

    Had a mad weekend myself - daughter's rather big birthday, brother & wife staying for the weekend, now got 4yr old tucked up on the futon in the spare room and have the other 2 grandsons tomorrow. Spare me a thought peeps around lunchtime when I'll no doubt be making 3 different meals.

    Back later when I've caught up. xxx

    (Work? work? who's got time for that?)

  • Comment number 69.

    aww Seza ((())) to you!!!!!

    Bills xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Aww Seza, that's not good chum. Hope the blues soon pass - hopefully this time next weeek we'll be swapping gossip over nachos!

    Billie - hope you don't get a red nose like wot I've got!

    Smiley Happy Deevs (it's the lemsip high ...)

  • Comment number 71.

    Deevs ...i think i getting the start of a cold!!!!

    hope not dont wanna be poorly !! esp when got weddin anni on mon!!!

    sending you get well ((()))s

    Bills xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    Hi Annie and poorly peeps - lemsip to go!?

    Seza - I've got a few grins left if you want a couple?

    Don't think bolt hole on for this week-end - hypo-kondo still in full flow!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 73.

    cheers bills! hoping its going to depart as swiftly as whence it came - can't be doing with a runny nose and achey auld bones - got a date at the 02 on Friday with Green Day!


  • Comment number 74.


    You never got "the calling" to go into the nursing profession then .....?!?


  • Comment number 75.

    no you dont!!!!!

    id still go if i was a bit yuckky !!!! not let concert tickets go to waste!!!!!

    my eldest is goin next tues!!!

    Bills xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Ahh Bless Deev, hope you feel better soon. And Seza, hope the sun shines on you tomorrow.


  • Comment number 77.

    Thanks guys

    Beez, i'll have your spare smile but I'm afraid I'm not swapping any nursing time. You're on your own there, sorry

    Billie, fight the cold you can do it

    Deevs Had half forgotten next week. Knew it was coming up but hadn't fixed it in my mind. Will have to talk sometime about when & where to meet.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 78.

    Deevs - strange you say that ! I have been accused of..........
    Just typed a whole load and deleted!!! Sympathy to those who need I'm afraid - in bucket loads when needed in fact!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Seza :o) big time - feel the force !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 80.

    me going now .. cya on tomorrow !!!!

    nite all

    Bills xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Reet, s'me done. off to bed to dream of who knows what. one thing's for sure ....

    I will wake up smiling!

    nite nite

    Dreamy Deevski
    x x x

  • Comment number 82.

    Hope all you poorly folk are soon better! I'm aching too, but self-inflicted! Walked too far again!
    Night all
    JG x

  • Comment number 83.

    Chris you are back and you have been missed that is all i am going to say!

    Loli x

  • Comment number 84.


    Chris that was a very busy two weeks indeed! It's great having you on twitter, and even better to have you back on the airwaves tonight xx

    Nic - Sorry to hear about the job situation, hope something else comes along for you xx

    Hope all the poorly bloggers get well soon xx

    Nite nite
    Mary xx

  • Comment number 85.

    ps. Congratulations to Foxy xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Right going to tuck meslef up in bed with Julie Walters book

    Thanks for the smiles & hugs

    Night all

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 87.

    My my !! we are all early birders tonight aren't we? My eyes are shutting too - Mind I do turn in to a hedgehog in winter - hibernate I should - hate the dark nights - my body clock keeps me awake until the wee small hours in the summer but in the winter......

    Still to pick up my Julie's book Seza - plus a few others purchased for me as pressies last year but Chris's book I was saving for this week-end - now going to be devoured!!

    Loli ! I agree - I tried - really I did - but the cd went on in the car ! brilliant to have Chris back tonight.

    Beezer xx smiling of course!

    Take it steady JG - you are on a break!
    With Mary too (looking forward to meeting you in Pool) - congrats Foxy!!!

  • Comment number 88.


    Just had a quick flick through to see if anyone picked up on the fact that Christophe thinks that the blog seems a bit antiquated now that he has started Twittering!!

    ANTIQUATED !! ( or however its spelt ) How very dare you CLP, we are all in our prime, as is the blog.

    Look how many posts we have put on here since your last show!! Over to you Tiggs.x

    Had a really busy old day.


  • Comment number 89.

    MTF I really shouldn't catch up on games then come back here! Where did you see Chris thought blog antiquated? You twittering? Nooooo - can't be doing .. no time!!!

    Beezer xx

    Did you see bolt hole out the window?

    BTW - listening to Birmingham Gold - presented by Dean Martin! (no not That DM ) for those in to 50's 60's 70's - even 80's stuff!!!

  • Comment number 90.

    Evening all,

    I'm not sure that antiquated is the right word.

    It's certainly less instant and definitely more brief.

    However - it's more call and response whereas this old bus is more of a conversation.

    I do absolutely love the interaction between Chris - the show - and his fans.
    I just hope he doesn't give too much of himself away - these new forms of media tend to be extremely addictive!


  • Comment number 91.

    He said it Beez on the drivetime show, I actually shouted WHAT and thought I could hear you all joining in with me!!!

    We are not antiquated, in fact, antiquated we is not. LOL.


  • Comment number 92.

    One more thing.......what are the odds that by the end of next year, the scores that Chris was discussing tonight are - Foxy 3 - Saunders 2 - Evans 2?



  • Comment number 93.

    And now we are old buses, should that have 2 s's??

    Wait all day for one and then 2 come along at the same time!!


  • Comment number 94.

    Woo hoo 2 for Evans there Rips !!! No doubt !!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Thank evans for little girls, or boys maybe??


  • Comment number 96.

    Evening Ladies,

    How long does Lyndy have left? I keep coming back to catch up, hoping to hear that she is the proud owner of a new bundle.....



  • Comment number 97.

    I do agree with the addicted tho Rips - someone I know hit twitter and I got a bit ignored for a while!!!! Refused to go there - Couldn't see the point!? Now lost interest and back to the conversations - which is rather nice when you want to say more than - just had toast and coffee - Oh My - how interesting!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 98.

    Well whatever a scratcher is, I'm off to mine now, its just been one of those days.

    Had my half an hour wind down after getting home, off up the stairs I go.


  • Comment number 99.

    Rips - Lyndy is due on the 30th - still a wee while to cook but not long!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 100.

    I can see your point Beez, but if you followed Chris for a week you'd be hooked.
    Don't see much point in following my mates for the reason you gave...but the celebs I follow generally have interesting thoughts to publish.

    Loads of the Rugby fella's are on it now and the banter between them is worth joining for alone!



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