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Gloriously sunny now in Berks...

Chris Evans | 10:35 UK time, Thursday, 8 October 2009

...unlike four a.m. this morning when the car alarm decided it had had enough of peace and quiet. Slept on the sofa after that but still heaven - as you know our sofas are particularly welcoming.

Saw Noah this morning ! Yahey. I swear when he grows up he's going to be a professional smiler. He is such a good boy. I sang The Doors to him for fifteen minutes today and he just sat there open mouthed.

Tash on fine form as usual but as we're already back out on the road - me and Marky Mark that is, faithful driver and dedicated follower of food, she was a little sad to see us disappear out of the gate again just after eight. Although has her hands full - in a nice way, as my daughter is down with her BF and Tash is taking them out to Windsor before bringing them to the Jonny Ross show tonight.

In between then and now, I have a meeting at the Beeb in an hour, a warehouse signing of the booook, gym, sleep and then back to the Beeb for JR.

This is one of the strangest weeks off I've had.




P.S. Will be twittering all day esp. from backstage at JR recording, and the Bristol lunchtime and Cardiff teatime signings tomorrow.

P.P.S. Don't forget All Request first record suggestions for Simon.

P.P.P.S. I met more blogettes from my travels and the mighty Bingo.



And the might Bingo-Star-ere



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  • Comment number 1.

    CLP Beezles and BINGO!

    maybe it will be me on Monday!


  • Comment number 2.

    Beezer - what an amazing photo of you!!!!!
    and you CLP

    and you Bingo!

  • Comment number 3.

    Beez - why are you half price luv?!?!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 4.

    Ooooooo! Gorgeous bloggers and blogettes!

    Good morning all!! Christoff, it wasn't a car alarm here, it was our 1 year old lass going off every 2 hours! Man, I'm knackered!!! Sounds like Tash is going to have a lovely day though! I hope she has a good Mums & tots near you - our one is a God send to me some days!

    Chrissie - my email is playing up too, but with scroll through to look for your mail again! Tuesday or Wednesday suit me - what end of the town are you at or is it central? MwK has my mobile, I think!

    Off for a triple latte at my fav coffee house - join me??



    Debs - I love you!! lol

  • Comment number 5.

    Hey troops.
    Lovely to see all the photos! You are all having a ball! Is a gorgeous day here in Ayrshire, Sun is shining wood pigeons are hooting.... hoooo hoooo just wish I wasn't at work, and could be doing some weeding instead.

    Think a road trip might be in order.


  • Comment number 6.


    Couldn't you get to Inverness, say Hello To Sus, on your way to Golf or something.... She is SOOOOOOO far away, it would be nice if you could drop in.


  • Comment number 7.

    Hiya Chris,

    What a week indeed, you must be exhausted! Looking forward to JR tomorrow evening.

    Fab pics on Bingo and Beesmum xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Debs, maybe it will be you on Saturday!!

    CLP has never been so loyal to us whilst on his hollibobs, arent we normally on page 3 or 4 by now???


  • Comment number 9.

    who you putting on Page 3 MTF?!?!?


    x x x x

  • Comment number 10.

    MTF - actually I dont mind if its not me - it will just be fab to meet him tomorrow - I hope marky mark gets him there OK - what with the M4 being unpredictable - fingers crossed!

    Just spoken to excited Beezles!


    Susan - you are welcome!

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh gosh, the excitement continues!!

    Beez and Bingo - both fantastic photographs with Chris, you can see how excited Chris was to meet you both!

    Chris, I want to do all again!

    Lovely to hear about Noah - what a wee sweetheart he is. Of course, his contentment comes from the contentment of his mummy and daddy. xx

    Susan: How about Tuesday lunchtime, say about 12.45? I will text you when I get your number from Mary. Would you like me to take you to the venue we went to the other day? I can show you the very seat that was occupied by the Mighty Rips!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 12.

    I can be at Parkway at 10.38, would you be able to get me back to the station for the 15.54 train back?
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Awww, bless you DWNB! I was saying that I was sure Tash & Noah would love a trip to the Highlands in the grip of Autumn! Loads of places to visit here!!

    It's a stunning day today! Waiting on my Dad to come up from Oban - he's my child minder tomorrow for some daft course I'm doing at the rehab! The pay off for working through the day, though, is that I don't have to work my normal evening shift .... so get to watch Jonathon Ross! How great is that!?

    Right, off to organise the wee lasses to get this triple latte I'm desperate for!

  • Comment number 14.


    Can I be the blog grump
    1) I'm jealous that I can't meet CLP - you lots are so lucky to have met the great man and I guess its just not going to happen for me.

    2) Im jealous I'm not going to Liverpool, its just too expensive and too far away and I'm missing out

    3) I'm jealous about all the mini meets that are going on and you look like your having so much fun!

    And why am I the blog grump today? Because I am so full of cold I can't think straight and all the upper reaches of the office are in this week from America and we have a big meal planned tonight that is my chance to prove myself and all I want is to be in bed with a hot water bottle

    Great photos all week - at least I have met someone who has met CLP - thats my top tenious link :-)

  • Comment number 15.

    Oooo - do I get to sit in the very same seat as the great man!!?? Aye, 12.45pm is fine, might have the girls & hubby & folks with me, but I'll see what they are doing! Be wonderful to see you again!

  • Comment number 16.

    Awwww, huggles SuperBP! You poor pet! Hot toddy when you eventually get home! xox

  • Comment number 17.

    Baggy, I'm not in the best humour either. Shall we be blog grumps togethererer?

    No jealousy going on, just hacked off with work at the mo and feel like a duvet day is called for. Very soon.

    Hope you feel better ASAP.


  • Comment number 18.


    More great photos. It's really good to see these photos and put faces to names, even though I've only been on here for a few short weeks. You all look so happy, all you Chris Evans' People (CEPs).
    Looking forward to Wossy's show. Personally, I can't sleep on sofas but then I haven't got yours. Neither can I sleep on trains, planes or any other form of transport come to that.


  • Comment number 19.


    Sorry !!

    Thanks Debs.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Baggy: you are entitled to be grumpy - honestly, if I was reading the blog this week and wasn't able to get to a signing, I would be so upset!

    Now that the lucky ones know how fantastic it is to meet Chris, we should ALL start saving our pennies NOW and when his next book comes out, we can pick the best venue for all of us to get to! OK, so we are talking about two years from now .... but it's good to get these things organised!

    As for tonight - get yourself some Benilyn Cold Remedy thingy - it's very good and will perk you up a bit. But, you know, you will probably find that the adrenalin from being with the "big wigs" will carry you through! Hope so! xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Baggy,Diva budge up on the grumpy sofa

    i am squeezing in

    not havong a good day

    the sun is shining

    but i am not.

  • Comment number 22.

    Oh My Gaaaaaaaaaaaawd - tis me and the Great Bingo !!!

    Gone all unnecessary now !!

    Baggy - big huge hugs to you sweetie and go get "legless" tomorrow Deev :o)

    I think my phone is about to explode with the messages and calls !!! I was half way doing my elh order !! (Working - I mean I was working!!!)

    Back later dahlinks :)

    Beezer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    cheap at half the price !!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    peas - hope you manage to get a bit of a rest this week-end Christoph - been a bit crazy all this zooming about the country !!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Morning All,

    Love the photos Beez and Bingo - this is such a feel good week with bloggers pics with Chris every day. It really is giving such a true picture of what Chris has created with his blog - the feeling that everybody's known each other for ages.

    Really envious that I couldn't get to any of the signings but have felt such a part of it with all the pictures and stories coming back. Thanks peeps!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Morning all,
    I don't know about Tipperary (sp?) but it's a bloody long way to Aylesbury from Wherever I was last night....Moffat I think.
    Once again - love the photo's. Beez's is a great one.
    Susan - I expect they've had to retire that seat now. They just don't make them like they used to.
    Chrissie - you are gorgeous! Nuts but gorgeous.

    Chris - can't wait to see the Ross show.
    There seems to be some sort of niggle between the two you.
    It should be fun showdown!




  • Comment number 26.

    Alwight Ter CLP & ALL Bloggie Pals....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Oh my goodneeesss..... bit embarressing ter see me photo on the blog but it's certainly made me dee!!!!!!!!
    And made me smile.... BIG!!!!!!!!@!@!@@!!!!!!
    And couldn't ave me piccie taken with a nicer top bloke!!!!!!

    And aye... B's Mum, whatta good photo of you and CLP... yer loook goood in that photo!!!!!!!!
    And (lotta 'ands') judging by CLP's smile it loooks like yer noot squeezing 'iz sore ribs too 'ard!!!!!!
    (PS Still trying ter think of a 'ribbing joke' az in 'just ribbing you' but better stay on the right side of The Blog Chief CLP while am on 'is right side).....
    Actually in me photo am on 'is left-side??????
    But Beezer, in yer photo yer are on CLP's right-side.... LITERALLY!!!!!!!
    Even though am on 'is left-side.... a 'ope am on 'is right side!!!!!!!
    Soz am getting confused know, sorry now!!!!!!
    Whatever side we're all on.... a like ter think after this week all of uz bloggers who've met CLP are in 'is 'good boooks!!!!!'
    Get it?????... Goood books.... Soz bad joke!!!!!

    Any way forgotten what the 'eck a waz talkin' about know, sorry now!!!!!!

    Oh I yeah..... CLP just wanted ter say.... yeah it certainly 'as been a strange week for all and certainly yersen.... I thought you'd be too busy ter blog all week but ter blog everydee AND ave photos of all your loyal bloggers.... brilliant!!!!!!!!!
    Certainly a very 'appy, 'eart warming and INDEED successful week for all!!!!!!!!

    Good luck with The Jono Wossey Boy Show terneet (screened termoz)..... I'll certainly be watching it on Fridee!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - My ARF, gotta be only one choice..... The Beatles after meeting yersen in Liverpool and..... Paper Back Writter, sorry Writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PPS CLP - Don't know where yer get the energy from!!!!!!!! Must be on the Red Bulls & bananas again!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!

    PPPS ALL - Thanks for yer nice commentations about the FB photo..... A waz so excited at aving me photo taken with CLP.... actually me first ever with a top celeb.... (although a did try with Wrightie once but 'e declined az 'e waz aving a bad 'air dee a think.... plus a think 'e 'ad more important things on 'is mind like 'ow's 'e gonna get out of 'iz BIG car when 'e parks it in 'iz small garage.... a don't 'old it against Wrightie at all) that a texted it ter Suzie and next thing she kindly banged it on FB!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PPPPPPPPS CLP - Started reading yer boook and very goood read!!!!!!!!!!
    Loooking forward ter the rest!!!!!!!!

    A bet yer CLP's looking forward ter a rest after this week!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Tiggs - I can pick you up and we can go from there - but shhhh I am 'working' tomorrow - so wont be able to get you to the home bound train unless you want to get an earlier one.

    However - there is a bus from Cribbs to Parkway and I can point you in the direction of that if you like if you are up for a 'shopping' mission - takes about 20-30 mins.

    SBP - want me to get a book signed for you? Chicken soup for lunch you'll feel warm and cosy inside......

    aka books r us!

  • Comment number 28.

    Super B - Don't be down.... loook on the brightside of life.... at least there's no chance yer gonna give yer cold ter CLP!!!!!!!!!!!
    The last thing 'e wants with all 'is other 'ealth probs at present!!!!!!

    Soz joking!!!!!!!! Can't 'elp being naughty!!!!!!

    Seriously though SB.... A know where yer coming from but at least yerv found yer special other 'alf ter keep yer warm!!!!!!!! ;-)

  • Comment number 29.

    Wow, what a week and I have only just caught up on the goings on! Lovely to see the pictures (especially of my lovely friend ChrissieS). I feel a little envious as JG had asked me to come along on Monday but instead I was helping out at one of my boys clubs so couldn't make it. Maybe there'll be a chance in the future though. But well done to the lads and lassies who have managed to get along and attend the proceedings - Chris has every right to be proud of his blog, what a great bunch of characters we all are!!!

    SBP - sorry to hear you are being a grump - but with good reason. Hope you can get through the day and evening in tact and shining, I'll be thinking of you and willing you through as there is nothing worse than feeling lousy on such an important day. Have to agree with Chrissie S though that the adrenalin can carry you through {{Huggles to you}}

    CtD - Dont let them grind you down, Sit up and smile brightly and give a two fingered salute at the end of the working day!!!

    Here in the NW the sun is out, it is blooming freezing but so bright it lifts the spirits.

    And if all else fails to make you all happy then try this:

    The Center for Disease Control has issued a medical alert about a highly contagious, potentially dangerous virus that is transmitted orally, by hand, and even electronically. This virus is called Weekly Overload Recreational Killer (WORK). If you receive WORK from your boss, any of your colleagues or anyone else via any means whatsoever - DO NOT TOUCH IT!!! This virus will wipe out your private life entirely. If you should come into contact with WORK you should immediately leave the premises.

    Take two good friends to the nearest off licence and purchase one or both of the antidotes - Work Isolating Neutralizer Extract (WINE) and Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter (BEER). Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 30.

    Nic - get yourself along to a meet or a mini meet - I have made some wonderful friends through this blog!

    Reddjelibeybi - not in bestest form either, but that’s down to sleep deprivation! Room for me!?

    Oy! Beezer! I’ve only got the Wales number!! Get your number to me now lass!!

    Rips - I’ll buy the seat and repair it then, for posterity! Or posteriority!! lol

  • Comment number 31.

    everyone - thanks for the tips - have dosed myself to the eyeballs on cold releif stuff and am just getting on with things- thats the British way :-)

    Debs - thanks for the offer of a book signed for me but I kinda like getting them done in person - it was a really kind thought though and much apprecaited and one day i might meet the great man. Also - have lined up soup for lunch but of the veggie variety - need to keep warm inside and out

  • Comment number 32.

    Aye Super B..... yer could always pop ter London next week or the week after and try ter get CLP ter sign yer copy of 'is boook when 'e comes outta R2 after 'is show!!!!!!!

    That's what a waz gonna try and do if a couldn't ave made the meets!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Bingo - I work in the big smoke now - just far to shy to try that- even after Rips kindly pointed out to me the building and everything.

  • Comment number 34.

    Off ter do more DAMN maths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 35.

    The wonderful thing about Tigger is that Tiggers a wondeful thing.

    Bouncey bouncing around the kitchen, someone bring me down from the ceiling soon.


  • Comment number 36.

    Daisy loved the joke! Definitely want one antidote or the other, not fussed really.

    Lovely photos - B'mum, totally gorgeous and Bingo totally not what I had imgained (in the nicest way of course, lol!).

    Baggy - hope you feel better soon.

    All those that are grumpy - tis allowed so don't feel bad!

    Off to the grindstone again - credit control head on now, onwards and upwards!

    AS x

  • Comment number 37.

    O-M-G, Beezer and Bingo, you are both gawjus, and Christoph you are such a gem. Just allowing peeps like me to see photos of bloggers who I chat to is simply amazing. What a guy!!

    Nic, I can't sleep anyway either other than in bed, preferably my own, under my own duvet, and on my own pillow! Car, plane, sofa, chair - forget it!

    Bight and sunny here, albeit a bit chilly.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Super B - Noot sure if CLP likes being 'assled outside 'is work ter be 'onest but am sure 'e would make an exception for a blog pal such az yersen!!!!!!!

    Yer could always get drunk first.... kill the nerves!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    SuperBeep - fancy a breakfast meet next week as I'll be in London most days?
    Assuming you've shaken off the lurgey.



  • Comment number 40.

    Daisy - great - will definately try that WINE one - not done that before - are there any side affects?



  • Comment number 41.

    Rips - would love Breakfast meet - you okay to head to the city area to meet me? and don't worry - will shake of lurgey before then so I don't pass it on

  • Comment number 42.


    Aw SBP Sorry you not feeling good. I kkep looking at those lovely pics and wishing I was there too. Think we're doing duty together on 20/11? Will be our very own mini meet & good laughs will be had.

    Can't join you on the grumpy sofa though, am just in too much of a good mood anyway.

    Strangly this is mostly due to finding out that heating in my old peeps flats will be replaced 4 yrs earlier than expected. Can't tell them yet as have not had it in writing so am wary of getting hopes up but will really please them (I hope, they are old so will find something to moan about!)

    Also sun is shining after very wet week so can't be glum

    Maybe I can tempt some of you off the grumpy sofa.

    Uuuummmm Friday tomorrow!!!!! Does that help


    Sarah xxxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Seza - I think I'm doing duty and am very much looking forward to meeting you - ginge and Deev I've already had the pleasure

  • Comment number 44.

    Seza great news on the heating. Another four years is so ridiculous, bet you cant wait to tell them :)

    Havent had any heating of any sort on yet here, what about elsewhere??

    My problem is that I have night storage heating so have to be almost certain what the next day is going to be like at the moment.

    If I'd put it on last night, it would have been baking in here today, have thrown the windows open as it is.

    Right, time to make my packed lunch up.

    Dairylea triangles and cucumber so the cheese goes nice and runny and the cucumber goes nice and slimy, just like Mum used to do for me back in the day!! Walnut bread tho, just to be a bit grown up like!!

    MTF.. Needing some oxygen after all that bouncing!! xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Poor old residents have v old storage heaters but budget says they should last for x years so should be replaced 2014! Have been pestering my tech manager so think that's why he's done a bit of juggling & brought them forward.

    MTF why you stopped bouncing? Bouncing good

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Have just seen a Daddy Long Legs on my window with only 3 legs!!

    There's an example of not letting your disabilites hold you back!!


  • Comment number 47.


    I have a new office chair. It's green, and it goes up and down and down and up and it's good for dancing in.


    Sorry - as you were .....

    x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    LOL Deevs. Have fun honey


  • Comment number 49.

    ooooh i am Seza, I am!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    Deevs, your turn to be Tigger, go on bounce that chair up and down.


  • Comment number 51.

    Daisy: loved your joke! Just popping out now for some of that Neutralizer stuff!

    Rips: Nuts is right! Sums me up perfectly!

    C xx

  • Comment number 52.


    I can also make a desktop glitterball out of the bling mouse Blog Star Beezer sent me for my birthday!

    How bloomin' cool beenz is that!?!?!

    x x x

  • Comment number 53.

    can I have the doughnut of the day award? just managed to spill water over my desk and then thought isn't that pretty rather then rushing for handtowels - lucikly most of the important things were saved - it only got work :-)

  • Comment number 54.


    I guess you need some dunkin' donuts to mop up!

    See what I did there gang ....!?!?!

    Gawd, I'm good today! Have leapt off the grumpy sofa of life (for now!)

    x x x x

  • Comment number 55.

    chucking stuff out is good for you
    chucking stuff out is good for you
    chucking out stuff is good for you

  • Comment number 56.

    LOL Bagpuss, even when you're grumpy you're funny!! Budge up on that grumpy sofa, I'm so with you on the 'S'not fair' about not getting to book signings, blog meets etc etc etc!! Even though I am horrendously shy and was a total wuss at my one and only blog meet so far!!

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Bingo - you are tasty, tasty, very very tasty!! And taller than CLP (or are you standing on a pile of books?) ...

    Beesmum, you look very lovely - what a great memory to have.

    I'm feeling a bit grumpy today too actually - a bit confused about certain areas of my life so feeling a bit blue, but hoping that all will become clear in the fullness of time! At least the sun is shining today.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Seza - Storage heaters were the reason for my altercation with my neighbour this morning! They make all sorts of noises, banging, clinking and clunking during the night when they are storing up the heat to blast out during the day when you are out at work! He thinks it's me making all the racket! Don't know what the hell he thought I was up to! Didn't warrent him knocking on my door at 06:15 shouting and screaming at me! It was so bad I have had to get the police involved! I hate confrontation, it's just awful.

    Well done you for looking after the old people, I'm sure they will be very grateful.

    Daisy - thanks for the joke xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 58.

    tiding up is fun

    tiding up is fun

    tiding up is fun.

  • Comment number 59.


    course it is

    course it is

    course it is!


  • Comment number 60.


    come to Liddypool .... gwon!!!


  • Comment number 61.

    Thanks, a guide to the bus will be fab
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Tins - you were great at the meet when I met you and are a wonderful person - and I'm still only half way through the John Lennon book - hoping to get it finished in time for the film of his life - nowhere boy I think its called - UK release date 25th Dec (might actually be busy that day :-) ) The young boy from Love actually is in it - playing Macca I beleive but I could be wrong

  • Comment number 63.


    I am insanely jealous of you dahling. (altho some may say "no deevs, just insane" ...)

    You are having brekkie with The Mighty Rips for the 2nd time.

    I am green with envy, incandescent with jealousy and however many other isms you can come up with!

    Pah indeed!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 64.

    Bagpuss and Cheryl - can I join your gang??! I'm grumps too, but I must admit that mine IS jealousy of the CLP tour that i haven't managed to join in on. Gutted that he's headed south again so that looks like it for us northern lot (I'm in Hull - perhaps Hells Bells could get me a meeting!!)

    Can't wait for tomorrow night's wossy though - two of my all time faves on the one show. Love JR since the days of The Last Resort and it's been great to watch the pair of em evolve over the years. God I sound old!!

    Love to you all and well done to all the (bleedin) lucky bloggers who've met our man. xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Lovely smiley pics Beez and Bingo! What a star you are CLP!

    Thanks for the joke Daisy, and sorry you couldn't make it on Monday.

    Deez, I either have a magic chair or someone is playing silly beggars with mine. It keeps getting raised up everytime I pop away from my desk, am going to try to boobytrap it!

    Baggy, hope you feel better soon love, have a good evening and enjoy meeting Rips next week :)

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.

    Deez? Sorry, Deev! doh!

  • Comment number 67.

    Thanks everyone

    Just had a great blog/ CiN idea that we can all join in - everyone buy either the ears or the bandela for CiN and then take a picture of you wearing it - and stick on bloogers fb page? What do you think?

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 68.

    Baggy - nice idea!

    you're a bean counter - any ideas how we can all contribute money under the CLP Bloggers name?


  • Comment number 69.

    Afternoon Bloogers of the Blog,

    Arh Beez and Bingo, what a right pair of smashers xx happy days eh? If it's any small comfort to those missing out, he's not coming to Kent either and we've only got Europe's largest shopping centre here, which I know is often frequented by the odd celebrity or two. Still I am very happy for those who have had the pleasure, this weeks blog has certainly lifted many a spirit xx

    I have read all the posts today, but can't remember anything, brain like a sieve! Hugs if you need them {{{}}} xx

    Now why is my left tonsil swolen and very sore, but I feel asbolutely fine? Very random!!


  • Comment number 70.


    Good one! Think we should wear the ears on 20th too!

    Seza will be up for that, I am sure. And not as sinister as flashing devil horns!!!

    Hi AliB!

    x x x

  • Comment number 71.


    Major gossip, if you don't know it already, Russell Brand and Katy Perry - you heard it here first!

    Brand, 34, has joined Perry, 25, at fashion shows and parties for Paris' fashion week, taken eerie strolls at dusk around a famous cemetery and been spotted partaking in demure hand-holding.

    "They arrived at John Galliano hand-in-hand," "They seem very much like the real thing."


  • Comment number 72.

    Soz Alib, old news I'm afraid. Perry was spotted leaving Brand's flat the other morning - guitar strapped to her back - as he stood looking bedraggled on the doorstep! At last, maybe there's a woman who's capable of wearing him out!! xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Arh and there was me thinking I had a scoop! Never mind xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Crazyhealthrep: how very honest of you! They do say that confession is good for the soul!

    I'm a big JR fan too - I know he has had his moments of stupidity, but I think he is a great talent - so spontaneous, and has a brilliant mind. It should be a fabulous programme tomorrow night .... I may even tape it and watch it again!

    (We still use video tapes ChezS!)

    C xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Crazy: oh to be t he one to try to wear Russell out tho!!?!?

    Yep, Ali sorry but there were pics of them together in one of the Sunday red-tops. I had a Minute's Silence but am still wearing that black armband ...... and weeping silently into my brazil nuts.

    The swine!

    x x x

  • Comment number 76.

    Ha, Chrissie, video tapes eh? Betamax I wonder?? Ha ha - showing my age again. Sadly my video is too clever for me and despite priding myself on being the daughter of a one time Rediffusion television engineer I can't get my head around the blinkin thing at all so I never get to record a thing.

    Decided I'd try to go teetotal for 12 months (excluding Xmas - I'm not a saint) after my birthday earlier this week. Already regretting it as i like nothing better than a nice glass of vino with good old Wossy! At least i guess it'll mean i'll still remember what Christophe had to say on Saturday morning, ha. xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Highlandlasssusan - and how do I go about that....?
    Super bp - I'm a bean counter too!


  • Comment number 78.

    Aw Deevs, I'm sure you'd manage to tire him out spectacularly (although i don't know you so i can't honestly comment :-)) He looks a lot like my ex boyfriend actually - guess that's why my hubby isn't a fan of RB - but it's his turn of phrase that does it for me, rather than just the way he looks. xx

  • Comment number 79.

    Ok off to work now, gonna have to recheck my bottle of caffeine free coke that I had this morning, think they mis-labelled it!!

    Too much sun too!

    Have a lovely afternoon everyone of you.


  • Comment number 80.

    Crazy - it's the whole package for me! Tall, toussled, those tight black leggings, the outragous humour, the posing and foppery ..... just PERFICK!

    Went and saw him (for the 2nd time) in Jan 09, and had amazing seats - 2nd row in the stalls, in an aisle. When we sat on the edge of the stage and told a tale he winked at me.

    I've not been the same since .....

    My hubby, naturally, can't stand him!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 81.

    Calm down Deev, LOL, they'll be no work done this afternoon if you get thinking about RB too much! xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Crazy: my turn to confess. I can't work our video recorder either! Nope, no way, no chance. MrS has shown me what to do four million times, but I can assure you that come time for JR tomorrow, I will not have a clue what to do with that ruddy machine!

    Hate technologoy, gadgets of any kind, and have an irrational fear of mobile phones!

    Brilliant idea to go teetotal ....but we are approaching the party season! A few years ago, my colleagues in the office and I decided on an Alcohol Free February. We had a whiteboard and would write on it "Day 1, Day 2" and so on. Longest February of my entire life!

    C xx

  • Comment number 83.

    hmmm: technology!

  • Comment number 84.


    It was his black jersey mini dress and big man biker boots that got me going!

    OK, and breathe ........

    Deevs, rather lusty
    x x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    Deev - I do worry about you sometimes!!!!!Mini dress?

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Aha. Mini dress!


  • Comment number 87.

    Ha ha, mini dress indeed. Are you sure that wasn't Eddie Izzard?? ha ha. Must admit, the make up etc is a good look on lots of guys me thinks. My all time idol is Prince (and yes, I know, he's a pretty little fella, but I'm only five foot and a peanut myself!)

    Deevs, it sounds like your hubby and mine would get along just fine! Blimey, sitting THAT close to the stage would have been scary!! Mind you, I did once touch the leg of Glen Tipton of Judas Priest - and i caught the plectrum of Randy Rhoads (R.I.P) when he was in Ozzy Osbourne's band so i'm no stranger to being that close. Different story with RB though - he might have spoken to you!!! (With Ozzy, I was more likely to get covered in dead bat!!)

    Finally got the hang of this blog thingy and I'm having a ball. xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Chrissie, so with you on technolology! hate it and it hates me (which is why I can't FB or tweet)! However, we now have CloudPlus and it's just so easy to record everything - it's just finding time to watch it that's the problem!

    Deevs, was wondering about how you were feeling about the RB news ... however as compensatino there's a nice piccie of him on-line in the MailyDail today, with chest hair showing :-)- just cut off the piccie of KP standing next to him!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 89.

    That's Italian for compensation ...

  • Comment number 90.

    Chrissie/Tins - me too on the technolology thing!! Struggle to text!

    Tins - what is Cloudplus?? Won't have tv or dvd player as from next week, so have got to get out there and get baffled by the jargon when I go to replace them. Just want something that has an on and off switch really!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Afternoon Chris.Lovely day here in Bedfordshire.
    Great pic of you,your looking really good.Looking forward to JR show,
    Have fun ,love to all.xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Darce, its really Sky something but wasn't sure I was allowed to say it!!!

  • Comment number 93.

    Another day of fabulous photos of bloggers with CLP!!!

    I really do think this is the finest photo ever of Beez (she normally shys away from the camera you know!). This week of meets with the man has made me realise what a great bloke he is and what a positive effect he's had on my life. The radio show is one of the most uplifting things for years and this blog has been an inspiration and a source of new friends both virtual and real. After having a few years of varying experiences with internet dating and the like meeting up with bloggers has been a whole new world with all of them being wonderful!

    Enough of this gushing (it's the hormones you know!). Midwife is happy with El-bumpo's progress and doesn't want to see me for 2 weeks... that'll be a week away from the elusive DD!!

    Have a fabby Thursday everyone and anyone left to meet the man yet make sure you get loads of luvly photies and enjoy every moment!

    Booboo & El-Bumpo

  • Comment number 94.

    nicrolastic - that makes at least three on the blog that I know about, plus a tax person and someone who does soemthing bean countary for the special forces!

  • Comment number 95.

    Tins - Doh!!! Should have got that - told you I was hopeless!!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 96.

    Surrounded by bean counters !!!

    Thanks Lyndy - must admit it was worth braving the camera to see our Christoph and you are perfectly right - the camera usually shows the fact that I'm 98, fat and wrinkly etc.!! Hate the things pointing at me!!

    Never could sort the video but not too bad with dvd and freeview stuff where you see what programmes are on - highlight and hit OK and hey presto - it records. Does chop off the end of stuff sometimes though which can be a bit annoying !!!

    Hope everyone's feeling a bit better happiness wise now? I've been trying to convey my grinning all over the place if that helps?

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Alright... me again.....

    Just popping back in ter say ter Chezza......

    Am gonna a bit astro nutty know, sorry now.....

    Russell Brand a gemini and Katy Perry a scorpio.... astro wise a very bad match.... and although astro stuff isn't set in stone... all depends if someone 'as a good extra match in their moon sign aswell as the main sun sign but the writing could be on the wall for the above mentioned!!!!!!!!
    Although a don't wish bad on anyone celebs or whoever, especially when clearly they've goots strong thing going..... but yer 'eard it 'ere first!!!!!!

    A bit like Jordon and Peter Andre.... they are a bad match astro wise.... Jordon a more firey gemini and Peter Andre the calmer more sensitive pisces!!!!!!!

    PS Chezza.... you being a firey leo.... an excellent astro match for the equally firey gemini Brand.... thought you's like that last bit!!!!!!!!

    Am outta ere before the Russells...... Brand and Grant come after me for meddling in their line of business!!!!!!!!

    Seriously 'ope am wrong about the Brand/ Perry.... they looook a nice couple!!!!!!!!

    Chezza.... 'ope this 'elps!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 98.

    Man a should read back me blog before posting noot after.... so many grammer errors!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 99.

    A think a get so carried away wreeting me blog a can't 'elp 'itting 'post'!!!!!

  • Comment number 100.

    Beez- you are not any of the above things that you mention!!!

    And you'll be pleased to know that counting/numbers/maths etc etc is complete gibberish to me... I do shapes/colour/noise



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