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Thank You For The Music Blog Part Two

Chris Evans | 09:52 UK time, Monday, 14 September 2009

Monday morning - 9.42 and the audio book people have re-arrived to do the recording. We had to put it off a fortnight ago because the abridgement was not quite right.

Feeling a little groggy from the ABBA DABBA DOO fest, which was bloomin' brill by the way.
Been for a swim to clear the passages, let's hope it works.

Arrived home at one, cooked pasta and stayed up till two trying to come back down to earth. Now back down to earth well and truly. Currently staring at a very strong cup of tea.










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  • Comment number 1.

    I wasn't sure which one was you Chris for a moment!

  • Comment number 2.

    Fantastic concert by the way! What a brilliant weeknd

    Thank you!


  • Comment number 3.

    Listened to the whole concert - absolutely brilliant!!

    My only complaint - why wasn't it televised? Or if it was recorded, when and where can we see it?!

    Thank you

    Tortie x

  • Comment number 4.

    Chris......you lucky thing....Kylie M.....you didn't touch her derriere now did you......not sure I could have resisted such temptation...


  • Comment number 5.

    It sounded fabadabadoo and now we can see how it looked... can we see it on TV at some point?

    Lyndyloo & El-Bumpo

  • Comment number 6.

    OMG! How tiny tiny tiny is Kylie?!?!?


  • Comment number 7.

    Great pics....the look on Benny & Bjorn's faces though,,,,wonder what they were thinking ha ha?

  • Comment number 8.

    Hilarious piccies!!!!

    It sounded great, hope everyone who went had a brill time!

    I'm a doggy mummy again. Welcome to George, the 20 month old greyhound. First thing he did when he got home, was to fall in the pond!

    Life back to normal (chaos) then ha ha!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Jules......funny, I was thinking the same thing.....x

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all

    Great show Christoph - loving the pics !!Little and large with you and Kylie !!! and the looks on B & B's faces !!! Going to have to listen again - speshly the Jamie C bit - Mr B rattled on about nothing in particular when I was trying to listen !!

    Hope all well with everyone this morning?

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Woo hoo Tinsel - new doggy - smelly doggy after falling in the pond?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hey Christophe, could we have a piccie of Beth sometime? Can just see her paws (assuming it's her!) in the background with the gorgeous Noah on the other blog!

    Another great film by the way that never got any publicity as far as I know - ONCE. Really lovely lovely film.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris

    Went both Saturday and Sunday. Two great evenings.

    Loved the shows but who was that strange bird in the silver suit that kept coming on stage Sunday? I could cope with the smoothie on Saturday OK but the silver bird?!!

    One word for the outfit though - understated. Try something a little showy and perhaps extravagent next time.

    Keep smiling

    Lord Glenmore

  • Comment number 14.


    How did those two geography teachers sneak into the photo of you and Kylie?

  • Comment number 15.

    Tins - Congratulations!

    Hope George wasn't too worried about falling in the pond - I don't think I could keep my Labradors out if I had a pond though - they love the water.

    Hope everyone is feeling tippety top today.


  • Comment number 16.

    Tango - they did do a bum bump together on stage - which is when Chris told them to keep his fee, as that was payment enough.

    Benny was obviously smitten with Kylie - he played the whole of 'when all is said and done' looking into her eyes and just glancing at the piano keys once in a while......smooth old so and so!

    I'd take up the piano mate!!!



  • Comment number 17.

    RIPS...lol.....so it's not just me then???? I got Benny as competition????


  • Comment number 18.

    Tins.....congrats on the new addition.....ewwwww wet smelly pond doggy?????? I can relate to that....the 'real' Tango loves the pond....bad boy!!!!


  • Comment number 19.


    What a kick start to my fortnight of 40th birthday celebrations! It was fantastic, fabbaroony party. You were as always the star with Kylie a close second.

    Great travelling back on tube to hear 1000's people singing Thank You for the music! Nothing like it.

    Can we do it again next week???

    Ruthiechicks xx

  • Comment number 20.

    morning all.

    is it just me

    or does CLP look

    like...zig and/or zag??

    specially in the

    photo taken on friday

  • Comment number 21.

    Looks like good time was had by all - next time I will try harder to be there!

    Congrats Tins....and opps for puppy falling in the pond!!!

    Baz...t'other's claim to fame is he asked Kylie for her phone number.....

    She said no!!!

    Lyndy I just read about Hazel's pressie for El Bumpo...how lovely is that?


  • Comment number 22.


    MY GOOOOODNEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THE LAST PHOTO...... IT'S THE RETURN OF...... OF...... OF THE BEE GEES WITH THE MOINOGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@!!!!!!

    'a, ,a, ,a stayin' alllliiivvvveeeee..... stayin' ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 23.

    Ahhh #22.... you little beauty and by chance again.... a am kissing me computer sreen az a type.... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Soory Minogue.... Minogue az in mini az in petite but LARGE in beauty aka nooot loooooking a dee over 25!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Meant az a compliment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    Ah, Christophe, one day you'll be able to grow a full beard mate...

    I see Benny and / or Bjorn look suitably impressed. I met one of them at the press lauch of Mamma Mia in the theatre, and I was so excited that I don't remember which...suffice to say, whomsoever of the pair it was, he was extremely pleasant! They remind me of Ant and Dec in a way...

    Def prefer you with real hair

    peas as I'm only doing really short ars at work, and tinternet is still intermittent Chez Badger, please 'scuse me if I disappear for any length of time. This is by way of a note.

  • Comment number 26.

    ...am also not allowed to do jim or swimming.

  • Comment number 27.

    And that would be lauNch not lauch. I don't know what a lauch is. Possibly a fresh water fish common to the Gumbobo Sintra somewhere abroad or similar.

  • Comment number 28.

    Ewb- She's a star * herself that's for sure!

  • Comment number 29.

    Bingo - the Bee Gees!!! Ha ha ha brilliant!!!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    morning all, hope you're well?

    I logged in this morning and thought one of my dreams had come true - a ginger man in his 40's with his arm around the delicious Kylie....

    ...then realised it was a pic of you, oh well, a man can dream eh?

    Sounds like you had a flare-tastic time, is it going to be on the telly?

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 31.

    Haze, what a brilliant present! Well done you!

    Tins, also well done on finding the new doggie, is he settling in OK? My Mum has three ponds and a stream in her garden, and within 5 minutes of taking Finlay there, he had been in all three ponds, and had to be washed in the stream with a watering can! Oh my, how he stank!

    Rips, glad you and and the family had a brilliant time!

    JG x

  • Comment number 32.

    Nice pictures of fant-abba-licious concert. Would liked to have been there. I’m now cool about the madness in my life, you’ll be pleased to know. Haven’t got much choice really. I’m not really in a position to be a player. For soooo long I had dreamed of hope - the new book I have, `59 Seconds` teaches you that dreamers and visionaries rarely achieve, where as planners and realists are more likely to succeed!

    Are we heading for and Indian summer? Hope so, best time of the year.
    Just finished lunch of toast and pate. Time for a cup of Darjeeling and slice of fruit cake.

    Have a nice day everyone, Chris and bloggers.

    mj x

  • Comment number 33.

    Oh, I forgot to say that having an audio book is a great idea, the blind, dsyeltxic etc are often forgoten.

  • Comment number 34.

    KW...exactly how many of us are there in this 'I Love KM' clan then???? Is it full??? Blimey, Christoffason has got Tash already, the gready bugger....he can't have Kylie too......


    PS...good to see u back, the one they call The Haze!

  • Comment number 35.

    Hey all,

    Loving the pics! Really brightened up a very dull overcast Monday.

    Just had a quick flick through the postings yesterday, and I am loving the sound of the home alone club - how can I join?! Someone (can't remember who, sorry) commented that they get lonely - I know that feeling too hun. Nice days like yesterday are the worst, when everyone-else in the universe seems to be out in couples enjoying the sunshine. Ho-hum, self-pitying bout over.

    Something that's really bothering me at mo - spiders. My house is being invaded! I have one that KEEPS building it's web across my front door no matter how many times I have to walk through it. . .am starting to wonder if it's incredibly stoooopid or just vindictive??

    Does anyone know if the conkers thing really works?

    SWF x

  • Comment number 36.

    yes conkers work
    but you have to get
    new conkers each year
    have a few in each room

  • Comment number 37.

    SWF- conkers bonkers, of course it don't work.....need a very large shoe instead....works for me. Don't you hate that 'Indiana Jones' feelin with the cobwebs in ya face??????

    Re self pitty......don't do it...life's way, way too short...


  • Comment number 38.

    Post #33 - That's just not funny!

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi Chris,Great concert,loving the pics of you with Kylie,she looks great, oh!so do you.Hope you managed to keep your hands off her dierriere
    Whens it on the tele.?
    love to all xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Barney.....I missed that as I posted at same time....totally agree....MTV....not one of your greatest posts....I'm sure no harm intended tho'!!???


    PS my son's dyslexic (fact!).....and my spellin's atrowshuss....see what I mean??

  • Comment number 41.

    Just been loking at Fridays blog again. I find it amazing how fast babies, toddlers, youngsters and teenagers grow. Come your twenties/thirties not a lot happens, your all grown! So, based on this take plenty of photoes and video of them when they are growing. Plus I believe there is a time when they will want all your attention, don`t denigh it, for there will be a time when total independence is all they ask! My other tip for Mums and Dads is, don`t just have one, because, having a brother or sister in life is really nice. For heavens sake you have to have someone else to fight over the biggest portion at the table. And someone to confide in and visit when your all grown up.

    Wiiiiilllll from what I see has done very well for himself Chris since TFI with a thriving production company (sorry about e-mail). I think I sore him once being interviewed in a petrol station for the news about people queing to top-up tanks with petrol. Will insised he wasn`t queing for a top-up, he really did need fuel!

    mj x

  • Comment number 42.

    Afternoon each!

    Brilliant..2 blogs to read and lots of pics! Loves an amazing day and wish i had been there (Rips,your post was so sweet..sure the kids`ll remember it forever!).

    Tins..fab news on new doggy! He`ll be well loved we all know it! Congrats!

    Lyndy..hope you had a fab shower, and what a lovely gift from HL..so thoughtful..x

    Deevs..has the `Pod arrived?! Cant hear shrieks of delight from up here yet?!

    Stupid busy here (really!) as off all next week, yay! But its never that easy is it?! Always takes a week to prepare for a hol, a week to relax then 2 weeks to catch up at work i find...hey ho!

    Conkers..do work SWF! Annie G put us all onto this last year..think theyll be out end of this monthish but i prepare to be corrected! Hope the job going well!

    Rest of ya reprobates..,only 3 hours til home time..yay!

    Loves ya all!

    mSc x

    PS -AF, ironing on a Sunday night should be banned! But had a lovely meal and car show thanks! x

  • Comment number 43.

    Re the picture here of Christoph with Benny Andersson, Kyle and Björn Ulvaeus. Now here`s the thing, you`ll notice that Benny Andersson`s specticles can hardly be seen, they are stealthy specticles. Well, I had a pair of these stealthy type, rimless specs. I put them down one day and never found them again. I swear it`s been going on three years since I sore my rimless specs. Now let that be a lesson, stealthy specks may look good on you but you could loose them for ever! Perhaps rimless frames with dayglow painted sides is the answer!

    mj x

  • Comment number 44.

    SWF, yes I think the conkers do work, I'll ask my dad when they're ready! Either that, or the spiders don't like my house (not that I'm complaining!!).

    The ones outside aren't too bad with the door, but one in particular seems to like the passenger side wing mirror of the car - a spider adrenaline junkie perhaps??

    AF xx

    ps bon apres-midi, tout le monde!!

  • Comment number 45.

    Of course that shouldve been `looks` an amazing day...see..fingers ahead of brain again..makes a change..normally my mouth....

    mSc x

  • Comment number 46.

    AF..i think the answer is thanks..but my French is not what it was!

    Hope you had an ok weekend hon.x

    And i have a spider in the conservatory..have never seen it but everyday there is a new cobweb in the corner..same corner,same size, same everything...so i have the stealth spider to go with the kamikaze, stoopid and vindictive ones...

    mSc x

  • Comment number 47.

    Ooh, and speaking of French..

    we had one of those `Continental Markets` in the town over the weekend.. on Sat pm we (the five of us at work) decided we should try the fresh crepes from one of the stalls..all i can say is thank goodness it has gone today or we would all be 2 size bigger by the weekend..delicious!

    Nutella and cream for anyone interested!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 48.

    I have spiders everywhere at the moment. One who makes a web across the front porch every night, and another who builds one between the van and Mr JG's car, and one in each wing mirror of my car!

    When we got back from holiday the inside of the kitchen windows looked like something out of arachnophobia - but not a spider in sight! Yuck!!

    Hope everyone's surviving Monday, not long to go now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 49.

    Ab fab weekend in London. Both 'do's were great.
    Bazza was marvellous - someone said they now wanted to go and see him in Vegas - me too!!. Was belting out 'when will our eyes meet, when can I touch you' just as a chap was walking past me - he turned and gave me a heck of a look and I had to say 'sorry not you sir'
    Atmosphere and crowd slightly different at Abba - we ladies were much better at organizing ourselves in the toilet queue - bloomin' 'eck I made some friends for life waiting there.

  • Comment number 50.

    What a night Faba ABBA - Love the hair! :) - somewhat relieved when it came off.

    Kylie mad me cry - she is so nice, when she made the comment it was a dream come true.

    Oh what a night - it was a privilge to share the night with such stars.
    On and off stage.

  • Comment number 51.

    JG- is it over yet.......really draaaggggin today!!!!!


  • Comment number 52.

    Great photos CLP - looks like it was an amazing day. Two lots of pics too - bonus! Loved the one of little Noah working his way through the Sunday papers!

    Rips - what a lovely description of your children's reaction to the gig -
    proper lump in the throat moment.

    Good to see you back Haze and feeling better.It's been such a long haul for you.

    Billie - hope things have got better for you x

    Had a laugh reading through this weeks FNWC antics - room for another one in the home alone club?!

    Darce x

  • Comment number 53.

    Steve Wright just read out another incorrect factoid.

    The Chicken is the most common bird in the world.........

    We all know that's not true don't we Deev?!!!!!

    Oops....I'm off - you ain't seen me right!



  • Comment number 54.

    He went that way Deevs . . .go get 'im!!


  • Comment number 55.


    My study.



    Common Auld Deevs
    x x x x

  • Comment number 56.

    Rips..you is so in trouble!

    mSc x

    PS - Darce..keep smiling! Great to see you.. x

    PPS - was in the home alone club for a couple of years..and loved it, although i know what you guys mean bout the Sundays etc. If you want to get out of it tho then i recommend match.com..i know,i know..i`m like a stuck record but cant recommend it highly enough! hee hee..x

  • Comment number 57.

    Only Rips could get away with that and still live !!!

    Beezer xx

    I love being on my own (when I can !!)

  • Comment number 58.

    Beez - spot on. Trubble is, 'e knows it, dontchya Rips!?!?


    x x x

  • Comment number 59.

    Just listening to Abba. Was Jason Donovan drunk? AWFUL!

  • Comment number 60.

    The ABBA concert was fantastic and Christof Lamie Pie was a wonderful host. And to see Bjorn and Benny on stage was fantastic. I wasn't old enough first time around so feel priviliged to have had that honour. The icing on the cake would have been if the girls had turn up ... alas, not to be!

  • Comment number 61.

    RIPS......you still breathing????


  • Comment number 62.

    Oh dear Rips!! Yous is in big trouble now!

    Best get yourself outta the country pretty quick!!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 63.

    Greetings Ter CLP & ALL.....

    Bingo Star ere.......

    CLP - 'ope yer 'ad a nice time at the ABBA gig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tinsel - INDEED The Bee Gees are back by the looooks of things!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A see it all went wrong for Fisi.... i'll bang a FULL report on ter mozza!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A 'ope all 'a a nice weekend..... a didn't..... a waz in a well known clothes store, thatta won't name, when the tune by Will Young came on.... errrrr 'Changes'..... a waz just in a changing room trying on some clothes.... WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!..... When all of a sudden a 'ad a bad fit!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's the first time ave suffered with an epileptic seizure!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA TER ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Remember..... be VERY wary of visiting a clothes store with Will Young tunes being played!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Bingo some clothes are very ill fitting.

    Opps not allowed on here banned

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi Scoobs and thanks xx

    Darce x

  • Comment number 66.

    Hi Bingo - hope it wasn't a fit or you will be banned from driving!!!

    Hello to most other people - off today coz having a new bathroom fitted

  • Comment number 67.

    ooh 66 = 3 times Bingo's fave number xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Fab concert, can't wait to hear the goss from CLP on todays show. One question - did anyone ask Chaka Khan if she actually knew the song she was given..!??!?

  • Comment number 69.

    Mr Croc - The bad fit did make me ill.... literally, am tellin' yer!!!!!!!!

    Susan B 55 - WHATTA COINCIDENCE..... A am banned from dreeeving but don't tell anyone!!!!
    PS INDEED 66 3 times me fav number and INDEED lucky number!!!!!
    Also 66, 22 and your blog number 55.... all part of the 11 times table.... WHATTA COINCIDENCE yet again!!!!!!!

    ALL - Ave just tryed taking part in the pop up Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ user survey that keeps errrr... popping up on CLP's 'omepage.... so a decided ter take part... it asks what country are yer from..... so a put in Ukraine.... and it's come up.... thanks but noooo thanks we only want UK residents ter take part!!!!!!!!

    It's all too much for me mind!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 70.

    Aye up Bingo Chuck I did that survey.. I said the blog was great but it should go back to how it was with delayed posts to stop message bored people.

    Buenos knockers

  • Comment number 71.

    Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ time is upon us, altho ELH beckons .... groan!

    Can't wait to get home tonight and play with my new toy. It's 4" and shiny and hard and has a capacity of 40,000.

    Bring it on!

    Thanks for today special people - you knows who yous are!


    Deevs, smiling incessently!
    x x x

  • Comment number 72.

    Jodie Prenger was superb, probably the best on the night. Shiver inducing.

    But, why oh why was it not recorded and shown on TV?

  • Comment number 73.

    Thanks for a great concert! We had other concert goers singing in our train carriage all the way home! Fab night! Would love to see it on tv so can re-live the experience! Cheers

  • Comment number 74.

    What a fabulous night it was last night - please tell me it's going to be televised or at least released on DVD at some point.

    Did the picture you took of the Crowd turn out btw? Would love to see if I can spot myself!

  • Comment number 75.

    Evening each..

    made it home eventually..was every idiot out in my town tonight?!..a 20 minute journey has taken 45 minutes..`mare!

    Anyway..home and tea on..pork,tomato and caramalised onion sausages from our local farm, mashed taties, roast taties, asparagus, carrots in honey and cheese and onion gravy... anyone wish to join us?!

    Enjoy the best end of a monday everyone..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 76.

    Awww Scoobs, you're making me feel hungry now!!

    Also had traffic nightmares, some people just don't have any urgency about them to get home! Doesn't help that most of my route is 30 mph!

    If my brain can compute properly tomorrow, going to try another way home tomorrow, but I've tried that before and ended up on auto-pilot going the same usual way!

    OO, just talked to my Sis about her new kitten she found, all healthy and fine, so sooo sweet! I'd love a cat, but Finlay and Mr JG wouldn't, so not a chance!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 77.

    Oooo Scoobs! I'm darn essex in me hotel and I've just ordered sausage and mash with onion gravy! Get me got a 'charcuterie plate' for starters! Get us eh!

    Too many posts to comment apart from 2 that spring to mind -

    Tins - so glad you have a new familiy member - whats his/her name?? (doh - if I missed that)

    and Deevs - been said on here and FB - you know you are loved - ignore the unecessary comments MWAH!


    PS oh lordy - just come across a channel 5 show with Ian Wright, Mel Messenger and kate from the 'prentice talking loudly over each other!! turn over quick!

  • Comment number 78.

    OOOO - just found Phantom on the tele - great!! see if I can get complained about by the neighbours with me singing!


    who is that shape in the shadows, whos is that face in the mask -- Uh Oh! he dont like that bit!!!


  • Comment number 79.

    Hi Debs

    Dunno what you're on about, but hope you're OK!

    JG x

  • Comment number 80.

    Ye know JG - phantom ov opera like! the filum version

    just had me sausage and mash - oh its so nice - so different from me time at faulty towers hey!

    right - back to filum - quiet on here tonight aint it?


  • Comment number 81.

    The PhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAntom of the Opera is here - in your Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyynd!


    sorry - will crawl back in me box now - but I soooo love this show/film/music


  • Comment number 82.

    Debs - Watching Uni Challenge me, nothing like as exciting LOL!!

    Mr JG just home, and had all sorts of phone calls about last week cos he did over 60 hours at work! He's not in trouble though! His boss might be!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 83.

    Oh JG - uh oh for the boss man then! C4filums if you want somat a bit more 'citing - its all kicking off now!


  • Comment number 84.

    Just wearing myself out answering all these questions on UC . Hope everyone is fine and dandy .

    Blimey , its dark early init

    MC xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Hiya Debs, JG and anyone else lurking. Sausages with onion and mushroom gravy and vegetable mash for me tonight too! Not watching the box cos am in the 'study' watching the pc! Will be departing soon though to watch 2nd part of Waking the Dead. Spent the day filling me new drawers (chests of) and filling charidee bags with stuff I a)can't get into, b)don't want to get into and c)never tried to get into! 2 down, countless others to go.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi MC, nice holiday?

    Lin x

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi Lin,

    Yes it was lovely thanks, hope you are ok .

    MC x

  • Comment number 88.

    Hey MC!!!!!
    Welcome home dear - you've been missed lovely! du-arv a great holibobs?

    Lin - glad you've got your flat packed fill with yoour drawers! (he he MC wont have a clue wot we are on abart)

    So thats it then - ficial - Monday blog tea from here on forth is sausage mash and onion gravy! (I'm in - no cooking or washing up for me with that option)

    right off for last bit of phantom.....


  • Comment number 89.

    Hi MC, hope you've had a good break!

    Oh, we've been invited for lunch on Weds by Rips!! He'll be somewhere between Liverpool and Manchester apparently!

    Hopefully near Salford Quays as I don't get long for lunch! Wil you be around?

    JG x

  • Comment number 90.

    Twas luverly n sunnshiny , so i am well done in certain areas and rare to medium in others , but dont want to put people off their tea ! Have learnt lots of Spannish too coz they didnt speak much english, so didnt want to starve to death, so had to get stuck in .

    Hope Brizzle was fun, not had chance to read all about it.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi JG. Hope you had a good hol too and have recovered. I am back in work Wednesday, so i wont be able to escape i'm afriad. So sorry but gonna be snowed under. its a shame as that would have been fun. Ionly get an hour, and it would take me 30 mins to reach the quays too ... doh

    MC xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Is there somewhere we could meet in between? My boss'll be in London, and have TIL owing!

    Best take it to t'other side...after last night!

    JG x

  • Comment number 93.


    How do I find Barry Manilow on the Red Button? All I keep getting is re-runs of the F1 and CBeebies Xtra ......

    Me want Barry!!!


    peeeeeeeeeeeees: evening all!!

  • Comment number 94.

    Off to watch Waking the Dead!!

  • Comment number 95.

    Soz to be a tele adict tonight - anyone watching that bonkers man that keeps jumping off buildings/monuments - CRIKEY!!!!!

    soooooo not my idea of a good time - give me a blog meet anytime - easy!


  • Comment number 96.

    Watching the second part of Waking the dead Debs.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Hi everyone
    Not been on for a while but Puff here (from france)keeping in touch with news from UK. Not being a morning person not too happy about CLP moving to morning, but as we are + 1 hr maybe I might catch some of it.

    So great to be in France but still see Last night of the Proms & Proms in the Park with el Tel!!!

  • Comment number 98.

    Hello Everybody

    How's you all doing tonight.

    I've just done the weekly jumping up & down at jazzercise so am now having guilt free choclit & wine. Already worked off the calories so these don't count, right?

    Am recording Waking the Dead so will watch tomorrow.

    Nearly had sausage & mash tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Blimey - waking the dead a good one ! You will enjoy Seza.

    Hi Puff - good to see you here ! I'm not a morning person either but I am normally getting moving by 7.30!!! Just wish our CLP would start at 7 though - can't be doing with SK.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi everyone, just popping in to add my penny worth
    We had toad in the hole yesterday because I could think of nothing else since it was mentioned here,had well known vegetarian sausages though but had to make the yorkshire pudding with SR flour as run out of plain it was a bit pudding-ey but still delicious.

    Noticed something about conkers and spiders what are you supposed to do with the conkers?

    Cheryl you are GOLDEN you are GOLDEN and i love you even though i don't know you...you make me laugh.

    Will try and come back here soon.

    love Loli x


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