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Reading a book at the moment called Think Like Da Vinci. Good so far. But the best bit is...

Chris Evans | 08:19 UK time, Tuesday, 22 September 2009

...my new found love affair with the sofa.

I have done many enjoyable and exhilarating things in my life, but I have never experienced such a durable ecstatic feeling as the one when I make a cup of tea whilst still in my dressing gown, and lie down on the sofa for a few chapters of my latest read.

I have had to put the book down and type this whilst in "the position" just so as I don't forget. This is true bliss.

Sofas and beds should be shopped for wisely. Here's a photo of mine:


I bought it in a sale at Harrods, should have been Β£4k but it was down to Β£1,195 - absolute bargainus! Sorry to go on about it but it is so luxuriant.

Tash has her own:


Right back to my self help, how to become a genius book. Apparently it is learnable.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Personally, I prefer the look of Tash's... but maybe that's just me?

    Rock on with the dressing gown though CLP xxx

  • Comment number 2.

    Doesnt a new blog always appear just after you have posted an essay on the previous page??

    Ho Hum, C'est la vie!


  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Christoph, the sofa looks mighty comfy, dunno how you drag yourself away to get on with the show. Also when buying sofas always remember to take measurements with you, made that mistake before and when its delivered, its flippin huge, and in a modest lounge it looks massive!

    Morning everyone else

    Happy Anni JG, nice to get flowers, the ones I get are normally purchased by moi when doing the weekly shop in ELH!!

    Darce, sorry to hear you're still down xx
    How's the building work going?

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris,

    They both look very comfortable and there is nothing quite like stretching out on a sofa, with a cuppa and a good book! And you look well snug in your hoodie!


  • Comment number 5.

    There`s something that`s been bugging me for some time now and I don`t know why!? I used to think it was good, then bad I really don`t understand it. Could it be a mistake, if so how? I`d love to wake up knowing it had all lead to something, but I fear this thing that is bugging me will never leave me.

    mj x

  • Comment number 6.

    By the looks of it . . .

    So Fa, So Good . . . .


    Anyway . . .

    DTM x

  • Comment number 7.

    Mon dieu, CLP - your sofa looks fabbylishus! And what a bargain!

    We paid a little more than that for our mattress and it's the best investment EVER!

    Our sofa is huge too, but the only piece of soft furnishing in the room - given that there's only 2 of us and it's an ickle room in an ickle house. The sofa is big enuff for us to lay down, side my side, and watch a fillum. ALtho this is not recommended for football match viewing due to muchos shouting, kicking and general hooliganism (and that's just me - ha!)

    Onwards and indeed upwards.

    Loving the hoodie look - mine's a white number from Ikea!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 8.

    peeeeeeeeeeees: you need some fluffy slipper sox - cold toes is so not good!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris

    Looks like a perfect way to start the morning!


    p.s. catch you all later, going to pick up little 'un. See you later.

  • Comment number 10.

    Morning all ( probably not by the time I hit post comment!!!)

    Computer problems this morning I think I'm back on but it's not happy - going very very very slow!!! May just shut down to cool it off a tad!

    Nice Sofas Christoph - what I should be doing - looking for new ones but can't be - you know what- at the moment!!! Had that trouble with measurements tho' Pen - when the last 3 piece arrived - Oh no ! Ginormous!! mad furniture moving followed!

    Daisy from the last blog - deffo screen tea moment - twas brilliant!! Copy and paste and put on every day to make us smile!!!

    Right - just off to check if my email working now - back later.

    Beezer xx

    pee ess don't clean your cookers - buy a new one - I keep telling you - those fumes bad for you :o)
    pee pee ess Happy Anniversary JG xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Loving the sofa look Chris! That is also one of my favourite positions (no rude comments please), plus a patchwork quilt that permanently lives on my sofa at the moment. I might have to assume the position again very shortly as . . . .

    . . .I am currently giving myself brain-ache trying to fill in the looooongest ever online application form for a council job. Why do they need to know the details of every job I've had in the last nearly 20 years?! So I can sympathise Seza!!

    Have finally just reached the supporting statement, but mind is now mush so may have to go get a cuppa and have a break before continuing.

    Ho hum, and I bet the job goes internally anyway.


  • Comment number 12.

    CBA to shop Beez? omg folks you heard it here first!!! lol

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris,

    I do like Tash's sofa, but I must say I would choose yours for the fact that I could stretch out! Even though I am a short-a*se, I do like to stretch! I think you are an absolute diamond for sharing these photographs with us!

    JG: happy anniversary - how lovely to have flowers delivered to the office! This is a man who is in love!! I did get six red roses delivered on Valentine's Day .... about 20 years ago!

    MTF: I read your post on the previous blog - very funny - even though you were really put through your paces! Hope the blood pressure is back to normal!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    I bought a new sofa back in May I think it was.

    Havent sat on it yet. I like my comfy clapped out old armcahair in my comfy little corner of the room. I know my place!!

    Strange question of the day, well first one anyway...

    Does everyone have one ear lower than the other?

    Reason for asking, My glasses always look lopsided, and after a quick look at CLPs pic, think he may have it going on too!

    Back to oven for final stage, putting it all back together.

    Then a much needed shower.


  • Comment number 15.

    Hello All

    Loving these pics. Presuming Tash took the pic of CLP on the sofa can just imagine the converstion.

    CLP - Please take a pic of me on my sofa in my hoodie dressing gown with my book & cup of tea for the blog

    Tash - ??????????????????????

    JG congrats on anni. Love getting flowers like that. A real treat

    Deevs White sofa Or White gown from Ikea?

    SWF Form done & in now. Just have to forget it & not worry about it til March when we get the answer (Yeah, like I can do that!)

    PF Can sympathise with Beez, shopping for furniture not fun. :-(


    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Ta Chrissie.x

    Not got one of those BP testing machines, not sure whether it'd be a good idea to know!


  • Comment number 17.


    White bathrobe/dressing gown thingy. A white sofa would be silly what with me and 'im and a little black cat!

    x x x

  • Comment number 18.

    OMG Pen - that's true - I'm ill aren't I? Not shopping !!! Seza I'm happy shopping for Anything!! Need to lie down!!!

    Actually fed up with this computer going slow so going to turn off and go and make a butty!!! Something with onion I think - Onions good for poorly folk !!

    Beezer xx

    back of hand on forehead - drifting off.....................

  • Comment number 19.

    Afternoon everyone,

    CLP, thanks for the picture , made me smile ;-)

    DDD thanks for your post too , thats a good un.

    JG, congrats to you both !

    Weather shonky at best , dull and spitty.
    Way too much paper and soooo little va va vooom today ;-))

    MC xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Shonky! love it MC!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    Doh Deevs, read you post & imagined you reclining in state on your white sofa.

    Beez, hope you feel better soon & are abck to all shopping systems go!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    Hiya Deevs,

    Hope you are ok xxx

    MC xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Seza - remember that trick you performed at lunch t'other day ..... the save it for Ron one ...... that's me, that is! Having a white sofa would just be a no no. A white dressing gown in bad enuff!!!

    MC - am dandy, thankyouvellymuchly!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Beez, if you cant shop , you really need to worry.
    I couldnt face eating my Wispa Gold on Friday night , i couldnt sleep for worrying if i was coming down with something ! Shared it with Mr Mc,but made him wait until Saturday afternoon, so i guess i was just "over tired" rather than poorly .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Well chris

    What ever makes you happy

    At least your are honest

    Tash 1 looks better have a good day my freind I've was in a great cafe on Monday very near your work.

    Be good
    best wishes Stewart the Chauffer

  • Comment number 26.

    Nothing like a big comfy sofa. And I have nothing like a big comfy sofa - will do one day though!!

    Loved the pj man yesterday by the way Chris!!

    DtM #6 - nutter!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    I had two Wispa Gold's over the weekend - is that really naughty??


  • Comment number 28.

    Greetings on this fine sunny tuesday!

    Liking the idea of a nice snuggly dressing gown (I so want one with a hood on it!), the sofa and a book today. Feeling a bit under the weather, there's a germ lurking I fear.

    Before I can assume the position on the sofa I have to go buy some pet shampoo. Cat came home last night covered in what smells like olive oil, where from I have no idea, but she's doing such a good job of pulling her own fur out, I think I need to intervene and give her a bath.... that'll be fun!


  • Comment number 29.

    ALiB - very norty!! hope you enjoyed tho!!! x

    PD22 - booooo to nasty germs doing the rounds, but good luck shampooing the moggy - rather yooo than me!

    I'm starting to flag ...... need a sugar hit ASAP. Best hit the bottom drawer, aka Deevs Tuck Shop!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi Chris,
    I soooo get you and the book thing. Unfortunately I go o bed lot earlier now to read mine only to have hubby get in and inform me 'you know I can't sleep with the light on' - eh scuze me but that's AFTER he's kipped for a couple of hours on the sofa downstairs - yes with the chuffin light on!!!
    Oh and his pet hate is when I arrive downstairs with my fabulous pink fluffy dressing gown and look like the prevebial beached whale. He hates it with a vengance while I think its fab to slob around in.
    Men - will never truly understand them.
    PS Thanks for the good wishes yesterday, meant a lot.


  • Comment number 31.

    Ali #27 , Toffee Cups were far better than Wispa Gold, they came in 2 size, don,t know why they stopped making them.

    Christoff I want one of them.

  • Comment number 32.

    can I have a vote blog please??

    I have just eaten one tasty doughnut - its twin is looking at me, its either me or the bin - what do you reckon (promise to do half hour on wiifit if the answers yes :-) )

  • Comment number 33.

    Thanks Pen x - things have come to a head now - OH is moving out in a couple of weeks. Found out he'd been out on a date Sat night, not the first by the sounds of things either. Also booked himself a holiday which I knew nothing about.

    As for building - nothing much has happened for about a week ( you know the feeling!!). Getting a bit of painting done this week and then hopefully it all gets moving again next week, with the arrival of plumber and electician. Then when its all finally done I've got to put it on the market if I can't afford the mortgage anymore. Still got another wall to get down yet!!!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 34.

    sorry CLP - was distracted by food - we are in the market for a new sofa - well thinking the jan sales will be the time - I like brown furry material corner sofas - any idea what they are called so I don't make an ejit of myself asking for a fluffy sofa?

  • Comment number 35.

    BLYiPE - I read your post and thought I'd written it!! I have one at home just like that - the reading thing! He's not keen on my staying up later than him, but if I go to bed earlyish I NEED to read to help me sleep and then I get moaned at for having the light on.

    I think it's a "can't win situ" hon!!

    Baggy - EAT the donut and stop asking silly questions.

    Darce - huggles sweetie x x x

    Jovial you auld git - ello!!

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 36.

    SBP No point saving a doughnut. It won't be nice later so best you eat it now.

    Deevs anything good in the tuck shop? Just had to go buy those honeycomb choccies to get me through the day

    Dragon Good luck with that cat!

    BLYipE Does he snore really loudly so you have to turn the TV up too? Mine does

    Darce. Sorry to hear you having bad time at mo. Hope things pick up for you

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    darce - sorry - theres me wondering about do-nuts and you are having a really rough time off it - big hugs to you xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Chris,I know what you mean about comfy sofas.I had our re sprung and
    covered.Its so un comfortable,dont like it all.Im looking for a new comfy one.Love the dressing gown, ive got one like yours,but mines pink and white. love to all.x

  • Comment number 39.

    angie - loving your bagpuss dressing gown - I have bagpuss slippers :-)

    Deev - took your advice - began to eat doughnut - had man come to office that needed looking after and yes i am covered in jam and sugar - curses !!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    Bagpuss #32, eat it, you don,t want to end up fishing it out of the bin in half hour, do ya x LoL

  • Comment number 41.

    Darce - big hugs mate. Gimme a call if you need a chat.

    Baggy eat the donut

    Wotcha Jovial

    Beezer xx

    BTW you will be pleased to know I am cured. Felt really bad not shopping, but now contacted my man wot does furniture and he is building me a thingy bob to put ancient TV on but will take a new one when I get round to replacing. Nice man - v v nice man !!!!

  • Comment number 42.

    Super BP / Angie - we could form a trio. I have a Bagpuss hot water bottle!

    x x x

  • Comment number 43.

    Super-Bagpuss #34 covered in jam and sugar, yum yum LoL x hiya Chez x hiya Beez.

  • Comment number 44.

    Seza, snore aint the word hun, gob open, tongue hanging out the side twitching every couple of seconds and a huge drool hanging from his chops, YEUCHHHHHH, and I'm still married to him!

    Been to the library and stocked up so book at the ready tonight though - he's away on business for 2 days, yippeeeeeee,


  • Comment number 45.

    So, let's get this straight. Is there just 1 chap who goes from living room to living room, snoring in the corner or have we all got a matching set?


    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Darce, Sending big hugs {{{}}} sorry you are going through a tough time xxx

    How often should one change a sofa? I've had mine 8 and a half years so I just wondered.

    My Mum goes to bed before my Dad every night to read and every night he has to take her glasses off and put a bookmark in her book as she's fallen asleep - bless her!!


    JT - I think I remember Toffee Cups, but I did enjoy the Wispas.

  • Comment number 47.

    Darce, sorry to hears things aren't good {{Hugs}}

    Seza - I have one of them too, and I think me and Beez share the same snoring dog as well!

    I always watch TV in bed, wearing my old specs, and Mr JG always has to remove them and set the timer on the TV for 15 mins - if he switches it off I shout at him in my sleep! Oops!!

    Hope you enjoyed the donut though Baggy!

    JG x (still not done much work!)

  • Comment number 48.

    Jovial #43 Behave !!! she's a newly married woman !!

    JG got the snoring dog most nights now and I don't mean Mr B !!!!

    Beezer xx

    Getting no work done !!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Darce, so sorry, lovely ((xx))

    Know the feeling re builders, but you'll get there in the end and hope it doesn't mean selling up. Maybe get a lodger???

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 50.

    (((Darce))) - it must be awful at the moment. Lots of love for you on the blog.

    SBP, I would have eaten the donut too - but only if it had custard in it!!

    JTT - you is rude!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO..............


    A am bouncin' Jay-Z ma main man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yo CLP, Yo ALL Blog Dudes.... Even The Arguementatitative Ones.......

    Bingo Star ere.... in der 'ouse of The Wembley YO!!!!!!!!!

    YO CLP - VERY nice photos of yer sofa and INDEED Tash's sofa!!!!!!!!!!
    Wish a could afford ter shop at 'arrods... even ter buy the bargains....... last time a went inter 'arrods it waz.... along time ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Az for the boook on 'ow ter learn genius.... a think yer may already ave learned 'ow ter be one!!!!!!!!!
    PS WHATTA COINCIDENCE....... some a know ave said ave goot abitta genius in me..... maybe.... suppose Guinness Booook Of Records at 14 waz abitta the stuff..... only problem..... any boooks out there on 'ow yer turn genius if a ave gotta bit..... inter success..... 'cos aving genuis but nooot knowing 'ow ter use it iz 'ard ter live with!!!!!!!!!!!
    A think it's better ter be stupid and oblivious ter..... errrr things.... that way yer get throygh life..... errr oblivious ter life!!!!!!!
    But when the mind ticks.... errrr deep and things ALWAYS go wrong.... it's noot good all!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In fact migh tgo off ter seaqrch for the boook in question about me question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS YO CLP - Is that Noah takin' those photos.... if so the kid az goot talent - am tellin' yer..... am DAMN tellin' yer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS I'll put me FULL Suzie Suprise Coldplay/ White Lies/ Girls Aloud/ Jay-Z blog on termozza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In the mean time...... YO.... CHECK IT & BOUNCE IN DER 'OUSE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Comment number 52.

    PS Mr Croc.... A think yer might be correeect that CLP might be a 'odie.... judging by the first photo above!!!!!!

  • Comment number 53.

    Soz meant 'oodie noot 'odie!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 54.


    CLP, boy1 want's tp know if Noah has his own sofa or if he has to share?

    also, boy2 wants to know how you chose the name "Noah". He wants to know if it was after Noah & the Whale?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 55.

    Thanks Seza/Baggie/Deev/Beez/Ali/Jakey/Pen & Tins - you're a great bunch xxx

    There is a plus side - the snoring goes!!!

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Really quickly popping in at work just to say BIG HUGS HUGS AND MORE for the lovely lady Darce.

    You know we are here for you - and at least you can now freely attend all blog meets now!

    love you loads and love to all else

  • Comment number 57.

    Belated Tuesday afternoon greetings to the blog!

    A couple of luvly looking squooshy sofas there CLP... just right to have a lie and read on. I've taken to using my extra large sofa for lying on now so that I can stretch right out and give the bump maximum roomage!

    On that front I took Mum along with me on Monday to the first day of antenatal course. She came out and told me that she was now far happier about the whole thing now... considering she's had 2 of her own. Aparrently she knew nothing about what was going on and is now fully in favour of me having a water birth if at all possible and has reminded me to make sure I listen to my hypno-birthing CD's every night! After the next round of the course I think she'll be quite the expert!!

    I hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying another seemingly warm and marvelous week. I shall be heading off down to Londinium tomorrow ready for the press launch and then presentation at the Langham on Thursday... a big deal for us so keep your bits crossed for me.

    Booboo & El Bumpo

  • Comment number 58.

    Darce - so sorry to hear what's happened. Hope you're okay {{{HUG}}}

    But yeah, all this talk of snoring men, not being able to read in bed (if I'm really into a book I have been known to read until 3am), fighting over sofa space . . .not to mention surveys saying how unhealthy it is to share a bed . . .maybe we really are better off on our own!

    SWF x

  • Comment number 59.

    Debs/SWF - thanks means a lot xx

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Just to add my thoughts to Darce. xxx Lovely to see such positive thoughts on the blog - hope it all helps a little.

    No wonder one of my friends tells me that men and women are as alike as fish and squirrels!

    C xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Thanks Chrissie - it does help x

    Off home now - see you alls tomorrow x

    Darce x

  • Comment number 62.

    Bingo I do believe you are winding me up. Girls Aloud is that music or a few Newcastle girls with makeup applied with a shovel? Singing along to Kareoke.

  • Comment number 63.

    Darce, Sorry to hear your news. More {{{{hugs}}}} from here.

    Lyndy, Glad all is going well withthe bump and good luck for Thursday. Sounds big and expensive.

    Is this a "get at snoring men day"? If so, guilty as charged :-o

  • Comment number 64.

    {{hugsfor Darce }}

    dins time catch later!!!

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Aww, have finally got my laptop back from Mr JG, and now everyone's gone, I'm supposed to be making dinner, and am being generally attacked by the dog who is determined that we are not going out tonight!!

    Oh well!

    JG x

  • Comment number 66.


    I always read in bed before sleeping, then have to prod Mr to turn his light out because he's usually the one who falls asleep with the book on his face! Oh, and yes, he snores too!

    Big hugs Darce, hope you're doing OK.

    Lyndy, glad all's well with bump - fingers crossed for thurs!

    SBP, glad you ate the donut, shouldn't waste food :)

    Sezagirl/Deev, cat shampoo has been purchased, waiting till Mr comes home, I think cat bathing is going to be a 2 person event! Silly mog is still all oily and getting very grumpy so hopefully she'll realize we're just helping her out and won't object to being washed.... yeah, who am I trying to kid, it's gonna be an all out yowling scratch fest!

    Hello to everyone else!

    Dragonxx - feeling decidedly cold-ish. grrr.

  • Comment number 67.

    Oh Dragon, it's hard even bathing my dog who loves water without all the scratching and hissing!! Good luck!!

    Actually, when I do have to bath Finlay, I find it best to do it in swim-wear, but not ideal for cat baths!

    Chilly here too!

    JG x

  • Comment number 68.

    Lyndy, missed your post, hope everything is going well! Glad your Mum's involved, it must be so very different for her now!

    Enjoy your launch and reception! Don't be tempted into over-doing it though!!!

    Right need to finish off the anniversary tea...LOL! Spag Carbonara from ELH!! (Oh, and half a garlic bread, cos I'd scoffed the rest)! hehe

    JG x

  • Comment number 69.

    Hi Guys

    Hope everyone's ok tonight.

    More good luck with the cat bath Dragon. Never done it but can imagine.

    Hooooge pile of ironing beckons so will dip in & out of here tonight

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Happy Anniversary JG - flowers eh, luck you

    Happy one month anniversary to SBP xx

    Darce {{{xx}}}

    MTF your post on previous blog reminded me of Wallace & Gromit! Hope you have recovered?

    Deevs, Beez, Seza and everyone else Hi

    Back later as off to famous diy store to buy some carpet to vinyl edging for super new bathroom which may be finished tomorrow - yah. I might even have a bath on Thursday to celebrate LOL

  • Comment number 71.

    Evening each

    JG..happy anniversary guys.. congrats! x

    Darce..just a big hug and one of my wispa golds sent to you virtually..(down to 18 now so can only spare one! hee hee..) Having been thro the same thing 4 years ago i can sympathise..but onwards and upwards and so what if you have to move..least it`ll be yours etc.. sorry, really not trying to be flippant but just wanted to try and help you stay positive.. HUGE hugs..xx

    Have managed to wangle lunch out today with GM mum so beans on toast for tea here..yum! Really into this not cooking lark!
    But need confessions please..who`s nicked the lid off my blender?! Turned the kitchen upside last night 3 times looking for it.. nope,nada,zilch..gone to the place with the odd socks i think. But hand blended soup instead and was delish..if a little lumpy!

    Ginge..massive good luck with the run on Sunday..will be adding my bit on Fri after payday for you.. great cause.x

    And thanks to anyone who has looked and spared a pound for the GM National 3 Peaks challenge..really appreciated. The Cancer Research thing is in memory of GM`s dad who we lost last Nov and my dad who died 12 years ago..they really do a great job. x

    However,my house is over run with camping stuff,first aid kits, rucksacks etc etc at the moment..you`d think there were 10 climbers not 4! But again, great cause so all worth it.

    Right ..gonna leave you all in peace..have lovely Tuesday evenings one and all!

    And Hugs...cos i can!

    mSc x

    PS - Ali back and counted..now anyone seen a Dook?! x

  • Comment number 72.

    Wrote that about an hour ago and promptly lost internet connection...noooooooo!

    So all fun with the bath SB..yay!

    Seza..put down the iron..cant iron on a Tuesday..or Mon, Wed, Thurs or Fri either for that matter..

    And Lyndy..indeed good luck for the presentation although sure you wont need it!

    Dragon..good luck with the bath..thinking we may need pics!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 73.

    AnnieG and MC..someone prob already done it but ive sent you both friend sugg things for each other on FB..hope it helps!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Scoobs,
    Glad you are enjoying the Wispas !!
    Thanks for the FB friend thingy, but i think Annie might be switched off at the mo ??? She appears to be un "clickable" if you get me drift.

    Dragon good luck xx

    Darce , hello and hugs , hope things work out for you .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Just barged along for a minute, stacks going on chezBoleyn and most of it tedious tonight, looking forward to The Choir. 3 things to say,

    I love squashy sofas,

    Hi Scoobs, sorry I missed your birthday, hope you had a good one XX,

    Darce - I'm so sorry, it must be very painful. Remember you have lots of mates here and "over there". XX

    Evening all, JG, Sez, Suze, Dragon and anyone else who knows me as the great Peter Powell used to say!

    A x

    A x

  • Comment number 76.

    MC-you welcome..have done reverse too so she`ll find you! And the GOlds are AMAZING!

    JUSt have to post this link before i go.. drove past this on Monday morning about 11am.. only in Derbyshire!

    Really off now..night night all!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 77.

    Hello MC too.

    A x

  • Comment number 78.

    Evening all

    Thanks to Thunder, Purpledragon, JG and msSC all of your support really does make a difference to me as I'm sure it does for everyone on here.
    Darce- my best is with you and what you're going through. I hope it all works out for you.

    Booboo & El Bumpo

  • Comment number 79.

    Hi A, hope you are ok,

    Night Scoobs xx

    MC xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Thanks Boleyn..had a fab one!

    And sofas..we have 2 old battered ones that are sooooo comfy.. GM keeps trying to persuade me to trade them in but i`m winning the battle to keep them so far...wish me luck!

    YOu didnt see me here..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 81.

    Been there done that Scoobs!!!!

    Hi all - bit of a should have been working a bit more than I should day - but well - things happen A???

    Agree with Scoobs Dragon need pics of cat bathing - do you have a waterproof camera? First time we did doggy mind - he was so shocked just stood there in the bath looking totally bemused!!!! It wasn't the bath however - it was getting him out when the trouble started!!! We now have a girl "who does" !!!

    Hi SG & Seza

    Lyndy - all crossed for you - of course.

    JG - love it - got back from Wales yesterday and decided to raid one I made earlier with Garlic bread - and then there were 4 slices!!!! Snap!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Ha ha Scoobs I did so!

    Hi Lyndyloo, have you a new profile pic up? How huge are you? And when are you going to stop all that work malarkey?

    MC, fine ta, running on adrenalin, caffeine and the odd smidgeon of vino !

    Right, off to do grown up things.

    A x

  • Comment number 83.

    First though, to whoever was wondering about having their oven cleaned earlier (sorry can't remember) - take my advice - DO IT! Worth every penny.

    Yo Beez.

    A x

  • Comment number 84.

    SG ??? SB even - duh and MC and now BG

    waaaagh !!! need a drink - red doesn't really go with scampi does it?!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Hello All

    Beaten the pile down halfway. mSc Has to be done, I'm afraid, otherwise no clothes left.

    Am having lunch out with Mum tomorrow then dinner with my girl friends so will make up for the effort tonight.

    Have got glass of cider on the go to keep me motivated.

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Is this oven cleaning company expensive ?? I usually get stuck in and then loose interest rapido .

  • Comment number 87.

    What time is it? snoring male in chair???? 8.42 ? Snoring dog by patio door? Should I be here?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Beez, snap , Mr MC snoring sooo loudly . Then he keeps waking himself up

    Anyone got any cures for snoring, as he has tried eveything . Am desperate .LOL

    MC x

  • Comment number 89.

    MC, it was just a local cleaning company who did the whole house and whatever else you asked for, it was a one-off just before our wedding when I wanted everything to be perfect. I can't remember the hourly rate, soz.

    A x

    Really really going now.

  • Comment number 90.

    MC - apart from the chair down here - can't so much about that - seperate bedrooms !!!! Only way.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 91.

    What is the matter with my typing tonight !!! Can't do not so !!!!
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Beez, yep, tried nasal strips , throat sprays , nose clips, gum guard thing . Now its beds in East wing and West wing ! holidays a nightmare , i usually sleep all day , or stagger around like the walking dead through lack of sleep.

    MC xx (Darth Vaders missus)

  • Comment number 93.

    Listen you lot - leave the snorers alone (oops has that given it away that I am one???)

    When I went on holiday with a 'friend' she made my life so uncomfortable, coz I kept her awake, that I slept 2 nights on the balcony with the sliding doors to the room shut .....and I was still able to keep her awake!

    Crumpy xx :o(

  • Comment number 94.

    MC my huge sympathies on the hol thing - could be why we don't have hols any more!!!! I can talk however - if I've had drinks can outsnore the best but apparently my nickname is best - wheezer beezer !!!!!
    I know!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 95.

    That's you n me then Crumpy. How you doing?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Fine - sorry have not been around much - reading blog but no opportunity to post.

    Just settling down to watch the Choir on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ2.

    You ok?

  • Comment number 97.

    Beez , yep, cant actually remember when/how it all started , but lack of sleep eventually made me ill . Apparently i was snorning on the beach, but no wonder when i had counted every hour on the clock all night , played my ipod till my ears throbbed and just stopped short of smothering !
    Love him to bits during daylight hours LOL


  • Comment number 98.

    Crumpy I should be loading d/washer/ washing up/ doing a mountain of ironing/ filing in office cos I said I was going to tonight but do you know what - I've got a bone in my leg !!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 99.


  • Comment number 100.

    MC - smothering sounds good!! You could have taken it in turns to sleep on the beach though !!

    Beez xx


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