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OK, before we start...

Chris Evans | 09:36 UK time, Friday, 25 September 2009

...Look at whose desk is the neatest, gold-star winning work of art in the office


Only Scouse Sarah's - all her own effort, before any of us had chance to lend a paw.

Anyway to business.

At 06.15 hours this morning, I sustained first small child's toy induced twisted ankle. Gee whizzer and chips it hurt. A small cup was responsible - the yellow one pictured.


After the tower had been demolished (obviously)...

Shortly before this, I had challenged Noah to a sleeping competition, but he was more interested in which of us could stay awake for the next thousand years.

The bliss continues.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Blimey CLP! Now that is an improvement on yesterday!

    As for the other matter - stick it up. And the ankle!!

    That's Amore - Dean Martin!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    Greetings Of Plato Symposium Type Sentments Ter CLP & ALL.....

    Bingo Star ere........

    Yo.... yo.... yo... yo.... bounce, bounce!!!!!@!!!..... a said BOUNCE... BOUNCE... BEYONCE.... BOUNCE!!!!!!.... A am Jay-Z..... a am bouncing!!!!!!! Did 'e say Beyonce or am a just imaging, sorry imagining it?????

    CLP/ Scouse Sarah - Beautiful..... a most beautiful desk.... only problem... 'ow long will it last????????????????@@@@@?????????????????

    OK..... Cold..... play >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    So ave finally arrived 'ome after a mamouth weekend of 'appenings and it all started with me BIG surprise for the blogger who's name am noot allowed ter mention on the blog.... aka Suzie Boozy!!!!!!!!!
    A came armed with plenty of G&T's in me suit case and the most important bit for a change noot being the G&T's but documents all.... when a say documents if a get too direct on the type a might give away the BIg suprise... but since the surprise 'as lapsed.... a will say which type of documents.... tickets & tickets ter the biggest concert Coldplay ave ever performed!!!!!
    Yes a toook Suzie ter a Coldplay gig at Wembley staduim!!!!
    But noot just Coldplay but also supported by White Lies, Girls Aloud and Jay-Z!!!@!!@!!!@!!!!!!!!!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!


    So a managed ter get Suzie on time ter the Wembley... still keeping it a suprise... and even when we were wreet outside the stadium.... Suzie although clicked we were going to a gig.... she still didn't know who waz playing!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It waz first time in the new stadium for both of uz so pretty excting.... Suzie certainly waz pretty excited.... in fact she's VERY pretty even when she's noot excited!!!!!!
    When we goot inside we made it ter near the front of the stage, standing area, and settled in for the wait before the gig began.
    It's only then that Suzie found out who waz playing... noot one, noot two, noot three but 4 acts!!!!!
    It waz worth every penny for the gig just ter see the smile on 'er face and 'er BIG dark capricorn eyes light up!!!!!!
    First on waz White Lies (yer might remember a put their flagship tune on the blog last week - a clue ter the suprise!!!)
    When they came on a waz shocked.... a thought it waz Gareth Gates az lead singer!!!!!!
    A tell yer ave seen them on TV a few times but in real life.... a swear it waz The Gareth Gates!!!!!
    Any way they were brilliant and great for Coldplay ter give them the chance for a young West London band ter get some BIG limelight, thus 'elping ter bring them ter the attention of alotta music fans!!!!!
    A went mental all... a waz clapping sort of Queen gig style.... yer know the standard 'ands tergether above yer 'ead with each beat!!!!!
    Most in the crowd were just watching but noot me... after a few G&T's that we'd sneaked in in our coke bottles a waz ready ter WROCK and WROCK BOG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry BIG!!!!!! (noot been under G&T's know, sorry now!!!)
    A waz at times the only one clapping above me 'ead when all arooound were noot!!!
    But a think yer should support a new band.... so a waz!!!!!!!

    Second ter come on waz Girls Aloud.... MY GOOOODNESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    They all loooked 'ot - am tellin' yer!!!!! A still can't decide which waz me favourite but a feel a made a connection with Cheryl Tweedy.... she kept loooking me way.... or waz she actually loooking at the 61,000 people directly behind me.... a like ter think maybe noot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And WHATTA COINCIDENCE.... Chezza Tweedy with beautiful dark eyes and the closest ter loooking like Suzie!!!!!!!
    A must admit a felt sorry for the male dancers..... a mean imagine phoning yer mum with the news.... "mum, yer never guess what.... ave been chosen ter be one of Girls Aloud's dancers and at their 'uge Wembley gig!!!!! Only problem.... ave gotta wear bright pink booots!!!!!!"
    Know, sorry now, me arm movements 'ad changed from The White Lies clapping above the 'ead ter one arm up and pointing in the air with a twirl!!!! Yes it waz camp but the whole crowd waz pointing with one arm ter the beat of the babes!!!!
    Camp it may ave been but it waz worth it for The Tweedy!!!! And The Sarah.... And The Nicola... And The Kimberley..... And The Nadine.... but az am most astro compatible with The Tweedy.... for The Tweedy most!!!!!!!
    ('old on am just getting a message in me ear piece......... "Bingo The Tweedy now Cole!!" 'old on blog friends... soz ere.... "She's Chezza Tweedy!!!! Whatta yer damn talkin' about???? AYE???? Ear piece "Bingo Cheryl Tweedy is now Cheryl Cole... she got married!!!!"
    What az in Simon Cole??????????) (Blimey it's all go on the X Factor!!!!!!)
    Soz blog friends ave just been advised The Tweedy isn't Tweedy but Cole..... aka The Chezza Cole!!!!@!

    Third ter come on it waz The Jay-Z!!!!!!
    Now this waz the act a wasn't sure if i'd like or noot az ave noot been ter rap gigs but........... The Jay Zed waz awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO, YO......... BOUNCE, BOUNCE, BOUNCE BOUNCE, BEYONCE, BOUNCE, BOUNCE..... and a waz all...... me 'and movementations now changed yet again.... this time it waz an arm up in der air...... 'and slightly curved terwards the stage, then with each BEAT/ YO...... it waz a jig of the arm and 'and terwards the Jay Zed!!!!!!!!
    YO... JIG ARM...... YO JIG ARM..... YO JIG ARM........... and on top of that we all learned the Jay Zed sign with the 'ands; Basically yer put yer thumbs and fingers tergether above yer 'ead and form a triangle shape wit yer thumbs and first fingers.... then jig terwards The Jay Zed..... YO.... JIG TRIANGLE...... BOUNCE... JIG TRIANGLE!!!!!!!!
    There waz one thing though that waz on me mind az a think all blokes in the crowd must ave been thinking.... WOW..... there's a bloke, thee bloke who actually must ave jigged The Beyonce..... BIG RESPECT!!!!!!!! YO!!!!!

    Then fourthly and finally it waz The Coldplay!!!!!
    By now a waz exhausted..... 5 'ours of dancing, jumping and YO-ing..... a nealry didn't ave any energy left!!!!!!
    But on came The Martin..... and whatta performance!!!!!!
    A could wreet az much az ave already writted ere again just about The Martin's moving around the stage.... but a won't!!!!
    All a will say iz what an AWESOME gig...... one i'll never forget!!!!!!!!
    Yesterdee a banged a bit of it on the blog... the Youtube of Yellow and the 'crowd X-Factor audition', the whole gig waz amazing and so well put tergether!!!!!
    This time me it waz the turn of both arms ter be raised and clapping ter the beat!!!!!
    Near the end thousands of coloured paper/ foil/ luminous butterflies were blasted inter the air above the crowd.... absolutely amazing...... they were being carried inter the air and az a turned arooound a could see a vortex of air carrying some out of the stadium and inter the night sky.... they really did look real!!!!!!
    All in all..... a MEGA GIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am teeeellin' yer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The only problem.... the next dee apart from being a little deaf.... me ankles from jumping and me arms especially me right one from grooving.... they were killing from 7 'ours of intense jumping and jigging..... a tell yer too much groooving ter the groove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Suzie waz joking that 'er kids will 'ate 'er when they 'ear who she's been ter see and in particular Jay Zed, making 'er cooooler than 'er kids!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
    All in all it waz worth every penny just ter see 'ow 'appy Suzie loooked!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA GIG GOERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Anoother link from the gig this time of Coldplay doing a cover of Billie Jean complete with guest appearance of Simon Pegg >>>>>>

  • Comment number 3.

    PS GINGEMBRE......... GOOD LUCK FOR YER CHAIRTHEEEE RUN ON SUNDEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO FOR IT DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS A see yuv SSSMMMMASHED yer 1k target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WELL DONE GIN MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Check this link all if yer wanter/ can sponser The Gin Dude... in the words of Smashie & INDEED Nicey.... "it's alll for charitheeee!!!!!!" >>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Comment number 4.

    Wahey!! Much better Scouse Sarah!

    Hope the ankle feels better soon CLP.


  • Comment number 5.

    Quite a transformation of Scouse Sarah's desk. I suppose uou put her on the spot telling/showing the nation how bad it was before. Well done Sarah

    Good luck for Sunday Gingembre.
    I am sure you will be in the thoughts of all the bloggers and I hope you have managed to raise an awful lot of money for an excellent cause.

  • Comment number 6.


    That's betererer, the aim now is to keep it like it, mmmmmm!!!!!!!!! Promise Sarah you will show it again in a couple of months, that'll keep her on her toes!! haha

    Ouch, ankle sounds painful!

    Gingembre, good luck at the weekend

    Bingo, that's a big one and a #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 7.


    is anyone there - can you read me?????

    Have I done it riiiiiigggghhhh????


  • Comment number 8.

    That's much better Sarah - well done.

    Sorry about your twisted ankle Chris, hope it's nothing serious xx

    Bingo, My friends went to that concert on Saturday night, they said it was awesome. Me, I had the privilidge of looking after their two little girls all day and night as they didn't get home till 2 in the morning!


    Push it - Salt & Pepper

    Thanks Chris


  • Comment number 9.

    LOL Reading you loud and clear Debs xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Essex to Debs ...... received, and giggling!

    I'm having one of those "getting sorted" lunch-times: the sky probs from this morn - sorted (omline!), theatre tix booked. train times for tomorrow checked, rang naaaaaaaaaaaaarch re next weekend - they're expecting us now .... all going to plan.

    God! I'm good!

    Laters playpals!

    x x x

  • Comment number 11.

    Ola CLP

    It's my 12th wedding anniversary and we're off to Dubai next Sat to celebrate Robbie Williams Let me Entertain you for ARF would be great dedicated to my fab wife Cath......

    It's worth a shout!!!


  • Comment number 12.

    Good Effort!! Mine is reasonably organised today but might need a tidy up later. I'm not quite first but I am getting closer!

    My request please is Shackles by Mary Mary. Me and my Mum are going to see LCGC sing at the Corn Exchange in Bedford on Sunday and I'm already stupidly excited as they were awesome when we saw them last year at our friends church.

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris,

    I know how painful that is, have trodden on said cup and then stumbled on his Noahs Ark sending animals flying, I was not amused!! Early morning and had not woken up properly!!
    Looking forward to the show tonight!

    See you later

    NM x

  • Comment number 14.


    Bingo - crikey mate - I thought I got excited about me take that boys - nowhere on your scale - sounds like you had a top time with the blogger whos name you are noot sorry not allowed to mention aka suzy but you did!

    So 1st line help desk support here I come! Right off to test the lappy in another room now........


  • Comment number 15.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    OOooooOOoooh a toy induced ywisted ankle. Just wait 'til you stand on a piece of lego (other plastic bricks available) or a toy car on a tiled floor!!!!! Got any news yet about any East of England book signings???

    That's work done for this week, these nights are getting harder I tell you. Off to pick up #1 daughter from school inabit then a busy weekend ahead. She's going away this weekend with a charity called Nelson's Journey. They're an awesome local run charity that take chidren who've lost a close relative to cancer away for the weekend. All very poignant too what with my ru on Sunday.

    Bingo - what can I say??? I was bowled over by your post (#3). Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    Also a massive thanks to the continued support from you all with your good wishes and your financial generosity.
    What an amazing bunch you are, I cannot believe how much I've raised for cancer research and it's mainly down to you lot.
    I will give it my all, and let you know Sunday evening how it went.

    humbled - as usual by this blog and it's bloggers


  • Comment number 16.

    oh and Bingo, I've heard loads of great reports about last weekend at Wemberlee but your review appears to have ummed it up better than others. I would love to see Jay-Z and get to see youg Kimberley in the flesh!!!!


  • Comment number 17.


    excuse the spellings, you know what I meant tho x

  • Comment number 18.

    Feel guilty now scouse Sarah. My desk still a disgrace!

    Hope you put some ice on the ankle Christoph - wait until your toes go black - they will you know!

    Bingo - am worn out reading that ! Rather a good time then?!!

    Now if someone will stop texting me - I can get on with some work!!

    ARF She works hard for the Money - Donna Summer

    Keep on Running - Gingembre - good luck for the week-end run. Praps that should be ARF A? Christoph???

    Woo hoo - suns come out at last - creeping up your way MC & JG - I'll huff and I'll puff and................

    Beezer xx

    Well done on the pay rise Ali

  • Comment number 19.


    - suficial - will be able to join the FNWC hot lap club later - wireless gizmo works in living room too! Trouble is lapy is V wobbly and unstable on my lap - could be trouble.....


  • Comment number 20.

    Hi CLP and the rest of you,

    Scouse Sarah's desk is a vast improvement, but still a little too much clutter for someone as a*&^*y retentive as I - I mean - who needs that many pairs of scissors?

    Chris, that injury is nothing compared to the one that they inflict on you when you are laying on the sofa (see, topical!) and they jump on you for a cuddle.....They seem to have a homing device aimed instinctively at the old fun factory.
    It's hard to pretend that it doesn't matter when you are weeping!

    ARF - Harold Faltemeyer - Axel F.........Why not?

    Have a top weekend all, and good luck Ginge and daughter



  • Comment number 21.

    Bloomin eck, that's brilliant that desk is!!! Wish mine could be as tidy although I tend to lose stuff if I tidy up. Just one question.....is that a picture of Dave from 'Chaz n'??? Lovely fella, but unusual to see him on his own!! ha ha.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Cheers

  • Comment number 22.

    Good Luck Gingembre xx

    Right that's it I'm outta here. Will catch up with you lot later.


  • Comment number 23.

    Sorry, meant to also say to Debshasjoined - thanks for your comment re the landlord maybe wanting to borrow some more money and you were right I believe. Phew. Only problem now is that I have to TIDY UP!!! My HOUSE looks like Sarah's desk did yesterday...aaaarrrrghhh!! xx

  • Comment number 24.

    PS Scouse Sarah - The photo on yer desk.... iz it me over sensitive mate aka Ringo Star.... or iz it Dave Lee Travis..... know, sorry now, there's a blast from the past.... or iz it one of Chase 'n Dave?????@???????

    Soz meant Chaz 'n Dave!!!!!

    Just wondering!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    SOZ........... meant Chas 'n Dave.... or iz it Chas n Dave.... or Chas N Dave.... or Chas n' Dave????????????

    A don't now, sorry know!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Comment number 26.

    CHR - good to be of service - uh oh - tidying - sorry cant help there - still got piles on the piano......


  • Comment number 27.

    hI #7 Debs.

    Sarah, would you like to come and sort our desks out please.

    Sorry about your ankle Chris.

    Hells x

  • Comment number 28.

    Yes childrens toys can be lethel especially if made in China.

    What a beautifulday today.

    Bingo sounds like you and Suzie had a great time wink wink.

    However I fail to see any connection between Cold Play and Girls Aloud one being a band and the other well .... best stop right there.

    Good luck with your run Gingembre.

  • Comment number 29.

    So, who's going to go from Strictly this week? My money's on Richard Dunwoody - jsut have a bad vibe for him.

    Off to the seaside for the day tomorrow with Mr Deev - getitng the train so hopefully a few g&t's whilst there! must be back for the Arsenal game tho - where's MfR when you need him!?!?!

    x x x

  • Comment number 30.

    You see if it had been a china cup it could have done alot more damage.

    Deevs Must say I don't watch Strictley so can't comment. Bruce Forsyth does my head in.

  • Comment number 31.

    good game good game .............I think I'd better leave right now.

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi Helenbach -- thanks for the hello!

    Deevs - the seaside - kiss me quick hat, candy floss, rock and fish and chips! - wot time shall i be there!

    soooo not doing work - playing solitare - uh oh!

  • Comment number 33.

    Hello all bloggers, CLP, Tash, Noah and 'the cup'

    Sorry as usual not had chance to hear all your blog stories and gossip, but hello to you all anyway. Good luck gingembre for Sunday....it'll be a breeze, esp if you have lotsa carb full baked beans the night before :)

    CLP, please, as a mature student, can I have an extension on our reading material and make the review mid week???? I have been reading every day, and think I will now have to get glasses. The smaller writing books (the kind I used to avoid) are not just hard to read literally (or is that literaturely?) but physically too. So eye test on the way. Hope to get to Plato by Sunday! Many thanks Chris in anticipation. Incidentally where are these book signings taking place? Any north of the border?!

    Then the Think Like Da Vinci....and lots of other books required to read for my studies!

    A late ARF - Hootie and the Blowfish - Hold My Hand

    Happy Weekend everyone.


  • Comment number 34.

    I really should be working but I agree Croc - most of the time he's OK but could do without the corny jokes in between dances.

    Deev - that big guy will go I reckon - can't remember his name. Can I come too with Debs - I'll bring my own bucket and spade.

    Just had an email from the beeb saying my complaint had been upheld ? A??? Wot????? haven't complained cept for ages ago when I asked if one of my comments could be removed cos when I read it - it didn't exactly say what I meant !!! Confused dot com

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 35.

    I'm new to this! But I just had to comment, for I too have sustained a baby-related injury today. It's called having a 4-month old who will only sleep in my bed, thus causing unbelievable tiredness and therefore clumsiness. My list of injuries is long, but so worth it.

    Me, my husband and my little girl Alex always listen to the show; we even listened in on the way to hospital when I was in labour. It was all request Friday, so consequently, during labour and delivery, I had "Bring Chris Evans on, bring Chris Evans on, it's all-request-Friday bring me on..." stuck in my head. So I thought I would share my story and post my request here, because I can never call in with a gurgling 4 month old!

    Black Sweat by Prince, or anything by Prince because he's such a huge hit in our household!

    Thanks! Keep up the brilliant work. I will miss your drive time show when it changes over, but I will be tuning in in the morning. I have no doubt my little tinker will have me up at that time!


  • Comment number 36.

    B's Mum you know I not controversial....... but when last season he told the joke " It's not the cough that kills you it's the coffin they carry you off in". I had to switch off. Lovely man but best left to the golf course now.
    Poor old Arlene got replaced so replace Brucie Bonus with Graham Norton or someone from the 20th century.

  • Comment number 37.

    Alwight just popping back in ter the blog again.....

    Soz a waz so excited at me Coldpaly blog.... a forgoot ter say.... (and busy at work).... CLP... soz about yer 'urting ankle..... WHATTA COINCIDENCE..... FREAKY..... SPOOOOOKY...... >>>>>
    Yer 'urt yer ankle on a 'yellow' toy..... a 'urt me ankles dancing ter 'Yellow' by Coldplay.... WHATTA COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see me blogs earlier this week!!!!!!)

    Penny Forem - # 6 - Thank you.... nobody az ever said that ter me before.... thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LostAliBaba - # 8 - INDEED it waz AWESOME..... that's why a paid over the odds for the tickets on Seatwave.... but it waz worth every penny!!!!! Good excuse ter check out The Girls Aloud goodlooookers!!!!!

    Debs'asJoined - 14 - Am am excited.... in fact a AAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMM KNOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!@!!@!!@!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!...... sorry now!!!!!!
    PS And yes am noot allowed ter mention the blogger who's name am noot allowed ter mention aka Suzie!!!!!!! LOL!!!!

    Gingembre - # 15 - Always glad ter do abitta PR work on the blog for your good cause.... ave a good run on Sun dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ave been wanting ter run the London Marathon for years... but am all talk and no action.... the difference with yersen Gin man.... yer are doing the action - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Just avoid anything errrr..... 'yellow' for the next few dees!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS That remind me of my yellow trip over joke..... i'll bang it on next week.... promise!!!!!
    Noot that it's funny..... more silly.... but if it makes a few laugh.... then am easy!!!!!!

    PPS # 16 - Yes the Jay Zed waz coooool.... and az a result Suzie iz now cooooler than 'er kids for seeing 'im!!!!!!!! Az for the Kimberly..... my fav iz either Sarah 'arding or Chezza Tweedy/ Cole.... still can't decide which iz me fav.... mind you a like The Nicola, Nadine and Kimberly.... difficult decisions!!!!!!!!!
    Of course.... Suzie me fav of all!!!!!!!!!!! (Goot mesen outta trouble there!!!!!)

    B's Mum - # 18 - Yes it waz wrockin.... but a still don't know if it waz better than seeing Queen in Ukraine...... difficult one!!!!!
    Either way.... it's only when a see all the clips on Youtube thatta realise 'ow big it waz.... a didn't quiet take it in when a waz at Wembley just 'ow massive it waz.... maybe am meant ter be in showbizz mesen... all in a dees work!!!!!!!
    A must admit... everytime a pop inter R2 atch Q.... a can feel the energy of showbizz... but in a calm way!!!!!!!!!!

    Mr Crocadile - # 28 - Yes a most nice time for me & the blogger who's name am noot allowed ter mention, most nice... wink, wink!!!!!!!
    But am noot telling the rest of our nice weekend tergether including Suzie being dragged aroooound London all weekend, the swans & me & Suzie's first domestic incident..... all over errrr....... can't say.... am keeping 250% STUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Az for applying make up yer Girls Aloud with a shovel (from yer blog the other dee Croc)...... i'd be more than willing ter apply their make up in spades!!!!!!

    GOURANGA.... 'ope all ave a nice weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Singapore GP too............. Fisi a top 4 finish a wreckon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 38.

    Loved Brucie in his heyday, but have to agree the jokes on SCD make me cringe, he just can't read an autocue.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Just for the record - I don't get Strictly either.
    I'm normally a sucker for those things too!
    Also, it may be naive - but I have wondered for years why they have to run the two biggest shows of the week side by side.
    Just seems like they could both have their cake - but choose not to!

    I never used to happen with Noels house party and Blind date did it?
    Ah - memories


  • Comment number 40.

    'IT' not 'I' sorry.

  • Comment number 41.

    Good Lord Rips I know, Mr Blobby used to have me hiding behind the sofa.

    A x

  • Comment number 42.

    Chris - ouch!
    Scouse Sarah - well done, very impressive!

    Very excited Daisy today, off on an outing tomorrow with a girlfriend for a ladies wot lunch day out!!! Very very excited Daisy, don't have to be mum for the day and can have a wee glass of wine with my lunch. Forgotten what it feels like to be just me without my munchkins around me.

    Croc - agree re Bruce, not watching it this year. My munchkins and I prefer X Factor and since the Beeb decided to put Strictly on at the same time as X Factor there really was no choice to be made. So it will be Merlin, followed by X Factor chez Daisy tomorrow night (if I have made it home by then!)!

    Have a good weekend!

    ARF - Special Brew - Bad Manners please Chris!

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 43.

    PS The Domestic Incident - It waz very minor and we made up after 2 mins!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 44.


    So agree with you there. Pretty much the same demographic so why make the viewing public choose???

    Bloomin' schedulers!


  • Comment number 45.

    Forgot to say a final Good Luck to Gingembre and hope daughter#01 has a great weekend too.

    Daisy x

  • Comment number 46.

    Not bothered about the clash, I don't 'do' X F**tor!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 47.

    I hope you are talking about Noel's house party Boleyn!!!!



  • Comment number 48.

    To be honest Bingo if you watch these American makeovers you know the type...... Julie lost all her hair and teeth in a terrible accident but watch now for her reveal.... OH MY GOD... OH MY GOD.

    You are beautiful Julie............... well thats till she wakes up the next day and the makeup has melted. Leaving Teeth exposed that look like they have been cleaned with CIF.

  • Comment number 49.

    Me neither Pen, not anymore. I think it's all a government plot to get us out of the house on a Saturday night spending money!

    A x

  • Comment number 50.

    Oi Rips, please. Shannanigans behind the sofa with Mr Blobby, no siree. Or indeed Noel Edmonds. Now, David Tennant...

    A x

  • Comment number 51.

    I like nothing better than to turn the box off, put on some mooosic and read, and with Mr P away on business for a couple of days next week, that's exactly what I shall do.................so there schedulers!!!!!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 52.

    I know what you mean Pen - the CMM is off out tonight with her teacher colleagues to terrorise the towns Yoofs.
    So I shall be starting off with the Elbow/Orchestra DVD and then some more loud music......and not a "I can hear that in here" or "does it have to be that loud?" in site...WoooHooo!

    Boleyn - I have no idea what you ladies find atractive about the man they nicknamed David Teninch!



  • Comment number 53.

    A five year old boy told me today that a 2 humped camel has food in one hump and drink in the other, whereas a one humped camel has food and drink in the same hump mixed together. Is this true?

    A x

  • Comment number 54.

    Talkin of X Factor; All.... did any see that mad bloke???????.... Aka The Behrouz Ghaemi...... MAD PERISIAN DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A tell yer never laughed so much at an X-Factor audition.... 'e sang a Scissor Sisters tune..... but 'e did well but with a TOTALLY crayzzzeeeeeeeee performance.... a 'ad ter rewind and watch it three times it waz so funny... and good!!!!!!!!
    Made me cry with laughter!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS They put 'im through and a wreckon 'e's gonna go far in the comp!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 55.

    Rips, it's his twinkly eyes and lovely Scottish twang.

    A x

  • Comment number 56.

    Although actually he's a bit too skinny for me, which I'm sure will be a big blow to him!

    A x

  • Comment number 57.

    Hello alls - I am truley onnered - I got a menchion in Bingos next post - my work here is done!

    for all stressing with 'the clash' and indeed duff jokes with the Brucie - sky+ (other boxes available), dont watch live and fast forward ads and cringy bits and watch both - managed a 2 hour session last sunday watching all 4 episodes from last week - genius!

    told yoos lot I was front line IT helpdesk didnt I -

    slopes off with insufferable smirk.....


  • Comment number 58.

    Congratulations Barney, great song.

    Anyone else having trouble getting on the blog? I've just had to reregister.

    A x

  • Comment number 59.

    Me too Boleyn!

    Well done Barney!

    x x

  • Comment number 60.

    Woss going on Chez?!

    A x

  • Comment number 61.

    It's the Friday Gremlins I think Bolly.

    C xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Phew, I had a panic attack there, I couldn't log back in thought I'd lost you all forever!!!

    All seems back to normal now

    Well done Barney

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Blimey, imagine if we all had to choose new names now, and not mention our old ones! It would be like a masked ball.

    A x

  • Comment number 64.

    Well done Barney! Great song choice, was rocking in the living room.

    Wondered what was going on just now with the blog! Glad it's back to normal


  • Comment number 65.

    That could be fun boleyngirl!!!!

    Pen xx

    Has Baz disappeared off the planet, any one heard from him from other side maybe?

  • Comment number 66.

    LOL Bolly!

    Off home now - instructed Himself to put a bottle of bubbly in the fridge - well, why not!?!?!

    May, or may not, see ya'll laters.

    x x x

  • Comment number 67.

    Like Masquerade in Phantom.

    I've always fancied a masked ball, sounds like fun, and you could deny everything the next day.

    A x

  • Comment number 68.

    Enjoy your bubbles Chez, sounds like a good idea. I'm off for a hot bath now, bloomimg freezing I am.

    A x

  • Comment number 69.

    Sounds like everyone has the Friday feeling! I'm off out to my friend's house to have a curry, made choc brownies to take for pud, but not without spilling some down myself...oops!

    Like the idea of a masked ball too... saw some gorgeous examples in Venice a few years ago.


  • Comment number 70.

    Strange it all went haywire after Debs post #57 !!!!! C'mon Debs - what did you do ???

    Right - I have just about had enough of this work - just half a dozen letters to go and I am outa here.

    See yarl later - Friday night is curry night and this time next week - Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr

    Beezer xx

    What ? I'll be packing for Norwich

  • Comment number 71.

    Beez - have you got 3and half hours worth of cds for us to sing along to?
    Crumpy x

  • Comment number 72.

    I like a good screech to a classic song, when I am on a long journey.

  • Comment number 73.

    Crumpy - no problems cd's, ipod will be plugged in - you can be in charge of the music. The volume is down to me - it's on the steering wheel !!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 74.

    If I'm 'singing' you will want it LOUD!!!!!!


  • Comment number 75.

    Hello Hello Hello

    How's you all doing.

    Have spag bol ready to go, glass wine poured, boy2 has fixed tooth & cheesy grin back in place.

    See you all bit later when I've scoffed me spag bol

    Seza xxxxx

  • Comment number 76.


    Had to disappear earlier, as my boss sat with me all afternoon going through some figures, so thought it prudent to close the blog down!

    Didn't have any problems getting back on though, so the gremlins must be fixed.

    Well done Barney! Good choice.

    Have just caught up with Mum who's had a fantastic week's holiday, seems like she's been away ages!

    Mmm Seza, Spag bol sounds good, shame I haven't got any spag, could do pasta shells I suppose?

    Deev, can I come too?

    Hello everyone else....I'll be here forever to mention you all!

    JG x

  • Comment number 77.

    oooh JG Spag Pasta shells all mixed up & covered in cheese & baked in the oven, yum yum yum

    Deevs - Clacton? Cockles? Pier? Kiss Me Quick Hat? Cool. Have fun

    Not sure what we doing. Will decide tomorrow

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 78.


    Thanks for playing my request.

    I was in the car at the time, but luckily I was at a standstill.

    However that's another petrol staion I shan't be going to again.

  • Comment number 79.

    Evening ladies - Beezzles - how very dare you! Twas not me what spooked up the blog!

    Watch it or I'll arrive unannounced next weekend - then you (and evil twin) will be in bother!

    Seza - spagbol with cheese sauce in the oven - isnt that called lasange? LOL well thats what I'm just abart to pop in the only bit of my oven what is working. BTW - defo up for a mexican with you and Deevs - going to be spending a few Sundays up there now so's I dont have a 4am start every monday so a friendly face will feel like my weekend is still going!

    So glass of wine poured, and who knows I may figure a way of balancing lappy int other room while I catch up with 40 hours of tele........

  • Comment number 80.


    what happened there - didnt let me do my little



  • Comment number 81.

    Debs, I always have lappy on a cushion next to me on the sofa, can't be doing with it on me!

    Seza, have just been called by himself to say that he's had his tea, so might do it for myself tomorrow - CBA tonight! LOL

    Have just taken some photos of our weird sky tonight, but then promptly lost it, also had a cute one of mad-dog (who is never being allowed upstairs again)!

    JG x

  • Comment number 82.

    Spag bol all eaten. Glass very n ice red wine drunk but Mum's taxi on duty tonight so next glass will have to wait until 9.42pm when I go off duty.

    Sky here is v beautiful tonight but just missed photo opp time.

    JG am glad to hear Mad Dog has good hygiene habits. Does he have his own shower gel & which shampoo does he prefer? hehe

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Actually, last time I bathed him, which is rare, as I get wetter than him, he got head and shoulders as that's all I had!

    He used to be such a devil with the shower, (obviously, we only have a curtain, not a door) that we started using the one over the bath. But he seemed to be better, so we've gone back to the other one...until this morning!

    It's just such a mad critter with water! He turns the dishwasher off, as he leaps at the damn thing cos he can hear the water! Note to self, next one has buttons in the top of the door! He has also changed programmes on the washing machine!

    Looks cute, but completely useless!

    Oh, but have just given him his worming tablet, and he took it and ate it, with a bit of cheese to follow, so he's not all bad!

    JG x

  • Comment number 84.

    Oh, what time is Strictly on?

  • Comment number 85.

    ROFL Can just imagine the shock if you having your early morning shower, just waking up & coming to the world, then your get a cold, wet, doggy nose on the back of your leg. Eeekk

    JG 36 mins to Strictly - 8pm start.

    Sparkles at the ready

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 86.

    LOL Seza!

    Well Mr JG will be pleased then, he finishes at 8.00 and hoped he'd have missed it! LOL

    I must admit it was a shock, normally I get a clue from the lapping sounds, as he used to drink all the shower water, soap and all!! this morning was a leap straight in moment, well half anyway!

    Didn't really know what to do, dry myself, him before he leapt on the bed, or what! Definately going to make sure the kitchen door is closed next time!

    JG x

    PS Oi!! Where is everyone??

  • Comment number 87.

    Don't know. Thinks we're all alone & I'm off to be a taxi!

    See you on the dance floor

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Evening all,

    Friday night yipeeee. Sorry , but i must be the only one who dosent watch strictly or X factor . Done to death , and i just sit and cringe. I just love the dresses in strictly but Bruce just makes my toes curl. Loved him in the Generation Game when i was a kid.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 89.

    yep Seza, tea's ready too!

    JG x

  • Comment number 90.

    Evening Loons,

    The re-registration is due to them improving some of the Beeb blogs - not sure if that includes this one or not but I think they must be asking people to re- register across the board....

    Imagine if they upgraded this to auto refresh!

    Waiting for Rogan Josh to be delivered and holding back on a bottle of Cobra until the food arrives.



  • Comment number 91.

    Evening Rips,

    Enjoy your evening of freedom. Made me giggle, coz I am always commenting (nagging) turn it down etc .
    Feel like we are living in an old folks home sometimes coz himself has it on so loud .

    Hey where is Bazmondo ?


  • Comment number 92.

    Hey MC,

    Glad you enjoyed Jason Manford I shall keep an eye for him touring down this way, quite like him on the programs I've seen him on.
    Is that your telly I can here?

    Hi JG and Sez



  • Comment number 93.

    Here??????? Derr! Hear obviously.

  • Comment number 94.

    Hi and bye for now peeps Strictly not on until 8.30 so just time to finish curry and settle down!!!

    Breaking news - I have been told to stay at the pool meet for another day by Mr B - Fingers crssed the hotel can put up with me for another day!!!


    Beez xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Hiya Rips.

    Jason was brilliant , 2.5 hours , had the place in uproar. Have booked to see John Bishop in Dec and Michael McIntyre in Nov, am turning into a Comedy roadshow groupie..

    MC x

  • Comment number 96.

    I think I'd rather see comedy live than anything else - there's nothing better than being made to laugh until you ache....
    They're building a new theatre in Aylesbury which should attract some bigger name - proper flash it is!

    I once saw Tim Vine at the local Civic Centre - not even half full - which was a real shame as he was hilarious.

    Who's John Bishop, not heard of him?



  • Comment number 97.

    Evening peeps.
    Done my mum's taxi bit and because I cba to do the picking up later, have bunged Adam Β£20 and said "get a taxi"

    Now settled down with a cuppa and a bag of minstrels ready for Friday telly.

    How y'all doin?

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 98.

    He is a scouse comedian, He appeard on Michael McIntyres comedy show in the summer , at Manchester . He was excellent. If you go to his website, you can actually watch him in the show. V funny .... . in fact , i am gonna watch it again and have a giggle .

    Mr Mc watching I am Legend , loud ............

  • Comment number 99.

    Hi Beez, Rips, MC, JG

    Taxi drop off done. Pick up is technically 9.30 but they never out on time.

    Soz, JG Thought Strictly started at 8pm forgot Eastend Nightmares on

    Time to get the Choc out the fridge.

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    Evening Crumpy , am fine thanks , how are you ?


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