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So look everyone, look who it is...

Chris Evans | 15:20 UK time, Wednesday, 26 August 2009


... writing in my book of those heady and fabulous days back in the Nineties when we were on fire made us both realise why the heck did we stop doing all that stuff and nonsense, and could we still remember how to do it if we wanted.

So we got together in the park and felt the old juices flowing again - over to Will.

When Chris says old juices this time he doesn't mean Special Brew - not that it ever was to be honest - but you know what I'm saying.

The good old power of tea and fresh air not to mention watching the world go by. That's how most of the stuff we did came about. I suppose that's why kids write the best songs because they have the best view out of the window and the least to do with their time.

Now back to the both of us.

Will still has loads of hair.
Chris loads of issues - bless you.

But here we are a pondering something. What will it end up being ?

We always used to say coming up with the title is two thirds of the idea. We currently have high hopes for -

Who Left My Computer On?
How Manky's That Pigeon?
How Manky's This Pigeon?
What About My Pigeon?
Hang On That's Not A Pigeon?

Did you hear that Big Brother has just got the boot? Here come those pigeons Channel Four.



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  • Comment number 1.

    Am I first. Great to see Wiiillllll again. Hope you two come up with something between you.

  • Comment number 2.


    Fantastic - that's reet made my Deevski Day has that!!

    So, do we need Justin Lee Collins to do a Where Are They Now for Johnny Boy Revell and His Wheels Of Steel, not to mention the one and only Holly Hotlips!!!

    Whose Pigeonhole ????

    x x x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha Christoff bless you if THAT's not Beaker, well I don't know what.

    Oh hohohoho that's almost better than Vlad The Impaler in 'is pink Fiat Punto at the petrol station, excellent.

    Any road, marvellous to see Wiiiiill, still looks an eejit bless him.

    And yes indeed, them pigeons have come home to roost alright. And long may they plop in the eye of the BB producers. Hideous programme.


  • Comment number 4.


    If you are reading this, will you please say

    Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllll on air tonight .... please .... gwon!!!



  • Comment number 5.

    In fact, Christoff, that picture is one a those times when my old Granny comes to mind. You know what she'd say.

    "By the crin. The things you see when you're out without your gun."


  • Comment number 6.


    Isn't it strange that you never see Will and Harry Potter in the same room, at the same time, together . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 7.

    It's Wiiiiiiiillllllll, awesome. Those were indeed heady days back in the 90s, made friday night telly worth watching! I hardly seem to switch on the box these days but then again that's probably a blessing in disguise.

    Hey all, how's it going in blogland? Bit slow here today but not to worry, birthday tomorrow and how will I be celebrating.....in Waterloo at an Integrated Management class, got to love that CIMA. Beers tonight in Parsons Green at the 'Sloany Pony' though, should be fun. Yah!


  • Comment number 8.

    Fab!!! I think I'd go for 'How Manky's THAT pigeon?' myself but it's all good stuff. Love to see you back on the box but if that's at the expense of the radio show then you stay right where you are my lovely fella cos you make my day, EVERY day and when you're on holiday I have to endure a silent journey home until you're back cos I can't face listening to Drivetime without your dulcets.

    BB axed eh? Didn't know, but then again (and this from a one time avid watcher) didn't care either!

    Love to you all peeps. xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    CLP and Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll

    Will.....show us another pub trick please!!!!!!!

    Good to see you....you not changed a bit.....ba***rd!

    I'm with Deevs Chris....say Wiiiiiiiiill just once tonight....perleeeez


  • Comment number 10.

    Wiiiiiiilll!!!Awww if fair warms the cockles of ya heart don'it?

  • Comment number 11.

    I just wanna ruffle the top of his moptop hair and go Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!


  • Comment number 12.

    Ooooooo it's like Deja Vous aint it?????

    Chris and Will....you guys have SO got to come to mine for dinner one night....I cook a mean chilli....like I used to back in '96 when you were both on the telly....remember that? We were all about 13 years younger......


    PS it's RSVP......and I won't do it again...you only have one chance..

  • Comment number 13.

    Afternoon peeps

    Wiiiiiiiiiiilllllll - do you have a Dorian Gray type picture in yer loft???
    You look EXACTLY the same - although the picture is a bit soft focus! Was there a lot of heavy breathing goin on to steam up the lens?

    Never mind, How manky is that pigeon? - bring back Freak or Unique!

    Oh, and I will add my pleas to the request for a Wiiiiiiiillllllll

    Thank you kindly

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Yayyyyyy, I used to lurrrrrrvvvvveeeee Willllllllllllllllll. I went to TFI in 1995, had the best weekend ever!! Very silly night at Cafe de Paris after the show, VIP area no less.

    Love to you all xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Hi Chris and Will !!!

    Lovely to see you Will - when CLP was in the throes of giving away one of his deeply loved TGIF boots to our very own Gingembre, you came into my mind and I did wonder how you were doing! TGIF was just great fun and I seem to remember I felt quite young-ish then!

    You guys seem to like pigeons .... fine by me!

    C xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Willllll Nice to see you again. You haven't changed much. Loved TFI Friday - takes me back to the old days when life was good.

  • Comment number 17.

    Ooooh, I was getting my hamburgers mixed up with a brilliant TV show! Of course, I meant TFIF!!


  • Comment number 18.

    Greetings Ter The Christoof, The Will And ALL Bloggies...

    Bingo Star ere....

    Will - Ello.... my gooodneeeess gracious... little did a now, sorry know, all those years ago when a used ter deilver pizzas on a Fridee neet and during the quiet bits of me shift we all used ter watch The TFI 18.00 slot.... but if a waz buzy delivering... then a 'ad always set me video, just in case, ter tape the show... so after me shift finished at 01.00 a could come 'ome with a pizza of me own and watch the most nice TFI gig.... pause for breath.... little did a now, sorry know, i'd be writing on CLP's blog and INDEED ter yersen!!!!!!!
    A must admit a waz always frightened of CLP in those dees!!!!
    Although a liked 'im and yersen and The TFI gig, CLP.... 'e came across az so confident and coool - know what am sayin!!!!!!
    Confident and coool people used ter frighten me az a waz an ex-trainspotter just coming out of me sheltered child'ood and inter adolescence.... and lets face it... sometimes coming inter the adult world iz freightening, sorry frightening, az most adults do 'ave less sense - know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    Noot that CLP ain't coool now, sorry know, a think am just less.... errr frightened of coool people... yersen included Will!!!!!!
    Although a am frightened of Steve Wright... be it in a coool way!!!!!
    PS WIll man... A thought yer came across az very coool too!!!!
    And a don't mean cold coool caused by CLP with 'is contiunally open window in which 'e kept throwing things out of inter the Thames!!!!!

    Anyway... az for the special brew... a know what yer sayin'.... my favourite iz ukrainian 'erbal green tea - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    Onter the CLP boook.... all a can say it's very nice Will that yer were/ still are/ 'ave been fully willing ter 'elp CLP wilfully in a willfull manner!!!!!
    Full sentimentations of being a Will... full of wilful 'appenings.... az INDEED you were on The TFI gig!!!!!!!!
    PPS Will, a take it your name Will, will appear in CLP's boook somewhat regular and in proper fashion aka noot willy nilly - know the points am tryin' ter 'it ere????

    PPPS Az for The Pigeon Show thingy... 'ow about a title like...... Who 'My Pigeonless Pigeon 'ole'.... am thinking along the lines of 'Pigeon 'ole' ere!!!!!

    A might try and think of something abit more catchy but just a quickie idea of me own there!!!!
    Don't even know fully what the new show iz about yet... a take it that's what yer mean with those titles?????.... Noot ter do with CLP's boook title????

    Any way most good ter ave you write abit on the blog for The CLP!!!!

    PPPPS Still wondering what's 'appened ter The Cat yer 'ad on the show????

    PPPPPS CLP - A take it in yer boook, CLP man, yer ave been talkin' about alotta funny photos Will 'as 'elped you with ter put inter yer boook. Does this mean yer might ave a photo of the time yer both and a few others off TFI all ended up.... errr on the footy field.... errrrr without any clothes on?????
    A can say iz a can think of a joke that includes another word with 'will' in it but az a don't wanter get blog moderated again... am keeping totally stum!!!!!!

    GOURANGA TER ALL EX-TFI DUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 19.

    #18 - WHATTA COINCIDENCE.... me age when a waz delivering pizzas and watching TFI Fridee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Hi Chris and Wiiiillllll,

    TFI brings back lovely memories for me!

    Cheryl re footy - very gracious of you, I will raise my glass to you a kick off!

    Mary xx

    peeessss.....see you in Liverpool!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.


    My son's making me play some farm game on t'other side!!

    Been at work, now I've having to plough & gather & collect in someone elses crops.

    Whatever happened to Snap?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 22.


    Anyone there?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 23.

    Evening each

    Chris, all pigeons are manky.

    Just back from looking after mad 4yr old so haven't had time to read posts yet.

    So!!!!! Mary and Chrissie are coming to Liverpool meet - GREAT!!!! If I can, I'll be in the back of the car.

    Who's Dunfermline playing tonight? Can hear lots of roaring, so some side is happy.

    Back later.


    PS: Think that one was a goal

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi Seza - bit quiet tonight.

    I think you are very brave playing these games on FB.
    I haven't a clue so avoid them all

    Crumpy x

  • Comment number 25.

    Would you believe OH's aunt collared me online to do something, then the 10 yr old took over. Me stuck in the middle!

    Can't say I'll go back

    Seza x

  • Comment number 26.


    just jumping in to say 'I have a note for my absinth' - was darn essex working me whatsits off - nooooooo time to chat and then when I did - lappy froze me on!!!!

    anyways - cant stop and catch up - will try to do that tomorrow - back home now

    so Deevs - presentation this am - "bang on the nail, excellent work" from H of resourcing and even a "well done" from Acc Dir boss lady.....

    :-) :-) :-)

    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

    catch you lovely lot tomorrow!


  • Comment number 27.

    Well done Debs

    How was your meal?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 28.

    Evening All from Sunny France.

    Had such a good day today, battled with officialdom and won! Now got both cars french registered, 1 plated and 2nd set up for tomorrow and (hopefully) registered for health! We had fizzy tonight!!
    Hope all are well & happy. I don't spend much time on 'pooter so sorry if I'm missing anything!


  • Comment number 29.

    Puff - lovely to hear from you and chuffed to see you are managing to cut some of the red-tape.

    Have friend who lives on Corsica and she had a few battles royal to get all her stuff sorted.

    C x

  • Comment number 30.

    MwK - what can I say?!?! Not one to gloat but

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!! Get in!!!

    Will buy you a cheeky vimto in the 'Pool - fab that you're coming over Hadrian's wall to join us! Should be quite a weekend. Let's just hope I survive Brizzle and Naaaaaaaaaaarch!

    Debs - well done!! Was finking abaht ya this morn. Cheers to you, with an Austalian chardonnay!!!

    Evening everyone else!!

    Back in a bit


  • Comment number 31.

    Hello chaps.
    Sorry but I must fess I didn't watch tfif !!! or tgif or whatever it was called. Twas my entertaining/yuppy era and just never used to watch tv at all!! Sorry Christoph love you now and like Crazy HP and others, hate your subs when you have hols. Just can't bear to listen - cd's rule in car when you are away.

    Must check but did I see both Chrissie and Mary coming to the Liverpool meet? Yahoooooooooooo!!! Mary - the number one first blogger - does that mean CLP has to make an appearance in her honour? Hope so!!! Looks like some of us are making long week-ends of it too!!! Getting cited now thinking about it! Been ages since London Annie.

    Puff - go girl you sort those foreigners out!!!

    Reet - off to dark side for a while - for those who have forgotten - there is a Norwich meet between the Bristol and Liverpool ones.

    Someone needs to tell me how to sell stuff on ebay to pay for all these week-ends away!!

    Back in a bit.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Can i recommend a listen again? This afternoon I caught something on Radio 4 called the afternoon reading from the Fringe in Edinburgh.
    It's called 'The hair of the dead' It was absolutely hilarious!!

    Find it on i-player or the radio 4 site and treat yourself. Fab
    C xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Evil Twin - we've done it again!!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 34.

    you two are scarily in tune ...... du du, du du (theme from Twilight zone!!)

    C x

  • Comment number 35.

    hello guys !!!!!!

    well what can i say ......... sorry i not been on soo much !!!

    hows everyone been??

    love billie xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Hi Crumpy (and everyone else)
    Red Tape & language certainly a challenge, but made better by being retired so no other pressures! Other Half & I fortunately have 'can I cope' moments at different times so not a problem! And weather here so good! We have a problem 'cos we can't get up in the morning and La Belle France stops @ 12!!!!!
    Great to have i/net & S*y now though

  • Comment number 37.

    Carol - good news the man from del monte (other brands are available) says Yes!!! Will waffle on the dark side later to you but we need to get booking!! Need to load d/washer n stuff.

    We are scary aren't we? me n Deev !!! away for hours and within seconds of each other!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 38.

    Yes!!!!! The Scottish lot are heading south in November. Watch out.


  • Comment number 39.

    Annie - Yessssssssssssss ! Brilliant

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Hey Beezer, glad you fessed up first! In the 90s I was bringing up babies, listening to radio 4 and dressing smart! Cold Feet type of person, I'll leave you to guess which character. Different husband too.

    Nothing against Chris at the time, just on a different stratosphere.

    How things change eh! Love the bloke, the show and he even makes the teens chuckle. Talking of whom...

    GCSEs tomoz for teen 1. This may be the most grown-up I've felt so far. In my life.

    Saw Time Traveller's Wife today. Slightly tenuous plot but worth it for Eric Bana's "clothes disappearing every time he travels" problem.

    By the way, keep discovering people I thought I was "friends" with (FB) but I never confirmed. If that's you please don't take it personally, am just useless, sorry!

    A x

  • Comment number 41.

    Bolly - I saw that film on Monday. Really enjoyed it. and agree about Eric's bum! Thought he was sexiest at the oldest age - loved that bit of grey.
    Saw a trailer for Julie & Julia starring Meryl Streep as Julia Childs. Look like one worth a view.

    As a radio 4 girl, see my earlier post about the afternoon reading, today. Just so funny.

    C xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Cheryl - Congratulations! Sorry but it will take more than a vimto to get over that!!!!

    Oh yes Liverpool here we come!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 43.

    Boleyn - say it as it is - if I don't know what the heck someone is on about!!! Old age I guess - wysiwyg !!!!!!
    Must admit - this ere Will person has a lovely dimple in his smile!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 44.

    Ah Crumps - I will have a listen. Oddly enought we watched "Shaun of the Dead" with tea tonight,I love Simon Pegg, and an interesting early encounter with Dylan Moran!

    Yes, yes, used to listen to Woman's Hour, PM, The Archers, I even now find the Shipping Forecast very therapeutic! I first heard "Knowing You, Knowing Me" on Radio 4. Then I discovered Radio 2, and it was as if all the best bits of Radio 1 (my school and university days) had mingled together with an extra dash of Terry Wogan from my childhood! Perfect!

    Still love "Any Questions" and "Any Answers" though.

    Best go and show me face,

    Nanight all,

    A x

  • Comment number 45.

    Cold feet was recorded and watched when I could!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Billie, Fine thanks, hows you?
    Wiiiiiiiiiillllllllll, crikey, fresh and well you're lookin boy, I met you once in 1999 when you were having some pics done for a magic book, it was in a ikkle Irish pub in the west end I was working at, and I have to say gang, what a luvverly bloke he is, nice to see you again.I served you a beer a couple of times too CLP and of course you were lovverlly too!
    Ive got an Aussie friend who's got a babby called will, Everytime I see them I cant fight the urge to point at the poor child sayin WIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLL, She think Im mintal.
    Only 7 weeks to go till the wedding! GULP

  • Comment number 47.

    Like the Dragons in their Den..... I'm out!

    1 down, 5 to go.

    Nite all.

    x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Hang on in there Deev - you will make it!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Hiya Fairyoddmother ...

    hows you ? im fine just had a very busy couple days at work!!

    love Billie xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Just got in.

    Hello to all fellow bloggers.

    I have a confession to make.

    Here goes....

    I only ever used to watch TFI to get a gander of WILL,sorry CLP,you know how loyal I am now.

    But I had to be honest,after all that is what I was brought up to be.

    ARF....If I fell, obviously the Beatles!

    Trying to cut down on my usage of exclamation marks!

    One can overdo them.


  • Comment number 51.

    MTF - been trying to send messages on fb all night to varicose folk and been getting transport errors so if yous all get half a dozen messages tomorrow ! sorry! and if you haven't had one - well - just ask! It may have been you I was trying to contact!!

    However - just got got got to be - sorry CLP - yet another cheese but I 100% agree with MTF

    ARF If I Fell

    Bestist ever!!!

    See you in the Pool CLP Tash and Noah for the blog meet!

    Beezer xxx

    Nighty nite - keep smiling :) xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Beez,ta lovely Chuffed to bits now.

    Thought it was just me.I love that song, it does it all.

    This time next week will be getting the collywobbles!! oops sorry.


  • Comment number 53.

    Beez,have just read back,not cheese or even sleaze pure genius.

    Cant see the CLP going for another ambush,so will try me bestest to get on the show,gulp.


  • Comment number 54.

    Oh you can do it MTF ! Just love that song - shall I gulp and have a go too?

    Hell yes - why not!! hope I get crackpot craig when I phone! always wanted to know what he sounds like!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 55.

    MTF Why the colly wobbles?

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 56.


    Do you have any say on when your book is published?

    I only ask because I see that a certain pair of Geordie lads have a book at around the same time that your's is due out.

    Is it a case of your publishers needing to get a book aimed at a similar market out , or even their's doing the same, or do you just take pot luck.

    There seems to be a fair few celebrity biogs due out around Christmas time, but I guess this is the case every year.

    Also there will be a fair few books about the 'King of Pop' out as well, although I suppose you will have the advantage of being able to do book signings whereas he won't.

  • Comment number 57.

    Briz meet .

    Didnt your collys wobble at your first meeting of berloggers?

    I know you were one of the originals,but even so...


  • Comment number 58.

    Oh I see MTF ! Yes - bit nervous I was - well very - but having whacked my soon to be part exchanged car in to a pillar in the car park - I was a tad distracted for a second or two!! I had chatted on phone and stuff so wasn't worried too much they were axe murderers.
    Will tell you - no need to bother! within seconds we were all chatting away like we had known each other for years!!! Honestly ! Quite strange actually! It has happened at every meet I've gone to - all different folk. One of these days - hope all of us can get together.

    Beez xxx

    Word of warning however - be prepared to laugh till you cry!!! Always take my contact lens cleaning kit these days!!!!

  • Comment number 59.

    Right - back to message 51

    Night nite all

    Bez xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Have to say, that after todays playing of Georgy Girl..

    My all time fav film.

    Go to HMV or similar and get it.

    Alan Bates,James Mason...sexy voice of his time ( I know,I know!)

    Lynne Redgrave and..Bill Own of compo fame.If you want to see
    the first ever steam iron, watch him with a mouth full of water,,LOL.


  • Comment number 61.

    Goodness me.

    I think if I hear If I Fell at 17.05 on Friday I'll be blubbing all weekend!!!

    Fell. Hook, line and sinker.


    morning, btw!

  • Comment number 62.

    By the crin me too, Deev. Blubbin'.

    Therefore, and in honour of my baby daughter, on her birthday, bein' cruelly torn from her distraught and sobbin' mummy's arms and forced to accompany that selfish bully of a boyfriend on a weekend trip to Madrid, can I suggest Octopus' Garden.

    The re-mixedy uppy one on the Love album is fab.

    Ah yes. Octopus' Garden. Ringo, mad as a wasp in 'is Ray-Bans. Anybody who doesn't jiggle about to that needs a slap I reckon.

    We will be so happy, you and me,
    No-one there to tell us what to do..



  • Comment number 63.

    I played Help! on the way to work and knew every word to every song. This one kinda struck a chord ....

    I get high when I see you go by
    My oh my.
    When you sigh, my, my inside just flies,
    Why am I so shy when I'm beside you?
    It's only love and that is all,
    Why should I feel the way I do?
    It's only love, and that is all,
    but it's so hard loving you.

    Hankies at the ready ......

    Truly, Madly, Deeply Deevski

  • Comment number 64.

    Morning all

    Well, i was obviously on the early shift last night & you were all on late.

    Hope everyone's well today. Am going to be head down trying to clear the decks as away for weekend then only in work one day next week.

    Off to london this weekend with NO KIDS! Not sure we'll know what to do!?!

    Keep thinking of Beatles song for ARF then someone suggests another & I change my mind.

    See ya soon

    Seza x

  • Comment number 65.

    Morning peeps
    Lovely and sunny here in North Wales this morning.

    Enjoying the first of my days off. Dog walked, washing in, Adam dropped off at my brothers (he is catering for an advertising shoot that bro is directing)

    A few gentle chores on the cards for the rest of the morning.

    ARF - fave song is In my Life but ...... think the first song should be an upbeat belter, so maybe Paperback Writer - in honour of Christophe's book!!!!

    ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Morning all from an overcast Cambridgeshire! Hope everyone is in fine mettle for Thirsty Thursday.

    Billie - hello, hope you have a good excuse for not blogging!

    MTF & Bees & Boleyn - can I join you i nthe confessional box, I never watched TFI either - can't remember what I was doing instead??!!

    Cold Feet - fab series! Must see if I can find it on DVD somewhere.

    Seza - am sure'll you'll find plenty of things to do in London, :)

    Debs - well done on the presentation, always a bit nerve wracking!

    Rusty - happy birthday

    AS x

  • Comment number 67.

    Re Cold Feet - loving John Thompson in Corrie at the mo!

    Deevs, in need of an 'elper!

  • Comment number 68.


    In My Life

  • Comment number 69.

    Tis overcast here today but dry so ok

    Auntie Sandy, Have tickets for Sister Act tomorrow night but other than that, well, we have got a nice hotel so.............

    Sorry Deevs, am stuck in my office today so can't do rescue trip. Any choc left?

    Think my ARF will be Penny Lane unless I change my mind again. lol

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 70.


    Listening to Penny Lane NOW at this minute and smiling, thinking ahead to the Blog meet in Liverpool in November. Can't wait!

    Have munched thru the G&B choc, but the red box remains sealed upon my desk ..... tempting me. I shall resist. For now! Altho we all know resistance in futile ....!!

    All you need is love!


  • Comment number 71.

    Hi everyone,

    Puff: It's great you are settling in - sounds like you and MrPuff are perfectly happy!

    MTF: I can honestly say that when I attended our first Scottish Meet, it was as easy and perfectly natural as can be. Quite incredible really. The moment I met Susan, EG and Mary, we were just off and running. You will have a fabulous time, no doubt about it.

    Speaking of Meets ...... can't believe that Mary, AnnieG and me are heading for Liverpool! It's as if MTF's fairy dust has been sprinkled over us! One minute it was ...."no, can't go, it's impossible" and then the next minute it was "yep, it's a definite!". Really can't wait - so many people to meet, just names at the moment, but I know it will be great!

    Cheryl: I came on here this morning to talk to you about the footie last night - and then you write a quote from It's Only Love. All I can think about is how I used to listen to that in my bedroom before I married MrS. Those lyrics summed up exactly how I felt then - it was hard loving him, because I knew I was just too, too young to get married, but as it turns out, I'm glad I did!

    Don't think you're getting away with the footie, I'll be back later!

    C x

  • Comment number 72.


    Am impressed, what will power!

    Any luck with the ball gown?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning all.....

    Brighton weather report....cloudy with sunny spells, 18c, winds WSW 17mph, visibility very good.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday to one and all....(if it's still called that?)

    Deevs....on the choc already...blimey...bad morning? Me grazin' on fruit again....gotta keep regular you see...!

    ARF then...the FAB 4.....oh JOY!!!!!!! What a choice...I'll come back on that one I think..


  • Comment number 74.

    Morning all

    Whilst I adore In My Life, I agree somewhat with Crumpy that CLP will choose a more upbeat number to start with, so am going for

    Please Please Me

    Pen xx

    pee ess - TFI was a must in our house, simply loved it and the great CLP himself and of course WIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLL!!!

  • Comment number 75.


    No choc yet today, other than in my pain au choc for brekkie at 7ish.

    On 4th coffee of the day tho ......

    Hey Jude!


  • Comment number 76.

    Hi Chrissie and Penny too!

    Yep - Liverpool will indeed be a BLAST!!

    Seza - no ballgown joy yet. will get there in the end tho, i am sure!

    Come Together Deevs

  • Comment number 77.

    ARF- (LSD) Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds.

    There...that's me contribution for this week.....too many tunes to choose from, so I'm gonna stick with this one.


  • Comment number 78.

    Seza....a w/e away with NO KIDS......Pah.....who'd wonna do that???


    Devvski....do I need to pop down to Montezumas at lunch time for you?


  • Comment number 79.


    Yes, yes, yes, oh god yes!!


  • Comment number 80.

    Baz, I need choc too! Donated mine to Diva. Lots to do & no time!

    Deev, How about black satin, slashed in ribbons to thigh, quite plain top? Will send you message later.

    Hey, Here Comes the Sun, Little Darling

    Seza x

  • Comment number 81.

    Deevs...calm down 'Sally'....lol it's good, but not that good!


  • Comment number 82.

    Baz - did you try their tequila and lime truffles ... trust me, they are *THAT* good!!!!!

    Seza - FB open all day - sounds intrigueing!!!

    Let It Be!


  • Comment number 83.

    Oooooooo those truffs sound good...might have to take a wander at lunch time....spose gotta get some for Sez too...x

  • Comment number 84.

    Aah Deevs, Can't FB from work, have to wait til after 3pm

    Tequila & Lime Truffles?? OMG How good do they sound?

    Seza x

  • Comment number 85.

    Tank you Baz

  • Comment number 86.

    Just a thought....can you teleport chocolate???

    I might try to teleport a truffle from my desk....to......my mouth....you never know...it might just work?

    If it does, I can send you both some...


  • Comment number 87.

    Have had to resort to stealing social club choccie bic now! Not quite the same as lime & tequila truffle but I can dream


  • Comment number 88.

    Lucy in the sky with diamonds won ARF 2 weeks ago I think - SparklyTinsel requested it for her dog.

    my ARF - With a little help from my friends. For all the bloggers, cos that is what it seems you all are.

    Beany x

  • Comment number 89.

    Beany...well done I missed that...Doh!!!! Have to think up another one now.......



  • Comment number 90.

    Beany - I've got Sgt Pepper on at the mo - just had WIth A Little Help From My Friends!

    What about Beatles cover versions? There's the good (Dear Prudence by Siouxsie & The Banshees), there's the bad (Help by Banarama and French & Saunders for Comic Relief) and then there's the ugly (When I'm 64 by Russell Brand .....!?!?)

    Yes, I love him dearly but really ...... tsk tsk tsk!!

    A Day In The Life Deevs

  • Comment number 91.

    Morning every one - hope you are all enjoying your day

    BAZ! I want, no NEED tequila and lime truffles - please teleport to Briz! TA Muchly!

    Proud Mum today - GD got 3A*s, 3As, 4 Bs!!!! :-) Bless she was physically shaking as she opened the envelope!

    Good luck to all others opening result envelopes today X

    Puff - glad you are settling into life en francais - I am very envious

    Beany - course we are all friends on here - come to a meet and you will see!

    Right best do a bit of work as that is what I am sposed to be doing!



  • Comment number 92.

    Debs - is she un-grounded now then????

    Well done GD!


  • Comment number 93.

    Debs.....WOWEEEEEE you must be sooooo proud.....am dreadin' that fateful day.....2 years to go before daughter opens that envelope...

    CELEBRATION time then...well...it's thirsty Thursday tooooo


    Oh.....truffles coming your way later...

  • Comment number 94.

    Debs...I don't care what she did...she gotta be un-grounded now...Shirley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 95.

    Debs - I might make it to a meet sometime, although like everyone, am incredibly shy (to begin with) and would feel extremely nervous....still, when one is nearer to me (sunny Surrey) I might be persuaded! But don't do killer heels and pink fizz, more of a timberlands and beer girl - sorry!

    Beany x

  • Comment number 96.

    Debs - what a smart cookie of a daughter you have. Does she take after her dad? JUST JOKING!!!!!!!
    I know she must get her brains and savvy from you coz you is just awesome!

    Big love, twinny.
    C xx

  • Comment number 97.

    Beany come join me! I do the pink fizz but was the only one drinking pints at the Docklands meet!! Lovely Fullers pub at Canary Wharf ..... !!

    As said by The Libertines ..... Don't Be Shy, Don't Be Shyyyyyyyy, coz if you're shy for tomorrow then you'll be shy for one thousand days ....

    We don't bite - honest - that was just a nasty rumour!!!


    Deevs, om her 5th coffee

  • Comment number 98.

    Deevs, Baz - she is un-grounded as we speak - I suspect she will have a hangover tomorrow! (private house party - not down the pub!) and Baz - she was grounded because the private house party was at MY HOUSE last week.....

    Beany - nowt wrong with being shy or being a timberlands and beer girl - me Im not a heels or fizz girl - I am a birkenstock and chardonnay girl!

    Not shy though!

    ahhh it is good to be back!

  • Comment number 99.

    Oi twinny! cheeky chatterbox you!
    FB me what time you get in next Saturday

  • Comment number 100.

    Thanks Deevs, will try and make one soon. The certainly sound fun!

    Beany x


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