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Alright now there's joking and there's...

Chris Evans | 11:22 UK time, Monday, 3 August 2009

... taking things just that one step too far.

Whoever it is that's been having a laugh with our summer overstepped the mark yesterday. When I woke up and looked out the window just after six, what did I see ?

The grass was covered in FROST !!!

Ex-squeeze me, baking powder - what the heck is all that about for crying out loud ? It was August 2nd !!!

Having said that, it was followed by the most stunning of days which I promptly plucked out of the air and put in the loft should we need it in the next twelve months.

Come on England !





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  • Comment number 1.

    Dear Christophe

    Does that mean we'll be invited to your loft if in dire need of a bit of the old buttered bun?

    Yours in anticipation,


  • Comment number 2.

    Hi CLP....what a great day yesterdays was, wonderful sun....stark contrast to Saturday when I got soaked playing cricket for Ditchling, Jamie Theakston's club....name dropper me...

    So shooting Sunday morn' (clay pigeon of course) in the sun...actually little sun burnt too.

    Keep yesterday in the loft, we are gonna need it at some point Chris.


  • Comment number 3.

    Have they heard our pleas???

    Certainly seems a bit faster now!

    Onwards and upwards.


  • Comment number 4.

    Thanks Lost for the new blog notification.

  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Chris,

    Totally agree about the weather, someone somewhere is having a laugh. But perhaps that's because all us British do is talk about the weather so if it was nice and sunny all the time, then we'd having nothing to talk about?!?

    Come on England indeed.


  • Comment number 6.

    Morning CLP!

    Frost indeed... I wouldn't have known what was on the lawn at 6 as I didn't wake till 7 but it was a lovely day here in Warwickshire and I had friends round for a slap up Sunday lunch and home made blackberry & apple crumble!!! A lovely Sunday even if I do say so myself.

    Hi to all the other blogeroonies... apologies for my absence... note to self "must do better".

    Have a good one!

    Booboo & the bump

  • Comment number 7.

    Or was it slow because it had more entries to refresh?


  • Comment number 8.

    ps hello blog peeps!!

    James, woo hoo, congratulations on the new job! Does that mean you can stay where you are?

    SBP, hope your friend's little girl is on the mend soon x

    Beez - rat man??? I thought you were decorating hehe.

    AliB, we'll keep you company (well, I'll bob in when I get chance), pop the kettle on...

    MTF, quite!!

    Well folks, life is good, the sun is shining and I'm off work in 2 weeks woo hoo! Hope you're all similarly cheery - is everyone recovered? We seemed to be dropping like flies for a while there...

    AF xxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Lyndy,are your blackberries ripe already?

    Or have you,like, me got some in the frezzer from last year.


  • Comment number 10.

    See blog tweekers,speedy blog brings us all out to play.


  • Comment number 11.

    Good morning, good morning, good morning . . .

    Absolutely shocking weather over here on the Emerald Isle - a weekend stag do in Connemara was spent in a wee pub with big pints and loads of chat . . .

    My mate, at one stage was extolling the virtues of his super ruber bound mobile phone, 4 years old, impervious to all knocks and scratches - then just as he was saying he'd never change it, or update it for all the love and the money in the world, said phone dropped into the most perfectly formed full pint of black stout . . . PRICELESS . . .

    Have a good day everyone . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi all

    It's a bootiful day here in Cooooolchester but I'm not getting too excited - it's due to be webbed feet, ark building time from tomorrow reet up to the weekend. Doh!

    I'm having a really good day today.

    Happy Deevs
    x x x x

  • Comment number 13.

    Deev, not even checking the forecast, que sera and all that! Glad you're still in the happy place (that's the happy place without the padded walls, right?)!

    DTM, oh no, hope the pint wasn't ruined...

    AF xx

  • Comment number 14.

    DTM....bet you laughed your socks off!!!!!

    Wife did a similar thing at a club one night after too many sherbets, dropped it down the loo!!! Nice....


    Well done Blog Tweakers....

  • Comment number 15.

    124 for 2, Cmon England....get a wicket, QUICKLY!!!


  • Comment number 16.

    Note to self;

    Dont take trusty nokia brick to Briz blog meet,perchance it should end up in a glass of the pink stuff!!


  • Comment number 17.

    Haha, image in my head now of MTF with a pint of pink fizz, mobile floating gently therein.


    AF x

  • Comment number 18.

    Afternoon each..

    Good thinking from CLP..we shall have to have a blog meet in his loft..now theres a thought...!

    Lovely day here yesterday.. GM spent the day washing 3 cars, gardening and pottering. Me? i did the washing and ironing then spent the day with a book sat outside or in the conservatory as the wind got up...lovely day had by all!

    And its still sunny...shush, dont tell everyone!

    Right, mad week so hi and if i`m not back then its cos ive escaped to go visit AliB to keep her company and keep my sanity!

    Have fun..

    mSc x

    PS -AF - time off for good behaviour?! And got anything planned? x

    PPS - Have also dropped phone down loo before.. clean water i hasten to add! Nice man sorted it for a tenner and it lasted about another 12mths no problem!

  • Comment number 19.

    Pink stuff in a pint pot!

    Book me down for one of those,ta.


  • Comment number 20.

    How do you all manage to drop phones down the loo??? My usual trick is sitting on the loo and texting (or emailing from new fone) to pass the time of day. Love doing this when there's a huge queue for the ladies!!!


    and peeeeeeeeeeees flower - no padded walls in my world! xx

  • Comment number 21.


    Can I borrow some matchsticks to keep my eyes open? I am sooooo tired, and starting to get worried about my need to sleep all the time!

    Have been sat sitting at my desk all morning trying to run the month end stats, and got absolutely nowhere with them!

    And I agree, the blog is so slow at the moment, refreshing it takes ages...

    JG x

  • Comment number 22.

    Well, Hello there Strangers!

    Just settling down to do some end of month stuff - I just can't bear doing them on a Friday it so boring. Yeah Yeah cheques are in the post - well they will be this afternoon :-)

    Everything slowly returning back to normal at the ranch - no more holibobs, illness, or emergencies booked for a while.

    Anyone near Southsea? Little Cousin (late of Aviators/Tiny Spark) is supporting Tom Hingley (ex Inspiral Carpets) at the Cellars, Eastney tonight should anyone want to go along.

    Hope all is well with everyone - am slowly catching the drift of what everyone has been up to in my abscence, but a brief synopsis would help if anyone could oblige!


  • Comment number 23.

    CLP - pllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee can I have a little of that sun over a small square of Bucks on the 22nd of this month?

    All you ladies (or undecided) out there (inc Tash as a lady) - my hen night is this sat in london - pottering around convet garden, leciester square area if you want to come message me (or someone who might know me) on fb.

    Deev - hope you don't talk while in the loo - thats one of my pet peevs in public loos!

  • Comment number 24.


    you should consider yourselves lucky its just the phones going down the loo. I have just been sat here and heard a splosh come from the toilet area. 'That's odd' I thought, as I'm the only one here, only to have the last remaining kitten head out of the bathroom dripping wet from the neck down.

    Thats toilet training for you!

    Oh, and if any of you care, she is staying here and is called Pixie.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 25.

    MWa - what happened to Emo's twin? Hope he found a happy home

  • Comment number 26.

    Emo's twin, Omo I believe he was called, has gorn to a country home with 2 of his sisters. All now in happy loving homes and no longer climbing my legs and stealing my chair!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 27.

    Please accept my apologies for bringing up the matter of dropping phones down loos.....did not think it would be so controversial....

    Cmon England.

    Still sunny here in Brighton, seeing all the Gay Pride revellers departing, homewood bound with hangovers the size of the USA!!!!


  • Comment number 28.

    Afternoon all,

    Blustery day here , am sooo tired too. Just had to go and buy a new aerial for my mini, as someone kindly helped themselves to mine at the weekend.
    Way too much to do and to be honest i am feeling a tad grouchy , which isnt like me . Early night required me thinks .

    Have a happy Monday folks.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 29.

    MC...Happy Mondays-Step on.....or Kinky Afro..?

  • Comment number 30.


    LOL, hey, your'e banned from ARF this week !!

    MC xx

  • Comment number 31.

    MC...back to reality,sucks dooesnt it!

    Go on make me drool,what did you have at the Ritz.


  • Comment number 32.

    Hello just sneaking in for a sneaky look whilst darn Essex - Hellooooooo Deevs!

    MC - cheer up chuck - how was the Ritz?

    right best go before I get rumbled.....


  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Debs...Oh bye Debs.xx

  • Comment number 34.

    MC correct, I promise(??)not to partake in ARF this week......back next week tho'. xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Hello Debs!! Njoy Essex and keep waving! Remember I'm only ooop the road in Coooolchester!

    Aha! I was just thinking I'm having a Happy Monday and the matter of Kinky Afro came up in conversation.



  • Comment number 36.

    Spooky Deevski?


  • Comment number 37.

    Has everyone gone? Not normally this quiet on a Monday artanoon...?


    Cmon England...

  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Tango

    I'm here ....just tho as am trying v hard to write something inspirational about a piece of lab equipment for a publication!

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Mind gone awal now.....tea and choccie doughnut anyone?

  • Comment number 40.

    I'm lurking here too!

    Inspirational Words for Lab Equipment........ Precision, Crisp Display, User Compatible...

    Any more for any more?


  • Comment number 41.

    Yes perlease Steffi....x

  • Comment number 42.

    I'm here - just trying to do the worlds most boring account reconciliation

  • Comment number 43.

    Thanks dook.

    Of course Jam is an option for doughnuts if anyone prefers the 'classic' version.....all being served in 5 in sunny South Norfamps. Virtual also available....sending now via telpathetic vibes!

    Steffi x

  • Comment number 44.

    Me too, in between fluff-ups! Just done a tape, erased it, went to print the email and boom! Well, not literally... Outlook (other email programs available, but I like Outlook - usually) froze, lost an entire big long email. D'oh!

    Redone now though :-)

    AF x

  • Comment number 45.

    "Come on England"

    Is there a football match on I have missed .......?


  • Comment number 46.

    Deev, I was wondering that too. Although I suspect your question is tongue-in-cheek, where mine is quite innocent!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 47.

    So Deev....was it a goodun?

    Steffi x

  • Comment number 48.

    Afternoon all,

    In a CBA mood today, got lots to do but dont have the inclination to do it. Deev, there is a very important cricket match going on between Australia (in Green caps) and England in Blue. Its touch and go if we are going to win or get a draw. Sorry am I boring you.


  • Comment number 49.

    Putting on my wee tammy here!

    We do get weather here in Scotland you know!

    I don't normally get riled but for some reason this bothers me! I suppose there isn't any malice intended nor offence meant when England and/or English is used to describe Britain or UK and for most others, welsh/irish, it might not wrankle, but the one thing to get my teeth grating is this. Oh and another thing we are not SCOTCH!

    Right Tammy being removed and stuffed in the back of the drawer again!


  • Comment number 50.

    That's better girls....well done.

    Deevsta.....yeah right, England playing Australia at football, home game at Edgbaston, we are winning 2-1 at the mo' Peter Beardsley just put us in front, Kevin Keegan scored the opener....


  • Comment number 51.

    TB - you are having me on with those names???? Don't confuse a poor lass

  • Comment number 52.

    Do you think England could actually beat Australia at Football??

    Steffi x

  • Comment number 53.

    Scotland couldn't! :@P

  • Comment number 54.

    Soz dook...just read your previous missive. No offence meant!

    Steffi X

  • Comment number 55.

    Steffi - a good what!?!!??!

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cricket! That silly game where they all wear the same colour (cept for their hats, obv!), the poor old boy at the end gets to carry all the jumpers and no goals are scored.

    And why is it called a "test" .... surely it can't be *that* hard??? A test is like an exam, after a period of studyfication (my word!!). Can't they just call it a game? A match?

    I dunno ... I'll get me coat.

    And Nick, no hon, never boring.

    x x x

  • Comment number 56.

    Oh gawd...wish I hadn't asked now! Over to you Tango and Bondy me thinks for answers. Would be good to beat the aussie whatsists tho eh chaps.

    Steffi x

  • Comment number 57.

    Flower - keep your outlook bugs to yourself. Just spit fire at the 3 yr old tech support person of a rather large insurance co (your b*** etc. stoopid system wont let me in again )and it's gone in to the ether !!!
    Just going to put some bread on the bird table - guaranteed a pigeon will be there in no time - much more reliable!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Ooooh pigeon. You just reminded me Beez - I'm doing a pigeon breast and bacon salad for a starter this eve - someone over lotty gave Mr Deev a pigeon he'd shot yesterday morn.

    Gonna pan fry the bacon and the pigeon breast, then toss it in some leaves, with some croutons and drizzle with a dab of olive oil and balsamic glaze.

    NB: starts is NOT the norm. On a Monday!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 59.

    Sorry Steffi - I wasn't having a go at anyone just a general rant brought about by being bored and Chris's initial "Come on England" which i now think was targetted at the cricket team and not the country in thanks for the good weather we enjoyed yesterday.

    Whoops dook has another unnecessary rant! Is the naughty step free?


  • Comment number 60.

    Naught step not required - good rant is good for the soulimho.

    Steffi x

  • Comment number 61.


    If you wanna borrow my soapbox, it's yours ....!


  • Comment number 62.

    I'm nipping off in search of biscuits to have with my mug of tea. Some greedy.... erm...person has had the last one and not bought anymore.

    Glorious sunshine here - Mr Egg merrily baling haylage, Big Boss away showing horses, Big Boss' wife away on a riding lesson..... and I'm stuck in the office :@{


  • Comment number 63.

    Got jam or choccie doughnuts here if you want one....Had one of each just to test there are ok for consumption....more swimming tonite for me!

    Steffi x

  • Comment number 64.

    Got a blueberry muffin in my drawer for ...... in a minute!

    2 miles power walking in the morning for me ..!

    x x x

  • Comment number 65.

    Afternoon each

    Chris, I know!!!! Cold last night, but lovely this morning. Got rain now, bums.

    Have booked hotel in Bristol (I think). Difficult to do when you haven't got a credit card apparently and impossible on the t'internet. If I don't get there in time, they'll sell my room. Beez: camp in my room till I get there!!!!!


  • Comment number 66.

    Deevsta, blueberry muffin (lady Gaga?) and then pigeon, I say....guess its a real one, not one of mine made of clay that I managed to 'clip' yesterday?


  • Comment number 67.

    The real McCoy Bazza, the real McCoy. Not sure how I'd cook a clay one, but my dentist may be thankful of the extra work!

    Eats Shoots and Leaves!


  • Comment number 68.

    Be warned. I have my cooking mojo head on this week!


  • Comment number 69.

    Steffi....NO I don't think we could beat them at footie....nor cricket by the looks of things today....a draw seems to be most likely.

    Deevsta, YES CHEF! There....said it...and watch out Nigella..x

  • Comment number 70.

    Keep the faith TB. Agree a draw is on the cards. Hey Ho!

    Edit done - went for the dynamic approach, hope it works.

    Off to pick courgettes, which have gone mad and are taking over the garden. Pan-fried in butter and garlic with herbs for dinner with slow roasted belly pork and newbie pots. Followed by something with home grown blakcurrants. May do a brulee or clafoutis....Where's me blow torch.

    Big hugs all round. Have a great evening all.

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 71.

    evening peeps
    Steffi our courgettes have gone mental too, as have the runner beans and swiss chard - warm and wet will do it every time.

    Had slow cooked lamb testerday with lovely garden veg and tonight, the left over veg were turned into a version of bubble and squeak, with bacon - delish!

    Back later, so ttfn
    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Sorry Crumpy - wine screen moment there - now got a massive attack of the giggles!!!!

    Back in a bit

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Reet - I am in me hotel room - for the next 4 nights with the trusty lappy and yous lot for company!

    Going alright darn Essex - think I might be working too quick - almost finished something today that they thought would take all week - note to self - slow down, you are paid by the day!

    OK - going to unpack and make mesel at home before I order me tea - lets just say - its a good job I am not a vegetarian - only option on 2 menus - mozz and peppers on toast! Going to be really craving pasta by the time I get home on Friday!

    Roll call - whosa lurking?


  • Comment number 74.

    hi Debs
    Hotel living not so hot, I take it?
    C xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Me Debs. xxxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Hi Annie - glad you are booked into a hotel in Briz. Is it the Ibis in the city centre?


  • Comment number 77.

    Evening Crumpy. Yes, hopefully. Won't get there till after 10pm so need Beez to room sit in case they sell my room to someone else.


  • Comment number 78.

    Hiya Crumpy and Annie - oh its OK - not exactly glam - I mean I'm not in the Malmaison or similar with luxury rooms etc - got a tele, got room service (MEAT) and a bed - missing my little doggies though.... :-( the main thing is I'm not having a 5 hour journey home each night

    Annie - saw that you booked for Bris - are you coming friday or saturday? I you need I can go and give my card details and 'check you in' if necessary.

    right - tea, meat, meat, meat or meat - oh or fish.....


  • Comment number 79.

    Debs: Arriving Friday at Bristol airport 10.25, then need to get into city centre and hotel. Please babysit my room till I get there!!!!


  • Comment number 80.

    Oh, and btw: Have Chardonnay in fridge!!!!


  • Comment number 81.

    If I'm not still darn essex of course - we will come up with a plan nearer the time once we know who is coming and when.

    Fear not Annie - they will not re-sell your room!


  • Comment number 82.

    You're a star Debs!!!!!


  • Comment number 83.

    ooo get me - i am officially a hotel 'bitch' customer - just sent me 'home made burger' back - if that was home made - I am a llama!

    watch this space - I figured they cant screw up a ham sandwich with nothing else on........


  • Comment number 84.

    Debs: Ask for a veggie burger and see how they react!!!!


  • Comment number 85.

    Stop ordering Burgers - you know they are going to be rubbish!!! You didn't eat the one in Leeds.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 86.

    I keep telling gorgeous little boys "burgers are disgusting" but nobody listens to me!!!!!


  • Comment number 87.

    Beez - you are right I am a fussy olde bugger but I specifically asked when I ordered if it was a 'home made' one or one bought in and was told they are 'hand made daily' - my ares!

    Still maybe this will be an enforced diet - cept they brought me an extra glass of wine for my misery with the quite frankly C++p ham sandwich - OH JG - you know what I said about hotels - I'm taking it all back - still did notice little bit in 'hotel guide' thing in room - "talk to chef if have dietry needs" - yep - bit of pasta in fresh tom sauce ????

    spookily pasta or rice do not appear on the menu in anyway shape or form

    DEEVS - do they have rice and pasta darn Essex????

    ho hum - on hunger strike debs

    (dont worry - plenty of 'reserve body mass' to get me though

    PEE EEESS - Beez - you got a brain like an phelephant membering abart the leeds 'burger'.....

  • Comment number 88.

    That is body mass to get me through!

    reet watching day after tomorrow now ont tele - that'll be me if I dont get a decent meal tomorrow - starving the day after tomorrow......

    oh man I need to put me to bed now........


  • Comment number 89.

    Evening all,

    Hope you are all ok. Just wanted to pop in and say hi .
    Debs, is it on expenses or are you paying ??? LOL

    Hi Annie & Beez,hope you are fine and dandy. Just put my Ritz piccies on FB. think we scrubbed up quite well. !! Normal servise now resumed , frayed jeans and a t shirt again !!

    MC xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Debs . LOL , just read that as i need a man to put me to bed !!!

    sorry ...........

    MC xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Right, off to my kip. Have gorgeous little boys all day tomorrow, so need to be up early.

    Night all.


  • Comment number 92.

    Night Annie, enjoy your Tuesday .

    MC xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Night Annie

    Debs - I'm watching that too thought I had seen it but not sure. Efelant as far as food is concerned !!Stick to cheesy chips!!! Sorry just stuffed meself with spag bol. - loadsa pasta.

    MC I read that as a man to put me to bed too!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 94.


    Am off to bed now , felt a right grouchy so and so today ,due to a massive sleep defecit.

    Catch you soon, night night
    MC xx

  • Comment number 95.

    Night MC - don't be grouchy - keep smiling.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Right, here is the scenario.

    Going to Briz meet.

    Then, have the rest of the week off.

    Cant afford to go anywhere as saving up to go to Paris en famille in October so................

    Who would like to put me up for a few days.

    I will earn my keep,gardening preferably,but will consider other options.

    No smut please.This is a serious offer.

    I have my own transport,so no problem there,just fancy a change of scene.


  • Comment number 97.

    Excellent wife swap on right now.


  • Comment number 98.

    MTF if you could have the previous to Brizzle meet week off - we in bolt hole -
    Here in DIRE need of gardener. Freezer full of goodies including some I made earlier for speed! spar up road - milkman delivers - 2 sooper markos wa@r-se &morr..... 5 mins away in car - high street individual shops/ clothes/shoes/bags etc. - good chippy/chinese/indian - most deliver -farm shop for veg - butcher of yr 07/08 20 mins away.

    Convinced yet to bring forward week off Tee hee????

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    Beez,time off in the hands of bossman.

    Shame,could have dived or dove..right into your garden.

    Not that much bothered about local amenities,in fact, the further away, the better.

    VLM..(very low maintenance)


  • Comment number 100.

    Is there still a Stewarts in Cdigan?

    Used to sell 2nds and had branches throughout West Wales???



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