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Well hello there and...

Chris Evans | 12:59 UK time, Wednesday, 10 June 2009

...good morning. We were recently sent this amazing cake by a very kind lady, who said that seeing as we keep her company on the radio every night when she is making cakes for other people, she thought she would make one for Noah.


I have to say we are very lucky and have been sent many presents for Noah, but this one has blown us away. The detail is amazing - even the pebbles have been individually coloured - just gorgeous.

I would like to thank the lady in question very much, very much indeed.

Off to watch PMQ's

I am astounded by Gordon Brown's resolve... fascinated by the whole affair.





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  • Comment number 1.


    i cant be first can i?! Never before!

    Lovely sweet blog CLP - hope the picture appears soon of cake..but will just make us all hungry!

    Hi to everyone else..hope everyone is copling well with humpday!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 2.

    Oh you beat me to it msScoobycat! I just saw the new blog and was amazed at "no comments yet" - doh, thought I'd be first x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello all, love cake.

    Hubbys birthday yesterday so oodles of cake to enjoy later.

    Spent the day in his fave place in London, Alfies antique market. Lots of collectibles, which is his thing. Fab place to reminisce.

    Great result Beez, all the positive vibes worked then?

    Ta ta for now Lin x

  • Comment number 4.

    Weird how the pics take so long to appear...can't wait to see it!

    It's sunny here now, despite having the heaviest rain I've seen in a long time about an hour and a half ago. Thought I might have needed a boat to get home at one point!

    Need to get on, so catch you later

    JG x

  • Comment number 5.

    Ello CLP,

    Bingo Star ere......

    A very 'eart warming blog CLP, but why did yer ave ter ruin it by the last sentence?????


    The moment a 'ear the name Blair, Brown, Bush...... POLITICIAN...... am filled with the ultimate disgust... filled with an anger of being lied to.... aving my country ruined!!!!!!!

    A could go on!!!!!!!

    Ter end on a 'appy note..... maybe the lady who mae the cake could become an MP..... maybe gift secretary or nutritional secretary!!!!!!!!

    Just a thought!!!!!!

    PS - Ello B's Mum and Tango - Thanks for your neeeece and kind sentimentations!!!!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    football - dont have a clue

    cricket - not a scooby doo

    reality TV - no idea

    but CAKE - now your talking - yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum

    cant wait til I get married - am having fruit layered cake and cupcakes

    not sure about the rest of the guests!

  • Comment number 7.

    Hello All

    New here but an avid listener.

    Can anyone tell me who was the sports guest last night please?

    Please make my day, I'm having an awful one so far. Just had to bury one of my chooks :(


  • Comment number 8.

    PS CLP - A know yer a stockmarket dabbbler.... see most of me share tips are up terdee..... with me fav aka #1 tip up the most!!!!!!!

    Prob be down termozza!!!!!

    Still..... a tell yer now iz the time ter buy.... am fully in the market now..... goot every penny in shares now az a believe the new bull market iz ere and ere BIG!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA........ Autonomy!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    PS Remember 'MONEY' isn't everything but sadly..... we all need it ter live in terdee's modern society!!!!!

  • Comment number 10.

    PPS A 'ear the tube strike iz on terdee!!!!!

    Just been listening ter the Jerr Vine Show, wonder if The Bruce and INDEED The Dedicoat are dedicated and out in their bus terdee 'elping people???????

    If noot..... why noot..... why noot...... AYE????????????????????????????@?

    Actually thinking about it.... DAMN fine business idea.... imagine a flat fare of 3 quid!!!! Say 120 on a bus times 3 quid iz 360 quid per bus load!!!!!!!!
    A tell yer yer could easily make a few grand terdee!!!!!!!
    Am off ter buy a bus!!!!!!

    Rollllll on the strikes....... roll on the bus buying!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 11.

    as far as I can tell the strikers want a pay rise and no forced redundacies

    I would like that too but I'm not going to risk my job fighting for it - blasted unions!

  • Comment number 12.

    Great Blog CLP!

    I watched "ladies of letters" last night and there was a comment made there about how much underused the thank-you note is these days. I have to agree, it's lovely when someone takes the time to write you a few words to say thanks for the effort that you've gone to... for whatever reason... especially cake though!!!

    & the bump (best ever excuse for cake consumption)

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning, afternoon everyone from a very overcast and dull upstate new york. Hope you are all having a terrific day.

    SB, re #11, I agree, who wouldn't want those conditions....

  • Comment number 14.

    LOL Bagpuss, have lovely vision of you sitting in all your wedding finery gorging on cake!

    I've had a weird lunch today - pork scratchings, melon and chocolate. Do you think that constitutes a balanced diet???

    T xxx

  • Comment number 15.


    Just replied to you on yesterdya's blog. It was Bradley Smith, the 18 year old 125cc motor cyclist.

    Lovely lad!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 16.


    Such a Marjory Dawes word!



  • Comment number 17.

    Tins - No.

    Cake - yes please.

    Agree re. Brown's apparent resolve but fear it is misplaced and that he is actually a few profiteroles short of a patisserie.

    Beez - so pleased to hear your news xxx

    A x

  • Comment number 18.

    Thanks Deevs xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi CLP and crew....CAKE...did someone say cake..?

    Bingo, am with you re blasted politicians...AND the unions...I could go on...

  • Comment number 20.

    Super Bagpuss - You've done am going off on one now..... and a ave good reason too whne my job 'as been ruined!!!!!!

    Wish I 'ad a good union being a trucker!!!!!

    The we've 'ad a 25% pay cut and a 45% pay cut for working Sundee's!!!!!!

    This iz what 'appens when there are no unions ter protect the workers rights from greedy companies!!!!!!!!!

    Also ave been forced out of a tanker driving job that a did for 5 years on 36k per year az they were getting east germans and polish ter do the same job for 22k per year!!!!!!!!

    Am noot racist at all.... noot at all, am mean a went looking for a foreign wife recently and some of the nicest people ave worked with were black, but the reason for borders iz ter protect each country from overload and destruction of the economy/ labour markets of the countries nationals!!!!!!

    The fools we've goot az politicians are letting eveyone come inter this country and it's starting ter 'urt Britain!!!!!!!

    I want ter get out of trucking az it's been ruined by the idiots running this country!!!!!

    They don't care about the people they represent, only liniong their own poockets and their personal careers!!!!!!!

    3rd rant in less than a week over!!!!!!

  • Comment number 21.

    i love cake i do..

    and Tins..yes, protein,fruit and cocoa.. pretty balance diet to me!

    mSc x

    PS - Young Bradley was great last night want he -definately a future big star!

  • Comment number 22.

    Although a must admit again the unions can go too far.... but they are needed ter protect the ordinary worker!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    #22 - you beauty!!!!!

  • Comment number 24.

    Bingo - very well articulated (trucks - geddit?!) rant i have to say..and some valid points imho.

    I live in the town that has just elected an English Democrats candidate as mayor and its causing all sorts of issues already - (check out the news) - and he`s only been in the job since Monday! But without getting political all i can say is that we must have wanted him to change things!

    right - serioous head off..in search of cake....

    mSc x

  • Comment number 25.


    No problemo! Here you go ....

    Soooooooooooo young!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 26.

    Oh and PS..... the company that ave been working for that's given it's drivers a 25 ter 45% pay cut.... 'as just announced record profits of over 100million up and the MD rides arooound in a 'elicopter!!!!!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Congrats Beez

    Welcome back Deev

    Hello all


  • Comment number 28.

    Bingles - I'm a Northern lass, you won't get me I'm part of the union... but why are you calling yourself a beauty?

    A x

  • Comment number 29.

    That's nearly az bad az my jokes Scooby!!!!!

  • Comment number 30.

    Cake. Has to be one of the BESTEST things in the world.

    Proper home-made sponge Cake. With butter cream and hundreds and farsands and silver balls to break your teeth on.

    Sep I guess if Noah does not yet have teef, he won't need to worry...or you could liquidise it?

    ...and frankly, the only cake most politicians deserve is a custard pie...

    but not on a paper plate

    Bees, fab news!

    ...and Tins...I guess as long as you don't have that every day, and try to at least have some cake or chips to keep your carb level up...

  • Comment number 31.

    PS TOO - Also very dangerous the BNP getting elected.... ok they are for being British but a feel they are racist!!!!!!! Noot good!!!!!

    A tell yer this country iz just getting deeper and deeper inter a mess!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Hazel - it has to have jam in the middle as well, razbry please.

    A x

  • Comment number 33.

    Short and sweet Thunderclap!

    Cake: on holibobs we had an amazing patisserie a 2 minute walk from the apartment!



  • Comment number 34.

    Boleyngirl - Soz a don't remember calling mesen a beauty!!!!!!
    A never would az ave seen me reflection in a puddle in a pot 'ole on the M6!!!!!!

    A think a waz refering ter me share tips are beauties going up!!!!!!

    A must admit though...... Boleyngirl..... a think your a beauty!!!!!!

  • Comment number 35.

    Am outta ere before The Brown gets MI5 ter intercept me for daring ter speak out against my wonderful PM who's done so much..... wonderfulness for uz all!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 36.

    Bingo! You've made my day, am blushing now! But they do say it's all in the eyes of the beholder... (not really sure what that means).
    A x

  • Comment number 37.

    Morning/afternoon all,

    Lovely blog today Chris!

    I have to confess. I just had cake for breakfast. Bread was mouldy, no milk for cereal, options were go to the shops or eat cake. Mmmmmmm cake.

    Happy daze


  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Deever, Welcome home!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    And what a reassuring smile Gor!don Brown has too!

    A x

  • Comment number 40.

    That was a typo, that !.

  • Comment number 41.

    sure it was boleyngirl

  • Comment number 42.

    Dragon, that's very Marie Antoinette of you!

    A x

  • Comment number 43.

    Bondy, hail fellow well met!

    A x

  • Comment number 44.

    Oh what a fab cake. You can't possibly EAT it can you? It's just too good to cut up. There again, it'll probably only go mouldy.

    I kept the top layer of my wedding cake for 20 odd years ( found it hiding in the back of a cupboard when we moved house) and although it was very dry (well who wouldn't be) I did sample a bit and it tasted ok! Chucked it out though as the thought WAS pretty disgusting! haha

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 45.

    gr53 - am planning to keep top layer of my cake for christening cake - lets just hope it doesnt take too long!

  • Comment number 46.

    Oh wow, just seen Noah's cake!! Can I have an elephant please??

    t xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Oh the picture has arrived - that cake is gorgeous.........but remember, cake is never too good to eat!!!!!

    Reminds me of the one my mum made for the boy's naming day.....had a ocean theme with seagulls, fish, crabs and a little boy riding on a turtles back - all done by my mum's fair hand.

    She really went to town as in her words 'well I'm not gonna be making you a wedding cake am I??'
    Think she was trying to make a point??


  • Comment number 48.

    Afternoon 1 and All, Chris fab cake, I'd use it for Noah's Christening cake (if the little darling's not already been christened!) I used the top layer of my wedding cake and it was 6 years old by the time the little un came along. Still tasted fabby.

    I've just finished making 'Christmas' cakes well it's the same recipe, this one is en route to FRANCE on Saturday as my 'little un' is away on a school trip for 11 days. Just a wee thank you to the family that are hosting him. It's a 51/2 lb VERY VERY BRANDIED cake!!!!

    Would love a wee slice just now, but got to drive in a wee while, no luck.

    N E 1 know why hens go of the 'boil' so quick - was getting dozen - fifteen eggs a day, now only getting 8. Fuzzy's sitting 'clocking' now.


  • Comment number 49.

    I guess it was boleyngirl - but it was cake or be hungry - and I'm not good at hungry!!! Actually the other option was ice cream but decided as it was lemon cake it had fruit so was therefore the healthier choice... maybe...

    morning Bondman, how you doing?

    Good holiday Deeva? (sorry haven't had a chance to catch up with blog for ages so guessing you've already answered that somewhere but thought I'd ask anyway...)

    So on the cake theme - fave toppings? I like those little orange/lemon slices, but I can't stand the sugar flowers, they set my teeth on edge! Best topping though is definitley the cream cheese frosting on carrot cake. Mmm.


  • Comment number 50.

    Afternnoon all,

    Cracking cake Christoff, had a friend that ran a speciality cake shop and those type of cakes with such fine detail are deuce difficult to make.

    Gordy Brown will be an immovable object, and you are correct it is quite fascinating in a perverse kind of way.

    Bees you beauty. x


  • Comment number 51.


    Hi all, except Bob Crow if you're reading this....just in case you are. Can I just say that you and your fellow bullies are an %&$%$Β£*& %!"&$*& ^%$$ Β£$%" and you can go and $^%Β£ ----self!

    Well as i now stand no hope of getting home before the nippers go to bed tonight, I have pulled into Soho to have the hair re-arranged.....try not to have too much cut off nowadays.

    Saw Lewis Hamilton this morning, what a nice guy....stopped and had his picture taken with some young lads, smiled and gave a good impression, much like he did last week in his post race interview.

    This was in stark contrast to Kate Perry, who I also saw, who is a singist or such like.....Very agreeable to look at, but otherwise lacking!

    Hope you're all well, I know your are Beez and have already conveyed that elsewhere.
    Still delighted for you, old girl....*snigger*!

    Have a cracking ride back down the happy hill to Friday x




  • Comment number 52.

    Its a totally fab cake!!!

    Well done to the lady that made it whoever you are!


  • Comment number 53.

    Well thanks a bunch everyone............

    I have to agree that the cake is fabby and what a clever lady she was to make it, but as I'm finally heading off to the dentist tomorrow with my offending tooth I'm trying to resist sweet temptations at the mo!

    So there's no chocolate, no cake and just the very occasional biccy for me this week! And I miss it.................

    My wedding cake was made by a family friend and she too did us proud. I still have the wired sugar flowers that decorated it and will keep them until they finally rot!

    Wish I was half that creative.


  • Comment number 54.

    Hi Ripples - long time no speak.

    Always good to hear when a famous person proves to be nice and to have time for their fans, especially young ones. True stars, in any sphere, always do IMHO, but too many people seem to get 'up' themselves - if you know what I mean (hope that's not moderatable langauge!).

    Haircuts r us!


  • Comment number 55.


    Stuck in office in mega thunderstorm! Not a happy bunny!!!

    Nice cake Christoph - next door neighbour does them - very clever but I don't much care for cake. Scoobs and Bagpuss can have my share.

    Jovial - mwah xxxxx

    Rips you are soooo going to get a slap!!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    Hey df,

    Nice to hear from you.

    Absolutely - it was also heartening to see that he gave the paps some time, not sure they deserve it though!

    I was across the road from R1 in the cafe, and saw Chris Moyles come out several times for a fag and a chat with everyone.
    I am the first to slate him, for what he does on the radio (not that I have listened for a very long time) and have never found him remotely funny, even when he worked with CLP, but watching him today, and having chatted to him once before.....find it fascinating that he draws so much criticism. He's a really down to earth decent bloke from what I can tell!

    Just one of those people I guess.



  • Comment number 57.

    Promises, promises Beez!!

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi Chris:

    A fantastic gift - so much work went into it!

    I know you will have a million things for Noah which has his name on, but there is a terrific book you should buy for him, for when he is older - it's called Noah Built An ArK One Day and it's brilliant. It's the one book I couldn't bear to part with, once MsS was all grown up!

    Unfortunately for Gordon Brown, I have to say I think "his tea's oot". Roughly translated, this means: his time is up. Most definitely!

    Thunderclap #27: Hello to you too!

    C xx

  • Comment number 59.

    Chrissie - one of the few books that I had to keep was "Guess how much I love you?"

    It was quite newly published at the time so must be a first or second edition and is a hard copy - we all loved it and did the actions every time we read it! One day it may get used again............


  • Comment number 60.


    I also have never been a CM fan - and have never met him, but my opinion was swayed a little by the Killy climb he et al did for comic relief.......anyone willing to put themselves through that is all right in my book!!

    Lyndy, I'm still using 'bump' (and he's now 19 months) as an excuse for cake - need me energy see!!


  • Comment number 61.

    Hey Beez..........did you send that thunderstorm off in a south-easterly direction? I

    t's so dark here now that the light is going on - and raining so hard that I'd quite like an Ark myself (cake or otherwise!)


  • Comment number 62.

    Hi Chris, Loved Noahs cake, amazing, what a clever lady, looks yummy, hope Noah enjoys it.
    As for Brown i really cant believe hes still there.!!!!! WHY is he?
    love to all.x

  • Comment number 63.

    DF - no not guilty !! sent thunderstorm up towards a few bowling greens a few miles north of me!!! Although shouldn't think there will be any rain left. Still batting it down here.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 64.


    I actually feel a bit sorry for Gordon Brown, as he was handed a poisoned chalice by Blair. He had to take the job on as he saw it as the only chance he would get to achieve his life's ambition. Having said that, he should have gone to the country when he had a chance of winning an election in order to prove that he was his own man.

    He is a victim of the cyclical nature of British politics whereby a party, no matter how successful they have been, run out of steam and get replaced by the other side.

    So maybe GB should just give up with dignity and sit back and watch 'Just call me Dave' fall on his Old Etonian ar$e once his honeymoon period is over and he realises that actually doing the job is a lot harder that just criticising the person who is doing it.

  • Comment number 65.

    Chrissie - Love it!!! "his tea's oot" Here's hoping!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Ok Beez, you're excused.

    Raining even harder now........... good thing this Twenty20 cricket isn't from Lords today!


  • Comment number 67.

    Following on from dont call me shirley,

    Isn't it amazing how the fantasy world of politics follows on from the real world of celebrity I give yo

    Kerry Katatonia
    Jordan and Peeeeet
    Susan Boyle
    tim henman

    all built up and brought down by the press

    add GB to the list!!!!

  • Comment number 68.

    DF: I know, isn't it wonderful when you read a book to your child and they absolutely love it?!

    Beez: it's a very Glaswegian saying!

    Shirley: I do agree with what you are saying. The biggest mistake GB made was not calling for an election at the very start - he would have won then, I am sure. However, I don't think the Tories can win with Davie-boy. I really think they will have to pull in someone who knows their stuff, and for me that would be William Hague. It's hard for the likes of me, who has voted Labour always, to see what has happened. An utter and complete shambles!

    C xx

    P.S. I normally don't do politics!

  • Comment number 69.

    Derbyfi post no 59. Guess how much i love you.

    this is one of my favourite books I read to my eldest and we do all the actions (except standing on our head). other favourites are duck in the truck, fix it duck. its so good reading to him and now he reads them to us which is great.

    Hello boneyngirl.


  • Comment number 70.

    Nick - the one I bought it for is now doing A levels! Good books like that will never date.

    She also inherited my own Winnie the Pooh books and they are still here for any future generations. But some others were here today and gone tomorrow.


  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Dragon, as well as can be expected. How are things with you?

  • Comment number 72.

    Rips, so glad you've said nice things about Mr Moyles - I think he's fab!!

    T xx

  • Comment number 73.


    my eldest is only 6 but has had a love for books since we started reading to him when he was a very young baby.

    he can spend hours sat sitting reading books.

  • Comment number 74.

    hey all!!
    Just got caught in that deluge that hit the sarf west, car to front door, less than 20 yards, Tiggs, drenched to skin! Oh well!! Doesn't appear to have hit Londinium yet though, or so it seems from watching Queens, and looks dry at Trent Bridge. As you can tell am flicking between tennis and cricket today........

    Later taters
    Tiggs xxx
    Have said before on faceache Beez but todays news from you is fantastic!

  • Comment number 75.

    A great start to life Nick - the ability to enjoy a book is always a boon, in any situation.

    I'm sure Deev and many others on here would agree - who was it who read about 8 books on holiday? I'm sorting out my own pile tonight, in case the weather next week is so good that we can sit in the garden or on the beach for hours - or so bad that we have to stay indoors with the fire on!


  • Comment number 76.

    Tiggs - it's been raining heavily in N London so Queens may be hit v soon unless it has just passed them by.


  • Comment number 77.

    the clouds must have parted above Queens as they don't appear to have had a rain break.... or am I just watching play from earlier???
    really must get back with the plot of life!!!

  • Comment number 78.

    CLP, what a great cake and a very kind and talented lady.

    I don't normally get into discussions about politics as I like to keep my blood pressure normal..............but...............I agree somewhat with Shirley, and Chrissie, I also happen to like William Hague and think he would make a great PM. But that ain't gonna happen!

    Torrential darn sarf first thing, intermittent spells of sun, but mainly overcast now.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 79.


    have started to read my first book in a very long time.

    Its about the knights templar, only started it last night..

    wish i had more time to get back into autobiographies. I want to get the Dawn French one that CLP recommended.

  • Comment number 80.

    Hi Nick
    Just finished the Dawn French auto biog, fascinating book, definitely give it a try
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Pen: I know, I know, watch the blood pressure - I'm the same!

    This is why "they" say - never discuss politics!

    C xx

  • Comment number 82.

    Nick / Df -

    I have always loved books - always at least one or two on the go (one upstairs and one downstairs) and we've read to the boy from day one - and at 19 months he loves books, will happily spend hrs 'reading' his Thomas the tank engine books, or just about anything he can get his hands on..........I hope he stays the same.....


  • Comment number 83.

    I read the peter kay auto bio and laughed my socks off. I would be reading in bed and all of a sudden burst out laughing.

    Frank skinner was also good, a bit dark in places but well worth the read.

    best one in my humble opinion was rolf harris, showed a completely different side to him.

  • Comment number 84.

    Mine always loved books too - she read all the Harry Potter ones as soon as they came out and quicker than I could (but understood the plot too)!

    The only problem now is that studying books for A level has put her off at least one former favourite and reduced the extent to which she reads other authors purely for pleasure!

    Re Dawn French, I haven't read that one, but it sounds like it may be worth looking at. I want mr df to finish Pies and Prejudice by Stuart Maconie soon, so I can read that one too as a change from novels!


  • Comment number 85.

    here we go, Mr Murray out on centre court...

  • Comment number 86.

    or maybe not centre court!

  • Comment number 87.

    I want to read the pies and prejudice, might go out and buy it.

    all this talk of books is making me determined to find time to read more instead of playing on the ds..

  • Comment number 88.

    The hungry caterpillar and one about a rain cloud.

    Hours and hours reading those with the kids when they were little.

    Best auto-biography I have read was by David Niven entitled "The moons a balloon".

    Beez, thanks for not sending the thunderstorm my way. It seems to have bypassed the Cheltenham area.


  • Comment number 89.

    oh yes Tiggs..............Murray time. Back later.


  • Comment number 90.

    you're not the first who's said that 'The Moon's A Balloon' is a good read, may have to hit that 'river' site, see if I can obtain a copy

    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 91.

    They still have it on there Tiggs.

    Beez, I spoke too soon. Storm has arrived!!

  • Comment number 92.

    Quick hi and bye

    loving all this chat about childrens books one of my favorites is 'hatch egg hatch' about a chicken that tries everything she can to get her egg to hatch - one of those touchy feely books - very cute - including 'feeding it' string spaghetti!

    CLP - amazing cake - what a clever lady

    oh I did I see a newbie - welcome Beverley.

    big nick - concur with Tiggs on Dawn French - my current read - very funny - If you liked PK you'll like this - I read PK on hols and kept laughing out loud by the pool - v funny looks!

    later everyones

  • Comment number 93.

    I enjoyed Johnnie Walker's autobiog too. Anyone else read that one?

    AM 6-1 1st set in about 23 minutes.


  • Comment number 94.

    Sorry Thunder but I sent the storm up north!! Don't tell me another one on its way to me!!

    Saw your earlier post btw - thanks!!! xx

    I have a mountain of books by side of my bed all unread. Now like Nick - may just get myself off to bed a smidge earlier and start on them! Addictive just talking about them! Think I'll start with the Julie Walters one - or the Hammond one or - eeny meeny miny mo!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    What a beautiful cake CLP - such a lovely present from a lovely lady. Oh to have that talent.

    Great topic about the books - I've kept all mine from when my children were little and now read them to the grandchildren, Wheels on The Bus is favourite at the moment with all the actions.Love all the new ones about now as well - the main trouble these days is trying to read them without glasses on!

    Big Nick/Tiggs - just started Dawn French and have got Pies and Predudice after that.

    Darce xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Johnnie Walkers sounds good. I will try and get that to read on holiday next week.

    I am sure it will take me back to listening to him at 11pm every night playing "Warm and tender love" by Percy Sledge from the pirate radio station

  • Comment number 97.

    Greetings CLP And ALL,

    Bingo Star ere........

    Just 'ad a glance at the blog and most wonderful CLP..... a like it when yer add a photo ter the blog!!!!!
    They say it paints a thousand words....... and do yer know what word am getting??????

    A didn't now, sorry know, Noah 'ad a white beard!!!!!!!!
    My goodneeeeess 'e iz growing up fast!!!!!!!

    Jokes aside...... Ter the lady who made the cake...... very, very thoughtful and INDEED talented!!!!!!!!
    Only bad thing about the cake...... CLP it's a case of yer can looook, but can't touch!!!!!!
    Yer can't eat it man...... surely yer cannooot eat it!!!!!!!!!!


    PS Two things on me mind though..... 'ow did she know yer address????
    And 'ow did it get there without damage???????
    What with the way parcels are thrown around!!!!!!

    Actually sorry ter go too deep inter analysing the cake.... actually all a mean't ter come on the blog and say iz......

    Very nice photo and what a kind lady for making it and yer can't eat it CLP!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 98.

    Beez, you might have been joking, but I think you have sent the storm back up here! The skies are darkening just in time for me to start driving home!

    I loved Pies & Prejudice, hilarious, and have added the Dawn French book to my birthday list, along with CLP's, and a few other things that I don't need desparately!

    Good news is that I'm now on holiday for me burfday, and am looking forward to it so much, even though have got another break beforehand...spoilt me!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 99.

    Thanks Debs, nice to be here :)

    Moon's A Balloon is excelllent but my favourite book ever is Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

    As a tot I loved The Sky is Falling In, but having had my first chook death today, thinking about it wants to make me cry!

    It poured in Suffolk too earlier, just about the time we were digging a big hole for Elsie the chook!

  • Comment number 100.

    OMG Thunder - you are as old as me ! Radio C ????? with JW?


    Beez xx


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