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Sometimes trying to make friends ...

Chris Evans | 10:26 UK time, Wednesday, 24 June 2009

... just isn't worth it.

This whole thing with Iran - I just don't get it. They don't want us there so why don't we leave - our embassy looks like a fortress anyhow ! We all know when we're not wanted - I know I've been there often enough before. We should just accept that this is one we're not going to win and call it a day.

This may sound a little simplistic but honestly I don't see the point. And I still don't understand what the heck we have achieved in Iraq except for spending billions of dollars and causing the deaths of hundreds of British service men and women for no apparent reason other than to bring about the execution of a stupid man in a grey suit.

If it's about saving thousands of other lives in exchange then why didn't we just spend all the money on aid to the poor but peaceful countries, where millions of people suffer unimaginable hardships that are no more than a business class plane ride away.

Have a nice day in the sunshine.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Ooooooer am I first??

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Lambie Pies

    Making friends. Nice one.

    Reminds me of a delightful 9 year old on holiday recently. An only child, like myself, she latched on to every kid around that pool and on the beach, regardless of age, colour or creed.

    My hubby thought it odd. I pointed out that as an only child, its a case of make friends or be lonely.

    She truly was a delight to observe, and we shared a few shandy's with her parents over various evenings too.

    That little 9 year old girl could teach the grown up numpties of this weird world a thing or three!

    Have a good day. See you at 5.05.

    Deevski Spice
    x x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning CLP
    All I can say is 'hear, hear' bring our boys and girls home to their families
    Lovely day once again
    See ya later bloggers
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    I Agree. it just dosen;t seem worth it does it? But democracy is a wonderful thing ....... and we want everyone to try it, a bit like your mum trying to encourage you to eat your greens when you were little, but she didn't give up.... did she?

  • Comment number 5.

    Well said Christoph!

    Wall to wall here again, gentle breeze, long may it last.


    Pen xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Sometimes, CLP, it sounds simple cos it is!

    Trouble is, there are so many ulterior motives for governments to behave the way they do, I don't think acting in the best interests of the majority counts for much - maybe I'm too cynical.

    Anyway, enjoy the peace, the freedom and the sunshine everyone!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    ...ah, Christophe, I heard this on the news earlier...and the great Gordie has chucked two Iranians out of their embassy here...tit for tat.

    My dad's bigger than your dad.

    Makes me sick. Get the boys out, then my cousin won't have to keep going back there and frightening the living daylights out of my Aunt and Uncle.

    Anyhoo, Chez, there were kids like that where we were too...fair warms the cockles it does, to see these little mites, who can't even understand each other, getting on so well...

    I never voted for him

  • Comment number 8.

    ...and of course I'd just added this over the page, and thought it'd be a shame for anyone to miss it...and I thought of sunnink else to add too...

    My mate Deej got some fitflops last year, now she has thighs like Geoff Capes. Nuff said.

    I think I must be being Cinnamon Spice today...mainly cuz I'm all lovely and brown and very VEry tasty...and smelling turtley edible dah-link...also cinnamon is a bark, which is def worse than my bite...

    ...and the only pith I've got ith on my Orinjth...
    thinnamon thpithe

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi CLP and fellow bloggers

    I don't know that i agree with you Chris... you see if you spot a child being really naughty... is it right not to invervene and leave them to continue with their erroneous ways... or try and put them on the right track... perhaps this is a simplistic view but i do feel we should always try and show the right way even if no notice is taken... at least an effort has been made!

    Ju xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Absolutely Christoff. It's that simple.

    The problem is-and I refer to my previous missive- is that the people who hold the reins seem to be intent upon steering round the houses to justify the fare. Seems they all need moral SatNav.

    However. Hindsight is a marvellous thing, and whereas I abhor war and aggression in any form, the said stupid man had us all believing he had his finger on the button, and gave old Dubya the excuse he needed to play Rawhide and resolve some old tribal issues. And that's where it all went wrong.

    I just get enormously frustrated that the people at the epicentre seem unable to learn lessons. Mistakes get made; it's the sign of superior intelligence that you learn from them and move on. But we've allowed the people in power to focus on blame, or more accurately, how to deflect it. As much as I've been loving all this s***e hitting he fan over the expenses of the politicians, we SO need to move on now and re-focus on what's urgent. Which is that people the world over are suffering.

    After all, it's projecting problems elsewhere, not listening and being wrongly focussed that brought about 9/11 in the first place.

    So there. If only everybody in the world knew EVERYthing like I do.



  • Comment number 11.

    Morning all - hot sunny and I wish I was somewhere else!!!

    Ah well - totally agree Christoph - waste of space really.

    LaLove - I heard about those fitflops expanding a few muscles !!! (and I don't think anybody voted did they)?

    Saying that woo hoo!!! my pink flip flops just arrived!!

    Killer Heels Spice/Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Chris

    Totally agree with you, you can't help those that don't want to be helped.

    If we're there to help the oppressed why don't we go into Zimbabwe? Easy they haven't got oil!

    Have good one all, cleaning the house like a mad person ready for the off. What's the weather going to be like in the East Midlands at the week-end?


  • Comment number 13.

    Well said Clodagh !!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    MAW thunderstorms then sunny !! Have a good trip.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Here here Clodagh

    now here's the thing - I have just been out a harvesting my loverly sweet peas and seen the first signs of the dreaded GREENFLY making themselves cosily at home

    oh no

    not on my sweet peas ya dont!

    So lovely blog peeps - need a plan of attack - somewhere in the back of my mind I'm sure I heard that spraying them with washing up liquid does the trick????

    All gardening tips re the above gladly accepted


  • Comment number 16.

    pees ess - thats tips about sweet peas not war in my garden......

    although on second thoughts......

    Watch out GREENFLY!

  • Comment number 17.

    Here here CLP, makes you mad doesn't it!

    Debs - Yes, get a garden or ironing spray with some washing up liquid (same proportion as for washing up), works a treat on roses too, and makes their leaves all shiny!

    JG x

  • Comment number 18.


    Stop right there.

    I'll send Renee round without delay with the perfume. She's had the leeches applied now and has had her cuppa so she's amidst a right sugar-rush.

    Make My Day, cheeky greenfly. They'll be on their backs cross-eyed and shoutin' Uncle in no time.


  • Comment number 19.

    Morning all

    MaW - you got in one - it's all about oil!

    With weather like this it should all be about sun oil!

  • Comment number 20.

    MaW. Now there's another story. Don't get THAT one at all.


  • Comment number 21.

    I meant to say Hear hear, not that I don't get your point as it sounded.


  • Comment number 22.

    CLP- I made the very same comment to my Mum yesterday!

    They don't want us there and we're trying to tell them that their way of life is wrong... we wouldn't be so happy if someone came here and tried to do the same.

    There has been far too much waste of human life in the conflicts over oil and you'd think we'd have learned by now... seems not!!!

    & the bump
    (aka baby((bump))-spice)

  • Comment number 23.


    Thanks for the weather update, will pack brolly and sun screen.

    Thought I'd be mixed Spice, seeing as I'm in a mixed marriage - me being Welsh and DH being english.


  • Comment number 24.


    Morning Chris - here's a first.....I'm giving this one a hooj swerve, except to say that I sympathise more with what Ju_Julie said.

    Opinions eh! Where would we be without them?

    Morning to the rest of the gang,

    got to the airport early thinking I would try and grab an earlier flight home, only to be told that it would cost me 200 squid to change it.......a full 155 squid more than the original cost me.

    Even I'm not that daft!

    I'm gonna learn em a lesson though......I've hopped onto their free wireless network and am going to get loads of you toob vids running until I've run up about 200 yooro's worth of jiggybites.........

    Yours, bored of Cork airport



  • Comment number 25.

    Hiya Rips

    Just leaving to go and see blur - will report back tomorrow

    Kinky boots spice

  • Comment number 26.

    Morning All,

    Did try and catch up last night, but the Boy had other ideas............I didn't know I could be pulled off a chair by a toddler, but I can!!!!

    Chris - I agree, and yes sometimes it really is that simple..............

    Lyndy, you said what I was going to, so I won't!!

    better go look like I'm working.....


  • Comment number 27.

    Hahahahaha Rips - you is a genius, no mistaking!

    Just make sure your plane home doens't have an outside toilet .....

    I love a good jiggybite, me!


    Deevster Spice
    x x xx

  • Comment number 28.




    x x x x

  • Comment number 29.

    Good one Rips - that's the second time I've grinned this morning !!!

    KH Spice/Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Hi Superbeep,

    Try and remember you're soon to be a married superbeep, when you get hold of Damon!

    Haha - enjoy



  • Comment number 31.


    LAdy Boss gawn aht.

    Music turned up!

    Lovin' it!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 32.

    Have a good one Bagpuss!!!!

    Lucky you Deevs - wish I was on my own at mo !!!!

    KHS/Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 33.


    Dancing round the office, barefoot, to The Foo Fighters.

    Fab-u-lous dahlinks!!!

    Co-incidence tho Beezer, wishing I was somewhere else too at this very moment.

    Waffling on .... !!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 34.

    Crikey Deev,

    I can hear it from here!

    Not Showaddywaddy again!!!!



  • Comment number 35.

    Doh.....not quick enough.....story of my life!

  • Comment number 36.


    If yous is bored an' feelin' like Percy Throwup yous could always go an' sort out that terrible topiary aeroplane on the airport roundabout. Baldy topiary is so not a good look and frankly, doesn't inspire confidence in Aer Fungus.


  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon Bloogers and schloggers,

    Chris, is it worth it emphatically no!

    The problem with the way both Governments spout off in the media that fuels racial hatred and give the radicals on both side more ammunition to hate (dont like this word) each other even more. I say pull out of there and leave them to it.... do we need them here .....no, so pack your bags and go home diplomats of nations who do not consider us to be friends. And likewise bring our diplomats home from countries that we are not welcome in. Simple!

    As for our soldiers, I would suggest that am closer than most on here regarding to the goings on in Afghanistan and Iraq due to my work. There are times when I dread my phone ringing as the result for me can be truly awful not only for me but even more so for the families involved. Nuff said :-((

    Whilst our troops are doing what they have been trained to do (and for the most part enjoy doing) it is so very hard for the families left behind to worry for loved ones.

    I think it is fair to say that most of the UK population do not agree with the war as it should not be our fight. In my opinion we are there solely for politically motivated reasons and not necessarily in the best interest on the people on the street here. I say let them sort it out themselves even if it is hard to stand by and watch.

    Give me the billions that have been spent ad I am sure even I could find better ways of spending it! ;-))

    Right off my soap box. ;-)

    Keep smiling

    The NotSoBigUn

    P.S this time tomorrow I will be in Glastonbury for the weekend! WOOP!!

  • Comment number 38.

    Is that what that is Clodagh?

    Oh dear!

    This may get me in trouble, but what's new?

    Sat/sitting here isn't the worst thing I've ever had to do.....I don't know what they put in the water in this part of the world (well that's not strictly true, and I have the beer gut to prove it) but I have plenty to occupy my beady eyes.

    Just listening to PMQ's and am glad to see that Mr Berk-Oh (as he is known locally?as a neighbouring MP) is as bad as I thought he'd be.
    Demanding order when it gets rowdy, unless he happens to enjoy the joke aswell....numskull!



  • Comment number 39.

    JG - I'll give it a go

    Clodagh - bit scared of Renee! can we just have her on 'stand-by' if Plan A doesnt work!

    Killer Heels Spice - your pandemic of swineflu has been recognised on JV at last! STAY IN YOUR SHED!

    back later!
    saucy spice debs

    pee ess - MAW - loving you being Mixed Spice!

  • Comment number 40.

    Keef, Glastonbury. Really. You?

    You aul' hippy...just out to spread some peas and

    MaW...Zimbabwe...a whole other can of worms...which also makes me seethe...spot on hon!

  • Comment number 41.

    afternoon all, hope you're well?

    big cheese - totally agree with your posting - however - JuJulie has a v good point too, so I'm gonna go get some splinters in me tushee and sit on the fence.
    Keith - those calls must be horrendous to take.
    Also I do wonder why neither of out PM's during all of this have never attended a funeral of a lost fighter???
    Way too heavy a subject to delve ito today really. Just doesn't make sense all round to me!

    In other news...

    ...the sun's deffo stopped flirting here in Norfolk and has come in for a full-on affair...glorious weather over in the east.

    bonnet de douche


    er, gingerspice I guess?

  • Comment number 42.

    ...and Debs, speaking of peas, ladybirdies eat green fly...dunno if they've landed in your part of the world yet, but there appear to be quite a few in Brighton...

    Maybe they've decided to eat seagulls instead?

    I'll send some your way, and the dubya up liquid sounds like a plan, although I don't know if it would put off the wee beedles too mate...

    (thinnamon thpithe)

  • Comment number 43.

    Ginger Spice!

    The sun is stretching reet from your neck o'the woods in Narfalk, reet darn to my ickle corner of Essex in Coooooooolchester!

    It's looking like a beautiful day!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 44.

    Join me on the fence Gingembre,

    Keith enjoy Glasto - very jealous.
    I'm not sure what your line of work is but agree with you regards the worrying....having grown up in an RAF family and having to cope with my Dad going to both the Falklands and the Gulf for 6 month stretches, I understand what those families go through.....being the oldest one of seven I also wonder quite how my Mum coped.
    Although, looking at her nowadays....I'm not that sure she did.

    Ho Hum......


  • Comment number 45.

    Cinnamon Spice/laLove - send your ladybirds up to me - not the ones wot bite though - smothered in greenfly here !

    KHS/Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Outside toilet - Deev Ha!

    Reminds me in a very loose way of a time I was up at Coombe Hill (my favourite place on planet earth) with some friends.

    The Gliders were being towed up from Halton, right over our heads.

    As the first one went over still attached, I said....Ooh, that ones broken down, one of our friends, completely seriously replied....well it might be a learner!!!!

    Still hasn't lived it down.


  • Comment number 47.

    Dear Auntie Beeb

    I love you, yo know I do. I pay my licence fee faithfully and enjoy many of your fine shows.

    But please ...

    LET IT GO!!!!

    Deevster, rather angry
    x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Chris, you are so right. Why do we waste so much time, money, energy and life in being distructive when if all that was used to be constructive what a better place the world would be.
    One other thing ........
    Chris Evans for Prime Minister!!

  • Comment number 49.


    It must have been very hard for you coping with your father being away and seeing your Mum trying to keep the family going.

    My heart goes out to everyone who've got serving family members in the forces.

    Just cleaned out my fridge so that I don't come back to anything green and festering. All I've got left in there now is a box of wine....... wonder what's for dinner.


  • Comment number 50.

    Did anyone see the James Nebitt programme last week about Iraq? I can't pretend to have understood all of it but it was bloody good telly and just shows you that nothing is simple, nothing is at it seems, just lots of different people with different agendas doing their own thing.

    Love & peace man.

    MV x

  • Comment number 51.

    ...Deev, def agree...and there is far worserer stuff on telly with 'language' etc...now, I ain't a prude, but some of the programmes are just vile with the use of it...

    All you gotta do is watch sunnink like the Sweeney or similar (which I reckon if it was re-made these days would be full of spleetivs), or any of the older non-swearing programmes, to realise that it really isn't necessary most of the time!

    ...and the c word isn't necessary at all...

    Christophe, all I wish for, for your wee boy, is that he grows up in a peaceful happy world...and I wish that for everyone...at the risk of sounding far too gushy and luvvy-darling for my own good...

    (:l:) is the best I can do at short notice Bees!

  • Comment number 52.


    Sitting here blubbing thanks to you ......

    YouToob'd your ARF from last week - Lonestar - and now listening.


    x x x

  • Comment number 53.

    Sorry Deevs - didn't want to make you cry but you do agree don't you why we said what we said?

    Nice one lalove - that will do for now. Just walked up the garden and got covered in the pesky things. Have we got a greenfly invasion?

    Beezer xxx

    Atishoooooooooooooooooooooo from the West Mids xxx Best get the flu out the way A Debs before winter takes hold !!!

  • Comment number 54.


    Yes! And smiling as a result!

    x x x

  • Comment number 55.

    Well hello there strangers! Please excuse my abscence - lack of sleep, immensly busy at work, troublesome foals, and retained glubby bits (mares - defo not mine!) have all taken their toll recently!

    For an up date on the names so far (as far as i can remember!):

    Oompalumpa (CPR assisted Foaling - yup mouth to mouth and ah thin!)
    Omega (Mare's eighth foal)
    Ooni (Foal with Wry nose)
    O'Haara (MY MARE'S :-} born in thick NE fog)

    and my brain fails me on the others. Only 3 to go now!

    Piccies of O'Haara are on the other side.

    As for the "situations" overseas - tell them once, then let them deal with their own Sh*te - but don't come crying to us when it all goes T*ts up!


  • Comment number 56.


    Much as having a couple of hours sitting in the garden in the sunshine is fab I'm now sneezing like a sneezy thing! Not complaining you understand... wouldn't complain about such a gawjus day ever!!!

    Booboo has taken to lying on the conservatory tiled floor in the shade (clever bear!) and the shaded parts of the lawn.

    I'm taking myself off for a swim a bit later but in the meantime and in true Wimbledon tradition...

    Anyone for strawberries and cream?

    New balls please!


    baby(bump) -spice

  • Comment number 57.

    Has anyone else noticed a high level of white fluffy stuff in the air? It looked like it was snowing here earlier! (No, I haven't been drinking)!

    Anyone any ideas what it is?

    JG x

  • Comment number 58.

    BabyBump Spice

    Will pass on the strawbs, on account of the fact that I've just had a scone, with butter and home-made strawberry jam thereon.

    Twas luverly!!

    JG - not fluffy stuff, no, but we are inundated with flaming greenfly in Stanglia this summer. Grrrrrrrrr !! ! ! !

    Dooks!! Howdie!!! Is there an Ophelia in the offing?

    Oooh - btw gang - Hugh / River Cottage tonight - Ch4 8pm .... Strawberry Fayre.

    Let's see if he does Strawberry Wine like wot Mr Deev does!

    Deevster Spice
    x x x x

  • Comment number 59.

    Stuck in Cork airport! You have my sympathies. Not the most exciting place in the world.


  • Comment number 60.

    Me please Lyndy spicey baby bump. Loadsa cream please!!

    JG - nah we've just got the invasion of greenfly like Deevster spice. Can't really spray myself with washing up liquid tho' can I?

    KHS/Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Afternoon Thunderspice - long time no blog. You got the greenfly invasion down the road a way from me?

    KHS/Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Best way to deal with aphids is to buy ladybird and/or lacewing larvae - gets rid of your infestations and increase the numbers of native beasties!

    Am going to be on the lookout for some at the Royal Highland Show this weekend (I can go now mare has foaled!) failing that you can buy them from t'internet!


  • Comment number 63.


    that might appeal to someone. somewhere!


    Deevster Spice

    x x x x

  • Comment number 64.

    What's all that nonsense I've just heard on SW.

    You're more likely to get a favourable response from a chap if you talk into 'is right ear, because of the brain chemistry of the average chap.

    What a load a tosh. Brain Chemistry indeed. It's not that at all.

    Everyone knows it's because most women are right-handed.

    To cite the example of my dearly beloved friend Craig from Barnsley. He who can accurately pin-point any woman's bra size purely by weight. You HAVE to talk into his right ear, owing to the tinnitus in 'is left after he correctly guaged mine from behind and without prior authorisation.

    See. Point proven. No pun intended.


  • Comment number 65.


    I've been up to the Big Smoke this morning for a meeting, so just caught up on the blog.

    Chris, if only it was a simple as them coming home, but as has been said I fear that it's got more to do with oil than anything else. Well said though xx

    I've got greenfly on my geraniumns (sp!) and they are three floors up on a balcony, so I guess the little blighters fly high.

    Lovely day in Kent, bit breezey bit it cools it down a bit.

    AliB - Sneezy Spice (you should have heard me I just did 8 in a row, very loudly!!!)


    P.S. Happy Hump Day

  • Comment number 66.

    Clodagh - I nearly blew coffee out of my nose....thanks for that!

    C from B, obviously doesn't know you so well if he expected a positive outcome from that effort!

    Flight delayed - Quel surprise!!

    Hi Thunder - bang on sir.


  • Comment number 67.

    Rips, are you flying with those so-and-so's who offer you cheap flights then charge you up the wazoo for everything except the seat (I reckon soon enough they'll be charging if you want a seatbelt - or have I just given someone an idea...). If so, what possessed you to think they'd move you to another flight for less than the cost of a five bedroom mansion in Kent??? That'll be the porter, eh...

    Not much to say, all, had a very draining day - strange how having nothing to do can make you so tired... Nearly home time anyway, then off for drinkies (well, just the one, I'm driving) with a friend so she can offload about her (and my) current employer.

    Have a lovely evening all.

    AF xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Bloody hell Rips my little puff adder, you're not still stuck in t' airport are you?

    Blimey that comes under the category of Beyond The Call Of Duty surely. What a shame though. You could have spent a lovely day in Cork; it's not completely wall-to-wall eejits really you know, there are some great little bars and coffee shops, and, of course, you coulda mooched around Brown Thomas for summat gargeous for the missus.

    Anyway I'll shrup, that's not helpful is it. Like when you stop to ask directions (which I usually belligerently refuse to do by the way), and you get some daft old bat who says, "Ah, well, see... I wouldn't start from here...." grrr.

    Actually, speaking of Craig, as we were en route back to Dublin airport after his latest jaunt a couple weeks ago, we took a short-cut and ended up rowing, as Craig didn't believe I knew where we were going. "See." He boomed. "Pull up 'ere. Al ask these twou women. EXCUSE ME LOOV," .. the two looked startled. "Is this t' reet way to t' airport?"

    "Ah Jaysus." looking at each other as if he'd asked 'em the Swahili for Psychiatry.

    "You want ta get off dis road, Jaysus what ja tink, Breeda? Tell yous wha. Go up to de top and torn dat way (pointing left) ..right? Den when you see Murphy's Bar, torn right at de lights before yous get there. Right?.."

    Craig shut the window and said not another word till we spotted a Ryanair jet overhead and simply followed that.

    And yet another example of what happens when you talk to a chap's left ear. It goes in, turns to shrapnel and exits via his gob.


  • Comment number 69.

    Hi AF,

    Air Fungus, aren't too bad, we went away last year with Ryan air and were told that the two bags (instead of four, as four of us were travelling) we had decided to take were over the weight limit, but there would be no charge.
    No charge until we came home and found that they were willing to charge us 200 squid going the other way.....

    If we'd known - we would have bought new bags on the way out!

    They don't wear masks either!


  • Comment number 70.

    Aww Rips

    I can think of better places to spend a day out!!

    Clodagh, you've put me in mind of Billy Connelly describing the Liverpool ring-road - when he asked for directions, he was told "you can't get there from here"!

    JG x

  • Comment number 71.

    Hope you enjoyed the strawbs KH-Spice mine were delish!!

    Now Mum has just gone off down the road to find a nice man to hang me some hanging basket brackets above me two outside toilets full of flars!! She seems to have a knack of finding friends hubbys who she's no doubt been told have far too much time on their hands and getting them to help me out. She really is a superstar (for me) though would never dream of asking for help with anything for herself.



  • Comment number 72.

    Clodagh - I did find my way into Brown Thomas - they seem to own half of the buildings on the high st....I went in the main front doors and came out somewhere near Dublin!

    I discovered a lot of those bars last night!
    Lovely people aswell, I also discovered this morning that I have a Cousin Frank here, who I'll have to look up next week on my return.

    Bloody good job that plane was landing though eh!
    They'd still be trying to pull you out of the Irish sea now!



  • Comment number 73.

    Another screen tea-splashing moment! (Well if I'd been drinking tea of course) Made me lol in the middle of the office tho'
    Sniggering Puff

  • Comment number 74.

    What's all this about treats for the CMM......what could I get the woman who has everything.......I suppose I could stay away a couple more nights!!!



  • Comment number 75.

    Ah don't get me goin', Rips.

    At least you knew where you were with Dick Turpin. Your Money Or Your Life was a simple choice. And a bit a horsemuck on the roads wasn't such a threat to the old Ozone Layer.

    The amount of time I've spent warning my little gang about the pitfalls of booking Ryanair; nowadays I just book their tickets myself. It's less traumatic.

    The best thing, though, is when you do manage to navigate the system and get the cheap flight, dodge the taxes, baggage charges, unnecessary insurance, etc., and then they charge you a fee for using your card. Debit card that is. And that's ok I suppose; but how the robbin' so and so's justify charging you the fee EACH WAY when it's only one transaction.... ???? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Jaysus am off for a Mivvi.

    Stay safe.


  • Comment number 76.

    Ello CLP And ALL.....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - Ave just goot back from London and a wanted ter wreet about certain areas of me experience on the blog and INDEED ter address the issue of astrology 'truth init or no truth init' az there are doubters in the area..... but ave goot a choice.... do a spend 40 mins wreeting a detailed blog or go out on me cycle inter the sunshine ter..... cycle!!!!!!!!!!!

    For once..... ave gotta put the sun first...... and a waz gonna quickly wreet.........

    But a can't az your very interesting and thought provoking blog 'as thrown me!!!!!!

    Yer know what am like on politics...... but..... it's sun first..... am gonna be selfish for once........ but all a will say iz a agree totally with all you wreet CLP!!!!!!!

    Shame we can't just live tergether in peace on this world...... but we just can't can we..... sadly!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ter add...... actuallly this iz turning inter a long blog..... am off!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ave goot so much ter wreet on the blog from going weeks/ months back..... a just never get the time or chance ter wreet it all!!!!!!!

    Might try later or termozza with some of my thoughts!!!!!!!

    Finally..... CLP..... why can't politicians ave your line of thoughts..... or actually Obama does.... but az for Blair and Brown..... I think they are good people, mean well but are very weak and naive individuals who easily get corrupted/ persueded by others!!!!!!!!

    GOURANGA 09!!!!!!!!

    PS Of course i''l be taking,on me cycle ride inter the sun, me personal stereo ter listen ter Wrightie/ Drivetime!!!!!!!

    Off on the beautiful Wirral Way (old railway line turned inter a beautiful cycle track/ footpath running from West Kirby ter 'ooton and INDEED past Thuthaston/ Irby..... two very well known old 'aunts of Jono S.... a now, sorry know, az 'e told me!!!!!!)


  • Comment number 77.

    #76 - My goodness..... why does it always trun inter a DAMN long blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 78.

    Turn noot trun!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 79.

    Hi Beez
    Busy at work and was away in France last week with the family playing golf and drinking beer.

    Didnt send the greenfly. I think they came from your direction.

    Rips. I hope you have escape the confines of the airport.


  • Comment number 80.

    Maybe 'He' has sent a swarm of greenfly because 'He' is fresh out of locusts?

    ...which apparently are nice deep fried, albeit a bit on the crunchy side...

    You'd be hard pushed to deep fry a green fly though.

    Or try to fry a fruit fly.

    Today's tongue twister
    see you later

  • Comment number 81.

    We've got greenfies galore herem and many other colours and sizes too, with one thing in common: they all like to either a)fly in a demented circle above my head or b) bite me. Flies love me, despite my rigorous hygiene and fragrant demeanour.

    A x

    Can I be Foxy Spice?

  • Comment number 82.

    We've got greenfly too, but the washing up liquid does help the plants. No bees or wasps though, as Finlay seems to have eaten them all!

    Am hiding indoors at the moment, as loads of people cutting lawns at the moment, and I'm sneezing like mad! Need to do mine too, but can't face it today.....Mr JG doesn't do lawns!!

    Oh, and I know our lawn is full of horseflies, which I'm very allergic too, and it's far too hot for long trousers and long sleeves!!

    Rips, hope you're on the plane by now?

    JG x (thinking of more excuses)!!

    PS Not sure about topless spice, don't wan to scare off the neighbours lol

  • Comment number 83.

    Therein lies your problem. You smell too nice.
    They dont bite smelly people.

    ...and Jakeygirl what do you mean Mr JG doesn't do lawns. If I tried that on here I know exactly what Mrs T would say and it wouldnt be pleasant!!

    P.S. Let's hope Rips has managed to escape

  • Comment number 84.

    Actually Thunder, have done an excellent deal with Mr JG, if I clear up after the dog tonight (done) he will cut the lawn tomorrow!

    Now as I would have had to do both, I think that's a brilliant deal!! LOL

    AND, he will still have to do the s**t job tomorrow too....LMAO

    And he thinks he's clever!!

    Happy JG x

  • Comment number 85.

    That's it then JG / Thunder / Boleyn and all else swamped by the greenfly swarm.
    Wet Tshirt contest with w up liquid.

    Thunder - lots of to ing and fro ing to France on this ere blog!! MAW coming back for visit - you on hols, Puff off to live - anyone else?

    Good one Foxy Spice !!

    Smart move JG !!

    Beezer xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Evening all,

    We have loads of green fly too, disgusting things . get everywhere.

    Have just got my laptop back from the repair shop today. Now, thought i would be clever and password protect some confidential stuff, before leaving at the shop. As it has been 12 days since i last used it, I have no idea what the password was that i used. Driving myself nuts trying to hack into my own spreadsheets ;-(((((

    Must be thick spice for me !!!!!!!!!

    MC xx

  • Comment number 87.

    Woohoo! thanks all for the concern, but I'm home.
    Should be a laugh next week as I intend to take the beast over with some of the more specialist materials.
    Can't afford to buy them over there, massive price difference.

    Anyone up for a road trip?

    Kids cuddled, storied and in bed!

    Forgot however that I am now a Tennis widow for two weeks, so I'm off to water the garden!




  • Comment number 88.

    MC - I do exactly the same thing and never learn!

    JG - Good work

    Thunder - You lucky so and so!


  • Comment number 89.

    Hi Rips,

    Glad you made it back in one piece.

    i usually have one password that i use , but i can almost "see myself" typing in a new one , and thinking " ooh the bloke in the shop will never guess that " ...............

    MC x

    Gorgeous day up north

  • Comment number 90.

    Evening each

    Chris, so profound, but so simple, eh? Why does no-one listen to us? The Save the Children website is worth looking at, although it's heartbreaking.

    Hi all. Went over the rickety rackety bridge this morning in thick fog and returned this evening in glorious sunshine. Have spent the day helping a voluntary organisation to raise money, then the local Heritage Centre with the 4 yr old (used to be the 3 yr old), racing tractors, playing on the wooden train etc.......


  • Comment number 91.

    I am the happiest blogger in blogsville.


    Ripstickles, glad you're home hon!

    Watching hugh on Ch4 ..... isn't he wonderful!

    happy blogger spice!
    x x x

    or spicey happy blogger!
    x x x x

  • Comment number 92.

    Me too Deev.

    Anne, aka stupid spice. Went to buy ground nutmeg the other day for a recipe and returned with ground cinnamon, which I already had! Senior moment!!!!!!


  • Comment number 93.

    Hi Annie,

    My life is one big senior moment !!! i should have bought shares in the post it note company , ..............


  • Comment number 94.

    Woooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooo

    15 minutes til Blur on stage.

    Baggy is in for the night of her life!

    Annie - not sure about geraniums in me strawberry jam!

    Bring on the squirty cream!

    x x x

  • Comment number 95.

    Hiya Deevs

    You still got some of that cream left ?????? or is that a new supply ;-))x


  • Comment number 96.

    Hi MC and Deev.

    Geraniums???? in the jam??



  • Comment number 97.

    PS: MC, I use post-its and the reminder on my phone. And I still forget stuff.


    Reminder to self: Don't forget the oldest grandson from school tomorrow!!!!!!


  • Comment number 98.

    Mc - that'd be telling!!!


    Happy Happy Smiley Deevster
    x x x

  • Comment number 99.

    Ok Deevs , you secret is safe with me !!

    MC x

  • Comment number 100.

    yay i really wanna be 100! hope all you lubberly bloggers are well, not been on much lately but still have great time every day reading about ya escapades!

    love to CLP, family and everyone else xxx


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