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The Grob had me in tears over my morning cuppa.

Chris Evans | 09:59 UK time, Thursday, 23 April 2009

First things first...

...to fry my eggs nowadays, it's a frying pan as hot as you dare, half butter, half olive oil - very small amounts of each, in with the egg for no more than thirty seconds to brown the bum and the edges and then straight under the grill to finish off the top.

Any longer in the pan and the bum will be burnt, any less heat on top and the yoke will make you want to vom. By the way, the bigger the egg, the less tasty the yoke is what we're finding.

Alright so, how about Bruce on Hell's Kitchen last night - I'm sorry but I love this show. We were actually booked to go and eat there last night but couldn't at the last minute. What a proper man, what a speech, I think he should still win even though he's gone. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then I apologise but for those who do I just had to comment on The Great Grob.

Now Lynda must win - it's as simple as that.

Also what a schedulers nightmare last night. The three best shows on the telly all on at the same time -

The Apprentice, Grand Designs and Hells, I'm off to Media Guardian to see who scooped the 1st place. I'm guessing Sir Al.

Looks like another awesome day on planet earth, have a good one people.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP

    Fried eggs under the grill? Now there's a new one on me!

    Went with S'ralan in Deev Towers. Phil the Geordie Estate Agent - what a .. well, words kinda escape me but keep him in there for a few more weeks, purely on entertainment value!

    Are we ARFing?

    Or are we Hucklebucking??

    Deev xxxx

  • Comment number 2.

    where are the music lovers?

    there was a ninties song called huckleberry something by one of the ninties britpop bands - I really liked it but cannot rememver what it was called?

    any ideas?

    eggs under the grill? not sure about that - lovign duck eggs at the moment

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 3.

    Morning Christoff

    Fried eggs yummy, and deffo gotta have a brown bum and crispy edges, and most deffo gotta be flipped!

    Also gutted Bruce walked.

    ARF - with you Deev on the Hucklebuck, just love that tune. Takes me right back.

    Which is where I'll be after collecting gawjuss granddaughter from nusery.


    Penny x

    ps go Nicki


  • Comment number 4.

    Thanks Debs2.x
    After all I am not the one pulling them,no,I simply go around filling in those gummy gaps that they have left behind!Oh and by the way,I meet lots of lovely dentists,but when you're not the one sitting in the chair well how much more appealing they are.xxxx

  • Comment number 5.

    nusery?? LOL

    Thoughts are with you Deev


  • Comment number 6.

    Yes indeed hear hear Christoff re. The Grob. What a man. Another one for the list of Men of Me Dreams.

    Mind you I haven't watched it all back yet as I opted for The Apprentice, but flipped it over to take a quick peek and then simply left it on, didn't care what happened to the bird on the A. with the face like it's bin' on fire and they've put it out with the fryin' pan. Can't believe she survived to fight another day by the way, along with the horrid little weasel who thinks he looks like Gavin Henson. The pair of 'em the type I've dedicated my life thus far to avoidin'.

    Tobes, the offer of the cure for your toothache still stands by the way, see last post. Oo, Last Post. I hope it's not that bad.


  • Comment number 7.

    And the eggs. Hurrah.

    We like our eggs like we like our men don't we girls. Soft on top and with a nice brown bum.


  • Comment number 8.

    LOL Clodagh .... not sure Tobe would errr .... hmmmm "appreciate" your suggestion.

    But you never know!

    x x x

  • Comment number 9.

    And that reminds me ....... other books on bedside table for delectation at a later date in time:-

    Biogs on Dean Martin, Sammy Davies Jnr and Andy Taylor.

    Sorry - Sway just came on and it jolted my brain box!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 10.

    LOL Clogadh....

    Must admit I'm not really into the 'prentice or Hells kitchen, does that make me weird....

    Did have 'prentice on as I pootled round making tonights tea (very gawjus tom and mascapone pasta sauce, if I say so myself!) and all I can say is.......why oh why did they think a cereal called pants would be a good idea.........if they are the best young business minds around we're all in trouble!!


    P.s. fried eggs, best between two slices of bread with some bacon and brown sauce.....hungary now....


  • Comment number 11.

    How big is this bedside table??? You seem to have more books than my local mobile library!


  • Comment number 12.

    p.p.ps. My Boss seems to have gone AWOL this morning, anybody get any work that needs doing???


  • Comment number 13.

    Hi Chris,

    You do like your eggs, don't you?!

    Unfortunately I can't watch HK because MrS goes into a huff if I put it on - what a baby! And of course Wednesday means The Apprentice, no matter what.

    Might try and have a wee sneaky look at HK on the itv web page thingy.

    Clodagh: you are really on fire today - hilarious post on the previous blog!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    As I said, my dentist is cute (a lot), but as I leave I always tell him how I Hate him from the heart of my bottom and never want to see him again. He always replies 'but you know you'll have to' Smug g*t! - not really.

    And, I hate how he says, I see we are still drinking too much black coffee and red wine and smoking!!
    Is there too much???

    I have the missing/wearing enamel as well, apparently it's down to me being a bit too energetic on the brushing side of things - well, they don't feel right unless you've beaten the hell out of them do they.

    Af- thanks for reminding me I know it's Thurs, but in my book 'by the end of the week' Could be today who knows, thanks for crossing, if anything looks like it's about to drop off uncross by all means.

    Deev, No wine elf here, but I'm convinced that once open evaporation can happen in the blink of an eye!

    Rips - how thick do look (very) I didn't see the punchline till way later - then I chortled. (computer still not very well, but hangin on in there)

  • Comment number 15.


    I pile 'em up high. Well, Arsenal bear and Stuart Little need somewhere to perch!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 16.

    ebbwbeth - i have lots of work - how good are you at analysing accounts? posting journals? solving out of balances?

  • Comment number 17.

    Ah tanks Chrissie. xx

    Now I really must get on. I've still to do the final tweak on me case-study or I'll not get me diploma; every time I start, I find Just Something Else I Have To Do... typical? That's why hats off to Christoff. Writing at home takes some discipline and cast-iron concentration.

    I must say though. What eejit decided it would be a good idea to include a Pie-Chart in a thesis on Eating Disorders.


  • Comment number 18.

    Brucey Grobbelaar,
    Brucey Grobbelaaaaar in our goal!


  • Comment number 19.

    SPB..........may be a bit beyond me I'm afraid, can only just manage my own accounts, let alone anyone else's!

    Oh, the wanderer doth return - let the fun begin............


  • Comment number 20.

    Morning all - how late am I - very !!! Lovely sunny day though and the birds have their megaphones on full tilt here.

    DSMN and Copa banana Deevs xxxx :) :)
    Her name was Lola :)

    No more talk of dentists - got to put up with ouchy tooth until Monday - and when he sees me - all hell is going to break loose - not been for over 12 months and loads of stuff needs doing (re-doing) - wish he would stop saying - well they are hanging on aren't they!!!!!

    Just to be different - watched Clooney film last night on beeb 3 - can't resist him munch munch - not HK - who went????

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Chris - you should be IN HK if you are coming up with novel ways to fry an egg, not just eating there - how fun would it be if you and Tash popped up on our telebox when we weren't expecting it - that would cause a stir on the blog!

    clodagh - again LOL about men with brown bums!

    I was sralan girl last night but have HK on telebox so will go and watch the legend what is Brucey

    See ya later alls

    PS fried egg butty for lunch me thinks.....

  • Comment number 22.

    Good morning...............just about. Anyone remember me?

    I have a note for absence in my pocket somewhere.....it's probably covered in choclit and fluff though!

    First of all - commiserations to Deev and anyone else who's missing a loved one, worried about possibly losing a loved one or feeling ill themselves today. We have an anniversary coming up soon that will be hard for many in the family and I for one will be glad when it is behind us.

    Hope Nicki gets good news job-wise. I'm in the midst of doing job applications myself at the mo - my present work is on a contract and the end date has suddenly become all-too close for comfort! Hate doing them and trying to convince people why I'm so great and they really do want to employ me - especially when I start to doubt it myself!

    As for TV, I don't watch HK and can't be bothered with the Apprentice this year - the last couple of lots were so awful they make me despair for the future of the country! God help us all if they get into positions of power...........

    So we went out last night instead for Italian food and then had a good time at a gig. Which brings me neatly round to ARF................

    Dearest CLP - I know you like the Saw Doctors. So please try to persuade your producer to do something a bit different this week and start with something upbeat from them tomorrow -

    Joyce Country Ceilidh Band is my suggestion but anything lively will do!

    Pretty please...............

    Back to those application forms now.

    df x

  • Comment number 23.

    Where the music plays until tomorrow night......HUCKLEBERRY GROVE!

    Ocean Colour Scene - Quality record.

  • Comment number 24.

    McSweenytodd - thanks - you rock - that is excalty what i was thinking off!

  • Comment number 25.


    Do The Hucklebuck - Coast To Coast

    Just because.

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 26.

    Hello everyone out there

    Not sure about putting eggs under the grill - goes against anything ever learnt by St Delia et al. Talking of eggs - I buy mine at the local WI (Wild Indians). Free range, cheep (no pun intended) and as fresh as a daisy. They also sell Duck eggs (yum & good for baking) and Goosey gander eggs sometimes too!

    Sunny again this morning which doesn't help the boredom here at the office - much rather be in the garden 'pricking out'.

    Poorly tooffy peggs! Ouch! Hope you all get pain free/sorted soon.

    Keep smiling everyone who maybe going through a tough time of it. Trying to do the same myself as mum's op gets closer.

    Back after a catch up.....


  • Comment number 27.

    I hope this isn't perceived as showing off or indeed geekish / stalker esque but Huckleberry Grove was in fact the 4th track from the You've Got It Bad single.

    This single actually had 3 B sides all of which are outstanding tracks; Robin Hood (track 2), I Wanna Stay Alive With You (track 3) & the aforementioned Huckleberry Grove (Track 4).

    This was one of my favourite ever singles from back in the good old days when I didn't suffer hang overs or have grown up work stress to contend with!

    I have never made a comment on the blog before but felt compelled to let everyone in on how good HBG is.

  • Comment number 28.

    Hellooooooooo! Quick dip.

    McSweenyTodd LOVE the name, even if I've got no idea what you're talking about !

    Fried eggs, never eat them in any guise. Everything about them is wrong. Maybe just bad experiences growing up.

    Now then, the Hucklebuck. It's in my head now and already driving me mad; what was it, you do the hucklebuck (X2) if you don't know how to do it ask your ?????? Who was it? Uncle Chuck? Or am I thinking of a different song?

    Bruce - what a man. I'm going off Ade though, he's still funny but moans about the others too much. He's not a "Team Player" (rather an overused phrase at the moment), he's obviously got his eye on the goal. And there really wasn't any need for all that swearing.

    Beez - 25th July - Yikes!

    A x

  • Comment number 29.

    Ain't nowt as tasty as a home grown egg.
    We, however, do have a surplus at the moment. Of about 40.

    Pretty sure it won't last as the oven has roasted its last potato, and hotted its last pot, so all meals are now hob based until we get a new one. Oh, but no toast, as the grill was combined. Shucks.

    ARF -

    The Bees - Chicken Payback.

    Seems kinda relevant somehow.


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 30.

    McSweeny: no, you don't sound as though you are showing off - I don't think I have ever heard Ocean Colour Scene, so I will check it out.

    But I know what you mean - sometimes I post something on here and then think .... I hope I don't sound like a Smart Alec!

    C xx

  • Comment number 31.

    boleyngirl: I thnk its "if you don't know how to do it, then you're out of luck".

    And then somewhere else he says "ask my baby sis".

    I'm off to check out the lyrics!

    Incidentally, happy St George's Day to our English cousins - Google has a really cute webpage today!

    C xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Sorry did someone mention eggs?!!!!

    Pullet eggs are by far the best IMHO. They are the chicken's first attempts at laying and come down the smallest grading shoot. They are just PACKED with flavour - our problem is that no one wants them - we have tried selling them for 50p 1/2 Doz - no takers - we have tried giving them away - taken but you can tell they really wanted the bigger ones!

    Duck eggs - fantastic! again once people have seen the "A**e Splitters" then they don't want the small ones.

    Goose eggs - Great demand for these but I think it is just for the novelty factor!

    Quail eggs - what is the point when a good pullet egg is available!

    Free Range always the way to go - that way the hen can eat it's natural diet including the bugs (hens - vegetarian? - my A**e!)

    For more information on eggs please feel free to ask!


  • Comment number 33.

    Hi Chris,
    I've been watching Hells Kitchen too and keeping an eye on the Restaurant table lights, I made for the show. 24 if I remember correctly.
    Enjoy the experience if you manage to go along. yoiu can see more of my hand blown glass at www.martinandrewsglass.com
    Commissions and enquiries always welcomed. Love the show

    Kind regards

    Martin Andrews

  • Comment number 34.


    I blame you 100%

    Now here's a dance you should know!
    When the lights are down low!
    Grab your baby
    then go!
    Do the Hucklebuck
    do the Hucklebuck

    If you don't know how to do it

    Then you're out of luck!
    Shove your baby in
    twist her all around

    Then you start a twisting mad and moving all around.
    Wiggle like a snake
    waddle like a duck

    That's what you do when you do the Hucklebuck.

    Deev x

  • Comment number 35.

    Do you grow your own eggs Chris? What makes an egg taste? Are you always as happy as you sound on the radio and blog? Can you give me/us the secret of how to be happy always, well most of the time? No that can’t be true, but you do have quite an enviable life. Do you have any more secrets up your sleeve?

    I’ve seen pictures of your white F40, the most brutal of Ferrari’s made cloaked in pure white, impressive! Now if your going for yellow, any Ferrari would do but how about a 250GT SWB?

    I’ve recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and was very impressed with the advise and support the NHS and my local health centre gave me for this, far more that you ever get for any mental health problem. Anyone else got Type 2?

    I`ve noticed a lot of tv game and chat shows with blue backgrounds, is this a seasonal thing or does blue have some significance with the viewer, take Countdown.

    I can recommend M&S tea bags and Nigella`s chilly jam on salmon - yum, yum.

    mj x

  • Comment number 36.

    Cheryl: thank you!


  • Comment number 37.

    Ocean colour Scene - didn't they do the River boat song? A good ditty regularly played on TFI if i'm not mistaken.

    On a muso slant - little kisses by the Duke specials (?) ....... heard them one O'leary's prog the other weekend and they played it live - fantastic - but I really don't like the studio version way too produced, much better in the raw.

    NME DUCK over and out


  • Comment number 38.

    Chez, that's not a dance, it's a cry for help!

    Cheers Chrissie!

    Offski, songs to sing...

    A x

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi Martin

    Good to see you mate!

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 40.

    MTV - the food a chicken eats makes the egg taste vary - a grass based diet is the best, in winter when the hens are less inclined to venture out you can add pelleted grass to their normal feed to restore the balance.

    Word of caution - DO NOT OVER FEED hens with leeks - onion flavoured eggs are not good! Personal experience after clearing out veg plot!


  • Comment number 41.

    OH MAN!
    Deevs - got that toon goin round in me heed now!!!!!

    OK Chris - ARF - do the hucklebuck for Deevski

  • Comment number 42.

    Pullet eggs sold at WI are usually a quid a tray - that gets them gone! Have you thought about selling via them or have I missed something.

    We would love to have hens ourselves - GD as a ickle girlie used to look after them on the farm in Devon we used to visit all the time.....great memories.

    Steffi x

  • Comment number 43.

    mcsweeney - not at all showing off - i asked on the blog as we are keen on our music here and I knew someone wouuld know and its been bothering me!

  • Comment number 44.

    Ohhh this is bugging me now! Which band's name was inspired by a character from Huckleberry Finn?

    It's on the tip of my tongue but......nope!


  • Comment number 45.

    steffi - our WI or SWRI (scottish Womens Rural Institute) draws its members from the local farming sorority most of whom have hens themselves!

    We have approx 200-300 up and coming hens at any one time so I think we would swamp the local market! There is after all only so many eggs you can eat without horrible side effects!


  • Comment number 46.

    Hi Cheryl, sorry I didn`t get around to returning your email some weeks back! Hope your well and in good spirits.

    Dookeggs, thanks for that info on eggs. What would you recommend to look for at the supermarket? Or should we always buy farmshop chicken eggs.

    mj x

  • Comment number 47.

    ARF: Arthur's Theme by Christopher Cross


  • Comment number 48.

    I'm doing ok thanks Martin, all things considering (see earlier blogs - just want to get today outta the way really!)

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi all,

    Thursday half gone already..

    Deev, love the ARF request, could we also ask CLP to give a big shout to all the London Marathon runners on Sunday.
    All doing it for such wonderful causes, and in lots of ways for people they have lost too . Thought it would be nice .........

    Hugs to everyone , keep smiling ....... ;-)))


  • Comment number 50.

    Hmmm MTV - egg purchases.......

    The truthfull answer is - It depends!

    A little farmgate producer i.e. the wee box at the end of the road with EGGS in big letters and an honesty box is. It would be doubtful if they are registered with appropriate agencys, and therefore would be "under the radar" when it came to inspections for welfare and hygeine. Your own common sense, trust and judgement should come in to play

    Mediums producers i.e. those who supply farm shops have to be registered and undergo inspections and must meet set requirements. Their eggs will be stamped with a farm ID code. If this starts with a 1 the eggs are free range -see the boxes for other code numbers. Decision made for you by authorities, true market price for the supplier

    Large producers - supermarket suppliers run on a very commercial basis - sheds holding 16,000 birds + will meet standards but having visited a few free range ones .... out of the 16,000 birds that had the option to go outside I think only 5,000 took it which meant the other 11,000 were no better than barn hens. Desicion made for you by authorities, supplier profit squeezed by supermarket for the benefit of your wallet (and theirs alledgedly!)

    Ohh ..... i feel all sensible and growed up now......let me just ruffle me feathers and dunk me head in water a few times......that's better! Where's my dunking gingers and a my mug of tea?


  • Comment number 51.

    ARF - how about Crazy - Gnarles Barclay -
    coz we are !!!

    MC xx ( strictly speaking about myself there folks, dont want to be done for slander .... )xx

  • Comment number 52.

    P.S. having read over my post re egg purchases I would like to add that we started out as the farm gate producer and are now a medium one but have NO intensions of becoming a Large one!

    Basically - Its up to you! Support the local economy if you can, think about the bird and health, balance principles with convenience and affordability!

    slurrrrrrp! Dunk! munch! Slurrrrp!

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi All,

    ARF: How's about Keep on Running by the Spencer Davis Group for all the marathon runners everywhere. Good Luck!!

    X Gail

  • Comment number 54.

    Oh and the novel wasn't Huckleberry Finn - it was instead To Kill a Mockingbird and the band was the Boo Radleys!

    many thanks to foogle!


  • Comment number 55.


    Stiff Little Fingers - Roots Radicals :-D a nice bit of punky reggae to start the w/e off would be great mefeels :)

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 56.

    ARF Talking Heads - road to nowhere !!
    MC x

  • Comment number 57.

    Christoph Lammy Pie! Aaaarrrggghhh!

    I'm a day behind Hell's Kitchen, watching on 'watch again'.

    I decided to visit your estimable website and blog for the first time in my life and now I know who was kicked out last night!

    And it's only one p.m. so I can't start Thirsty Thursday just yet!

    Loving the show, you're better than ever.

    Awrabest from Edinburgh.

  • Comment number 58.

    dookeggs - thast solved a mystrey for me - I thought you might mean the Tom sawyer band - but then had a look and think I might have invented them? Is the Tom Sawyer band a real group?

  • Comment number 59.

    ARF: One Step Beyond by Madness please CLP. Just cos I like it :-)

    L x

  • Comment number 60.

    My ARF:

    Should pick Hucklebery Grove but thats slow and not a great show starter so how about


    Happy together - the turtles - a song that always makes me think of Mr BP

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 61.


    Happy Thirsty Thursday Everyone,

    Bit late to the blog today, been a busy bee trying to do things this morning.

    What a lovely day, so much so that I decided to walk to work today. Always a good plan until it's time to go home, then I just want to get there and not have to walk for half an hour. Still I shall plug the ipod in and away I go.

    Dentist - mine is cute and I only see him once a year. I'd rather go to the dentist than have my hair cut, said that on here before. Although my hairdresser is great now.

    Deev - Big hugs Love xxx

    Tobes - Hope the pain eases off soon.

    Everyone else who is sad, suffering or just fed up - hang in there {{{{}}}}

    Oh and Debbie C - Great to see you pop up on here last night xxx

    Oh well best get on.


  • Comment number 62.

    ARF - Deep Blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffany's

    Oh having wee 90's flashback

    Dodgy, OCS, Boo Radleys, Cardigans, Rembrandts, Alisha's Attic, Lisa Loebe, Ace of Base, Voice of the Beehive,


    Shakespear's Sister - Stay

    Well it is his birthday today!


  • Comment number 63.


    If you don't play Do the Hucklebuck please can I have


    Tom Jones


    Penny x

  • Comment number 64.

    Oh, yes, how rude of me to pop in and not say hello to everyone! Hello!!

    I'm not so keen on the whole fried egg thing, just don't like the runny yolk - although CLP I wonder what grilling does to the yolk, you didn't say? My fave is egg mayonnaise. Oh yes. When the egg is still warm and with lots of black pepper mmm.

    Afaid I can't comment on HK or SrAlan, as I don't watch either. It does limit my inclusion in the office telly discussions, but I just can't be doing with reality shows. I like to escape with the tv (I'm loving The Mentalist and Brothers & Sisters at the moment).

    MC, my boss is running the London marathon on Sunday, after running the Rome one a few weeks ago, and before a half marathon in Yorkshire in a few weeks. Half of me thinks he's mad and the other half really admires him for it (he's 55 and I'm 35 and I couldn't run the length of myself). So yes, good luck to all.

    AF xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Oooh, who was it the other day talking about the lead actor in The Mentalist. Yeeeesssss, I would hehe. He used to be in another show playing a lawyer (maybe) who had done something wrong and was doing community service, they had him giving free legal advice in a shelter I think. Despite my vagueness, it was a great show!

    AF xx

  • Comment number 66.

    Well now here's a thing.

    Have just flirted out to the post office for Renee with real bad grace, cursing her because she WILL keep on disturbing me when I'm trying to concentrate, I'm growling away and thinking Bugger it, I'm NOT going out tonight to this damn Saint George's Day bash; too much to do, will never get finished, grrr grrrr grrumph grrr, bloody brother-outlaw, am going to tell him push off, grrr.....

    The full-on flesh-burning Martyrdom of Saint Clodagh.

    But then. Have just jumped in the car to hear Jezza Vine interviewing the fantastic David Sentamu, Archbishop of York, talking about how we should celebrate our English culture...and promptly playing Jerusalem.

    What a church-full of rugger-buggers all sang at the DDF's funeral. Not a dry seat in the house.

    Point made, dad. What was I saying.

    See yous all down the pub later.


  • Comment number 67.

    AF - Haven't watched the Mentalist, as it sounds a bit scarey. But love Brothers & Sisters, I so want to be a Walker... LOL


  • Comment number 68.

    st geroges day - an odd one

    I am english (and proud) and yet feel slightly sheepish about this national day as it feels to me that to be openly proud and nationalistc is wrong as people immendiately assocaite you with the BNP (which I 100% do not endorse)

    The only person to wish me happy st geroges day is an Irish colleague (in Ireland) as I wished his st paddys day about the time of that

    But to all on the BLOG - I'm red and white and proud - yes there are three lions on my shirt

    Super bp x (red and white striped today)

  • Comment number 69.

    Clodagh, I made a conscious decision when I moved back to England (following the breakdown of my marriage), after some time of scrimping and saving and being unable to afford to go out and enjoy myself (long story cut short, I was the only one working for 3 years), that I would never turn down an invitation unless I was otherwise engaged. It's taken me to quite a few places I would never have gone, and introduced me to people I would never have met. And occasionally I've broken my rule, but I've always regretted it later.

    Take life by the whatsits, *do* while you can, have a fab night :-)

    AF xx

    ps AliB - watch it! Not scary at all, honestly :-)

  • Comment number 70.

    Mentalist a bit dark but if you like the idea of observational crime solving, but with humour, try Psych on Hallmark. Very funny.

    Also love CSI - the original Vegas one and Numb3rs.

    Also Bones.

  • Comment number 71.

    I've got red shoes on today and a white blouse. Does that count?

    btw will someone please remind me to get some gravy browning/fake tan for my legs. i've uncovered them for the first time in 2009 today ...... shoes and bare legs, as opposed to usual uniform of boots and thick black tights.

    well, as i looked down at them earlier they resembled two radioactive milk bottles. reminded me of Billy Connolly and his "i'm scottish and my skin is naturally tinged blue, i need a fortnight in the sun to go white" rant.

    so, shopping list. fake tan. then a few hours walking round the house doing the "praying mantis" whilst the darned stuff dries!

    one for when mr deev is away with the lads i think!


  • Comment number 72.

    headsurfer #57: welcome to the blog. Be prepared, CLP and the bloggers usually discuss up to date topics, so if you want to avoid finding out football scores, tv scenarios, etc, you may want to come on to the blog a day behind!

    Clodagh: As I have said here before, Jerusalem is one of my funeral songs - it is stunning. And I hope everyone will be greetin' their eyes out - even if it's just with relief!

    C xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Yes bp. We should be proud.

    To be English, Irish, Scots, Welsh, Chinese, whatever.

    But not out of excluding others or in any spirit of elitism; we should celebrate our extraordinary luck in being born into a country and culture with such fantastic heritage.

    There's been a lot to be ashamed of in recent weeks; but let's celebrate the positives. And share our celebration with everyone else.


  • Comment number 74.

    I have a red(ish) jumper on and blue jeans and a white bra (oh er misses)! Does that count.

    I am very supportive of any English sporting teams, but not always proud to be English. Just because of our behaviour sometimes, whether at home or abroad.

    Good idea about the fake tan Deev, will have to get some as well. Very brave of you bearing your legs today. I might give it another couple of weeks.



  • Comment number 75.




  • Comment number 76.

    Huckleberry Grove for the first track everyone should get on this bus.

    To find out why.......

  • Comment number 77.

    Oh I had Jerusalem at the wedding along with a hymn that uses Highland Cathedral as its melody!

    Scots + Angles both catered for!


  • Comment number 78.

    Good for you Chezza.

    But Achtung re. te fake-tan.

    If you're going to use that Spray-On Leg Make-Up like I did before Ascot races, stand naked in the garden while you do it. Otherwise you'll cover a 50 foot square area with a waxy fillum that it'll take the Riot Squad and 3 tubs of Swarfega to remove.

    And don't use 2 layers of Clarins. If yous don't want to look like you're sat on half the piano stool.


  • Comment number 79.

    Morning, afternoon everyone from a wet and overcast upstate NY. It's supposed to brighten up later, but who knows if it really will. Hope you're all having a good day.

  • Comment number 80.

    I just don't want to go oompah loompah orange!!!

  • Comment number 81.

    The Mentalist - yummy scrummy. Wasn't he also in The Devil Wears Prada?

    Eggs - boiled and chopped with you know who's salad cream and cress in BIG butties!
    Or scrambled with smoked salmon and brown toast........loads more yummy ideas!

    Steffi xx

  • Comment number 82.

    afternoon Bondy!

    Overcast here and cooler than it has been recently - we had drizzle this morning much to Mr Egg's delight as he has just spread fertiliser on the grass parks.


  • Comment number 83.

    Eggs, I love fried, poached, boiled - but boiled has to be not hard boiled - there's summink about the yolk that makes me panic as soon as it's in my mouth - bet you think thats a bit odd, but truly it does, I come over all 'get rid of, spit out, bad gunky'
    The only other think that does that is Candy floss.

    Strange, moi???

    p.s they haven't rung.........

  • Comment number 84.

    Hi dook, well I am glad someone likes the drizzle...LOL

  • Comment number 85.

    Nicki- that feeling comes with bananas for me. Third bite in I feel like I can't swallow it! odd.

  • Comment number 86.

    Oh and happy St. George's Day!!

  • Comment number 87.

    Hi Bondy,
    Sorry your weather's at bit cr**py.
    It's a stonker here today, got a bit singed in the garden earlier, but fantastic weather for April - long may it continue.

    Hope yours perks up soon (no ooer moment intended)


  • Comment number 88.

    Now then Crumpy, yer bananas (said in Del Boy voice) I can only eat if they are green and on the crunchy side. Are'nt we a strange bunch - humans in general I mean.

  • Comment number 89.

    Thanks Nicki, it is supposed to be nice at the weekend which, after all, is what we all want.... nice weekend weather, well that and winning the lottery......LOL

  • Comment number 90.

    Sorry, I've already booked the lottery win, but wil probably share, note probably or run away and hide and wear disguise

  • Comment number 91.

    under-ripe bananas taste like kiwi fruit to me and they set my teeth 'on edge'!

  • Comment number 92.

    I bit into an apple today - it had turned and was all brown inside - that was not a nice experience so I had to eat a biscuit to take the taste away

  • Comment number 93.

    Ah bagpuss - don't you hate it when that happens! The sheer inconvenience of having to eat a biscuit to take the taste of something "healthy" away just bugs the pants off me! ;-)


  • Comment number 94.


  • Comment number 95.

    Great call McSweeney todd,

    One of my favourite bands, saw them last Christmas (or the one before, can't remember. Now that is scary) at The Astoria.

    Simon Fowler looked like he was gonna spill his lunch when he came on stage, not well at all.....

    Carried on like a trooper though and we helped with the bits he couldn't sing!



    ARF (not a chance) Foxy's folk faced - OCS

  • Comment number 96.

    Hi Bondy,

    Have you heard over in the state about The Governer of California a Mr A Schwarzenegger.

    Apparently, due to an administrative error in his office he didn't recieve any of the hundreds of Easter Eggs he had been sent.

    When asked by his secretary if it had ruined the holiday for him....he replied.......

    Use his accent.......

    I still love Easter baby....

    No more I promise

    Rips x

  • Comment number 97.


    That's a joke too.


    Retiring for his own good Rips


  • Comment number 98.



    I needed that luv!


  • Comment number 99.

    Good one Rips......ooo you are a tonic!


  • Comment number 100.

    We've got Chris writing a book, and Clodagh thinking about it. How about Rips writing a Blog joke book?

    I'd buy it. The jokes are bad, but they do make you smile.



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