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Up up and away, oh happy day

Chris Evans | 12:58 UK time, Friday, 20 March 2009

Ok here goes first ever e mail blog.

I write live from Shoreham airfield, the airfield home to Poirot whenever he took a flight. Shoreham and nearby Worthing are home to countless texts and e mails to the show especially during All Request Friday.

The skipper and I are refreshing, me - how to fly, him - how to teach me how to fly, not easy. I have my licence but as the wise man in the seat next to me says the best way to look upon it is as a licence to continue to learn, and seeing as I was just about to land on the opposite runway to the one that was in use - once again he was completely right.

So gorgeous down here on the coast, and what with only being one show away from a two week break, almost tempted to stay down here and listen to tonight's show on the beach with a beer in one hand and who knows what in the other...

But, nay, nay and thrice nay, I will return my friends, whether you like it or not I shall be with you come five past five this afternoon.

Mayo for the next fortnight, he's a good 'un.

Meantime treat yourself to a litttle Friday something, I've just had a quarter of sugar in me tea, oh heady times eh ?




p.s. NOAH TAKES HIS FIRST FLIGHT NEXT WEEK. Six weeks and already an aviator, watch that boy go, I had to wait till I was twelve for a pleasure flight over Southport sands.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Hi all

    Thank god it's Friday!!! Sun is shining,much beloved is back home tonight after the lab tour and there's a nice bottle of Pinot ready and waiting in the fridge at home. Bliss - a good start for the weekend.

    By the way, if not mentioned before:

    ARF - I feel good (damn good!)


  • Comment number 2.

    Enjoy your break Chris.

    Roger Wilko Charlie (what does that mean?)

    Over and out from me.


  • Comment number 3.

    OMG - was I the first - WOW!

    CLP - we are going to miss you BIG time. Have a great holingberrie, enjoy mucho quality time with Tash and gorgeous baby Noah!

    Big hugs all round.


  • Comment number 4.

    Lovely day to be up, up and away!

    Chris - I'm gonig to see U2!!!! OMG!!!!!

    Bring Chris Evans on, bring Chris Evans on ....

    See you at 17.05 Hrs Big Fella!

    I Feel Good!

    Excited Deev
    x x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    The skipper is definitely a wise man Chris, that way you keep your feet on the ground, or in the air, as the case may be.

    Chris, great photo of you, Tash and Noah on front page of our local paper (Surrey Advertiser) today, at the super cars show on Sunday, and living close by I was lucky enough to see it all as it happened. A fabulous day out was had by all.

    Hope you all have a well deserved break - even though no doubt we will have to battle with the 'next' button. We promise to play nicely!!

    Penny x

    ps make sure Noah has his wings on!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Deev - well jealous re U" tix - you lucky thing!


  • Comment number 7.

    *lol* as per usual, I posted a load of rubbish and then see the new blog.

    It would be lovely to see photos from your plane Chris... and especially lovely to see Noah on his first flight... has he got biggles glasses and scarf?

    Hells x

  • Comment number 8.

    I bet it is lovely by the coast today, lucky you CLP.

    Enjoy your very much deserved break.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi Chris, have a great Holiday. My two boys were born in South Africa and David first flew at 3 months old. I found that by giving him a drink from his bottle on take off and landing it helped with the pressure in his ears. This might help with Noah especially if he's still a bit under the weather. Bon voyage and chocks away!

  • Comment number 10.

    Ello Ter CLP And Each, Every... ALL Blog Friends/ Readers.....

    Bingo Star ere......

    CLP - The first flight I ever 'ad waz ter..... Lanzarote.... aged about 26.... yes..... LANZAROTE!!!!!!!!!
    Az yer getting Noah on 'is first flight iz this a sign yer took me inverstion chair/ Red Arrows advice yersterdee seriously?????

    As for the Mayo..... nice playlist I think we'll find!!!!!!


    So ere's me BIG news on the credit crunch.... a Bingo Prediction!!!!!
    The past fortnight ave been seeing the signs.... yes.. THE SIGNS... that make me believe the end of the credit crunch.... begining!!!!
    The signs are some of the banks are begininng ter make a profit.... although maybe a little too early ter invest in them... az some still might get nationalised!!
    But if yer prepared ter take the risk... Barclays loooks like the best with HBOS and RBS looking more risky but all are so cheap.
    Especially RBS... but in now and yer could get a ten bagger, if it doesn't get fully nationalised!!!!
    Barclays still only aroound 100p a share could be up arround 500p in 2 or 3 years!!!
    The stockmarkets always lead the economy and will be the first ter start growing again before any othe rpart of the economy. so if yer thinking of buying a 'ouse... wait until yer sure the stockmarket 'as turned... properly.
    I still believe 'ouse prices will fall 25 ter 40% like a predicted last year. so far they are only 20% down... so upter a further 20% fall loooks likely!!!!
    The stockmarket on all of this new postive news iz in a rally but some'ow a feel this iz just in with my own prediction that it will rise from now ter May... then go down on it's final leg of the bear market and turn aroound September... YES SEPTEMBER... I think iz the final dowleg of this BIG bear market!!!
    The only thing iz at the moment am sruggling ter see what the bad news iz that's needed ter turn the markets lower!! But am sure it will come soon!!!! Maybe bonds.... bad bonds????

    Ter find the end of the bear market we need ter loook for severe capitulation... which 'asn't 'appened just yet!!!!
    When the stockmarket does start ter climb, we will still be in severe reccession with unemployment climbing and 'ouse prices still falling - they will turn next year... a year after the stockmarket turns!!!
    The reason... the stockmarket basically iz a measure of the economy.... it is made up of all the companies that employ people... create jobs... opportunites... which in return drives demand for consumer demand and ultimately 'ouse purchases!!!!
    Once the banks start lending again... businesses will start ter grow.... thus creating jobs and boom!!!!

    REMEMBER.... yer 'eard it ere first September.... the time ter reinvest inter so many MEGA cheap companies and make a killing in the next Bull Market!!!!

    Am still trying ter find what will be the next market leaders in the next bull market. The last one it waz miners and oil companies... this time a think it will be partly oil companies and again miners due ter the continued China boom.... but the main or new leaders look like computer companies.... SDL catches me attention!!!!
    Also a like the store Next!!! It's stood up well through the bust and although a don't think it's shares will go up 'ugely.... am sure they will at least double from their present 1300p althoug hit looks due a drop very shortly.... maybe wait and try ter buy at 1150p ish.
    So a good steady way of doubling your capital - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    DON'T forget though.... ANY company can turn bad... so if yer do invest... watch it closely... and if yer see the signs of trouble.... GET OUT!!!!!!
    Of being invested in the company... noot the 'ouse!!!! Although geeting out the 'ouse iz good for you!!!!!!


    PS CLP - Ave a good 'olidee and see yer the other side of 42!!!!!! Or is it 43???? Ain't remember..... CLP 43 1st April..... or is it 44??????
    No offence mean't CLP Man!!!!!!!
    44 double 22 so very good!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Bang on the 10..... that'll do me!!!!!!!!

    Maybe some form #10 might read me Crunch blog and take 'eed!!!!!!!

    All a wreet iz in 'onesty and from the 'eart and the mind!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 12.

    Sorry mean't 'from #10' noot 'form #10'!!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    What a great way way to start another lovely day Chris. Hope you have a fab first family holiday.

    Saw the photos in the local too Penny- looks like I missed out on a good day on Sunday.

    Good luck for next week Debbie, thought you were brilliant standing your corner last night and very wise words from Boleyn.

    Happy birthday for tomorrow Bees, enjoy the car and bolt hole and the champers!!

    I feel good!!


  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Chris, my late beloved grandparents lived in Shoreham and we spent many happy holidays there with them. Have a great time and a lovely holiday with your gorgeous family xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Happy Holidays Evans family.


  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon bloggers and schloggers

    May I request (again) for ARF:

    James brown – I feel good

    But then I knew that I would……..

    So Christoph how does it feel to have your arm twisted up your back for this ARF? ;-) You know it makes sense.

    Keep smiling,

    Keith the NotSoBigUn

  • Comment number 17.

    Just for Bees, just coz I can...

    Bees may I wish you a very happy birthday for tommorrow. xx

    May all of your wishes come true and your special day be as magical as all of those gone before and those still to come!xOx

    Oh yes Chris have a great couple of weeks off but do not forget to come back!


  • Comment number 18.

    Well Howya Biggles; watch yourself and your precious cargo won't you.

    I'm off meself to the glorious West of Ireland aboard the much less glamorous Irish Ferries so the only Mayo I'll be hearin' is the diddly-I band down at Paddy Murphy's Bar in the county of that name.

    And mind you check the life-jackets. I'm reminded by the GBF of the time he flew over for a few days and brought Renee the life-jacket off the plane. He didn't realise he coulda bin' hauled off to the slammer for this misdemeanour and to be fair, he'd probably had a couple of sherries en route; but anyway, upon arrival at Renee's he proceeded to put it on her like summat off the Olympic podium, and romptly pulled the ripcord.

    Bushack. Up went the jacket, much hilarity ensued, Damian goes into full trolley-dolly mode, demonstratin' the whistle and tryin' to get the light to come on; Renee starts tryin' to get said inflatable off so she can give 'im a right good hiding, but couldn't get it off over her head. Stuck fast it was.

    I often wonder what the neighbours thought of the melee that followed, with Renee shoutin' an' roarin' at Damian who, by now, had decided the light would probably only work underwater and thus had fled to get the bucket; whilst I, myself, saved the day with the kitchen scissors in a scene remeniscent of Psycho.

    It's not big and it's not clever is it. Kids, don't try this at home.

    And to Ryanair. It wasn't me, guv.


  • Comment number 19.

    Have a great holiday Chris, Tash and Noah - you all deserve it.

    Hurry back though, as I'm missing you already.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, this next button is going to get on my nerves. I will have to start writing down the number of the blog I've read up to, so I don't forget!!

    Bees - Have a wonderful birthday and I can't wait to meet you in London.

    Debs - I'll be thinking of you next week.


  • Comment number 20.

    And hear hear MizzDarcey, Debs did well last night.

    Well done, hun. You're right, you wouldn't have been able to deal with that vitriol some months ago. So stay in that strong place, the time is right for you now to slay some dragons. All is well.

    Good luck to you.


  • Comment number 21.

    Excuse me for one moment in time.

    There was no vitriol pointed towards Debbie in any shape or form. That was only directed at me.

    Any way Mr Chris enjoy your flight I'm signing off before I need Rehab!

  • Comment number 22.

    can i just add my tuppence worth here for Debs - i will also be thinking about you next week - am sure it will be hard at times but the end result will be SO worth it. LM will miss you but will be fine - it is just a week out of a whole lifetime together.

    looking forward to seeing you back here very very soon.


    oh - and of course - happy hols, Evans family!!

    CG xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Blimey Christophe, I'm just darn the road from you! If I just go up to the roof, I could give you a wave...in fact if you trail a banner...oooh that might be you now...are you in an aeroplane?

    I'm seconding the 'on the beach with a beer' plan as that is persackerly wot me and my buds are doing, from about 1620hrs...this would be nicking off early coz termorrer's Saturday btw...

    Anyhoo, dress R Noah up in a wee cupid's outfit...match him up with a bowanarrer and Bob's yer wossname...flying cute baby...I didn't get on a plane til I was 17...although when I was 14 I did get to have a go in a cool simulator...but that's not for here..

    Have a lovely hols

    KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEITH!!! I love you!!! Just because I can...x

  • Comment number 24.

    I feel lucky

  • Comment number 25.

    Cheers AliB and Clodagh.

    This is the last time I will mention last night's posts.

    PP you called me an attention seeker, accused me of being an alcoholic and questioned my parenting abilities. Then you went on to complain about me talking about my dog, my teenager etc.

    So what on earth are you on about?

    Next time you have an urge to speak your mind, try telling it to someone that wants to hear it.

    That really is it now. Onward and upwards please.


  • Comment number 26.

    Go Debbie!


  • Comment number 27.

    Afternoon each...

    very very quick one...

    Happy Birthday Weekend to Beesmum....and the car looks fab!xx

    Also, my gorgeous nephew Joshua`s 4th birthday tomorrow so its a great day...although as far as im aware he doesnt post on here so wont see it...

    I shall mostly be attending a wedding tomorrow and then mothers do things on Sunday...nice weekend ahead methinks..

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone...the sun is shining and the world is still turning... smiles rule!


    mSc x

    PS - not sure if ive mentioned my ARF...Mr Brown and `i feel good!` ...please!

    PPS - Think everyone of us will be glued to a stereo at 5! x

  • Comment number 28.

    Debbie if the posts had not been deleted you would see that was not so.

    I did not accuse you of anything only to say I feel you can't be that ill if you can joke about it on here. That is surely a good sign.

    As it is I am too stressed to post anything more on here.

    I am going underground and back to some normality.

  • Comment number 29.

    Hope all goes well for you next week Debbie.

    Now I cant remember if I have voted for ARF..............so

    James Brown - I feel Good

    please, just in case I forgot ;-)

  • Comment number 30.

    Arf request

    I Feel Good by James Brown.

    Oh sorry that should have read ANYTHING but I Feel Good by James Brown

    Mr Evans, please don't give into pester power.


  • Comment number 31.


    Nuffs enuff.

    Some of you think I'm a gobby auld witch already so nowt to lose ....

    Let's draw a line under last night's events and just get on with enjoying the impending weekend, the sunshine, Mother's Day (even tho mine's on the other side of the world at the mo) and Beezer's berfday.

    I feel good! Pass the champers if you will!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 32.

    oh AK it's just a bit of fun for this week and Beesmum's birthday!!

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning, afternoon everyone from again a sunny but cool upstate NY. We had a dusting of snow last night, temps around 30 degrees, but now not a cloud in the sky....yay!!!!

    TGIF everyone...........

  • Comment number 34.

    Bondy, I look forward to your daily weather updates from Upstate NY. It makes me feel a part of your world 3000 miles away.


  • Comment number 35.

    Hello Bondy, we have a beautiful day here, washing blowing gently on line....I'm happy - but then it don't take much!!!

    Penny x

  • Comment number 36.

    BeesMum, I hope you enjoy the weekend birthday festival...... happy birthday.

    Debbie, you are a kind gentle soul, don't let others convince you otherwise. I hope everything goes well next week... We'll be thinking of you!!!!

  • Comment number 37.

    Going to take LM to fed the ducks later and make the most of this lovely sunshine and get some fresh air.

    Actually have washing on the line which is nice too, bed clothes are much nicer dried on the line. Off course have tonnes of washing and ironing to do, make sure Mr Debbie doesn't have to flap about too much next week.

    LM called me out of bed in the night just to say 'mummy...daddy is going to stuff food down my throat when you are away' ???

    I think he might have been talking in his sleep to be fair but it did make me giggle.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 38.

    Thanks AliBaba, that was a really nice thing to say....

    Hi Penny, it's the simple things that keep us sane...... it is a little breezy here, just enough to make the tops of the trees move.

    I will have to post a new view from my office pic on FB. The golfers will be out soon.....

  • Comment number 39.

    Chezza. Absolutely agree, life is short and we should draw a line now underneath the unpleasantness and celebrate our good fortune to be able to enjoy this fab weather, and that we're all alive and privileged, in the grand scheme of things.

    However. I just want to say one more thing and then that's me done.

    Prof. You know only too well what was posted and what your intention was. And you weren't alone as I recall. It is simply not good enough to try to pass it off as a joke, or what you refer to as 'Satire'. Satire is the use of irony to make a comic statement. Spite, on the other hand, is simply bullying. And that is NEVER funny. Now, I don't know what your motives are; I would happily listen and try to help if you wished to share, as would lots on here. But that's your privilege and I respect that.

    In fact I respect YOU as an individual. We all drop gaffes- me more than most, in fact. If I told you about all MY gaffes and mistakes I'd be here all day and you'd all be able to print it out and wipe your bums on it for some time to come. But we have to be gracious after the event and acknowledge when we've been out of order. And this is my point. It's amazingly healing when you do hold up your hands and simply admit to a mistake, and apologize. Not make excuses, but simply apologize. I promise you, you will feel the stress relax.

    And just as importantly, the person on the receiving end heals, too. Then all is well and everyone moves on with kindness in their hearts.

    Trust me, I do know. But that's another story, and not to be aired here.

    I do sincerely wish you well.


  • Comment number 40.


    Just to say to you and Tash: have a wonderful first holiday with Noah.

    There was no way we could have taken MsS on holiday when she was six weeks old - I still hadn't perfected the art of having a shower before 6pm every day!

    Wish I could go back and change it all ... sigh!!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 41.

    This is us, on here.....

    Shiny Happy Muppets



  • Comment number 42.

    Now that is spooky.

    Clicked on the link and that very same tune was playing thru my PC via last.fm.

    Without the muppets.

    Weird eh!?

    Deev x

  • Comment number 43.

    Shut up you muppet!!! ;p

    In a nice friendly non-confrontational blog way, of course.



  • Comment number 44.

    Oh great one.

    Consider the Deev well and truly shutted!

    x x x

  • Comment number 45.

    No, no, no, no.

    You're supposed to say, "No, won't, you shut up you muppet".

    You see what I did there?


  • Comment number 46.

    Very apt Tobe, are you sure it's ALL of us!!? LOL


  • Comment number 47.

    Well I can only speak for myself, but, yes, I'm in there. Michael Stipe was very gracious, the muppet!!


  • Comment number 48.

    Good link tobes.........

  • Comment number 49.

    Can I be Miss Piggy ....

  • Comment number 50.

    Clodagh only one person bullied on this blog. It's ok but I think it's time I moved on.

  • Comment number 51.

    Good oldies on SW today........

  • Comment number 52.

    Ello Ter ALL......

    CLP - 'ow many people read your blog??????

    A mentioned in me #10 blog about the stockmarket.... in singled out SDL az a company that looks a good bet over the next few years..... and suddenly the shares in SDL ave shooot up 7.5% for no apparent reason!!!!!!!!

    A case of 'Whatta Coincidence' or do thousands read this blog and some ave invested az a result of me blog??????

    Either way.... SDL and most other computer software companies a think are gonna be strong in the coming Bull Market!!!!!

    'ave a guten weekend all!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 53.

    My parents live just along the road from Shoreham airport and we had their 50th wedding anniversary partay there - it was absolutely spiffing!!

    Have a fab holiday but it won't be the same without you.

    ARF - I Feel Good by James Brown - but I guess you know that by now!

    Hope it's sunny all weekend - have good ones one 'n all.

    jillygoat xx

    PS What's yer vector Victor?!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    oops sorry always the clown

  • Comment number 55.

    All together now......It's a beautiful day!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 56.

    Just back, the teacher has asked me to accompany the kids on a school trip at the end of April! YAY!

    It's to a local farm that I was going to take LM to anyway. But it is so expensive to get in.

    Result.....and he is so excited.

    The children were so sweet this morning, fascinated because LM's mum was there, tapping me on the back and smiling. He got a little worried though and clinged as if to say 'back off, she's mine'

    Love him to bits.

    Off to sort out some hungry ducks.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 57.

    'Tis truly a beautiful day!

    I still feel good! CLP have a fab holiday and birfdee... enjoy a bit of proper family time and come back to us refreshed and as bouncy as ever.

    Beez- have a top birfdee too along with anyone else that's celebrating this weekend. I'll be tuning in at 5 past 5 in anticipation....

    Happy Fridays!

    & Booboo

  • Comment number 58.

    Well happy sunny day everyone.

    I am a bit of a lurker but just have to blog that the neighbour opposite looks like they have just returned from the garage with my dream car, except its for them of course, not me!

    A very yellow Beetle - I feel so happy to see it (they always make me smile) but they have the keys not me!

    (Note to self: to work harder and earn one for myself!)

    I guess I'll get used to drooling over it as the years pass.

    It looks divine with the top down and the sun sparkling on it.

    Anyhoo must get off to drool some more....oh and nearly forgot:

    ARF - I Feel Good by James Brown


  • Comment number 59.

    Off to Sainsbugs (other outlets available) to do a quick turn in the aisles before finding out if CLP has done his bit for us lot and the birthday girlie. Then home for the Pino Vino awaiting my arrival in the fridge!

    Have a great weekend everyone.


  • Comment number 60.

    Hi Chris, Tash and Noah,

    Have a great family holiday. I'll miss you.

    Lots of love

  • Comment number 61.

    Welcome Bug....keep on posting. May be your neighbours will take you out for a spin in the new motor......

  • Comment number 62.

    Phew, remembered my password to log in...! Currently being punched, scratched, kicked, stamped on and slobbered on by a disappointingly awake jumpybean; having kept us awake most of the night I am Not Amused by this. Ah well... must keep reminding myself that it IS 'just' a phase. Can't believe he'll be 5 months' old on Monday. And only been on a plane half a dozen or so times - before he was born!

    Beautiful sunny day here, we regularly take our fish and chip supper up Mill Hill and sit looking out over Shoreham Airport and Lancing College. Chris, Tash and Noah - enjoy your holiday! Me, jealous?! TOTALLY :D :D

    Mr Jumpy's off to Twickers tomorrow with his scottish pal. I'll be at home with the jumpybean probably forgetting to keep an eye on the scoreline.

    In other newsw - we're buying a house!! Shhhh it's not ours yet but we're a week closer to owning it and only 4 weeks away from owning it, if all goes well... then we have until August to do all the work to make it habitable before our rent runs out and we have to move in :) Don't you just love a challenge!





    Wonder when Mr Jumpy'll come home and take the jumpybean out for a drive so I can hang the washing out in the last of the afternoon sun....


    and the jumpybean

  • Comment number 63.

    Oh yes, and the Champions league draw isn't a fix, is it?

    Liverpool got Chelsea, again!!!

    And just look at the draw Man Utd got, unreal.


  • Comment number 64.

    Hello Bug. Welcome to the blog.


  • Comment number 65.

    Arsenal *should* beat Villareal!!!


  • Comment number 66.

    The full draw:

    1. Villarrealrealrealreal v The Old Arsenal

    2. Man Utd Prawn Munchers v Porto Utd

    3. Liverpool USA v Chelski

    4. Barceloneameafiver v Bayern Munchengladbach

    Semi Finals (Apr 28-29, May 5-6)

    5. Match 2 Winner v Match 1 Winner

    6. Match 4 Winner v Match 3 Winner


  • Comment number 67.

    afternoon all!

    Well as I'm not a big footie fan - I would have to support Bayern Muchengladbach as it is the only place I've lived in out of the 8!

    Guess what folks.......

    I feel good - nah nah nana nana nah
    so good - bam bam
    so good - bam bam

    Bah bah bah BBAAAAHHHHH



  • Comment number 68.

    Hello, sounds fun Chris, hope you and your lovely family have a great 2 weeks away from it all.

    The weather in Warwickshire is blinking spiffing, hope it is for everyone else too, and that you all have fab weekends,

    Just got back from meeting the wedding cake woman. She said to me, I kid you not,

    "I can tell just by talking to you that you're after something simple".

    Perception of self as articulate and educated woman of substance duly shattered.

    I feel good - I wonder if he'll play it? Happy birthday again to the Bees Knees.

    A x

  • Comment number 69.

    "I can tell just by talking to you that you're after something simple".

    Is that the cake or the Husband?


  • Comment number 70.


    Tobe hun - you are so gonna get a slap one of these ere days!

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 71.



  • Comment number 72.

    Don't worry Tobes, no offence taken! I think she meant the cake, or ;ife in general. Boleynman has his simple moments, but only in a good way.

    By the way, was it you who gave up smoking a while ago? How's it going? I've managed all Lent so far, I only smoked 2/3 a day but boy do I miss them.

    Over and out pour maintenant


  • Comment number 73.

    That's "life" (in the great words of Frank Sinatra), not ;ife.

  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Chris been alovely sunny day here.
    Hope you all have a good holiday ,Noahs
    first trip to the seaside, hope youve got him a bucket and spade,!!!!
    Have fun, love to all, ill miss you on the radio.x

  • Comment number 75.

    It's going well. I had a little slip, mustn't lie, but I was under extreme duress at the time.

    I was only kidding about the old man.


  • Comment number 76.

    drum roll please....... and the ARF song is.......

  • Comment number 77.

    Oooo this is soooo exciting

  • Comment number 78.

    Tobes.... actually I thought your comment #69 was rather funny... but that shows you how warped my sense of humour is...LOL

  • Comment number 79.

    Wouldn't it be funny if they tagged onto the end of the 5pm news bulletin ..

    And finally, Beezer of the blog is 60 tomorrow.


    Evil Deev x x x

  • Comment number 80.


  • Comment number 81.

    You and me both Bondy.


  • Comment number 82.

    bring chris evans on...

  • Comment number 83.

    get on with it!

  • Comment number 84.


  • Comment number 85.

    Yeeehaaaa!!! Well done Cheryl and Chris!

  • Comment number 86.

    Yay, Chris you are a star :-)

    Penny x

  • Comment number 87.

    Thank you CLP

  • Comment number 88.


    Happy Birthday Beezer

    x x x

  • Comment number 89.

    Back of the net Evans!!


  • Comment number 90.

    Excellent!!!!!! You're the man Chris!!!!!

  • Comment number 91.

    WOOP WOOP well done guys :)

    Happy Birthday Beezer!!!

  • Comment number 92.


    Blog power

  • Comment number 93.


    thanks chris!


  • Comment number 94.


    Oh yes we will!!!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 95.


    Don't know about the rest of you but I was on tenterhooks then! Right I'm off Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ now.

    have a good one!


    p.s. Scotland - dont forget to RUN with the ball on Saturday - its that strange shaped thing that is floating around the field!!!!!!

  • Comment number 96.

    LOL dook - eggsactly, I might even sit and watch the game if it's akshully rugby and not tennis...

  • Comment number 97.

    WOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Was dancing round the kitchen like a good 'un!

    Thanks chris...

    Happy Birthday Beezer - have a goog time at the bolt hole


  • Comment number 98.


    My note for absence: having dinner out with girlfriend.

    Have fun and raise a magnum or six for me!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 99.

    Well done Christoff , you knew it made sense baby x


  • Comment number 100.

    Thank you CLP!!!

    Bet that's made B's Mum's day... maybe she's fainted with the excitment??

    Are you out there B??

    And Chris - am sure you'll enjoy your holiday. We'll play nicely while you're away and look forward to your return. No offence, Mr Mayo!

    AnnieOakley - trying hard to start her weekend but finding more stuff that needs doing... eek

    A xxx


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