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Bed is the new beer.

Chris Evans | 10:08 UK time, Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Ten o'clock last night and...

...that's it, we were ready for bed.

Sure my show had only gone off the air three hours ago, yes I'd only started making dinner an hour and ago and alright it may well have been that we'd only finished eating fifteen minutes ago but we were dog tired, we were done, we were as over as rover, whatever that means.

We came close to watching a dvd but it would have been more of a battle than a treat so we chose to turn in instead. A wise move and definitely the way forward.

Every day starts now for me working at the computer from six, grabbing the quiet whilst I can before Mummy and No' get to grips with the world. I'm on duty from ten through till eleven thirty and then it's back to Mum for babba and London bound for Dad to earn the dosh.

Life is simple, life is sweet, that's the way it is.

This time next week we wil be loading the car up to enjoy our first family overnight. We're off to Dorchester with a 'Small Business Special' based at the Wellworths store we featured on the air a few weeks ago.

U2 one week, a nice lady and her dream of running her own business the next. I'm up for all that.

Let's do it but let's get some sleep at the same time.





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  • Comment number 1.


    It's the simple pleasures, don't ya think. I've started to go to bed later these days - and not waking up at 4am looking at the ceiling, wishing the alarm clock to go off.

    Don't forget - any HOle or L7 on Woman's Minute and I'll pop 20 of my hard earned squids in the Comic Relief hat.

    Feeling much happier today.

    It's good to talk.

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 2.

    ... and as for the lady with the dream: I will write that book, honest! xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Amazing how tiring being a Dad can be....

    ....just think how bad it must be for the Mum

    It doesnt bear thinking about.

    Granddaughter slept through the night last night for the first time. Parents of course woke up in a panic. I remember it well.

  • Comment number 4.

    Morning CLP,

    There is no point in staying up just for the sake of it. The last couple of nights I have probably been asleep by 10pm, but I needed it, although this morning I did wake at 4:55 with no chance of getting back to sleep. But I just lay there listening to the dawn chorus, which was lovely.

    My late(er) nights are Thursday, after Grey's Anatomy and Friday, just because I can! I am usually an early to bed person - but that's just me.

    I can't hack late nights like I used to.


  • Comment number 5.


    How wonderful that Noah (No?) is letting you sleep! That baby is a star!

    Yes, it's changed days for you, but I know you are loving every minute!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    ALiB - do you find a night out on a Friday and you're kinda paying for it all weekend?

    When I was younger I used to go out Friday nights, Saturday night and a session on Sunday lunchtimes then be fresh as a daisy for work on Monday. Now tho - out on a Friday, rest of weekend under a duvet!!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 7.

    Doh, that hasn't happened to me for ages, spent ages on new post then a new blog - I'm going to post it here as well before reading the new one.

    Morning all, feeling c**p today, shivery, headache, massive zit on me cheekbone and allsorts.

    MizzDarcey (great name!), I am in the same situation with my mam at the moment; she is driving my brother and I around the bend. We know she is grieving for my dad (as we are) but she appears to be doing nothing to help herself. We love her and try our best but she has to be the stubbornist (I think that's a neologism, ie made up word, just learnt that this morning in my Bill Bryson Shakespeare book so am showing it off)on the planet. Cept perhaps me and both my daughters.

    Anyhow, the combination of worry, guilt, pity and responsibility is not a fun one.

    Bingers mate, don't be so sensitive, you know what a blog star you are!

    Off to watch "Elizabeth" (again) on the sofa under the duvet.

    Chez, well done for moving on, must have been a nightmare though.

    A x

    Ps, have somehow hit the "Overwrite" function on my computer, does anyone know how to get rid of it - derr!

  • Comment number 8.

    Chris, there are no words to describe the feelings of exhaustion in the first few weeks. I'd like to say you'll get used to it, but I never did!

    Try and slow down a bit or you will run out of puff.

    A x

  • Comment number 9.

    Deev - exactly re Friday nights.

    Saturday is the only day I really try not to set an alarm. But you can guarantee that I'm awake by 8:30 at the latest. I guess getting older also means that I've lost the ability to lie in until midday!!

    Boleyngirl, hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you're doing the right thing, watching TV and hiding under the duvet xx


  • Comment number 10.

    boleyngirl - you may have pressed Insert by accident. Try that to undo the Overwrite thingy.

    Tech Deev xx

  • Comment number 11.

    The Accountant has gone now and it's OK he didn't find the millions I've stashed away in the offshore account ;)

    I'm relying on you lot to keep me company for the rest of the day - otherwise I might die of boredom!


  • Comment number 12.

    Thanks AliB. Going there now.

    PS am other way round, my natural body clock won't turn off till midnight at the earliest, but at 43 I can still rival the teens with my monster weekend/holiday lie-ins!

  • Comment number 13.

    Ta Chez, Blog Computer Prefect Extraordinaire, sorted now!

    A x

  • Comment number 14.

    Re sleep - do you ever sleep normally again after children?!

    boleyngirl - sorry you're not feeling to good, great film to watch though however many times you've seen it!

    Thanks for your comment about the name - I tried loads before it would let me choose one that hadn't been used and after I thought of this one, I realised it had a mixture of all the grandchildren's names in!


  • Comment number 15.

    Pshaw. The Badger spent last night on a camp bed...having 'gone to bed' at 8pm...and professed it to be the worst night's sleep he has ever had. I doubt this m'self, but there you go. (He is currently working away...I have not condemned him to the shed...which we haven't got one of, but you get the point) I didn't sleep well either, as am still in the process of getting used to the new Sett...and I'm not sure if it was a real noise or me snoring which woke me up on several occasions...then Terry's dulcet tones came all too soon...

    Anyhoo, Christophe, I reckon it is always better to go to bed when you're tired rather than try to 'prolong' the day for the sake of it...then if you do wake up early, you can cherish the time alone...in the morning...when the light is pure and all you can hear is the sound of bird song.

    Mind you, round our way it's mainly seagull song, so it ain't that pretty...although the beach is lovely for a dawn walk!

    Boleyngirl...am the same...all the 'youngsters' think I'm proper hard core!

    which I am not

    takes me the rest of the week to catch up

    ps Christophe, sleep when you can...Noah will...as I'm hoping will Tash...

    pps No'?????? No, no, no...no is the first word babies and animals learn...it shouldn't be his name! And it sounds like Jim from Vicar of Dibley...

  • Comment number 16.

    Hey Chris and gang,

    I go to bed at 10ish every night during the week, if not earlier! I then have a bit of time for reading before I put my head down for my 8 hours, I'm getting old I know. Fridays and Saturdays I love staying up late (not that I ever get a lie-in) cos I know I can catch up during the week. It works for me.
    One thing I would suggest is that you maybe cook dinner earlier in the day (ie stew, chilli, bolognese) so you can eat as soon as you get home and Tash isn't going to bed on a full stomach. Hope I'm not being too bossy!

    Em xx

    PS I record things like Mad Men and we watch them at the weekend x

  • Comment number 17.

    CLP - There's nowt wrong with going to bed at 10 oclock....it's when you wake up and think you've had a good night, look at the clock and it's only midnight!!! But I know from experience of having babies, you sleep when you can! Then when they fly the nest is starts all over again when the grandkids come along and they have sleepovers!! But hey, that's what life is all about.

    Penny x

    ps Please don't shorten Noah's name, it's too gawjus.


  • Comment number 18.

    Hi all

    Been so busy of late not had time to pass comment on anything here. Doesn't mean I haven't been keeping up to date tho.

    Big hugs to anyone feeling 'grot'. Duvet days are the best treatment. Good chance to catch up on all those films we've been meaning to watch!

    Thanks for the up-dates Tash and the photo's. It's great to see the little chap doing so well.

    Repeating alot of folk before me I know....BUT....WOW! what a show on Friday. Just wish I'd been in town for the full-on experience.

    Chris - please don't call your beautiful son 'No'.... poor thing, will only end up being confused later on.


  • Comment number 19.

    Right, gonna book the table to the Brum meet evening meal today (Italian), so anyone who wants to come - let me know on here or on suffolkdiva@hotmail.co.uk

    so far there's 10 (poss 12) of us.

    The more, as they say, the merrier!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    ooops. I guess details would help .....

    Saturday 14th March
    8pm or thereabouts ishly
    Canal side area of Birmingham

    bit of an air-head today!!!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    Thanks Deev, would love to get to know you guys better and it sounds fun.
    However, even tho Brum not too for me to travel, can't be in 2 places at same time that day. (40th B-day bash ex bor-i-l).

    Daft question...is this something that happens often? Get together's I mean.

  • Comment number 22.


    Greetings Ter The CLP And Everybody....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - 'ow can life be simple when yer sat daily at the mixer of a national and INDEED international radio show!!!!
    Mind you a suppose years of media work aka experience makes the situation easier.... abit!!!!!
    As for the 'over like rover' bit!!! Think it might either be ter do with a dog or Rover cars or what we turned Rover cars inter!!! Aka another part of British manufacturing been given away!!

    Okay next bit of........

    Bingo Star's Experience Of The U2 On The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Roof - PART 2 -

    So after The U2's wheels 'ad whisked them off arooound from R2 ter BC 'ouse... A realised am glad a didn't bring me accoustic guitar with me ter try and get The Edge ter sign it!!!!
    But then aving said that... imagine me guitar sticking out in front of the cameras and INDEED The Edge, instead of me watch!!
    Maybe actually that would ave attracted some extra attention from The Edge and 'e might ave signed it... or borrowed it and done a 15 second gig for us there and then on the pavement using me guitar!!!!
    And it's noot a cheap 'n nasty one!!! Na... tested about 15 before a settled for this one as it 'ad the deepest.... bassiest sound... a beautiful piece of craftmanship... sorry craft... personship
    Either way sometimes... a guitar and a newly born baby 'Boy'!!!!... aka Noah ave bigger similarlities than yer might realise!!
    Both created with love and passion... both delicate, finely tuned and ter be treated with love and care... and noot a good idea ter bring ter a crowd of crayzee U2 wrocas.... both could easily end up giving off an awful sounding 'igh pitched squeeeel!!!!!!
    So az The U2 'ad moved ter the front of the action, a thought 'I Will Follow'!!!! Yes it waz time for me ter follow U2 arooound ter BC 'ouse too and see what's 'appening. I could 'ear the crowds of people 326 yards away in 'The Streets That Ave No Name'!!!!
    When a goot arooound there it waz now dark and my goodness, the streets did all ave a name!!!
    This waz noot a place maintained like Birkenhead's streets!!!!
    There were absolute crowds of people... 5,000 in fact!
    I asked a steward what waz about ter 'appen. They told me U2 are gonna play a small gig up on the roof of BC 'ouse. I thought what a 'Beautiful Day'!!!!! This iz!!
    So I made my way to a good spot, along way back az it's so 'igh up.
    When a found a nice spot a stood on the kerbside. This iz the bit CLP and U2 don't get ter see. Aka the power trippin' nutters who are stewards for a dee. Well noot even a dee... an afternoon... well noot even an afternoon.... 'alf an evening!!!
    There waz one steward rudely shouting at the odd person in the crowd, through a mega phone,. even though they were only 8 feet max from 'er!!!!
    She waz shouting at them ter stand on the pavement, similar ter 'Wake Up Dead Man'!!!!!!
    Noot ter stand on the road, even though directly in front of them waz about 500 'undred people in the roadside!! Some people were looking annoyed 'All Because Of You' a thought!!!
    I looked at 'er and realised, it waz 'er moment of glory!!!! It waz like 'The Zoo Station'!!!!
    Little did a realise at the time... a short while later they were gonna close the whole road off ter traffic anyway!!!!! Jobsworth or what??? She waz noot the 'Sweetest Thing'!!!!
    It's then a realised there's a 'igh chance 'er dee job must be either a council planning officer, 'ealth And Safety Officer... or a Wheel Clamper.... but she didn't look fat enough or bald 'eaded enough ter be the latter!!!
    When they opened the road... (when a say opened actually they closed it... ter traffic) (A mean opened it ter pedestrians only... aka U2 gig goers... even though most of us there didn't realise when we left our abodes we would be going ter a U2 gig!!!) We all rushed forward for a better view point!!!! 'Running To A Standstill' we all were!!
    Everywhere there were people waiting for the gig ter start... mobile tv trucks/ rigs, press, balconies filled... 'otel room windows filled.... 'Windows In The Skies'!!! Even office workers in office blocks noot gone 'ome... but staying late for a look at WROCK.... in action. It waz like 'A City Of Blinding Lights'!!!!
    Even on the roof of the beautiful All Souls Church were a congragation of..... excited souls!!!!!!!
    Maybe they thought 'The Saints Are Coming'!!!!
    A knew for sure... after travelling the world... coming ter London and the Beeb and doing this... it wazza 'Sort Of 'omecoming'!!!!! For the band.... even though they are Irish noot English!!!!
    By know, sorry now, a waz surrounded by a crowd... it waz like being 'Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of'!!!!! But a didn't wanter get out of there!!!!! Total NYET!!!!! (No in russian).
    Then about 6.45..... out came CLP.... onter the top of BC 'ouse.... and 'e announced...... YEW.... TWO aka U2!!!!!!
    Out came the band ter a roar from the crowd.... the gig began!!! 'A Celebration'!!!!! It's then a realised for sure... 'Some Day's Are Better Than Others'!!!!!! (see the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Digital Red Button... ter see it)

    PART 3 - I'll bang on termoz!!!!!

    DIG IT..... asaid..... DIG IT..... DIG IT 09!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Oh god..can you tell my nails need cutting! Typo's all over the place. Must check the stuff i've already put in the post!!

  • Comment number 24.


    Not sure where you're based but we're having another wee gathering in London on 4th April - London Bridge area.

    Probably meet up during the afternoon and then have a mela somewhere. Some of us are staying overnight, others not so.

    If you're not on FB, email me on the hotmail addy above!

    We had a London meet last Sept and it was fun! Great to put faces to names and share the general silliness of life. Basically we sat outside a pub in Docklands for the afternoon, had some food, lots of beverageisms and enjoyed the company.

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 25.


    Sounds like my kind of fun. Will check the diary for 4th April. Have to be in town around then as it happens. Although I suppose it would be better NOT to have any business appointments!

  • Comment number 26.

    based between M40 J10 and M1 J15a.

  • Comment number 27.

    Steffi - cool!!

    Now .... surely not?!?!



  • Comment number 28.


    Blimey indeed -that made me choke on my gin & tonic!!!

    Md xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Seriously what is this world coming to.

    I recently spent 3 hours in A&E and saw 6 different people and only one of them rubbed that stuff on their hands. Now I wasn't there for anything that involved a lot of touching, but still - I thought that they were supposed to do it before and after consultations.

  • Comment number 30.

    Oh for goodness sake! You would have to be pretty desparate!


  • Comment number 31.

    Morning and Afternoon from still a freezing cold upstate NY. Again temps in the single digits this morning with a "don't keep you pets outside for long" weather advisory. Snow in the air but not settling on the road.

    Hope you all are having a good day. Sounds like you are Chris. Thanks for the update, glad things are going well for you.

  • Comment number 32.

    Woooo Hooooo!!

    Have just purchased our MotoGP tickets for July!!

    Jopb or no job, we are going!!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 33.

    Good for you CtD......... I think we have that on the box here, so I will look for you in the crowd......LOL

  • Comment number 34.

    Afternoon folks.

    Sorry CLP can't remember the last time I went to bed at 10 (at night) bit of a night owl I'm afraid but if you can do it - good for you.

    New laptop just arrived by nice courier man and I haven't had a look in yet! It's mine!! gerroff! Mr B you can have yours back when I've cleared off a few things!

    How is it that every time I have a hairdresser appointment it chucks it down with flippin rain - howling gale and bucketing down here - Oh Joy!!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 35.

    007 - would that be the crowd of 95,000 or so ..... ?!?! xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Wow, lucky Ctd.
    Haven't done that since the wonderful Sharry Beane was still riding!


  • Comment number 37.

    CtD.... I still be able to pick you out......LOL I bet the camera picks you out of the crowd too...

  • Comment number 38.

    Ahhhh Sharry Beane. RIP xx

    007 - it'll only break the camera ;-)

  • Comment number 39.

    Does anyone else have fond memories of the days when Bingo could only post one line at a time?

  • Comment number 40.

    Barry The Bionic Biker........ hero!!!!

    CtD, ooooo I don't think so.... :)

    On an unrelated note, CtD how hard did you laugh when your ex-mate "I'm better than Beckham" Bentley missed the penalty on Sunday? Rumour has it that 'Arry is going to get rid of him in the summer. Perhaps Arsenal will take him back....LOL Spurs would have got better value for money if they have invested the 7 million they paid for him in either the RBS or Lloyds...LOL

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi BeesMum, hope you are well.....

  • Comment number 42.

    Who cares who missed the pen.....we won eventually!!
    1 down .....


  • Comment number 43.

    LOL steffib1...... Foster was fantastic, do you know if he won MOTM?


  • Comment number 44.

    "we" ? ? ?

    Don't drag me into this one .... I'm a Proud dyed-in-the-wool Gooner!!!

    And Bondy - thank you. I'm actually almost blushing now! Almost. ;-)

    Bentley Schmentley!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 45.

    Wow.... CtD that's two days in a row....... :)

  • Comment number 46.

    Spuds: we love Bingo!

    Bingo: we love you!


  • Comment number 47.

    I'm a bit ignorant but is MotoGP where they scrape their knees on the ground as they go round the corners?

    Doesn't really appeal to me (although men in leathers....Mmmmmm). You have a great time Diva


  • Comment number 48.

    LOL AliBaba....

    Hi ChrissieS, hope your having a good day..

  • Comment number 49.

    AliB - there's a bit more to it than that, but fundamentally, yes! Priddy sparks off their knee sliders .... like bonfire night!

    And the men in leather .... whoar!

    Yeh Bingo - we lurve you!!

    Hmmmmmmm. Leathers ......

    Now see wot you gone done!!

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    Leave Bingo alone xx

    Bingo you keep the posts coming xx

    Chris, you all sound pretty organised to me! Great you can get an early night.

    Have to agree with Chrissie, Hazel and Steffib1 - please don't call him "No" xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi James
    Think MOTM went to the other side....Aaron Lennon was mentioned.

  • Comment number 52.

    Should've been Glenn Hoddle ... at the end o'the day, all fings being equal, a game of two halves and all that!

    x x x

  • Comment number 53.

    steffib1, REALLY....... he couldn't put a decent cross into the box to save his life, it's no good if you can beat the defender but then can't deliver the ball........

  • Comment number 54.

    Afternoon all,

    Chris...I always know when it's passed my bedtime...the dog goes up before me! (she's not allowed on the bed but don't have the heart to shoo her from the room since the boys arrival)

    How is everyone?


  • Comment number 55.

    Sorry Deev...LOL ;)


  • Comment number 56.

    Hi eb..... hope your day is going well....

  • Comment number 57.

    Agree totally about Foster. So long as the cherished Giggs does his stuff!

    Round 6 next! Could be a lorra lorra laffs in our house at the end of the weekend. Specially if we win and the beloved's blues don't!


  • Comment number 58.

    Hi Chris

    Only another 2 months until Noah will sleep all night (based on my experience anyway). The key then is to NOah at midnight and then all go to bed. I promise he will sleep the night through. If you feed him any earlier for his last feed then he will waken during the night. Tash is lucky that you look after Noah for a bit each morning as it will be the only time she gets to shower and have breakfast. But it is all worth it and it does get easier speaking from a mother of a 5 month old.


  • Comment number 59.

    007....trying to get the courage up to take boy and dog for a walk in the rain.........don't wanna go!! The waterproof isn't even dry from this morning and the mutt wants to go out again.

    But I have won my arguement with the local library.........I like being right!


  • Comment number 60.

    Hi James - yes thats the second time the Deev has been made to blush !!! Doing a good job there you are!!!

    We love you Bingo.

    and I agree MWK & others, please don't call him No' CLP.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    eb.... library? Sounds like an interesting story, do tell?

    BeesMum..... thanks. How are things with you today?

  • Comment number 62.

    I dunno. I just seem to be in a permanent state of dizzy blushiness of late.



    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 63.

    Hi 007: thanks, I am having a good day - apart from having to just type a horrendous schedule!

    You seem to be in good form recently - is everything ok with you?

    C xx

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi ChrissieS, thanks. Things with me are as well as can be expected. Looking forward to spring or at least some warmer temps.

  • Comment number 65.

    Bondy .... walk away from the weather speak. Makes you sound like an ex-pat!!



  • Comment number 66.

    007..not interesting at all really.....they claimed I hadn't returned a book, Book of Dave (very good if you can get past the made up language) which I know went back before Xmas.........she was very rude and suggested it was lost in the house somewhere....but got a grovelly phonecall back, they found it in the library.....wouldn't mind but it's the second time they done it to me.

    I look after books, and in these times the library is a good alternative to buying but if this happens alot I gonna have to go bookless....

    Right, gonna have to brave the weather, wish me luck!


  • Comment number 67.

    Deev - v funny - blushiness!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Good Luck ebbwbeth.....have a good splash!

  • Comment number 69.

    The problem Bondy probably has is that, in my experience, Americans EXPECT us to talk about the weather all the time so you get into a bad habit.

  • Comment number 70.

    Spuds, I fondly remember when Bingo could only post one line at a time...and I eagerly awaited the next instalment...

  • Comment number 71.

    ebbwbeth - I've read The Book Of Dave. Will Self is a bloody genius!

    Beezer - why thank you! It's true tho. I'm just on a permanent buzzy state of a blushiness high of late.

    And I'm loving it!

    x x x

  • Comment number 72.

    Happy bunny land Diva? Me too!!
    You said 10/12 for Brum - I can only count 8?
    Beez xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Nah - forget what I said - I can now count 10/12!!! Head in the clouds birds whizzing round in a circle !!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 74.

    Bimbo Beezer! xx

  • Comment number 75.

    eb, weird that its happened before... Next time I would ask for a letter of apology.....

  • Comment number 76.

    ps we now have Sky but not plus as is courtesy of someone else who lives in the house who rents extra boxes, so can still not record progs...so still have to stay up until stupid o'clock to watch Dexter.

    ANYHOO keep meaning to say...Whitechapel.
    I cannot believe I was RIGHT!!! I said it was him the very first time we ever saw him in the hospital. Badger was equally amazed at my deduction, as I can't usually guess correctly. Even in Poirot.

    ...and AliB and ebbwbeth, similar happened to me too...cep I found the book about 2 years later...having had many altercations with the local bibliotheque...so I smuggled it back, in a cake, and left it behind something obscure in the reference section...


  • Comment number 77.

    Ummmm I'm telling HL


  • Comment number 78.

    Bimbo indeed Diva - just spent 10 minutes looking for something which was right in front of my nose !! Best be off to the barnet fixer - tis still raining and blowing a hooley - ah well !

    Back later - new laptop up and running but wont link to wifi - I will be grimly clutching on to old one until sorted !

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 79.

    TTFN BeesMum

  • Comment number 80.

    Just you behave James - no making Diva blush again!!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 81.

    I'm back, slightly soggy and cold, but I survived!

    Steffib...I actually did jump in a couple of puddles, the Boy all tucked up in his buggy looked slightly embarassed!

    Ctd..Will Self tis indeed a genius, but think you love or hate him...t'other half actually gave up on Book of Dave (much to his shame) but I loved it.....

    God I make a good cuppa tea....anyone want one?


  • Comment number 82.

    ebb - that's weird. My other half did exactly the same. And he's called ... dave!

  • Comment number 83.

    Used to love splashing in puddles with GD when she was ickle.

    Tea....yeh that would be good thanks. Any Lady Grey?


  • Comment number 84.


    I'll have a brew please.


  • Comment number 85.

    Can I be norty and ask for a mocha-choca-frappa-lappa-doodle-woop-double-wubble-chewy-wewey-espressoccino please.


    Deev x x x

    PS: with cream and choccy sprinkles, naturually xxxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Well helloooooo!!!

    Back from meeting and my worst nightmare is about to unfold. My desk is being moved - into the middle of ...

    Why me??????

    Boleyngirl, hope you feel better.

    Diva, if you wear that green Twirlette leotard i bet the camera will find you in July!!!

    T xxxxx

  • Comment number 87.

    sparkle, what's wrong with that?

    BeesMum, no promises

    Eb, mile and 2 sugars please.....

  • Comment number 88.

    Trust me Tinsel. The green Twirlette leotard was consigned to the "never again" bin many many years ago. Together with the white and green Twirlette mini dress for marching, the knee-high white socks, American Tan tights, white plimsoles and marchy peaked hat - white with green plumage, naturally! Genuinely sad at the misplacement of my baton. We had a good relationship, y'know!

    You'll just have to make do with the pic of me on FB practising with a broom handle!!

    Marketing - not all bad, surely! Beats accounts!

    (runs to hide from baggy, dissing, matt and other bloggy bean counters out there!)

    Deev xxxx

  • Comment number 89.

    And what's wrong with Marketing? or is that a silly question????


  • Comment number 90.

    Poor Tins,

    Although I can think of worse places your desk could be moving to......

    Middle of the M25
    North Pole
    The list goes on.

    Anyhow - I'm almost outta here. Off home soon and on my way home I shall purchase Heat (other very trashy celebrity gossip magazines are available). Then before I sit down I shall do my ironing. Got fajithas (sp) for tea - can't wait. Then a bath and a cuppa with the Mistresses.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    Over and Out

  • Comment number 91.

    steffib1, that's what I want to know too....

  • Comment number 92.

    Staffib...you're in luck, and Ctd, there's always one......;)

    tray will be coming round, Ctd, yours is in the posh glass mug.......

    Think the Boy is hungary...just brought the contents of his 'treat' box to me, maybe I should do his dinner!


  • Comment number 93.

    Oh just reading that back I didn't mean I was going to have a bath with the Mistresses - I'm going to have one before I watch it.

    Phew glad I cleared that up!



  • Comment number 94.

    TTFN Alibaba.......

  • Comment number 95.

    LOL!! Sorry if any of you are marketing people out there but the ones I know seem to be really ... annoying. (Don't want to be moderated again!)

    Ho hum. Feel the fear and do it anyway!

    Ah, Deev, american tan tights, I remember them well!!!!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 96.

    LOL Alibibaba....

  • Comment number 97.

    Me and Marketing go together....no offence taken - am a tough ole boot (you ask the beloved).

    Thanks for the tea...a life saver.

    Off for the mega mile at the pool, dinner then maybe a glass of something chilled and white with the mistresses.

    Have a great evening all.


  • Comment number 98.

    Excellent. Had forgotten Mistresses is on this eve.

    Christophe...I think the idea of you knocking up tonight's dinner earlier on in the day sounds like a spiffer. Good luck with the slo-cooker!

    one lump or two

    See you at 5.08 and on the morrow. When I shall be wearing my sequinned Debbie McGee swimsuit which consists of not a lot. Chez, it's a shame I can't make the meet as it doesn't often get an airing.


  • Comment number 99.

    Tins, take care swimming with the sharks.

    ...and Steffi, I hope there are no sharks...

  • Comment number 100.

    thanks Steffi and really REALLY am sorry if I offended any marketing bods!!!

    Worrying now!!

    T xx


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