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Chris Evans | 14:59 UK time, Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Was gonna go out again for dinner last night, let's face it...

... the days when this is possible are numbered as babba d.j. is on the way.

Thing is though, arrived home and even though wifey was ready for the off, it was so warm and cosy indoors and as HOSTILE AS HELL outside I promptly announced...

"We shall stay in and I shall cook."

So, three courses and two hours later - a great decision.

Slight dilemma though nowadays when it comes to the opening of wine. We used to share a bottle between the two of us but presently it's just me and no matter what vaccuum corking device is employed, if I leave a half a bottle 'til the next day, it's just not the same, it has started to turn, it is, in short, a waste.

Last night however, what the heck?

Opened a bottle of 1996 Pauillac, this was a treat indeed and such a fine wine, to leave any of it would have been a crime, thus my guilt was admonished in my duty to drink the lot!

To be honest, I didn't but I nearly did.

Hit the choccie drawer pretty hard soon afterwards and it was this late night coco fix that caused my crazy dream sluice gate to drop open. Cue the flow, here comes the show....

How about a country full of unlit bonfires, still here since nov 5th and now being guarded by the army!

Next, me in the driver's seat of a Mclaren F1, a three-seater centre driven car but with my hands tied so I was helpless.

Only the two people either side of me able to steer, one being my sister, who was petrified, the other being Claudia Winkleman... I know, don't ask I have no idea.

Coys classic car auction in London this week... oh oh.





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  • Comment number 1.

    CLP - step away from the choccy drawer - those dreams are great - thanks for sharing! :-)

  • Comment number 2.

    You do crack me up. I think it's the booze that makes dreams madder. Well, they seem to for me anyway

    Have a good show

    Liz x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hello Chris,

    Staying in, is the new going out! Spend time, not money is the way to get the best of everything.... :)


  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris, following your Woolworths story yesterday I thought I?d let everyone know they can get hold of ?Little drummer boy/Peace on Earth via the facebook campaign group

  • Comment number 5.

    Hi Chris, following your Woolworths story yesterday I thought I?d let everyone know they can get hold of ?Little drummer boy/Peace on Earth? via the facebook group


  • Comment number 6.

    Hi Chris,

    What a crazy dream. I wish I could remember my dreams when I wake up but never do. However, I do have flash backs the following night when I am going through my REM mode - how mad is that!!

    Love the Winkelman - she cracks me up.

    Looking forward to the show.


  • Comment number 7.

    SB - I think "step away from the car auction" is required more than the choccie drawer!!

    Andy - if we purchase Little Drummer boy etc from teh facebook group - does it still count towards the chart?

    CHRIS - as you have access to the HUGE Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ record archive - can you solve the DCMS puzzle for us? - it is the acronym of the title (or is it first line?) of a Christmas Song/Carol/Hymn.


  • Comment number 8.

    Pauillac - too good for a school night surely! You will soon get used to the nights in due to munchkins but the wine cellar may suffer!

    Does christmas make sense...!

    Do children meet santa...!

    Dotheyknowits Christ Ma S...!


  • Comment number 9.

    Thanks for all your lovely messages bloggers it's been very much appreciated. Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Christopeh, I'm just glad you didn't have any cheese...

    Is not the arrival of babba d.j not so imminent that mamma d.j could not possibly have a glass without undue or ill effects on said babba?

    I may well get shot down in flames for that suggestion, but not being a mamma (just an honrororary aunt in several cases) I'm not qualifed to comment...it is just wot I have heard...


    ps I just wish Claudia would STAND UP STRAIGHT...never seen anyone slouch that much...and they whiffle on about posture til the cows come home.

    or should that be pasture???

  • Comment number 11.


    Of course I meant Christophe...


  • Comment number 12.


    Best you get your mum to live close you or even Tash's parents nearby . .. instant baby sitters :-D
    If you want a bottle of wine then have it As long as you can justify to yourself then go for it laddie (unless of course you're likely to go back down the road as when you was with Johnny Boy Revel) (Not that i'm suggesting he was the cause *just incase he's watching and decides to sue for defamation of character*)

    Steve :-D


    thanks for letting us know about the new blog :-D (see i noticed this time) :-D

  • Comment number 13.

    Hi everyone,

    CLP- Tash is a lucky lady, I wish someone would cook me a three course meal.... the bottle of Pauillac definitely justified as cook's perogative!

    What a mad dream! I wish I could remember my dreams but alas as soon as the alarm goes off, piff they've gone right out of my head.

    It is freezing cold here in the 'burgh tonight, think if we're gonna get snow it's going to be tonight or tomorrow morning. Can't say I'm feeling the festive spirit yet despite its impending-ness, haven't really been firing on all cylinders the last few days, and don't like the fact that it's dark when I leave work, makes very very sleepy zzzzzz

    R x

  • Comment number 14.


    I have the oddest dreams. Wake up thinking about them, then by the time I've got my mojo in gear, I've forgotten what they were about. Weird!

    We indulged in a bottle of red last night at Diva Towers, but just a simple supermarcardo purchased Shiraz. Very nice. Very fruity. And the wine weren't bad either!!

    Now, shall we open the window marked "3" and see what lies beneath .....

    Ready ....

  • Comment number 15.

    Here we go ....... peeling it back ...... it's a ..... it's a ...... NO!!! Never ....

    Teddy Bear!

    the mices one appears to have morphed into an elefant one ..... window no.3 is an elefant wot looks like its just come out of Harvey Nix - carrying loads of shopping bags and wearing a santa hat.


    the book is now open again for tomorrow's window no.4.

    Diva xxxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Just had a visit from a guy living just outside Coventry which should have taken 40 -45 mins - took 2 hours! Now got to find way back in the pitch black and it is already freezing hard!!!
    Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Definitely the place to be Christoph -too slippery to take "mama to be" out on the razz. Spag bol my fav if you're cooking again please.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    my advent calandar today was a very greedy looking snowman holding lots of gingerbread - its strange what happens!

    okay - calandar no 1 - bell
    calander no 2 - penguin irish dancing

    drive home safe one and all

    super bp x

  • Comment number 18.

    Evening each

    Rosie: The forecast is for sleet in the Lothians. Today has been baltic - feet still freezing.

    Chris: Bsmums right - mum to be should not be taken out on slippery roads.

    My road is a skating rink - slid gracefully round corner in car coming home. It's sooo scary.

    CtD: It has to be mistletoe tomorrow!


  • Comment number 19.

    Oh Bagpuss I guessed a snowman today - wrong calendar!!!! flip!!!

    Bees. xxx

  • Comment number 20.

    Annie: I still haven't warmed up properly, and I've been home for nearly an hour! Not liking the sound of sleet for tomorrow, drive safely if you're out and about tomorrow (that goes for everyone else experiencing wintery weather).

    I am like Bambi trying to walk on even the merest hint of ice on a road so if I were Tash I wouldn't be setting foot outside right now.

    Bsmum: I'd like to echo your comments re spag bol!


  • Comment number 21.


    I'm about to leave for home now but can I ask a favour of you ....

    I've been texting with DebbieC - shes got herself in a bit of a pickle and basically I'm worried about her. Don't want to say too much on here as it's not my place, but if you have her mobile number, can you just ping her a text to make sure she's alright.

    All I will say is that she's not at home and I wouldn't want to be where she is.

    Thanks - much appreciated.

    Cheryl x x x x

    poss back later xx

  • Comment number 22.

    I said an elephant on the other one - oh no that was the day before!


  • Comment number 23.

    Hi Chris,

    I think when we have these crazy dreams it is because we just have TOO MUCH going on in our lives!

    I think it's a very good idea, once the baby is past the tiny stage, to get out together fairly regularly. We made the huge mistake of not doing that. When we decided we should get out together, it was always met with horror from MsS. Tears, guilt, awful. It is important you have time to yourselves - but you don't have to think about that right now!!

    Have to mention andyhayhurst who has been working so hard to promote Little Drummer Boy. Buying it will be on my "to do" list on Monday!

    Everyone else: take care going home tonight (I am dreading it) and have a nice evening.

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Cheryl: Will do.


  • Comment number 25.

    I have Debbie's number - I'll give her a shout

  • Comment number 26.

    How surreal... at least you didn't die... I had several of those on a row once.. :/

    The Chris Evans Show rocks! And at present is currently preventing me from going insane. Thanks Chris!

  • Comment number 27.

    Greetings Ter CLP And Each Blog Dude,

    Bingo Star ere.....

    My goodness all.... thanks for all your love and mothering over me terrible, really very, very, very bad man flu!!!!!
    Ave never been mothered by so many ladies in one day.... a could could get used ter this blog babes!!!!!!

    Must be working as am suddenly feeling better or maybe it's this chinese potions am drinking...... or BOTH!!!!!

    CLP - Interesting blog, a never remember me dreams nowadees, does this mean something??? Maybe a should getta dream analist ter analise the situation!!!
    Used to when I was younger!
    As for your dreams CLP, a couldn't agree more on The Winkleman... I fancy 'er... always liked dark women.. she looks ever so slightly like Nelly Furtado.. yer know same type of look - know what points am tryin' ter get across ere?!!!?!!!!
    As for the F1 McLaren.... you wanter be Lewis 'amilton - that's what all tha tiz about... and a don't blame yer!!!!

    Finally when iz Tash due ter drop???
    A wonder if yer gonna ave a little sagittarius or a capricorn???
    Still think it's a boy.. convinced it's gonna be a boy!!!!!!

    Tatty bye all!!!!!

  • Comment number 28.

    Bingo: Due to drop????? Very elegant way of putting it dear boy.

    Glad you're feeling better so soon. Did you sneeze?

    Just read that back and I sound like a really snitty woman don't I???? That's because I've lived with husband and sons for a very long time!!!!!


    PS: Debs is ok. Susan contacted her and the poor girl is stuck somewhere dark with a flat tyre.


  • Comment number 29.

    Am sneezing all the time Annie G... ahhhhchoooooooo... see told yer!

    'Due ter drop' is a maternal scouse term... it's mean't in sentimentations of endearments and niceties... noot mean't ter cause offence ter anyone who iz due ter drop - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Prof Plum And Sparkly Tinsel - 'ope you get better soon too. Aotta viruses going around at the mo - am tellin' yer!!!!!


  • Comment number 30.

    Enjoy your man flu Bingo.

    Oh goodness, I'm turning into my mother!!!!


  • Comment number 31.

    PS What does snitty mean???

    I think you are very nice Annie G!!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Bingo: And I think you're lovely too. Am turning into a grumpy old woman. I've got a cold too - but it's a woman cold. Still doing the cleaning, babysitting of grandchildren, working........

    I'm just a martyr.


  • Comment number 33.

    That's the first time I've heard the Terry and Aled song.
    Terry's not really in tune, is he?

    There I go again!!! Off to have a lemsip.


  • Comment number 34.

    Annie G - Ahhh... it's all just too much stress this crayzeee life for all of us!!!!!

  • Comment number 35.


    Just got home. Thought that I had better post quickly.

    Since 4pm I have been stuck in the forest with LM. Car burst a tyre after I skidding on some ice/mud. It got dark quite quickly and couldn't see a thing outside the car.

    LM was tired/scared/hungry/ bored. Blooming nightmare, and all on my first day at work.

    Lovely recovery men couldn't find us (do little roads in the forest have names?) spent ages trying to give directions.

    Anyway, he's tucking into beans on toast, I have poured myself a glass of wine (naughty I know) and I must chill. So tired!

    Back to work tomorrow, early night for me.

    Thanks Cheryl, Anne and Susan. You're fab.

    Hope to pop back later and catch up with all posts. Missed you all!

    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 36.

    Is it ok to burst into tears at Take That? Luv Lyndyloo-x-x-

  • Comment number 37.

    Debbie: Glad you're home safe. You enjoy your glass of vino - you deserve it.


  • Comment number 38.

    Yes lyndyloo, it's ok to have a few tears. I remember mine listening to Van Morrison singing Moondance, quite a long time ago now.

    Whatever keeps you going.


  • Comment number 39.

    Evening all,

    Thought I'd drop by and say hello quickly.

    My goodness Chris, wish my dreams were that interesting! Currently my dreams involve feeding Ben, and then I wake up thoroughly confused when I discover he's still in his cot.

    As for the vino, a glass every now and then isn't likely to do any harm. In my (humble) opinion.

    We are having pork and apple casserole tonight, the whole lot including dumplings and mash made yesterday and refrigerated. Lunch was vegetable soup that I made on Monday and froze! Must've known that I was going to have a grumpy monkey to look after today...


    and the grumpy hungry jumpy bean

  • Comment number 40.

    PS lyndyloo, sending hugs your way.
    PPS debs, glad you're home safe - enjoy the vino :)



  • Comment number 41.

    Glad to know you're home safe Debbie. Get warm and enjoy your vino (it's allowed for medicinal purposes). And thanks Annie-G Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Christoff old Bean,
    If I left even a smidgeon of a fine wine like your 96 , I would,nt have been able to get to sleep baby.


  • Comment number 43.

    drop into the newest extension to the Blog and Duck tonight guys and share a tipple with Lyndyloo the only! Debbie C, one to calm the nerves?

    DD out

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi , glad Debbie C safe and sound,did,nt see the earlier thread and posted a back to Christoff post.
    Read them all now,gotta say well done the support group.


  • Comment number 45.

    DD: You still in the pub? Lyndyloo and I are the only ones there. Polishing the bar and tables, topping up the tipples.


  • Comment number 46.

    Lyndyloo, sometimes certain songs remind us or touch as at that moment in time and bring us joy or let us grieve. It's why we love music, isn't it? How did your day go?

    Haven't had time to catch up on the blog - madness and bedlum reign in HLS Towers, so any word from alright-flower?

    Glad you're home, Debbie! When big wee lass was 7 weeks old, on a very cold, wintery March night, we set out with her to take her to Oban for her first visit to Argyll. There we were, traveling merrily (though slower than norm with our precious cargo) and I'm thinking, 'Hmmm, brakes are a bit spongy!'. Sure enough, coming round a corner, down an incline, and my foot hit the floor with the brake pedal - no brakes!! Joy! Managed to use gears and handbrake and verge to stop the car. Phoned breakdown, giving precious instructions as to where we were - were told to get out the car due to danger of being in stationary car - explained we had a 7 week old baby. An hour later, still waiting, we phoned the police who very kindly sent a van for us to sit in as temps were below freezing. 2 hours later the breakdown guy appeared - they had sent him 30 miles away up the Cannich road, no where near Loch Ness!!!!

    I have many more stories of our escapades in cars!! But dinner calls!

  • Comment number 47.

    Suse: Would that be the RAC? Was a member for a very short time - they never found me! Even the time I was at the end of the Forth Road Bridge!.

    Now, the AA, that's another story. Wonderful emergency service. Would recommend them every time. And, Debbie, they always ask - are you alone? do you have a child in the car? are you safe?


  • Comment number 48.

    Will catch up with you all later you lovely lot! Off to help Santa wrap the presents for the church creche party tonight ... hoping there'll be mulled wine!!

    Someone keep Annie company at the Blog and Duck??

  • Comment number 49.

    Oh My Word!

    6.35pm. Get a call from someone on the Drivetime team, checking the details of my Crackers, which are gonna be played "in 10 minutes". Very excited Diva texts Scoobs, Debbie and Tinsel (sorry others whose numbers I have - I was all a-quiver!) telling them to tune in ....

    6.48 pm. Someone else's Crackers get played. Puzzled Diva.

    6.50pm. Another call from same lady on Drivetime team, apologising but due to running out of time they had to air shorter Crackers. Mine should be tomorrow.

    Oh my goodness! Now know how Gingembre felt when yesterday's blog appeared!!!

    Cited Diva!!

    Debbie - glad you're home safe and sound. Are you gonna tell us how your first day went then .... ??

    Anne and HLS - thank you! xx

    Lyndyloo, with me it was Sailing by Rod Stewart. Dad was a member of a boat club and that song will always remind me of him. It never leaves you completely, but it does get easier. xxxx

    Laters hunnybuns!

    'cited Diva x x x

  • Comment number 50.

    Woo-hoo!!!! Well done CtD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 51.

    Suse: Am I the blog alcoholic?? And me sipping hot chocolate!!!!


  • Comment number 52.

    Having a toast to Cyril at the blogpub xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi guys

    Anyone out there tonight?

    Lyndyloo - hope today has been ok as it could be for you and ur mum..and yes, its ok to cry at TT.. 12 yrs since i lost my dad and i STILL cry at Fleetwood Mac.. gonna be a nightmare if they bring it back as F1 theme on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ! But been thinking of you today. x

    Bingo/TInsel/PP/Annie - hope u all get well soon...and please dont be sneezing over the computer..you know how these viruses spread!

    Debs - glad u home safe..

    Dook - u ever figure no7?

    HLS - manage any sleep today hon..off to pub to see..

    And everyone else... hope u made it home safely..please please take plenty of time tomorrow on your journeys... i`m headed up to North Yorks.. well we`ll see!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 54.

    And how bad am i..? Got CtD`s excited message re gobsmackers..at about ten past 7 - doh! But will be tuned intomorrow night...yay in advance!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 55.

    What an absolute corker of a show tonight. It was just superb. The lady on woman's minute is asked what the coldest part of her body is, she says her feet, and off we go with the whole car heater thing. Loved it.

    Cheryl - I'm so excited about your crackers (if you'll pardon the expression). We'll all be listening and cheering.


  • Comment number 56.

    Well I've skimmed through as best as I can...soooo tired!

    Lyndyloo, thinking of you and hope that you are ok.

    PP, get well soon.

    Bugger I can't remember much else....thanks for nice messages regarding the teen, and the phone calls tonight.

    The first day went well. Have a uniform and locker, not an allocated desk as yet but hey. Had another look around the bakery today, so interesting. But most of the time was spent in the Risk Manager's office helping with paperwork, emails etc.

    And I'm going to the Christmas Party next Thursday...hang around? Me? Not on your nelly.

    Seem to be a nice crowd and I'm reasurred today that the job is mostly office based. Albeit it in a blue uniform.

    LM asked me if it would be like Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. So they all look like blue oompah loompahs to me now!

    Hope to be back later, eyelids permitting.

    Love you all lots
    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 57.

    Can only blog bits for some reason but again... to everybody... Thank you soooo much! Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Evening each - just popping in whilst stew and in a mo - dumplings bubbling.

    Glad you're home Debs - right pain flat tyre - had one recently and had to read the manual to find out where jack was - and also where supposed to put it! then the flippin wheel nuts - had to jump on the gizmo to get them to even move! Need to know how work went??????

    Lyndy you are allowed to cry at anything you like for next few days!!! Let it go babe. Just filled glass cheers to Cyril.

    Well warned to listen tomorrow Diva - how disappointing for tonight though!!

    Back later hopefully

    Beesmum xxx

    Roads great fun tonight - not!! hope you are all home safely - done my dancing for the night on 4 wheels!

  • Comment number 59.

    Well done CtD.... look forward to hearing them tomorrow......

  • Comment number 60.

    Ooops we crossed debs!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 61.


    You're so right. Music should be directly linked to your emotions, I reckon that is pretty much the idea.

    Think how certain types of music, or particular songs, get you in the right mood for something, or whizz you straight back somewhere, because of the association.

    I have a couple of tracks that do it for me.

    Find The River, by REM is, and always will be, the song that belongs to a close friend who took his own life.

    Round Here, by Counting Crows, takes me direct, without passing Go or collecting Β£200, to a beach in NZ where I spent an evening trying to fathom out life, the universe and everything.

    I ended up with a different answer to 42, by the way.

    And, Here Comes The Sun is 'our' song as it was Mrs MfR's moment of glory at our wedding.

    I think I have mentioned all of the above before, and I apologize for doing so, but that is because they are part of the sound track to my life.

    Enjoy music. Laugh, cry, scream, shout, whatever.

    Now, where did I put those Christmas CDs........

    Peace and love


    PS Germany 3 England 2

    PPS But, when and where was the match?

  • Comment number 62.

    MfR - Here comes the sun has memories for me too... 6th Form Geology A level trips in a minibus and us 10 students getting shouted at for a `gap in our knowledge` when we didnt have the answers! It always rained so it became our anthem and whenever i hear it now i am transported back to those days.. and the fab teacher who used to get us all a pint in at the pub where we congregated to dry off!

    The other one is Fleetwood Mac Chains.. played as the last piece for my Dad - and brought the house down in a fantastic way!

    and the happier one is... Dancing Queen... i know, i know, but it was playing in the car on mine and GM 3rd date and he sang it in such a silly way that it has just become `our` song... brilliant.

    Right, off to make a cuppa now..back in 10 seconds..can u tell i LOVE my new toy?!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 63.

    matt -

    was it on christmas day in no mans land during the war?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Scooby, MW, MfR, BeesMum and anyone on the blog. Hope you are all well. Sounds like you're having some yukky weather. We're supposed to have more snow later in the week. Drive carefully everyone and safe home........

  • Comment number 65.

    Ah, Mariella.

    Well spotted.

    That was the alleged score.

    But, as Blackadder proclaimed, the winner was definitely offside.



  • Comment number 66.

    Matt: Many years ago I worked for an ex-service charity for blind people.

    We got lots of donations of very emotional memorabilia. The most memorable one was from WW1. A small tin with the King and Queen of that time on the lid, which had contained chocolates for the men at the front.

    Inside was a letter from a man to his wife about the meeting of both sides on Christmas Day on no-man's land for a football match. Also inside was a Prussian cigarette which he had received from his German opposite number. I don't know if he survived.


  • Comment number 67.


    Wow, wow, and thrice, wow.

    What an amazing piece.

    When I was searching for my grandfather (see numerous earlier blogs) I learned alot about the military and conflicts past.

    We must never forget what these people did for us.

    On that note, I am off for a bite to eat, a glass of vino (not as posh as Chris', but scrummy nonetheless) and then my nightly attempt at a few hours kip.

    Be safe chaps.


  • Comment number 68.

    Night Matt. Hope you get a few zzzzzzz's


  • Comment number 69.

    Hi Annie-G, wow that tin with the letter would have been a great keepsake.... What happened to it?

  • Comment number 70.

    Hello Bond. I've been expecting you. (that is from the bond films innit?)

    MfR - It must be said that I am in complete agreement with Blackadder!

    Hope everyone is well. Poor Errol is on the sofa loking very pale and feeling very sicky with many trips to the ladies room. Bless him, but not too much.

    Other news, umm..... none really.

    Til later,

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi MW.... indeed it is.......... I agree on the goal being offside, I am sure at least one of the others was scored as a result of a hand ball.....

  • Comment number 72.

    Bond: Don't know, but I guess it was auctioned. And the old lady who donated it (the letter was from her husband) thought we would treasure it and look after it.

    We were all made redundant because we'd raised millions for the charity and they didn't need us any more. Pants, eh?

    NB: All those blind ex-servicemen who'd been captured and tortured never talked about their experiences. Except one, who'd been a prisoner of war in Japan. Their torture was unbelievable - starved, then wrapped in barbed wire and force-fed water till they were bloated.

    Right, enough of that. Sorry folks.


  • Comment number 73.

    Annie-G, Wow, I had a friend who served in the army but never spoke to his family about what happened to him during his tour of duty. He did tell me a little bit of what happened and I can fully understand why didn't speak to his family about it. War's a terrible thing, no matter what side you're on.....

    You know what they say, No good deed goes unpunished...... Hopefully you found employment soon after..... I got laid off a few years back, 2 weeks before xmas after I had been with the company for 10 years........ so I feel your pain..... not that there's ever a good time to be laid-off...

  • Comment number 74.

    Not quite as interesting as your tin Annie, but I have a little keepsake that I found when my dad bought an old warehouse full of books. Well, 2 actually.

    The first is a book dated 1904 and is 'The Book of Spells and Fortune Reading' Its a fascinating book but I can tell you for nothing the love potion does not work!

    And second is a miniture bible, smaller than a pack of cards bound in blue leather with gold page edges. I'm not a religious person, but I kept this as there was an inscription in the front page.

    'To my baby girl - Imogen, With all my love, Mama xxx'

    And it was dated 24th Jan 1874.

    Exactly 99 years before I was born!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 75.

    Yes, we all got over it and got other jobs - a long time ago now.

    But redundancy is crap, isn't it? Especially when you've given your all to your job.

    War - I think Bob Dylan said it all when he sang 'God on our Side'. A futile exercise.


  • Comment number 76.

    MWa - who was Imogen? A lovely name. What a lovely keepsake.

    For anyone who wants to trace their ancestors - my friend Kirsty is a cracking Genealogist - and she's cheap.


  • Comment number 77.


    I don't know who Imogen was. This warehouse was packed ceiling high with boxes and boxes of books and more than a few 'gentleman's magazines'.

    We sorted through them and out of oh I don't know how many thousands of books, those were the only two we kept.

    Also, I'm quite proud of myself as I was 13 at the time and I think I showed some real maturity.

    For the first and last time!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 78.

    Beesmum #58.

    Look after those Dumplings.


  • Comment number 79.

    Still a lovely thing to have MWa.

    Know what you mean about being mature. I keep telling myself if I don't grow up soon, it'll be too late!!!!


  • Comment number 80.


    Have tried to catch up but only skimmed through so I may have missed something important - if so, apologies.

    Glad to hear that Lindy got through the tough day - people tell me that the first anniversaries are always the hardest.

    Sorry to hear about Debbie's puncture - my big fear is having another like I once did on a busy Motorway when my daughter was only young. Not a pleasant experience!

    And I hope Gingembre (if no-one else) will join me in saying Come on You Spurs!! 1-1 isn't good enough and I'm way too stressed tonight for a penalty shoot-out.

    Dook - seems no-one can get no 7 on that songs list but what was 4?


  • Comment number 81.

    Hi Bondy,MW`a, Derbyfi and everyone else!

    IMHO growing up is far too overrated - tried it, didnt like it so went back to being a big kid.. albeit with responsibilities! Its great!

    Oh..and 22 sleeps to go.....

    mSc x

  • Comment number 82.

    Scoobs: Already told you - stop it right now!!!!!

    Right, here's one for the girls (or Russell Brand). I use Body Shop Camomile Gentle eye make-up remover - and it's crap. After using it I walk around for ages with eyes streaming and stinging.

    Any suggestions? Yes, I will throw it out, but I need something else to put in its place first.


  • Comment number 83.

    I agree.... growing up is over rated.

  • Comment number 84.

    Annie, my daughter uses Simple eye make up pads. Tried those?

    And re growing up - a pal of mine became a dad in his early 40's and said it was really great except that it meant he'd have to grow up at last! But we've not seen any evidence of it yet.............


  • Comment number 85.

    Evening each - boy have I eaten too much - going to go off pop in a mo!!!

    Annie - have always used baby oil to clean eye make up, then soft tissue to mop up oil
    then promplty put more on!! - well mascara anyway! no-one but no-one sees me without mascara!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Thanks ladies. Will try both. Body shop crap going in bin tomorrow.


  • Comment number 87.

    Hi BeesMum, hope you are well.

  • Comment number 88.

    Oooo df, you and I don't get a look-in. Just 'Hi Beesmum'..........


  • Comment number 89.

    Hi James - well at least theday improved slightly! Just waiting for the promised snow to start - am not holding my breath - it is far too cold!

    Bees xxx

    JTT - eeeugh! - too many dumplings I'm afraid!!!

  • Comment number 90.

    hey all

    Long time no blog!

    CLP - loving your last few days. Sounds like mayhem! But you are obviously in such a cool place right now that it is all manageable, now you have life order and Tash by your side! good for you and yours and hope your happiness continues, you deserve it all!

    No chance to catch up on all the blogs last few days and weeks but annie, used to use Simple eye make up remover and was very cheap and good, no side effects. but got introduced to the people that give us the Baby Oil and they too have eye make up remover which is cheaper and better!!!

    and re men growing up.....are you having a laugh?! that's why the relationship thing is such hard work for both concerned, one's enjoying being a child and the other is enjoying taking care of the child, cept of course goes wrong when taking care person gets fed up taking care and child person wonders what the hell just happened!!! all i know is I have often thought I'd like to come back as a man but as I get older and less wise I realise that life would be toooooo simple and we girls love to make life un-simple!!


  • Comment number 91.

    Annie - i use A*da own brand sensitive eye make up remover.. doesnt sting or anything and ive got pathetic eyes! ..and is not expensive either. Have not tried that from the BS but i use their seaweed mattifying day cream as my moisturiser to get my face moving in the morning and its fantastic. Bout all the beauty suggestions u gonna ever get from me!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 92.

    Hi Annie and Mr B says hi too! xx

    Bees xx

  • Comment number 93.

    I'll not take the huff Annie.............I'm sure I miss people out every time I log in!!

    And we're in the dying seconds of the game........and yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Semi finals here we come!! That's improved my mood somewhat after a pretty cr*p day! But what's the betting we draw Man U in the semi?

    Still, as Scarlett O'Hara said - tomorrow is another one.


  • Comment number 94.

    LOL Annie-G I believe I said hi in #69...... and in #64 I did say everyone, but a big "hi" to df.....just to keep Annie-G happy......LOL

  • Comment number 95.

    wotcha bondy! :)


  • Comment number 96.

    Very politicaly correct James - I saw you say hi to Annie !!!
    was going to frilly knicker you today as I knew you were in meetings but had to pay attention to one to one visitor so a tad difficult!!!

    JTT any bits drop off on your walk home? and as you are a tad north from me - do I have to get wellies out for tomorrow yet?

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    df: You talking footie??? Why?

    Thanks Scooby, will try that too.

    xxxxxx for Mr. B.

    Dreamer: Ask for book on Transactional Analysis for Christmas. Truly enlightening about the games we adults play throughout our lives.


  • Comment number 98.

    That sounds interesting Annie ?? more info?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 99.

    BeesMum, If it's any consolation, I can't sit in our one meeting room without thinking of your pink frilly knickers....o'er......LOL

  • Comment number 100.

    Sorry Annie - I just like it. Cheryl is probably cursing me though if she's reading the posts above.

    Think I'll head off to bed soon - had a long day and tomorrow looks like being busy too.

    So hi in advance to HLS who is bound to appear if I mention her, but probably just as I log out!



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