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the men who chase their tail and even when they catch have no idea why they bothered and what to do with it.

Chris Evans | 15:23 UK time, Tuesday, 7 October 2008

I know a guy who...

...all he ever thinks about is making money.

He worries about making it, he worries about not making it, he worries about how to make it, he worries about how to make more, he worries about other people making even more than him and then when he does make some, he worries about losing it.

What the *&^% is that about ?





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  • Comment number 1.


    He will die a very stressed out man, won't he!?

    Cheryl xx

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP, my ex was like that.

    life's too short if you ask me. As long as I can pay my bills and have a teensy bit left over for fun stuff I'm happy.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    PS LOL MWa, every day ... ha ha!!

  • Comment number 4.

    Dont know how you do it MWA but there you go again - you comment and new blog appears!!!

    CLP I see an ulcer or worse looming for said person. Like Diva says will die young, a very stressed person so what is the point? Don't suppose he would listen though.

    Beesmum xxx

    Playtime over for a bit - back later

  • Comment number 5.

    Should just take life as it comes. As you never know what is around the corner.

    As someone once said to me.

    It's not a dress rehearsel.


    CTD. Hope your afternoon is better.

  • Comment number 6.

    Sounds good to me Tinsel, happiness is worth much more than all the money in the world

    Tiggy xx

  • Comment number 7.

    michmel - with the help of this wonderful crew of bloggers (and a few clandestine chats on FB) I now feel FANTASTIC!!!

    Cheers gang - you is all wonderful!

  • Comment number 8.

    Ackshully, the secret it I'm him and he's me. Thats why I have so much success with ARF.

    But don't tell Errol, he doesn't know yet

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 9.

    Perhaps you need to tell your friend to get a life!!!

    Liz x

  • Comment number 10.

    Does the ginger hair not give it away MWa??

  • Comment number 11.

    wow, lots of messages. Some interesting threads. I've had male and female bosses and I think the female boss I once had was probably the best. No politics, you new exactly where you stood (no comments CtD).

  • Comment number 12.

    As if 007, as if ....... *blushes*

  • Comment number 13.


  • Comment number 14.

    O M G

    Am I marrying a radio star?????

    rush shirt is being worn everyday from now on lol my wardrobe my shirt but yeh you can have the jeans lol

    rebellious energy that will surely disappear later lol

    Hope Mishka is ok, give her belly rub

    Errol x

  • Comment number 15.

    whoops. if only you knew what was going on inside my head 007. if only ......

  • Comment number 16.

    MW,a! - I've partnered you at pool. Even I would have noticed if you were really CLP! And I'm 100% sure HE doesn't stick to J20 !! xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Good grief a man of taste - Good (Rush T-Shirt) and bad (Scouse) unless you mean all Blue or White.

    DD out

  • Comment number 18.

    He doesn't look at my hair. I tend to distract him with my white bits!

    Mishka now not giving birth, but still bleeding and agitated. I wish I could talk to the animals. Thats wish number 1

    Will discuss wish number 2 later

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 19.

    Right gang, I'm off for today. Won't be on tomorrow during the day as am out at a meeting (yep, I have to do some real work for a change ha ha) but will try and get on tomorrow night and see what you've all been up to!!

    Love you all lots

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 20.

    CtD, now you've said that you'll have to share......

  • Comment number 21.

    Ah yes, the pool games.

    And didn't we do well!

    Errr, no actually

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 22.

    oooooh 007, i don't know if i dare. share.

  • Comment number 23.

    CtD......dare, dare.....LOL

  • Comment number 24.


    So sorry to disappoint, but its the red one, and the Rush t-shirt was bought by me.

    But he has amazing taste in women.

    No, scrap that too! He has amazing taste in one woman.

    or an amazing tasting ......



    MW, a!

  • Comment number 25.

    LOL Mw,a! You crack me up, really!

    Can't Errol wear the g**p shirt on saturday, as he never wore it to The Emirates, nor on our pool playing, noodle munching outing in August?

    (daren't type the G word in full - might wake the BP!)

    007 - you will just have to use your (very vivid, I am sure) imagination hun ....

  • Comment number 26.

    CtD, the G shirt, collar, lead and straps are curently at the dry cleaners. Don't ask!

    No, really, don't.

    On saturday I might, just might get my tats out for the lads.

    And the ladies of course.

    Mind, as it should be, currently in the gutter

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 27.

    MW,a! - come Feb i'll have 3 tats! Just the regulation 2 at the mo tho.

    G shirt, lead and straps .... like 007, I'm askin'

    Is there any other place for one's mind to be, really? I think not!

  • Comment number 28.

    oooooh. where have you all gone???

    Lady boss now gone HOME!!! yay!

  • Comment number 29.

    still here - plodding away

  • Comment number 30.

    I tought maybe they had all been scared off.

    Sorry chaps. Normal service has been resumed.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 31.

    I'm still here too! Though only just


  • Comment number 32.

    Scared off, MW,a!? By little auld us? Surely not????

  • Comment number 33.

    MW, never scared away.

    CtD, glad the boss has gone home.

  • Comment number 34.

    I'm back! Mr B waffling away so not even noticed I have turned work system off!!!

    Tats? ooer not for me thanks - took me 5 years to pluck up courage to have my ears pierced and even then yelped like I'd been shot!!

    Beesmum xxx

    Hi James

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi Beesmum,

    Hope you've had a good day.

  • Comment number 36.

    Used to draw on my hands as a kid but that was with crayons!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 37.

    i love my tats. glad i took the plunge, and can't wait for #3 next february.

  • Comment number 38.

    Ooops crossed there James!
    Been playing this pm cos Mr B late from appointment - some motor accident with bloke lying on floor amblans etc so big detour back to office - cats away - mouse plays! Now trying to catch up on work!! Norty beesmum

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Have pasted the What's Your Name On CLP's blog onto the main front page on CLP bloggers on FB if anyone feels like updating it, adding their bit etc ...

    blast! just started raining here.

  • Comment number 40.

    beesmum, what sort of work?

  • Comment number 41.

    What are they Diva? did it hurt - do they take long - still not for me!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 42.

    #1 is two "drama" masks on my left shoulder. took about 2 hours.

    #2 is a ring of purple roses complete with greenery around my upper right arm. and yes, it goes all the way round. i didn't wimp out. took about 2 hours. originally wanted barbed wire, but lovely tattoo artist said that i wasn't a barbed wire kind of woman and deserved something more befitting, so i left him to do his thing, and he was oh so right.

    #3 will be a portrait of Alice Cooper on my left upper arm. that'll take about 3 hours.

    No - they don't really hurt (except in the wallet - #3 will be 180 squid).

    If they hurt, men wouldn't have so many!!


    I'll show them to you one day. Promise!

  • Comment number 43.

    Well done Diva - *39 did mention earlier as I am totally lost these days!

    Boring old insurance James. work for meself though! chains - neck - aaaargh someone lift my head up!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    OMG Diva hours !!!! NOOOOOOOOOO.
    Not sure about Alice Cooper though will he get distorted when you get old and wrinkly with bingo wings?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Thats also a pair of shoes 180 squid or 20 pairs of flip flops or or or or

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 46.

    Alice is old and wrinkly now BM !!

    I wanted something or someone really totally iconic to rock music, and Alice really is unbeatable live.

    btw: CLP has dedicated the show to me and my hurty thumb. Bring on the hurty thumb cream!

  • Comment number 47.

    Heard Alice Cooper interviewed the other day, and he seems like a really normal bloke when he's not on stage. Says in order to survive in the industry, you have to have separate personas....... Apparently that's where a lot go wrong, being the same on/off stage....

  • Comment number 48.

    NO I missed that!!! didn't realise time. and yes I missed postie last night and had to drive in to town on vapours - still not filled up tank - hey ho

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    07 - Alice / Vincent is really grounded. We've seen him about 5 times now and he just gets better and better.

    I love the notion of him playing golf with Ronnie Corbett when he's in the UK too ... what a pair!

    Any tats 007?

  • Comment number 50.

    oooh sorry James - I chopped you to 07 !! Meant 007, of course xx

  • Comment number 51.

    BsMum - like that woman in the pan advert? -eugh!!!!

    Some Tat's i dont see the point of:

    Angelina Joile - Lovely - the co-ordinates of the places her children have been born If she has/gets anymore she'll scan as a packet of Lentils next time she's at the supermarket

    Justin Hawkins - I know I'll atract the wrath of Diva but here i go - What will that look like when he's in his 70's - AHHHHHH! Spew

    Some Tat's that are okay;

    Maori ones especially on maori members of the All Blacks


  • Comment number 52.

    Alice Cooper is a god, on stage he is a superb actor and really generates a euphoric atmosphere. First time I saw him in 1981, he blew me away, music was awesome, stage antics were very bl**dy theatrics and passion too.
    Off stage he is a gent and I wake up to him every morning............. radio that is

    Hehehehe CtD tats dont hurt, thats why men have so many, good one.

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    CtD, no problemo, Ronnie Corbett and Alice Cooper playing golf.....now that IS funny...LOL

  • Comment number 54.

    dookegg - the Justin Hawkins tat is just begging to be explored southbound ....

    I don't like the newbie rock "icons" who cover their whole arms/torsos in tats. Sometimes when we're watching certain rock channels it's hard to tell when they are wearing clothes or when it's just body art.

    Errol - next time Lord Alice is in London, I think the four of us shoud meet and worship at his very worthy feet!

    Up for that?

  • Comment number 55.

    For those of you wondering, I've normally gone before Alice gets there.

    We don't want 3 in a bed.

    Do we?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 56.

    Right I'm off - have a head from hell, yawning constantly and its a pea souper again out there.

    I'll drive carefully - Promise


  • Comment number 57.

    They do James. They really truly do. They did an ad campaign for sky telly and then became golf buddies on the pro-am circuit. not sure Alice dresses down in plus fours, or whether Ronnie dons the leather, whips and chains .... !!

  • Comment number 58.


  • Comment number 59.

    MW,a! - i think some fantasies are best kept as just that.


  • Comment number 60.

    CtD YES bowing down and praising AC sounds cool



    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Right then you beautiful crazy lot. Tis nearing half five (hurrah) and i'm off to go get the mop chopped (wanna look my best for Saturday!!) and then to the pub for dinner with ditsy blond mate.

    keep the blog fun - I shall be catching up at half six tomorrow morning when Mr Diva has gone to work!

    Lovin' the way you do it ... all of you!

    Cheryl the Diva xxxxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Dook - it is getting ominously dark here!! had sun all pm too - it is just waiting for me to get outside and the heavens are going to open methinks!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 63.

    ctd - you are so organised- i really need a hairvut but will not get time (will probably be working sat morning) so will be coming as cousin IT

  • Comment number 64.

    Laterz CtD

    i'm off too now so seez ya all later

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 65.


    Most definitley up for that. The gig that is.

    Honestly, you guys are so dirty.

    But, Steve Tyler on the other hand......

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 66.

    run bee's mum - run

  • Comment number 67.

    last one: Bagpuss - not organised, just 40 !!!

    Tonight - hair
    T'morra - waxing appointment
    Sat 9.30 - nail bar

    As you get older, it just takes a little longer!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    Bagpuss - post all stamped up - just stuck nose out of door - first huge huge blobs of rain!!! think I'll take your advice and Run

    Beesmum xxx

    Later folks!

  • Comment number 69.

    Chris - Firstly, just wanted to let you know I took my husband for lunch at the Lickfold Arms on Sunday and it was fantastic. Loved the atmosphere, excellent service, outstanding food and a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Really loved the pub and will definitely be returning soon.

    With that in mind, we live in Brook and you may know that is where the Dog and Pheasant is, which used to be, a really good quality pub and a popular place for the Goodwood goers to stop as it is on the A286. Last year it was taken over by a Kiwi couple and it was OK for a while but it seems they have split and the pub is now totally shut. I don't know what the scoop is but it would be great if you invested in it and turned it around!!

  • Comment number 70.

    Greetings Christoof And All Ere......

    Bingo Star ere......

    Christoof Lampie Pie - The above sounds like The Chancellor....

    Aye All - A see there's an interesting programme on CH4 terneet at 22.00 aka 10pm all about looking for a wife in Ukraine.... i'll tell termoz if it's accurate with my experiences of going ter Ukraine for love..... or noot accurate!!!!!!

    PS - Don't like the term 'mail order bride'. Sounds like yer choose from a catalogue and she arrives by mail in brown damn paper!!!!!!
    Noot like that at all... noot much different from a UK dating agency except the weathers better when yer ave yer meetings - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Poka..... das veedanya!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@!

  • Comment number 71.

    Beesmum, has nobody told you getter wetter in the rain if you run.

    Something to do with velocity and force as the drops hit you, and even though you spend less time in the rain than if you were walking, this does not counteract in the degree of wetness.


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 72.

    Hi Chris,
    I have only just joined your blog so you probably already know this but just in case...the Skoda Octavia is made by Volkswagen as are all Skoda's now. I'll bore you senseless ow by telling you that Skoda was taken over by VW in the early '90's and the first VW-Skoda was the Favorit. Booorrring!!!
    I am an Alfa lover so there!

  • Comment number 73.

    By the way, the meek inherit the earth...if that' alright with you.
    You're the greatest

  • Comment number 74.

    Evening each

    Chris: Hope your friend doesn't read the blog!! Hasn't anyone told him money is nothing if you haven't got friends and family?

    CtD: probably too late, but have a nice night with dizzy friend.

    Debbie: Hope you're ok.

    Welcome to new people. Off to read yesterday's blog. My computer at work was on a go slow today, couldn't do a thing with it.

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Ia an Alpha lover like an Apha male.

    If so, please provide testimonials.

  • Comment number 76.

    Evening one and all

    Maybe your friend Mr Chris should listen to Seasick Steve. his song "I started out with nothin and I still have half of it left."

    Bingo must tune into the dating prog ta.


  • Comment number 77.

    Hello one and all

  • Comment number 78.

    home now and showered and whats this??????????????????????????????????????????????

  • Comment number 79.

    A letter in the post, first one since we got back from holibobs??????

  • Comment number 80.

    Girls writing, so MW,a tells me????????????

  • Comment number 81.

    CtD and DtH
    Big thanks an hugs.......................
    A card for my new job, first of ...... a few lol

    Cheers guys, will get you one in on Saturday

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 82.

    What was it old whatshisface Wilson said?, ''a week is a long time in politics'?

    Mate, you want to try working an accountants notice period.

    Sorry if this is beginning to sound like a broken record, but we are talking some seriously warped vinyl.

    Been summoned to see the CE on Friday.

    So much for slipping out the door quietly without being noticed.

    CtD. If you are around hun, I shall be in your neck of the woods.


    Hear, hear for the LI. Haven't been for a while, but it is a lovely place. Been at The M more lately as it is just a touch closer to home, but I shall pass them both (in a roundabout sort of way) on my way home from the new place.

    If I ever get there.

    I haven't caught up on the wheres, whys and what-fors re Saturday, but there is still an outside chance I could make it. If anyone could pop a time and place on here I would be most grateful.

    Well, I've done the gym tonight, a beer is open and with bugger all on the TV I reckon a swift 24 followed by a couple of chapters of The Dirt is order of the night.

    Love and peace


    PS Knock 'em Dead Kid.

  • Comment number 83.

    Evening Matt

    Well there's even more bugger all on my tv. Not working.

    When will the luck change?

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    That, Anne, is actually a blessing.

    Now you don't have to trawl through all the rubbish to find something marginally less than rubbish to fill your evening.

    All you need to do now is turn this thing off, pour yourself a nice glass of something and grab a good book.

    Oh, and I hear it is going to be a clear night, so perch upstairs by a window and enjoy the night sky.

    I'm off to, er, watch something on the goggle-box.


  • Comment number 85.


    And I don't have an upstairs, apart from the attic, and I'm not going up there - there's probably spiders!!

    On that note: have conkers in place in every room. So, spiders beware.

    Anne xxxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Matt, The Cat and Canary, Canary Wharf 1pm (I think that's the time.... Cheryl can confirm). Docklands Light Railway nearest Station is Canary Wharf.

    Hope to see you there.

    Oops back soon! x

  • Comment number 87.

    Evening folks :)

    Hope all's well it is here NOW. HAd a horrendous day at work just sat on me backside whilest other people decided if they wanted the gear or not and when the could be bothered to take it.

    Derby is a nightmare to drive round/through . . . . .full of 7.5t weight limits :( and even an 18t bridge in the middle of town as well *sigh* Oh well off for three days although i hope it doesn't rain on thursday cos i'll be getting wet.

    On the subject of food and value and branded . . . .. . .. mine has to be branded crisps i can't stand any other than the make the Gary advertises. Anything else and i'll have value (shame they don't do value Derv)

    I've had both male and female bosses (the current one is female but she's the missus so i don't suppose that counts) and i can't really say there's a difference except i can't shout at a female boss like i would a bloke

    right best i be off now for a bit cyas later Bloggers one an all

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 88.

    Steve: I'm a boss and just cos I'm female doesn't mean I'm a bitch! We all get on really well, I leave everyone to do their job and I'll wash the dishes, make the coffee, sweep the floor if need be. In fact, I'd rather do that than go to meetings.


  • Comment number 89.

    Anne I'm fine(ish) thanks for asking. I haven't been able to catch up on the posts properly tonight.

    I met my husband from work tonight with the kids, next time I'm at Canary Wharf will be Saturday, wierd to think that I'll be meeting some of you. Bit nervous if I'm honest...surprised?

    Right now I wouldn't care if I had a male of female boss. Just to have a boss would be ok for me.

    Matt good luck for Friday by the way mate.

    x x x

  • Comment number 90.

    Just been on the group bloggers on fb - following Diva up-dating who are you - found a couple of you but flippin useless - you will just have to find me and add as friend!

    Think I have found tiggy and 007 - let me know!

    Steve I work with other half and he thinks he's the boss - sweetheart - in name and anything to do with accounts only! Used to be big gun fancy lady boss in yuppie era then came to senses.

    Like to think folk still liked me when I went though - still in touch with a few who were really good workers (the ones who challenged me) and not smarmy sucking up types who were dying to trample me on their way up! Ha Ha failed before I went! Hard - moi? you bet!

    Deb you will be fine on Sat - tuck yourself under Cheryl and MWa's wings then emerge as the swan. Have one for me!!

    Beesmum xx

    Matt hang in - not long! and have a good Sat if you go - dissing and errol need your company!

  • Comment number 91.


    chris, you're mate sounds like he's enroute for an early bath if he keeps stressing that way. I dont ever worry about it, I havent got much, not much comes in so not much can go out, but I truly believe I DO have stuff that money just cannot buy.

    Big few days ahead - Jonanthan Ross tomorrow, Wemberlee Sat (still ever-so-sorr I cant make the cat n canary) and also have a bloomin huge application pack to fill in before Monday. Yep, big move ahead hopefully, still within same company just massively different role!

    MfR - good luck for Friday, what's the worst that can happen? Great to see your ps's have returned

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 92.

    Good Morning Blogiverse

    Happy Hump Day!

    MfR - my neck o'the woods? Friday? Send me a mesg on FB with the details if you wanna. if you don't wanna, well, hopefully see you on Saturday at the meet.

    Bingo - LOL at mail order bride description. Surely the brown paper would be a turn-off?!

    Gingembre: movin' on up eh hun? Good luck with that - you deserve it. btw: had a moment of GENIUS re Saturday ...... kick off 3pm? If you get off the train at Stratford and hop on the Jubillee Line to Canary Wharf for say, half 12ish, you can have a couple of beers before hopping back on the jubilee line to be whizzed courtesy of Transport For London to Wembley, which is also on the Jubilee Line, ergo fulfilling the blog meet and the footie.

    See - told you I woz a genius!

    Errol - our pleasure! And good luck sweetheart!

    Well, had a fun night with dizzy mate last night and not too late - got home just after half nine. For a Wethersppons, the food wasn't that bad actually. The only downer was that I was driving, so lots of fizzy water consumed on my part.

    Invoicing today - boo! After yesterday, I guess I'd best keep the old woman happy. Wowser, yesterday she really, truly was vile with a capital V !!

    Catch you all later when the time is a wee bit more civilized - off to see if its my turn yet!

    CtD xxxx

    PS: Scoobs - you were right. The magic paste seems to be working. And it was only 1.39p - cheers for that! xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Morning All
    Yes, BsMum, you did find me, thanks for Tinsel info too!
    CtD, glad the fums getting better!! Are you going to come up with todays convo topic?

    TTFN, work to do

    Tiggy xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Mfr - whats the diss on accountants? we all are lovely peoples that need to get out a little more - but hey - I'm getting out on Saturday so woohoo!

    feel a bit guilty as Mr bps' mate texted him to say his birthday party is this sat in bristol but i had already requested his company in london - said he could go without me and I would go on my own but it would mean i couldn't have any adult pop and might get raped/ mugged/ stolen into the slave trade - hes coming with me!

    I have persured making money but only want enough so i can pay all bills and have a bit left to enjoy myself - its like monoploy is no fun if your winning and you have all the cash

    super bp x

  • Comment number 95.

    Chris - this guy sounds like he needs a bit of perspective in his life!!! Alternatively, it may be the only area of his life he feels he can control and therefore pursues it to the detriment of all else. Luckily I don't have the same problem. Don't have any money so it can't control me or vice versa.

    Hope all the Sat meet bloggers have a great time and give us a report back on how it went.

    Going for scan results late afternoon. Really quite scared but need to know I guess. But at least things can move on once this is done.

    Keeeepppp Blogging!!!

  • Comment number 96.

    Morning each

    Well...another day off spent hanging around awaiting for a delivery.. the replacement front for the new washing machine that was delivered damaged last week..as Beesmum would say..oh joy!

    Sure you didnt miss me last night but i have a note for my absence..i was at the G.Y.M...say it quietly! Had induction on Sun and 1st session `off the leash` last night - wasnot exactly fun but was bought dinner by the GM at the bar there afterwards so rewards were reaped!

    late but my 3 wishes would be...

    My Dad to be back with us - even if only for one day.

    Have enough money to pay off the mortgage - not greedy, just be nice to not have to pay that each month!

    and lastly - well i`m not sure but it would probably involve George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Daniel Craig somewhere....!

    And i know you have already all said it but CLP`s mate - get a grip! Life is too short!

    Looking forward to todays topic of conversation...no pressure CtD!

    Right..off to do a bit of housework and make SOME kind of effort at least!

    Hi to everyone.... hope you are all feeling chipper this bright sunny morning...have a great hump day!

    mSc x

    PS - CtD - told u it was a wonder paste - everyone should have it in their cabinet!
    and MW`a - hugs to your puss cat - hope she is doing ok? x

  • Comment number 97.

    Good luck durbangirl x

  • Comment number 98.

    Good luck to Durbangirl - we are all experts at crossing bits of ourselves for good luck and i can assure you i`m sure we are all practising again for you! x

  • Comment number 99.

    Thanks Debbie, thanks Scooby and all who have to keep things crossed for me. It is really quite humbling to have people I have never met, wishing me well. Such goodness in this world that we often forget about.

    Thank you

  • Comment number 100.

    Morning gang :)

    Don't get me started on accountants fees It takes me a day to earn the money for a couple of hours with one *sigh*

    Bright n sunny here folks

    AnnieG i wasn't suggesting that female bosses were bitches . . . infact i never really commented on them except to say i didn't really notice a difference.

    not much to do today so will be relaxing a tad (unless said boss has got other plans for me)

    anyway . .. off to play with my farm on fb (until i get caught)

    Steve :-D


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