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Chris Evans | 16:38 UK time, Friday, 3 October 2008

I was nearing the end of my workout, the aerobics were over, the swiss ball had been rolled back into its corner imprIsoned until its next outing, all that was left was a bit of....

...a stretch.

I love stretching, it feels so good and done properly, is, in itself, as exerting and exacting as most other forms of excercise.

You're not supposed to close your eyes though apparently, for some reason. I was taught this at yoga the one time I went almost a hundred years ago now. But, hey look it was a Friday, a little closing of the eyes wasn't gonna hurt anyone. So I stretched and closed and relaxed and almost fell asleep. In fact I may well have done. Maybe this is why they tell you not to close your eyes. Anyhow if I was asleep, I was woken up, not by a sound but by a smell.

A beautiful smell, a strong overwhelming scent, the like of which I'd never encountered before, washed all over me. "Wow," I thought. Just recollecting it now has given me instant butterflies in my tummy.

Obviously it was coming from someone who had settled on the mat next to me. Who could it be ? Why did they smell so good ? I was scared to open my eyes almost. After all I'm a happily marrried man, my life's never been better. Please God don't let this amazing smelling human being be the death knell for my present state of wonderfulness. I was already half in love through smell alone.

Of course I had to look.

Sneakily out of one half opened eye.


I didn't think it was possible for a man to smell like that. We're not supposed to.

But what a relief.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Oh I'm the first!

    ALASKA from Tiny Spark


  • Comment number 2.

    GRats SuperDMGHell.

    another newbie! And another great toon!

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    I only went and missed who it was??? Mr B decided to have a moan grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


  • Comment number 4.

    Hahahaha!! I love it!

  • Comment number 5.


    You are so LUCKY you can stretch! If I even attempt to do so, I am in immediate agony from cramp - head to foot! (which incidentally to alleviate you suck on half a tomato, with lots of salt on it!).

    Even if that smell had belonged to a woman - how could anyone compare with Natasha?!

    Hope a great weekend lies ahead for you Chris and all your bloggers!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 6.

    LOL Chris - speshly if HE was stretching after HIS workout eh!? Super pheromones I reckon ...

    Can't imagine you doing yoga (nor Russell Brand, for that matter, altho he does). Have mentioned it on here before, but when I was younger I got "ASBO'd" from yoga - me and chum kept giggling at the most inappropriate times. The instructor suggested that maybe something with more energy might suit us better!


  • Comment number 7.

    AH well it was worth a try! We have relaxation at the end of our yoga class, when it finishes the Yogi asks us how we found the experiance - did we see the red door on the house in the clearing in the wood. What Door? What House? come to think of it What Wood? last I remember I was snuggling down under my blanket!!!

    As for smells - well there is an aftershave I absolutely adore - no idea what it is and think it may offend Mr. Egg if i suddenly ask a random passing bloke what his aftershave is because I love it!

    See you all on Monday

    Quack x

  • Comment number 8.

    dook - that's the bit we used to giggle at. the tippy tappy happy clappy voice, telling us to imagine walking down a leafy lane, the sun on our shoulders, enveloping our core (??), warming us from the inside out .....

    ... i'd be laying there under my blanket thinking "I hope there's not spiders on this floor" and "hmmmm, hope Corrie taped" or "hmmmm must get some noodles on the ay home ... "

    Yep, I was pretty darned pants awful at yoga.

  • Comment number 9.

    who got ARF?

  • Comment number 10.

    In keeping with the show, what's the strangest thing you've had taken from your desk or office?

  • Comment number 11.

    Ooooh that's a good one 007.

    Will have a think whilst driving homeward bound, and report back to HQ whilst dinner is in the oven.

    Pay day today = w@itr0se!! yay!!!

    Shaken not stirred

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 12.

    LOL CtD.

    Always, shaken, but never stirred.....

    Today was a work from home day......Yippee

  • Comment number 13.

    I'm home!! Hurrah ...

    It's the weekend
    Everything will be ohhhhh Kaaaaay
    It's the weekend

    Hmmm. More Wildhearts on R2 ?

    Right, thunked all the way home. I think it has to be a toss up (?!?) betwixt my wobbly head santa-on-a-spring christmas pen, a must-have for ever Diva desk from 1st December - I still think it was THAT office junior ..... darned kids!

    Or ... I once had an entire box of product leaflets vanish into thin air. They were ordered in speshly for a huge mail-out to coincide with the launch of a new product. The letters were done, the labels stuck on the envelopes, franking machine topped up ... went to stuff the envelopes and ... no leaflets! Now, who in their right mind would want to snaffle a box of product literature on pressure guages??

    Dinner now in oven. Off to put PJs on and pour a glass of something nice ...

    Back in a bit!

    CtD xx

  • Comment number 14.

    I had a plant disappear from my office. Never came back. Why would anyone want to steal a plant........?

  • Comment number 15.

    Beats me 007. I always manage to kill 'em off!

    Once when I started a new job, I purchased a yukka and a spider plant for my office. The morning I took them into work, Mr Diva gave them the Last Rites and told them not fear the Reaper .....

    Got a nice glass of Valpolicella. Was gonna have and gin and tonic but can't be bothered to dive in the freezer for the ice!

  • Comment number 16.

    So thrilled to have my tune chosen. We were just arriving home from horse riding and buying yummy cake for pudding! So we boogied in the car singing, doing some mega air guitar. Gelly was thrilled to finally hear her request.

    Big thanks to Chris and the team.

  • Comment number 17.

    CtC, what ever works.


  • Comment number 18.

    whoops, I meant CtD, what ever works.... Looks like I've started early....LOL

  • Comment number 19.

    LOL! first glass almost empty, but at least it's dark here 007 ....


  • Comment number 20.

    Blimey the blog went a bit crazy today didn't it? No way that I'm going to catch up :-(

    Making the most of this weekend as the diet starts on Monday. My aussie mate persuaded me to start walking with her in the morning and doing some pilates.....what's pilates by the way? Is it like yoga?

    Cheryl, my pj's are on and glass of something to follow very soon

    x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    of course....... no one else joining in tonight?

  • Comment number 22.

    Dinner almost ready for plating up.

    Deb - pilates. Hurts. Very. Much. Don't. Do. It.

    Teccy question: just looked at Ken Bruce site. I can "listen again" to James Morrison but does anyone know if I can download it in any way for my pink pod?

    It was soooooooooooooooo good!

    Back later after dinner.

    x x x

    PS: Deb -the blog was at its finest today. if you have a down moment over the weekend, recommend a read - purely for the grin factor! x x

  • Comment number 23.

    Evening each

    Back from the hole in the kitchen floor hell. How's you all?

    Welcome to all the newbies - you'll love it on here.

    And SUSAN: a little baby girl. Hopefully will see you all soon. Hope you are well.

    Right - off to FB to beat the lot of you. Back soon.

    Anne xxxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Oh it hurts! Bugger. Sounded like such a good idea too.

    But she teaches ballet and ice skating so she is obviously quite fit. That's why it doesn't hurt her.

    She told me that you do it laying down and it sounded like my kind of excercise.

    When the blog is quiet over the weekend then, I shall have a read. I look forward to it.

    x x x

  • Comment number 25.

    I totally agree with the stretching thing.... one of the nicest feelings ever!! Especially first thing in the morning.....always spend a good ten mins stretching when I wake up.......... get the blood pumping!!


    Sorry for the long blogg today....... feel I might have been a little to blame.....

    But I fancied a sing song....!!!

    D#Though I did warn ya all you'd be sick of me in a week!!


  • Comment number 26.

    Hi Bear, that first stretch in the morning is great isn't it....right down to the toes.

    I'm looking forward to catching up with the sing song over the weekend, don't ever be sorry for blogging lovey!

    x x x

  • Comment number 27.

    Yello! I mean hello!! Dinner's ready, I just wanted to catch up! Bear, never apologise for blogging - there's nothing better than a day spent being silly on the blog!!

    Hope you're ok Debs? Catch up later again xxxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Evening all,

    Poole all quiet and delivery done early, not had tea yet but it will only be a sandwich as had scampi, button mushrooms and chips at work.

    Thursday is roast day and it was Turkey this week lovely it fell apart to the chagrin of the Chef!

    The restaurant was extremely good last night and I hope everyone has now had a chance to catch up on who got the boot.

    Welcome to all the new bloggers I really enjoyed reading your entries today and the virtual sing song was hilarious - cheers.

    One of our longest blog entries was from a certain Mr Easy Job with his travel reports from NZ I believe.

    Have Poirot on the TV

  • Comment number 29.

    Of course I meant watching not actually having.... honest. Mind you Captain Hastings is a bit of a dish

  • Comment number 30.

    Yeh Bear - keep on keeping on. Blogging is fun and lots of us stuck in offices on our own depend on the daftness breaking up the monotony of the ackchewal work stuff!

    Deb - remember all that plank talk a while back. That's Pilates!

    (altho Dean Martin never sang "That's Pilates" - can you image!!!)

    Its to do with improving your core strength. Go on - have a bash. You never know until you've tried ...

    AnnieG - we were concerned love. Did you ring the people with the big scary machinery? And are they paying for the leccy bill?? Are they? Eh?

    Dinner was fab, although this red wine is affecting my ability to type. tsk tsk!

  • Comment number 31.

    Phoenix - behave!

    Not watched The Restaurant yet. Probably Saturday afternoon when Himself gets home from work (6 - 12 tomorrow - boo). Thanks for not spoiling it for me.

    Michele and Russell to win!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Cheryl, my lovely girl: Thank you for asking.

    Will worry about the leccy bill later. Now have a whole kitchen, with floor!! Yayy.

    Has been a bloody nightmare, but all sorted now thank goodness.

    Just can't wait for holiday with children and grandchildren. And booking May 2009 Scottish meet!!

    Am on 3rd glass of red - lovely xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Well if ya don't mind!!....... I'll carry on!

    I enjoyed this afternoon.... must admit. It passed the time fairly well....sat in my rabbit hutch of an office for 2 hours and not speaking (other than on here) to anyone..... it could have killed me.......... as you guys have probably noticed I talk alot!

    Oh well.... I love me and that's all that counts!

    Bear hugs all round


  • Comment number 34.


    I too have my own office, although my lady boss is in the adjoining one (I'm a sort of gatekeeper to the boss lady - scary eh!?). She's incredibly old fashioned and doesn't know the first thing about computers. We can't have the radio on when she's in residence, and if I'm honest, I'm sure she'd have us writing with quills if she had her way. Some days you can quite literally hear a pin drop - so as said above, this blog is like sharing an office with loads of diverse characters but you don't actually make any physical noise. Well, apart from the occasional coffee/tea splatter over your monitor when it gets really funny with fellow bloggers!

    Scoobs was a newbie not so long ago - now (in the best possible way, scoobs!) she's part of the fixtures and fittings like the rest of us!

    Friday night wine club can be fun too!

  • Comment number 35.

    Unfortunately for you lot this firebird cannot blog during work hours as all our computers are locked down - if I could get on the ones in the atrium at lunchtime I am lucky. sigh oh woe is me.

    However as bloggers on here will no doubt recall that when I was out of work for 5 weeks this year this blog was my saviour and my sanity checker - believe me it was hell.

    Sorry beesmum will try (not hard) to behave.
    bashful grin

    no alcohol for me as it would mean opening whole bottle and that isn't a good idea when one lives on ones own.

  • Comment number 36.

    007 - just for you if you're lurking ....

    I've never been a fan of James Bond, but I was a 100% committed Durannie.

    I now confess that I sat all the way thru A View To A Kill just to see Duran Duran in the film ..... unbeknown to me and my addled teenage brain they only did the theme toon and video!


  • Comment number 37.

    Evening each!

    room for a litt,,sod it, big one? I have wine and chocolate!

    Hello and welcome all newbies... brilliant blogging as ever today..kept sneaking on at work so i could keep up..v funny"!

    Gym.. have my induction on Sunday at 11 - i trust i shall be in all your thoughts! By 12 i shall prob not be able to walk. BUT, the gym has a pub, restaurant and cafe attached and also computers, tvs and other such posh things... i just have to persuade myself i am going to use the `other` machinery!

    Annei - glad u sorted...the nightmare is over bless you! and hols soon..yay!

    hi to everyone else as usual.... hope everyone is well!

    mSc x

    PS - approx 6.18 this evening CLP played `Birdhouse in your Soul` by They Might Be Giants. Love it! Having rediscovered their brilliant `Flood` album in the depths of my `pod` on hols i`m addicted again - go buy it everyone! x

  • Comment number 38.

    CtD - i love being part of the fixtures and fittings - thank you!

    Oh, and to the newbies - i ramble.. a lot.. so apologies in advance!

    mSc x

    PS - Phoenix - i am also alone this evening and have opened a bottle - come join in! (and i have to work tomorrow too!) x

  • Comment number 39.


    It is now public knowledge.

    And, the troops ain't happy.

    I have a real bunch of mixed feelings.

    It isn't until you walk to the edge, take a peek over and decide to jump, before you realise that people do actually appreciate what you do.

    Too late.

    Oh well. Decision made. Unless a blank cheque hovers over.....


    Catching up on The R, a captivating series, as before, but also frustrating.

    I may have mentioned before, I have booked a night at Le Manoir for Mrs MfR's birthday in March. The more I watch the series, the more I am deeply looking forward to it.

    Oh, well. A weekend in Rudgwick, on our own to come. We have a supply of lovely fresh Italian ingredients, a stack of wine and a series of 24 to catch up on. Plus, once we've grabbed a bunch of brochures about Oz, we'll head for the LI for a pint or two by the fire tomorrow.

    Love to you all. Really.


  • Comment number 40.

    Scoobs - I'll be a chaise longues. In plush burgundy velvet with brass studdy thingmejigs.


  • Comment number 41.

    Love to you too matt. yeh. really xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Scooby/Phoenix: Welcome to the lone drinkers Friday night wine club.

    Don't give a toss really. Am just so glad to have a floor.

    Off to FB to arrange Loch Insh May meet

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    I think next Friday's ARF song should be something to do with meeting, coz of the Docklands meet on Saturday.

    I was thinking Sympathy For The Devil .... pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name!

  • Comment number 44.

    So what is everone up to? Are we drinking......dancing and generally having a good time.... hope so!


  • Comment number 45.

    ohhh Matt Le Manoir .... wish I could do it but sans other half no chance - don't do restaurants on my own, never have don't feel comfortable.

    Eeeelo scoobs and Cheryl and Annie and all those lurkers out there. I'm off to open some of my 2003 sloe gin for a little tipple or I could try the 2002 Plum gin instead both are absolutely lethal in large doses. No small bottles of wine available just bit things or spirits and it isn't a good route to go down. However off to mums this weekend so will have a drink on you lot Sat night and toast each and everyone of you separately of course.

  • Comment number 46.

    oops must have done a wrong thing.

    What about the song from the King and I - something along the lines of meeting you etc etc

  • Comment number 47.

    Right Beautiful People, Robson's about to make an appearance, so I'm off for a top-up of Valpolicella, dig out a box of chocs (still eating my way thru all the birthday chocs - thanks KatieK for tonight's feast!) and relax for an hour with Mr Diva before trundling off to bed.

    Will be back tomorrow. For sure.

    Love you all - you're fantastic!

    Sweet dreams.

    Cheryl The Dopey At Times Diva
    x x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    CtD - id like to think i am definatly the sofa bed - ya knw, soft and squishy and terribly versatile (song?!)... but i`m probably the carpet...dull and downtrodden!

    mSc x

    PS - phoenix - plum gin.. yum!x

  • Comment number 49.

    Cheryl: Enjoy choccies and your hour with Mr. Diva.

    Might just manage to pour one more glass of red then off to bed myself with my book: Tale in the Sting.

    He was in Wallsend about the same time as me, many years ago.

    Anne xxxx

  • Comment number 50.

    MAtt - Congrats on making the decision - and congrats on the new job full stop (i assume thats what u mean!)
    But, i know what you mean, decision made then you realise that you are appreciated where you are... have been there just over a year ago and the blank cheque (well not quite!) was dangled..a lot! Hardest week of my life making the choice and i burst into tears when i had finally made the decision (very unScoobs like too) But, it was the right one... and yours will be too....

    ..have a great weekend relaxing... and congrats once again!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 51.

    and night Cheryl.... have Thor*tons Eden chocolates at my side this evening... they should me made law on a friday night - divine!

    Annie - i left my current book at work today - doh...but never mid, about 6 others awaiting to go at!

    mSc x

    PS- gonna shut up for 5 now-promise! x

  • Comment number 52.

    Night Scooby. Enjoy one of your 6 books!!!!

    Anne xxxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Btw: Have just read Piano in the Pyrenees by Tony Hawks. Hilarious, definitely worth a read. Almost as good as Round Ireland with a Fridge!!!

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 54.

    I have The Quest on the go. The Vikings by Bernard Cromwell was extremely good and took me back to my own roots of Northumberland. In the course of the book I travelling the length of England including Norfolk, London, Abingdon, Reading, Cannington and not forgetting Wareham and Poole harbour - some of the book was fiction but alot was based on actual fact.

    Chocs are from Hotel Chocol....

  • Comment number 55.

    Bacon sarnie was luvverly with brown sauce.

  • Comment number 56.

    Phoenix: Hotel Chocolat choccies are fabbie, eh??

    Roots in Northumberland? mine too.

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    I'm back! Bear, I'm like CtD, I work on my own so it's great to have the blog for a bit of fun and company during the day.

    I'm reading Marley and Me for the second time. It's a lovely book, and well worth the read before the film comes out. Round Ireland with a Fridge is one of my fave books. Tony Hawks is rather yummy in a strange sort of way - lovely hairy chest!!

    Am wondering about the meet next week. Am I brave enough?? Will I be the only singleton???

    T xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Tinsel: How do you know Tony Hawks has a hairy chest??

    Go for the meet, even if you're on your own. Cheryl will look after you.

    Just think - if you don't go, you'll never know what you've missed. Be a brave girl.

    Anne xxx

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi again

    Trying to stick some pics on FB (Beesmum take note! hee hee!) and failing..so thinking bed!

    and Marley and Me is brilliant...but had me in tears even before the inevitable! Cant wait for the film - hope it does it justice!

    Nearly bought Round Ireland with a Fridge yest but persuaded myself to save the money instead- but loads of u have rec it so will be off to bookstore starting with W tomorrow lunchtime now!

    and lastly, if anyone hasnt discovered Dorothy Koomtson (sp?) then go discover... Marshmallows for Breakfast etc... brilliant, easy reading.

    Right, night night to all... and the wine... have great weekends one and all my friends...


    mSc x

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi Anne!

    I've seen a peak of it, he had that lovely open necked shirt thing going on, with the hairy chest just showing. I do love a hairy chest (on a man preferably!!)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Right,I'm off too - just popped in to say hi!

    Diva, will e-mail you about next week if you don't mind??!!

    And if it all goes horribly wrong it's Anne's fault ;-)

    Night lovelies xxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    What???? Moi???

    Tinsel: If you don't make it, prepare for Loch Insh in May next year - you will have a ball, promise.

    Anne xxxx

  • Comment number 63.

    Right, off to bed with Tony Hawks in the Pyrenees. Haven't checked whether his chest is shaved, but will enjoy anyway.


  • Comment number 64.

    Looks like I just popped over a tad on the late side?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Tins - I think Diva will be on her own and anyway she will take you under her wing! Thought you were Midlands?

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    Well I'll just chat to myself then.

    Horrid day - loadsa fun on the blog and I was soooo busy I missed most of it - right pain! Didn't help that I woke up thinking it was Saturday!

    Great to see newbies staying here - normally a quick arf and they are off! still that's what clp wants - loads of choice. Do please stay and intro yourselves on clp bloggers - some of us not too good at finding folks on fb - that would be me - but I'm a very pretty black and white dog if that helps! The more friends the merrier!

    Annie where the heck you been?? Mr B was about to get his butt up there and look for you! I Just said I was a bit worried not heard from you and all hell broke loose! Click on my blog name btw and read my story about him getting rather wet the other day. I was laughing all afternoon!

    Reminded me cos he's just been to lock up office with doggy who pood on path - which is something he Never does - you can guess the rest! Cross Mr B gone off to bed in a huff cos I'm creasing myself again.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Evening one and all

    Enjoyed reading the many entries.

    Do people smell nice at Gym's? Might give it a go yet.

    Just listening to Seasick Steve on Jules Holland playing cut my wings. What a great guy.


  • Comment number 68.

    Our gym smells just like teen spirit.

  • Comment number 69.


  • Comment number 70.

    Ted I smell of White spirit.

    But no no the Gym is not the place for me.


  • Comment number 71.


    Just come as you are.

  • Comment number 72.

    Now what would that be I wonder.

    I failed concert pianist who can only play Elenor Rigby.

  • Comment number 73.

    Just popped in to turn off pc, fell asleep on the sofa which tonight was a good thing.

    Nite to anyone still there.

    And thanks to you lovely, lovely friends. You know who you are.

    x x x

  • Comment number 74.


    You didn't have a Dr Who moment today did you?


  • Comment number 75.

    Good morning

    Get this ...... grass crunchy, roofs glistening, sky white .... yep, it's the first frosty morning of autumn. Wet and windy forecast for the weekend. Oh well ...

    Tinsel - I'm going to Docklands on my own, as is Debbie so please, please consider coming for a drink. It'll be really cool to finally meet you.

    Mr Diva was out at half five going to work. Boo.

    Me? I'm going to scour thru my cookbooks and try to find something a little different for tonight's dinner. Then it's off into town to buy cards for all the birthdays in October (loads of 'em!), and the weekly shop. Yaaaaaaaawn.

    Happy Birthday Steve!

    Back later chaps.

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 76.

    Ah, CtD, that sounds so pretty!! Haven't even peeked through the curtains here, despite having been up since before 6!

    Stinking cold, and I have to venture out to find a birthday present for a friend. MandS methinks, hopefully they'll have something nice and sparkly!

    Have lovely weekends all, maybe back later with duvet :-)

    AF xx

  • Comment number 77.



    Cheryl xxxxx

  • Comment number 78.

    Just listening to R2 reminded me of someone I used to work with.

    At the place before the place before last (another prestige car thingy), we had a bunch of drivers who were the best and worst guys you could have working for you.

    Most of them were ex-coppers, and they were the best because they were loyal, hard-working and full of fascinating stories. They were the worst because they were a militant bunch of whingers.

    Only kidding guys.

    Anyway. One of them was a short, quiet chap who I never really knew very well.

    One day, our admin girl came in whistling 'Walking Back To Happiness' and carried on doing it for most of the day. In the end I asked her why, mostly because it was driving me up the wall.

    ''Ask John'', she said.

    So I did. My first real chat with the guy.

    ''I used to mess about with music when I was younger'', he told me.

    ''Oh yeah'', I yawned. ''Anything we might know?''

    ''Well, actually yes'' he replied. ''On my lunch break one day I scribbled a little ditty called Walking Back To Happiness, and it got recorded by some bird called Helen Shapiro. And, I got a cheque the other day from the producers of Ocean's 12 who used one of my tunes in the movie soundtrack''

    It is always the quiet ones who are secretly ruling the world.

    I'm off to write that book now.......

    Much love


  • Comment number 79.

    LOL Matt - never judge a book by its cover eh?

    Right, shopping list duly compiled and frost dissipated so orf into town now. Decided on Caribbean Peanut Chicken for tonight - looks right easy it does!

    Ciao mi amigos

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 80.

    Sounds good Chezza. Even to a confirmed veggie

    We are having pasta with aubergines, tomatoes, chilli and ricotta, courtesy of our Rick, from his Med series, the best cookery series for a long while, apart from Jamie At Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ and anything Bill does.

    Ooh, look at me, all cheffy.

    We'll be washing that down with lashings of Cab Sav and large of doses of 24.

    Better get down the gym and make some room for that lot.



    PS My best mate heads up Kilimanjaro today. Be safe G.

  • Comment number 81.

    hey Purple Dragon,

    have a fantastic day, and don't sweat the small stuff.

    Enjoy it!

    I know you will, as I've enjoyed mine so much I'm doing it for the 3rd time.....

    and hopefully last!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning all!

    Thank you so much for your lovely messages. Hairdresser due in half an hour so having a bridget jones style 5 calming blog minutes before it all goes bonkers round here! The sun is even shining! all disasters have been averted (will have to tell you the story of me chasing my dress from norwich to grantham to peterborough 2 days before the wedding, at some point!)

    Pics will be on faceache eventually!!!

    Surprisingly calm and collected Dragonxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Best wishes PD.

    Have a great day.


  • Comment number 84.

    With the exclusion of all our man bloggers on here ....

    Why are blokes such gits?

    Just had a heart-breaking email from close friend with bad man situ. I now feel guilty because I'm soooooooooooooo busy over the next week or so that I can't squeeze her into my schedule.

    Off into town to buy cards. That always cheers me up, the thought of cheering someone else up with a card.

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    Morning nd a happy weekend to all. Too much to catch up on here, so I will just say:

    Yoga - CtD I too am incapable of doing anything supposedly grown-up but slightly embarrassing without descending into giggles and guffaws. I had to go on a "sexual health" course years ago when I worked for our local family centre. As soon as the prosthetic testycules were handed round for us to squeeze I was good for nothing.

    And I stretch once, in bed, of a morning before jumping onto the manic treadmill of life.

    Many many blokes not gits I would like to think, actually I do think.

    Good luck Purple Dragon, have a fantastic day!

    Debs, have you heard about the job yet? I suppose you would have said if you had.

    Welcome back Annie. Thought you must have fallen into that hole!

    PP - and this is what forced me out of me pit to blog on a Saturday - There is an article in today's Times all about KEN DODD! It's called "My Tatifilarious Life"! Go on, you know you want to!

    Got to go to Ikea today which always brings me out in hives. Then tonight off with the lovely boleyn man for a texmex meal and a foray to our local Irish pub for a bit of jiggerypokery. They call me the Irish Rowwwwwwverrrrrr (they don't really).

    A x

    Dirrrrrty owld towwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn...

  • Comment number 86.

    Quick visit, must do some housework today :-(

    Boleyngirl, no news yet thanks for asking. He said that he would let me know early next week. Sooooo want that job, it would be really good for me. And my sanity lol!

    Dragon, loads of luck for today. Enjoy every second the day goes so quickly. At some point just stand back and take it all in. Look forward to seeing the pics on facebook.

    Tinsel get yourself to Docklands next Saturday please lovey. Would be great to meet you.

    Cheryl I don't get the thing about putting nuts in cooking. Or salads. Hmmmm I should be more adventurous.

    Back later.

    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 87.

    Cheryl forgot to ask, does Bazza still smile at you in the kitchen hehe?

    x x x

  • Comment number 88.

    Too much information can be dangerous one and all.

    Having just read how Prawns are farmed in the Far East ie dirty ponds and fed on scraps and a cocktail of drugs I could never face a tiger prawn again.

    Boleyn girl already feel sick don't need to make matters worse with Ken Dodd ta.

    Rather enjoy reading CTD's recipes for the weekend although had to draw the line at Rabbit. Who could eat a furry animal?

    Good luck to Purple Dragon.

    Fingers crossed Debbie.

    MRF I thought an American did Walking back to Happiness?

    TTT Perhaps... yes... time for me to do a Dr Who and change my name as I might get my ARF played!


  • Comment number 89.

    Sorry wrong MFR.

    John Schroeder is British but must be very old now...

  • Comment number 90.

    PP - no bunny in Diva Towers this weekend. Just good old honest chicken, and a sheps pie tomorrow with lamb mince.

    Are you a veggie then PP?

    Debbie - yes indeedy, Bazza is magnetised to my kitchen notice board, and yes, I still smile every time I venture into the gallery - judging by the amount of time I spend in there, that's a whole lotta smiling - no wonder my face aches so much!!

    Boleyngirl - I know not all men are gits. But this particular one ... grrrr. Just when you think you know someone well, they do something so out of character and it just makes my blood boil for how much my mate is hurting right now.

    On a happier note ....

    I've started!

    Bought all my Christmas cards in town and some nice choccies to stash away. Could quite easily have got carried away, but will leave that to the men in white coats ...

    This is the Happy House, we're happy here, in the Happy House!

    x x x

  • Comment number 91.

    CtD - which Bazza is it? Norman? Manilow?

    Eldest just gone off for an interview for a Saturday job, yikes.

    PP I had king prawns in my curry last night. Don't know if they'd had any drugs but they were yummy, Plummy.

    A x

  • Comment number 92.

    LOL boleyngirl .. maybe this will give you the answer to that question ....

    I've gotta stop these random off the wall thoughts. As I'm alone in the house, I thought I'd indulge in a bit of Bazza - so I fought my way thru to the back to crisp cupboard where all my 500 or so albums reside and out he came, complete with iffy cover pic and gold medalion.

    Track 1: Mandy.

    Cue one Diva unpacking the shopping, collapsing in fits of giggles in the kitchen at the vision of our Prime Minister singing to a certain Mr Peter Mandleson yesterday ....

    Oh Mandy, i sent you away ... oh mandy, I need you today ... oh mandy ...

    Spot On!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 93.

    I just had a phone call from the company that I went to for an interview a few weeks ago (the one with the funny name Cheryl). I'm on their list of favourites and they wanted me in for a second interview.


    One day a week in a small office on my own, just couldn't do it. He said if nothing turns up to give them a ring.

    Ho hum.

    Good luck to your eldest boleyngirl. Let us know won't you.

    x x x

  • Comment number 94.

    He he he, I know, third time luckky and all that. Not that anyone's desperate or anything. Is Michael Foot still around? Clement Atlee? Bring 'em on!

    I had a couple of Barry Manilow LPs when I was about 13, though I didn't advertise it at the time. Then Boleyn man got me the greatest hits a couple of years ago. I seriously think that he was the master of the 3 minute poppy ballad. In fact, I also am alone in the house and am going to put him on now before I go out and buy lunch for family and other hangers on to graze on when they trickle back.

    You know I caaaaan't smiiiile withowwwwwt yoooooooooouu...

    A x

  • Comment number 95.

    Ooooooh Debs! The important thing is they want YOU! You don't have to want them back. Surely that's a good old boost for the self esteem! It must be nice to be on a list of favourites!

    Ta for good wishes, will indeed let you know.

    Now I HAVE to get dressed.

    A x

  • Comment number 96.

    LOL! Gotcha!

    I'm panting in anticipation for Could It Be Magic .....

    Maybe I should have another Lola week eh?

    Deb - that's good that they wanted you back for a second interview - show's you interview and project yourself well. Draw from the experience and hang in there!

  • Comment number 97.

    Unbelievable isn't it. Only a matter of time before we have 'The Labour Party - The Musical' in the West End.

    I need to find some 'cheer up' music.

    x x x

  • Comment number 98.

    Yes! Yes! Labour - The Musical - based loosely around the songs of Barry Manilow!
    "His name was Tony, he was a (insert 2 syllable word of your choice)"!!

    A x

  • Comment number 99.

    CTD. Not a complete veggie but don't eat much meat or fish.
    But I could not give up my stew.

    Labour the Musical eh.

    Order, Order what's it about.
    Gordon Brown's a clown the Tory Leader Shouts.

    Stand up sit down wave your papers all about.
    There's going to be a riot in the house tonight.

    etc etc

    Well a very dirty car needing a bath so toodle oo


  • Comment number 100.

    The Tories of course, would not stoop to anything as low brow as a musical.

    Nothing less than a grand opera in 5 acts performed at Glydebourne.

    As for the lib dems - one of those people who paint themselves and stand very still pretending to be a statue.


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