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Chris Evans | 15:13 UK time, Monday, 8 September 2008

Mondays are what they are. I think we all need our tricks to...

...sort them out.

Mine is when it comes to working out. Every Monday I run up and down a hill near to work ten times. It makes me feel like I'm going to die so when it's finally over I feel so happy I don't care what day of the week it is.

Monday is the only day that I do this. Tuesday is the only day I feel like I've done this the day before and Wednesday is the only day I feel like I may have done this at some time in the recent past.

Now it may still in fact be Monday but hey it's almost home time. Let's face it, if we were still at school we would just about be approaching the best part of the day, especially if your girlfriend or boyfriend was waiting for you round the back of the garages.

Come on Murray.





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  • Comment number 1.

    hiya - the hardest thing i do on a Monday is get out of bed! :-)

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Yo, CLP

    Happy Monday to you, et al . .

    I'm currently debating about hitting the gym myself after work - find it very very hard to exercise on a Moday - but its always so rewarding when you've got it over - I'll decide by 6 tonight.

    Weekend was fab -went to a music festival in Portglenone, County Derry on the river Bann - one of the acts was the Red Hot Chili Pipers - abso nuts . . .

    Hope everyone is well for a Manic Monday . . .

    love to all . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi y'all

    Maybe CLP should start the show with something by the Happy Mondays?

    I keep thinking about starting my power walking again. Now that Himself is doing overtime every day I'm up by 6am. Trouble is, there's been so much rain of late the last thing I fancy doing at 6 in the morn is pounding the pavements. Early morning swimming's a no no since my bad back debacle. Acu lady said I have a weak back so no swimming :-(

    Just over an hour left here at funny farm central. Although boss now on holiday for a week :-)


    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Absolutely loathe, hate, dread and abhor Monday mornings, even though I only teach 3 hours on a Monday.

    During the six week holfest I was doing half an hour a day on the exercise bike while watching an episode of whatever, plus some weights and lots of crunches (not very successful at planking). It really made a difference, but I finf it really hard to force meself now I'm back at at work.

    However it can't be as bad as running up and down a hill ten times so, thus inspired, am off to do it now. (How high a hill I wonder? Has anyone seen that funny little early Hugh Grant film "The Man Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain"?)

    Tally ho.

    A x

  • Comment number 5.

    Privyet dorogayer Blog friends,

    privyet dorogayer CLP,

    privyet dorogayer sirs/ madams.....

    Bingo Star ere trying ter reach you from deep inside Ukraine.......

  • Comment number 6.

    Chris: Are you mad?? Running up and down a hill? Ten times? Don't know if I'm jealous or horrified.

    DtM: Nice to see you. Red Hot Chili Pipers are good, aren't they? Mad as a box of frogs.

    CtD: Good idea - Happy Mondays.


  • Comment number 7.

    why, thank you annieG!

    DtM - hellooooooo lovely ;-)

    Bingo - where you been sweetie?

    Boleyngirl - you mean I've missed a Hugh Grant film??? OMG!!! Is it worth the rental fee or one to miss?

    I WANNA GO HOME!!!!!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Wooooooo.... it showed!!!!!

    I tryed ter blog BIG the other dee but no luck!

    It failed ter showall!!@!

    When when a say all I don't mean it showed some and noot all. A mean 'all' as in 'you'!!! Nyyyyyaaaa!

    Mind you it was all about the russian acryllic, sorry cryllic, alphabet so maybe the blog spam intercepter thought me russian was spam and........... intercepted it - know what am sayin'!!!!

    But obviously the blog spam intercepter didn't!
    Mind thinking about it neither would m0ost fellow bloggers even if it did DAMN geeet through, as it was russian!!!


  • Comment number 9.

    PS: I sent in a Fox the Fox for today - d'ya think CLP will do it? I really hope so as I am genuinely curious .... but then, I may crash the car in shock as I'm usually at a busy roundabout when Fox The Fox comes on ...

  • Comment number 10.

    Hiya Chris,

    You are so disciplined these days - well done! That was a definite six pack we could see a couple of weeks ago during the hot tub thingy! I, on the other hand, can hardly walk up a hill, let alone think about running up one!

    The Monday blues, for me, start on a Sunday once the music to the Antique Roadshow starts. I just go right downhill at that moment! Stupid really, because we should cherish each day, but I find it hard to cherish Monday!

    C xx

    P.S. I would have given anything to have had a boyfriend at school that I could have met behind the garages!

  • Comment number 11.

    Bingo: Hallooooooooooooooo

    How are you? Married yet?


  • Comment number 12.

    Ello Chezza and Annie G.... getting bingo'd again and no damn russian insite, sorry sight.....

  • Comment number 13.

    CtD - (failed miserably in spontaneous exercise, still sitting on me a**e "just checking a couple of things")

    - It's pre-4 weddings so his fringe is floppy almost to the point of ridiculousness, and naturally he is terribly terribly nice and polite and self effacing. Can't remember if he stammers while telling the girl he loves her, but probably does! And he's so young!But it's a sweet little film, and hey, it's Hugh.

    Right, where's those shorts? V. important to where cycling shorts when cycling.

    A x

  • Comment number 14.

    Back ter one liners whilst am in Ukraine!!!!

    Anyway ave been 'ere with me fiance, sorry fiancee and 'er mega 'yperactive 6 year old son......

    God 'elp me!!!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    I mean wear.

  • Comment number 16.

    All going well with me and Inna am glad ter say.... except for me getting a really bad fever for four dees and now Inna's caught it.... probally means 'er son will get it... poor kid.... mind you might queiten 'im down for abit (only joking).....

  • Comment number 17.

    Hello Cheryl et Annie, nice to read you two lovelies - The Red Hot Chilli Pipers, I should have explained for the uninitiated are Scottish kilt-wearing bagpipers who cover Coldplay, Robbie, etc etc - ok at the start but did get slightly grating after a while . ..
    anyways - tell me a story, tell me some lies, whats new everyone??

  • Comment number 18.

    Bingo, no, no it's fine, any excuse for the Tixylix Night Time...

  • Comment number 19.

    Tixylix... sounds good ter me Boleyngirl!!!

    Anyway all ave been ere in Kharkiv 'Under Pressure' of the severest kind ter the point were me dees 'ave been totally mixed up (abit like CLP above). But ave noot been running up 'ills, although I waz ill, na ave been running around in circles in Gorko Park.... the reason......

  • Comment number 20.

    Am due ter come 'ome termozz and my all time favourite wrockers are playing in Kharkiv three days after I leave......


  • Comment number 21.

    DtM - lies? we not do lies hunnybunny sweetcheeks!

    We is a lovely posseee on de blog, just hangin' wi our homies!

    Nowt new for little auld me I'm afraid ... feel free to brighten up my day, if you dare ...... ;-)

  • Comment number 22.

    Who are they...... QUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And it's a free gig too!!!

    If only i'd ave booked ter come re a week later. All week it's been bugging me badly!!!

    Then this mroning I came around the corner.... clear blue skies, 86 degrees and whats going on..... they've closed Freedom Square (the second biggest in Europe and they're building the mega stage right near ter where I am staying!!!!!

    So ave 'ad ter do it........

  • Comment number 23.

    Dan: Don't you know you have to stand 3 miles away from Pipers and then they sound grand.

    Bingo: Queeeeeeeeen????


  • Comment number 24.

    Terdee ave changed me flights at great expense even though I can't really afford it am gonna see Queen live for the first time ever!!!!(a mean lifes too short - I might get run down by a bus termozzz.... mind you if I do I won't see Queen live.... ok next week I might get run over by a bus).

    Aye..... WHATTANOTHER COINCIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    While am writng this am listening ter CLP open 'is show and who's 'e just played........ Queen... FREAK OUT AGAIN!!!!!

    Am off ter try and calm down with a BIG bowl a beetroot borsch... great for fever clearance!!!


    Or should it be 'dassveedanee-ya'(goodbye)!!!!
    I prefer ter think of it as 'dasverdanyer' as that's 'ow yer say it!

    or poka!!!!!!

  • Comment number 25.

    I'm going to see Queeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!!!! in October!

  • Comment number 26.

    Ugh! I have to confess I hate bagpipes with a passion. Got stuck at an underground station not so long ago and there was a bag-piper (??) "playing" just outside the entrance to the platform. No escape. Horrible sound. Like some groaning auld hag being squashed.

    Almost as bad as a drum solo!

  • Comment number 27.

    Bingo: Saw Queeeeeeeeeen when they were starting out. FLASH!!!!!

    Ohhhh Cheryl, stop listening to Chris. Bagpipe alert.


  • Comment number 28.

    Mondays - don't talk to me about Mondays and today aaaargh!!! stamps foot in paddy!! work work work and phone going as I speak!! Thank you very much Jerry!!!
    Gonna give up - bum gone to sleep and back killing me!


    Lo Bingo Anne and Annie CtD DtM- and all - wot you asked Foxy Cheryl?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Now Big Country is good Cheryl. You have to admit.


  • Comment number 30.

    And I've now got a headache with all those B**!!! bagpipes - bad mood moi?!!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Cheryl/Bsmum: You'll have the Scottish lot after your blood!!!!


  • Comment number 32.

    Och Aye!!! Annie!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 33.

    PS - F1 What the 'ell are they doing ter Lewis 'amilton??????????!!!!!!

    It's a total disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lewis did nothing wrong in The Belgium GP yet they give 'im a, very convienient for Massa, 25sec penalty!!!!!
    Dropping Lewis from a brill 1st ter 3rd!!!!!
    We witnessed 'A RACING DRIVER...... RACING!!!!!!!
    YES I SAID RACING!!!!!!!!
    And a very talented one too!
    Notta nambie pambie overpaid numptie whos frightened of overtaking!!!!! Like 'alf on the grid!!!!
    What do they want.... next time Lewis ter think??... 'mmmnnn must not overtake in case I get a penalty, what penalty pointsd or a parking fine.... or a speeding ticket, or there might be a school patrol ahead..... give me strength ter find sanity'!!!!

    In my opinion it's all because FIA don't like McLaren after last years McLaren sinanigans!!!!!!

    Remember Senna taking Prost out in Japan ter win the championship???????

    Remember Schumacher taking Damon 'ill out in Adalaide robbing Damon of the championship.... BUT NO PENALTY FOR SCHUEY!!!???????????@@@@!!!!!!!!!!

    Much worse than anything Lewis did!!!

    Lewis was pushed over the kerb at 'The Bus Stop' and immediately gave up the place!!!!!! All too fair (never would 'appen in the 90's with Senna. Senna would just knock em off the track)... so no penalty should be given ter 'amilton!
    The next corner 'e goot the place back not cos of the previous corner but cos Kimi was off it so BIG (Plus Kimi crashed later proof that 'is mojo is missing at present!)

    FIA - Disgusting..... i'll be turning off F1 soon!!!!!

    Chow..... a mean poka!

  • Comment number 34.

    Does anyone know what Bingo is talking about??


    Sorry, off to get something to eat. Think I'm getting silly now.

  • Comment number 35.

    Aye! Och Aye the Noo!

    A x (what does that actually mean?)

  • Comment number 36.

    Bingo - totally agree - he gave the place back then promptly overtook him again and schooey got away with murder - parking his car at Monaco etc and all the senna stuff too!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Boleyngirl: Now stop taking the pee.


  • Comment number 38.

    Just lost a comment, sorry if it turns up later and I repeat myself.

    ok ok Annie. Am really really going now, but just to warn you I am going to be asking your advice about 16th Birthday parties soon. Feel weak at the knees writing it. Got a bit tipsy at mine!

    A x

    A bientot.

  • Comment number 39.

    Oh yes and Bsmum, loved the reference to the Good Life! Watched one the other day about the windbreak where they get tiddly and flirt. Love it love it.


    A x

  • Comment number 40.

    Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ now. ;-)

    Bingo: forget the humdrum tripe that is F1 ... come over to the exciting side of the track with some 2-wheeled action. You can't beat MotoGP for thrills and fun. Especially if you watch the "lower" classes of 125 and 250cc: Valentino Rossi was a 125 rider once, y'know! And the British Superbikes, and the World Superbikes ... d'ya know, they actually overtake. Some of them fall off. They all wear leather (not that you'd be impressed by that Bingo) but it sure beats the pants off F1.

    Soapbox. Now climbing down.

    It was fab to hear Big Country again. I used to love Stuart Adamson. RIP xx

    B-sMum: I braced myself at the busy roundabout for my Fox The Fox but it never happened ;-(

    I would like to know why tennis scores for 15, 30, 40 etc and what on earth is Deuce? (yes, I know it's 40-40 but why Deuce?) Why don't they just go 1-0, 2-0 etc.

    If any bloggers know, please let me know (shame MfR is en route to Abba Dabba Dhabi, he'd probably know!)

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 41.

    CtD: Stuart Adamson was a lovely boy from Dunfermline with a wife and children before fame got him.

    My daughter adored him and, once, poor boy, had him up against a wall in a little shop in Dunfermline, asking for his autograph.

    As you say, RIP


  • Comment number 42.

    Aww Anne, that's a lovely story. Shame it ended how it did.

    There was something nice here when I got home from work (apart from Mr Diva, of course) ...

    ... The L@kel@nd Christmas Catalogue has arrived!! So, PJs on, glass of wine (red) at the ready, pen, pad .... ooooh I love Christmas catalogues with a passion!

    ding dong merrily on high .....

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 43.

    Me too Cheryl. Off to ask for it to be delivered. I'm lucky, there's a great one in Edinburgh. Lovely to browse in.


  • Comment number 44.

    I went to the one in Ipswich for "a few bits" - and spent a small mortgage! ooops!

  • Comment number 45.

    Sorted. It's on its way. So, that'll be a day in Edinburgh after I've browsed the catalogue. And probably an hour or three in The Pier.


  • Comment number 46.

    Watching the Hairy Bakers/Bikers.

    Is it just me? Even though I was brough up just across the Tyne Bridge from Newcastle and probably have an accent much like theirs, I just can't stand to hear it. They sound so thick!!!!


  • Comment number 47.

    LOL Anne. That's a tad harsh!

    Diva's Dilemma: go to bed at 10 with Mr Diva, or stay downstairs and watch Andy Murry / sleep on the sofa so as not to wake Mr Diva when creeping upstairs after the tennis.

    Why is life so hard????

    Dragons now .... don't like the beard-stroking one much (no - not Debra Meaden!) Bring back Richard Farleigh!

  • Comment number 48.

    Posh Geordies them Hairy Bikers man, especially the one from Carlisle!

  • Comment number 49.

    Geordie: They are soooo not posh!!!

    I love the accent when I go home (to Felling) but just can't stand it on the telly.


    And I can't stand mine when I hear it on the answerphone. Yuk.

  • Comment number 50.

    Cheryl stay on the sofa. Get a nice big blanket and snuggle up.

    LOL Anne I really like those guys and love the accent.

    End of my tether with the teenager, would like to pack a bag or give him a slap. Feel like a really, really horrible person right now!!!!

    Count to ten.

    x x x

  • Comment number 51.

    Be loud and proud brightAnnie-G, don't let the southerners grind you down!

  • Comment number 52.

    Annie - hate to tell you but you don't have a geordie accent - it's soft posh scottish!

    Just had my first christmas book too but it's actually called a Dogalogue (guide dogs for blind).

    Sofa definitely Diva!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Oh dear Anne, I'm quite southern. In fact from London if that makes it worse. Hope that I don't grind you down hehe ;-) x

  • Comment number 54.

    Hear that Geordie: I've got a soft posh Scottish accent!!!

    Been up here far too long.


  • Comment number 55.

    Funny: My geordie family think I sound Scottish and my Scottish family think I sound geordie. I'm just a mongrel.


  • Comment number 56.

    Mr B posh - me - allsorts - welsh/brummie/london/stoke/ you name it - mixed it in!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Welcome to the mongrel family Bsmum.


  • Comment number 58.

    My accent is all over the place these days, part Tyneside (Birtley) and part Northamptonshire with a dollop of USA and Europe thrown in for good measure. No wonder the dog never listens when I call her.

  • Comment number 59.

    Geordie: Forgot to say: Welcome to the blog. Nice to have another Tynesider on board, even though you're the other side of the Tyne.


  • Comment number 60.

    Better than watching TV although I might go and watch Andy Murray at 10pm

  • Comment number 61.

    Geordie depended where I lived - just copied accent hence now mongrel plus a bit of Mr B's posh!

    Annie - Mr B says you have an Edinburgh accent - Posh Scottish - his exact words! - and he should know he lived there for years! (with his plummy english accent unchanged!!!)

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Ooooo I'm impressed with myself now.

    Had to change my accent a bit when I moved up here so that people could understand me.

    Still haven't got used to fruit cake you fry and the fact that you can't get real pease pudding. And, Cheryl, bagpipes in shop doorways in Princes Street!!!!

  • Comment number 63.

    Going to Ireland this weekend, bring on the full Irish breakfast with the black and white pudding. I always buy stottie cakes, ham and pease pudding when back up north, reminds me of home.

  • Comment number 64.

    Last time I had stottie cake was at the Rolling Stones concert in St. James' Park. Yummy - and with pease pudding.

    Does anyone else know what we're talking about?


    Do they care, even?

  • Comment number 65.

    Hi, just dipping in after nagging teen 2 off msn/myspace. She thinks I'm logging off (he he).
    Ham n pease pudding - heaven! Did pinacilty travel to tyneside?No idea actually how to spell it, and never even ate it, but it was big in Sunderland. Some kind of left over dish.
    Welcome Geordie, oops, here she comes...

    A x

  • Comment number 66.

    where are you exiled to then geordie?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Boleyngirl: Don't how to spell it either, but it was the Monday dinner - leftovers from Sunday cos the mums did the washing on Monday and didn't have time to cook.

    Then the washing was strung out in the back lane.

    Good god, how old am I????


  • Comment number 68.

    Annie thought pease pud was a midlands thing?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 69.

    That's it boleyn ham and pease pud YUMMY

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Annie, thought that was bubble n squeak.


    A x

  • Comment number 71.

    Annie did your mum have a mangle? Mine was dead posh mangle under a veranda!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Might be Bsmum but it's also a NE thing. Definitely not Scottish. You can only buy it in tins and its horrible.

    Can't beat the Pork Shop in Felling. Even though I'm a veggie.


  • Comment number 73.

    Only exiled to deepest Northants these days but still a 3 hour trip up north. Never mind the washing line who remembers the torchlit trip to the outside *ahem* facilities? BTW I'm not that old, honest!

  • Comment number 74.

    My granny had a mangle. You see them in museums now.

    And she lived in a NE terrace with a toilet in the back yard, with whitewashed walls and squares of newspaper on a bit of string.

    Just like 'When the Boat comes in'. Remember that?


  • Comment number 75.

    Chris you are certainly made of much sterner stuff these days - you keep going up that hill each Monday - congrats.

    Dan the Man - I've certainly heard of the Red Chilli Pipers - interesting listening you have over the water.

    I've had a very busy weekend with the Swanage Folk Festival - you can't keep a good folkie down and the weather didn't damp their spirits - the procession along the sea front went off well with the skies dry for an hour. The performers, singers, dancers and shantymen were all wonderful entertainment and came from far and wide.

    I'm 50% Scots 50% Cornish and brought up in Somerset so also a right old mixture and I don't have a somerset accent I lost that in the forces. Too much ragging about combine harvesters so conveniently lost it.

    A jolly good evening to all contributors and lurkers alike

  • Comment number 76.

    hehe geordie - near mwa and errol!

    and who knows what a veranda is?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Evening Phoenix: We're on outside bogs now.


  • Comment number 78.

    Stotties, stotties you canna get them down ere please please could some store sell them.

    Craster Kippers are a must and Whitby Cod from sustainable stocks of course. Tweed caught salmon and proper sea trout.

  • Comment number 79.

    another dolly mixture A Phoenix?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Phoenix: You have to visit the Loch Fyne Oyster Bar. Yummy fishy thingys.


  • Comment number 81.

    the accent phoenix not the sea trout! (79)

    BM xx

  • Comment number 82.

    A Veranda, no way. My mate's grandma used to live in a Dutch bungalow and our neighbours had a Carport when I was a kid. The height of exuberance in 1970s Britain!

  • Comment number 83.

    Can you tell that some of my family are still oop north.

    I've got more ancesters buried in Lindisfarne graveyard than alive today.

    My childhood was always spent going up once a year to relatives including a granny and whilst I was very young I heard the stories about my dad growing up and playing football with distant cousins by the surname of charlton.....

    A great aunt used to live in a mining village which in the 70s was razed to the ground by the government it's name was Radcliffe - now someone did a poem about the destruction but when my dad died it got lost which was a shame as you can't find it on the net or anything much about the village either and it was one of the ones that had privvys out the back and back to back houses.

    Such is our history so many stories lost in such a short time.

  • Comment number 84.

    Now a carport in Felling would have been like Rodney in the Likely Lads. Upwardly mobile indeedy.


  • Comment number 85.

    Aye beesmum I kenned wha yous meant!!

  • Comment number 86.

    Now I've forgotten the name of it but mutton pie and brown sauce... very nice indeed and you can sometimes get it down south if you are extremely lucky but you cant get stotties - could a bakery get the recipe in Dorset and start off a new line.. pretty please.

  • Comment number 87.

    I know Phoenix. I always think that when I retire I might write a book about the lovely feeling, when a child, of everyone in our small town knowing me and my family.

    All the men wore flat caps and white silk scarves and called me 'bonny lass'. The working man's club was their hub and the women stayed home and baked.

    My grandad played piano for weddings, my dad sang and his brother played guitar and banjo.

    There was also a dark side, though. The drink which broke up families, especially Newcastle Brown!!!


  • Comment number 88.

    Blimey. Whenever Mr Diva drinks "nukey brown" he goes uber-loopy! What do they put in that stuff?

    Well, Mr Diva gone to bed. I have duvet and pillows on sofa but the way young Andy is playing, I may well just mooch on upstairs to the comfy mattress instead of the lumpy sofa!

    Whatever, I know I'll be dog-tired tomorrow!

    Nitey Nite peeps

    Cheryl xxxxxx

  • Comment number 89.

    Hmm my dad liked the Newkie Brown - warm mind and out the bottle into a glass not like you get it down here - cold.....

    My grandad used to work on the farms my dad grew up on them as well - when the tractor was bought for the first time only my dad was sent to drive it the rest preferred the horses and this wasn't that far off as my dad served in RAF and grew up in the Forties.

    My grandad and dad used to go out in the punt on the slakes (water) between mainland and Lindisfarne to shoot ducks for pot. He bred gun dogs which lived outside in pen and not allowed in the house each time she had pups they were allocated before they were born such was his good name in the area.

    Living history - when he was at school during WW2 a plane crashed near the school and they were all out to see if it was one of ours and assist and if it was foreign to capture the pilot etc.

    Holidays were celebrated more for the time off work and family gatherings a done thing.

  • Comment number 90.

    nite nite Cheryl sweet dreams at least Andy has got this far further than most of our previous players.

    I have Jonathan Creek on in the background whilst reminiscening for the history in all our lives as living history is still around and steam engines were running on the mainlines not all that long ago.

    It's a bit like thinking back and remembering having to wear passion killer knickers under your games skirt because you weren't allowed to wear shorts.

  • Comment number 91.

    Ctd it was two all on news presume doing badly?

    Phoenix reckon could all write a book - various chapters - old time stories - accent stories - dad/grandad stories - clp bloggers memories about various?
    c in need or save the children rnli etc to benefit

    BM xxx

    Off in a mo catch doggy and put drops in luggoles - seen that flea advert on tv - where little boxer dog scarpers? That's my boy - off like a shot!

  • Comment number 92.

    Have the WI gone to bed is it safe to come out!!! one and all

    Only joking of course.

    Mondays yes I remember in the old days that Songs of Praise or Fluff with the top twenty signalled another Monday and week at school.

    So cattle produce gases in excess of motor vehicles so why don't they wear nappies or something.


  • Comment number 93.

    Morning each

    Poor Andy. Sad photo of him in The Scotsman, looking at the cup being held aloft.

    Hope everyone has a good day.


  • Comment number 94.

    poor andy indeed - he still made halfa million - that'll keep him in rackets and balls for a bit!

    misreable day today - feels moer like november - cats woke me up to early so very grumpy today as well - all together now - I'm a little black raincloud -

    I'll go and crawl back under my rock

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 95.

    Sorry BP, didn't mean poor as in finances. If that's poor, I'm destitute!!!

    Have a good grumpy Tuesday. xxxx

  • Comment number 96.

    no - I mean in spirts too - he has done better then any otehr British person in years and was beaten by the worlds best - absolutuley nothing to be shamful of! he tried his best!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 97.

    Morning **yawning unashamedly**

    Stayed up til half eleven** watching young Murray then gave up when it was obvious he wasn't going to win. But like said above - if that's what you get for losing, then count me in!

    ** not late for some of you, I know, but I'm getting up at 5.45 every day at the mo, so usually done in by 10ish!

    Boss-less day today so radio on, kettle on and will nip in to see what y'alls gassing abaht!

    Will try not to Hog the Blog tho - but I'm on my own all day - a toughie for an incessant chatterbox like myself!

    Ciao bellas!

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Morning all on this very wet Tuesday morning - wet feet again getting to office!

    Can't believe what I heard on SK this morning when struggling to get out of bed (7.15 Diva!!!) R A from Reading suggesting names for SK's friend's pussy cats!??? Nooooo! please tell me it was not you ejr?

    Shame about Andy but like you say beaten by the best and he's still young. Consolation a nice pay cheque for all the work getting to the final!

    Right - let's see if I can make an impression on this mountain of work - back later!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 99.

    BsMum: I heard that too and thought exactly that. Surely not!!!


  • Comment number 100.




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