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Chris Evans | 15:34 UK time, Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Arrived at work early to watch Gord in full...

...flow. This obviously went on a bit, well quite a lot actually and now means that I'm late for a lot of stuff but was it worth it ?

Yes, very much so.

I always like to watch the leaders' conference speeches. I haven't missed one for ages.

Now here's what I think.

They are usually quite dramatic, can be cringy, often funny but always important, regardless of whether they're actually any good or not. So why don't they take place after five o'clock when most of the people they are about might stand half a chance of witnessing them. Witnessing them in their entirity and not via an out of context soundbite or an opinionated editorial.

The consensus about this one is, it could be his best ever, in both the writing and the presentation. Not my words, by the way, but those of the political commentators I listened to immediately after.

Watch it all now on the bbc "i" player.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Wooooo alll a new blog just as ave commentationed on the previous........

  • Comment number 2.

    Hip hap happy afternoon one and all . . .

    hope the bloggees and blogger are all well . . .

    Roll on hump day 'till i start to seek some clarity and sense of purpose . . .

    deeper and deeper . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 3.

    CLP Man - DON'T get me started on politicians..... please!!!!
    Am under enough DAMN stress already with the oil price and the stockmarket upo and down and up..... and down!!!!
    I was listening ter abit on the R2 news yesterdee... the stupid speaches they give about 'ow after 10 years of Labour so much 'as been achieved for Britain......
    Yeah.... children knifing each other ter death, reccession, lollipop ladies with cameras in their 'ats ter stop them being assaulted..... soz am gonna stop now before I go 'ape..... give me strength ter find sanity!!!!
    AND on top of this they say The Milliband might become Labour leader!!!!
    That's either Milliband or Cameron as leader..... my goodness.... I AM off ter live in Ukraine!!!!!
    CLP - Cancel me job application for your pub.... no offence!!!!! (see prvious blog commentations)
    PS CLP Fancy opening a pub in Ukraine?????


  • Comment number 4.

    Dan - what's deeper and deeper babes? You OK? Is it all the pink nicker talk on the other blog??

    Bingo - what secret?????

    Flower ..... {{{HUGS}}}

    Will not see the noos tonight on account of ackchewerly going out. to a real theatre. to see a real comedian.

    although most of our politicians are good at comedy too!!

    Loving you all tonz!

    Cheryl xxxxxx

  • Comment number 5.

    PS: Do Spin Doctors ever get giddy?

  • Comment number 6.

    CtD - My secret iz something you touched on in your commentations #110.... and also the secret iz I am following in the footsteps of Justin 'awkins of The Darkness before 'e waz famous!!!!
    You might find out the secret if you wikipedia The 'awkins.... but am sayin' nowt!!!!!

    Poka snova!!!!!

    (I've found out what 'again' iz in russian - 'snova'!!!)

  • Comment number 7.

    Watch it on iplayer? - old fish mouth now? what would I rather be doing?
    boiling my head?
    nailing my feet to the floor?
    drawing my nails down a blackboard?
    poking my eyes out?
    any of those really!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Bingo ..... are you paying a visit to Somerfield in Lowestoft? Are you hun??

    Quick joke:-

    Q: What's the best thing to come out of Lowestoft?

    A: The A12

    Boom Boom!!

  • Comment number 9.

    BM - not keen then?

  • Comment number 10.

    Cottoned on then Diva?

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    I haven't seen the speech yet, have that treat to come at collapseinfrontoftelly time which doesn't come till 10.00 here. As far as most party politics go I echo Bingo's sentiments, but I would like to think that there are still some conviction politicians out there at grass roots level who really do care about their local electorate. I sincerely hope you anyway.

    On a more flippant note, if we HAVE to have sleazy, over-privileged, corrupt, self-promoting slimeballs in charge of the country, then David Milliband is at least easier on the eye than Gordon Brown.

    I must just put the case for the Asda pizza counter when you can't be boshed to make your own but can't afford a Domino's.

    A x

  • Comment number 12.

    CtD - So you know a little about The 'awkins then.... aka 'im being from Lowestoft??

  • Comment number 13.

    Bingo you should know by now Diva knows Everything!!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Boleyngirl - BIG tarr!!!!
    I can't stand these school boy toff politicians with the backbone of an outta date pot of coleslaw that we 'ave running Britain at present!!!!!
    What we need is a PM with the strength and determination of Maggie Thatcher but also with the 'eart, 'onesty and level 'eadness of Tony Benn!!!

    Poka snova!!!!!

  • Comment number 15.

    B's Mum - I see Lewis 'amilton 'as lost 'is appeal - a tell yer i'll be switching off F1 soon!!!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Bingo what a combination! Would it be possible to clone such a thing, they'll have to hurry because the Lady Who Wasn't For Turning appears to be on her last legs. Tony still going strong though, read a great interview with him at the weekend, what a man.

    A x

  • Comment number 17.

    BINGO NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! when did you hear that? It's the team they are against I reckon and any excuse!
    Now I am going to boil my head!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Bingo ...... LOVE Justin. It's "that" tattoo y'know! The way it licks up from his catsuit ..... Never lucky enuff to see him live tho. sigh ......

    Yes, bingo ..... I believe in a thing called love!!

    Pizza .... yummmmmmmyyyyyyy. Want one. Now! Seafood with extra mushrooms and anchovies please.

    Really growing on me .....

  • Comment number 19.

    Olives, there must be olives.

  • Comment number 20.

    oh yes. olives definitely.

    And dough balls.

    Or is that a malady exclusive to men in tight crackers????

  • Comment number 21.


    Bingo - is your secret something to do with jingle writing perhaps? Hawkins bros. did the Swedish flat pack company jingle didn't they???

    Pizzas - Make your own!!!! Dead easy and quick (but admit I have a few in the freezer:-))

    Politicians - Conservatives blame Labour during Iron Maggies time, Labour blame Conservatives when they get in. Both had long stretches in power when will they stop blaming the other. No doubt if we have another change at the top for the next x number of years they will blame Tony and Gordon and not actually do anything to sort it out. I'll have a winge but don't know the answer but everything must start at home. Lets sort ourselves out first, then the country, then the world!

    Woah there betsy, jockey coming of high horse!!!

    Quack x

  • Comment number 22.

    Right, who would you like to see in the aforementioned attire ( (can't type it meself, too rude, see CtD20). Gordon Brown, David Cameron or Nick Clegg? You've got to choose one or the world will end.

    A x

  • Comment number 23.

    Deffo Nick Clegg. If ever there were a man designed for tight undercrackers ......

  • Comment number 24.

    PS Aplogies to the men for tasteless sexist post. Just a bit of fun!

  • Comment number 25.

    undercrackers or Borat Suit?


    p.s I might take my chance with the end of the world

  • Comment number 26.

    Aye, thinking about it there's not much competition really.


    A x

  • Comment number 27.


    couldn't agree more with you. Lets just hope we're not in for another 10 yrs or else i might have to emigrate somewhere nice n warm n dry

  • Comment number 28.

    Boleyn line them all up and ..................naaah don't think I could even bear to look.
    I feel sick now! end of world please

    BM xxxx

  • Comment number 29.

    btw Steve - that was a Very Big Hug you gave Diva on the last blog????!!!!!
    Good idea though - emigrate. Loads more doing apparently!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    BM, Dookie, sorry sorry. Try and substitue David Tennant, Johnny Depp and Jonanhan Rhys Meyers. Anyway, I've lowered the tone. Get back to politicks, I want to read some weighty discussion here when I get back .

    A x

  • Comment number 31.

    Just so I can't be accused of sticking my head in sand - held breath and listened to a bit of fish mouth. Couldn't bear to watch all I was yelling after the first 5 seconds!!I am now seething!!

    When they came in everything was going to happen 2 5 or 10 years on and they are still doing it and not achieving anything bar wasting money/resources/talented folk leaving in droves and taking notice of minority not majority! and on and on and on and everything Bingo said and aaaaaaagh!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    B-sMum - Steve has a lovely hug about him. Very lovely indeed. Made me smile, he did!!

  • Comment number 33.


    that WAS the idea :-D

  • Comment number 34.

    No Boleyn done my rant as above but your blog 30 wayhay that's more like it!!! In which case just line them up and ogle!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 35.

    I hear an engagement being broken here Diva?

    BM :) xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    LOL B-sMum. I think that happened weeks ago!

    Although I am composing my letter to Santa, as the train set is well and truly broken!!


  • Comment number 37.

    LOL!!! Diva that would have been you jumping up and down on it would it?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 38.

    OMG! You saw?? Was I being a complete brat, or what??!?

    Don't care now. I have Steve, Simon, Dan, Matt, Bingo .... life is for living and live it I will!!

    Will give your collective Blog Love to Rich Hall tonight, and will report back on the laughter zone in the morn.

    Cheryl the everso flirty Diva

  • Comment number 39.

    Evening each

    Pizza waiting for oven. Just can't be ar*ed tonight.

    As I promised, visited Asda and Cheryl, you should have seen the tatty knickers on the 'pink' rail. No Mr. Men at all, only slidey black shiny stuff with pink frill. No, really can't wear them.

    However, I have done my bit - I have a lovely pink diary/organiser thingy sold in aid of Breast Cancer.


  • Comment number 40.

    Well that's my work over for another day! I did write a lot of posts today but must have kept putting Capital 7's in and they were that long and full of venting that I'd burnt myself out and couldn't be bothered typing them out again!!! I know I should have saved them but actually I don' t know how to do that. Thinking back ... you were all saved by the power of the Capital 7. Hail the all powerful Captial 7 - he was definately merciful to you all. I say he because he is a damned nuisance most of the time.

    Hee Hee

    Quack x

  • Comment number 41.

    Bingo: Going to watch Dave Gilmour on Jools tonight at 10. On Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ2 Scotland. Will let you know!!


  • Comment number 42.

    I love that Queen song!!! I cant remember what it was called though...

    I've walked 15 miles in 2 days around Aberystwyth and there is some beautiful scenery here! Shame my feet have gone strike now!

  • Comment number 43.

    Just read Chris' post, quick visit.

    I wish that the bickering amongst politicians would end and they would all just get on with the job that they are paid to do.

    Back to catch up with posts soon.

    x x x

  • Comment number 44.

    Debbie: I so agree. Although, have to say in Gordy's defence - he is a good MP for his constituency in Fife. Well - liked and seems to be sincere.

    Although - how sincere are any MP's??


  • Comment number 45.


    Day 1. All quiet on the Western front. Either they are plotting a huge counter-punch and are having trouble fitting all the zeros onto the page, or no-one gives a toss.....

  • Comment number 46.

    Still, a good day on a couple of levels.

    1. Entered ten kilometre (blog won’t allow abbreviation) race in November. For CHASE, blog sponsorship will be most welcome, details to follow…..

    2. Non-football people turn away now.

    Met a certain Mr. Zamora of Fulham at one of the showrooms today. He was pleasant and we chatted for ten minutes or so. I set him a challenge to score a hatrick against the 'Ammers on Saturday.

    Tomorrow, my new boss and I will be clinking beer glasses together at The M and discussing our plan of attack. Dan, I'll double check that they do the black stuff, and if not, make sure they get some in before Christmas.

    Peace chaps


  • Comment number 47.

    Matt: Hopefully they are planning a champagne leaving do! Enjoy your clinking beer glasses tomorrow.

    Was just lying in a lovely lavender bath, enjoying my Mitford Girls book and then - bloody hell - landline rang, mobile rang!!

    Jumped out bath expecting dire news and just man in the cupboard arranging the weekend. Bleeding men!!!!!


  • Comment number 48.

    Weekend organised. I'll be in the Aletaster in Gateshead on Friday, just along from the Angel of the North, about 8ish if anyone's around.

    I'll be the only female with a crowd of (rather lovely) guys who are gazing open-mouthed at the footie on the telly in the corner.

    Anyone interested in conversation rather than football very welcome.


  • Comment number 49.


    you're a good good man . . . much appreciated -

    I'm thinking I may take a weekend there sometime before Christmas.

    Congrats on your new venture - hope it goes well - I presume its auto-related . . .sorry, havent caught all the comments of late so possibly a little behind. . .

    Until tomorrow, over and out.


  • Comment number 50.

    ALL my posts are going walkies :(


  • Comment number 51.


    One thing.

    Only my mother calls me Matthew.


  • Comment number 52.

    Matt: That's what mother do, I'm afraid. My oldest is Stuart - NOT Stu, right???

    Steve: You must be doing something wrong. Check out posts re ooookaaay and 'and'


  • Comment number 53.


    The blog is very fickle about things it pereives are 'profanities'. As Annie said, 'oh kay' in the normal version gets lobbed out, and I tried to describe my ten kilometre run in its abbreivated version earlier and it was blocked. Keep an eye on the bottom of the screen when you press 'Post Comment' and you may see '........profanity blocked' at the end of the brief message. If so, click back and try to work out what it didn't like. If you are still having trouble, copy and paste into Word and post in bits, like Bingo used and as I did earlier.

    I deserve a medal from Interactive Ian for this.......

    By the way. Just popped a blinding Gobsmackers in. About time Chris played a bit of MfR on Drivetime.......


  • Comment number 54.

    'Perceives', of course.

    MfR - Pedants of the world unite and take over.

  • Comment number 55.

    Ooo Matt: What was the Gobsmackers???


    PS: I've never had 'profanity blocked'. Sounds very risque.


  • Comment number 56.

    You have Annie. The aforementioned 'oh kay' brings up a 'profanity blocked', as did my race distance and so many other innocuous things that computers say 'no' to.

    I'm sure whether to pop my Gobsmackers on here in case someone nicks them.

    Perhaps I'll leave them in an envelope for Chris at The M tomorrow.....


  • Comment number 57.

    well i just tried it again it didn't say it was blocked :(


    PS i just had a look and still don't know why :(

  • Comment number 58.

    Oh crikey

    This is the first time for AGES that I've been able to get on here, and you're discussing profanities...

    ...and Matthew Fortescue Tarquill Rudgwick, you should be ashamed of yourself...

  • Comment number 59.

    Matt: Just started a game with you on Wordscraper. Let's see your mettle boy. And promise not to pinch your Gobsmackers if you tell us.

    Steve: What on earth are you doing?? Behave yourself boy.


  • Comment number 60.


    Maybe time to try the old '......' trick.

    This worked for me in the early days of new version of the blog. I couldn't post for love nor money, but found that when I added ..... to the end, it went through.

    Bingo suffered the same problem, took my advice, and, blimey, if you look back you'll see the devastation that caused.....

    Good luck


  • Comment number 61.

    HAZEL!!!!! Hallooooooooooooooooooo you.


  • Comment number 62.

    i AM behaving :( honest


  • Comment number 63.

    Thank you B-Annie

    So, who is this SJF102?

    A new bug?

  • Comment number 64.

    Today has been a funny kinda day. I've been helping my sprog with her weeding. Who would have thought that there's soooooooooo many different types of card and paper for the save the day and invite cards there are on the market.

    Weathers been a bit hit and miss, plenty of wind about as well.

    is EVERYONE on F/B? cos i am as well


  • Comment number 65.

    well that was SOME of what i was TRYING to post :(


  • Comment number 66.


    some nonentity that doesn't deserve as much attention as he's getting at present :-D


  • Comment number 67.

    Am not on FB as is too much like aardvark.

    Too many messages...SOOOOOO little time...

    Annie, we ain't making it to Scotland...the Badgers car blew up, and he has no work (atm) so we have zero cash...sorry to let you down...were hoping to see you and all the bods North o' the Border!


    ...ah, that felt good, typing that again!

  • Comment number 68.

    Steve: You on CLP bloggers? Get there and post your name and we'll all be your friends.


  • Comment number 69.

    Good Lord

    Hazel Parp Parp Semolina Pipistrelle Love.

    How the devil are you?

    Long time no see on these here pages.

    Hope all is well in sunny Brighton.


  • Comment number 70.

    No worries Hazel. New Scottish bloggers meet in May next year at Loch Insh, nr Aviemore. Lots of wine from the Co-op in Kingussie and lots of girlie chat on the agenda.

    Hope you can make it.


    I'll be organising it in October so let me know on FB.


  • Comment number 71.

    Hey MfR, all is lovely in Sunny Brighton! Is dark atm though so do not necessarily know state of sun.

    How are you m'lovely boy?


  • Comment number 72.

    I used to go to school with a bloke called Gussie. We used to call him Augusta, but then he turned out to own most of Scotland, so we then started falling over ourselves to ingratiate ourselves with him...

    ...and class! Today's word (for that read tomorrow, Wednesday) is 'Ingratiate' and you have to try to include it in as many conversations as you can. A Gold Star will be awarded to the truthful winner...

  • Comment number 73.

    May, in sunny S, I think I may (no pun intended) be able to do that. Will start saving as soon as El Bajo gives me suitable pennies...

  • Comment number 74.


    We're hanging in there. Just had a bit of sun in the middle east and I chucked my job in yesterday.

    But hey.


    I think that 'fluffy' might be a nicer word to try and insert into conversations tomorrow.

    I shall try when the FD phones me to find out why I am off.

    Answers on a postcard.


  • Comment number 75.

    So no fancy cars any more then.

    You will have thought about it long and hard (as do I, but that's not for here...) so wishing you the VERY BEST OF BRITISH matey!

  • Comment number 76.

    Hazel: I shall try to ingratiate myself with all the very old people in my Centre tomorrow. But, it will be pretty horrible.


  • Comment number 77.


    Not necessarily the case.

    Maybe not 'quite as fancy', but not bad nonetheless.

    But, more importantly, more job satisfaction, ie, a reason to get up in the morning. And, I am reunited with an ex-colleague and good friend.

    Happy days, I feel.


  • Comment number 78.

    Did I hear right tonight Boom Bang a Bang

  • Comment number 79.

    Just Testing Something......


  • Comment number 80.


  • Comment number 81.

    Matt: Job satisfaction and a good reason to get up in the morning is extremely important.

    You're doing the right thing matey.


  • Comment number 82.

    DAMN IT.......

    I wondered why I goot blog bingo'd the other dee when I writted about Queen + Paul Rogers and thought aswell as the blog noot liking a and sign it mustn't like the plus sign aka + but it's worked now!!!

    Tatty bye!!!!

  • Comment number 83.

    Oooo Bingo: You been electrocuted???


  • Comment number 84.

    And who the heck was Bumbelina that now has me hooked on this song by Dina Carroll

    Is it morse code Bingo $$$$$$$$

  • Comment number 85.

    Ah, the Prof. Missed you...but then they had a competition on 'Who Dares Wins' lottery show on Sat...and thought of you...it was Cluedo questions...

    MfR, not so fancy is quite often a lot better...not so much to live up to!

  • Comment number 86.

    Yup PP it's true, heard it with me own ears.

    Hi to evening bloggers all. Won't be stopping as have just had teen 2 yelling at me that I'm a hypocrite for using the computer when she needs to do her homework (first time ever doing homework without nagging). Is it time for a third computer at boleyn towers? Tough if so.

    Anyway MfR, just to say, from Miss Pedant of Pedantland, if there's ever a Pedant's Meet, I'll be there.

    (apologies if hypocrite spent wrong, haven't time to check!)

    A x

  • Comment number 87.

    Wodga mean hazel love - same namesake you - not on fb - yes you are but prob like me - not a clue what to do. Sorry to hear badger niw at mo - praps Matt's old job is waiting for him?

    Steve do what Annie says and go to clp bloggers group - I've never made so many friends in one click!! I'm a very pretty b/w dog! as you do!

    The mood I'm in if I ingratiate anyone tomorrow they will be v lucky although am getting badger roots done so better not upset the barnet sorter.

    Prof - you will need to get yourself in a darkened room with a wet flannel on yr head - you heard right!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 88.

    Hazel yes I thought you may have adopted a new name somewhat like myself from time to time.

    Still I am only here for the music really and my sad effort of humour.

    Stay lucky


    PS Is Badger avaible for plastering at all?

  • Comment number 89.

    Halloooo Bsmum. How's the old gits?

    Boleyngirl: Welcome to the world of the teenage 'Its my world, right!!!'. And it's also 'my computer'!!!!


  • Comment number 90.

    B's Mum yes Lulu indeed ...

    Anyone got her greatest hit's album at all? infact does one exist.... Could make a good game of Cleudo Hazel.

    Right off to bed with Peter Kay.

    Buneos Noches.

  • Comment number 91.

    Plum...if I have been being misrepresented, you can be my lawyer! Badger does not do plastering, but he can do you partitioning...with joins and everything! Would be only too pleased to help, but if you've seen him ice a cake, you'd be running for the hills!

    Annie...you do know me on FB...maybe it's me not understanding? If I can get on there again, I'll give you my brand new at home email address...then who knows what plots we can hatch...

  • Comment number 92.


    Being a sad old git now I've reached 38, I'm off to my sleep (insomnia) zone now.

    But, I need a couple of questions answered.

    1. Why 'enter' a few times before posting?

    2. Who are the 'Blog Mafia'?

    3. Bingo. What on Earth are you on? I need to meet you. If I bump into Chris, I'll get the lowdown.

    4. Does a 'couple' constitute '2' or 'some'?

    Again, answers on a postcard.

    Winners will be drawn from a hat next week.

    Sleep well sweet bloggers


  • Comment number 93.

    Hi Annie - old gits same old story but getting funnier by day. Mr B been setting up new phone which speaks with all her numbers - she tried out on us - he tried - several times - to see if she had tried any other numbers - engaged! when he did get through - I think she has tried nearly every number so far!!! I could be a late night!

    Beesmum xxx

    good job yr skinny Prof hopping in to bed with P Kay!

  • Comment number 94.


    I'm fairly new to F/B and i don't know how to add myself to CLP bloggers :(


  • Comment number 95.


    A couple is always two.

    A few is always three.

    Some is the conception of the person to whom you are saying it...

    Is that fillersoffikal inuff for you?

  • Comment number 96.

    Nite Matt

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 97.


    Now I get it.

    I shall sleep well tonight.

    Your friend


  • Comment number 98.

    Bsmum: Please god she's not dialling 911 in New York.


  • Comment number 99.


    Just skimmed through posts.

    Matt wow, good for you mate. Good luck.

    Hi Hazel, nice to see you back. The badger was having scans last I remember, hope that all's well luv.

    Going to go back and try to catch up properly now, bed is calling.

    x x x

  • Comment number 100.

    Hark at me about to tell steve what to do - look for groups - clp bloggers - then on right hand side (Ithink) click join.

    See you there?

    Beesmum xxx


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