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Chris Evans | 15:26 UK time, Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Still on very limited...

...wardrobe watch. There have been further complications with the move you see. Anyhows as I mooted last blog, tonight is indeed the annual GQ who-has-won-what dinner. It's their Men of the Year free for all. Actually a really good do.

As always I'm a bit in the dark as to exactly what's going on but I think I may have won something. The good thing about these gongs is that they already tell you when you've won, they have to so you can do a photo shoot in enough time for it to appear in the corresponding issue of the magazine. So there's no hoping and then not winning, and in fact looking like you've lost, which of course you have, even though you were nominated way ahead of a load of the rest, which is a good thing that ends up feeling like a bad thing.

I remember when the GQ awards started they were nowhere near this good.
My first GQ award was cheap and brown and made out of wood.
And then when it was obvious they were going to last.
They spent a bit more on the next ones and made them out of glass.
I never thought I'd win a third to be honest with you.
But I'm ever so glad to add this third to my other GQ two.





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  • Comment number 1.

    I'm going out tonight as well! Sixties music extravaganza show and I am really looking forward to it!

    its at my local theatre and I'm thinking about what to wear - jeans and a nice top or something more in keeping with the show?

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    Whether you've won (hurrah!!) or not (boo!!) I'm sure you'll have an absolute ball tonight CLP.

    And .... we wanna hear all abaht it tomorrow, right here, on this here blog.

    Fun Fun Fun indeedy!

    Cheryl The Diva xxxx

  • Comment number 3.

    PS: I'm going out tonight but don't think the nail bar counts, does it???

  • Comment number 4.

    What category CLP?? Congrats whatever it is!!

    Is your tummy getting bigger in sympathy with Tash??

    T xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Well done Chris, three GQ awards, life just keeps getting better, doesn't it?

    MV x

  • Comment number 6.

    Superbp - 60's extravaganza?? Has to be something psychedelic or a very short mini skirt or hot pants with white boots don't you think?????

    have fun!

  • Comment number 7.

    Eeeeeeek. I once sent a YTS Trainee home to get changed when she turned up for work straight from clubbing the night before in very very miniscule white hotpants dungarees ensemble and knee high white high heels!

    Impressed I was not! It was right putting the fellas off their ad sales targets!!

    That's probably the first time I felt "old" !!

    x x x

  • Comment number 8.


    Have a fantastic evening - well done!

    C xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Congrats matey and Evening All!

    Apologies for being missing in action - work's very busy and to top it off, I was ill last week!

    Anyhoo, tonight - I will be off to Toys-R-Us (other toy and game stores available) with my boy, as it's his birthday soon... Hmm.... - wonder what I'll be wearing!

    SB - sounds like fun - I have a gorgeous Mary Quant-style skirt that would be perfect...

    S xx.

  • Comment number 10.

    thanks for all the fashion tips - might just go in jeans/boots/ flashy top though - will wear hair (very straight I might add) in proper a-line parting with bottom flicks if i get enough time after my shower (poss too much info!)

    Have a good night one and all

    Super bpx

  • Comment number 11.

    Well done CLP (although how do you know they don't photograph all the nominees too)?

    Problems with the move? No clothes I presume - so no pressie for Gingembre yet?

    Bagpuss whatever you wear it has just got to be very short! Plus of course as Tinsel said white boots!

    Had enough of this computer today one three foot pile of work done three more to go!
    Off to take post then hopefully back later if I can get my eyes in focus again.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Chris
    Congratulations on you new award, whatever it is for, you deserve it.

    It is great when you win. Our local pub won a lovely glass award, for winning, The Battle of the boozers. It was on local radio. They came and presented to us, and did the radio show from the pub. Three hours later, the landlady dropped it. Smashed into hundreds of pieces. We now have a wooden one that one of the customers made, with the words DO NOT DROP on it.

    Mel xx

  • Comment number 13.

    cangratulations Chris - hope you have a great night.

    Cheers MfR - will have to get those 2 pints from you soon . . .!!!!

    DtM x

  • Comment number 14.


    Just as I was beginning to ease into holiday mode, bang a few sets of accounts out, choose my beach reading, dig out my loudest, yet most stylish, swimming shorts (not Speedos), I get a bolt out of the blue.

    Remember the dream job that fizzled away as the economy plummeted through the floor?

    It is back on. Big time. Meeting tomorrow night, usual venue, and they want a deal done in days. Like, before we go away.

    Ooh heck. I'd kind of accepted that it wouldn't happen and cracked on with what I was doing, but I have to admit to getting the butterflies this afternoon when I got the call. Imagine, I could be on the beach and it would all be kicking off back here.......

    I'll keep you posted.

    DtM. Haven't forgotten. I keep the drinks owing list on me all the time should I bump into you, Chris, S-BP or anyone else I've promised a bevvy to over the past few months. Let me know when you're in town.

    Talking of drinks, I think I need one now.

    Peace my friends.


  • Comment number 15.

    Evening all and Mr E,

    pre congrats, i'm sure you will walk away with something tonight

    Well I is not sure how to start this one, after all the highs of this weekend, becoming a G'dad again and all the congrats from you guys, made me feel real good but then early this morning, I got a text from my daughter saying baby Alisha was in incubator, wires and tubes protruding from orifices and arms and she was not allowed to touch her little body. They did cat scan, lumber puncture and took loadsa blood cause she had turned blue and gone limp and her little heart was giving up and she could not hold her own, talk about scary times.

    During the day though things have gotten better for her and she has had most of tubes n needles taken out and now in the loving arms of her mum. She has to stay in for a couple more days for results of blood tests and to monitor her heart and it only beats at 110bpm when it should be 150 (thats what daughter says,,,I don't really know how fast it should be) I can say I am very relieved and can relax a lot more this evening now.

    Hope all is good and everyone enjoys tonight,

    Errol XXX

  • Comment number 16.


    I realise that in amongst everything I failed to convey best wishes to you and yours. I apologise for that.

    And, I am so pleased that your traumatic time has taken a turn for the better.

    Warm regards


  • Comment number 17.

    Errol - sending you and yours positive vibes and hugs. Will keep you and the famly in my thoughts. Also good luck for Thursday hun!

    Matt - good luck to you too. You've sounded like you really want this dream job. Hope the meeting goes well tomorrow night - and then go away and relax on your hols. Let it all "kick off" then hopefully when you get back, your reward will be there waiting.

    Sweet dreams to everyone else.

    See y'all in the morning.

    CtD xxxx

    PS: B-sMum: the nails are back to black!! xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Evening each

    Have a good night Chris - hope you win.

    MfR: Great news, keep us posted.

    Errol: The little petal - sounds like she's getting better, but a worrying time, eh?


    PS: Spider alert: Heard on the news this morning that the conker season is early this year. I'm replacing my little bowls of conkers because - they work! Have had only 2 teeny weeny spiders in the house all year.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 19.


    Do tell.

    We live in a house full of the buggers (spiders, I mean).

    What is the deal with conkers?


  • Comment number 20.

    Oooh glad I nipped back now .... there was a MASSIVE one in the sink at work this morning ..... my biggest phobia!

    Anne ... pleeeeeeeeeeeeez ....

    x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    Errol hope all will now improve with little one - I am sure she is in good hands and they will keep an eye on her until they find out what happened.

    Matt wow good news indeed - fingers crossed and what a send off for your holiday.

    Conkers Annie? tell more I'm over run

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    See, I knew you lot never read my posts. I TOLD YOU! Read somewhere that conkers keep spiders out of the house, so got a friends little boys to get them for me last year. I've had little bowls in bedroom (on windowsill), living room and kitchen and, honestly, have only seen the odd teeny weeny one since - none of the huge scary ones with hundreds of legs which tap on the floor.

    I don't suppose they last forever so have put in an order with little boys for this year's crop.


  • Comment number 23.


    Well done another winner Mr Chris.

    Sorry to read of the baby not being to well hope all goes well.

    MFR Another dream job what can this be then.

    I hear Cambridge UNI is asking soap writers to give them a plug to help dispell their elitist image.
    Janice Batersby does Open University degree in Speaking Manchester advanced level and drinking pints. Gains first to Cambridge.


  • Comment number 24.

    First Congrats to Chris on your 3rd GQ award whichever section it is in. Best presenter I hope.

    Errol - pleased to hear Alisha is on the mend.

    SusanS - good wishes also to Phoebe.

    MfR - go get em cowboy

    Tinsel - up 60s was the mini skirt and boots you have to do it and lots of colour.

    Beesmum and anyone else - place fresh conkers in the corners of the room and you won't get spiders. Conkers are just starting to fall so get out there now as some trees had a canker this year so there are less conkers available than usual.

  • Comment number 25.

    Just a quickie to say thanks Anne for the conker tip!!! Am going to search this weekend!!

    Have just been on-line trying to understand my daughter's student loan application. Now I'm not stupid (really!) but it's soooooooo complicated!!!! Bring back snail mail for stuff like this, at least you know if you've sent stuff off!!!

    Will be phoning them up tomorrow to find out what's what (if I can get through!!)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Oh and I'm so sorry, Errol - sending lots and lots of get well vibes to your little grand-daughter - sounds like she's a fighter, but it must be horribly worrying for you all.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Errol - Sorry to hear your news.

    It is that kind of thing which puts the problems some of us are having with teeagers into perspective.

    Hope everything turns out for the best.


  • Comment number 28.

    PHD in communication and the Avengers.

    Sorry Errol I missed your name off but as I say hope all goes well.


  • Comment number 29.

    Errol - sorry to hear your news - I hope that it can all be sorted out and that she will be okay - sending love and kisses to you and yours

    super bp x

  • Comment number 30.

    I think you can study soap operas at some universities already.

    I have no problem with elitism in education as long as it is based on ability not on where you went to school or who your dad knows.

    TTT - a man who has never knowingly bothered the oxbridge entry system.

  • Comment number 31.


    I think I could take a degree in You Tube.... This old Beatles track one after 909. is superb.

    Have to admit my daughter went to private school after a rocky time, cost the earth but well worth it... I don't think I'm a snob either.

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh dear I must have frightened everyone away.

    So Sorry... but it is a Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ website or so I thought but whatever...

    Have fun with conkers . do you chuck them at the spiders .


  • Comment number 33.

    Think they call it "media studies" don't they? I'd jump at the chance to go to uni to study Big Brother, Corrie and the origins of reality TV. Hoot!!

    When I was at that age, the only Uni subjects (apart from the classics and maths) all ended in "ology" and were taught by chaps in brown courderouy. Oh, and Economics!

    Cheers for the bonkers conkers tips - although Mr Diva scoffed disbelievingly when I read the comments to him just now. Auld cynic!!!!

    Off to bed shortly - only 40is pages of Maike Gayle left. Not sure what to read next .... Tony Parsons? (may be a bit too similar). Have some good paperbacks to catch up on ..... plus two came today from Amazon .... Cemeteries of London and Necropolis ... a history of how the capital managed its dead and decaying!!

    Oh yeh!!!

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Ooooh - visit to the nail bar appears to have changed my abilit to type and spell. Or maybe I'm just more tired than I realise!

    PP - I'm sure you've not scared anyone off - unless you are of the 8 legged arachnoid species??

    Nitey nite wonderful brigade!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 35.

    I've so much to catch up on here in the morning but have skimmed through. No ball park in the end today but a lovely real park and duck pond in Theydon Bois btw.


    How scary for you and the family. That mum is able to hold little Alisha now is a good sign I hope. Thinking of you and yours right now. Keep us posted.

    Debbie x x x

  • Comment number 36.


    I'm just hiding after my last faux pas regarding private education.

  • Comment number 37.

    Cheryl: Spooky. My next book, ready for the long night, is Tony Parsons 'My Favourite Wife'. have another 4 from Amazon waiting in the wings.


  • Comment number 38.

    Hi Guys,

    Just dropping in on behalf of Errol to thank all of you for the kind words and thoughts. I do believe you have actually brought a tear to his eye. TTT especially.

    I'm not sure if conkers will work in my house. To be fair, the cobwebs hold our walls up, and I feel guilty when taking a shower as there are 6 rather large residents in there on the ceiling, and the steam seems to upset them.

    Think we're heading for an early night and try to get some kip. Hopefully the new mattress will live up to expectations.

    Here's to a better day with better news tomorrow.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 39.

    MWa: I'm sure we'll all be thinking of the sweet baby. Hope tomorrow is a much better day for you all.


  • Comment number 40.

    Had to sell big house to fund private education TTT

    She did well with 9 GCE's A and A*s and A level Physics Maths Economics and really should have done music it was really her best subject but Dad said no.

    Great sacrifice but worth it.

  • Comment number 41.

    PP you must be so proud of her that's brilliant.

    x x x

  • Comment number 42.

    No "ologies" PP? You gotta have an ology in the family. Maureen Lipman sez so !!

    and MW,a! so glad I didn't need to use the bathroom when at yours the other Sunday ..... I freak out at money spiders. Come to that, I freak out at my nephews rubber spiders from the zoo shop ....

    Sweet dreams.


    PS: AnnieG - betchya your Amazon books aren't about london cemeteries!!! x x x

  • Comment number 43.

    Cheryl, definitely not. Tony Hawks 'A Piano in the Pyrenees'; The Mitford Girls; A Perfect Revenge; and The Memory Garden. I might even read them all tonight!!


  • Comment number 44.

    I got Guitar for Dummies the other day from Amazon, and am waiting on 6 (count em) books by Carl Hiaasen. Seems I am delaying reading my course books.

    Off now, stupid o'clock start tomorrow.

    Sleep well, dream deep

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 45.

    In the big smoke now Debbie earning a mint..

    So mustn't grumble but my House at the that time living in Torquay is now worth nearly a million. Yet here I am in a little detached house having lost thousands due to buying a house in the country.. near here next door to ex travellers who blighted the area.

    Still whats money life goes on.


  • Comment number 46.


    Your daughter obviously has ability, it just needed to be brought out.

    Have often thought if we should have made the sacrifices necessary and gone the private route. GCSE results were decidedly average despite more than average ability which would have been harnessed in a private school.

    On the other hand we have spent the money on travel and experiences, so swing and roundabouts I guess.


  • Comment number 47.

    Night MWa, Cheryl and all sensible people.


  • Comment number 48.


    Yes life is about living. Have always travelled but a bit embarrased about my house at the moment. Still loads to do and yet I would really rather escape to Majorca......

    Night Ted and everyone else and chuck those conkers at any spiders you see.

  • Comment number 49.

    Thanks for conker tip Annie - bad night with you know who for Mr B!

    So PP what does daughter do in big smoke?

    All my nieces/nephews bar one been to uni with a zilion A thingys and first wotsits - guess who is running own business - dogs/horses whatever - yup the bar one!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 50.


    How come 6 hours at a desk can seem like an eternity, yet 6 hours sleep seems to pass in 10 minutes?!?

    Man, I'm tired this morning.

    AnnieG - Tony Hawks! Assuming you mean the writer/comedian and not the skateboard dude, I'm going to book tickets to go and see him do stand-up later today. He's coming to Cooooooolchester in December (or it may be Nov). I've heard he is brill - anyone got any experiences?

    Debbie - Happy Birthday to Little Man xx

    Gotta nip to a garage on the way to work this morn .... I filled my car up with petrol yesterday and something seemed to go ping with the cable between the petrol cap on the car and the release latch under my dashboard. As a result, petrol cap is now secured with a rubber band - just hope I've not been syphoned over night and still have a full tank of gas in place!

    Right, off to the other side for an early morning catch up.

    Laters luvvlies!

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 51.


    Well done Christophe Lambie Pie on winning RADIO PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR AWARD at the GQ's last night.

    Hope the hangover's gone by 5.

    Happy Hump Day

    Cheryl The Diva xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Chris: Well-deserved award. Congrats.

    Cheryl: Yes, that Tony Hawks. Have a look at his website - lovely man. He even responded to an email from me about a charity for young people.

    And his Round Ireland with a Fridge was really funny.

    BsMum: Hope the old gits have settled down.


  • Comment number 53.

    MOrning each

    Very quick one - will be back later - promise not a threat!

    Errol - hope Alisha has a better day today - all bits crossed for a brighter news day.x

    Debs -Happy Birthday to little man - have a lovely day! x

    MfR - good luck for tonight!

    And of course - CLP - congrats on the award - they obviously know a brilliant show when they hear one!

    And conkers - gonna have to try that...will send GM up a tree or something to gather!

    Hapy Hump day one and all ...see you later!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 54.


    I wanted to go to boarding school as a kid but i think that was a result of reading mallaory towers and watching st trinians (I had open minded parents)

    I did all right at school and am now a professional person - yes it would have helped if I went to oxbridge, knew the right people etc, but my life experiences have made me the person i am today and I apprciate what i have.

    my motto is - you can acheive whatever you want to - you just have to want it enough!

    well done CLP - thats a goodun!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 55.

    Morning everybody

    Errol - hope things are much improved this morning and that mother and baby are doing all the right things together.

    TTT - mine went to private school and, yes she passed the obligatory ten GCSEs but not exactly with flying colours. The best thing she got out of it was a nice accent and some posh(ish) friends!! She put herself back into state ed for sixth form and improved her social life by doubling her friendship group!!!

    See yas later.

    MV x

  • Comment number 56.

    Right, I've sent dad a text asking him to collect conkers - he walks in the country, there's bound to be loads, right? A few big bags ought to do me, thanks for the tip Anne...

    Errol, what to say? Poor little sweetheart, hope she goes from strength to strength after such a frightening start in life. As Debbie said, keep us posted, thinking of you.

    MfR, good luck tonight, let us know!

    Re the uni/public/private debate (are we debating??), I had a state education (would have liked the chance to go to private school, but I don't think my folks had the funds at the time), then went to university (undergrad and postgrad). I'm now a PA, not well off by any means but with my own house and car. I often wonder if I would be in the same place had I left school at 16 and started work. Many PA jobs request degree level education, but not all. Degree in french and sociology btw, totally unrelated to what I do now!

    Happy hump day everybody!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 57.

    ps: CLP, woo hoo!! xx

  • Comment number 58.

    Morning all...

    busy ol' 24hrs, firstly huge congratumalations to Chris, well deserved too.

    Worked yesterday, out for swanky meal last night and our table was next to Charles Clarke MP and his wife (we had the same meal too!), MrsW and me celebrate our 5th anniversary today, just booked to take family to LapLand UK in December, Mum coming round for lunch, someone viewing the house later then the first of 3 night shifts to do!

    Have great day, I haven't had time to read up on all the posts other than to say I agree with Rosie on the Berba thing.

    Bonnet de douche, happy bday to debs lil' man x


  • Comment number 59.

    took the time to read back...

    Errol - not much to add other than my fingers are crossed and Isend you all my best wishes.

    MfR- Good luck mate, I'm not on 'your list' but if you get this one I'll put you on mine and pop down one day to share a cold one with you at The M

    Daughter loved her first day at High School, she got lost, was late for registration, nearly missed assembly but thought it was great....her mother's double!

  • Comment number 60.

    on a completely flippant line of inquiry - I don't like the sept picture of JD on the calender - is it cheating to flip to pctober a month early? The pictuer looks like he was been snapped leaving the loo is a really manky jacket!

    super bp x

    Ps - sorry to bring down the level of discussion - told you i didn't attend posh skool

  • Comment number 61.

    Morning all!

    Superbp - Ah Mallory Towers and the Twins at St Clares - how I wanted to go there too!!!! I LOVED those books.

    Re calendar pics - mine is still on April 2007 as there was such a gorgeous pic of Jose on there that I haven't had the heart to turn it over!!

    Gingembre, glad your girl had a great 1st day and Debbie, hope your little man has a lovely birthday today.

    and last but not least ...

    WELL DONE CLP for getting the award last night!!! GQ telling you what we all knew anyway, you are the best!!!

    Hope you're going to give us all the gossip on the show tonight!!!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 62.

    Morning all,

    Errol - aargh about Alisha, glad she seems to be on the mend though. Glad that mum is able to hold her! Keep us posted xxx

    MfR - if they want you I'm sure they'll get you! Here's hoping :)

    Gingembre - daughter sounds ace!! What a day, glad she enjoyed it despite getting lost!

    Debs - happy birthday to little man :o) xxx

    And CLP! Well done Lambie Pie!!!

    Re state/private education, Mr Jumpy, my brothers and I all had different education varying from private schools to state grammar schools to modern apprenticeships, and I think out of all of us Mr Jumpy's got the best deal having done his apprenticeship, worked as a skilled man and then gone back to university to follow a dream. Even though he's still not got his degree he's got the best job out of all of us, with the best prospects and the best security. But then, out of all of us, he's the one who has always been the most determined to get there despite being let down by various educational departments along the way.

    I do wish sometimes though that I'd not been so "conscientious" and had jumped at the chance to do the entrance exam for the private girls school...

    Ah well. Life is life :)

    I have a Far Side calendar. I like this month's so much that I might leave it permanently on September....!

    See y'all later. Laptop still poorly and desktop in attic so won't be glued to computer again today....



  • Comment number 63.

    First, just want to say congratulations to CLP - so well deserved!

    Errol and Mariella: what a terrible time for you and all the family. Thinking of Alisha - she sounds like a fighter, hopefully everything will be alright.

    Gingembre: your daughter sounds like a wee cracker! I'm glad she enjoyed her first day - no need to remind her that another 6 years lies ahead!

    Debbie: hope your little man has a wonderful birthday. I take it you were awake at 5am today?!

    Have a good day everyone.

    C xx

    P.S. I loathed school. Even if I had attended St Clare's, I would have loathed that too!

  • Comment number 64.

    Jumpingbean: Isn't the Far Side just the best? I have copies on my office wall of funnies from years ago.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 65.

    Morning all - WELL done CLP many congratulations - well deserved.

    Happy Birthday to Little Man - has his school started yet Deb?

    Fingers crossed for MFR

    Errol hope the news is still good?

    Gingembre - looks like daughter number 1 takes everything in her stride - great!

    AF get Dad to get me a few conkers too!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 66.

    ps Loved first two schools then went hurtling round the country and hated the rest - couldn't wait to get out and to go college.

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Happy Anniversary Gingembre! But please tell me ... Lapland UK - an adult place full of lap dancers, or a family place full of reindeer, santa and fake snow. I sincerely hope the latter - and can I come too please!!? ;-)

    Calendars: as said before, I customise mine every month. Not yet decided who Sept is gonna be - guess I should get on the case really!

    I went to a state school and did OK, I think! And I remember getting lost on my first day at Sixth Form - still have a cr@p sense of direction now!

    Back laters.

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 68.

    Eyes glazed again from all the work but mountain reducing! break needed so caught up on blog!

    Hope you got your car fixed Diva - just had a phone call from guy who thought he would phone and have a chat awaiting the recovery truck as the engine had just blown up in his two year old merc - oh dear - not good - made me laugh when recovery man arrived though - he asked him to pull up behind his truck - duh - pillbox is the word or - near enough - he used erm.. my engines blown up! phone call ended with me howling with laughter and so was he - presume he was towed off in to the distance!

    Happy anniversary Gingembre!

    Hi Annie - git demolished phones so new one on order!
    Bagpuss how did sixties night go?
    Hi MV - Tins - Jumpin - Chrissie - scoob and all.

    Right - break over - back to the grindstone

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    B-sMum - dontchya just hate them pesky auld grindstones???

    x x x

  • Comment number 70.

    b's mum - sixties night was pants!

    I was promised a night of live music - I got a few good singers kaeroking along to a back track with pans people style dancers - not what i call live music!

    Wish i had saved my money now!

    show is called - all you need is love - do not go - you will be disapointed!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 71.

    ps - its a shame you can't get your money back if you hated the show

  • Comment number 72.

    Wot a con bagpuss - did anyone stay ? sounded pants

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 73.


    I always wanted to be a Pans People person!


  • Comment number 74.

    Diva nooooooooooooo!


  • Comment number 75.

    Super BP ... write to the promoters saying it wasn't what you were sold at the time of booking - you never know! It's worked for me before now.

  • Comment number 76.

    put one foot in front of other - clap hands put foot behind - clap hands! hehe

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Afternoon all,
    Long time no see, I hear you say.

    Really busy at the mo, but needed to pop in to say Well Done CLP, Happy Birthday to LM, and my thoughts are with you and yours to Errol and MW, a!

    Can't stop, have another meeting to head off to very shortly.

    Best wishes to everyone, and I'll hopefully see you in about a month!

    DD out

    Love all

  • Comment number 78.

    Was getting worried about you Dissing Hello and goodbye for a while then?

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Hello - Goodbye DD.

    See you tonight!!

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 80.

    Yeh but they wore chiffon trouser suits and everything ...... and all the boys wanted to go out with a Pans Person.

    Legs and Co were just a poor immitation.

    Although in hindsight, maybe I would have made a better Hot Gossip.

    I did, afterall, lose my heart to a starship trooper!


    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 81.


    I think you may be missing the point re Pan's People.

    As a member of their target audience at the time, ie a teenage boy, I dont think that any one was that concerned with the quality of the dance routines.


  • Comment number 82.

    Hey Ted!

    How did teenage boys cope with Hot Gossip? I used to get embarrassed just watching them with my mum!!


  • Comment number 83.

    Reading Radio Times last night I noticed a little box with a pick of CLP which said that he will be taking over the One show while Adrian Chiles is away. Obviously one of the developments he had been hinting at but who will take over the Drivetime show - or will he be running from one place to t'other, although he'd have to finish early as I think One show starts at 6.30 - or a simultaneous broadcast perhaps. Come on Mr Evans tell us all about it as it's now out there in the public domain! BTW, first time blog under new name, finally got round to it - used to be rozzer but magnificent super sec has a nice ring to it.

  • Comment number 84.

    Hey, I didn't know that as soon as you posted it appeared as if by magic. Very impressive!

  • Comment number 85.

    ;-) LOL

    DD out

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi mss, One Show starts at 7 but he'd still have a job to make it.

    MV x

  • Comment number 87.

    Helloooooo mss.

    Ex-rozzer eh? did you get to keep the cuffs?

    CLP could always use a Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Jet-Pack to get from Broadcasting House to Television Centre. I can see him now ... soaring up up and away above the rooftops of London town, jet-pack strapped to his back, just arriving in time to share the sofa for 30 minutes with the lovely Christine......... actually .... if Christine takes a vacation, Sally Traffic or Foxy could share the sofa space with CLP. Now THAT would be worth the licence fee!

    DD - are you laughing at the thought of me in a chiffon trouser suit, or how you dealt with Hot Gossip in your youth??? Steady on ....

    x x x

  • Comment number 88.

    Jet pack a la Buzz Lightyear?

    MV x

  • Comment number 89.

    Absolutely MV, just like Buzz Lightyear!

    To infinity .... and beyond!

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    That's not flying................that's falling with style!

    MV x

  • Comment number 91.

    hehehehe .... you're making me want to go home and watch the first Toy Story film now MV xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Hello All, Well done on the award CLP.. There wont be any room in the trophy cabinet at this rate!

    Errol, wishes to you and your family.

    Debbie, happy B'day to LM x

    ...And the one show.. Brilliant, I love the one show!

    On the subject of schooling I am a great believer in if you want it.. you will get it, private, or state educated, or apprentice, It all takes hard work and a little luck. I am state educated, with an apprenticeship (sort of) in engineering throught the military and went on to do OU degree and now have a fairly good job, but it took years and work!

    Am loving the Idea of CLP in some sort of a Buzz Lightyear get up.....lycra and plastic wings whooshing over london.....has made my rather crappy day!

    KJR x x

  • Comment number 93.

    Now I want to find my Toystory dvd! haven't watched in ages MV- Diva!

    Supersec I think CLP only taking over while Adrian on hols - think durban girl told us on earlier blog (you okay E?) .

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 94.

    Katie can't be in a bad mood other half home soon isn't he?

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi Beesmum, he was due home 2 hours ago.

    RAF have cancelled the flight, hence the bad mood! But he should be home any day! (was secretly hoping that could start holiday today but staying in crappy work as dont want to be at home on own!!)


  • Comment number 96.

    Just got me head blown off walking up the garden - beans at 45 degrees and hanging baskets whizzing round like catherine wheels - I think the sun is about to go too soon - clouds building up!

    Ah well - mountain/work here I go again!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    Education debate: my boss was put thru private boarding school by his parents. He now owns and runs the company i am employed by. However, he can't spell, has no grasp of grammar, his invoices never add up to what they should be, he can't use the internet, his writing is illegible and despite being one of the nicest peeps I've worked for in a very long time, he has very little "worldwise common sense".

    Think I'd ask for a refund!!

    KatieK - glad to have cheered up your day hun.

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Sorry Katie - hopefully he's on his way though and out of the firing line?

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 99.


    The teenage boy coping mechanism for Hot Gossip is not a subject for this place.

  • Comment number 100.

    Diva - boss person probably all given on a plate - business included so why bother - agree with Katie - take what's available then if you want more - work for it!

    Really must do some work but not in the mood today.

    Beesmum xxx


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