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Chris Evans | 14:54 UK time, Wednesday, 6 August 2008

These are the kind of phrases that permiate the air...

...of the drivetime office.

My goodness some days we can't move for potential stories, other times every lead we chase comes up a blank. Summer, notorious for weak news days, dealt us a swift left hook earlier on, until that was, Hells bells our Hullensian exec remembered a story about a woman who saw a crab waving at her from the counter of a fishmongers in a desperate plea for someone to notice it was still alive. Well notice she did and the story, a right good tale, shall now be told in full to the nation this evening.

It's another heart warming true story and we love 'em.

Saw a fab film last night, not dissimilar to the crab plot, where a guy has a heart transplant but is still conscious throughout, alarmingly this happens quite a lot. Anyhow because he can still hear everything he witnesses the medical team's plan to kill him by botching the op., and going on to pick up half his dough (he was a billionaire). One of the nurses, you see, complicit in the ruse, had seduced him into marriage several months before.

Crabs, humans... life.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Ooh, am I the first! Hey Chris, looking forward to the show, hope the story is as good as the warm up!

    MV x

  • Comment number 2.

    I saw that film's trailer and it looked pants - was it any good? is it worh 15 squid to go and see it?

  • Comment number 3.

    evening Chris,

    Crabs waving eh? Looking forward to the show to hear more about that one.

    Can't really remember the last film I saw that I would recommend. Did see Hitchcock, and it was quite good - does that count as a recommendation? I am very keen to see The Dark Knight, but our cinema in school holibobs is a no go area. Can't get in the door without being spat on by the local yoofs, then its crammed inside and the films are all on at such silly early times that you end up going before dinner, and then you can't find anything to eat after half 9.

    Looking forward to the new Spooks spin off on sunday. I can't imagine it'll be as good, but will withhold judgement til later.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 4.

    What was the film?

  • Comment number 5.

    Yo CLP - My goodness whatta blog terdee.... it's notta sideways one terdee, it's all 'appening!!!!!

    And also it goes ter show, just 'cos yer wealthy yer don't get better 'ealth treatment going private - know what am sayin'!!!!!


  • Comment number 6.

    Mind you a suppose it iz sideways in some ways..... aka the crab!!!!!

  • Comment number 7.

    Never did like crab meself..... am abit fishy when it comes ter eating things that crawl!!!!

  • Comment number 8.

    Great way to get rid of aggression:-

    Get a fresh whole crab from the man on the market, don't dress it in the kitchen. On the dining table, one wooden chopping board, one pin hammer and one bowl for the shell.

    Crack away!!!!

    Crabmeat. Adore it.

    Cheryl The Diva xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Thing is Bingo, they don't really crawl.
    We sell red crabs as pets where I work and I really don't like them since selling my 1st one. I netted it in the tank, got my bag ready and was about to transfer it to said bag when it came haring up the handle of the net towards m. Its little feet were clacking on the net handle and well, they are just not nice things to have wandering around on your hand.
    I don't like lobsters either, for the same reason, and shrimps are horrid because they too clack about and jump all over the place.
    Still, somebodys gotta do it, and everyone else likes them less than me!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 10.

    And sucking out the claws with all the crab juice going everywhere.

    Mouth now watering!

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh yummy crabs - great big chunks of white meat straight from the claw. Little independent fisherman near bolt hole braves the sea and brings them in most days - fresh as fresh can be.

    Not too sure I would fancy the ones I eat crawling up my arm!!

    I'm dribbling now!!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 12.

    CtD - #10 Yeah maybe until yer find the damn thing ain't dead and it decides ter 'ang on ter yer lip with it's claws (some pounds per square inch of force those biggens 'ave yer know)!!!!

    Mouth splittin'!!!!!

    MW - Do you work in a pet shop then...... or a restaurant....... or a fishmongers...... or a Birds Eye factory?

    Mind you can't be a pet shop wouldn't be selling shrimps????
    Or maybe they do? MW - Do you work in a contemporary pet shop?


  • Comment number 13.

    Has anyone ever done "Sea Monkeys"- They're funny little chaps! Have their own little aquarium and everything.

  • Comment number 14.

    PS - Still no one's advised me, yes or no, da or nyet (in russian) , if I should put on me dark joke later?

  • Comment number 15.

    Yes Bingo joke please?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Got me thinking now - was the crab cooked? if it wasn't, of course it was waving. if it was? eeeew

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Yes Bingo, a very contemporary pet shop. We sell freshwater and yamato shrimps. very good at eating algae and keeping tanks clean - but those Yamatos, they should be renamed Kamikaze.
    As they grow they turn a murky brown colour, get really big and one claw is about 10 times the size of the other. Really really horrid, and you don't want one hopping up your trouser leg!

    Tell us yer joke Bingo

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 18.


    Still at work, so have the radio on my headphones - grin!!!

    I've had Sea Monkeys - well my kids have! Strange creatures indeed!

    I love crab - apparently, you can buy lovely dressed crab (in packs of 4) from Waitrose (yes, there are others available...), which are ideal for dinner parties - less than Β£5!!! Fancy some myself now! May have to go there after work...

    So, the film sounds odd Chris - what was it called? May have to view that one. Personally, I'm looking forward to the new Star Wars movie next week...

    S xx.

  • Comment number 19.

    Sea Monkeys are also quite cool in that you can kill them off, dry out the aquarium and leave it for years. Then fill with water again and they come back to life. Amazing!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 20.

    afternoon all...I have a request?

    My bessie mate is 40 in December and I'd love to be able to get him a birthday card which I could then send to Paul Weller to get him to sign it for him.
    Does anyone have an address or any ideas if this could be done??????
    I did it for another mate with Jimmy Greaves on a wedding card and it went down a storm....

    Yours, KWx

  • Comment number 21.

    Worsest crab joke in the world

    Why did the crab cross the road???????

    To get to the other tide!

    Told you it was bad

    Errol xxx

  • Comment number 22.

    gingerbere - you must be the best mate in the world!

    I would start with his record label - google paul weller and go from there!

    I also belive there is a webiste called who represents which may or may not help you find a contact for him!

    you have just given me an idea for mr bp x

  • Comment number 23.

    can i have a signed card from russell brand for my 40th next weekend please?




  • Comment number 24.

    Blimey - just been "speaking" to an old school friend on FB. Turns out he fancied me something rotten at school and is now a fireman at Colchester fire station.

    Flippin eck!

    Off home now.

    CtD xxxxxxx

  • Comment number 25.

    Lol - luvvin the crab story!!!

    S xx.

  • Comment number 26.

    Sammie - did you look at Speed Dating places? I too would love to give it a go but like you all my friends are in partnerships or married!!

  • Comment number 27.

    Evening again,

    Elf sorted and housework done - and ironing - was on a mission!

    just a quicky to say yes please Bingo - joke!

    And, Sammie, after my d.i.v.o.r.c.e. i did the match online dating thing- was the best thing ever!Had a great few months going out with a few guys and then met my GM (gorgeous man) and 16 mths later the rest is history as they say! Give it a go,its great!
    (and i promise i`m not a mad old cat woman with nothing better to do - i`m perfectly normal (ish!) and most other people on there are the same - go into it with an open mind and you`ll have great fun!)

    Oh, and crabs - urgh - nothing else to say on the matter!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 28.

    KW - what a fantastic friend you are..and what a fab idea!

    Now, how to get all of AC/DC sigs for my GM....

    mSc x

  • Comment number 29.

    Back from coffee trip, biscuits baked....

    Blimey Chris. I think I'm glad I'm missing the show tonight, if you're going to mention that film. The thought of being awake during an op is too much for me. I've a few months to compose myself for giving blood - blood tests I can do, but giving copious amounts? That's as much as I can do whilst alive, thanks! Prefer not to have an operation if I can at all help it. Might look crabwoman up at some point though!

    Scoobs - Well done you for giving blood! As soon as baby pops out and I'm given the all clear I will be giving blood, I'm O- which apparently is quite rare and in high demand :) oh how typical that it would happen to a needlephobe eh!

    And cats and spiders - it was quite something to see my cat after she'd attempted to eat a spider. She never quite managed to get all the legs in at once and would often leave them hanging out of her mouth. Sweet.

    Sadly the coffee outing lasted longer than expected - was a lovely afternoon though, really lovely - so making the tart will have to wait for another day. I hope the shop has something treacly in...... I really want treacle tart too!! Although if I started NOW maybe it would be ready in time for 7.30pm when my friends are coming round....

    Crabs and cooked lobsters... Mr Jumpy pointed out to me a while back that the lobster in Finding Nemo is a zombie lobster. It's red. And alive. Therefore cooked. But still alive?!?



    off to either bake treacle tart or see if the shop has any in.....

  • Comment number 30.

    The second world's worst crab joke.

    Two crabs walking along the beach *itching*. One crab says to the other crab 'I think I've got people!'

    Sorry, I'm going now.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 31.

    Evening each

    I love crab, especially crab pate, but I couldn't eat one that was waving to me!!

    Have been on the phone to daughter for nearly an HOUR! Me paying of course.

    How's everyone?


  • Comment number 32.

    Hey Annie

    Hows ur day been? and thats what u have lovely mums for..paying for phone calls, taking you for lunch, those shoes you really need... hee hee. Only kidding!

    Quiet innit?

    mSc x

  • Comment number 33.

    Just checking in quickly.

    Ran a few miles tonight, then scoffed a rather tasty, homemade, stir-fry.

    I have to say that I have been very impressed with the Chinese cookery show on Beeb 2 with the lovely lady who's name escapes me.

    Now the thunder is a-rumbling in this corner of West Sussex. I bet those hot-air balloons I saw while out running scampered for terra firma a bit sharpish.

    I'm afraid I have nothing to add to a debate about crabs as I don't eat them (veggie, 20 years etc etc) and have never had them.

    But then, Ray 'The Crab' Wilkins once managed Fulham. For about 10 minutes.

    So. There. I have contributed.

    Lovely evening, all. Keep away from the nasty people.



  • Comment number 34.

    Matt: I heard that lovely Chinese lady on Jonathon Ross's show the other week. Apparently she's got a cookery book out as well.


  • Comment number 35.

    Scooby: You my daughter in disguise? You certainly sound like her.


  • Comment number 36.


    I don't eat crab either. I remember as a child my mum having terrible food poisoning from crab meat and I'm afraid it's put me off.

    Off to bed soon, this summer holiday is proving to be quite exhausting.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 37.

    Scooby: I've already adopted Debbie and Cheryl. Want to join the family?


    Sorry folks, its my Friday night, therefore red wine is being partaken of. Won't be back here till Sunday evening, so behave and be nice to each other.

  • Comment number 38.

    Good for you Anne, enjoy.

    Are you doing anything nice, going to Newastle maybe?

    x x x

  • Comment number 39.

    Tomorrow's my Friday night, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :o)

  • Comment number 40.

    Newastle obviously being very close to Newcastle.

    It's been a long day.

    x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    Evening each

    Man, today was tough. Started full of fun and frivolity, a bit of a flirt, a bit of fun. Then dom and gloom descended. Tried half-heartedly to contribute to the crab thing but went home feeling rather dejected.

    Then checked my FB mails. Friends are wonderful creatures. You know who you are and I love you all dearly.

    Also 4 glasses of Rose does wonders for ones doldrums. Heck - I even lost at Scrabs, but no matter - for I am smiling now.

    Will be back tomorrow to spar (spa?) with Mr Dissing and anyone else who fancies a bit of banter.

    OFf to kill the baddies on the PLayStation now with the wonderful Mr Diva. He'll let me win if he knows what's good for him!

    Sweet dreams.

    CtD xxxx


  • Comment number 42.


    The light show in Rudgwick is getting rather exciting.

    It is a bit strange, seeing lightning, but only getting the odd rumble of thunder.

    It reminds me of one time staying at my grandfather's house in Georgia, USA.

    All night, we were kept up by the most amazing lightning show, but never once heard any thunder.

    In the morning we turned on the TV and it transpired that a tornado had blown within a mile or two of the house in the night and had ripped Chattanooga, Tennessee (just up the road) to pieces.

    So, we headed on up for a look.

    And we saw the most amazing things.

    There was a path through the town cut by the twister where everything was destroyed. Yet, feet away, it was as if nothing had happened. Bizarre.

    Anyway, I'm off to witness Close Encounters of the third, fourth and maybe even fifth kind.


  • Comment number 43.

    Must be hard work keeping the wee man entertained day after day, no wonder you're shattered Debbie!

    Anne, spare any wine? Purely medicinal of course, our Debbie's shattered!

    AF x

  • Comment number 44.

    AF: Enjoy your Friday night tomorrow.

    Debbie: At the risk of boring everyone, I'm off to the Westport Folk Festival in Ireland. Apparently, all the music is free cos its in the pubs!! How awful will that be??

    Plane is landing at Knock airport. Anyone know it? It's a shrine because a miracle happened there, they say. Taking my lottery ticket with me just in case. Anyone need a miracle? Just let me know.


  • Comment number 45.

    Annie - sounds fab! as long as u promise the shoes.....!! hee hee. do you iron too?!

    enjoy ur red and your friday night..

    AF- any news re car?! and good news re hols!

    And Debs- sounds like bed for you bless you!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 46.

    Matt: now I'm scared of the plane tomorrow. Hope there's no thunder and lightning.

    My cousin in Alabama had a tornado destroy the end of her house - and the rest of it was intact! Houses round about them were totally destroyed. The photos looked really scary.


  • Comment number 47.

    Scooby: You are my daughter, aren't you? She's always got a pile of ironing that's leaning against the wall about three feet high.

    And no - do your own!


  • Comment number 48.

    Car, msScooby? What's that then? Ooooh, I'm in fightin' form and the man from the dealership is going to feel the sharp edge of my tongue tomorrow. God help him.

    AF x

    MfR, wish it was like that here, I do love watching the lightning shows!

  • Comment number 49.

    Ah Cheryl, glad that you feel better now my love.

    Matt I love thunder and lighting, but only when I'm indoors. Something very cosy about it and watching it from the window.

    Flower too right! Having worked full-time, part-time, and now being a 'home maker' this is honestly the hardest I have worked and the tiredest I have been.

    But not complaining. Especially not to Mr Debbie lol!

    Anne not awful at all it sounds great!

    And Scooby yes bed very soon. But Mr Debbie wants a game of 'real' scrabble first. Nooooo!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 50.

    Go on, Debbie, you know you want to! You will have to let him win, you know...

    Think I might go and get a bit of tea. Wasn't really hungry when I got in, but I'm a bit peckish now. Toast and marmelade anyone?

    AF x

  • Comment number 51.

    Thanks AF, can I have apricot jam - and hot chocolate please.


  • Comment number 52.

    Anne - you`ve got me! hee hee. But ive been good today and done mine - hate it with a passion tho! Safe flight tomorrow x

    AF - got get em girl - its not good enough!

    Tornadoes etc sound v scary - but i would love to see one in action as macabre as that may sound.

    Debs -enjoy the real scrabble and the arguments as you each insist that KJCDF IS a real word!!

    Thats me done for the day.... night night peeps, sweet dreams!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 53.

    Night Scooby.

  • Comment number 54.

    TTFN Scooby!

    Anne, have a safe flight tomorrow, and a brilliant weekend!

    I'm off for my toast, goodnight.

    AF x

  • Comment number 55.

    Well Mr Debbie has disappeared, obviously worried that I may win again.

    Have a lovely time Anne.

    Nite AF and Scooby.

    x x x

  • Comment number 56.

    AF have asked you a couple of times about the car then kept quiet! cos I had a feeling???!! go sock em one! btw enjoy scottish meet - must organise something else sometime!.

    Annie how many reds so far?

    Beesmum xx

    how come my friday is friday! was going to bolt hole but aaaargh!

    Bright and early tomorrow Diva ?

  • Comment number 57.

    Thank you AF. Night night.


    PS: Rain battering window. Oohhh, hope it stops before my plane takes off.

  • Comment number 58.

    Matt - still waiting for the full Georgia story?

    Beesmum x

  • Comment number 59.

    BM: Only 3 but rather large glasses. But who cares? I will be the one having my breakfast in bed tomorrow. Hope your all jealous!

    Thanks Debs.

  • Comment number 60.

    damn - need to catch up annie -!! have a good weekend by the way will be thinking of you! lucky girl

    BM xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Thanks BM. Am not leaving till late afternoon so will see you on here tomorrow - because, of course, I'm having the day off and having a lie in, not that I want to rub it in, of course!!

    Will be doing the dreaded ironing and packing but I'm sure I'll have time to check in with you all and beat you all at Scrabs.

    Still absolutely chucking it down.


  • Comment number 62.

    Nite all - off to catch up on scrabs see you in morn.

    Beesmum xx

    EJR if you are still in the land of the living check your emails before leaving your brother and the disney crew - whe you off on travels?

  • Comment number 63.

    see you inabit annie

  • Comment number 64.

    Jane: Your turn on scrabs. Where are you??


  • Comment number 65.

    Annie, Im sooooooooooooo jealous, youll have a ball girl, and the food....drooooool.
    Knock is where the blessed virgin Mary appeared years ago, its all trashy statuettes and holy water fonts now........

  • Comment number 66.

    FOM: Don't know much about it but, of course, I'll have time to google it tomorrow - as I'm off work and having a lie in!!!!

    Will let you know about the food and any miracle which happens.


  • Comment number 67.

    Morning all, good storm last night hope it has cleared the air, could do with being fresher.
    Interesting, enjoyable posts as usual. Must just comment on one from Scooby though.

    You said
    I'm not a mad, old cat woman

    You say that like it's a bad thing! Let's hear it for the mad cat people.
    and Jumpy I now fancy treacle tart for brekkies and I expect it will be shredded wheat as usual which just won't hit the spot.
    Have a good day all, enjoy your lie in Annie. Hope CLP's belongings didn't get drenched.

  • Comment number 68.

    Morning each

    Its a lovely, sunny, less muggy day up here in Yorkshire - the storm did its trick!

    and Jules77 - maybe i AM one of those mad cat women and am in denial - help!

    Have a great day everyone..

    mSc x

  • Comment number 69.

    Oi Oi Oi!,

    People are taking my name in vain!

    Mad Cat Woman is me, and it is well deserved too. I will happily hand it over if anybody on here has more cats than me.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 70.

    ...best way to deal with a crab is 15 mins in boiling water, dismember, flake white meat, mix with a little creme fraiche , chilli and pink grapefruit segmants, adjust seasoning, serve in a small baby gem lettuce leaf with a crisp cool glass of Petit chablis.

  • Comment number 71.

    morning team

    All ok today? Not much to add to the crab chat really other than Cromer (north Norfolk) is full of them apparently. Don't really eat much in the way of shellfish and the like, no reason really, just don't!

    MrsW just left for work, car in for MOT so me and the jam-eaters are at home all day, got a few bits to do in prep for hols next Tues...destinantion Majorca with our best friends and their kids, can't wait.

    We're getting our youngest christened soon so last night we called the chosen god-parents to ask if they would oblige, all said yes and even tears were shed???

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 72.

    Morning dudes

    Anne - have a fantastic weekend in the Emerald Isles. i really must make an effort and get there myself one of these days.

    MfR - cheers mate! just after reading your posts last night we had a fantastic light show, with fork lightening, rumbles of thunder like never before and torrential rain. Real rain. So we turned off all the lights, opened the back door and sat watching it all unfold. Amazing!

    MW,a! - I plan on becoming a mad old cat woman one day. Feeding hedgehogs cat food from saucers in my front garden and wearing a purple wooly hat in the middle of August! Bring it on!

    Gingembre - I was asked to be God Mother to my best friend's first born, a little girl. I too wept when asked. it is a real priveledge and something I am very proud of indeed. Mr Diva is God Father (but not in a mafioso way) to their son but he's not a slushy as me!

    Debbie - will help you with that tiredness burden next Thursday. Please tell me I can buy him something plush and cuddly from the store on the way out!!!! Tell me, tell me!!!!

    Feeling good today peeps.

    Loving the blog and all who sail on her!

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 73.


    who was offering miracles? we have a car for sale - great little thing - really is a great first car and nobody wants her - also mr bp has lost the papertwork and this morning he was sooooooo depressed with it all and I would loke to get it all sorted just to make him happy :-)

    on the lighter note - have booked in day to go wedding dress shopping :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 74.


    And I thought I was tired last night, today I feel worse. What's all that about?

    After a day of jumping on and off the tube with friend and two boys, McDonald's in Holborn and then two parks....I feel so old today!

    Aw bless you Cheryl, the boy does indeed love a gift shop. Be warned lol!.

    Have a good day off today Gingembre.

    When getting ready for bed last night I could see a storm in the distance, it didn't quite make it to us though. Looked stunning.

    Off to deliver the eldest to work, back later.

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 75.

    Morning chaps and chappesses, hope you all enjoyed the fireworks and light last night! MfR it was like that where we were - lightning with no thunder. Well, it started as thunder but no rain, then the lightning joined in, then we opened all the doors and windows as the rain started - what a gorgeous fresh smell! And to finish off we stood outside watching the thunderless lightning disappear over the horizon. Feels great today.

    Super_bagpuss - things can happen! Our old rust-bucket (the one that died a prolonged death over a weekend and that I got my absolute moneys' worth from the 4th emergency service...) sat for months and months on my parents' driveway until one morning a chap came along to prune the trees and said I'll buy that off you, my mate likes messing with old Audis. Hurrah! Β£40 I think.... That's my little miracle with cars. That, and that I made it from Sussex to Manchester without it blowing up.

    Am upset I didn't get to make treacle tart yesterday. I might make it tomorrow instead, the fabulous Aunt is visiting so I might make some for her :) Got all the ingredients and the recipe now, would be a shame to waste it!

    Jules. Treacle tart for breakfast? Nooo.... 2nd breakfast, yes - with coffee and cream :) very very wicked :)

    Gingembre enjoy your day at home with the jam-eaters. Did you hear JW this morning talking about how kids change your life? Mr Jumpy smiled at that :)

    Anne, have a great holiday! Am thinking next year I might have to investigate Ireland...

    And to all you mad cat women out there, I would join you except our tenancy agreement forbids any sort of pet.... I have been assured however that small children do not fall into that category.

    Right, am off to spend the day in bed if possible (or at least, doing the very least amount of anything possible... might play the piano all day) to build up my energy reserves for the fabulous Aunt who has far too much energy!



  • Comment number 76.

    Debbie hope you get a chance for a sit-down and relax today :)


  • Comment number 77.

    Oh Jumpy thank you and the thought of a day in bed is just so nice, enjoy. In a bad mood now, this is going to be such a long day.

    x x x

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning all :-)

    No time to catch up with what's been happening so will just jump in as usual!

    Debbie - I do not know how you do it. I was on and off tubes and trains all day yesterday in the heat and it was horrendous. I am exhausted. and I didn't have any littlies to look after.

    I am also a mad cat woman. I did have 3, unfortunately 2 of them have now gone to cat heaven, but I still have my oldie, who's 15. And of course my lovely doggie.

    Anyway, back later, have a great day all.

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 79.

    debbie - please don't be in a bad mood - think about the goos things in your life -

    me and jumping bean - thanks for the postive comments

    ps -can I have some tart please (whats that - I'm on a diet - oh bu**er)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 80.

    On the subject of godparents, I am godmother five times over and some mean more than others if I'm honest. We chose some family members and they chose us and let's just say we don't get on particularly well now.

    Because I've only got boys I really love having goddaughters, but I make a fuss of all the kids I'm close to, godchildren or not.

    Got my new baby niece coming over today, looking forward to a cuddle but think number 2 son might get broody!

    Tinsel - Yes that old couple on the Secret Millionaire were pretty amazing, I just couldn't stop crying when he gave them their cheque.

    Debbie - I find being at home with my two quite easy but I think that's cos I'm a bit of a slob so I don't worry too much about housework, it's hard work when I've got 4 or 5 other kids here though (lots of fights!)xx

    Em xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Hehehehe Bagpuss I was accused last night of being bad company for anyone even considering being on a diet...!

    Debbie don't be in a bad mood :) like bagpuss says, think about the good things :)

    Once I make this tart I will put the recipe up somewhere!



  • Comment number 82.

    I'm a fab auntie too. I've got 2 nieces and 1 nephew.

    Eldest niece wants to join the army - she's 12 at the mo (thanks for the advice EJR - it was gratefully received!) She is the most tom-boy girl in the world ever. I always hoped any nieces would become beauticians or hair dressers who would want to pamper their bestest auntie!

    I guess there's still hope as the other niece is 2 this year, and nephew will be 4 near christmas.

    Love them to bits!

    CtD xxxxxx

  • Comment number 83.

    Debbie - why you in bad mood hun?

  • Comment number 84.

    morning again

    I'm a godparent x3, 2 of them live in Florida now and the other is too cool to be seen with Uncle Ginge (hehe) and I loved being asked.

    SB - have you looked at MrsW's website for your wedding dress?? (unashamed plug)

    Porridge consumed by all, vacuuming done, teeth brushed, kids dressed, washing hung out, dishwasher filled and sloshing around, just me to get washed and dressed now


  • Comment number 85.

    Then a day at Banham Zoo gingembre?

  • Comment number 86.

    not today Cheryl, car in garage having MOT

  • Comment number 87.

    ginger - plan is to look at wedding dreeses in shops to find style/ type that i like then but from Mrs W's website as she does seem to offer fantastic value for money :-)

    don't worry she is on my list of preferred suppliers

    went to see a venue last night - no appointnment - just wondered in as I was passing and they were lovely - this wedding is looking a bit more doable!

    super bp x

  • Comment number 88.

    Boo!!! More flippin' money ..... hope it passes without too much pressure on the pocket.

    what's planned then? can we join in - in a virtual capacity, of course!

  • Comment number 89.

    *Bridal Alert*

    I have created a new group on FB for all the brides to be, and anyone that wants a preview to the big days. Its called, rather unimagintively Blog Brides to Be. Have invited some of you, but can't remember who is getting married and who is not - but must admit, I did only invite the girls.

    Ginge - feel free to put a link on there for Mrs W's site.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 90.

    Gingembre - please do put a link on! I don't have the link and would love to have a nosey!

  • Comment number 91.

    Hello all,

    Not been around much - having house dramas. Looks like Mr P and I will have to move in with his 'rents until we're straight - only for a couple of months or so. Bit sad though; we love our little Shakespeare's Cottage :(

    Have you seen the Christian the Lion vid yet? (I've only read this blog so sorry if I'm spouting old news). It's amazing!

    MW, a: The Dark Knight rocks! And I'm not keen on crabs either; they remind me too much of spiders!

    Gingembre: a Weller signature? Wow! Let us know how you get on with that.

    Debbie: Love your crab joke!

    How is everyone anyway? Have I missed much?

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 92.

    mw - great webpage - can you please invite purple dragon - she's an emily too!

    beesmum - calm down with the scrabs! me and susan have been playing a long game (at least a month) and I tend to play like chess - not like dominoes - sorry I am slow :-)

    super bpx

  • Comment number 93.

    Tinsel, it's not too bad unless the tube is packed and you have to sit the kids on your laps. They end up like little hot water bottles. That moan alot and won't keep still.

    By the way Em, I worry too much about housework, doesn't help does it.

    Cheryl, it's started. Just now, for two junctions on the motorway....where does Cheryl live? Does she go on trains too? Does Cheryl have a dog? (?).

    I'm going to cheer up, put the kettle on and put me feet up for a bit.

    x x x

  • Comment number 94.


    I think I already have. I went through my list of friends and invited the girls.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 95.

    Hi Rosie!! Lots going on a la blog - highs and lows as per. Lots of flirting (me!) and wisdom (everyone else!)

    Good to have you back!

    Debbie- that's really made me smile! Dog? Hell no woman. I'm a mad ole cat woman!!!

    Mw,a! Disaster - cannot get onto FB at the mo. Will check out the Bridezilla site later - love a good wedding and more than happy to help with any arrangements. J-Lo's got nowt on The Diva when it comes to such things!

    Laters peeps!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 96.

    Cheers CtD. How are the plans for your 40th coming on?

  • Comment number 97.

    All booked, paid for, confirmed.

    Sent a reminder email out last night to the revellers worded along the lines of: dig out ya drinking hats, wear something pink and prepare to behave like an 8 year old for one day only!

    This weekend I shall be filling the goodie bags and cleaning the house.

    Quite excited really! Hope I get lots of heliium balloons. That's all I want really. A house full of helium balloons!


  • Comment number 98.

    Isn't it about time Mr Dissing popped up?

  • Comment number 99.

    Wow, sounds fab. Lots of photos on fb after the event, I trust x

  • Comment number 100.

    all depends how trousered i get!


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