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Chris Evans | 16:44 UK time, Friday, 23 May 2008

Well stone the crows it's still not here but ....

...it should be by now, so still no photos.

I'm talking about the caravan, don't call it a caravan, it's a luxury trailer.

We were discussing its absence today during which several famous caravans, don't call them caravans, were mentioned.

Petrocelli had a caravan and a half finished house, I know how he feels. Apparently Jim Rockford lived in some kind of mobile dwelling as did Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon, I believe Mel's even had a dog flap and could have witnessed the naked flesh of Patsy Kensit, pre-Emmerdale.

Here's hoping for a roof over our heads some time soon. This morning we left our old house for the last time. it served us well but I always knew it was a temporary measure, so little sadness and no tears, good times though, good times.

Whatever happens we are now people of the woods, after we get back from Mon-ar-co that is.

Toodle pip bloggers.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Well done Mar - don't much like the song though!

    I am still flippin here - always phone calls at 5 to 5 on a Friday - why do they do it - must get on

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Have a lovely weekend, Chris.

  • Comment number 3.

    Evening each

    Mariella: Good choice. Love that one.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
    Anne xx
    PS: AF: You sound ok, keep it up. x

  • Comment number 4.

    Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔless bum

  • Comment number 5.

    Working nine to nine - da di da di da da

    Still here!! Not even grateful I phoned back with the info! charming!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 6.

    I love my caravan almost as much as I do my beloved Queen of the South who are playing Rangers tomorrow..... come on the queens...!

  • Comment number 7.

    Still here!! - no ironing done - no packing done - too tired to cook - shattered!!

    Will pop in and see what's going on next week but that's me off to the bolt hole tomorrow. Couple of days off then will be working from there until Fri.

    Hope you all have lovely bank holiday week-end.

    Toodle ooo

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Just love Rockin' all over the world. Brings back memories of the great feeling when they opened Live Aid.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 9.

    B-sMum: Just got my perfume from frangrance2u. Great value. Add it to your shopping bookmarks. Enjoy your week.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 10.

    See ya B-sMum, have a good weekend x x

  • Comment number 11.

    Have a good one Chris.

    And I hope all my friends here have a wonderful weekend. Whether you are busy rushing around or chilling out doing something next to nothing like us, enjoy.

    Mrs MfR has just landed a new contract, so we will be cracking open some bubbly stuff over the weekend.

    We may pop over to The M tomorrow afternoon. If we spot any fluffy pink cats we'll come over and say hello.

    Huge amounts of peace and love


    PS Bingo. Try not to get too excited when watching the race on Sunday.

  • Comment number 12.

    I'm doing the ironing. Beesmum, I blame you, on your way to your bolt-hole indeed!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 13.

    Lisa: I blame B-sMum for everything: Ironing (or not), internet shopping, wasting time on this blog instead of working, etc......

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi all you lovely people! what a lovely feeling it is when Friday evening comes and it's warm and sunny,and youngest daughter's has just had her last day at school (will be back after half term to finish her GCSEs) but that's it now her school life is over. She will be going to sixth form in September but that will be so different from school.Only seems like yesterday that she started at infants!

    Can smell dinner cooking downstairs think my man is making a stir fry, I love him cooking dinner as I have spent so many years cooking it's nice to take a back seat and let him have a go and I think he really enjoys himself!!

    Didn't hear the first song played can anyone tell me what it was??

    Better go, dinner calling.....

    Love Jenn xxx

  • Comment number 15.

    Can't decide between Chelsea Flower Show or Transatlantic Sessions? What do you all think?
    But, definitely watching Pink Floyd on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ4 later.
    Anne xx

  • Comment number 16.

    Well done Mariella (W A i'm assuming)

  • Comment number 17.


    Hope you and Natasha have a great time in monaco xx I'm sure your luxury trailer will be waiting for you when you get home!

    FinCarson - As a delighted Celtic fan, I'm with you come on the Queens :o)

    Have a good weekend everyone xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 18.

    ps. Well done Mariella!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 19.

    This is such a great start to the weekend. Just sat in the swing chair with a bowl of popcorn, glass of wine, house to myself......bliss! I totally love my garden today, so blooming big and hard work but it's been worth it.

    Mr Debbie and Little Man have just taken Betty to the vets (nothing to serious) so just me and the starlings right now. And a very sleepy cat.

    Feeling good about things today, carpe diem!

    I hope that you all have a restful and very happy weekend.

    Love to you all
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 20.

    Well everybody just sounds to be in a good place right now!! Great start to the weekend.

    I have a question, being a radio newbie really. Where's the good music after 7pm??? Carried on listening on R2 and, much as I hate to be mean, it was pants. Well, maybe not pants, just not my cuppa (sorry, I'm rubbish at being mean).

    So, any suggestions????

    AF xx

  • Comment number 21.

    AF: Telly? Transatlantic sessions? Pink Floyd? Sorry, seem to repeating myself.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Just had a look at both and, much as I love Transatlantic Sessions normally, suggest you go for the Chelsea Flower Show.
    Anne xx

  • Comment number 23.

    Evening all.
    Realise you regular bloggers are probably off doing other stuff at this time of night but as a 'newby' I wanted to have a practice.
    Chat to you all soon x

  • Comment number 24.


    Welcome to blogland.

    I'm around as this weekend is officially, 'do nothing' time - mostly down to lethargy after our Vegas trip, and partly due to the weather forecast.

    Pull up a comfy chair, pour yourself a glass of something nice and blog away.

    Best wishes


  • Comment number 25.

    Welcome akaCrumby you will be surprised how many are still around on and off as I find it sort of addictive and find I have been online for about an hour when I thought it was just 10 minutes, just backwards and forwards and talking to my daughters on MSN. Only 6 months ago I didn't have a computer and my girls got me into using one and I have picked it up fairly quickly and am enjoying it when I never thought I would! My husband hates computers and gets a bit cross if I am on for too long and is always asking me what I am doing. He cooked a very nice meal this evening and had taken himself off to the local pub!!

    Hope you enjoy yourself as much as we all do akaCrumby!!

  • Comment number 26.

    Hello akacrumpy (or akacrumby as jenniferferfer likes to call you :-) ). Welcome to this lovely blog.

    Well done Mariella on getting first song today - have a fab hols.

    Ah, that Mel G in his caravan - mmmmmmmmm...... he was No1 on my 'To Do' for such a long time. Jose's taken over but I still wouldn't say no to Mel - but only if he pretends he's in Lethal weapon or Braveheart - he's a bit weird in real life I think!!!

    AF, hope your weekend is ok - sending lots of love to you.

    Back later
    T xxxxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Annie, sorry but not really my thing... Never really understood the point of Pink Floyd (I realise that last statement may well be blasphemous in some corners), so I think I'll stick t'radio! Local stations not that bad if you can put up with the adverts all the time...

    akaCrumby, welcome indeed. There's not really a quiet time on the blog, some of us (well, not usually me to be fair) even manage early hours wafflings!!

    Enjoy, hope you have a good weekend whatever you're up to.

    AF x

  • Comment number 28.

    Oh god sorry akaCrumpy, I'm rubbish with names. Promise not to get it wrong again!!

    AF x

  • Comment number 29.

    welcome akacrumpy - are you also on facebook? Quite a lot of us are on there as well.

  • Comment number 30.

    I am around this weekend so hope to catch up with you guys.

  • Comment number 31.

    A new persona has made no difference to being able to post longer comments!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    I have managed to delete large portions of my interesting plans for my week off work!

  • Comment number 33.


  • Comment number 34.

    hopefully doing some fishing this weekend....i ll blog again to fill you in...

  • Comment number 35.

    Hello akaCrumpy, catch up with you over the weekend x x

  • Comment number 36.


    I think I was the first to be cursed with the onelineism, then Bingo caught it big time and now you and B's-mum seem to be afflicted now and then.

    Somehow, I appear to be cured.

    I haven't changed any settings, browsers or logins, so I guess it is pretty random.

    Unless Interactive Ian came through for me, but if he did, I never heard anything.

    Or Chris pulled a string. Unlikely really, considering I owe him.

    Keep plugging mate.


  • Comment number 37.

    AF: Pink Floyd quite boring, so have to agree with you.

    Have a good weekend


  • Comment number 38.

    Thanks Matt

    Did you hear CLP dedicate soemthing to interactive ian tonight? Perhaps he has done something.

    i think it is random sometimes I can make longer comments than others

    A tout a l'heures mes amies x x x

  • Comment number 39.

    oooh oooh ooooh just had to come on. Is anyone watching Jonathan Ross? osmonds (aren't they lovely), Ray Winstone (gorgeously sexy best) and Neil Diamond - brilliant - and next week - aaaaaaarrrrrrghhh it's only the Sir Lord Andrew Yummy Lloyd Lord Webber!!! Bring on next Friday!!!!

    Sorry, just had to get that out of my system!

    T xxxx (getting madder/sadder? by the minute)

  • Comment number 40.

    Now if he gets SrAlan on again I'll die happy :-)

  • Comment number 41.

    akaCrumpy - hols, bonjour and welcome aboard, look forward to reading your posts, we're a lovely bunch.

    CtD - I have to sympathise really with your 'C' cream antics...

    ...I'm the same with me 'Nobbly Stiles' on holiday, 3 days in and I'm doing a great impersonation of a Japanese flag! - out come the Farmer Giles cream!

    ouch, where's that rubber ring?


  • Comment number 42.

    Opps sorry akaCrumpy must of put AF off too!!!

  • Comment number 43.

    Off for a swim now, must hurry have got two of the daughter's coming home for the weekend and the place is a mess, oh dear!

  • Comment number 44.

    hiya one and all

    today is the day that some of us will finally get tol meet in real life.

    Me and him indoors will be there from 3 for an hour or so as he has a last minute request to go to work - so it would be great to meet some of you.

    I will bring my alter-ego - the pink and fluffy one - and sit him on the table so just come over and say hi - we really are not that scary.

    See you later - and have a great long weekend one and all

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 45.

    Gingembre .. ouch!!! Thankfully, never been there and have no desire to go either!

    CLP .... of all the famous trailer dwellers how could you forget the Dahling of Norwich - Mr Alan Partridge, aha! I recall him living in a caravan throughout the final series of "I'm Alan Partridge" .... correct me if I'm wrong, please!

    Welcome to all new bloggers.

    And to everyone who goes to The M later - hello from me. I'll be at a party near Colchester and will be thinking of y'all!

    Right, off to cook some belly-lining stodge pre-Rose attack!

    Laters gang.

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 46.

    I hope that everyone has had a good day today whatever you have been doing.

    Did you guys get to meet up at the M? How did it go?

    We took Little Man to a medieval battle reconstruction at the museum down the road. Had a really good day with him.

    And the latest on my garden....Spring Watch move over.....

    I was woken up at 4am by the sound of a fox dragging a bag of compost across my patio. It was trying to move it out of the way so that it could get to my window ledge. I had put one of those trays of fat that you get for wild birds up there. After a few attempts (and launching itself into my rose bush) it ran off with it!

    I know that you aren't supposed to like foxes but it was a beautiful creature and to watch it under my bedroom window was quite interesting really.

    Must go and get this very hot and tired 4 year old into the bath now.

    Lots of love
    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 47.

    Evening each.

    Gorgeous day north of the border. Have had a really boring but satisfying day - cleaning house, weeding my lovely garden and visiting the littlest one in the family. He's now blowing kisses and so sweet.

    Have a great time at the M everyone who is going. Have a drink for all of us who can't be there.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Hey guys!

    Did any of you manage to meet up?

    In my latest plan to get Kirk a TFI T-shirt I emailed Ginger Productions

    I will let you know if I get a response...

    C x x

  • Comment number 49.


    I thought that Chris sold Ginger as part of the Virgin deal that made his £££s.

    He now owns UMTV. Unless I'm completely out of touch.

    I have a confession to make.

    Mrs MfR and I toddled down to The M and saw Bagpuss, but bottled out of saying hello.

    And now I feel really bad.

    Super BP. If we ever see you there again, I promise that we will buy you a drink.

    Crumbs. I now owe Chris, Dan the Man and Super BP drinks.

    Heck. Fulham stayed up, Mrs MfR has a new contract and life is good.

    BTW. We will be at The LI on Monday. Maybe I'll splash the cash there.

    If you can find me.

    Love to all


  • Comment number 50.

    yes a decent days maggot drowning caught a few today and my son enjoyed it to.....now sat watching my dahlias blow in the breeze having a cold stella in the garden even tho the grass needs cutting....

  • Comment number 51.

    Lazykev: Doesn't the grass always need cutting. Enjoy watching the flowers.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Evening all,

    I'm very stiff and in need of a decent massage after spending the best part of today outside "every little helps" (other stores apply) collecting for our local Lifeboat. as I did two stints I spent lunchtime in their cafe - it could do with improvement in the hot food dept.

    so I am now home and having counted out two collecting buckets and bagged up the money (I can't reveal how much - sorry) I am catching up with the blog and say hello to all new bloggers. Congrats to Mariella on achieveing the 1st song ARF.

    Matt is that you on FB under CLP Group standing next to a road sign?? if so I'll drop you a line. Shame on you bottling it at M today. Your drink debts are getting bigger.

    Enjoy the weekend everyone - catchup on tuesday as I am heading up the roads to sunnier Somerset for the rest of the weekend.


  • Comment number 53.

    Bless you Pheonix, put your feet up now you deserve it.

    My and Little Man put some money in a collection box for the lifeboats outside the very same chain of stores yesterday. There must be a campaign on at the moment. Thanks for people like you that give up their time to collect for charities.

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 54.


    so today - meeting people at the M - what a disater - first of all major issues on the M25 so we got there at 4 instead of 3 dispite leaving in pleanty of time and then no-one came and said hello. Now the LOML thinks I made you all up.

    So MfR - do we really look that scary? which ones were you and the misses?

    watching eurovision at the mo - hope finalnd win but did like the pirate song - all together no - with a hii hii hey and a hii hii ho :-)

    Not so super bp x

  • Comment number 55.

    I need to get a life. Watching Eurovision - how awful is it?

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 56.

    I'm watching it too. Don't know why either, but now that I've started I can't stop!!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 57.

    Super BP - well done on trying. It can work and it will work next time. I have 3 best friends that I met a few years ago on a bloggy thing. We've met up loads of times now and know each other really well. It just takes a bit of courage and I'm sure someone will take the leap next time. At least you had Mr BP with you. I'd have to come on my own!!!!

    Done lots of allotment work today - and got given my first veggies, a few leeks which I am planning on having for dinner tomorrow.

    Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    why am I here watching the voting in the eurovision????????????????????????

  • Comment number 59.

    Cos you're as daft as me and Debbie, that's why.
    Anne xx

  • Comment number 60.

    No surprises there then!

  • Comment number 61.

    No Cathmel, a joke wasn't it. Nothing to do with the music at all.

    Off to bed, nite x x

  • Comment number 62.

    If I knew what and where M is I might have come! Is it some secret place only a select few are privileged to know about? I'm getting an inferiority complex here, put me out of my misery please someone!

  • Comment number 63.

    What a liberty one and all

    Yes the so called Eurovision song contest.

    What with Russia and all those made up countries names. Well it’s a sham. Poor Andy he sang a good song well.

    I say lets boycott it in future. Let’s see how those Eastern Europeans manage without us.

    The worst contest I have seen in years.


  • Comment number 64.

    thanks bright anne time,tide,and grass waiteth for no man,and no i didnt watch eorovision never have,never will its been rubbish since late 80 s.......back to work no rest for the wicked???....hope your not to wet down in the smoke or the south as we say...later peeps

  • Comment number 65.

    girl racer 22 - the m stands for the mulberry a pub owned by clp (I think - sometimes you miss a couple of days and you loose the threasd of what is being discussed)

  • Comment number 66.

    Thanks cathmel, I thought it must be, but still don't know where. Ta for knocking 30 years off my age though, I feel really rejuvenated now :-)

  • Comment number 67.


    girl racer 21 (well I wiwsh I was anyway) - the mulberry is in surrey, near Haslemere (with an s - we live in Hazlemere with a z and thats in Bucks) on the A283.

    very nice pub, friendly staff and good choice of music. Also the kiddies play area looks very inviting and if there had been less people around and I hadn't done in my back we would have had a play ;-)

    went to bed during the voting last night on the euro vision - I do think we shuldn't play next year and withdraw our monry that pays for it - that might make them think twice about fair play - the Russisan entry wasn't even that good.

    super bp x

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi everyone.

    It's absolutely chicking it down here in not-so-sunny-Suffolk at the mo, which is just as well because ...... Mr Diva has got a hangover!

    Imagine Manflu and multiply it by ten - that's a Mr Diva hangover for you. Not pretty. Not pretty at all.

    Went to a party yesterday. We were both drinking from about half four in the afternoon, but one of us (hmmmmmm, who could that be?) remembered to keep grazing the buffet table and paced HERself, whilst the other (that'll be Himself) went at the tinnies like a bull in a china shop and didn't so much as neck a sausage roll. Ooooops!

    So, now I'm creeping round like a little mouse, being quiet so as not to wake sleeping beauty! LOL!!!

    Right, off to read the next bit of Marian KEyes - must remember not to laugh too loudly at the funny bits!!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 69.

    Chicking it down???

    Maybe I need to go back to bed too ..... ??

    Still, it's better than red beetles in your pants!

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 70.

    Hi Chris,

    I have just bought and watched "Standing in the Shadows of Love", the story of the studio band behind the 60's Detroit Motown sound- these guys were the unsung hero's - THE FUNK BROTHERS.

    What an amazing story and DVD.

    If you or others have not seen this, please buy and watch - you are in for a treat!

    These guys still play, although their numbers are dwindling.

    They recorded more hits than the beatles, Rolling Stones, Elvi Presley and the Beach Boys - combined!

    If you watch the DVD, you will want to see them.

    I would love you to consider an ongoing slot/rally on your show to get these guys to the UK to perform. Chris, you can do this, you are the Master of awareness campaigns.

    Please, please, give it a go!

    Thanks, Ronnie.

  • Comment number 71.

    One of the thoughts for the day: beware of light reflecting off the windscreen.........

    The story goes like this.......

    Yesterday, I purchased for the bargain price (IMO) of Β£4 the CD of Meat Loaf's 'Bat out of Hell' (clearly, every little bit really does help). The afore-mentioned album comprised my staple musical diet during my teens - I loved it!!!. So, of course, it went straight into the car to be played at all times subsequent, at whatever volume the surroundings would permit.

    That same day, I went to collect my youngest from her week-long trip to France and all the car park spaces having been taken at her school by parents even more keen than I to get pole position, I parked in the adjacent (car park overflow) school field. There was one other car in the field.

    My eldest daughter was in the car and we had been listening to said album. She found it difficult to reconcile (as did I) how I could remember every word to 'Paradise by the Dashboard Light' but hadn't remembered to get her requested 'Crunch' bar at the local 24/7 only the day before.

    However, when we parked up in the field with music still playing, she decided to wait in car for fear of embarrassing younger sibling by 'the whole family' (bless her) going to meet her rather than just the mum (me), which is less embarrassing apparently. (This I took as a huge and unexpected compliment). In fact, much of and indeed my only social life of looking (not talking to) any other parents when collecting my offspring from various activities has, with the advent of teenagehood (theirs not mine), been severely curtailed as one is not permitted to alight the car when one collects thesedays.

    Anway, where was I? Oh yes, eldest decided to wait in car - I joshed that she just wanted to listen to the CD - she looked at me somewhat sideways (literally, as well as....) and I got out the car. I then proceeded to dance and mime the words (perfectly, I may add) to the rest of 'Two out of Three Ain't Bad) which was playing as I alighted. I acted and sung the rest of song on my way from car to edge of field not realising that there was in fact someone sat (and watching in utter bewilderment) in the 'other' parked car in the field. Of course, I realised this not only after it was way too late but after several reprises.

    I met up with my returning daughter whose suitcase hadn't appeared off the coach, unlike everyone elses. We searched everywhere and it was found tucked away in the 'hold' but only after a while which meant that it was just us and the teachers remaining at the school.

    Who should walk up the school drive to greet his (teacher) wife after her school trip? Yep, you guessed it friends.......the man from the other car that was parked in the field who had witnessed by prance and dance. Oh joy!

    I hadn't of course seen him in his car because of the light reflecting off his windscreen. I can only hope that he didn't have the same problem and that he COULD see my eldest daughter sat in my car and for whom I was performing my act!!!

    Have a good one.

    Mange tout et vives les chansons


  • Comment number 72.

    Just watching the F1 trying to spot CLP on a boat as they go past the harbour!!

  • Comment number 73.

    Gaby, I just had to listen to Bat out of Hell on Youtube. Now I have to get that CD tomorrow, I haven't heard it for years! Thanks for that x

    A laminated floor has never been cleaned so quickly before I swear. And a mop makes for a cracking microphone....still in my pj's doing housework, terrible eh?

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 74.

    Go on CtD I dare you to put Bat out of Hell on top volume, and start running.........xx

  • Comment number 75.

    Sung in style of Maurice Chevalier from Gigi

    Thank heavens for a little rain
    For a little rain goes a long way
    To makin` F1 so much more excitin`
    Thank you clouds for bein` our salvation today...


    ps Samphire Hoe is out!

  • Comment number 76.

    sorry meatloaf does nothing for me genesis is the same....i just dont get it....now bruce springsteen he rocks....

  • Comment number 77.

    I really enjoyed the F1 from Monaco today -thank you God! My parents have been to Monaco, twice, my mum didn`t like it but my dad did, so I guess it`s a cool place! But, my mum likes Venice and that seems cool, so!!

    There are millions of listeners for the CLP DriveTimeShow, and still a few millions with internet access - so, why so few bloggers?

    What`s the Psychology of a blogger?

    I know why I blog...


  • Comment number 78.

    Super BP.

    Please let me explain myself.

    I'm not very good at social stuff.

    I don't want to dig myself into a hole and make a whole bunch of excuses, but, when it came to the crunch, I couldn't step up to the plate and do the simple the thing and say hi.

    I'm sorry.

    For the record, we were the two flicking through holiday brochures on one of the tables near the car park. We both had Hard Rock t-shirts and sunnies on.

    I'm so sorry.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    MfR - who owes you, big time.

  • Comment number 79.


    A while ago I saw someone that I knew and hadn't seen for years at the supermarket. Something stopped me from saying hello and having a chat, not sure what, shyness maybe?

    Later that night I was so annoyed at myself from not stopping this person and saying hello, may not ever see them again.

    Two weeks ago, same shop, there she was. And I stopped her and had a chat, caught up with her and was pleased to have done so.

    What you said just reminded me of this, that's all.

    You seem to be a very decent person, so don't be hard on yourself mate and Super BP is quite lovely too.

    Debbie x x

  • Comment number 80.

    ...at least I think I do/did...

    ...that`s three tablets twice a day then...

    ...oh no, I`ve realised I havn`t got a clue about anything!

    Beam me up, Scotty! I`ve exceeded my time on this planet!


  • Comment number 81.

    I need sensible feedback from the bloggers to reset my thoughts to normal again.

    ...thank you bloggers.


    PS Song for Chris and Natasha in Monaco - Let`s go dancing naked in the rain - on a boat! Lucky things.

  • Comment number 82.

    Rain, yea - yum yum...

    Morning, yet another day dawns.

    70% polished life and burnished reality...

    More tea Vicar? No, thank you I think I`ll take my tablets my son.

  • Comment number 83.

    morning all still not raining up thnorth watched walk the line again last night .....that cash feller sure was gifted....im sure hed have done well on eurovision...lol sorry a little humourous moment there.....

  • Comment number 84.

    p.s. going to listen to lee mack whilst working today....hes a funny northern guy.

  • Comment number 85.

    Normailty has been restored to Casa Diva!! The Hangover From Hell has left the building and the PS3 is back in action - hurrah!!

    lazykev - I don't get Genesis either. Ditto Rush and Pink Floyd. Take or leave Meatloaf but Bat ... was a pivotal rock moment. Now Bruce ..... we're off to see him on Saturday at The Emirates!! Sooooo excited. the Boss and The Gunners' home ground. I think I'll probably either explode or wet myself. Possibly both!!

    MfR /Debbie- I was approached by a strange man in a supermarket about 3 weeks ago. I was just about to call security when he re-introduced himself. It was someone I'd gone to school with and my very best friend in the universe's first hubby. We'd not seen each other for about 16 years. We've been emailing and last week met for lunch - small world - we both work in the same town (Debbie - the one with the Castle!) and live about 15 miles from each other. It was lovely to catch up and I hope we stay in touch.

    Maybe it's the "turning 40" thing that makes people want to catch up. After only a couple of weeks I'm hooked on FB and have made contact with some old friends on there, as well as all the bloggers from here.

    Anyhooooo, will pop back later to catch up.


    CtD xxxx

    PS: Yesm the F1 was good in the rain, but today it's British Superbikes live from Donington Park - my fave track!!

  • Comment number 86.

    British Superbikes live from Donington Park! today!

    Is it on tele Cheryl? Cos I can`t see it on the listings!


  • Comment number 87.

    Ah found it, it`s on Sky, can`t get that, bum!

  • Comment number 88.

    What`s gone wrong with LYDDEN HILL RACE CIRCUIT?

    They always had racing on a Bank Holiday. Today? Nothing!


  • Comment number 89.

    Funny, was watching -well, dipping into and out of- the Cricket. looking good .. and the weather in Old Trafford is chilly but not raining, at all, and they commentators are having so many emails /texts in about the softie south and all the rain, versus the sunny 'north' where the weather is at least playable, if a bit chily. Funny.

    I wanted to say thaks to the super pink pussycat for making the effort on the 'M' but it's a long way from me too :-(

    Need to ask though, I didnt hear that much of the show towards the end of the week, with the desk change and all, CLP, please tell me they let you keep the bell?

    The show Without the bell - unthinkable!
    No bell = no act = no show ! Noooooo

  • Comment number 90.

    LO all - on laptop wireless - cooeer!!
    Managed to put my name on fb but thats about it - cant use this flippin keyboard!! How do I find anyone though? Wont let me look at nieces profile cos I.m not a friend - wots that about?
    Anne had to bring ironing with me in a huge suitcase cos running out of clothes!
    pink pussy bagpuss - come to the Midlands I would have met you but was on Brecon bypass about 4 on Sat!!
    Just stopped raining take doggy for walk back later

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi B-sMum, a load of us are in the group CLP Bloggers you can do a search for it.

    CtD, will have to visit the 'town with the castle' again soon as Little Man keeps on about it. I'll check out coming events soon.

    Blooming rain, have to get the clothes horse out again now!

    Back later
    Debbie x

  • Comment number 92.

    Evening each

    Isn't Radio 2 boring on bank holidays?

    B-s Mum - I just love my wireless laptop (or loptap when I can't speak proper). Put CLP Bloggers in search on Facebook and you'll find us - we're waiting for you!!!!!

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 93.

    Have started a book on CLP Bloggers wall to see how long B-sMum takes to find us.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 94.

    Dog doesnt want to go out - doesnt do rain - ok back later will have a go at fb heaven help me

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Hey Beesmum, weldone! x x

  • Comment number 96.

    I'm on fb and have found you - am in the process of adding as friends but sun over yard arm the red stuff beckons and backside going to sleep on this chair so will be back later!!

    Beesmum xx
    Thanks Deb no message through yet will try later but I have a FRIEND yipee !! you're my first!

  • Comment number 97.

    How much did you make Anne - or was I a bit quick?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 98.

    B-sMum: Bugger all. You did well!
    Anne xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Actually, folks. Just had a look at the webcam and Alex Lester looks ok. Thought he was an old guy but........ Rather like long hair.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 100.

    whats your name beesmum? then I can find you on FB..................


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