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Chris Evans | 15:04 UK time, Monday, 21 January 2008

So, she's here, she's gorgeous and she has...

...taken over.

And here's why...


Beth the German Shepherd puppy is to die for. She's not mine, she is my wife's. My wife will be in charge, I will be second in the pack Enzo third and then little Beth.

Not a whelp or a whimper last night or the night before, she is, for now at least, a dream.

My wife ? Obsessed ? You could say that. She asked if I wanted a cup of tea yesterday morning at around ten thirty. I said, "yes that would be lovely." Last night just before I went to bed, there lay the cup with the dry teabag still in it, the milk to the side - next to a kettle long ago boiled.

Natasha, the devoted mother.





  1. At 03:23 PM on 21 Jan 2008, jane wrote:

    Gotta see the photo Chris ... you can't leave us hanging on like this ...get it posted pdq.

  2. At 03:32 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Puppy love one and all

    Puppies are just adorable. Hope Enzo isn't jealous though.

    Today I have been mostly cleaning Squirrel poo off my car. Decided the checkout girl at the Supermarket was a Catherine Tate lookie likey of the nurse variety.
    Anway Guten Haben

    Keep smiling everyone.

  3. At 03:34 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Annanboy wrote:

    I think you are giving yourself an optiomistic rating there in the pecking order old boy - the tea bag tale is testimony to that already - my advice is simple, learn how to make your own bl**dy tea!!

  4. At 03:56 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Dan the Man wrote:


    Nuff said.

    DtM x

  5. At 04:01 PM on 21 Jan 2008, mrs m wrote:


    dreamt my boss's wife had two gsd pups, week before last, one being older than the other. The little one was about the size of your new baby and I remember cuddling it and taking it home - think iirc in the dream it was on a trial basis/overnight but of course I kept it

    like any baby they are lovely when they are asleep ;-)

  6. At 04:06 PM on 21 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:



    or a kitten obviously

  7. At 04:26 PM on 21 Jan 2008, j wrote:

    She is too gorgeous for words.

    Nuff, nuff said......


  8. At 04:30 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Double ahhhhs all round - isn't she lovely.

    Do you think you should start the show tonight with that song????

    All the best Chris & Natasha


  9. At 04:40 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Christine Birch wrote:

    Totally gorgeous. My GS pups landed several years ago, still behave like pups, still gorgeous and still take over sometimes. Hope Enzo is as enamoured with her ...

  10. At 04:50 PM on 21 Jan 2008, rex wrote:

    What is it with dogs ? They are animals and should be treated as such ... stop giving them human thoughts and feeling .I'll stand well back while the replies come in ......

  11. At 04:50 PM on 21 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello...... CLP & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Wooooooowwwww whatta coincidence CLP..... freaky or what!!!!!!!!!!!

    The tune I was gonna sing, yes I did say WAS. at me X-Factor audition woz Puppy Love by The Jacksons!!!!!

    CLP - Whatta cute picture. I'm always suspicious of people who don't find animals nice - must be souless ter not like animals.
    More of a cat man meself though, never owned a dog.
    Although dogs are a mans best friend or womans sometimes too - know what am sayin'!!!!

    Onter me story about me X-Factor mess I got inter :

    Basically last year I went for an audition for The X-Factor.
    I went in before the judges & I was greeted by Dannii Monogue..... looking at me vital statisticals/ details on a piece of paper she said "so you are Bingo Star but as a more informal name we can call you.... Bin?"
    I replyed "normally yes but as yer from down under in the spirit of Aus.... you can call me Bingo as in..... Dingo..... Dan - know what am sayin'!!!!"
    She replyed "right Bingo.... so if today all went swimmingly were do you see yourself in a couple of years?"
    I replyed "well actually that's the problem, the reason why am ere. I don't want it ter go swimmingly..... I've been working as a part time life guard at me local swimming baths and I can't swim properly.... but it's a secret. Well it was until know, sorry now, if this goes live - know what am sayin'!!!!"
    I said "I'd rather it go 'singingly' Dan, am tryin' ter get outta the swimming game - know what am sayin'!!!!"
    She replyed "okayyyy, well if it went.... 'singingly', were do you see yourself?".... "selling lots of records?"
    I replyed "forget the records..... as long as i've been on Steve Wright's BIG show twice & Chris Evans's show at least once. i'll be more han 'appy Dan.... or the other way around.... am easy Dan - know what am sayin'!!!!!"

    Blog friends for some damn reason I waz escorted outta the room by a big bald bloke.... might ave been the Cowl's miner, sorry minder..... I think!

    Am tellin' yer that's the last time I audition for the X!!!!!


  12. At 05:45 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Melody Woodman wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Beth is drop dead gorgeous. reminds of when I had Kim, also a German Shepherd, at 7 weeks old. What does Enzo think of her?
    Love Melody.xx

  13. At 05:58 PM on 21 Jan 2008, wilsmar wrote:

    Evening all, Bingo could you be mixing your Jacksons and Osmonds (Donny) but you know which song you were singing so I am happy to defer to your superior musical knowledge.
    Lovely pup photo - real aaaaah factor.
    HL - Birthday greetings for your Badger tomorrow (and David Lumb if you're still out there).
    ((( Will be thinking of you and your friend.)))

  14. At 06:33 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Scattynobrain wrote:


    Now, come on - we all know how this works - you won't be second in the chain at all! It goes the wife, the dogs - in either order depending on what they've done - and then you!


  15. At 06:33 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Pippa wrote:

    Cute.. but personally I prefer fancy pigeons!

  16. At 06:42 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Denise wrote:

    Hi There

    The puppy is absolutely gorgeous, they are gorgeous animals and you will never regret getting her.

    Good luck to her she is a lucky puppy, but you are also a very lucky person to have her.

  17. At 06:51 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Judy wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I went out with my friend in 1983 for a drink. I ended up getting chatted to by this gorgeous bloke. I ended up taking him home and we have been married for 25 years, Oh Yeah.

  18. At 06:55 PM on 21 Jan 2008, wrote:

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! So cute! I wonder how Enzo is coping with the new arrival.

    Oh God I'm sick of this weather! Its just so dull, dreary and windy!And when I'm at the 'fellas' its even worse as he is by the sea.

    So I have been knitting away. 2 baby hats two new arrivals which are on the way. I've knitted one blue as I know my friend is having a boy and the other yellow as we are not sure yet!

    Well I'm off to get a cup of tea, whatch TV and knit some more! Take care everyone and keep in touch! I know I've been lazy recently! Sorry xxx

  19. At 07:12 PM on 21 Jan 2008, wrote:

    What a show! For one CD that wasn't bad at all :) enjoyed it thoroughly! Well done for getting through that little crisis.

    Amazing what a bit of food and a snooze can do, the husband is feeling slightly better now... although I burnt the pizza (only slightly) so now he's complaining that his mouth hurts from biting the burnt bits.



  20. At 08:37 PM on 21 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    My lovely dog is 2 years old on saturday and we got her at 8 weeks old, she too was adorable, a little Jack Russell crossed with a Norfolk Terrier and she cried the first night on and off and never again after, so much easier than my daughters!! and we all love her so much but its not much fun walking her in all this awful rain, roll on summer when walking will be fun again love Jenn X

  21. At 09:37 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Jude wrote:

    Give Beth a kiss on the lips from me please.

    (By the way, saw a puppy Rottie called Holly riding on a double push-chair (containing 2 children) today as she didn't wat to walk!)

  22. At 09:39 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:


    Beth is gorgeous! I'm sure Natasha will be a super mummy!

    Completely missed the show tonight, sorry! Will listen again though.

    Rock and roll was good - lots of fun, bit miffed with mum though when she told the instructor that I over-analyse things and always have done! Great!!!

    Anyhoo - I'm orff for a bath and bed.

    Take care all,

    S xx.

  23. At 09:46 PM on 21 Jan 2008, Red wrote:



    X R

    Rex ........ be nice :(

  24. At 09:54 PM on 21 Jan 2008, chris pye wrote:

    Chris, I know just what you are going through, My Skye was a dream at that age, a screemer the first two nights but she was only 6 weeks old and missed her mum> but she was and I have to assume a fabulous dog , full of bounce and beans and so gentle. snag is my "wife" took her along with my chocolate lab when she left and now the courts are fighting for who's the Daddy or who's the mummy. I know the truth

    good luck mate, Beth will bring you years of love

    great show


  25. At 10:14 PM on 21 Jan 2008, john wrote:

    dogs can be great but then we outlive them and I don't want the pain. What does that make me?

    JK Nonegreen

  26. At 11:25 PM on 21 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Evening Christoff and fellow bloggers and blogettes!!

    She is a cutie ... and I agree ... I think you will find you are further down in the pecking order my dear! I take it she's doing well with the house training too? Aren't these wee guys amazing?! Our kitten was 6 weeks old when he came to us, fully house trained ... our daughter .... that is another matter!!! Yup - outta nappies .... but ....!

    Have to say, the show was a cracker despite the equipment malfunction!! Though I missed the reason for there being only one CD available in the whole of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio land!?!?!

    Can I say Happy Birthday to an occasional slogger? Happy Birthday to my Flickr / SL / RL (work it out babes!) pal, Victoria!!

    Hazel love - you can have Charis's kitten, Ollie - he is driving us utterly demented!! Where shall I post him to, home or work?!


    Susan, Highland lass

  27. At 06:30 AM on 22 Jan 2008, Athame wrote:

    AWWWWWWS...Teh puppy! *Gushes*

  28. At 07:57 AM on 22 Jan 2008, kevin morrison wrote:

    chris it sounds like your in the .................................................................................dog house...

  29. At 09:11 AM on 22 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Aw lovely floppy ears and everything - and the puppy's gorgeous too!!!

    Morning all


  30. At 09:41 AM on 22 Jan 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    She's a beaut.

    I'm all blue and lonely this week as Mr P is off working in France until Friday. My Mum came round last night with lots of wine and so I'm here at work, hungover, with the obligatory hangover can of cherry Coke next to my mouse mat.

    Also, am having a strange numbness / tingling sensation in left hand and foot - should I be worried?

    Welcomed nitooz yesterday but got BPed so will try again - welcome.

    Also Bingo, is that story true? Love it!

    Rosie x

  31. At 10:02 AM on 22 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:

    Good morning!

    After what feels like months of rain, grey skies and generally miserable weather, I drove to work in sunglasses today! The sun was shining quite stronly, even though there was some cloud. I even saw some pockets of blue sky! How enlivening!

    So, the good mood that began yesterday (despite it being the worst day of the year) continues. When the sun shines on me, I feel an incredible lift in my mood - maybe I suffer from SAD?

    So, despite issues at home, I am smiling and happy.

    Pasing it on to you all,

    S xx.

    P.S. Looking forward, not looking back.
    P.P.S. There may be another reason too...

  32. At 10:39 AM on 22 Jan 2008, Jane Chamberlain wrote:

    Enough on the gorgeous dog already! I miss my 14 year old golden lab gone to the superdog in the sky and am desperate for another but full time work....

  33. At 10:41 AM on 22 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:


    Not had a chance to catch up on all posts, will sit with a cup of tea when little man is at nursery later.

    Just wanted to say Rosie, could just be a trapped nerve. I've had something similar, you may have just been laying awkwardly. I suffered from sciatica a while back and it is amazing how that one nerve can affect you.

    Love to all
    Back later
    Debbie xx

    PS. Sammie, loving this sunshine too x

  34. At 10:42 AM on 22 Jan 2008, Susan S wrote:

    Good morning Christoff, and fellow bloggers and sloggers!

    How are we all today? I hope Sammie made it to the Big Smoke ok! I complain about living in the city (as they call it here!!) but at least I can walk from home, into the city, round it and back again! Couldn't cope with all the traveling you guys have to down in Londinium!

    Have you seen the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Archives? Have a look at the David Attenburgh one by clicking on my name above - talk about different days!!! He is amazing - watched him on JR the another night - what a contribution that guy has made to our knowledge of natural history! Thanks to David it's my best subject in Trivial Pursuit!!

    And what about all the hoo-haa about Scrabulous!? I know you're really not into all this virtual stuff, Christoff, but Mattel and Hasbro are trying to bring a stop to the use of the Scrabulous application on Facebook, which over 500,000 folk use EVERY day! AS if we are going to swap to their online version of it if they succeed! There is always a bully somewhere with a big stick who wants to spoil your fun!

    Anyhoo .... onwards and upwards ... the housework won't do itself!


    Susan, Highland lass

  35. At 10:54 AM on 22 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Good on you sammie! Il fait le soleil ici aussi!

    So, then, I was greeted with a nasty snipe when I got to work...then later (the same morning) my boss arrived, saying he'd spoken to my colleague (who has since gorn art) who'd told him that I was extremely chirpy this morning.



    If that's the sort of noise a mardy magpie makes then fine. If not, then I have no idea.

    anyhoo, SusanS, my mama has a cat called Ollie, cept it's spelt Ole but with a thingy over the e like olay in spanish...so it may well be quite kule to have a puss with a similar name. To work for preference. Citylink know where I am!

    RosieRoo, big baisers to you

    JK, I know wot you mean...but sometimes you just gotta!

    wilsmar, you gorgeous, preshus, calendar-keeping lovely girly you! Thank you. I shall pass it on!

  36. At 11:22 AM on 22 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Ter Mr C. Evans (Broadcaster Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ) & ALL Internet Writers (Blog Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ),

    Bingo Star ere.

    Wilsmar - Never 'eard of The Osmonds but I ave 'eard of The Almonds.
    I was nearly gonna sing their big Christmas 'it Put Me In Your Christmas Cake or their other tune Baker Street but dietcided with The Jacksons.

    Rosie Roo - Always believe what I write & never believe what I write = know what am sayin'!!!!

    PS Rosie - I only went ter pull as I 'eard The Dannii is single & available. Only problem I didn't get a chance ter use me Bingo special chat up line.

    I'll bang The Bingo chat up line on CLP's later blog in case anyone might need it.

    (Just aswell anyway not pulling The Dannii - she's a Libriarian, sorry Libran & i'm not mean't ter be compatable with Librans - no offence ter any Librans out there - that's just they way the zodiac falls!!!)
    (Not that she'd wanter go out with me anyway - too poor, ugly & unfamous),
    (Anyway 'eard The Cowl is linked with 'er - probally why 'e goot rid of me quick as 'e could sense I was on the edge of..... love).

    Did anyone 'ear with the ear errrr....... the talk lately of the Feng Ssshwayyyy, sorry Schui, that yer must get outta bed on the left for good things ter come yer way?

    Didn't work for me!!!!!

    That was the begining of the end for me last relationship when I used ter sleep on the right & in the the name of feng schui, I used ter climb over me ex every morning waking 'er up ter get out on the left!!!!!!


    PS If you ain't got a pet & yer feel lonely, you should they are the best medicine - am tellin' yer!!!!!

    PPS Don't worry about me blog comments yesterdee about London being underwater. It'll only be 6' deep - not a tsunami or anything like that. And CLP's show comes from the 6th floor, I think, so about 54' above the new sea level AND 'e's learning ter fly so e'll be able ter fly ter BC 'ouse!!!!
    Mind u bit tricky landing on the roof in a plane- maybe the comtoller of R2 will ask The Edmonds ter come back?
    Not ter present a shoe, sorry show, just as 'e owns an 'elicopter & can fly one - be useful as a taxi service for all the broadcastering operatatives.
    So all is well - CLP's show will be okay ter go on regardless of flooding - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Sorry I think me blog comments terdee ave gone abit more mad than usual.

  37. At 11:44 AM on 22 Jan 2008, Brenda Turner wrote:

    Hi, I have a Lab puppy called Ollie, he's 9 months now and I think he is really a hore, he is HUGE. He has developed a fascination with plantpots, either with plants in, so he can hurl them around the kitchen like a hammer thrower spraying plants and earth everytwhere, or on his feet (weird puppy) so he looks like Bill and Ben the flowerpot men. he also likes putting his head in the washing machine drum and barking. Methinks he has a screw or two loose, but he is adorabe and I love him to pieces. Your pup looks lovely, not used to seeing one sleeping !!

  38. At 12:06 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:

    I'm back!

    Susan - didn't go a Londres after all - bit of an issue with the Madam this morning, so am in the usual office...

    Bingo - gotta say - wish you'd have said on the Pisces horrorscopes what a good match they are with Taurus... 'nuff said!

    Pets are good fun. My little Lily cat was poorly over the weekend, but made up for it yesterday, all night and this morning, by beating up our big cat, affectionately known as Bagpuss, but really called Pickle... Yes guys, that's right, my cats are called Pickle and Lily...

    I am the most senior person in the office today, which is odd, as I'm the youngest. I have to say, the poor guys didn't know where to look when i flashed them as I leant over one of their computers! Didn't realised it could have happened until I washed my hands in the Ladies room! Had to go out and buy them some biscuits to make me feel better!!

    Ah - such fun!!!

    S xx.

    P.S. Forrest Gump said "Life is like a box of chocolates" - in my case, here today and gone in an hour, so you really do have to make the most of EVERY moment!

  39. At 12:14 PM on 22 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Puppies are so much fun to have around. Never a dull moment!

    Your wife has to take your new best friend doggy training. It's a laugh a minute if you get into the right class. Our 8 month old English Cocker Spaniel, Misty, loves going to "school" every Monday evening. Her tail is constantly wagging. Gives you something else to do with the dog too apart from walkies (which is fun too, of course).

    Enjoy! :-)


  40. At 12:19 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Sorry to hear about your X factor failure Bingo..What about Britain has got talent?

    This video is better than s.x. Unfortunatley I failed the test here in Cyprus.

    Good day to you all

  41. At 12:31 PM on 22 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:


    me again,

    PS Simon Cowell - Libran aswell Dannii - good match astro wise...... as is Sharon Osbourne too... lotta Libra on the X-Factor!

    Sammie - Pisces are a good match with any water or earth sign, just Pisces & Capricorn are a VERY good match, better than the others as is Cancer & Taurus a VERY good match!


  42. At 12:42 PM on 22 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Aww CLP how sweeeeet.

    You know what. I feel like I've watched you grow up. Can this lovely besotted housetrained hubby and doggies' daddy really be the Northern Nightmare I used to laugh at all those years ago on the Big Breakfast? Hurrah good for you, sunshine. And as they say over here in Dublin, Fair Play to you, Missus E.

    Tinsel. I'm back tonight, God and the Irish Sea willing, aboard HMS Titanic, and probably tossed around like summat on a boil-wash since it's a bit choppy out there. Ew.

    Can I just indulge myself in a small rant, however, whilst we're on the canine theme.

    My lovely, sweet, gentle best friend Linder was utterly traumatised recently whilst walking the equally gentle 10 year-old Sammie the Labrador on the beach, when a couple of Staffs shot out of nowhere and attacked Sammie. It was only down to a couple of passers-by who risked their own safety to help that the dogs were dragged off and Sammie survived, badly injured and traumatised, but nevertheless alive.

    It turns out that the police are not going ahead with any prosecution, since, get this, the owner is a Frail Old Man.

    What absolute bullshit. I'm sorry, and maybe one or two of you will enlighten me, but I'm supposing that this Frail Old Man is also skint and therefore not worth pursuing. Because these days the police seem only to be interested in pursuing anything which leads to easy revenue, and not matters in the interests of safety and respect. I know your hands are tied, but whatever.

    What in the name of God is a Frail Old Man doing with two killer dogs anyway? What if it had been a child they attacked? It could just as easily have been.

    And I'd like to know what these dogs' names are. I bet they're not bloody Fluffy and Tinkerbell.

    So to all you dog owners out there;- and trust me, I'm not a dog-hater- I'd probably have one myself if I were in one place for longer than a week at a time and therefore were able to look after the thing as it deserved; please think twice before committing yourself. Especially if they're a breed that can do damage. You read about it all the time; dog attacks and sometimes kills child, owner declares that said dog was never aggressive until that time.

    We wouldn't tolerate anyone who harboured a murderer. So let's be mindful.

    Right. Rant over. I'm off to growl at some little kid who trips me up and makes me spill me Toffee Nut Latte down me front.

    Pedigree Chum.


  43. At 01:22 PM on 22 Jan 2008, wrote:

    At last I've managed to do some yoga! Haven't felt able to do any for over two or three months. It was tiring but very refreshing.

    The 'fella' is ill. He has worked so hard working on his new home as well as his day job and everyone he knows has been ill so he was over due to get something but I always worry that he will make himself worse by working too hard and end up like me. Oh I do worry.

    Debbie- how is the situation? Take care and don't worry.

  44. At 02:13 PM on 22 Jan 2008, j wrote:

    Oh yes indeed Clodagh - my dog is the gentlest creature in the whole wide world without an ounce of malice in him, however, I would never leave him alone with a child. It's stupidity of people not the dogs.

    Missy - don't worry about not writing on here for a while. We really don't mind - We all come and go, like the tides.

    HL - nasty swipes and sleaket colleagues - oh yes, suffering from one of those at the moment too but hopefully not for much longer.... I'm going to shoot her! Drastic perhaps, but hey, she deserves it.


  45. At 02:22 PM on 22 Jan 2008, wilsmar wrote:

    Afternoon greetings....... just to say - Hazel .... memory failure, perhaps I should keep a diary - can I just defer (all) my wishes 24 hours. Will try to remember to add two days after leap years too - so that'll be Friday 2009!! D'oh!
    As mentioned by the Togmeister .... the sun has shone on this Saint Vincent's day so the harvest should be great and plenty of wine to ensue.

  46. At 02:42 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Bingo - can't remember, have I asked you before, can you give us a full rundown of which starsigns are compatible with which? I'd love to know cos there is a certain sign i always clash with! Thanks you're a star xx

    Chris and fellow dogowners - Please tell me you all scoop after your pooch has pooped. The pavements of my beautiful Norfolk village is often covered in dog poo, and walking to school with several children can be rather hazardous as you can imagine! There has been a huge increase in the number of dogs in the village recently, and some of the owners don't seem to know that it is a offence to let your dog c**p on the pavement and then walk away, leaving the offending article behind.

    Em xx

    PS Beth is very cute xx

  47. At 02:47 PM on 22 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    wilsmar, th'art trooly barkin'.

    I read it this morning, so tomorrow is tomorrow and tomorrow. Shakespoke said something similar. But then it isn't Shakespoke's birthday.

    So perhaps it's me who's mmmmmmmad...head feels like it's being s-q-u-e-e-z-e-d...

    school for cats

    Dearest Plum. I reckon your squerls have been giving my local seagle population pooping lessons...it didn't come off with a spray and a cloth...it didn't come off in the torrentials...not even in the back car park!

    Clodagh, Seaman Staines, jest make sure you're wearing yer Hermes hat with the anchor on it!

  48. At 05:07 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Claire Smith wrote:

    Beth is beautiful. You must be very proud. By the way, who is Enzo?

  49. At 10:14 PM on 22 Jan 2008, Zara wrote:

    Hi Chris
    What a sweetheart Beth is, I hope Enzo is being the perfect gent and showing her the ropes!
    Any time you fancy a walk with upto 41 sheps in some lovely Surrey countryside let me know, every Sunday we can be found shocking the locals by having a huge group of GSD's that are neither attacking each other or ripping apart the odd rambler :) true honest!

  50. At 02:43 PM on 24 Jan 2008, Stu wrote:

    Hiya Chris,

    Had a German Shepherd until a few years ago. She was 13 when old age finally took her. She was the best behaved and most loveable/people friendly dog you could have ever wished for.

    Best wishes to you all and may you have many glorious years with Beth

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