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Chris Evans | 15:06 UK time, Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Was asked to attend a drinks thing tonight by a lovely man - said yes initially but then...

... I genuinely remembered I was otherwise engaged, not tonight but early tomorrow morning. A radio exam for the flying thing. Nine o'clock sharp bright eyed and bushy tailed or else. So then I feel bad, honestly and I even consider still going to the drinks thing even though it's sixty miles from where I live and nearly a hundred miles from where I need to be tomorrow morning.

In the end I got a message to the guy to let him know of my last minute lack of availability but it's caused me a load of headspace grief. Aghhhhhh. Not his fault at all but not my fault either. When it's nobody's fault, whose fault is it ?

I once heard of a couple who felt so awkward about not being able to go to something that they turned up the night after and claimed to have got the date wrong. They even dressed up took presents everything. The guy whose party it was, was so touched, he invited them in to have a drink and some food anyhow, apparently games were also played. Human beings are officially tonto. Aren't we ?





  1. At 04:08 PM on 30 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Not entirely sure what tonto means, but hi ho silver etc.

    Anyhoo, it's not the sort of thing you can make up now is it Christophe? And if the guy is truly lovely, he'll understand...then when you finally get your chocks away, you can take him for a loop-the-loop or similar...good luck tomorrow over...

    Last time I turned up on the wrong night, I never saw him again!

    come in number 96 your time is up

  2. At 04:24 PM on 30 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - FIRSTLY VERY BIG 'POLOGIES from me for my continued rudness (yer see am learning from yer commentations above Chris man) about me not congradulating you on passing your pilots test!!!!!!

    BIG SOZ.... I thought it was this Fri, being put back 2 weeks, but it was last Fri - my mix up - blame it on the stress of the stockmarket!!!!


    Is it a 'elicopter next??????

    Hazel Love - You don't need any glowing from me, you seem ter be glowing enough yersen lately..... don't worry about going crrrraaaaayyyyzeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Remember the Bingo saying :


    Plus yer only insane when yer don't know yer insane, if yer know yer insane then yer sane - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    PS I know i'm insane!!!!!

    'old on I think ave got that all in the correct order....?? Yep looks okay!!!

    PS Eres me Ukrainian Speed Dating incident -

    I recently attended, a above, ter try & find love but ended up being slapped by 11 of the 15 women there... all Ukrainian of course!!!!

    I greeted each by sayin'..... "pryveet... I seek a woman like you"!!!!!

    I only realised why I goot slapped & none wanted ter see me again when I found out in me language book 'seek' means 'juice' in Ukrainian!!!!!

    Just damn glad I wasn't at a russian speed dating as it's worse blog friends.... 'cok' pronunced 'sok' means 'juice' in russian - It could get very complicated!!!!!

    Know I now, sorry now I know, why I sometimes get a glass of orange juice, instead of socks, when I go inter some of the Top Sock Shop's in London thatta staffed by russian ladies over ere from Russia!


  3. At 04:35 PM on 30 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Ooooer was this the envelope you were alluding to last night marked very important and you were getting yes/no questions on it - which I missed the end to find out what it was.

    Debbie - instill do not disturb rules - or vaseline on the door handle outside!!!

    Hazel - you're not mad the rest of us are.

    Clodagh keep it up you make I laugh


  4. At 04:37 PM on 30 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Not entirely sure what tonto means, but hi ho silver etc.

    Anyhoo, it's not the sort of thing you can make up now is it Christophe? And if the guy is truly lovely, he'll understand...then when you finally get your chocks away, you can take him for a loop-the-loop or similar...good luck tomorrow over...

    Last time I turned up on the wrong night, I never saw him again!

    come in number 96 your time is up

  5. At 04:46 PM on 30 Jan 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    Ahhh Chris, feeling guilty .... it's awful isn't it? Try being a Catholic!! Sometimes, just sometimes, it really is no-one's fault! I'm sure the lovely man completely understands.

    Debbie - I certainly do remember the "baby falling" on TFI. It was very funny and gentle humour!

    Hazel - I read your post about it being Tuesday. I actually checked my newspaper as I was genuinely confused!! Glad we are now up to date - this is Wednesday. Unless, dear reader, you are looking at this on Thursday.

    C xx

  6. At 05:06 PM on 30 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hello one and all

    What a great line whose fault is it when it's nobody's fault.

    Hazel, I never noticed your mix up day but that's because it's madness at Plum towers at present. I don't know what day it is.

    Gingembre, If I was to stay the night in a cell ensuite including breakfast would you charge me?

    Bingo, I think the NHS is disgusting you should be able to get an appointment with your GP before July!

    Jeni, Thanks but I think I will have to give facebook up however I am on You Tube, not as Prof Plum though.

    Clodagh, Hoped you liked Ian Anderson. He kicks ass with that flute even today.

    Guten Haben PP

  7. At 05:07 PM on 30 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hmm.m Yeah, Defo.

    I have a panic when invited to things, merely because I don't really like socialising, and so say "yes I'll come", and then come up with all sorts of reasons as to why I'm not going to be attending. (Scottish Bloggers ........ I really did get tied up with the kids that night......)

    However, my mate, who is exactly the same as me, when invited to a doo with a mutual friends emailed. :

    "Big deep breath... bull by horns. No I'm not coming, Sorry. Normally I'd say yes and make excuses, but you know and I know that I don't like these things, and I'll stress for weeks thinking of a reason why I'm not coming, before I finally cry off, so for once, I'm saying Nope, here and now. less stress all round".

    I learn from examples. I'm not agreeing to anything EVER again. Say no to start with, avoid the stress.


  8. At 07:14 PM on 30 Jan 2008, Laurence Wright wrote:

    Hi Chris I am a LGV 1 Truck driver and manage to listen to your show most nights ( great show by the way ) You keep touching on the court case thet cost you an arm and leg and lost you your fortune, I am not morbid but would like to know the details and learn how a man with such a great brain managed to get cought out. Where can I find out such info. Many Thanks Laurence

  9. At 07:38 PM on 30 Jan 2008, lazykev wrote:

    ahhhhhhh a paradox if ever there was one.never mind chris im sure the guy will understand once hes up in the air with the clouds if you take him for a spin erooney in your jet fighter......best word ever ...........weekend.....oh....yes......

  10. At 07:40 PM on 30 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    Good show tonight Chris and I think you should be proud of yourself!!it's so great to listen to and you make it sound so easy and great fun, you make so many people happy, lucky chap.

    Hope you are not still worrying about the peas!!!!!!!
    love Jenn x

  11. At 07:46 PM on 30 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hello one and all

    What a great line whose fault is it when it's nobody's fault.

    Hazel, I never noticed your mix up day but that's because it's madness at Plum towers at present. I don't know what day it is.

    Gingembre, If I was to stay the night in a cell ensuite including breakfast would you charge me?

    Bingo, I think the NHS is disgusting you should be able to get an appointment with your GP before July!

    Jeni, Thanks but I think I will have to give facebook up however I am on You Tube, not as Prof Plum though.

    Clodagh, Hoped you liked Ian Anderson. He kicks ass with that flute even today.

    Guten Haben PP

  12. At 07:54 PM on 30 Jan 2008, wrote:

    I missed a whole day! I missed yesterdays blog! I'll come back later, though!

    Know exactly what you mean, Chris! Nothing worse!!

    DWNB - Glad you clarified honey, but you know you can say no anyway to the next one (which is down South we hope!!)!! We would miss you though!

    Can I just say ... the person who suggests what Chris requested for an opener to ARF will be tracked down and dealt with!!!!!!!!


    Susan, Highland lass

    ... getting braced for the storm!!!

  13. At 09:39 PM on 30 Jan 2008, andy from ayrshire wrote:

    I once heard of a couple who felt so awkward about not being able to go to something that they turned up the night after and claimed to have got the date wrong. They even dressed up took presents everything. The guy whose party it was, was so touched, he invited them in to have a drink and some food anyhow, apparently games were also played. Human beings are officially tonto. Aren't we ?

    Chris youve been watching too much Curb.

    still the story was pretty pretty good.!!!

  14. At 09:45 PM on 30 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Holy Mackerel. We're back.

    Nice run to Llandudno, a little light walk up the front followed by tea and cake in the Badger's Cafe, winners of the Best Toilets Award 1997, then swift sortie of the Pound Shop, pick up a brochure for next year's Turkey and Tinsel 2 nights' break at the Queens Hotel (Dinner Bed and Breakfast and Full Use of Cruet) then back home taking the scenic route via Conwy Castle and the picturesque road works on the A55.

    Ere. Picturesque. Top word.

    Actually, the words I like for some bizarre (there's another) reason are horticulture-related.




    Chrysanthemum. (shite flowers, next to carnations-which by the way refuse to die and last longer than the average cactus- top name)




    Therefore I listen in a trance of euphoria to Gardeners' Question Time, despite having the opposite of the Midas touch in the garden. Even house plants commit suicide around me. The only plant I've ever grown successfully was an ivy that forced its way in through me bedroom window and worked its way up to the ceiling before the brother-outlaw told me it wasn't a beanstalk and chopped it down. Killjoy.

    And what is particularly marvellous about Gardeners' Question Time is the names of the presenters. Pippa Greenwood, Bob Flowerdew, Bunny Guinness,... I'm goin' to change me name to Pansy Mulch-Bucket. Hurrah.



  15. At 12:21 AM on 31 Jan 2008, Red wrote:

    Awwwwwwwwwww...Hazel love

    did you cry for Toshiko.? I did ...she loved him,

    then she lost him anyway ...:(

    X R

    Don't know if this 'll get thru.....

    I've posted loads lately but nothing makes it

    past the 502 page...you seem to have the magic

    touch tho Hazel...yours get thru...whats the

    magic? can you send me some pleeeeese..:)

  16. At 09:47 AM on 31 Jan 2008, AnnieMac wrote:

    Happy Birthday Clodagh!

  17. At 09:50 AM on 31 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Morning all :)

    You all surviving the gales? I think I'm going to have to put a couple of bricks in the bottom of our bin outside...

    Eee I don't know. I get myself caught up in these conundrums (I do like that word) so often, usually my own fault for not writing things down (or not telling the husband before he arranges something else), that I've become quite used to having to tell people I've managed to double-book and we usually arrange to see one or the other another time anyway.

    Until I wrote down conundrum I couldn't think of any particular word that feels nice to say. But I can think of 7 little words that feel amazing to hear - "would you like a cup of tea?" - that has got to be my most phavourite phrase ever :D

    conundrum, humdrum, bumblebee.......

    'Tis an exciting Thirsty Thursday for me today, our house sale completes (hurrah hurrah) and also I have the dubious pleasure of being transferred from tablets onto insulin for the diabetes (preparation, like, for being a would-be-mum). This will be interesting for sure as I have a history of having issues with needles. Even my blood-sugar-testing procedure is accompanied by a stream of babble along the lines of "just push the button Jeni, just push the.. ow" and that's just a finger-prick.

    I will let you know if I survive.


  18. At 09:50 AM on 31 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Red, oh yes I did, and wasn't he just too cute for biscuits!

    ChrissieS, of course I'm reading it today. I only know it's Friday tomorrow because that's when my lovely friend is coming to visit, and we are painting my fair city in various shades of Vermillion...whilst carefully avoiding any Gingembres...I don't sleep well on a plastic mattress...

    I also am aware that it is Thursday today. The shops are open late and I have to take my mobile telephone to the Oii (other mobile phone providers available, check our website for details of tariffs) to be ficksed. I also hope to be choosing some new fabby specktickles through which I can see. This remains to be seen. (See what I did there?)

    Anyhoo, Christophe, you was indeed being terribly erudite last eve. Sal hit the nail right on the head!

    Plum, having just read Clodagh's post, I thought it may be an idea that you get yourself a Christmas 2008 brochure...in case the madness has still not subsided by then...and Plum Towers hasn't...subsided I mean...

    Red, it's not majick...I follow the instructions on the bottle.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Glow on MacDuff

  19. At 10:19 AM on 31 Jan 2008, Anne G wrote:

    Morning each - and an awful morning it is. Snow nr Edinburgh.

    Red: Know what you mean. Tried to tell everyone the answer to the spider conundrum last night and the wee hourglass thingy faffed about for an hour!

    Well, I'm not going to tell you now. You'll just have to deal with your humungous spiders. I might take my ball to another playpark.

    Anne x

  20. At 10:46 AM on 31 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Red, oh yes I did, and wasn't he just too cute for biscuits!

    ChrissieS, of course I'm reading it today. I only know it's Friday tomorrow because that's when my lovely friend is coming to visit, and we are painting my fair city in various shades of Vermillion...whilst carefully avoiding any Gingembres...I don't sleep well on a plastic mattress...

    I also am aware that it is Thursday today. The shops are open late and I have to take my mobile telephone to the Oii (other mobile phone providers available, check our website for details of tariffs) to be ficksed. I also hope to be choosing some new fabby specktickles through which I can see. This remains to be seen. (See what I did there?)

    Anyhoo, Christophe, you was indeed being terribly erudite last eve. Sal hit the nail right on the head!

    Plum, having just read Clodagh's post, I thought it may be an idea that you get yourself a Christmas 2008 brochure...in case the madness has still not subsided by then...and Plum Towers hasn't...subsided I mean...

    Red, it's not majick...I follow the instructions on the bottle.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Glow on MacDuff

  21. At 10:57 AM on 31 Jan 2008, wilsmar wrote:

    Thirsty Thursday greetings..... and many happy returns of the day to Ms Rubbish. Clodagh wishing you a lovely day and if Renee bakes you a cake take care with the candles - I'm sure you don't want any singed bits. Cheers and Hurrah!

  22. At 12:36 PM on 31 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Ah tanks Annie Mac bless you.

    And Wilsmar I'm ahead of you. The CIA have bin after Renee's cake recipe for years now and to be honest it's goin' in a lead-lined coffin with her when she goes up to the Big Pound Shop in the Sky so it doesn't get into the hands of Al Qaeda.

    To be fair, the candles are safe enough in said cake as it sets like reinforced concrete once it's bin out the oven for 10 minutes.

    And I swear. Faced with a slice the size of a house brick you wouldn't know whether to try to eat it or sharpen your beak on it.

    It's a hard life.

    Any road. Yes indeed the weather is shite and not going to improve over the weekend. Therefore spare a thought for the daughter and meself as we set out tomorrow on our trip up to Edinburgh to throw a few buns at Morrissey. If he deigns to turn up that is and hasn't grazed 'is knee or given 'imself a nasty paper cut.

    Given that we're headed for the epicentre of Hurricane Hilda, said Genius daughter suggested we go on the train, but given that the return journey on Sunday is via Rekjavik (well, Lockerbie,) by BUS..... I don't think so. So we shall be driving and I shall get the chance to wear me lovely Hunter wellies and me Ugg sheepskin hat with the flaps on the side that will probably send her into an instant frenzy of embarrassment and cause her to disown me at Carlisle. Hurrah!

    Now where did I put me Billy Can.


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