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Chris Evans | 15:24 UK time, Monday, 28 January 2008

Two bits of news...

...the first:- Beth barked for the first time yesterday. But the only person she scared was herself.

It was as if she had no idea where the noise had come from and because it was so loud and so close to her, inside her in fact, she started shaking. It was hilarious.

The seocond.

For a while now I have had one roll around my tummy. It's not a big roll but it is there. One roll acceptable, I think. However this weekend, this morning to be precise, as I was pulling my socks on, I noticed the small beginnings of a second roll. Not acceptable. Not acceptable for one second.

Gym every day this week. Day one already achieved.

Rock and roll for every... skin and rolls - I don't think so.





  1. At 03:48 PM on 28 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Bloggers,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Want a third bitta news?????????

    There's a satellite weighing 9 damn tonnes 'eading this way, so it's 'ard 'ats ter be worn at all times!!!!!!!!

    PS Any chance of playin' Sweeping Satellites by Tasmin Archer!!!!


    Sorry ave just been informed in me ear piece it's Sleeping Satellites - Soz Tas!

  2. At 03:48 PM on 28 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    You should worry.
    I've just been called a 'Call Centre'.
    That means I've put on about 40 extra people.

    Jim and everyone.

    ham roll

  3. At 04:01 PM on 28 Jan 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Christoph, tell me about . .

    It seems once you pass the big 30, then the weight, that once used to disappear, hangs around you like an old blanket - impossible to get rid of . . .

    Its my biggest gripe, my major issue and a source of constant irritaion - 34 years old with a tummy - not good!
    But, hoo,ha - I suppose things could be worse . .!


    PS What happened Friday's post . . ??

  4. At 04:05 PM on 28 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Hi guys,

    Had the busiest day ever today! Too busy for a Monday.

    Ah poor Beth ..... Betty scared herself once when she ran towards a cat in the back garden, got to it and stopped when the cat just sat and stared at her. She looked back at me, with her tail between her legs as if to say 'what do I do now?'

    I had to remember how old my cat is today. She sleeps on my bed and when the window cleaner comes she normally hides under the duvet. I went upstairs lunchtime expecting to find a cat shaped lump under the cover but she was on top! She hadn't even noticed, seen or heard him. Bless her.

    Chris, a big thank you for picking my song on Friday. My boss came into the office so I had to turn the radio off and I missed it! Played it on 'listen again' later that evening and little man was delighted too. 'Mummy, the man is playing georgie michael for you!!!' It created a lovely little buzz in my house Friday and made my day. Thank you xx

    And as for fat rolls etc .... watching Dancing on Ice last night, Mr Debbie sees Holly Willow-whats-it and says that's a nice dress, you should get one like that only bigger!!! Grrrr

    Love to all
    Debbie xx

    PS. MfR, thinking of you and family xx

  5. At 04:17 PM on 28 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    I did send in a post on the 24th Jan blog - what happened to a 25th Jan one - was this because of the blog vote for ARF song..?

    Chris you are funny.

    I went to see my friends new laborador (rescue) and he was bigger than the youngest one (they now have 3 all different colours all they need is a chocolate one).

    The two new kittens are adorable I wanted to take them home with me but I know my cats wouldhave sent me to coventry.

    I have visitors due on the 10th Feb and my scaredy cat is going to be upset as they will be with me for longer than a weekend.... I will have to get used to be harangued late at night by him sneaking in while its quiet to say hello (loudly).

    MFR you have my sincerest sympathy for your wife's loss.


    PS thanks for the birthday wishes on here and facebook.

  6. At 04:38 PM on 28 Jan 2008, Dawnielass wrote:

    One roll.... I've only got one roll but it is a tad too considerable for comfort. I've decided as I enter my 40th year on this earth (4 months til "D" day), I've got to get into shape! Started going to the gym at lunch and also running at night plus working to work!! I'm going to disappear (hopefully).
    Beth sounds adorable. I always wanted a dog when I was younger but parents could only stretch to a goldfish :-))

  7. At 04:43 PM on 28 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Oh Hazel tell me about that.

    Bloody call centres. Drive you stark starin' bonkers. Mind you, I count my blessings I don't work in one. That must be Hell.

    Anyway as I was sayin' last week. My mad friend Maggie once fell for the Caffeine-Impregnated Miracle Slimming Tights. Β£7.50 per pair, use once a day for 2 weeks and discard. Therefore by the end of the fortnight she lost 105 pounds sterling and 3 inches off 'er wallet. And since the said tights were glossy finish, she also lost 'er P.Diddy trousers which slid spectacularly groundwards in full view of the ship's captain, 2 nuns and a touring rugby team.



  8. At 05:54 PM on 28 Jan 2008, wrote:

    ha ha ha ha ha ha Lovely.

    Come on Chris you're getting on. Two little rolls aint' the end of the world.

    You got Nat and you got Beth and You got Enzo. and you got all of us. You need more of you to go round,.

  9. At 06:11 PM on 28 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Buenos Nockers one and all

    Dog's are funny mine still rips the post up if I don't get there first. The final 15 in the compo are all very cute.

    My thoughts today for those that have lost a love one. By the miracle of the internet today I have ordered flowers to be placed on my brothers grave for his special birthday tommorrow. I am too far away to visit myself.

    Finally sorry to the members of facebook, but I got suspended for having a false name. How did they know it was false I wonder....

    Toodle oo PP

  10. At 06:18 PM on 28 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Nooooooo CLP, I agree with dwnb, we need more of you not less!!! Don't know about the rest of the laydees, but I prefer a bit of chunkiness myself - deffo don't want my bloke to be skinnier than me!!

    Strange but true Clodagh, we were talking about those caffeine tights in work today - well I was, no-one believed me. Apparently you can get weight loss lip-gloss too - try saying that after 3 absinthes!!!

    T xxxxx

  11. At 06:53 PM on 28 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Evening CLP, bloggers and bloggettes,

    Na na nana na na na
    Na na nana na na na

    So many songs with so few words!

    Reading that about Beth made me laugh out loud - I can just imagine it!

    Been very domesticated today, after a slovenly weekend I decided it was time to tidy up and sort out all the recycling (nothing to do with guests coming to visit at the weekend, honest) so we now have a slightly tidier house. One step at a time...

    Talking of steps, I still haven't managed to take the first step out of the door to go running for over a week - blaming having a cold, but there's only so much blame having a cold can take really. Especially as I've been much better since Saturday at least. Determined not to hit 30 (couple of years left) with a belly! That ought to be motivation enough...

    My heart goes out to everyone who's lost a loved one, MfR I'm thinking of you especially. I'm not looking forward to being in that situation. Bless you.

    Lots of love to all

  12. At 07:07 PM on 28 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Oh don't talk to me about putting on weight. My skinny jeans are starting to get a bit too tight for me! So like you Chris I am on a MAJOR diet. I refuse to even try on the jeans at the mo. So depressing! Especially when my parents say "oh its because your in love" I thought you were mean't to be off your food when in love. Luckily the 'fella' hasn't said anything and he wouldn't as he is in the same situation.

    For the last few days I have been doing daily yoga or tai chi and anything I can manage to do. Will weigh myself tomorrow! Fingers crossed

    So I was working out a few finances the other day and I worked out I spend over Β£40 a month going on the train to see the 'fella'! And for people who don't know he only live 28 miles away! Bearing in mind I could go to London for 80p more each time! I thought about getting a bus but I bet it will be just as much!!!

    Hope you are all well and love to you all, missy xx

  13. At 07:12 PM on 28 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:


    Ew weight-loss lip gloss. What the.

    Any road up. Yes indeed, said tights were made by none other than M&S; I was absolutely thunderstruck that they were selling the things, what a load of old codswallop. Anyway, somewhat unsurprisingly they were withdrawn pdq. However, I have it on good authority that they are now to sell tights with Sea Kelp in 'em. Same deal.

    Well all I can say is I'll not be spendin' me birthday money on 'em. It's bad enough bein' an Old Trout without smellin' like one too.


  14. At 07:36 PM on 28 Jan 2008, lazykev wrote:

    chris men are no good at counting calories and we have the figures to prove it.....geddit.....what happened to fridays blog?

  15. At 09:19 PM on 28 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Awww, Christoff ... how cute is that!!! I clarify ... that was Beth I was talking about, not the second roll!! Just one wee point .... maybe cutting out the pasties in the sauna will help!? Just a thought honey! Myself, I like to call mine a shelf - very handy for resting the cup on! It was funny when I was pregnant, but it's still there almost 3 years later ... that, I assure you, is not funny!!!

    Well, fellow bloggers and blogettes, I'll have to come back and catch up in a wee whiley! But I just wanted to say, Bingo .... surely you can tell us where it's going to land? And Hazel ... I hope you are not in a call center given what you did last week for a dare!! 'Nuff said!!!


    Susan, Highland lass

  16. At 09:21 PM on 28 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Just on the daft doggy theme, I've just been reminded of a particularly daft pair of dogs we used to have on the farm years ago.

    When we bought the first we believed she was a miniature Jack Russell but we soon realised she was crossed with a Shire Horse, and not only was she daft as a brush but she suffered with a skin complaint on her belly. Therefore every morning she used to rush out the door and on to the front lawn, where she would lie front down, legs backwards and rub her belly back and forth on the cool grass. At the same time the other one would shoot out with its favourite football, and dribble and head it round the farmyard at top speed.

    Therefore any visitors to the farm shop would be treated to the sight of one dog doing press-ups on the grass whilst the other did a startling impression of Wayne Rooney.

    What with meself being the crappiest Farmers' Wife in history with me punk hairstyle and dog-collar belt round me bondage trousers, the brother-outlaw has just announced, "Funny? It was like goin' to buy a pound of sprouts from Billy Smart's."

    Family Life in the Village of the Damned, ho ho ho.

    Also I once read an article by the Genius that is Noel Gallagher, in which he was asked what always makes him laugh. His answer was when you see a dog with its head stickin' out of a speeding car. Hahahaha Damn right. The man is a Genius.


  17. At 09:57 PM on 28 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Oh, and a HUGE get well soon to Gingembre! Ouch!

  18. At 09:58 PM on 28 Jan 2008, AnnieMac wrote:

    CLP - what a lovely Beth story, I expect there will be plenty more to come. And please, don't worry too much about the little rolls, it's when they join up into a mexican wave that you should worry - believe me!

    MfR - so sorry to hear about your wife's loss.

    BINGO - sorry ter disserpoint yer, but I'm not the R1 AnnieMac, my only claim to radio fame is when I spoke to Kid Jensen live on the airwaves many moons ago when I won a competition on ANother radio station. But you absolutely made my day just now when I found your earlier post - coo, that's much more exciting than talking to KJ any day!

    Well, after the weekend the haircut is still natty and the babysitting was fine - spent the evening playing Buzz with the kids and then watching the Vicar of Dibley after they toddled off to bed.

    Wishing everyone a good Tuesday, am planning to do more sensible eating and exercising from now on, to keep my own not-so-small mexican wave under control, so that was my last KitK@t for the foreseeable future... Sea Kelp tights anyone??

    TTFN - AnnieMac in Epsom

  19. At 11:01 PM on 28 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Kind of wondering one and all as you do

    Whats happened to all the new kids on the blog. No offence Clodagh but you are beginning to sound like an old record. Seagulling that's what I say.
    Susan S Highland luvvy , was it you that kept sending me notifications on facebook? Well three little words does spring to mind yes.

    Guten Haben

  20. At 02:32 AM on 29 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Crikey, Prof ... what on earth were the 3 little words?!

    Apologies if I offended!

    And how dare they bump you off!

  21. At 08:17 AM on 29 Jan 2008, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Mornin' schmorning one and all

    MfR - my thoughts are with you and Mrs MfR. Take care of each other and value every day.

    Debbie - go girl!! I know what you mean about having your songs played creating a buzz. When CLP did my Christmas Crackers I was beside myself all week!! Now every time I hear Dean Martin or The Ramones I think of Drivetime with a soppy grin!!

    CLP - talking of ARF, if we bloggers are to choose the first song from now on, why don't you give us a theme to pick from? This week's theme was obviously cheesy but future themes could be rock, country, 80s, 70s, childhood etc etc. This would narrow down the choices and also means that we won't be posting the same song every Friday until you pick us ..... just a thought.

    What a lovely weekend! Mr Diva and I spent a good few hours up the allotment Saturday and Sunday, pruning down the raspberries and asparagus, planting shallots for pickling later in the year, we had a wonderful fire to get rid of all the prunings (don't fret - the wind was blowing to the fields, not the houses). Soon be time to chit the spuds and get them in the ground. Hey ho!

    Tinsel - have you started on your allotment yet? I thought of you when we stopped for a sarnie on our foldy-outey chairs!

    Also went and saw Sweeny Todd on Saturday night. What a film!!! I wanna be Helena BC - she's beautiful! And then there's The Depp ..... swoooooooooonnnnnn!!

    No interviews as yet - why does it take so long? Lots of applications but also lots of waiting. Grrrr!!

    Going swimming this morning - trying the mid morning "ladies only" session instead of the early-risers session.

    Back later, lovely people!

    CtD xxxxx

    PS: missy - don't fret about the skinny jeans shebang. I'm sure the fella will enjoy the extra missy cuddle bits!

  22. At 08:53 AM on 29 Jan 2008, gingembre wrote:

    morning all

    Susan S - the pic you've seen is not of me!...it just came with the mood update BUT A HUGE thank you for the message you sent me x x

    I am seeing the force doc on Friday to find out what is happening next???


    ...I have now torn the cartilage in my 'good' knee which is somewhat a pain. My GP has suggested just having them both done at the same time but that all boils down to my employers, £££ etc. Can't say too much on here (never know who's lurking?) but watch this space. I have been walking like a compass all weekend. And no Susan S, there aren't any pics - cheeky x

    Must go, have to take my son to playschool (MrsW informed me just before she flew out of the door to work that I have to stay today and assist!!!!!)

    I'm just livin' the dream!!!!!!!!


  23. At 09:05 AM on 29 Jan 2008, Elm wrote:


    Christmas diet going well- despite temptation at every corner

    went to circuit training again last night and feeling pretty good with myself!

    have a bout a stone to lose so dedication is the watchword!

    went to see Sweeney tood on thurs - brillient film - have oredered the soundtrack to keep me going until the film is available on DVD - yummy Johhny D - thats all I can say!

    Elm x

    ps- what has happened to our group on facebook?

  24. At 09:12 AM on 29 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Lord Wogan of Woganshire has just played Manic Monday. I get confused enough with the days of the week without someone on the radio pushing the idea that it's still yesterday.

    Anyhoo, for those of you who may wish to look like Katie Cruise but without the (allegedly) bonkers husband...

    or for those of you watching in black and white...


    On another slightly different note, my lovely boss announced yesterday, that he is joining a gym. I lost about 3lbs laughing. Well, you would too if you knew him, but that's by the by...

    plus tard

    ps those tights with kelp in them...are they called 'Sea Legs?'

  25. At 09:17 AM on 29 Jan 2008, Elm wrote:


    Christmas diet going well- despite temptation at every corner

    went to circuit training again last night and feeling pretty good with myself!

    have a bout a stone to lose so dedication is the watchword!

    went to see Sweeney tood on thurs - brillient film - have oredered the soundtrack to keep me going until the film is available on DVD - yummy Johhny D - thats all I can say!

    Elm x

    ps- what has happened to our group on facebook?

  26. At 09:34 AM on 29 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning lovelies. Well I'm surprised my blog got through yesterday cos I got a 502 (or is it 205) error ... ho hum!

    Gingembre, not sure what a compass walks round like but it sounds quite funny, sorry!! Hope it's not too painful tho and that you get it sorted soon.

    CtD - I went up to my allotment on Sat morning - met the lovely lady Stella who owns the next one along - I'm going to enjoy it up there I think. I gazed for a while at the overgrown football pitch that is mine (well it's small but it felt that big when I wondered where to start) and then decided - after discussions with Stella - to get it rotavated (sp?) after all - so much digging, so little strength! Luckily I then spoke to the king of the allotments who told me that as mine was adjoining another overgrown one which had lots of blackberries on it, I won't have to pay to get it done, they'll do them both at the same time to make sure they get up all the roots - wey hey!! So I'm just planning in my head at the mo. I've got my potatoes chitting - see, I know all the jargon now! Can't wait to get back once it's been sorted and start planning out where I'm going to put everything, and sit in my foldy-outy chair with my flask of tea and be queen of all I survey!!!

    T xxxxxxxx

  27. At 10:38 AM on 29 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & Every Blog Friend,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - Whatta coincidence yesterdee playlist on the show!!!!!!!!!!
    They could ave been my Wrightie oldies..... Simple Minds - Glittering Prize, Nelly Furatado - Beautiful Bird, sorry Little, Stereophonics - Just Cookin', sorry Lookin' & me all time fav tune Casey, sorry KC & The Sunshine Band with Give It Up!!!!!!!!!
    Ok i'd bang abitta Greenday, Queen & Darkness & U2 & Black Sabbath & INXS & Cold Play in to but appart from that wooooowwww they were exactly me oldies!!!!!!!

    Christoof man I can reveal all about the naaaaanananana..na naaaananana..na
    baby give it uppp, give up... bayyyyyyyyyby give errt uppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    naaaaanananana..na naaaananana..na
    give it up.... everybody wants you.....
    com on baby.... I need you love.. derlller der
    derrrrr derr derr der der du..... give it up!

    Apparently/ allegedly it's cos KC are Ukrainian & nee means 'No'. 'ence e's sayin' Give it up & the babe in question is sayin 'No' she won't but 'e says it for 'er..... 'ence 'No' aka 'Nee'!
    BUT 'e was advised that in english knee means yer leg mid joint so knock off the 'E' X2 on 'NEE' & bang in an 'A'!
    I believe KC asked why an 'A' a... ahhhhh... aye?
    'is producer said, don't know just first letter in the bet aka alphabet!
    So that I think is 'ow 'r'e got 'is 'Na'! - Know what am sayin'!!!!

    PS Don't know why I love this tune - it's just so 'appy & uplifting with intense 'appy rythm!

    Annie Mac - Close one.... so glad yer not the R1 Mac - worried the R1 Annie might ave lost 'er job for being dis loyal ter R1 being found/ seen on a R2 blog!
    Great ter speak to you too Annie!

    Prof Plum - You wrockin' the boat that is the blog!!!!

    SusanS - Mega great blog from you the other day - The Burns Night poem!!!!!!!!!
    Must ave took along time ter do!


    PS I'll tell all about me Ukrainian speed dating incident termoz - language mix up - ended up in a BIG mess!!!!

  28. At 11:11 AM on 29 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Eff. Of course I just dun a cracking post, for which you'll have to take my word...and then of course it errorrederred, and I'd put the kiss of de-ath at the bottom saying 'Lets see if this posts shall we bs and gs?' and of course it ain't gonna.

    Of course

    It was about old cats and chitting after absinthe in case you were wundrin.

  29. At 11:12 AM on 29 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Me again,

    PS Forgot ter say CLP - AC/DC too was another mega tune that coulda been in my Wrightie oldies.

    Aye & while am on the subject of airwave god aka Wrightie - can I just via yer blog CLP offer me biggest 'pologies for me e-mail mix up yesterdee about Adee Phelan!

    I sent an e-mail just as the Adee Phelan slot was coming on reading "Wrightie any chance of asking 'er whatta can do about me flopping quiff?"

    Big 'pologies I didn't know who Adee was and a man, thought Adee was a woman - my mistake to all including Adee!!!!!


  30. At 11:15 AM on 29 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Morning all!

    I have a spring in my step today - actually made it out of the front door in my running shoes!! (And yes it was followed up with some running, not just looking the part...) So I'm feeling very pleased with myself. My legs don't like working. They get over the shock very quickly but they really hate working.

    What a beautiful day it is today. All the newly laid turf in my garden is being pushed up by the hundreds of spring bulbs that we didn't know were there, I had to take a knife to it yesterday to give them a bit of a helping hand. I'm sure they'll manage by themselves next year though.

    What's happening on faceache? I managed to find 2 groups, are there more? I still haven't much of a clue as to which name on the group relates to which name here...

    Clodagh your shaggy dog story made me cry laughing and then it made the husband laugh out loud too!! Making me chuckle just thinking about it again now! Dear oh dear...

    Hmm.... I heard (after getting married) that it's after the honeymoon that you really start to put weight on - it's called being comfortable! I refuse to accept it. The husband has fallen for that trap but blames it on my good cooking hehe....

  31. At 11:16 AM on 29 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:


    Sea Legs? Hahaha they should be. One look at your receipt for a fortnights' worth of the aforementioned hosiery and your Vertigo'd be cured instantly.

    I'm not botherin' meself. I've a pair of legs a Jack Russell would be proud of, just as muscly and 0-60 in ten minutes as witnessed by the next-door neighbour when 'is rabbit escaped.

    Prior to that, the last time I they moved that fast was when meself and the best friend Linder took a short cut home from school through a cabbage field and got shot at by the farmer.


  32. At 11:31 AM on 29 Jan 2008, Dot wrote:

    haven't managed to check out the blog for ages due to work - we are snowed under - great but also would like to have some sort of life!

    re scared doggies - we were hillwalking with kids and dog in tow when two men came down the hill dressed as bananas - well it freaked me out- you should've seen the dog!

    re diets - yes it would be nice to be a bit leaner but I have to say I feel fab after a creme egg............I have just stopped looking in mirrors hence the unmatching clothes and mad hair - I work from home alone and see no-one but the dog till the kids get in from school and they only look for dinner to be on time!

    has anyone heard the Killers version of 'Ruby (don't take your love to town)' wow - Chris you gotta play it.

    love to all - for those who have had sad news thinking of you and for the bloggers keep blogging - must start looking in when I get a lunch break (and another creme egg)

    love Dot

  33. At 12:17 PM on 29 Jan 2008, wrote:

    I'm still mourning the loss of Prof Plum on Facebook ... my Vampire was fair enjoying chewing on the Prof!

    I have a confession, Bingo, the poem is from me trusty ol' book of Burns poems, so 'tis the bard himsel' you should be congratulating! I'll look oot me Tam O'Shanter and entertain you with that soon.

    Oo-er, missus!!!

    Gingembre - I'm sure your knee looks just as dramatic ... we would seriously empathise if you took photos of compass walk though!

    Hazel love - yeah - I had Er Or 502 a thousand times trying to get through to the Prof. Is your composition next door?

    Clodagh, honey - I think photos would be in order for legs like that!!

    Tinsel - how jealous am I of your allotment!?! When we bought this place it was gravelled and slabbed front and back so, in my wisdom, I decided this is the year I am changing that - lawn and bulbs to front and veg and lawn to back. However, my dearly beloved has made no comment about this or given any offer to help - so it has fallen to myself and our β€˜nearly 3’ yr old daughter and my pal and her 4 yr and 1 yr old to do the work! Fortunately our neighbour is taking the gravel, so we’ve been tossing it into her garden … but there are so many stones in the soil!!! Hey-ho! Oh and I found a couple of great organic suppliers who sent seeds or plugs at the right time of year!

    Ok - best get the wee one outta the bath!

    Catch the rest of you lovely folk later!


    Susan, Highland lass

    (still pondering what 3 words the Prof said!!)

  34. At 01:15 PM on 29 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    No No and thrice no one and all

    I would not dream of rocking the boat. Perhaps it's my bizarre sense of humour running away with me Bingo.

    Susan S I was finding three little words most amusing until I was, as you put it bumped off for not being a real person.

    Clodagh I was thinking kelp and sea like creatures like seagulls... honest.

    Any which way surely we can laugh at ourselves can't we?

  35. At 01:33 PM on 29 Jan 2008, gingembre wrote:

    jeni - its called CLP bloggers


  36. At 02:17 PM on 29 Jan 2008, Dot wrote:

    haven't managed to check out the blog for ages due to work - we are snowed under - great but also would like to have some sort of life!

    re scared doggies - we were hillwalking with kids and dog in tow when two men came down the hill dressed as bananas - well it freaked me out- you should've seen the dog!

    re diets - yes it would be nice to be a bit leaner but I have to say I feel fab after a creme egg............I have just stopped looking in mirrors hence the unmatching clothes and mad hair - I work from home alone and see no-one but the dog till the kids get in from school and they only look for dinner to be on time!

    has anyone heard the Killers version of 'Ruby (don't take your love to town)' wow - Chris you gotta play it.

    love to all - for those who have had sad news thinking of you and for the bloggers keep blogging - must start looking in when I get a lunch break (and another creme egg)

    love Dot

  37. At 02:18 PM on 29 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:


    Oooh Noooo. the last time photos of my legs appeared in public they got used as prototypes for the finials on the Cousin Baz's new Rococo staircase.

    It's a bit tragic, really. Like when I attempted to use me nice new digital camera I bought in Singapore after years of only bein' allowed to use a disposable Kodak one from the Pound Shop, and took 24 shots of me own cleavage before I realised I had it the wrong way round, much to the chagrin of the daughter.


  38. At 02:31 PM on 29 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:


    Apologies if I'm boring, chuck.

    You don't 'ave to read 'em you know.


  39. At 02:54 PM on 29 Jan 2008, gingembre wrote:


    I think the prof has gotten you to rise to the bait? It wouldn't be the first time either she has used that trick on here either. little tinker

    You keep scribing away, I'm far too lazy to contribute the way uoi do (and Bingo, Hazel etc) and I look forward to reading what you blog


  40. At 03:00 PM on 29 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    As you may have read earlier, I have not been laughing at myself but at my boss.

    This afternoon I have had cause to do just that very thing once again. I have not suggested any such lip ooze or health spa hosiery, but did have to snigger when he told me that health food, ryv1ta and similar, works very well as part of a calorie controlled diet...but really only when followed by a full English...

    Mind you, in this neck o' the woods, the local wild bird poplulation is good for the diet conscious too...walk down the prom with a bagful of yer chippy's finest, get ready to tuck in...and VOOOOOOOOOM!!!...gorn in one fell swoop up a seagulls pipe quickerer'un you can say Jack Sparrer!

    SO, if you don't purchase any more fried potato goods, you have already saved at least 1700 calories...or if you choose to run after the offending boid, you may use up enough energy to treat yourself to a digestive biscuit when you get home.

    drum roll

    Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum etc

  41. At 03:34 PM on 29 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Gingembre are you going to arrest me?

    If so do you have ensuite cells?

    No offense guy's. It's all done in the best possible taste.

    Clodagh You might be like an old record of the Clodagh Rogers variety but I never said boring.

  42. At 03:49 PM on 29 Jan 2008, Dot wrote:

    haven't managed to check out the blog for ages due to work - we are snowed under - great but also would like to have some sort of life!

    re scared doggies - we were hillwalking with kids and dog in tow when two men came down the hill dressed as bananas - well it freaked me out- you should've seen the dog!

    re diets - yes it would be nice to be a bit leaner but I have to say I feel fab after a creme egg............I have just stopped looking in mirrors hence the unmatching clothes and mad hair - I work from home alone and see no-one but the dog till the kids get in from school and they only look for dinner to be on time!

    has anyone heard the Killers version of 'Ruby (don't take your love to town)' wow - Chris you gotta play it.

    love to all - for those who have had sad news thinking of you and for the bloggers keep blogging - must start looking in when I get a lunch break (and another creme egg)

    love Dot

  43. At 03:58 PM on 29 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:


    Ah tanks for that; but don't fret, I'm not treating it all too seriously. We're only 'avin' a larf here and let's face it I'd rather make people laugh than cry.

    Any road up, if you're going to stick your head above the virtual parapet then you have to expect a few custard pies. There's nowt wrong with a bit of criticism now and again so if I couldn't take it I wouldn't dish it.

    As my Dear Departed Daddy used to say, The man who never made any mistakes never made anything.

    Right. I'm off to try and suck me bottom lip back in.


  44. At 02:56 PM on 01 Feb 2008, Paul McManus wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Got a suggestion for your first song tonight, how about "I Ran" by Flock of Seagulls.

    My Partner Magda and I have just had a baby boy born on the 24th Jan. We have called him Sean Krzysztof McManus. His middle name is Christopher in Polish because his Mummy is Polish, Hope you can mention us.


    Paul Mc

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