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Chris Evans | 15:06 UK time, Monday, 19 November 2007

Oh, it all seems so far away now and I wasn't even going to mention it but....

... I left my coat at CHILDREN IN NEED and now their holding it to randsome until I pass on this message...

THEY LOVE YOU, I MEAN LOVE YOU. radio 2's audience are the people that drive the whole event. £19 MILLION pounds and big smile and high five fury paw from the PUDSMEISTER.

Seriously they were blown away.

So here's my life for a Monday.

Have decided that the new M & S ad., is by far the best on the telly.

Have been offered a job as a consultant on a movie !

Have formed a new company but it's all hush hush at the mo', though of course you'll be the first to know when I can say anything.

Since the health kick kicked in, my weight has gone up, muscle weighing heavier than fat of course. Ha ha !

The wife amazed me once again this weekend but I can't tell you how. Mange tout, three and four !

Ready to rock and roll fo a whole new week again, might as well pack in as much as we can before we all get rained to death.




p.s. How unlucky were Scotland ?

p.s. How luck were England ?


  1. At 03:56 PM on 19 Nov 2007, Mo Desty wrote:

    Too much information Chris .... you could be on short or no rations if you don't keep quiet about some things !!

  2. At 04:02 PM on 19 Nov 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I agree - the entire effort from Radio 2 for CIN was completely awesome. Well done everyone.

    Isn't it great that Natasha has been upgraded to Mange Four! I love it when we share!

    I tried to send a message earlier today, but got the old "Error Page" thingy. Hopefully this will go through.

    Bingo Star: your zodiac reading for Sagittarius was brilliant! We "Sag Dudes" are pretty nice people! The reading is very "me" - except: I could never be a vet, foreign languages elude me, and I hate the great outdoors. However, I am very much up for socialising and travel! Thank you Bingo, for all your hard work with the zodiac readings.

    Hazel: hope you are feeling better.

    Gingembre: hope the wedding went well.

    Denise: you are a star!

    C xx

  3. At 04:21 PM on 19 Nov 2007, wrote:

    hellooooooooooooooooooooo from wet north yorkshire.

    Great news though, finished sanding down the woodwork ready to start decorating the hall stairs & landing!
    Hope everybody had a great weekend, we went to Whitby on the motorbike.
    met up with some pals, was one of their birthdays....well in a few minutes the whole cafe was singing Happy Birthday...dont you just love spontaneous moments of fun!

    What's everybody planning for this week?

  4. At 04:23 PM on 19 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Dear All,

    Is only a Game, people, only a game.

    I know, if they had won, etc etc etc, but in all honesty, I don't think Alex was really expecting them to- which is what makes his management technique a breath of fresh air..... " we go out there in the knowledge that we will probably loose" - which is what I heard him say. The boys enjoy themselves, and a good time is had by all.

    My husband surprised me over the weekend too. Never fails to amaze me!


  5. At 04:37 PM on 19 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Happy Monday everyone, hope all is well with you.

    Enough is enough. I think the time has come to start a campaign to bring Neopolitan chocolates back? It's simply not Christmas without a box of those lovely choccies. (The last few years have been hell!) The supermarket shelves are stacked with alternatives, but I'd like to see the Neopolitan chocolates making a return.

    They brought back the Wispa bar, so I think we should give it a try.

    Just a thought!

  6. At 04:41 PM on 19 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yarrr, yarrr, yarrr....... okay!!!!!!!!!

  7. At 04:50 PM on 19 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yarr... yarrr.... yarrr..... okay!!!!!!

  8. At 04:59 PM on 19 Nov 2007, wrote:


    Didn't you own Withnail's coat from 'Withnail and I'? Hope it wasn't that one that you left behind! Have you still got it?

  9. At 05:00 PM on 19 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    wedding was great, pics on book of face to boot.

    susan S, there is a CLP bloggers group on there already if you follow from my profile - let's join them together???

    Gotta be quick, will report in later.
    had a great weekend, glass is sooooo half full after such a horrible week last week!


    (Susan S - that's Kirk Wilson !!)

  10. At 05:12 PM on 19 Nov 2007, Elm wrote:


    I have the radio back into the car as TLOML finally got round to putting my stereo into my new (to me, not really new) car! For the last six weeks I have had the standard stero which was not plugged into the radio and meant I have not been able to listen for ages, I have been feeling really left out!

    So now new car but my great stero which has radio (turned to radio 2) and MP3 port for my mepod! I can fiannly put all the CD's back into the house.

    so welcome back into my life and come join us on facebook!

    Elm x

  11. At 05:41 PM on 19 Nov 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Yo Christoph and bloggees

    All good over here in rainy Belfast - a week and a half of busy busineness then 10 days in Bermuda to prepare for the festive season . . .

    Have a great week everyone . .

    PS What about your cute little lovely friend Chris, who wanted a man, any luck . . . ?

    PPS Hows Red these days ??

  12. At 05:56 PM on 19 Nov 2007, The Debster wrote:

    Hiya Chris and all!
    Determined to keep up my contribution to the blog and get to know all the new pepes. Whatever happened to all the old contributors?
    Well, I'm still on my mission to get a motorbike licence - I see you beat me to that CLP, well done. I also have stackloads of potatoes in my garage from the oringinal tyre/black sack system - yes you got me growing tatties too. Did anyone else get on that one?
    Debs xx

  13. At 06:14 PM on 19 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Can I say sorry for not blogging recently! I feel really bad but days just seem to fly by at the mo. Between spending time knitting, at home with parents and seeing the fella as well as feeling awful! So I'm sorry!

    The 'fella' saw me for the first time feel really awful and full of fatigue yesterday. But he was great and we spent the day chilling.

    So peeps whats the gos and news. Managed to watch a bit of Children and Need on friday and saw lovely Kylie. I can't wait to see the White Diamond doc on C4 on sunday. Kylie Rocks!

    Hope your all well and will check back on here later. Love to you all Missy xxx PS Gingembre did you see my new relationship status on Facebook?!

  14. At 06:37 PM on 19 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    missy -

    OOoooOOoooooh, how exciting


  15. At 06:39 PM on 19 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Just found this site and been reading and going to join in !!
    cant say much tonight as I run a busy pub and tonight is quiet so I am playing poker.
    Loved children in need loved the football cant wait until wednesday we have a beer festival that night but I think the football is going to be heavily watched !!!
    love Michaela xx

  16. At 06:47 PM on 19 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Good evening

    Hope you get your coat back Chris, you need to keep warm in this weather. If not, we all will, I am sure club together to get you a new one from George at Asda.

    Hope everyone is well

  17. At 07:25 PM on 19 Nov 2007, wrote:

    if you are setting up a new company do you want a credit control manager??

  18. At 07:36 PM on 19 Nov 2007, MfR wrote:


    Our new company has kicked off in fine style. I assume that yours has something to do with classic prancing horses? I haven't dared drive one of ours yet, but I am gradually plucking up the courage!

    It is all go for the Snowdon trip.

    We're heading up on the Friday night, walking on the Saturday, staying at the pub that night before heading back on the Sunday.

    And the Monday is booked off work.

    All weather permitting, of course.

    Didn't you mention this as one of your 'must do's' earlier this year?

    If you are thinking of doing it at this time of year you'll definitely need to find that coat of yours.

    Peace & love


    PS Tangled Up In Blue

    PPS Blue Savannah Song

    PPPS I see a ship in the harbour

  19. At 12:34 AM on 20 Nov 2007, Red wrote:

    Red is fine, fellow celt, and all the better


    Dan the poetry Man asked ...

    Snow and rain here , but thats why we have

    green & pleasant land & delicious tasting 'black

    stuff' we need a little moisture

    some times...

    X R

    PS what delicious climes to look forward to mmm

  20. At 01:09 AM on 20 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Just had my last exam for the year... thank goodness it's over. It's so hot at the moment, though. Going home in three days, so not much longer to wait til I'm in air conditioned comfort.

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  21. At 08:36 AM on 20 Nov 2007, RosieRoo wrote:

    Happy Tuesday all. Didn't drop in yesterday so hope you all had good weekends.

    Denise - Whitby on a motorbike sounds like fun.

    Tinsel - we got horrid wet snow too. Not fun when you're shivering outside a pub under 'heaters' that don't heat.

    Michaela - where's your pub? Sounds like heaven!

    Chris - do you need a PA at all? I'm very reliable ;)

    Rosie x

  22. At 09:36 AM on 20 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre- I know!!! hehe! Love it and Love him! xx

  23. At 11:07 AM on 20 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Morning Christoff!!

    I have a note for yesterday’s absence … but the kitten ate it!

    I LOVE the new M&S add!!! Don’t really know anyone but Antonio and Twiggy, but it’s class! My sis, who works for said company, hates it! Go figure!

    I hope you are taking the job offer for the movie! More feathers in your cap and all that, but, more than that, what an experience!!

    Congrats on the new company! May it be successful and enjoyable for all concerned!

    ChrissieS - I got that Error Page every time I posted yesterday, but they seem to have got through! If you’re up for travel, we could organise a meet of Bloggers in the chilly North of Scotland!

    Denise Nesbit - Well done!!! Don’t suppose you hire yourself out?! Our weekend was ok thanks - weather was cold and wet, but we got some family visits in. Not much on this week apart from the usual clubs with our 2 year old! She has a better social life than I do! Managed a lovely walk in Culloden forest yesterday with our friend and her kids and decided we really should be walking more!! Would be nice to be lean and fit again!!

    DWNB - Loving your shots on Flickr honey! Did you watch? We could only listen on the radio as we don’t have the sports package - and that was nerve wracking enough!!! The papers did my head in yesterday! Talk about making a meal of it! Ummm … why did hubby surprise you at the weekend … or should we not ask!?

    Chris - I didn’t know they didn’t do Neopolitan chocs anymore!

    Bingo Star - yarr yarr yarr yeah!

    Gingerbread - I was wondering whether to delete my group? How do you join them together?? Ah - and I just asked you on Facebook what your blogger name was! Did you get married?! I’m so out of the loop these days!

    Elm - what’s the new (not so new) car? And I think (?) I found you on Facebook?

    Dan the Man - I was just saying the other day to the other half that we really do need to get our finger out and visit Belfast! And …. BERMUDA?!?! You’re going to Bermuda!? Need a PA?!?

    The Debster - I have really missed the blog and bloggers too! Like you I’m determined to keep it going! I’d love to get my motorbike licence! My pal says she’ll give me a shot of her bike to try … can one go through a midlife crises at 38?! Best of luck with the lessons! I very nearly grew tatties this year, but only managed pakchoi in our plant pots! And carrots and garlic!

    Missy - I know what you mean! Where does the time go!?

    Michaela - welcome!! This is the best bunch of bloggers you could ever wish to meet! I hope Christoff is proud of the community he has built up here! And you just know we are going to find your pub and try and organise a blogger convention there!

    Prof Plum - what’s your Facebook alter ego?

    Pauline - I was trying to persuade Christoff he needed my photographic skills!! Shall we do a two pronged attack!?

    MfR - glad the company is going well! I can’t believe you are doing Snowdon! How do you guys do it!? I stand in awe!

    Red - a celt?! Yay!!! We have only had one fall of snow here! Looks like England got more!!

    Vaughn Jess - You are dreaming about air conditioning, we are dreaming of roaring fires!! Well done on reaching the last exam!

    RosieRoo - Happy Tuesday back! What does it hold for you today?

    Huggles all round!

    Susan S, Highland lass

  24. At 11:56 AM on 20 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello..... ello CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere, coming ter yer from 'is car on top of a 'igh 'ill in New Brighton!!!

    Firstly am 'aving BIG trouble blogging lately - the situation is ALL stress!!!!!!!

    Yesterdee I tryed ter blog (see comments #6 & 7) while 'aving in indepth discussion with Tim Nice But Dim but I couldn't get away from 'im!

    On top of this, me first computer 'as gone for repair (screen cracked), me second is in inop in the loft so i've 'ad ter resort ter me third.
    Only problem the mains power lead end bit 'as broken. I tryed ter fix it with me plyers but 'ave accidently cut the wire in 'alf.
    So i've resorted ter blogging via me in car lead from me ciggarette lighter socket.
    Only problem it might drain me car battery of all it's juice, thus rendering me stranded & unable ter start me car.
    So 'ive parked at the top of a 'igh 'ill so if me battery drains I can let off me 'andbrake & roll with it ter jump start me car!

    Only problem first time on the 'ill I plugged in me lead & blew me fuse ter me socket.
    So 'ive just been ter but some new fuses...... so am ere at the top of the 'igh 'ill tryin' ter blog again!!!!!

    Ere goes...........

    Penguin - #33 previous blog - All I casn offer is my serverest sincerest 'pologies for not mentioning Brad Pitt.
    That's apolgies without an 'aye' but means more meaning than one with a 'aye', bit like the brilliant tune by Timerland at present - WOT a brilliant opening keyboard riff - so poweful - love it - #3 in the charts... oh yessssss!!!!

    "it's too late terrrr 'pologizzzzzzze, it's tooooo late ter 'pologggggg.......izze!!!!!!!!!!!" just can't get enough of that tune!!!

    PS Penguin - 'ope it's not too late for me ter 'polgise too you though, for the Pitt incident, sozz in all areas!!!

    Chrissie S (aka Sag Dude) - Glad ter be of 'elp ter a fellow member of the zodiac.
    PS All above applies ter yersen too for me recommending that you become a vet, sozz too!

    Clodagh - Did you 'ear you got another Drivetime Mega Shoe Mention by CLP again.
    It was about the wobbly bits.
    I agree with you that it's better ter play with a wobbly balloon than one of lead.... unless yer scared of 'eights or yer name is Jack Dee!!!!


    PS i'll bang me next astro on the later blog.
    As i'm covering all the signs there's gonna be an astro Bingo reading for every single blog operatative & every single bbc employee..... and the not single ones tooo!!!!!!! aka Married!

    'old on me battery is going.... me warning light is wa....... POP!

  25. At 01:17 PM on 20 Nov 2007, Red wrote:

    Dan the poetic man,

    will leave Belfast

    for warm Bermuda sand........

    While his heart prepares

    for bright lights

    and crisp festive nights........:)

    X R

  26. At 01:25 PM on 20 Nov 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hello lovelies!!!

    Apologies for enforced absence. Work PC puts up dire warning messages when I blog from there (will get one today and be frightened half to death by it, I'm sure) and have also had three weeks off work poorly :-(

    On a bright note, I came back to work yesterday feeling MUCH more like my old (but very, very young at heart) self :-)))))

    So great to read blogs from the usual crowd, but also great to read blogs written by newbies!!! Keep blogging!

    Oh dear, just went to pick up my sandwich, but I've already eaten it! Doncha hate it when that happens???!!!

    I loved the snow on Sunday, we had about three inches - fab! The only downside was that I had to leave Special Friend early Sunday night, as I was worried about the drive home.

    Have had a good morning and managed to tick off a lot of those stupid, fiddly little things, that always get moved to the bottom of the list, which is great!

    Now need to get on and tick off some more, have a great afternoon all,

    S xx.

    P.S. I missed you all!

  27. At 01:26 PM on 20 Nov 2007, wrote:

    34days to Christmas one and all

    I really don't know where to start, especially as the Pound Shop has closed down in town. Christmas cards seem really cheap this year though. Wonder if people are sending less and using email greetings instead?

    BINGO. Your Astro readings damn amazing man. Do you beleive in past life readings too.

    Gingembre. Very nice Wedding photo's.

    Cathmel. Did you choose a new name?

    Susan S. Strange as it may seem I don't have an alter ego on Face Book. I just joined to support the group. I always enjoy reading the funny and clever comments on here.
    I am only Prof.Plum. I am quite a private person, apart from a few close friends my soul mate is my music. Hope this helps.

    Adios Amigo's

  28. At 01:51 PM on 20 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Susan S - t'wasn't my wedding, I was best man

    afternoon folks

    hope that you're all well, not much to tell you so far this week. back in stride again at work (hmph) Will sit down with coffee at home tomorrow morning and ramble on...

    ....until then my friends


  29. At 02:54 PM on 20 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Hi CLP

    I had my favourite coat nicked from a bar in a ski resort... still miss it now :((

    & Booboo

  30. At 03:05 PM on 20 Nov 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Red et Susan S,

    yessie, yessie, yeps, you gotta get over to old Bel Feirste before Bermuda - (much closer and colder pubs!)

    Thank you for the verse, Red - v kind - 7 days to go and counting - thisd'll be the third ttrip ther in 12 months - how jammy is that . .??? Should be 25 - 27 deg there at the mo., so perfect for a short break before the festivites that Christmas bring . . .

    A short poem

    " Beautiful World"

    She leaves my house - I go back inside;
    return her favour,
    on ink and paper.

    DtM x

  31. At 05:06 PM on 20 Nov 2007, SoosiQ wrote:

    OK, so I've just seen this after getting on your case about not using your talents enough. I just dined finely on my words. A consultant on a movie will be a great kickstart to further things. Hope it will be in a creative way as well as business savvy? I always wonder what Producers on movies do, I think I am right in saying that Executive Producers are just 'the money', so hopefully your creative flair will be capitalised on.

    I laughed at hearing about your weekend. Unless I am seriously mistaken (and depraved) I think I had some of what you had today. And gee whiz does it bring a smile onto one's visage :-0 Especially when it is unexpected! mon dieu, mon dieu (but minus the three and four)

  32. At 03:10 PM on 21 Nov 2007, Nicola Morley wrote:

    Come on Chris spill the beans!

    Has your hush hush company got anything to do with the Newbridge on Usk? Go on, I promise not to tell a soul!

    FAB idea!!
    Just think....Golf on the doorstep and all those lovely Welsh ladies swooning at your feet....

    or could it be the boring billionaire biotechnologist Chris Evans, Wales second richest man?

    So excited if it is you, but what is going to happen to our booking on 1st December?
    Check out our blog spot on and all will be revealed....

    love Nicola xxxx

  33. At 02:12 PM on 27 Nov 2007, Rob Noone wrote:

    Is it true that you have recently purchased the Newbridge on Usk?

    I was part owner of the original company that bought it and renovated it in 1998.

    It holds some good memories and some not so good.

    If it is true good luck, it is a lovely part of the world. But watch out for the natives, they can be a bit weird.



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