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Chris Evans | 14:55 UK time, Monday, 1 October 2007

I can....

....get things done.

I've talked about this before but seriously when it rains like it's never going to end, like it did this morning, I turn the heating up, put the kettle on, adorn myself with good and thick "comfies" and go to the most out of control part of my life for a good sort out.

Today that began with my brief case. it sounds awfully grown up and white collared but not at all. The case i'm referring to was a wedding present from my wife. Not only is it beautiful, the softest and smelliest of Italian leather, it's also bloody brilliant. It means I am sorted. There's a certain joy to be gained from being organised, anyone who says differently is just looking for an excuse not to be. I love it, another thing I now get.

From the brief case, which took me a proper hour, I then realised I'd been sitting on a load of old ideas for ages, most of them not half bad, so out they came and it was time to take another look at how good we could make a Monday radio show. What subtle twists could make it sing a little sweeter.

The morning ticked by, the rain continued to pelt down but I was smiling. I had been forced to make my life better. Amen.

A phone call with the producer, the preparation of a nice, "on the move", lunch from Mrs. E. and a half hour of stretching and I was good to go. Early as well, I love beign early, there's more room for yourself.

Currently in the office and there's a warm glow to the atmosphere, people seem to be in a great mood, also very peaceful, not Monday like at all, now isn't that a pleasant surprise..

CLP. 2007.


P.S. Lewis Hamilton, saw it this morning on tape, what a driver, what a year, Karma indeed Bingo... stay off the medication, I like it.


  1. At 03:33 PM on 01 Oct 2007, j wrote:

    (Prof Plum - chance ud be a fine thing!!!)

    Afternoon all and sundry,

    Wet, druchet day
    - overworked, underpaid
    and all I want to do
    is run away...

    Would love to be holed up at home, in me comfies, sorting stuff but sadly work get irate if I fail to turn up!

    By the by, Cheerful chappie that he is how can Tel be THE icon for the last 40 years - out of the last 16 surely it had to be Nelson Mandella - shurley shome mishtake Mish Moneypenny (rest in peace, dearie).

    Onwards and upwards,

  2. At 03:39 PM on 01 Oct 2007, l.i.n.k. wrote:

    I know exactly what you mean.Been having a long overdue sort out myself.Very satisfying. Off to tackle the wardrobe now. Winter to the front, summer consigned to the spare room! Love the show, long may you continue.

  3. At 03:42 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Elm wrote:

    a dank weekend meant we got lots of thngs done but now our garage is full of old furniture ready for the tip and we have three cars for two adults (!)

    v.buy at work so must get on

    Elm x

  4. At 03:57 PM on 01 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Bonjourno M. Evans.

    There's nowt so good for the soul as a good clear-out, so to speak! A few weekends ago I had a wardrobe blitz. Very harsh. But it was long overdue. The result? I took 5 (yes - 5) bin liners of clothes/shoes/hats/bags) to the local textiles recycling bank. That made me feel really good in the knowledge that someone less fortunate would end up wearing my "DIVA" pyjamas, and I also now have plenty of wardrobe space to hang the stuff I do wear up in!

    This weekend we turned our energy to the allotment and had our "end of season" clear up, trimming back the rhubarb, cutting the raspberry canes down, planted our winter onions/shallots/garlic and generally made the plot ready for the onset of winter.

    Yesterday's dinner was our first roast of the autumn with the veg all coming off the allotment (swede, potatoes, parsnips, carrots, brocolli, cabbage and the first sprouts of the season). D'ya know what - it was DIVINE!!! I even made yorkie puds instead of resorting to frozen ones from aunti whotsit!

    Hey - life's grand at the mo!!

    And to cap it all, my beloved Arsenal FC are playing out of their skin - up the Gunners!!

    Only cloud on the horizon - I just found out that The Cure announced a tour with only 1 date in London, and its all sold out. BooooooooHoooooo. I've looked on "that" auction site but to be honest, I think it's a bit of a rip off as the prices are vastly overpriced. I have 2 tickets for Take That in December if anyone wants to play Swap Shop for 2 Cure ones .....

    Glad the Blog's back to normal. Last week was a nightmare.

    Bingo - you star, you!!!! You'll be in H**t next on thr spotted page!

    missy - where are you, lady!!!??? Come on down, please!

    Right, let's post this and then get on with some work. Roll on 5pm and Drivetime!

    CtD x x x x x

  5. At 04:13 PM on 01 Oct 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - Remember the Bingo weather philosophy thingy. !st day of the month weather normally sets up the trend for the rest of the month.
    Sunny 1st Oct = errrr..... a sunny Oct!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love the Hi - Viz photos! - u illuminate my...... LIFE!!!!!!!

    Prof Plum man - errr I used ter drive me truck that way, F1 stylee, until I felt guilty about being a fly murderer.
    So know , sorry now, I drive fully focused errr ter try and dodge every fly that comes me way.
    Only problem vehicles coming the other way keep ending up in fields!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But give me a drive in a top touring car team and I'd do me best ter qualify in the top 15 at me first race!!!! Know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    PS Got a joke ere..........

    I feel I need ter open up abit about me divorce..

    It all started at Gretna Green, the divorce that is not me marriage!

    It was when we 'ad an arguement at Gretna Green motorway services....

    I 'Blame It On The Boogie' after I started dancing with a most attractive 22yr old credit card saleswoman in the services food 'all who wanted ter get me inter debt.

    She did..... me divorce settlement broke me blog friends.... broke me!!!!!


  6. At 04:20 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Lindsey wrote:

    i have to disagree. When you wake up and its rainy and grey i have that great feeling of yes i don't have to do anything!!! Can't put washing out as it will be then out for months at a time (well i am sure the neighbours think that). Don't need to go out as well personally the rain turns the hair into a frizz bomb and as a ginger its not the greatest look i have. So i do the same get my comfy jogging bottoms on (whoever designed those are a miracle worker) a baggy jumper and those socks you can only ever where on a day like these which seem to be made out of 8 sheep and then you just potter. Watch rubbish tv, noise at the neighbours, read a book and have no guilty feelings as the weather is terrible!! It might not be the most glamours of days but i do look forward to it!

  7. At 04:28 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Alison P wrote:

    Well it's nice and sunny in Newcastle Chris and sitting looking at it from a boring office is not fair!!

    And it's Monday and it's gonna be a long week

    Alison x

  8. At 04:32 PM on 01 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon all

    Yep being organised is a great feeling though not one that I experience on a regular basis. I do like to feel in control, control, control ...

    Weather here in Northshire is brilliant, sunny, bright and warm.

    Choux fleur xx

  9. At 04:36 PM on 01 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Happy Monday.


    Sun Shining, Skies clear. Lovely Jubley.

    No 1 Son with Sore Leg after football. On way to Casualty with gran.

    Husband on way to Climbing Wall with Scouts..... hope he doesn't fall off.

    Me and No 1 Daughter, down to the harbour. Camera. New Tripod. Lovely Photos.



  10. At 04:54 PM on 01 Oct 2007, j wrote:

    PLEASE GET YOUR SODDING BLOG FIXED - it's driving me as crazy as BINGO (sorry bingo!)


  11. At 05:05 PM on 01 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Bonjourno M. Evans.

    There's nowt so good for the soul as a good clear-out, so to speak! A few weekends ago I had a wardrobe blitz. Very harsh. But it was long overdue. The result? I took 5 (yes - 5) bin liners of clothes/shoes/hats/bags) to the local textiles recycling bank. That made me feel really good in the knowledge that someone less fortunate would end up wearing my "DIVA" pyjamas, and I also now have plenty of wardrobe space to hang the stuff I do wear up in!

    This weekend we turned our energy to the allotment and had our "end of season" clear up, trimming back the rhubarb, cutting the raspberry canes down, planted our winter onions/shallots/garlic and generally made the plot ready for the onset of winter.

    Yesterday's dinner was our first roast of the autumn with the veg all coming off the allotment (swede, potatoes, parsnips, carrots, brocolli, cabbage and the first sprouts of the season). D'ya know what - it was DIVINE!!! I even made yorkie puds instead of resorting to frozen ones from aunti whotsit!

    Hey - life's grand at the mo!!

    And to cap it all, my beloved Arsenal FC are playing out of their skin - up the Gunners!!

    Only cloud on the horizon - I just found out that The Cure announced a tour with only 1 date in London, and its all sold out. BooooooooHoooooo. I've looked on "that" auction site but to be honest, I think it's a bit of a rip off as the prices are vastly overpriced. I have 2 tickets for Take That in December if anyone wants to play Swap Shop for 2 Cure ones .....

    Glad the Blog's back to normal. Last week was a nightmare.

    Bingo - you star, you!!!! You'll be in H**t next on thr spotted page!

    missy - where are you, lady!!!??? Come on down, please!

    Right, let's post this and then get on with some work. Roll on 5pm and Drivetime!

    CtD x x x x x

  12. At 05:17 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Nev wrote:

    You're wierd..........well you did ask!!


  13. At 05:26 PM on 01 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Fair play to Mr Hamilton he has, as they say ticked off driving in the wet. I do feel so sorry for Kimi though, the guy has just had no luck and for me he produced the drive of the year yesterday. I am no Ferrari fan I love Porsches but Kimi has the best attitude of all the drivers. Plus I think he likes beer too.

    JK Nonegreen

  14. At 05:48 PM on 01 Oct 2007, david wrote:

    well hello all bloggers and christoph

    the icon for the last forty years the TOG meister!

    well done sir terry!


  15. At 06:00 PM on 01 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Oooh CLP you use the best reasons to make your days better I've ever heard! It's raining so I can sort myself out! Well here in Warks it hasn't rained but it has been a grey day. I've had to think about what I'm going to need to take to Sweden on Wednesday and all the things I'm going to have to explain to my Aunty & Uncle who are going to be staying in my house with the bears while I'm gorn. I'm taking a leaf out of your book and re-organising my brief case (laptop bag) though. I'm only allowing myself hand luggage so everything I need will have to fit in.... not easy when you're a girl that rarely travels with only the one pair of shoes but I'm determined!


  16. At 06:12 PM on 01 Oct 2007, david wrote:

    well hello all bloggers and christoph

    the icon for the last forty years the TOG meister!

    well done sir terry!
    and kenny everert all done the best possible taste!

  17. At 06:39 PM on 01 Oct 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Alwight errr.... CLP yep we certainly 'ave got a 'special one' in Lewis 'amilton - sorry Jose man!
    I notice Lewis is very calm and never gets rattled a big positive in F1 - I think we've got a Tiger Woods of F1 and 'e's British - wrock on!!!!!
    I think Lewis is better than even Schumacher. Schuey lost 'is cool sometimes but not Lewis!!!!

    PS Anne. G - The only medicalation am on iz Lucozade, raison only revels, bananas and FAST women!!!!!!
    I'd be on fast cars too if me shares 'ad done better but that's another story errr Morning Glory!
    Wrock on the Gallagher!!!!!

    PPS J -Is that Stir Crazy!!!! Munch two, munch two!

    PPPS Big Congrates ter Sir Tezza Logan!!!! The special one of the airwaves - am tellin' yer!!!!


    PPPPS CLP - Beautiful shoe, sorry show ternight!!!!

  18. At 07:14 PM on 01 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Good evening all, sorry its been a while. Had a last minute trip to the cinema with the fella last night. It was really nice to cuddle up to someone in the cinema and watch Run Fatboy Run. A really good film. After we drove up to the forum and had a coffee. Really nice to have a good chat and a coffee oh and a few kisses as well. It was a really lovely night and can't wait to see him tomorrow.

    I'm still waiting for my benefit money 2 weeks after the appeal! They sent me yet another form to fill in which I sent back straight away so hopefully it won't be much longer!

    Hope you are all well CTD- I'm sorry I've been away but I have now updated you. Bought any new shoes?

    Love to you all and will check on here later xx

  19. At 07:57 PM on 01 Oct 2007, SammyM wrote:

    The worsrt thing in the world has happened - ALL INTERWEB ACCESS DENIED FROM WORK - AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

    I feel like I've lost a friend in youse guys ;-(

    Have just spent the last hour catching up on all your gossip.

    Baby bump is cooking nicely, only 14 weeks (and counting) left to go, altho if anything like the first will make an early appearance, anything to get me out of dreaded family Boxing Day Party eh????

    Will get a note from me mum to explain my abscense, and must try harder to log on at home

    LOVES YA!!!

  20. At 07:58 PM on 01 Oct 2007, MfR wrote:


    Just been for a walk around the village (portable DAB plugged in - so didn't miss the show) and I have decided that I quite like the transition into Autumn and beyond. There's something comforting about the smell of wood fires and you can't beat putting on your woolly hat and gloves and trudging off over the fields.

    Listened to Kenny yesterday and it was magic. We too picked up on the timechecks, but it was the freshness of a show broadcast 26 years after its first airing that amazed us. He was a true genius.

    Went to see my sister yesterday. Haven't seen her for a while, but it turns out that we have both developed identical pains in our right hips. She described exactly what I have put up with for the past couple of years. Strange.

    We also have been quietly nurturing disturbing obsessive compulsive habits of our own. Our parents have a lot to answer for.......

    Anyway. Nightmare week continues, so I really must try and sleep tonight.

    Only a week and a bit till Dubai.......

    Peace & love


    PS Wild Blueberry

    PPS Wild at heart

    PPPS Go wild in the country

  21. At 09:32 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Sammie wrote:

    I am bereft....

    The Nazi's at work have finally done it. They have blocked my blogging whilst at work! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    Don't they understand it's more often than not the only break I get from an increasingly pressured workload? I even take my own lunch to work, so I can eat it at my desk! Heaven forbid that work should be interrupted by lunchbreaks!


    Deep breath Samantha....

    CLP - a good clear out is good for the soul. My shakras are blocked, because I haven't had a clearout in ages (as they would say), but you know what? I don't have the feckin' time!!!!!!

    Grrrrrrrrr, grumble, grumble!

    Sorry folks! Can read the Blog though, so that's something - if not a blessing, I think many of you will think! You may well be relieved at my non-blog status! Ah well... life sucks....

    CtD, Bingo Star, MWK, Lindyloo - loving your work. Btw, Lindyloo - nxt time you're in the Leics area - let me know - we could meet for coffee/drinks/curry!!!!!

    SammyM - they suck, don't they?

    MfR - always good to hear from you.

    Righty - off to do other stuff I can no longer do at work - like check what time my sisters flight will be in, so I can pick her and hers up from t'airport.

    Loving the autumn gold....

    S xx.

    P.S. Chris - great toon - Martha's Harbour - All About Eve - any chance matey?????


  22. At 09:32 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Moose wrote:

    There really is something wonderful about a soft and smelly Italian leather briefcase (I have a really old one from Firenze that I got repaired recently but my laptop doesn't fit in it so I don't get to use it very much), especially when it's organised.

    I spent the worst of the rain sitting in a well-known sandwich shop in London, writing at my laptop and waiting for the rain to stop. It didn't so I wrote a lot!


  23. At 09:50 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Moose wrote:

    There really is something wonderful about a soft and smelly Italian leather briefcase (I have a really old one from Firenze that I got repaired recently but my laptop doesn't fit in it so I don't get to use it very much), especially when it's organised.

    I spent the worst of the rain sitting in a well-known sandwich shop in London, writing at my laptop and waiting for the rain to stop. It didn't so I wrote a lot!


  24. At 10:34 PM on 01 Oct 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Organise one and all

    What a funny word.

    I don't organise but I know where everything is!!! Bits of paper with phone numbers on and still a cloth brief case with air tickets in and a high viz vest opps.

    Bingo I hate killing flies too, I just can't do it.

    Moose you are going to have to stop hanging about in Cafes people will begin to talk.

    Missy glad date is going well hope you got your bucket of Pop corn.

    Gingembre A song I'm sure you heard alot in Sunny Ibiza whils't dancing Born Slippy by Underworld... does it bring back memories.

    Up to Londres myself this week ....... can't wait

  25. At 05:01 AM on 02 Oct 2007, wrote:

    I love being organised, but that's generally because it's involved- along with watching Oprah, doing my washing and checking my emails- in procrastinating.

    It's a beautiful day here in Australia, which is annoying because I have essays to be done. Let's hope it doesn't get too hot because we don't have an air conditioner.

  26. At 07:27 AM on 02 Oct 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning team

    hope that you are all well, I'm back to work today (boohiss) after my hols. Thanks for all the kind comments on my return.

    CLP - spot on, as usual, nothing like a good clear out on a rainy day.
    Bingo - ooooh, aren't we the star of the show. Cool mention mate.

    I'm wondering if my lovely blogfriends, or CLP himself, can help me?

    My TFI Friday tshirt has finally bitten the dust and can no longer be worn. I would really like another one but cannot find one anywhere, been lookin' on t'internet for ages.

    ....any ideas???

    Have a great day peeps


    Oh - size L in white please x

  27. At 08:04 AM on 02 Oct 2007, Gaby wrote:


    I'm going to really really try to have ANOTHER sort out and declutter later....I keep trying and then stuff just seems to accumulate again......must try harder.......

    Hope you all have a good day.


    ps I think Nigella ought to go a little easier on that pea soup

    pps Gingembre.....the game......PHEW!!!!

  28. At 09:45 AM on 02 Oct 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi all,

    Loved Nigella last night, it was so funny when she kept pouring herself cups of pea soup during the day, especially when she was on the bus. I mean, I don't think anyone who has ever been on a bus would be stupid enough to pour themselves a cup of boiling hot liquid while doing so! And the bit where she ate most of her friend's present while she was in the taxi was great too.

    So today is my fourteenth wedding anniversary and guess what my hubby gave me - Nigella's book! Plus some chocs and the 40th anniversary Radio 1 CD of covers, have only listened to 3 tracks so far but I love the Amy Winehouse one already. I got him 3 bars of Hotel Chocolat choccie plus More Brain Training for the DS, I can't wait to have a little play on it myself.

    Em xx

  29. At 10:25 AM on 02 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Morning all.

    CLP – please, please get the blog mended toute suite, mon amie! It took ages to post yesterday and in the end I gave up but then see my musings appearing twice.

    Oh well.

    Missy – so good to hear from you and I’m right chuffed that its all going swimmingly with the new fella. We’ve not been to the cinema for ages – I have a tendency to nod off if its after 9pm!!

    CLP – can you please clarify something that’s been bugging me for the last ooooh 5 minutes or so. When listening to last weeks’ Russell Brand Podcast, Mr Brand made mention of β€œNick” – one of the team who is the β€œson of a preacher man”. Is this YOUR Naughty Nic the vicars son? What’s he doing moonlighting with ole Love Muscle Russell? Or does the Beeb have a fetish for recruiting young lads called Nic from pastoral backgrounds?

    So – if you could clear that one up in your own time …… ta!

    Lots to do again today so hopefully this won’t take too long to get thru Auntie’s firewall.

    Be back later amigos.

    CtD x x

  30. At 10:50 AM on 02 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Em M - Happy Anniversary! Have a fantastic day and evening.

    CtD x x x

  31. At 11:00 AM on 02 Oct 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning!

    I plan to de-clutter later when little man is at school. I have one of those charity bags that get put through the letterbox every now and then and I can always fill one of those. There is definately something very therapeutic about having a clear out.

    Little man seemed to enjoy school/nursery yesterday but when I asked him what his favourite bit was he said 'when you came to pick me up at the end'. Not quite the answer I was hoping for. Bless him.

    Missy, good to hear from you x

    Sammy M, Sammie, oh dear just keep blogging from home when you get a chance x

    Must go and get munchkin ready for school now and afterwards a trip on the train to meet his dad from work I think.

    Hope you all have a lovely day, lets hope we get a little sunshine at some point!

    Bye for now,
    Debbie xx

  32. At 11:54 AM on 02 Oct 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Bless him! That reminds me of the gorgeous Dawn French, when asked what her favourite musical instrument was at school.

    "The dinner bell." says she.

    Right am off. Boat to catch, Brown Thomas to peruse, Irish heap of shite phone to shove up some O2 Ireland eejit's jacksy.


  33. At 12:32 PM on 02 Oct 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Christoof & ALL Blog Freinds,

    Bingo star ere.

    Sammy M - Sorry ter 'ear about the net blockage at work.

    I 'ate meddling managers.
    Sometimes I wish cannabilism would be legalised then it would be a case of ate them - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Big Congratulations with the bun in the oven. I was wondering recently 'ow yer getting on.
    Only 14 weeks - lets work out the astrological implications ere....... Oh noooo that's ver near ter me birthday - middle of Jan!!!
    Sammy believe me yer don't want a capricorn baby - too much stress!!!! LOL!!!
    Me first words as a baby were 'oh dear' which I picked up from me mother!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gingembre - It was a cool mention, freezing if yer ask me, middle of October!
    But remember we are all stars in this game... ter me Gin, YOU are a star too.... yessss!!!!!!!

    CtD - What's H**t magazine?
    I can only think of The Loot but that would be L**t. I'm totally confused know, sorry now!

    'OLD ON......... yeah I can 'ear me post is arriving... me letterbox is rattling.

    I'm so excited.. i've been waiting all morning for me post ter arrive.

    Yeah it's 'ear me 8' timber fence post 'as just come through me letterbox!!!!!!!


    PS CLP Any chance of playing Willie Neilson and Don't Fence Me In, abit wooden this tune but better than playin' commercials like local radio!!!

  34. At 01:20 PM on 02 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Has Jo had the b aby?


  35. At 01:47 PM on 02 Oct 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris, come on it's great weather for us Lobsters!

    Did you go to Borough market Friday? T'was luvrly :-D Was hoping to see you there! Where were you???
    Digging ur new Hi-viz friday drivetime jacket pics

    Pinchy pinchy kiss kiss
    Hope u enjoyed your weekend in France
    speak soon

    LEKIDDO - Lord of The Lobsters!

  36. At 10:39 PM on 15 Oct 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    "What subtle twists etc" You could maybe calm down and think about what you're saying on air? Don't just fill up airtime. I'm 47 and went through that 40ish period where the Fall sound great but i can't jump around to it anymore. My tastes have changed: I just want to hear some good music and a person talking from his heart when i drive home. You seem like a reasonable person; we're probably the same age- why do you talk to your audience so patronisingly? You seem to have one ear still on the 18 year olds. Let it go ; you'll be a far better broadcaster

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