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Chris Evans | 09:30 UK time, Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Last night saw the end of an...

...other chapter in the post Walker DRIVETIME age. The Busby in for a fine and dandy six months is about to depart as we await the return of you know who.

A good and hearty dinner was enjoyed by all at one of London's oldest and finest restaurant. There were speeches, several toast and the odd glazed eye, more down to the excellent champagne and wine rather than over emotion.

Phillipa is a true pro'. Original and thorough, always smiling, zero ego and an expert in her field. A joy to work with and welcome back anytime along with her jingle, the most addictive ever to be heard on the radio.


Now already been in the air once today, cloud base... beautifully high, presently at the airfield in the company of an instructor with a twinkle in his eye, what he has in store I hace no idea but I'm sure it'll be fun.

Mrs. E. back in business, they had to glue her finger together, she'd left it too long for stitches, twelve hours, the maximum apparently.

So there's the day, all set up and ready to go.

Have a nice one yourselves and don't let the bad people in.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 10:17 AM on 05 Sep 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hey Chris,
    Chocs away indeed . .
    The early bird catches the worm . . .
    Have a great day!

  2. At 10:22 AM on 05 Sep 2007, Wibs wrote:

    I wanna be in your gang! you are a lovely chap and i am so pleased everything is going so well for you

    So funny - when you were on the phone the other day talking to a woman about her journey and car then asked to go in the house and talk to her partner, he was gobsmacked. That's why i like your show, you are never afraid to do something different, unique but always kind and friendly and really seem to be a nice chappie

    long live you reign


  3. At 10:22 AM on 05 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Bye bye Busby, when you said you know who was returning to Drivetime I thought you meant Lord Voldmort would be joining the team! Still haven't read the latest Harry Potter, my son is over halfway through thank goodness so i should get my paws on it any day. Hubby read it first and he's dying to talk to me about it!

    First day at school was OK but unfortunately the computers crashed so they had to handwrite their timetables and he seems to have written down that he's doing French twice today and twice Friday, which is unlikely in Year 7, so he's in a complete panic about that, hopefully he's sorted it out today.

    Detox is going well, didn't enjoy my three portions of rice yesterday but I've lost 6.5 pounds so far, so I'm happy with that. Just got to try not to go mad when it ends on Friday, promised kids we'd go out for a pizza to celebrate (?) surviving the first week back.

    Back to paperwork zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Em xx

  4. At 10:24 AM on 05 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Awight CLP & ALL Bloggers,

    Bingo Star ere.

    It's gonna be sad ter see, well 'ear (it's radio) the Busby leave your show. Can't believe it's been munch two, sorry month 6 already since she started the business bulletin.


    Talkin' of Bing a bong and other similar I 'eard yersen CLP & Jonny getting very excited about the prospect of living in......... BINGHAM!!!!!!!

    THAT iz such a big coincidence. I was seriously considering moving there.
    The only things that are stopping me are:

    1 - Bingo Star playing bingo in bingham would be so confusing it might just send me totally over the edge - am tellin' yer!!!!

    2 - Plus me mail would probally keep goin' missing as the post operative would be so confused!

    3 - Sally Boazman. No not Sally personally, if she lived in Bingham it would make me want ter live there all the more knowing someone famous lived in the same town az me!
    No what am tryin' ter say iz it's Sally's travel reports that make me have doubts about the logistical situation of the place.
    Bingham seems ter feature very regularly in her reports, it must be a travel black spot - something I ain't need!!!!!!!

    I've 'ad enough traffic jams ter put me off marmalade for life!!!!!!


    PS CLP Did you get me photos that I sent by e-mail yesterday. 'ope yer got em ok.
    I thought they were spiffing in all areas!!!!
    But not in an egotistical way!

  5. At 10:28 AM on 05 Sep 2007, wrote:

    i love radio two it the bes i like chis evans he cheer me up

  6. At 10:32 AM on 05 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Morning eejits.

    Christoff I don't want to be pedantic or anything but shouldn't that be coop? I do believe a coup is summat that involves renegade armies tryin' to gang up and overthrow a despot. Mind you... Ere Christoff Lambie Pie I KNEW that Jonny Saunders and Sall had summat up their sleeves, what with bein' caught plottin' in that lift...

    Anyway good news that the gorgeous Mrs. E.'s digit is on the mend. She'll be pointin' it in your direction before you can say It Wasn't Me.

    Now then. The Busby. Top Bird. She'll be missed by those of us less able, due to addled brains, dangerous with money and a voice like Phyllis from Corrie. Fair play to yous sweetheart and keep us posted.

    Marco Pierre White. Hurrah. Marvellous. Even if I do want to spit on me hanky and rub his little chuchie face red raw.

    What an improvement on that vacuous bully Gordon Ramsay. Not that I know him, not that I would ever want to; I'm sure he's good to his granny and all that but the man is an egotistical buffoon with a face you never get tired of slappin'. I heard his Desert Island Discs a couple of years back, expecting him to prove me wrong by being interesting. Nope.

    He speaks very highly of ME of course. Hahahaha.

    Bingo. That there Hummous. Like peanut butter. Just stick your finger in when nobody's lookin', yum, but don't drop it down your trousers or you'll have to get the riot police to get the stain out.



  7. At 11:04 AM on 05 Sep 2007, Richard wherlock wrote:

    as long as your instructor does not have a red suit on and answers to the name of red 1 im sure you will have fun.

    the bad people pay the wages so they are in

  8. At 11:09 AM on 05 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    It's great to hear from you so early these days. Glad to hear your lovely wife is o.k. - sounds like she is being a brave soldier!

    One has to be pleased that you have had such a pleasant morning so far. My highlight has been having a lovely cup of tea and sharing a Kit Kat with my colleague!

    Best wishes to The Busby. I think Philippa did a fine, fine job and hopefully we'll hear her again (holidays, etc).

    Hope everyone else is o.k.

    C xx

    P.S. Debbie - I know you're not here today, but I'm thinking about you x

  9. At 11:41 AM on 05 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    I'm a bad person one and all

    Well today perhaps.
    I won't miss the Busby thing at all really. It's a part of the show where my attention drifts off elsewhere, likewise with the Fox thing.
    I think people want to listen to the Chris Evans show not an unknown on the radio.
    I would replace the business slot with Lilly Savage.

    Muchos Apologies.

  10. At 11:48 AM on 05 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Debbie dear: Hope all goes as well as can be today.

    I had a lovely relaxing bath last night, followed by a cup of nighttime tea (cos I don't sleep well) - THEN the most humungous spider ran at me across the floor!!! Sorry folks but I killed it, because it wouldn't fit into my little spider hoover and it got squashed. Had another nighttime tea and went to bed (after checking every corner, in the bed, under the bed, above the bed, etc. Got up this morning, after a terrible night and FOUND HIS BROTHER in the bathroom. This one went up the spider hoover, after putting up quite a fight.

    Am traumatised.

    Anne x

  11. At 11:49 AM on 05 Sep 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Six months eh? How time flies...it only seems like yesterday when she waltzed in and shook up the figures...financially of course! Cheers Busby!

    So you've been in the air this morning? I'd say it's good practice for being on the air this afternoon. I myself have been on the air for some time, but we're hoping that the dosage will lower next month and the aches will ease...

    Glad to hear that Mrs E is back in business as well...lending a hand will never sound the same again.....

    Now don't play with it - or it'll drop off!


  12. At 12:49 PM on 05 Sep 2007, j wrote:

    Just a quickie - Debbie - thinking of you... Hope it goes ok and that the day includes laughter.

    Bye Bye Busby you are leaving, oh well... Good luck to you. Welcome back to the Fox (I love the Fox jingle much more) and if there's to be cover for holidays and stuff, please can we have that lovely chap again.

    Is it just me or has the music for the drive time show slipped a bit. This time last year I was raving to all my friends to listen to the show because it was full of fun and great music. Now a lot of the time I find myself bored by the middle of the road music and telling people to give the show a chance because some of it's good.

    (Does this make me one of the bad people?)

    And MPW taught Gordon Ramsey all he knows. I would LOVE to work for him. Sharp, witty, creative, genius - oh boy, yummy, yummy, yummy....

    Happy Humping

  13. At 12:51 PM on 05 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Good on Mrs E... Mend well Mrs E...x

    Good luck Busby...what a lovely profesional lady

    she will be missed,

    De x

    Happy Wednesday Mr Lamie Pie x

  14. At 12:52 PM on 05 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight ALL again,

    Bingo Star ere...... errr again.

    Clodagh - Thanks for your advice on the houmous thingy.
    I've still not darred 'ave any yet.
    But it 'as, like Tinsel recommended yesterday, it does seem to work well filling me loose mortar in me exterior walls of me abode.

    Prof. Plum - I agree with you on The Lilly Savage bit.
    CLP The Savage would work - am tellin' yer friend!!!
    I've 'eard her fees are way below the normal going rate for financial advisors.


  15. At 12:57 PM on 05 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:


    I'm sure you are not one of the bad guys. Although I think the music on the show is a great mix. I have chatted to quite a few people from 30+ to 60+. All love the show. They all say the same "Chris Evans, isn't he great".

    Now to work.

  16. At 01:07 PM on 05 Sep 2007, x wrote:

    Check again Clodagh....he DID say coop.....


  17. At 01:10 PM on 05 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Annie G - I'm traumatised just reading about your trauma. You poor, poor thing - but very brave. I once had to phone a friend to come 5 miles across town to get rid of an eight legged freak when Mr Diva was away with the chaps. Ugh!!

    Em M - well done you for sticking to the detox. 6.5 pounds is incredible!! The fun bit will be getting all re-toxed after Friday. I'm off to a beer festival on Friday so will raise a glass to your re-toxing!

    Wasn't here yesterday. Spent the day at home. Whilst at home my washing machine decided it had had enough and went pop. I have been scouting t'interwebby for a new one this morning but there's way too much choice out there for my little Diva brain to cope with. I just want to curl up into a little fur-ball and hope the nice men in white coats bring me a new washing machine soon. I'll even pay them!

    Hell's Kitchen: how FAB is Marco?? Lovin' him big time. No ranting. No raving. Just quiet controlled rising red-mist - which is far more scary than Gordy. I'd give owt just to be his kichen porter. What a man! Jim Davidson needs to watch himself with Brian tho. After the Celeb BB shennanigans in January .....

    TV's really good tonight - The Restaurant is on again - yipppeeeeee!! Best have dinner before 8pm otherwise I may feel inadequate.

    Food, glorious food.

    Talking of which, got my first weigh in tonight at chubbers club. Think I've done ok. Will let you know tomorrow if the hunger pangs and aching muscles have been worth it.

    Right, back to the grindstone.

    CtD x x

    PS: Anyone heard from HL?

  18. At 01:13 PM on 05 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Debbie - hope today has gone OK, thinking of you xx

  19. At 01:38 PM on 05 Sep 2007, wrote:


    I see you have the hedge man on again. It's all in the accent I tell you.

    May I humbly suggest that you get Neil Oliver (from Coast) in on the show - soon.

    Jan x

  20. At 01:46 PM on 05 Sep 2007, A Viewer wrote:

    CLP, reading your blog today the words "...and don`t let the bad people in," stuck a cord with me. Not that I`m a bad person, far from it, but I would like some answers.

    I was a big fan of CLP and the Big Breakfast, TFI and Virgin Radio. In 1993 while watching the Big Breakfast I had a psychotic breakdown. This took the form of thinking camera`s were watching me and somehow someone was possibly making a film of my life and I was going to part of the fun. I also thought that I could comunicate with the radio, and the radio would answer me back! All very scary stuff. I would also send letters/notes with strange addresses to CLP, all still connected with the psychosis. The next day I`d tune into the tele or radio to see what the reply CLP had. Chris must have got really fed up with my letters, especialy as they only had a strange address, in effect annonomous, but in my mind these people knew where I lived anyway!

    All of this I thought was one day going to lead to my life being better and I`d be part of the `fun` these people had which was very different to my own life. These thoughts didn`t go away, and I was then diagnosed with Schizophrenia. (see this site to learn more about it):

    What I have also learnt is that servere stress and a disposition for this desease can start it off. Often very creative people get schizophrenia as you`ll see in several famous people. Not that I`m especialy creative. With medication and time I know the thoughts are unreal and I can try and live a quite normal life.

    But, anything that is trully tangiable in my life can cause a relapse. Q.E.D.

    Now back to my original cord, CLP, can I ask you what is one of the badest things you have ever done?

    A Viewer

    PS We, the readers, don`t expect an answer.

  21. At 02:09 PM on 05 Sep 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    x - CLP's original blog earlier today said 'coup' but it's now been changed to coop!

    Clodagh - I saw it too!!

    CtD - HL has a note from her mum and hopes to be back soon.

    Happy Humpday everyone x

    jillygoat x

  22. At 02:10 PM on 05 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Jan... I agree ...Neil Oliver is delicious..I'd love

    to walk the coastal path with him...mmm

    De x

  23. At 02:50 PM on 05 Sep 2007, Sue wrote:

    Anne G - me too!

    I was chased round my kitchen by a huge spider when seeking a glass of water around 1am this morning. Hubby was woken by my squeal of fright when I first saw it . He rescued me and the spider by scooping it up in some kitchen paper and putting it out the back door. Luckily I remembered to turn off the alarm before he opened the door - otherwise all our neighbours would have had their sleep disturbed too.

    When I got up this morning another big spider was in the kitchen sink! Hubby had already gone to work so I'm sorry but I had to wash this one down the plughole.

    Haven't felt quite right since.

  24. At 03:03 PM on 05 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    A Viewer #20: what an incredibly brave post you have made. So many of just don't understand this illness. Many, many years ago I worked with a guy who was schizophrenhic. I was only 17 and just did not have a clue what was wrong. But he got his way through it, with medication and a lot of work on his part. He had spent his life trying to emulate his father who was a brilliant doctor and whilst this guy was very clever too, he couldn't live up to his father's achievements and this resulted in the illness.

    Good luck to you for the future - thank you for letting us know your story.

    C xx

  25. At 04:14 PM on 05 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Ahhh, fly away Busby... thanks for the past 6 months, have fun on your next assignment.

    CLP my big bro' is a flying insrtuctor type bod, though he teaches helicopters not fixed wing. He loves his job, though he enjoys flying for the fun of it a lot more. I can see you now with your white scraf and goggles (they do still wear those don't they?). Is that why you've started to take notice of the moustace brigade?


    ps. The police were brilliant in concert last night... for anyone that's going to see them soon... You're in for a real treat!!!

    pps. Sting..55... pppppphhhhhhhooooooorrrrr!

  26. At 05:05 PM on 05 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris and all,
    Bye Bye Busby
    Glad to hear that the finger is healing.
    Sad day for the Dickie D clan today as well.
    We have been puppy walking for the Guide Dogs for the Blind and tomorrow we have to hand her over.
    She is a beautiful blond Lab/Retriever called Oyster. Tomorrow she starts doggie college and we really hope she does well.
    Will definitely be tears before bedtime tonight.
    Good luck with da show today!!!
    Ps link is to the brave wifeys entry today on the lab forum.
    Pps…have a box of tissues handy

  27. At 05:38 PM on 05 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP,

    Bingo Star ere in McDonalds car park.

    WOW sometimes you scare me CLP. Your not a mind reader.

    Last night I was in the bath listening ter me Savage Garden CD, THEN me awesome Orson album.

    Honestly I thought god these tunes are so good I wonder when they are going ter release their new single. And I thought I wonder if you will feature it in your 'it or miss section of the drivetime show.

    And here you are terday doing what I thought.


    I hope their new single is 'Look Around'.
    This tune is so powerful. It reminds me so much of a Coldplay tune.
    Or could it be Only Trying To Help.

    What ever tune, it's a HIT, HIT, HIT, HIT, HIT, BANG THE BELL, BANG THE BELL, BANG THE BELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS That's a HIT with an aych - 'H'.


  28. At 06:37 PM on 05 Sep 2007, M wrote:

    Hi Chris, good to read your blog,been a while but life 's for living. so lucky, took a few days off and the sun did shine, wonderful, cornwall, friends and blue skies bliss. been back at work for a few days, all good stuff and now enjoying the evening. Autumn is sooooo good. Have new addition to the house six month old pup who really should be called houdini! Short legged JR he may be but somewhere i'm sure is greyhound. Great to have a dog again, house not a home without and he gets on with the chickens.
    Good to be tuning in again, stay safe and enjoy.
    M xx

  29. At 06:40 PM on 05 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Dickie D- Your wife's montage is wonderful!!! Oyster is so much like my Roobear, who's now over 100 in doggie years and my very breath!

    I hope she makes the grade but I know she'll be worshipped and adored even more if she doesn't.

    & The Bears

  30. At 06:56 PM on 05 Sep 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    The new Orson track can't be that good even Missy dissed it big time styleeeee!

    DD out

  31. At 07:08 PM on 05 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:


    Well it's all over now, only just got home. Thank you for the kind words and for thinking of me today. Reminds me yet again what a wonderful place this is to come.

    I got through the speech. I could not look up and I could not stop my hands from shaking but I got through to the very end. I did it for my mum as well as Nan. Also as her eldest grandchild I felt proud to stand next to her up there and thank her for 34 lovely years of being my Nan. Oh boy the tears are rolling again, I'll keep this brief.

    Beautiful service, a fantastic get together afterwards where we talked, laughed, passed around photographs and remembered. A few tears yes but a proper celebration of a the life of a special lady.

    Catch up with you all soon,

    Love Deb x

    PS. God bless you Ruby xxx

  32. At 08:02 PM on 05 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    another jolly evening by the sounds of it ...its just one party after another for you radio disc people..dont let work interupt the rest of your lifeor enjoyment....

  33. At 08:20 PM on 05 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hi Guys,
    Sorry have been a bit quiet on the comments recently. I am trying to sort out my benefit appeal. Have been on the m.e websites and getting some info. Luckily I am not the only one having to go through this.

    Have got a date for the 17th sept, and I am having a meeting at citizens advice next tuesday to see if they have any info. I need money to buy wool if anything!

    Jan- I ADORE Neil Oliver. He is just lovely and if I could I would walk the round the coast with him.

    Dissing Dave- I never said anything about the new Orson Song! Is someone pretending to be me!!!! Do we have a missy intruder?! If so HOW RUDE!

    Prof Plum- uh oh having a moan about the Busby theme tune now! Hehe any luck with the dating? I'm flirting with my fella and can't wait till we meet for coffee soon!

    Have made a couple of new bags. Haven't sewn them up yet but might put some pics on my blog soon! Love to you all, missy (the original!) xx

  34. At 08:57 PM on 05 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    OH JEAYsus me eyes is goin'.

    It was indeed coop. Well that serves me right for bein' a smartarse.

    I do so humbly apologise Lambie Pie, I'm goin' bonkers.

    Look. I'm 52 you know, everythin' drops off after 50.


  35. At 09:05 PM on 05 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Thanks hun, phew!!!

    What a little tinker.


  36. At 07:21 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning all

    Debbie - well done, nuff said x x x

    missy - my cousin has m.e. Don't know if it'll help but I'll email her your blog page. She may have an address/webpage to assist in your benefit help?

    Em M - great stuff on the detox, you go girl.

    Celebrated out wedding anniversary yesterday (2 days late due to work) had a lovely afternoon and evening at Park Farm, had massages, drink, lovely food and some general loafing around together - bliss.

    In the morning I went for my latest knee assessment and still none-the-wiser. The physio and the surgeon are getting together on Friday to see what to do next. Me thinks more surgery is imminent? Hmph!

    Then I had my new tattoo done, it looks great.

    Up early today for absolutely no reason other than I couldn't sleep. Hello to all bloggers, sorry I don't comment on all the postings but I do read 'em all. Bingo you slay me most days. HL, hope you are ok.

    Bonnet de douche


  37. At 09:20 AM on 06 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Morning each

    Debbie - well done. X

    Update on spiders: Cheryl/Sue: For the times you are alone with a spider - get a battery operated spider catcher. Got mine from the local garden centre - a long tube (so you don't get too near) with the battery in the handle and a stopper at the end of the tube. Take off the stopper, press the button and SOOK - the spider/wasp/beastie is in the tube! Stick the stopper back on and either leave for someone braver or take outside and get rid of the little swine. A ripoff at Β£10 but worth every penny.

    Update on the hell of the Forth Road Bridge: if you're heading north this weekend, take a plane, boat, swim or jump the Forth. Don't even think of driving over the Bridge unless its the middle of the night. I haven't tried Google Earth yet but I'm sure you can see those cones from space.

    Anne x

  38. At 02:29 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Richard Graham wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Very sad that Busby is on the move, I love the business stuff and the way it is done, shame it is not a bit longer slot though, owe yes and while I am in 'WINGE' mode, I love to listen to the show on my way home from work and I particularly love the challenge Busby bit, only problem is I never hear the answers as my trip home is just 45 minutes. How about repeating the answers the next show at the same time so people like me can hear the answer to yesterdays challenge???


  39. At 06:26 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Angie Warby wrote:

    Hi Chris glad mrs E airight perhaps you should use the mixer now.wish I was flying with sounds great on a sunny day like today . Great show love requet friday. have a good weekend love Angie xBye Busby

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